HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-4-3, Page 7R,✓ h is ht it It ad e s 0 Is d n n t 11 SHE TODD IIER FRIEND'S ADVICE ;Aid"D DODD'S ItxuNEY PILLS CURED Tin SON, :8trtxigl%t aiul Simple Statement Tells of Another Grand Cure By .the Ola Canadian' I{iliney Reni= edy. Springhaven, Yarmouth Co., N. March 31 (Special).—Simple and straight, to the point is the state - 'tent of Mrs. Erven C. Trefry, of this plaoe, but it tells of another grand cure by Dodd's Kidney Pills. "My fifteen -year-old son; Angus,,, Mrs. Trefry states, "suffered from pain in his back, headache, and a pain over his eyes. "He was so bad he, could not walk across the floor. My friends. advised me -to give him Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. "They" cured him." That young Trefry's kidneys were wrong is evidenced by the cure. Dodd's Kidney Pills .only cure dis- eased kidneys. They never fail to do that. The reason they cure rheumatism, backache, gravel, dropsy, Bright's disease, diabetes,' and kindred die - eases, is that these all spring from disordered kidneys. If you have any of these diseases' you haven't'tried Dodd's 'Kidney Pills. Ask your neighbors. They'll tell you 'Dodd's 'Kidney Pills always cure them. Not Convincing. She -Anyhow, you must admit he is a well-bred man. Did you no- tice his knowledge of Aristotle 4 He,—I dict, and if you want my candid opinion, I don't believe he's' ever been there. A. LORDLY WIIIPP taIlit .A, lord Succeeds a lord as chief whipper»in of the Unionist party in Great Britain, for. Lord ,Jdmund Talbot steps intro the position 'moat' ed by Lord Baloarres. lie has plenty of experience for the post, seeing that the has been associated with the Unionist whip's office ifor many years, ,, . LQ'd Edmund Talbot is a brother of the Duke of Norfolk: He is fifty-eight years of age, and prior to entering polities: served far many years in the 11th Hussars. He took i To whom it may concern This is to certify that 1 have used MINABD'S LINI- MENT myself as well as prescribed it in my practice where a liniment was re- tluired and have never failed to get the desired effect. C. A. KING, M.D. "Captain," said a wealthy pas- senger, who was about ter take his first ,trip across the ocean, "I un- derstand this ship has got several Ff •water -tight compartments?" "Yes, 4., sir," was the reply. "Captain," passenger 'event on decidedly; t1§' r`I want one o' those compartments Itoe ?': -I don't care what it costs?" ,1 .Low Colonist states to Pacific Coast e Via Chicago and North Western Railway. On sale daily, Mareh.l5th to April 15th in. elusive, from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Nelson, Roeeland, and many other ,points. Through tourist sleepers and free reeli'n• ing chair cars ' from Chicago. Variable Liberal stopfeil.l in - routes. b overs. .For formation as to rates, routes and liters.' tura. write or call on B. H. Behnett, Gen. oral Agent, 46. Yonge Street, Toronto. - Five-eighths of the surface of the earth is covered with sea to an av- erage depth of 2% miles. In the open sea the rise and. fall of tides is less than 2 feet, but, where the water is narrowed and shallowed by land, the rise and fall increases greatly. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. Just It. "We all make mistakes." "Yes, and, thank goodness 1 the other fellow's always looks 'worse ko us than our own: Only One "BROMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. kook for the signature of E. W. GROVE, flares a Cold in One Day, Cures Grip in Iwo Dara: 25e. °.,ie average strength of a woman compared with that of' a man is as 67 to 100. Minard's Liniment C es target In Cows, Men Who Don't Exercise Suffer From indigestion, Head Aches, Poor ' Appetite, Sicop1essncss.' Haxhing, so Sure to "'sat lip" a 'say, Make Him Feet Brisk and VIg orous'as Or. Hamilton's Pins,;., Back of exerofee and overwork were the amities that combined to almost kill sa?uuel $. Stephens, Jr., one of he heat known eitizene 1u Woodsteel". In his convincing letter, 70. Stephens sero: "A year ago I • retur.ned' borne alter 11 Lord Talbot., part in the .South African cam- paign, and was mentioned in des- patches. Lord Edmund has sat for the Chichester Division of Sussex since 1894. In the last Unionist Government he was private secre- tary to Mr. St, John Brodrick (now Lord Middleton and was after- wards' appointed a Junior Lord of the Treasury: ` He cannot boast of 'of any oratorical, gifts, but he has a very genial manner, - which serves him -well in the lobby, and is popu- lar with politicians on both sides of the House. A Colacidenec. ' Georgia Lawyer (to colored pri- soner)—Well, ristoner)-Wellt 'Ras, des you leant me to defend . you? Have you any money l 'Rastus-:No; but I'se got .a mule' and a few chickens sand a hog or" two: Lawyer --Those will do very nice- ly. Now, let's see, what do they accuse you of stealing? 'Rastus--Oh,, a mule and a few chickens and a hog or. two. D 4` • SS1.30 FLY TO PIECES. long trim, conip'etely worn out; I -was so' badly affected by chrome hiliousnees, so much overcome by constant headaches, dizziness, that I despaired of.ever getting well. -"It was a blessing that i used Dr. Hata' Jlton's Pills. In one week 1 folt like a new man. The feeling of 'weight and nausea in my stomaoh disappeared. ' ' MY: oyes looked brighter, color grew better, and, best of all, 1 began to enjoy my meals. Tho dizziness, langour and feeling. of depression passed away, and I fast re- gained my old-time vigor and spirits. To- day 1 am well -thanks to Dr. Hamilton's Pills." For health, strength, comfort and good spirits there is5io medicine like Dr. Ham- ilton'e Pills. 25c, per box, five boxes for $1.00, at all druggists and storekeepers, or by mail from The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo. N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. DREAMS 1N S 01EN CE. Mostly Memories of Yesterday or of Years Ago. Almost all scientific observers; agree that the -materials of .which dreams are made are memories of past experiences of the individual. Curiously enough, the memories that occur most frequently., rare those of the previous day and those' of early childhood. In many cases where the inci- dents of a dream seem t6'be. entire- ly unfamiliar it has been"shovpn by careful investigation that they cor- respond to actually experienced events that have escaped the mem- ory of the waking. self. Delboeuf records an interesbi.ng example of this. - In 1862 he dreamed that he found two lizards in the snow. Hetook them up, warmed them, and placed thein in a hole in a wall, together' with a small fern, which he knew they liked to eat. The name of this fe=rn .seemedin his dream tobe As- pleniu'm rare, muralis. On awakening he could not re- menLber ever to have heard the name of the fern of his dream; al- though he discovered that a fern called Asplenium ruta muraria really ,existed. Sixteen yea.ra later, however, he happened to be turn- ing over the pages of,. afriend's al- bum of • dried flowers, and to his surprise eatne across the very fern, with the Latin name written; under- neath in his own. handwriting. He then remembered that 'in 1860, two years before the dream, he had met the sister of this friend, and to plea,se her had written the Latin names under the : various plants in her album'at`the dictation of a botanist. Innumerable cases of a, similar nature are on record, and go to show how remarkably heightened the memory may be in dreams. They .also warn us not too rashly to believe that incidents in a dream which seem entirely new are really Ap The Effect of Tea, and Coffee on Highly Organized People. "I have been a coffee user for years, and about two years ago got into a very serious condition of dyspepsia and indigestio . It seem- ed to me I would fly to pieces. I was so nervous that at the least noise I was distressed, and many times could not straighten myself up because of the pain." • Tea is just as injurious, because, it contains caffeine, the same drug foiled -in coffee: "My physician told me I must not eat any heavy or strong food, and ordered . a diet, giving me ` some medicine. I followed directions carefully, but kept on using coffee and did not get any better. "Last winter : my husband, who, was away on business, had Postum -served him in the family where he boarded. He liked it so well that when he earner home he brought some with him. We began using it and I found it most excellent.. "While T drank it my stomach never bothered me in the least, and I got over my nervous troubles. When the Postum was gone we re- turned to coffee, then my stomach began to hurt me as before and the nervous conditions came on again. "That showed me exactly what was the cause of the whole trouble, so I quit drinking coffee altogether and kept on using Postum. The old troubles left again and have never returned." "There's a reason," and it is ex- plained in the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs`.. Ever read the above tetter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human lntorbee Mike' came to the doctor about 9 o'clock' -with information that their month-old baby would 'not sleep -a wink. The doctor gave Mike sleep- ing powders for the baby. The next day he met Mike on the street. "Well, how did the powders work" asked the .doctor. "Them powders, Doc," answered Mike,` "sure did. the trick." "Made the baby sleep, did they?" "No, that they didn't, Doc. We 'gave the darlint a dose just as you told me, but it wouldn't shleep at all at all so we just took a dose o' thim: powders our- silv'es, we- did, and went right off to shleep and nivir heard the darlint 'try one bit any more." t lnard's` Liniment Cures D)phtherla. Fact; and Fancy. Joy cometh in . the morning, pro- vided you haven't been making a night of it. French railways are fined for late trains. . • Eggs, hulk and fruit• makes the beast diet for brain workers. Science now deelar'es that fish don't sleep. But why, then, river - b eels 1 The Sultan of Johore an state' occasions wears $1,2,000,000 worth of jewels,'' The well,,to-doroan is generally. hard to do. • Wasps become intoxicated on the fermnented,juices.of 'rooting fruit. .,. i Is .One, bad feature. aliolit, 1 qu � . as •o con- ' Saln}tts fres the peculiar" power 1t .h t A,. , hemle�tl 4� fide, vinee solxle MOB that th4",y, cite SiXlg. �Yorurttu. THOUGHT IT WAS SUICIDE A prominent merchant was discovered a few days ago brandishing a rarer at mid. night. Rie wife called for assistance, but found' her Hubby was only paring his corns. Far better not to risk blood pois- oning—use Putnam's Corn Extractor, 25c. at all dealers.. +X, -"" Ilad Debility. "You sayyour husband contri Mites' nothing to your support," said the lawyer.• "No, sub, nary, a cent. That niggah jest naehally won't work. ; An' he's got plenty of debility, too, if he could only use it. tv yew irritll Nattdttstt ,Dino co, or, Canada, .,Limited; 30RE HEALEU IN SIX DAYS Nearly impo;;sible to ; Heal Skin, Ba ly Burt, ` Sore,;. Red aid In- flamed, Could Not Sleep. Cutls cute Soap and Ointment' Heaied. Bowsraan River Manitnes,„--"NThen X was thirteen. sears of ago I get my shin badly hurt and when healed the skin 'Evac attached to the bone. The. least bruise would injure it and it; was nearly Ina. possible toheal, 'The sore would be very red and inflamed round the odgeS. and had a; burning sense" tion. "When extra sforo'1 could not sleep at night oa account of the pain. lab. ways were a cotton bandage on le from the ankle to the knell,Ivor & rmfmter of years 1 used sticking.plasters, then got a salvo. I sew tho advorti'sement gfering a free sam• ple of Quticura Soap and Ointment sent for (sample a'ndi urciiased some more and la Six days the sore was healed completely.': (Signed) James 1'ldwaeds, Jana 21, 1012. • 'FOR PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS Treatment; 'Gently smear, theaffected parts with Cuticura OiatmBnt, on: the end ,of the linger, but do not rub. ''Wash off the Caticura Ointment iq flys , minutes with Cutieura Soap and hotwater and continue bathing for some minutes. This treatment isbest on rising and retiring. At other times use Outicura Soap freely for the toilet and bath, to assist in preventing inflammation: irritation and clogging of -the pores. Sold throughout the world. Liberal sample at t:aob, free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card Potter Drug & Chem. Corp.; Dept. 47D, Boston, U. 5: A. VALUE OF A LAUGH. Noted . Mien Attest to Its Very Great Worth. Tho value of a• good' -natured laugh may be rated' low by some people; but many .writer's have at- tested its ' worth in no measured terms. It is not aurprising that Charles Lamb should have said, "A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market;" but from the lips of the sombre Carlyle one is scarcely prepared to hear, 'No roan who has once heartily and wholly laughed can be altogether or irre- claimably bad.'' It was Douglas Jerrold' who boldly stated that, "What was talked'of asthe golden chain of Jove . was nothing more than a succession of laughs, a chro- nic scale of merriment reaching from ''earth to Olympus." "I ani persuaded," -wrote " • Lawrence Sterne, "that every time a man smiles -but much more so when he laughs' --k£ adds sometha;2g to his, fragment of life." Last of all may, be cited the verdict of Oliver Wen- dell Holmes, given with hisown inimitable humor, "The riotons'tu- mult of a laugh, I take it, Is the mob law of the features, and Pro- priety the magistrate, who reads the Riot Act'." Cleverness. A man is never really clever un- til he learns that he isn't clever enough to get along without work- ing. $T'IF F, IIrir10 VzZbEfi Carious Things Happen When Oex taiu Subntaaocs Axe Uuitod. Bvery*'ne knows that the diamond is only charcoal crystallized; but there,are a great man other things. in Nature that, 'though. 1,05904sing widely different properties, are ecomesed of exactly equal; quanta. ties of the same dements, The white of an egg and rattle- snake :poison are formed of idorrti Cally the same amounts of the same elemen, The oitsl of roses and comXno'n coal gas are each feriped alilke, both be- ing .composed of four atoms of hy- drogen and four atoms of carbon. Sugar and gum arabic arc Iike- wise brothers of the' •sante weight and texture.. All the hydrocarbons, known to science as a combination of sixteen atoms of hydrogen and ten atoms of carbon, are alike in their .composi tion, To enumerate some: Oil of orange, lemon, cravens, ginger, and black pepper. The suggested explanation of these peculiarities is that the atoms are placed differently towards one another in the molecules of the dif- ferent substances. Other things just as peculiar are evident when certain'sub'stanees are united cliomically. Thus ' hydrogen 'gas, which is odorless, and nitro- gen gas, which is also odorless; when united go to make ammonia; which li ,s a very strong odor..Cop per, which has no odor,•.�and zinc, which has also none, when melted' and mixed to give us brass, produce a substance with a characteristic one. "The Family Friend for 40 -years:" A -never failing relief for Croup and Whooping Cough. An average of 186 earthquakes a year has been recorded at the seis- mological observatory of Rocca di Papa, near Rome, during the past twelve years. PILES CURED IN 6 TO le DAYS Your druggist willerefund money 1f PA20 OINTMENT. fails to cure any ease of Itch. ing, Blind,Bleeding or Protruding Piles la to 14 day.. 50o. Shorthand was practised by the ancient Greeks and Romans, but all knowledge of the art *as lost from the tenth ,to, the sixteenth century. Isaac Pitman agave his "Phono- graphy" to the world in 1837. .., When Your. Eyes heed Care Try Murine Eye Reme y No Smarting—Peels Tine-A.'ote. Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyee and Granulated Eyelids. Illus. trated Book in each Package. 2iurtue la compounded by our acultste—not a "Patent Med- icine"—but used in suoceatful Physicians' Prac- tice for many yv�ears. Now, dedicated to the Pub- lic and sold byyDru gist3 at Ito and 50c per Bottle. Murine ifye Eave in Aseptic Tubes, 2s0 and 590. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Suffrage was granted to woman in the Commonwealth of Australis in 1902. minard's Liniment Cures Dlttemper. Women in German Industries, An interesting reflection on the social development 'in the German Empire is had when the number of women employed in production' is considered. Of the total inumber of wage earners counted in 1907---28,- 000, 000-• irle-third are female, their number having increased from 6, 500,000,in 1895 to 9;400,000 in 1907. Tho ehiet dominion of woman is agriculture, there being 4,500,000 females engaged in these .healthful' occupations,'while in twenty-eight groups d the , various industries 2,100,000 are engaged, and in corn•: merce and 'trade 93o,0O0.' ' Of the highe'r,ofdtes in Germany, ,requiring eon'ttaillmnt, inly ppr e,6 fien'b. erreieliotidtiii.c by' women, q. Tbo World's Bast Liimellt N ailed In Eveyy Family From Infancy01d To Me If . Your home is Without "Nervi - line" Lead the Following Closely. The high coat of living t4 -day demands economy on every side. idickness is ex- pensive. xpensive. Far butter to treat little Ills before they grow serious. For this reason every home should have handy on the shelf a good remedy like Nerviline, which cures the minor ailments that occur in every family. For example, when„ the boy' comes in with wet feet and a' slight cough, Nervi - line will cure him. If a cold has settled on hie chest, rub on Nerviline and the 'cold will go. If "something has been eaten that causes cramps, nausea, or diarrhoea, just twenty drops of Nerviline-that's all and euro is effected: 'Asea liniment for outward application. in case of'Neuralgia, Lame Back, Sciati •ca, Lumbago or Rheumatism, it's really hard. to imagine, how Nerviline relieves, and how soon it cures. Nerviline ie something now. No, it's one of the oldest and best knbwn remedies. Deed in thousands of homes by the peo- ple of Teeny nations, simply because it stops pain, cures staleness, and'ride the family of ills before they become trou- blesome. Get the.. family "sizo bottle, price 50c.;- trial size 25c., at all storekeep- ers and druggists at The ' Catarrhozo"ne Co., Buffalo, N. Y. r#+sit you ati tt hard lays wor AeeIIsaaer ** ±, Iz*g, cup not Oven farthest for the money' A Frenchman earned over $60,000 I last year as an airship .chauffeur. '1 Yet .some people say that a roan can't live on air. Meerschaum literally means "sea-. foam," and derives its name fronx the fact that it is sometimes found floating in the Black thea. RISES r TRAFFIC It_ IC POLICE. O Many Fatalities Daring Year of London Dien in Blue. The recent death of a London, England, policeman, ' who was knocked down - by a meter -bus wad killed, brings to mind, the risks which the man in 'blue has to under- go. According 40 the last yearly re- port, twelve were . knocked down and injured while regulating traffic; runaway horses took the attention of forty-six; twenty-seven were in.- jured by horses falling, and eighty- four were bitten by dogs. No fewer than two thousand seven hundred were assaulted, and the' victims of venous accidents totalled over se - yen hundred. In addition to this perilous work, the police prevented five hundred and forty-five persons from commit- ting suicide, and three hundred and two runaway horses were stopped. Filially, two hundred and sixty-four fires were extinguished by police- men in 1911. henpecked. "We're terribly henpecked, pa, ain't we Z" "Why, what do you mean, my bey V' • "Well, ma makes me wash my hands before I came to the supper table, and she makes you wash yours before you hook her up the back.'' IIID SORE 4 Y TARS. Mr. Oliver Sims, of Purvis (Man.), writes :—"I liad an old irritating sore on my forehead that had trou- bled me for four years. Zamn-Buk was recommended to one and in a marvellously short time it healed the obstinate sore perfectly. You may depend upon. 14 that after this proof of its power we will never, be without a box of it," As rapid and eertain healer of ulcers, abscesses, piles, inflamed places, ants, burns, bruises, scalp sores,' eczema, eruptions, etc., you canet nothing to equal Zani-Euk. All druggists and stores at 50c. box or post free for' print from am- I3ulc :Co,,,'Toronto, , Try Zai Buk's Soap for tender" . skins and' babys bath. .25e. tablet. GLOVES By The Year If you wank the best and longest wearing gloves or mitts' ever turned ' out of a factory be sure and ask for. the famous PINTO SHELL Tbcse gloves are ,specially tanned for hard service and will save you money and reduce your glows, expense by the year, Send for aur descriptive pamphlet —The Pinto's Shell. UUDSON BAY :KNITTING CO. Canada's Expert'Clove and 611tt Makers, MONTREAL. FARMS FOR SALE,' H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. GOOD STOCK FARM OF 500 ACRES with Three Rouses: large Beek Barn. *fust' he sold quick. Price is very low. Ct EVERAI, DESIRABLE PARIAH IN k7 Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the money for quick sale. IHAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED 000D farms in different sections of Ontario on my list. If you wanta farm consult H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. FIFTY ACRES IN MIDDLESEX COUNTY —Soil day loam; good outbuildings; close to market, railway station and;post office. Would eeehsnee for .forty to one hundred acres within frva, riles of Catholic ' church and cheese. factory.: The Western Real Estate Exehange, London, Ont. �j -ARXi, IN, SASKATCHEWAN—EQIiIP- :Il.' pod: .in'Scop; must sell; terms easy. Percy Love, Rawarden, Sask. STAMPS AND COINS. TA2,iP COLLECTOR --II 1liF- ► resent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Albunr, only Seven Corte. .Marks Stamp Company. Toronto MISCELt.ANEOlIa AT ONCE—'MEN WANTED; 'LEARN Barber Trade; great demand; good wages; twenty- to thirty advertised for daily in Toronto papers alone. Can teach you in six to eight, weeks. Send for Cata- logue. Moler College, 221 Queen East, To. route, CANCER, TUMOR., LUMPS, LTO-. internal and external, cursed with- out pale by our borne treatment.' Write ns before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical Co.,, Limited. Collinewnod, Ont. , GpLL STONES, KIDNEY AND Beale der Stones. Sidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Reined -fa "Sanol," price 51.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure cure, is "Senors Anti -Diabetes." Price 52.00 from. druggists or direct. The Senol Manufae" turing Company of Canada, Limited. Wlnninf'a', Man The Heart ofa Piano is the Action. Insist on 'the 'OTTO HIG'EL' Piano Action BOILERS hand for heating in ENewane-'Second.. 'and power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKE' STACKS. Agents for Starts. want Ventilating and Heating Systems. P'OLSOH IRO rZIPetEs TORONTO Engines and Shipbuilders Maypole Soap DYES SO EASILY With Maypole. Soap there is no trouble and ao muss in home dyeing. Dyes cotton, wool, silk or mixtures. 24 colors -will give any shade. Colors 10c. $lack 15c --at your dealer's or postpaid . with booklet "How to bye" from "' Zai F. L. BEt3E111C7` & CO. Montreal Sfearart 14:leins Clipping Iachl e 'Taint; e aina.terennafaetet• atd teeter ;hnd eEayeehart5' loniter than *Or atheta Giear! Arra Alt MO bard and asd1adue Cini Mild o Y t lin to oil. eht feeeel bar, t be* 'W Pitfall( ad trtIngle tentleb ellbbib« head, pet . ate t'rtta ywar battery. eierr ai,aollttie puettletifAed. 64410401e P It*9AL.lt BHAPT CO. tea Lu' Sells Ave., Ontenaa,104,. .,,no ,o.''treo new eatatos of mese inodIra 115. 4o't+se ollntlttf and.beep'eh9&flnp madhlaeb. i y • y . Cw