HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-4-10, Page 5DENTAL D. Or. le. ROIDLSTON, L.D,S., DENTIST *Umber ot the R.C.13.S, o entente and Renew Grati%late of TorOnto UhtvereitZfe MD:toe-Oyer Dickeon &Carlielg.e Iteer offlee. Closed Wednesday afterneene. DR. A. R. KN, L.04, D.RA, Honor Graduate of Toronto Intiversegy Teat extracted without pain, or any bed effects,. Office over Gladmen & Sts.nbary's Offece, Kadin Street, Exeter. LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SelielterseeNtotaries, Conyeyancers, Com- Miesioners. Solicitors for tale Molsotte Bank, etc. Money to Loa.n at lowest rates of intereet Offices—Main-St., Exeter I. R, Carling, B.A. L. IL Dickson We funds ernes MONEY TO LOAN have a lairge amount o prtvate to loan on farm and village prop - at low rates of 'Interest. MADMAN & STANBTJRY Baeresters, Soneltors, Exeter. J. SENIOR Agent Confederateon Life Assurance Company, also Fire Insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Comeaelee. enen-gt., Eretee. B CARLING • . Life, Fire, 'Acoldeut and Plate Glees Insurance, Collecting acoountse and con- ducting auction Eieter: Ont. Owing to the High Standard :nain- . tained in the popular ii4e/71,-.441 Toronto Ont, the demand for the , graduates is far in excess of the supply College openall year. Enter now Write for catalogue. FARM Fon, SALE The undereigeed es offering for sale that desirable 10fr acre far.m, situated In the Township of neiddulph, being Lot 13, Con. 1. There is on the premeses a good frame IlicruiEge, latish wine founda- tion, orchere. The ferns is well drain- ed and all under oultivs.tion. This is an excellent faIram well situated and will be sold reasonable, For further partic- ulars apply to John O'Neil, Mooreevnle, Ont. WM. KELLY, FARM FOR SALE The undersigned is orfering. far sale Lot 6, North Boundary Stephen, con- taining 100 acres of good land. There is on the premises a god frame house with stone cellar; bank barn with ce- ment floors ; 3 g-ood wenn, and a small oreheet; This is a good grain or grass eaten, or wieuld make a good stere farm. Situated two miles !nom Exeter; phone in, heuse. Will. be Sold reasonable. For particulars 'apply on the premises, or write the undereigned, Exeter, Fred Green, Hay, Or 13. S. Phillips, College At Home Thousands of ambitious young peo- ple are fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil t.ervants, in fact every sphere of Business Activities You may finish at college If you so wish Positions guaranteed. Enter college any day. Individual instruction. Expert tea- chers. Thirty years, experence. Largest trainers in Canada. Seyen colleges, Spec- ial course for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. Summer School at famous Spotton Business Oollege, Lon- don. 1 EO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President Principal RAILWAY GRAND -MEM s)r:-,TEr.1 Nomeseekers' Excursion To MANITOBA, SASK A.TCTIEW AN • • ' AND ALBERTA each TUESDAY until Oct. 26th in -4 • elusive Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return 43.00 Proportionate low rates to oth- . er points. Return limit two months. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN. NORTH WEST LAND REGLTLATIONS ANY person who is the sole head of a family or any male o.'er 18 yea.rseeld, may homestead a quartet* sectlort of available Dorniation land ,tin Manitoba Seskatehewen or Alberta. The ap- plicant must appear to person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- agency for the district. Entry by pro - ay made- be made at any agency, ren certain coinditIone by /lather, mother , son, daughter, brother or sister of In- tending tornelsteader Dutles—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each af three years, A homesteader may live within rerne senee of his homestead on a. Deem 'of at least 80 acres aceely owned and occupied by hen or by Ma Lather, mother, son thaeighter, brother or oleo). In certain destelets a homesteader An good standing army pre-empt a euart er-section 'along side his homestead. Artee .$8.00 per acre. Settlers' Excursions' To ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN 'Every TUESDAY until April 29th inclu.live from stations in Ontnrio Poi* hope, Teterboro anu West, et very low rates. Through coaches and Pullman tour- ist, Sleeping cars are operated to WINNIPEG without change, leaving Toronto 11.00 p.m., via Chicago and St. Paul on above dates. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be- tween Winnipeg -Saskatoon Edmon- ton. Berth Reservations and particulars from. Grand Trunk agents. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT Wire Fencing From now till April 1st I will sell at the following prices ;--e 5 bar fence, No, 9 were 18c. per rod. 6 bar feace, No, 9 wire 21c.. per rod- e bar Peace, Net. 9 wire 23c, per rod. 8 bar fence No. 9 wire 26c. per rod Steel gate 12 foot long $4,00 Steel gate 13 foot long $4.25 Steel. gate 14 Loot long, $4.50 Red cedar poste 43 to 5 in. top, at 15c Red cedar posts 5 to 5% tn. top, at 20c Red cedar pasts 5% isi. & up top, at anc Lots of ,Ancher posts an hand. `Ali kids of Hemlock lumber on hand Close prices quoted on Blue Lake Ce- ment and ,en. St. Marys Cement. A. J. Clatworthym GRANTOR. TG FARMERS WANTING MEN. Fanners wanting hired men 'for next season Should place their ordsrs at once °there let there lifficulty seeming help. Orders left with the Lees: Government nmployment A.gsnt for this distrece Advocate Offce, or addressed thereto, will receive prompt attentiem. C. H. RANDERS, Agent,. Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never falls. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Vann are sold at M a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any addreee. rho Scobell Drng Co., St. Catharines, Ont. WELL PAW John Kirby. ot Stratford Ont. writes —"I used the Homestead High Grade Garden and Vegetable Fertilizer on my root crops and must, sat I had the best crop of roots ever grown on ing farm. I was certainly well'Paidor the money I invested in this fertili- zer." HornsteadFertilizers are nanU - factured and 'sold by the Michigan Carbon Works, Detroit,, Michigan, who Will send free to any farmer their book on fertilizers with a handsome ccalender postage r)aid$ They want agents where ,they are not now represented. Address - Michigan Carbon Works, Postoffice Drawer 814-A, Detroit, Michigan, ask ing for terms, 1 BOOKKEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING PENMANSHIP and all other Commercial Courses Taught right at Your Home it Spare Hours, Our courses are the best and our instructors the abies in Canada. We Guarantee our Courses WE PLACE ALL OUR Graduates. Tike your course with us, Mail the coupon to -day SucCes haw Correspondence School 393 Yonne St., Toronto, Canada Please explain (without obligation on my part) how I can successfully qualified for the position or profession underlined. Charted Accountant Auditor Business -Manager Office Corresponde't Bookkeeper Stenographer Penman Commercial Specialist .Ad -Writer Illustrator Desig ner Art Specialist Teacher of Art Story Writer Journalist Newspaper Reporter Photographer Show -Card Writer Name Address E. .A. 11111•1111.1111=111W Heintzman & Co. LIMITED REAL BARGAIN IN UPRIGHT PIANOS ZURICH IIENSALL Mis Entran Bassow returned Home Fire was discovered shoitly after after a three months' visit with friends and her sister Mrs. Adams of Lon- don.—Mrs. McAdams and children of London are visiting- her parents Mr.. and I\ Trs, Wm. Bassow of the Bron- son line.—Mr, O. Emmerich of the local branch of the Molsons Bank, has been transferred to the VVaterloo branch.—Rev. J. P. Haugh, who is well known in this community, sup- erintendent of the Missions of Japan of the Evangelical church tendered his resignation to the Board a Mis- sions'and will return to Canada sometime during the coming sum- mer.—Mr. Hector Laporte son of Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Laporte of Drys- dale left on Tuesday for Winnipeg where he expects to remain with his uncle, Pretty wedding wasSolemnizeb at Drysdale on Monday morning, when Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bedard, and Miss Ethel Charette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Charette, of Bauble line, were united in marriage by Rev, Fath- er Stroeder. Ten slightly used Upright Pianos all in good condition. At one-third to one-half 'the:. original price, on small Weekly or Monthly payments. Write for needed particulars Heintzman & Co. BIDDITLPH Elijah Harlton of the township of Wesr Williams, completes the pur- chast of the Mowbray farm in the Biddulph North Boundary this week and has resold the ear fifty acres to his brother-in-law, Hy. Hodgin's Mt. Aaron Davis, living On con- cession 4, of Bidchilph, whose house has been broken into and robbed of many valuable articles during his ab- §enca in. the past three years haci( all the loot returned to him mysteriously one night last week in a, sack which hefound inside his front gate.—Two weeks ago. Wm. Robinson, of Lucan ,Whe is a. .breeder of _prize poultry, had 13 of them 'stolen from his coop. The thief picked out the best in the' coop. Mr. Robinson later found his poultry dead in a sick ii -a vacant lot in the North end .of the town.— McFalle & McLean Of Lucan have disposed of their livery business to Oscar McFalls, of Biddulph who dis posed of his farm to W. H. Atkin son. Mr. McLean has taken a half interest in the hardware business with 0. L. McComb. He has also pur- chased the dwelling known as the Presbyterian Manse.—Jas. Kelly a far- mer living on the llth and 12th con. of Biddulph is making favorable pro gress afteg an operation for appendi- citis—Mrs Heaman and Miss Annie Dewan who were on a visit to ,Car- thage Ohio a su burb of Cincinnati during the flood arrived home. 193-5-7 Younge Street, Toronto or Heintzman & Co. 38 Ontario Street Stratford- Duttes—Must reside upon the ;lame stead or pre-emption stx months in eacbof six years from date of hem- Heintzman and Co. Please mail me stead entry (Including the tines re- • gulled to earn hodnestetad patent) and to -day a list of slightly used Upright cultivate -fifty e.cres extra.. • A "rneFgeader 11"ettlatiste'da n "8 Pianos advertised in the ilExeter Ad" homestean right and casnot obtai' preeemption may enter tor a putt.' , chased hompsoeed in certain. gr..etn:cts vacate.. .... Pelee $e.00 per acre. Duties- • Mus.t reside six meths each f these Yeare, cultivate fiftyetacee? .erect N a. house worth e300. ' ame , V.V. CORY, Deptit V. 0 the Ninntisten'`e4 the Iiiter!or • N,B.,--tinauthiorized publleat:on of Address this advertisement will.. Pot be.peed for. — • t , BRUCEFIELD.—A most enjoyable golder wedding celebration was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Penfound in Stanley Township, nem here recently in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. Rela- tives children and grandchildren, to the number of thirty were present, Mr. .and Mrs. Penfound were present- ed by their children with handsome leather -covered chairs, and also re- ceived a purse of gold. KIPPEN—On Monday, Robert Mel - lis formerly of Kippen, passed away at the residence of his son-in-law, Rex.. A. McKibbin, in London, at the age of 83 years. He was one of tha- pioneers of Huron County, re- siding at Kippen, where he vas engaged in business, for about 45 yrs during which time he served as path- masterand is survived by four daughters. SEAFORTH—Mr. John Martin, a one:'•thne respected resident of Sea - forth died at his home in Los. Angel lee. ,California from blood poisoning He was 77 years of age. Mr. Nlartin was one of the early residents of Sea - 'forth. About 1875 he moved from here to Los Angeles, where he has ',ince resided He was a brother of the late Jame E Martin of Tuckersmith, and uncle of the Messrs Martin, of the 2nd concession of that township. MAPLE GROVE—While cutting wood with a circular saw Friday on the farm (1 f Isaac Landford Con.. 15 Londo, Townbhip Albert McRob- erts. Con 14, had his hand lacerat- ed at the wrist ,so badly that it is fearer it will have to be amputated Dr Lang of Granton is attending to the injured member. CLINTON—Probably the oldest of the 'residents of Western Ontario is dead. here. Mrs. James Cottle came to 'Canada. from Ireland in 1842. She was thrice married and each time to a James. She had no children. She wag 107 years of age. and 'was buried on Saturday. SLAVES OF THE DESERT. 4 o'clod Thursday after -noon at the residence of Mrs, Prang, in rear of the new public school. The blaze geined considerable headway before it was got under control and MUCh dainage was done to the luiniture and inside of the building. The fire loss is about $500, net covered by in- surance The origin is unknown, Mr. L. Scott, Hensall's efficient town clerk• leAves shortly to reside in Toronto.—Miss L. Yungbiutt has returned to her home in Waterloo after spending several months with her sister.—Mr. Percy Madge, who has been spending the winter with relatives has returned to his home in Vancouver.—Mr. E. Drake, of Staffa has purchased the butcher business of Bender & Sararas. He took pos- session on April lst. —Mr. Alex Murdock has been appointed village clerk, in the place of Lorne Scott who has .acccepted a position, in Tor A Lashing Token With Qratituds by the Elides fierliants. AN -ex -Saimaa wore a heavy scowl Uiat bOded ill for some one, and his lin- ers caressed his rawhide koorbag as he watched the camels being laden. When all was ready to start he called out four names, and. four dejected look. Eng Arabs answered shamefacedly to the sunimons. The emir spoke, to them dispassion. ately, as one might speak to one's dog, and then, tossing bis koorbag to the nearest of the four culprits,he bade him lay on a dozen of the best while he watched and criticised each stroke with, grim earnestness. It was not a pleasant sight to watch, and I thought it policy to turn aside, but the rest of the caravan thoroughly enjoyed the exhibition and greeted each well laid blow with approVal.. When the punishment was completed each of the culprits in turn came for. ward and kissed the emir's feet, thank• ing him for his mercy and calling Allah to witness that they were his..,dog.s to do with as JiO wshed From ,their"*"b:s' eguent conduct 1 have no reasonto believe that they did not ineauevery. tvtird they sald though at ;114.tline 1 Wes.akeptical. :4 Is Art, ery dar0*tone learns sneh,ati, obje4 'lesson in 'huinility and feudal 'iserviCes• Wide World Magazine. onto. He will shlortly move .to that city.—Mrs. C. A, McDonell, who re- 'centiv underwentan operation in Tor- onto, is recovering nicely. --Mr. and Mrs. 'Peter Douglas have goa.t to the West to reside.— H. B. Ingram has tented his house on Oxford street to Mr Holland Little„—Mr. Ingram and family will Move to Mr. Wm. Bell still continues to grow weaker. Most of the ,:amily are by his bedside, BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking does not guts children of bed wetting. There is a. catnetitutionel cause for this trouble, eilre, M. Summers, Box W, $40. Windsor, Cu*., send free to any mother hex, successful home treat- ment, with, full linstructions. Send no money but 'write bar to -day it your children trouble you to! this way, Don't blame the child, tire chances are tt can't help it. This treatment a',$o eu.-es adults and aged people trete:Pad with urinc• difficulties by day night mosoommosonmom mos soionsomossmonmoo • Keeping the!lay] in Repair Nature intended that the body should do its own repairing—and it would do so were it not for the fact that moat of us live other than a natural life. Nature didn't intend that we should wear corsets, tight collars or shoes, nor live in badly ventilated and draughty houses, nor eat and drink some of the things that we do, nor ride in street cars when We should walk. The consequence is that the body when it getout of order must look for out- side help tcemske the necessary repairs. For week stomachs and the indigestionnr dyspepsia resulting, and the multitude of diseases following therefrom, no medicine can be more adaptable as a curative agent than DR. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. This famous Doctor's prescription has been recommended for over 40 years, and is today just as, big if success. Restores a healthy appetite. Cleanses the blood. Strengthens the nerves. Regulates stomeekand liver. Demand the originaL Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery "* Sold In Liquid or 'Tablet form by. Dealers in Medicines Send50 one -cent stamps to pay cost ef =Meg only en a free ropy of Dr. Pierce's Com- mon 411111111111odleal Advisor,100$ meg, clothbound. Address Dr. Piero*, Buffalo, N. Y. 111101111 11M1101111M1111111111111111TSSMIIIII l(ill1W -e, e LABATT'S STOUT The very best for use in ill -health and convalescence Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America at World's Fair, 1893 PURE—SOUND—WHOLESOME JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA 20 ,,,,,-.. CANADIAN PACIFIC1 I EXCURSIONS To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta HOMESEEKERS SETTLERS Low Round Trip Rates each Tuesday; March to October inclusive Winnipeg and Return • $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Other points in proportion Return Limit two months. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Comfortable berths, fully For settlers travel- ling with live stock and effects. SPECIAL TRAINS Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY NAICII AND APRIL 10.20 p.m. Settlers and families without live stock should use REGULAR TRAINS Leaving Toronto 10.20 p.m. Daily Through Colonist arid Tourist Sic,pers on all excursions. equipped with bedding, can be secured at moderate rates through local agent. COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No charge for Berths Home Seekers' Trains Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. during March, April, September and October, and. at 2 p.m. and 10.20 p.m. during May, June, July andAugust. Through Trains Toronto -to Winnipeg and West - Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto _ ..... _ .. l(ill1W -e, e LABATT'S STOUT The very best for use in ill -health and convalescence Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America at World's Fair, 1893 PURE—SOUND—WHOLESOME JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA 20