HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-4-3, Page 5MRs. Rc:;c::.a 1 ;ry ng ;es 8.5 n n dy eg al or , ,,:. •....r.'nna :err Dr, Q. F. Itt0Y014,; DENTIST Member et tale. BAlrilD.a..of Qatari° 004 Donor °ragtime. of 'Toronto Eflaveraelto Mees -Over :dkaten ` .at -C ril nee Ivor gfoe% Closed Wednesday afternoons, I?lt, A, li. KINSMAN, ' %,.ID.S, Di Honor taradttat'e of- Toronto Untrter 9 DHNTIST Teeth extfeacted without pain, or ae}y bad effects, °trim over Gladnwan dt Star/1407'e Aftece, Mahn Street, lllxetce,. LEGAL DICItSON & CA.RT4NG, BARRISTERS,. Soltclteref, Nio'tarles, Conveyancers, Coin- miesiionere., Solicitors for tete• ,etolsone Sank; etc, >ieoney to Loan, et lowest a^ates or interest ottiees'-•-Matin-St„ Enter L.R. Cashing',, 8.,4. L, H. Dickson b erNEIi• To LOAN we have a large amount of prteate funds to loa.n on fairm and of lege prop- erieete at few` raiaa Of Interlard!.. GI NkRtheN & 18Tf►NDURY ' Ear7rbat'ea's, Solicitors, Bxeter. I.. SENIOR Agent ConfeeleraVon I4te Aaal/ranee Company, also Daae Insurance In lead - Ina Canadian egad British Comq'auies. jy[aia�-6t., 'Fleeter. T. 13 CARLIN° Lite, Fire, Amide:It and Plate Glasse Insurance, Coblecti#igt aceotunte, and cop ducting auotlon sales. Exeter. Ont. Owing to the High Standard Main- tained in the popular Toronto Ont, the ydemand for 'the 'graduates isfar in excess of the supply College open all year, Enter now Write for catalogue. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned ;a ottering for sale ghat desirable100 acre farm,, situated In' the Townsh'p of Bieldulph, tieing Lot 18, Con. 1. There, is on the pt-eu,i ses a good fragile dnoias!e, bai1n with, routnda= elan,; orchard. The tam 5a well drain- ed and all 'tnnder cultivation. This is an excellent farm( well situated and will besold reasonable, For further partic- ulars apply to Joihn O'Neil, Mooresville, Ont, ICELLY., FAR I FOR SALE Tho tanderaiganed is odfering for sale Lot 6, North B,aunda.ry' Stephen, eon tainting 100 acres of goad land. There is on the premises a good frame house with stone cellar; banit barn with ce- ment floors ; 3 good wells, . and a small orcharki.:This 'is a god grain. -or grass farm, or hide' make a good -stock farm. Situated two miles from'' Tlset.+.r ; phone la. -house. Wi11 be sold •reaso,lahiie. For particulars apply on the premises, or write the undersigned, igned, Fred Green, Hay, or B. S. Phillips. Exeter. College At I Home Thousands of ambitious young pece ple are fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil -servants, in fact every sphere of Business Activities You may finish at college it you so wish Positions guaranteed. Enter college, any day. Individual instruction. Expert tea. chere. Thirty years,- experence. Largest trafbera id Canada, Seven colleges, Spec - sal course for teachers. • "' Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. Su 1ntlierby c r $ line umous Spotton Business College, Lon- don. GEO. SPOTTON S. F. WARD President Principe SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REQULATIONS ANY ,person w.tna is the sole. head sof a faintly or any male ,over 18 years old, may ,haitleel ted a, quarter section of available Derninextt land .:al Man'_toba. Sa•alcatkdtewen or Alberta, The ap- plicant''fitust appear in person at the Dominioe • Lands Agency or Sub- agency for the • district. Entry by pro- xy made be iniade .a t Any age4leY,. certain ceindittons by 'father, mother, soon, daughter, brother or sinker ;ot• in-" teatdinta, theme felkead or Duties -Six ntlo4ntha'', residence upon and chit/wattle-xi of the, Land to each of three:,yes.rs, A hernairteader msyl live within nif.,no n.9155' of rile hoarieettali on. a. termerr set leesit eo acres ,soilele owned and oceuupiee by' hien or. by .hie father, mother, e'en .. daughter,. ir,'rotreer or etster,' ; In.certalxr deetriets a holneeteader An , gaud standing may 'pre-empt: • a quart eryeettion 'a&onwg : side h s homeete d. Pride 83.00 per sore. Duttete-1 ust nesdde upon the • home: seed or preeemption nix Months in each. of six years from date of home. Stead entry (i,n,dbudi.ng the tlen,e re- quired to earn houneetead patent) and; euativate tittle, acnes extra. A.`hoanee'teader who hes exha.ueted )ld hcnaneetead right and cam hat obtain it preestnetien : tna,y • %stet for a part: chaeiec hvrp,ee'pad Lh certain di.stri:otd Price 88.00 per acre. ,trutl a-• Mtte.t 're'side nix months lin, moll, these years, ottlitivnte aciyek• .and er.,ec} `. a houee worth .00. W W. dolt'ii, ' etrudj� blt the M-14b'ster• of the fatehor N.l .--•ttnau,tborieed • ublication of th,lte atlygrtist Otet NiriU .iNt'•t •be pad rorW 1;FtiA \' TF1UJ1 atILdV a.' S\ ,T}, ' Hamusee ors . Excursions , � To MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERTA each TUESDAY A.Y until Oct. 261.h , in- elusive Winnipeg and Return $35,00 Edmonton and Return 43.00 Proportionate low .rates to oth- er points. Return limit two months. Settlers' Excursions To ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Every TUESDAY until April 29th incite. it's. from stations in Ontario I'or'' }lupe, Pcterboro ants West, sit very IoW rates. Through coaches and Pullman tour- ist, Sleeping cars are operated to WINNIPEG Without change, leaving Toronto 11,00 p.tn., viaChicago and St. Paul on above dates, The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and: quickest route be- tween Winnipeg -Saskatoon Edmon ten. Berth Reservations and particulars from Grand Trunk agents, NOW IIS THE TlVrIIF. TO BtJ sF inWire Fencing From now till April 1$t I will aoltl at the foliovring prioee ;-4 5 bar fence, No, 9 ware 18c. per rod. 6 bar fence, N. 9 were 216.1 per tad. T bar' fence, Nal, 9' Wire 23c., per rod, .8 bar fence No. 9 ware 26c.. par rod Steel gate 12 "toot long 54.00 Steel .gate. 13 foot tong ' .$4-25 Steel <glate• 14 foot 'tong, $&50 Red' cedar poste 434 to 5 in. top, at 15c Red cedar poets 5 to 53 in. top,'at;epec. Red cedar poste 5 law. & up top, at Mo Lots of Anchor posts on band. ' All kinds of lierrilocic lumber on hand Clove prices quoted one Blue Lanae ele- ment and on St. -Marys Cement. A. J. Clatworthy GRANTON. TC FARMERS WANTING 'MEN. Farmers wanting hired men for next seas Should 'place their orders at once altduer'Fie'c there will be 11. f.culty Tat vacating beep. Orders left with the Loco' Government Employment Agent for this distr-bt, Advocate Oib:ce, or addressed thereto, will receive prosupt atter,tien C. H. SANDERS. Agenb. TENDERS FOR BRIDGES., Sealed tenders marked. ''Tenders for Bridges" 'will be received by the undersigned up to Monday, th•. 7th of April, 1913, at 1 p. for the construction of two bridges 16 and 18 feet long. Bridges to be constructed of cement abutments steel beams, cement floors and iron railing. Plans and specifica- tions can be seen at the office of the undersigned.' The lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed: ` HENRY RILBER, Maaei: 17 1913. Clerk Stephen Crediton, , Ont. SUBSCRIBE, FOR 'THE AND GEST) ALL THE NEWS. BOOKKEEPING SHORTHAND' TYPEWRITING PENMANSHIP and all other Commercial Courses Taught tight get -Your rime t. Spare i3n,urs, OJr1coursee •are the ;6g4t incl our instructors the aides. iii 'Citnada. • We Guarantee our' Courses • 'WE PLACE ALL OUB Graduates. Tske your course with its,, Mail the coupon to -day haw c Correspondence School 393 Yonge.St., Toronto, Canada Please explain (wvithout obligation on my part) how I can seccesatuliy qualified for the-posltioe or profession underlined. Charted Accountant, 'Illustrator Auditor Designer Business Manager Art Specialist Office er�ondo't Teacherre r ia kkepe:story Stenographer' Journalist Penman Newspaper -Reporter Commercial Photographer. Specialist show -bard Writer mi, Writer attire' Add iress 1 Dr. de Van's Female Pills FraiteiiaWs Pre .ch reiruiato ; never sal s. 1 hese u era eitcee. iaiG1Y powe to is rcgulst ti. the ite>tu etiv4 Portio* of the laute alla� slaps all en 'isle actions, Dr, d. vawi err. ht 5 P. or reg lA Ma 1 t a ai q lar � i glty.. 0 M , i l k �1� Ao Drew vstasrisys, 1913 Catalogue Now Ready 80 pages brim,' full of good things. Con - tare valuable information for the farmer, market gardener and private planter. l2 pages of the latest and beat, world-wide introdootions, Valuable premiums. Your choice of 6 slew varieties atm unnamed (not for sale until 19/4) absolutely free with every order, large or small. Don't. delay Hting, Mail this with your pante and address. Your request Will receive special attention. State if you grew vegetables or flowers for market, as we have; a special price list. Write to -day while it's treah in year naiad, DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO., yiimited pe EON, CANADA PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption liethod. If you :;suffer from. bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and will tell you how to cure your- self at home by the absorption treatment ; and will also send some ..of this }bene treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if re- quested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no. money, but tell others of this offer. Write to -day to Mrs; M. Summers, Box 840 Windsor,; Ont. THE AUTO RACES. 'QPEED, speed, speed, .A. demon is set free That space and time annihilates, That for the whirlwind never waits, That from the lightnings flee, A demon that has legs and wings And wheels an all the moving things.. Chug, chug, chug, It rushes to the Beal, As strong electric currents race Without single breathing space From pole to farther pole. On beds of air it spurns the ground And in a twinkling gets around. Strain, strain, strain, In every rad and bolt It pushes past the starting place And enters wildly in the race As' frisky as a colt; In scooting round a five mile track Front wheels almost run down the back, Crash, crash, crash, Another., victim low,• A mass of ribs and driving rods, Comingled with the inert clods; A call for music slow, A finish that is Just debris And what the crowd bad paid to see. Nothing to It "Green and Brown are hal: hag a ,terrible,row 3owif the street." "What seems to be the matter?" 41 don't know, but they arecall- ing each other 'thief and 'Hee"- "Did you say Green and Brown ?i" "Yes?" "I thought so. They are just having a friendly political discus- sion Come on; `. ret's go ehome." . Sad Case. "Se's a' hard man to getalong •"Well, why don't you do the other thing?" , iWVbat is that?" "Get'al'ong; without him." •'Because he insists on going along With me: He's my husband, yon see." Tho Only Kind That Wili"z-; ,"Angelina is a .great' friend of pain," "Awfully i`s scinating, 1; suppose j'! • , "Ob,' no; hit' she is so comforting,. She always helped the Out of all my difficulties,"' "Gee! is she as homely as that?"' The Way it Goes, .Some women are born ugly," 9 suppose so: ` "And ethers are both ugly and awk- ward." - "Yes, and still others' wear pink high heeled shoes:" Described. ttlt o1l seek I Tye. f,,,eene's new r llat`E'y' , "What do you thiel :,ol` it?), . E. A "It looks as if , tier httsbaiad had t•hosen it for her." 41111.110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111114. AN INSOLENT WELTER. tis Pound---tli Couldn't Diotatwr`to n Trpiaal riehn Bull, That ;sprouting ,ucotebpeer, the Earl of Z von, who ;rebuked ,u ship neva re- porter wtlo approached.?bits by„deplat, Jng, that "no gentleman over speak to another without an Introduction; it pimply Isn't done,” >s an old friend . or amen p'rauelal Dwyer, the Aastralian Wallet-w4W 1e, 'Awyer doesn't a etu. a1lq, now the Merl of Xenon, but be, known! bia sweetly' British aort, "I ought to,'" ' said Dwyer. "I was broke in London and 1 learned 0 know the true Briton. :Once 1 an- swered an advertisement for a literary. secretary. To make certain that my letter world be read. 1 wired the ad-' vertiser.as follows:. "'Do not engage a literary secretary until you have read my letter of ap plication.' "That letter was a gem. I thought 1 would land the place with it sure. 1' was certain of it, when a large, square letter directed me to appear at a nam. ed address at a given hour. It was a four penny baa ride, but 1 didn't -care. • My fortune was opening out before me 1 squandered the'fourpence without a miserly thought. A pompous butler ushered me into a black oak library,: where the original stuffed model ot John Bull sat at a table. I sat down meekly and waited" to be spoken to, -Blom! Be hit the desk with hin clinched hand.' . 'You cannot dictate to an English man,' said this old image. . "'No, sir,' I sald. • tell you,' be shouted, 'you cannot ;ilctate to an Englishman!' • 'Certainly not,' t said. " 'But you tried to,' he said. 'Yon sent me this impertinent telegram. No Eligiisilulan would bare done that. 1l was an American' trick.' "1 tried to soothe him, for-1'napterl that job. But he got hotter and -better Finally be told tae outright that heeled hired a young man who once had work. ed for a lord. "'i have sent for you, said be. 'atm you should be grateful to me ie order to teach you a proper respect for for traditions of England and for the Brit ish flag.' "'Yon' old fossil,' said 1. 'if 1 had a British ftg here I'd tear it to two and choke you to death with it.'." -Chicago News. "OOHING A PILL" That Is What Opium Smokers Call "Hitting the Pipe." The opium -smoker In the act ut smoking is said to be "cooking a pill Smokers of tobacco in seeing opium pipes have been misled into the belief that the large bowl of the pipe is tilled with opium when really the "pill" is simply pasted over a tiny opening in ttie cover of the bowl Heating of the leowl produces dense fumes, which are drawn through the bowl and the stem of the pipe into the smoker's -mouth. Neither does one pipe of opium pro- duce stupor. A "pill" dazes only even an inexperienced smoker as a large drink would effect a person unused to aicohol. The opium users who have been pictured stretched on bunks et opium dens in utter stupor have been saturated with the drug. Reclining on a bed, the smoker places the layout within easy reacb and lights the lamp. Peanut- oil, burning slowly and without evil odors or fumes, is used exclusively. _The smoker is tben'ready to prepare his "pill." The yen-hok, or dipper, a long, nee die shaped instrument, is put into the opiumreceptacleand turned slowly in the black and sticky substance until a small quantity of opinm adheres to the point.. Itis thenplacedover the 8auw of the lamp, and turning the dippet the smoker rolls and cooks the "pili' until it is ready, for the pipe, The tiny"speck is then thrust into the opening of the bowl, which, held above' the lamp, slowly begins to produi•e opium, fumes,, which are drawn in oy .the smoker through the stem of P pipe.- The "pill" fasts only from thirty to forty seconds, and to enjoy another' smoke the same preparations have t, be repeated. -New York Tribune - Humiliated Hubby. A newly married Couple bad ban •i' little disagreement about some e;ikes whl ,b the wife bad made. The hue band complained that those bis n other used to produce were fat superior On the next day the girl set before nim a plate of hot cakes. "Now yon have achieved 'sn'nletliing he exclaimed enthusiastically,. ''I'hetie vire exactly like what mother usi.421 to mince. Sow did you do Its" MI tr111 g1ve' yon the recipe," replied the wife coldly. "I used margarine In stead'ot butter, eggs a '.year old, -1 put. alum in the Hour' and added 'plenty ot water to the milk." --London 'DIV Bits. :HO 'Didn't' Knew Art. "Where did you get that marble statuette,' my bear" . "Wily; -at llfartino's, -Isn't it lovely? And tench• a' bargain! It Was: inarked 'half oft' Didn't you see the tag?" "Yee,. but 1 thought the tag referred to theDealer clothing." - Cleveland kinin' Untophratictit<od. . "Darling,'" said tee tend youth, pro - fleeing a ring, "whieh Is the right tin. ger?" . ''For goodness' sake, &lgyV' respond- ed the maiden. "don't you ' know? ,Nineteen years old and teeter been en, gaged to a girl,beforet"---Chieago-Prib- 1199. Easy, ]'.hairs-,-8eir ten 1 tiringY tire•eflnt'to his'"ituecer at my tpet?' `Nelly Drop tt; 'dime en the boort, -' Nero Orleans'' 'imea•Democrat. ZURICH Mrs Abel .S>"e of Wit"er1'oo" spent the week' with, her father, Mr. Henry l,;albfleisch,-.• v1Tr, Elgin loess of the Seaforth Collegiate visited his home' here over the hoii.days,--,Banns were called ,on Sunday at Drysdale church for the marriage of Miss Blanche Antoinette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, j, Laporte to Mr, f B. >~renboise, of Sandwich West,-- Mr; and Mrs. David Gottschalk of'13ad Axe attended the funeral of the late Mr, Lehman. 11Ir, and Mrs. Russo and Mr, Abraham Lehman, Jr., of Caledonia Mich„ were also here for a few days, -A very pretty wedding took place .,at the home of Mr. and Mrs Casper Wainer of the Goshen Lino on Wednesday afternoon when theit daughter Arletta was united in marriage to Louis H. Willett,; a pro- sperous young fanner, -Another pio- neer resident in the person of Mr. Conrad R. Wagner breathed his last on Thursday evening in the 79th year of his age. The deceased came to this section' about 40 years ago and for about ten ,years was a i esident of Zurich KIRKTON The Directors of the; Kirkton Agri cultura. Society met on Saturday, af- ternoon The president, Rich. Payn- ter. gave a short and interesting ac- count of the meeting, in Toronto, John Hazlewood and Samuel Doupe, were appointed a committee to look af- ter repairs to, the grounds caused by the storm. A committee was also ap- pointed to rent the ground for pas- ture • The Society decided to ;again;. hold a standing field' competition for fall wheat. Ge orge Bentley, died in London at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. Paynter with whom he had been stay. ing this winter, He was one of the, first settlers in this neighborhood, ]tied spent the greater part of his lif>r here. The remains were l.rottgbt front Landon• and buried in Rirkton Cemetery. The late Mr. Bentley was one of the oldest directors o: the Agricultural Society, Pais wife died ri u a year ago. Besides the dau- ghter he •is survived by .a, son Leslie ,Sentiy, of Jllanshard Tp. Misses A. and G. 'Burton of "Icor- onto spent the Baster holiday at the Parsonage, --Rev. ;lacc1eston. ctt Paan tort' preached, in Set, Paul's Church on Sunday evening, -.Mr.'s, Chas. Ir- vine, ,and little son Lawrence, left on Monday for their home in Webb Man- itoba, -Mr, and Mrs, Ira Marshall re- ceived a nice little Easter gift Sun- day morning, Its twins, a boy and a girl. BLANSHARD=-Geo, Spenria w: ir'le up forty feet on a windmill, was overcome by what was thoti;ht was a slight paralytic stroke,. 1 -le nnana ed toharp on, until his son ccoul 1 reach hint and bring him down. Iii is progressing favorably. CLINTON Alfred: Miller died nn Tuesdaw; last after a week's illness death being due to paralysis. The deceased was a native of Goderich township and had spent practically all his .life in Clinton and ,surrounding vicinity A family of four survive, : MITCHELL --.A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Dr, and UM. Armstrong here when their dau- ghtei Mist, Mildred Kathleen became the,' bride of Dr. F. G. Thompson. Dr,. -and Mrs. Thompson have left fora. Vancouver, where they will reside CLINTON-St. Paul's church was. the scene of an interesting event on Tuesdav morning when Mary Eliz- abeth youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. R J. Cluff, was united its marriage to Mr. Nicholas Albert Phoenix of Hamilton. ?Dow:. ADORESED TO WOMEN _ IOTA Case oV'NPves?" • Pierce's * Hot flashhes, dzziness, fainting spells, backache, headache, bearing -down pains, nerrournesa--all are symptoms of irregalarity and female disturbances and are not beyond relief. -' isn • Favorite Prescription is that of *famous physician unusually experienced in"the treating of women's peculiar ailments. For forty years it has been recommended,:to suffering womankind. Thousands of women. canbear witness to its beneficial qualities. Perhaps its aid is all that is required to restore to you perfect health and strength. Now is the time to act, write Dr. It. V. Pierces, Buffalo. It AM NOW CURED Mss. Doieanc 8oacsas, of San Francisco, Calif., writes "I: take say in behalf oomroeadn¢ your wonderful remedies, and wish. to say in behalf at through Parents Ie ant tion' and rd of the Medical D,aco4ery that through their use l am now cured of the various troubles that a woman= heir' to. These remedies cured rue when others failed and, I' therefore resolve to take as other. I thank you for your advice." YOUR DRUGGIST CAN SUPPLY YOU IN LIQUID OR TABLET F011I3I cell �' 27 ALE --- STOUT --- LAG -ER PURE — PALATABLE — NUTRITIOUS — BEVERAGES FOR SALE BYWINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to ,JOHN L A $ATT, Luyurrv, LONDON, CANADA CE.' IF ari/.irn/df1Y.VA.41 tAlk IttleAlistet A?.n'titaraY,V.NAWIVGn^r. /Mlfit/A/A iltAVAINTes There's n� fuss "'or bother ' about getting a meal, with Kellogg's Toasted ".Corn Flakes in the house. . Always readyto serve, fresh, tasty • and nutritious, . Sold by all Grocers at 10c the package. took for this • signature. 4 1 h 11 y 1 4 1 4 r 4 4 4 4 -4 1 1 a 4 .1 1 y 4 -i s w 1 -41 1 d d -114 4 4 1 4 1 1 1 ^I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1