HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-4-3, Page 8ER MARKETS, Ohll.?v14" 141:11 EACH WELl!N'ESD,A,Y Y rX�he 1. t. • 61,;4 v.1. 4M .4.11 J3ar1Nti wR46 4 „ 1.4.4r p>1. ,,. Oe404 ;,.., .., ',,,,,,444 Peas.... .4., Piataat na-.. per bag Hay, y��` i•Yn.RR x4.r RR.R1 Flour, µii, rwt., far,trrilyr Flour. 1.6 +• oade per OW JENtteP,!. 6441.,. 404 TAM Dried A nples per lb.... Lave kati4....per cwt .., Shorts n•w,• ton., , 4.4 Bran po,"! ton yy� Sugar `B. -t meal.. .. w 08 98 48 48 Xe, 50 1 $ L9fi. 1000 1000 9 70 i'50 1.50 8 8 9 5d? 23 00 22 00 2(f 00 VOGELGESANG'S HERB REM- EDIES. Sure etlre for leakage of heart, Gall Stones, Pleurisy*, Rhei mat - lam etc.: also Typhoid fever in a lew hours. Can be purchased on- ly at 328 Lee Ave, Toronto E. W. M. :RLATCHFORD.. SEW) BARLEY FOR SALTS—A antic - ed amou.;t of choice 21 manchuria. Seed barley for sale—Apply TO W. R. PEN - HALE, Exeter., barrage Licenses !eaued rate Otir'ce, Exeter. at the Advo - Get some neatly printed calling cards at Thi Advocate. Farmers wanting help Poi' next sea, eon should place their order at once the Canadian Government Agent, Advo- cate °tt.c', Exeter, Housekeeper Wanted.—A Middle aged woman; light house work. Apply Nat. Corbett Brinsley,Ont. PASTURE TO RENT Ana Cider :Press for Sale. 150 acres .being Lot 11, S.B., Con. &Hay and W 14 Lot 3, Hay, Good supply of water all season. The cider press is in goof condition.. Apply to JOHN FORD, Hay P.O.. SEED OATS FOR SALE. --I have a quantity of choice Siber- ien seed oats for sale. John Presz- cator con 3, Stephen. Exeter.P. 0. DINLNG ROOM GIRL.—An ' ex- perienced dining room girl want- ed. Apply to Mrs. W. T. Ache- son, Central Hotel, . Exeter. BROILERS Ant.. pullets for next winter's la5exsGet them going now from Choice Barred Rock Eggs, $3.00 a 100 b0c per 13. Also from Bred -f: to. lay `: matings $1.50 per setting. S. J. HOGARTH, Lot 16 Con. 3. Stephen Exeter P.O. A GREAT OFFER— The Ad- vocate has just completed ar- rangements whereby we can sup- ply The Advocate, Mail and Em- pire and Dominion Poultry Guide for the small sum of $1.55. Now is the time to secure cheap and goo° reading at low costs. HAY AND POTATOES FOR SALE Weis cured Blue -grass and frag- rant Red Clover; also choice Car- man No 1. and Rural No. 2 Pota- toes for sale. S. J. HOGARTH, Lot 13 Con. 3. Stephen Exeter P.O. CANNING FACTORY CONTRACT We are prepared to contract With farmers to grow peas and corn for the canning season,—Exeter Can - nine Co. SEED BARLEY.—The undersign ed has a quantity of No. 21 seed. barley grown from selected seed for four years. Lot 22, Con. 2 c Stephen.—W. D. Sanders. DOORS FOR SALE. -Two doors 8x91-2 male of matched pine as good as new for sale cheap Apply et The LOCAL DOING The sun's not shin' ing out to -day,, Aho: chill the airy' Well. goon the clouds Will pass away The 'Twill be fair -- le 5 .11 Hicks says so Dr Harry Browning is hone •in a visit The schools reopened Monday af- ter the holidays. Is it possible for an all around man , to be square. Mr John Hawkshaw still remains quite ill at his home. Miss Annie Bissett is confined to the house through illness: Mr. Geo, Windsor has sold the Buckingham residence to Mr. cook. It is far better to make your remark le the world than it is to be an easy one. Faith is largely an ability to be- lieve things we suspect are not true. Doing business with a man who be- lieve., that everyone is dishonest is rarely safe. Mr Harry Gould has takena posi- tion with e. metal shingle • company as traveller Ma. and ,Mrs. Ed. Dignan .laave moved ,to Mr. A. Cottle's house on Anu Street. The Misses Merril have moved into the house they purchased from Mr. Wni Atkinson. A man imagines his troubles would. disappear if he had all the -Honey he is entitled to. . It is possible for a man to have too many friends, but it takes a long. time to realize it. Lieutenant J, W. 'Manning of 33rd Huron Regiment of Volunteers is re- tired from the list. "It's the knowing man • who knows enough to know there's a lot he doesn't know. Tha young woman who gives all her energy to attracting attention seldom attract: anything else. Was Tommy Carling fooled or did Tommy put it over the other fellow on that big egg story ? Miss Marjory Broderick of Lon- dos is home owing to the illness of her father Mr. John Broderick. The man who insists on giving oth- ers a peace of his mind is usually a mart who has little mind to spare. Mr. H. D. Davey, proprietor . of the St Marys Argus, has sold the paper to Messrs H. L. Stewart .and. Eli Grose. Mr.' Jos. Wambold of ' Dashwood moves, out last week and has taken over the Wilson Confectionery stock and business. It is the easiest thing in the world to think up a lot of reasons why oth- er people ought to be satisfied with what they have. We have never seen a spring sea- son when 'the fact was so apparent that Exeter needs to adopt a proper systerr of road making. •Emigration Agent, ` C. H. Sanders succeeder' in placing eight young. Englishmen with farmers in this neighborhood on Tuesday. The late Mrs. Stancombe's property on Carline Street was sold by auc- ion on Saturday afternoon to Mrs. Watson, the price being $600. A bright new young winter struck his section last Wednesday night in the form of about four: inches of now , It remained only a few days. Mrs. Wm. Bawden has purchas d the brick residence from Mr. T. meron. situated opposite the re ider,ce she last week sold to Mr. As another proof :of the extent of he recent storm another car of hingles was picked up last week as oon 'as they could' be taken off the I Mrs . Frank Sweet • is having ,their urniture moved to Sarnia this week, here she will join ber husband: Mr weer has been in Sarnia for some months t t s e Ca $ t s s Advocate Office. HAND SATCHEL AND PURSE LOST,--Handsatchel, containing nurse in which was $3.40 and lead pencil: Suitable reward to finder by •leaving at this office. HOUSE AND 2 LOTS FOR SALE OR TO RENT. • • Two-storey brick house; vrary conven- ient; good stable; hard and soft wa- ter; pleasantly situated: Can be pur- chased very rearsonable. Apply to B. S. PHILLIPS Peal Esbate Agent, Exeter. Ont. 10)000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE All First-Cia.ss Quality. A Special Price for Large orders. G. E. RICKS, Centralia. i Swimming. Against the Stream, .: Is tike trying to del, e► »;u013e5aful' business without advertising.' <': And it is not expensive to pain deeirsbles publicity bythe use of prteterrs' tnk. • Our Clasetl#ted Wont Ads. Cost tittle and are' road by nearly everyone, Try thern.,es a System tonin' .for your buslrreliir4; f w s Rev McCamus of London preached interesting educational sermons in James , Street Church, on Sunday, his work in London -being taken by Rev. McAlister. The making of maple syrup is nod occupying the attention of those few farmers who still have a little rnaple bush. The season has not been a -very good one. To remove a rusty screw apply a pointed piece of metal heated red-hot to the scxew-head, and when the screw is • well heated it will *Hove readily with the screw driver. By e co-operative movement in Ontario County in the poultry busi•- nes farmers have found it possible to secure a return[ of five dollars per hen It looks like a gold mine. Crown Attorney Seager has re- quested one more postponement of the alleged Stephen Bribery Case. The ' date .now fixed is April 10th— the year not certain. It is remarked that the mail order houses have not realized their efforts to get business just because a few dull months in the year appear. They everlastingly keep at the advertising end oftheir business.• The Dashwood stage to Parkhill will be cut off in about a week. This, stage has been operated by Mr. Guenther for over twenty years, the rural mail routes are coming in and the rural stage will soon be only a memory. Mr. B J, Gibbings, Mayor of'Clin- ton has resigned his position and in- tend* removing to Winnipeg, where he has accepted a position, He is a, native of Clinton and has, been a prominent business' man of the town for several years: Thi.• cost of taking the census in Etlror County in 1911 was. $$8,141,11• divided as follows; East Huron, $2,-' 64e,82' South 1-Iuron $3,100.00; West, hturoe ,$2,308,19.} The West. Huron Commissioner was paid $298,86;' South:' Huron Commissioner ,$320.344 and East Huron $287.89. Er ft. or, TE e '] eta Mr. Robert Sweet was down from Clinton last week, Mr'' Eaxl Spackman of Guelph spent Sunday with his parents here. Miss Walsh ,of, Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, G. L. Waugh. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Brenner of Grand Bend spent Sunday at Mr. 11. Goulds Miss • Gladys Bissett visited Miss week Mae dly'n Howell near Woodstock last Miss M,- A. Toni, returned from a visit with Mrs, Mills and Mrs, Knight. Miss Isabella Fraser of Mooresville visited her brother, Mr. Wm. Fraser last week, Miss Mary J. Gill, after a visit her father. Mr, John Gill, returned Detroit Saturday, Miss S. Gregory after spending t holidays at her bogie here, return to Chatham- Saturday. Mr and Mrs, W. Higgins visited th Tatter's sister, Mrs,.. J G. Martin, Seaforth, who is quite ill, Herman Elliott and Elmer Harness returned last week from a visit with friends at Flint, Michigan, th to he ed e at Mr Mathias, who was relieving for two weeks at the Bank of Commerce returned to Brantford on Tuesday. Mrs Thos Bissett has returnedirom Marlette Where she attended the fun.. ea al of her daughter, Mrs, Brown. Young Creech left Monday porn fig for Windsor, . where he has "taken a situation with a Motor Car Company Mist, Lyda Oke has returned from Calgary owing to the, illness of her sister Mrs J. G. Martin of near Seaforth. Mrs. Burke was summoned to Man- ce lona. Mich., Friday owing to the severe illness of her sister Mrs. Whistler Mr. Richard Seldon and daughter Miss Annie of Ingersoll and Mrs. Wilkinson ,of Saskatoon visited Mr and Mrs. R. G, Seldon over Sunday. Mr, H. H. Moe of Cookstown, Que- bec. arrived here Monday to act as accountant in the Bank of Commerce here, recently vacated by Or. Kearns. Mr, and Mrs, Robert Higgins • of Hensali were calling on friends here last week prior to leaving for New Ontario where Mr. Higgins will re- sume his government position as tim- ber inspector."` Mr. A .S. Deavitt commenced Na, 1 Rural Route, on Tuesday last. Mr. Maurice Wexler has 'moved to Mrs Pickard's house on Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Webber, who have been residing on Albert St. moved this week to Centralia, where they will make their future hoane: Mrs. Geo. Smallacombe who Ieft here to spend Easter in Stratford with her daughters in Stratford, was taken down with an attack of pneumonia and is still•. confined to her, bed. Gerald Hurdon has takenee position in Buffalo where he has been visit- ing' for some weeks. Eric Hurdon will take a position as . junior in the Molsons Bank at Clinton this week. Postmaster -General Pelletier has given notice of two important bills: One is entitled "An Act Relating to the Parcel Post," and will follow . to some extent the recent United States. parcel post legislation, The other bill is intended to provide more advent -:i ageous telegraphic communication be- tweera Canada, the United Kingdom and other parts of the British Em- pire. A quiet but pretty . wedding t ook place at the James Street Methodist parsonage on Wednesday last, when Mr Hallie Brown, one of Usborne's prosperous young farmers was united in marriage to Miss Jane Delbridge, daughter of Mr. Richard Delbridge of town, Rev. Mr. McAlister perform - in"' the " ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Brown wil have the best wishes of a host of friends for a long and hap- py wedded life, 1 T EARN POR SAI,,lL Containing 60 acres of choice land being south part of lot 9 Con 8, Us 'erne, t'her'e Is on the premises a goad frame house, 20x: 20 kitchen 1442, barn. 86x80, stab- liner at one end; wood shed, pig' house 16x24; two god(' }elle of water; 35 acres in grass; well drained and fenced; good orchard For further particulars apply • to John Cornish, Exeter P.O., or onf the premises, FOR SALE Skating Rink, Store, Dwelling. house and Lot. Size of .wink 180x 80.• newly* built and 'covered with corrugated galvanized iron, built. in the latest approved methods of convenience. Store 40x,2Q in lair state of repair. Pwelling House one and half `storey frame, con- taining 10 rooms; hard and' soft water' good cellar under house; all in good state of repair. Also a choice building lot 100x80 feet. They above property will be sold altogether or separately- to suit purchasers. Satisfactory reason for selling, ltior further particul- ars apply to either of the under- signed. Wm. Leavitt, Prop. or B. S. Phillips Real Estate Agent. , FOR SALE • That ddstralble pt'Oporty known ale Pe ell's Fruit Gardetod, situated on the coiner of Carling and Victoria. St., Exeter, is for sale. God ,storey . er d half frame ho'uise Th. , golad repair; stone, bee -house, etc., and excellent fruit gau'dene of. .114 acres. Good well' and town water, near. depot sehlool and,. churches. Apply to S. Powell or F S Phillips Real Estate Agent HOUSE. AND LOT . OR SALE Situated on Andrew Street ; house contains 7 rooms; hard andsoft water Ali In good .state of repair; new, frame stable""; will be field reasonable. For further particulars a,pplY to TAMES OG DEN, or to B. S. PHILLIPS, Real Ea'te..te Aglent, Exeter, Ont. Try some Buckwheat Flour for good pancakes also a choice lot of Corn on hand • R. G. SELDON Exeter, Ontario ROflE Phone -20a. Residence next to the store. Undertaker and License Embalmer '- ONTARIO STEWART'S- PHONE New Wall Papors..i WE HAVE A BIG ASSORTMENT OF THIS POP- ULAR AND SANITARY FLOOR COVERINGS. . RE- MEMBER Wi, LAY .IT WITHOUT ANY ADDI- TIONAL CHARGE, IT COMES IN 23 AND 4 YARD WIDTHS. catch Linoleums A FEW REELS OF OUR NEW WALL. PAPERS WILL MAKE A WONDERFUL. DIF.FERENCJ IN THE APPI✓ARANCL OF YOUR. HOME WE HAVE MANY'. NEW DESIGNS' SUITABLE FOR ANY ROOM • AT PER ROLL s.-.10- 15—TO 25c. ASIC TO SEE Me, NEW VELVET AND' TAPe,S- TRY SQUARES. THE NEW ONES ARE HERE Air STEWART ART NOTICE Regina 'W'atches, when sold without apt Off;cfal Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be . Second- Hand Watches, taken in trade or 'procured in some ..other second -Mand way. F I am the only authorizea Official Agent here, andam the who one only can issue Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada, A. IVMARCHAND sesseseameekionsuakuneeseenueseuemese April Bargain ARE WHAT WE ARE SPOUTING: ABOUT NOW. We have ..just put on sale another big shipment of brand dew GRANITEWARE, consisting of Preserving Kettles, Sauce Pans Pudding Pans, Pie -Plates, Jelly Plates Etc., to sell'at From 10c. up. bandy Stuff, Catchy Prices. 3 DOZEN ONLY DIPPERS (SPECIAL) At 10 Cents Each, In Granite Room at Rear of Store you'll find these Bargains. KITCHEN NEEDS—hand articles 5c 10c. 15,;. OUR CHINA BARGAIN COUNTERS' are wonders at 5c. 10c. 15,25 'Our Stock of Beautiful Birthday and Wedding Gifts is worth the Looking Over. Give us a chance. Step in often and see what is , new. Have you Catarrh? Then try Nameless: 25c. We sell it. 'owell's Bazaar Big Variety Store j JONES & M. Spring • Coats And Suits WE ARE SHOWING A VERY SWELL RANGE OF LADIES AND MISSES SPRING SUITS AND COATS IN ALL THIS SEASONS -MOST POPULAR SHADES AND CLOTHS. NO TWO ALIKE. ALL EXCLUSIVF. DESIGNS AND COLORS COME IN AND SEE OUR DISPLAY. Spring Millinery This departmentis in ful swing. Our Milliners' are showing all the New Hat Creations in Colors Shapes and Designs ,.Visit our Show Rooms., In all colors,; Plain Cords and Stripes. Our stock is CPniplete in this department. Wash Goods A full stock of' Gingliams; Chambrays, Foulards, Vest- ings Cords or Prints, . Children - Dresses ":Good servisable Wash dresses Ladies Dresses Prom 2 to • ,6 yrs. ' old. All colors, all hinds, 50c,, 75c.,$1 in a nice selection of colors.: •- $2: and. $3,00. JONES et for the celebrated`,, Sanford Clothing .