HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-4-3, Page 4e r• • . F or h r •' et*:mei Sanders. ae Creech, Props. UltSIDA.Y ,A,PR,. .413 INTENDED TO HAVE CLOSURE Premie't,l3orden has announced that the Parliamentary anarchy which has recentlyexisted by which the Op- positior. has succeeded in holding up. the business of the country for sev- ral weeks through sheer physical .en- uranct must cease and that the King's .. businessmust proceed. He has served notice that if the Liberal bloc- kade of the naval business or govern - mere legislation continues •the Govern tuent will tll mov e aha t: ngeint the rules of the hoose which will facilitate buss 'aces Bath Great Britaiu—the Mother of Parlianlents—and the American Congresss have strict closure rules ; similar incidents to what have occurr- ed its the Canadian House forced the United Kingdom and the United Stet- ,esin tc brines the closure. Thr announcement of . the Premier can hardly be said to have been re- ceived with enthusiasmby the Liber- als and Sir Wilfrid Laurier hss conie put with a declaration' that the late Government persistently declined to snake any changes in the rules. 1 -10W - ever., from statements made by Sir eelkeilfrid's followers it ;is very evident 'that the Liberals if elected in 19111 would have immediately . intcoduc:ed closure Hon Sidney Fisher speaking as a member of the late Government made the following announcements - on three -different occasions. On August lst' 'N.911 at Waterloo, he said,—"If wd are returned to power we will pass: =reciprocity and we will also pass a -measure changing the rules so hat the business of the country may go :briskly forward without obstruction. "It is only right that it should be so Full investigation we believe its, but -empty obstruction is a• drag on the country," At Magog on; Aug. 19, and at Knowlton on Aug. 21 of the same year Mr. Fisher made similar state- ments A rather important change '' was 'made • recently m in a municipal Toll in committee of the Legislature, per- taining to the tinein' which a aersoi. sustaining injury on a high- -way may enter action against' a munlpality to recover damages. fere after it will be three months .nstead of thirt- days, It was contended that 'the 3(' days' 'notice often defeated by fits short period the object or which -.the provision was inteedel, ' The 'ninety days* notice will serve oetter 'to protect the .interests of the poo: and the ignorant riernbers of etbe community. The Laurier way of spending; Duh- lic money has been exemplified. In the Quebec Bridge. disaster. In the construction of the National Transcontinental - Railway , at ' tour hundred per cent. more than its estimated cost. In the erection . of the Laurier tow- er which fell down and the Museum Tower which is breaking away from the main building. In the creation of huge fortunes for middlemen, Did Laurier have a mandate from the people • .when, right after the elections of 1904, he introduced 'leis PIanto conunit the country to the building of a new transcontinental.r ail way If "Cox couldn't wait" in 1904 ateithea can the Empire wait at the o t presento present moment. . The p's1 1't'o n of Laurier and his blockers is not only unpatriotic but it, is absurd. Can ada is anxious to increase the effec- tive naval forces of the Empire, and she knows she can do it in the way, .Mr. Borden proposes. _ty_ • Wil. the . Borden naval proposals auakc you poori Will theinere -fact of aidine the motherland in the way she wishes such aid to be ,riven' encrease your self respect? These. are questions every true Canadian eau answer easily and promptly. If the King's Government is.to; be, carried on the majority must .rule, and that is exactly what. Mr. Borden" and his 'supporters' in the,,.gouse of Commons intend doing. Creditor* Picdgins &c Trevethick have re- t•eivee the first lot of their spring shipment of buggies, They carry the nebby style at right prices, Mr G. H. Redfern was returned to Toronto after a week's visit with Mrs. August Ewald, Mrs. Redferi. remains with her mother ior a few more weeks. A bus -load of our checker players went to Exeter on Monday ;tight for a friendly game but on their ar- rival there no arrangements could be made for a game so they came dome as they went. It is reported that the Exeter players will come back here some time ext tiOur boys pro- mise week. , ro- x mise them an interesting time, We have some good heads at this game. The petition for the rural , hail boxes out of Crediton, has been sent in tc the PO. Dept.63 have Isked for boxes. It is expected t Ile Dept: will soon ,advertise for tenders to. distribute the mail over this route. Last Friday evening, the C. 1, C. Young Men's Adult Bible Class of the Evangelical Church entertained the Young Ladies' Class by furnishing' a splendid program in the church and then to an excellent ;up- per in the I, O. F. Hall. A year ago the Yount, Ladies took this step and it was up to the boys to return the compliment They did it in right, royal stylo and the girls have a high opin- ion of the "Class in 'the Corner". Mr. John Mast had an auction sale of hie house and household effects on Tuesday. The- house and two lots •soldvery cheap. Price was $210. to Geo, Holtzman; It is a snap and Geo. stands to make good out of this deal The .;sale was well attended but nri- cee .were low: • The grist -mill roof has been re- pairetr and the stock replaced. . That The of the flax -mill has been re- placed also The flax -mill will be offered for sale on Thursday. Since this is Crediton's only factory, some of out monied men ought to take the ;matter in hand and. keep this indus- try moving. People say the town is point down >Little wonder when the tnonei goes elsewhere to build up other places and nothing is done for the home place. ' Last Sunday evening Rev. Burn preached a special sermon to the Juniors of the Y.P.A. Several splen- did selections were sung by the Jrs. Miss Lulu Gaiser has returned to Lender. and Miss Pearl GGaiser and Miss Tillie Oestreicher, to Toronto to continue their studies. What might have been a serious matter occurred at the home of. Mrs. Magdalena Geiser one . day last week The recent storm blew' off the chim- nee- which gave . the coal stove a poor draft and caused the gas fumes to come out of the stoveand fill the room where the aged lady and her daughte were. They were found un- conscious but are now able to be. around again. Dashwood Misses Annie and Lavine Hanover spent the Easter holidays at - their homehere returning to Goderich on- Wednesday.—tdrs, Jacob Hanover was caller toavin tratfo d o to the S r g death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. An- thany Weiss... -.Mr. Joseph . Wambold and family have moved to Exeter to reside The Post Office has been moved to new quarters, Mr. Geo. • Keller- mann's block with Mr. Henry Willert as postmaster. Miss Hingst and Miss Webb, ;after spendine the Easter holidays at their' respective homes in Mitchell and Lucknow have resumed their duties as teachers. Mr John Hall of London was re- newine acquaintances in town this week The Y. P. A. of the Eyangelical Church will hold a concert' in the Town Hall on Friday night.. This will be al excellent concert and no ,;aer-: son should miss it. OENTRALIA.. Messrs. Frank Sophia' and. ' Jack White returned on Saturday. evening .after spending :about three months in fNorthern Ontario.' Mi. Richard"Neil is on the sick list J and underthedoctor's:care of the. n homy of Mr. and Mrs. T. 'Ned. The auction sale of •Mr. E. Ryas was called off, Mr. Ryan having sold the property and household effects. to F. Sophia. Mr. Ryan has engaged a,room and will remain here with Mr. and Mrs. Sophia. - Mrs Geo. Stewart and daughter left on Monday for their home in V Calba art after spending three months with Mrs W.. Hicks. r The Epworth League Anniversary on Sunday and Monday was quite a success . The -services on Sunday by Rev _Baker were much appreciated and the Tea Meeting and Concert on Monday evening was not the old :'ash t Toned kind but an up-to-date affair, The Proceeds amounted to about $35 Mr Victor Blatchford lett on Tues- day morning on a trip to Detroit. Mi W • T. Colwill left on . Tuesday • on a trip to the .West..: He will be aosent• about six weeks. •= Tuesday April lst,' was moving day Mr J. Smith moved' to the farm of Mr W. R. Elliott, Mr. Percy„Web- ber to the farm of Mr. Vlr, T, tot - will and Mr. Frank Sophia to the esidence of Mr. Edward Ryan which he ,recently purchased. . Mr, W Reilly and E. Ryan were tt London on business Wednesday. • 43Rilel,SLEY—X. _quiet e lc tg ,;,fins sold -fa: sed at athe rectoryeefWcan,'by Rev"" Lowe'`' era= Wednesday evening, whet . Mr. W. McWilliam of Clande- 'boye and Miss Susan Cunningham of .23rinslev were .married, • • 'mtario Liquor License •Act .License District of South .Huron PToticeia hereby given that the.Stiard• of License Commis -loners for the License District of south .1Pdron'aill meet at QOMMERCIAL •.HOTEL, 'IN. THE VILLAellE OF ngssALL ."A'L`URDA Y, APRIL 22nd, 1013 1„r AT 10 A. m., Cot the purpose of considering apptication9 for Liquor Licenses far the Liceri9ti it em 1913,14. j1 Altpersune interested will govern' themselves sc. uordtngly 3OIfN TGRSANCIE, License Tnspeetor. Dated at Clintcin on March gist, 101.g. 1! or the currant year there were thirteen taverh .fund no shop 1iCeuses issued., • The total nita•rtb of neplit•attacs fere 1,oengos for After ensuing year la thirteen taVero and na' shop Any paticinn against granting.'7.icenso t . ail' eappaoant or promises meet be lots ate with 'the ,ctadersigasd at least tour day's before 00,6464,6g of She Liootae Board JOBB' Tole tANCe. License Inspector for South ttgrcn ..hated at Clinton this filet day of Metal; 19111 . . GItEENWAY Mr, A, K. Wilson spent the Easter- tide in Toronto,—Mr, Eng- lish ng- lish was home from London F.C,B,C far the holidays.—Mr, Lawrence Ire- land of Strattterd was the guest.of hie "aunt Mrs, Murray.—Class No. 4 o the IVIcthodist Sunday School,aeld a very successful social evening last l;ltdae, -Mt • .t ted Curts who las been 1I4 fof 'some time at his mother's home` paescd away on, Sunday,. • The friends have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood, Mt Noah Harken is attending - the sprint' shows this week with his gray team which won the . red. ticket at al! the'. fairs last fall, We hope ,he may be as successful now as he teas the tall, -,-Mrs: Pervis of Parry Sound is here the guest of her sis- ter Mrs. Hugh McDougal,•. -Mr, . Chas. Kingor of London has returned hole. —Mr. Stewart McQueen is having the interior of his residence remodled,-- Messrs Wm, and John Glenn also Jack Glenn were In Brussels fo r n few days attending the funeral of the late. Samuel Crawford, whose sad. death occurred in Exeter at the fuller - al of the deceased ed sister-in-law. Mr Wm. Glenn remained.—.Miss Mary Elleringten of Toronto is the ,guest of her brother Fred here.— Miss Nan E. Horton is visiting her father in Harpurhey he being i11. Miss Olive Fairburn is the guest o b f her Hunt Mrs 'IrL. W. . Glenn of Crediton is home visiting his par- ents. He is somewhat indisposed — Mr Chas, Kingon ;of London visited relatives here, -=•Miss Platy McQueen of London spent the vacation with het parents h ere.— Mi ss Ellen Hor- ton Mrs John McQueen, Miss Maude Glenn and Miss Nan Horton spent a few days . in London last week.— Mrs ,H 1. Goodfellow and Mr. Toni Glenr of Toronto visited their par- ents here. They were called home to attend the funeral . of their aunt, Mrs 1' M. Kay of Exeter. W HALEN. The Trustees had a bee Wed- nesday oflast week in Mr. Samuel Gunnings bush. A large number were on hand and cut a fine lot of wood for the church, .On Friday they gathered at the church and, repaired the ' damage done by the wind storm to the church and shed. The organ- ized class rendered a splendid pro- gram at their concert last Tuesday evening It was not largely attended owing to the wet night and .' muddy roads.—.The young Blanshard ` youth. who shot himself last week is . im- proving although in a very weak con- dition,—Quite a number from around here attended the clearing auction sale at Wes. Mills on Tuesday. last .tad as usual price*. soared away up.. Mr. Davie Johnston, sr., took charge of the ,service ,here on Sunday owing to the absence of our pastor.—Mr. Dan- iel Hodgson' who left here three year ago and went in partnership with Mr Rowcliffe in Granton, was burned out on Thursday last, Quite a ::lot of goods were saved, frons the fire. The store was leased from Mrs. Murray. It is estimated that had tie store not had a slate roof all that vide of 'Granton would have been swept as al: the rest are frame buildings. BETTER TO I31,' SAFE THAN SORRY G. A. Field of Sarnia, Ont. writes "1 have tried' fivedifferent-lit-ids of fertilizer. on my garden farm this year and car recommend as being . the best by a longway, the Homestead brand which .I bought of • C . - A. Yates It gave- me good results, . I do not say this as an advertisement but simply m 1x to let m y friends knowow the best kind to get because I know it means a lot to, plant and care for. a crop and then have it tarn out, poor I say buy the Homestead and you will be safe..” Homstead Fertilizers are menu - factored and sold by the Michigan Carbon Works, Detroit, Michigan, who will send free to any • farmer ther' ro boko on f ertilize rs't w1h a handsome ccalender postage naid1 They want agents where they are not now represented, Address Michigan Carbon Works, Postoffice Drawer' 814-A, Detroit, aichlgan, ask ing for terms. SI'. MYIARYS-Miss Jean Gal- braith , daughter of Mr. and. Mrs, W Galbraith was quietly married to Mr. Charles James Burns, of „Smith's_ Falls at the home of her parents here on Wednesday:' THEDFORD- March 26,—St.. Paul's Anglican Church at Medford is practically destroyed, the roof was carried trier:': away gable end plotvrl in and wallscracked beyond repair as the result of Good Friday's storm.. F ULLARTON—On Wednesday' a wedding took place .in Fullerton when Martha ICreis, only daughter of Mr.' and Mrs George Kreis, was united. in marriage to Mr. Will Arlogast, , of Stornoway Sask. They will reside in the west: NO MORE DANDRUFF, FALLING HAIR, SCALP ITCH 'Nen and women—do you want a Splendid head or Luocurian't halt' ta:eee from scalp itch and da,tulruff. Do yeti wank hair d,p bew1toh`jtigea radfent that 55 coopers the admigatioln of all who see It. Do yen wla,rt't a sos.41p a.s iminaculatet. ly clean shed brishilt as a newly-,iminted Do you want use a• hairdressing that will surely prevent baldassr, that always re riesh+ea and Invigorates and makes your entire head feel fine. 'hen; spent a'0o1 ' thLs Very day and 'get .a. fixable ot PARISIA1sltt ,ge at any drug stone ee toilet goods rauhi,ter• tine 'it a,s directed and you erns never care to use ordinar'y. o•oa.es agaihis f7o poles. nhu,e eat eee of lead, no Sul, - phut', no lrujtirinrta Lttlerod\"slits: �r I'A.F.tiSIAN saga: A.sk 'far PAlt±SEAN Sage, W S. Cole gus,ratnteas It. rho readersl,t?C1h1ReVlTal;�d�e$i.0(! bo learn �4 TF. BANK, ipat thereto at heat ons cireacled dltleail+a bbM� ac encs t halo baen able to ours la aU its stages, and that ie Catarrh. flail's Catarrh Core to the only podbive cure now known to the medical fraternity. ataxrb ionaltreatment. Hails Qatarrh Pure ie taken le. OF COMMERCE booing a coprttuttona(lissome requires oocetite 't garry, otinhde irseeysttyemu,potnhetrheebbyi+oddeoarond itnngeeothun foundation of the disease, and Wing the patient strength by building up the coni Glutton and assist. !ng nature 01 doing its were. The proprietors have so touch tette, In iia curative powers that they offer one Ilivadess1 Dollars for any ease that it fails to cure. Send fOr list of teetintonlals,. mire*. P. T. Q11 11NDY it CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents, ' TakeTiail'a rainier PHIS for 000s54)a5ion, SA.RRI'TA. The h home of Mr, and Mrs, W; E. Sanders was the scene of a happy gathering on Thursday night last, the occasion , being a reception to their friends.neighbors and t ollo i n g their marriage of a couple weeks ago.. About fifty guests were present and the evening which was spent in music singing, games and. -other harmless amusements was a most enjoyable and pleasant one to all. Supper was served at 12 o'clock cT c• 1. a nd thea m n good things provided spoke much for the culinary attainments of the hos- tess Mrs, Sanders was the recipient of many useful and ornamental pre sents as tokens or regard. A Woman of Few Words Mra. Haxtry H, HYa, Maio, 'street north; Mount Forest, Obilt' errik+s, "tour renmedy' for kldatw, bladder and: •etomauly trouble has given aye great toe et. Have oaken 'three boxes .and. now feel l31te Iivc.ng and better than Ibare telt for yearg anis I give!' ynulr ' PIO. PILLS all the :praise, for they at* 'the best I have ever tried " At• ail dealers. 25c. and 5Go., or This Fig P1t3 Doi:, ' St. T>vom[r,e, Ontario. HHENSA L1 , i. During the past week our people have been making the best ,of the time to repair the damage done by the storm,—The many relatives.. and. friends of Mr. Wm. Bell, our old- est and much respected resident, be- ing in his 91st year, will regret t o learn o• his' present very serious ill- ness His condition issuch that all the members of his family have been advised .by wire. Mr. Robert Carlile, who has spent the winter months at the parental home here, left last week for Saskatchewan where he had been before,—Mr T. Murdock, is putting on a new roof on his livery barn, the old'- one having been very much wrecked by the recent wind storm. If the ' estimates of the Immigra- tion Department are correct, and every citizen adds $1,000 to the working capital of the Dominion, it ought to be profitable from the anon- etary standpoint for every country to protect the children and .see that -hey are given en the opportunity to de - velar intohonest and upright men and women.- BIDDI.ILPH-Mrs, Josephine Brown of the township _ of Biddulph, has issuer' a writ against her husband William Jones Brown, a farmer, of the same township, for alimony, and also claims: interim alimony amount- ing to $7 per week until the date of trial ' The ,plaintiff also asks for the •interin costs. PA k ISLEY— ' x -Reeve Alexander. of 12th concession, Bruce Township, tapped 200 fine maple trees before the storm and after the gale there. were only seven standing. Auction Sale Of HOUSES AND LOTS IN THE VILLAGE OF HENSALt. At The Commercial -' Hotel, Hensen al 2 p.m. Saturday,. April 19, 1913 .The following' houses and lots be- longing to the estate off the 'late G;eo. Petty.— Lot 61 Petty Survey, Queen St. (Hildebrandt) • Lot 62 Petty ..Survey, Queen St (vacant house). • Lot 111 Petty Survey, King'. St. (Zuefle` Lot .lit .Pette; Survey 'Brock St. (vacant lot.) Lot 126 .Petty Survey, Brock St. ,(Richardson.) Lot 131 Petty Survey, Brock •St.,, (Double House). • Lot 138 139; Petty Survey, king Street (Germette). Lot 140 and 141, Petty Survey,King' Street (1'. Welsh). Lot 182-3-4-5-6, Petty Survey, on Queer. and ,Elizabeth (vacant lots) Terms -10 ,per cent on day of sale balance in '30 days. For further par- ticulars apply, to the executors, Rev. W. J Doherty and G. C. Petty. B. S Phillips H. T D. Cooke, Auctioneer.; Solicitor. ray a COLO Ward 1t is wits to say a good word for yourself or your bus1noes, whether your stock fn teas s 1243 t�dor:on • andres Or' Ia"loo?t :�l V,:alit Adlt. aro' the rr ant •� 0rOot,' line of 'cornrrtuntoaitian' to the' besi buyars. camFad WYn, a'w'M.+. rr, SIR' EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D.. D,C.L.,, President, ALEXANDER LAIRD JOAN AIR» General Manager Assistant General Manager REST, � $12.500 000 a CAPITAL, $15,000,000 FARMERS' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every facility for the transaction oftheir banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied ups ed free of charge on application. 8.5 EXE'],'ER BBANGI3-0, L. WAUGH, M,anaiiert Brach.tl at Branch 13to .Crediton he iVloisons Bank Incorporated 1855 Record of Progress for Five Years -1906-1911 • Capital - - $3,000,000 $4,000,000 Reserve $3,000,000 4,60,0,000 Deposits - - $23,677,730 35,042,311 Loans and Investments , 27,457,090 38 854.801 Total Assets _ $33,090,192 48,237 284 Has 83 Branches in .ianada, and Agents and Correspondents i n allthe Principal Cities in the World. A GENERAL BANKING BIISiNBSS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at al Brandies. Interest allowed at highest current rate. BRANCH EXETER . Agents -at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DicxsoN & CABLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON Manager, 8 r. CENTRAL 1 Every Woman 18 interested' and should know - about the wonderful Marvel Whining "Spray Douche STiRATFORD. ONT. 7tttze best practiced training school In Ontario,— arise departments,. COMMER CIAL, STtoR,'1' AND and TELtGRAP E1 . Ali c'onrees aua thomowgh and practicail. Tea faerr are espei-i'enced and gra.dashes are placed in positions. We vivo individual attteneoti. and'st . u dents may enter at any time,. Write for our free catnlog•ue at once, D �- McLACHLA.N, Principal. • BRUCEFIELD—While letting clown a tree that had blown down during the, recent storm, Mr. Frank Lane, London road, had the misfortune to have both bones of his leg broken about four inches above the ankle. He and his brother William were .ising. the saw, when the tree fell and: swerved ved w x falling upon F rank's leg,z t was with difficulty that thebrother succeeded in releasing him. In Any alk of life our Classified Want Ads, will help you. -- If you want a position, yoti can reach the best employers. If you 'want help you can set the • most efficient.- Money-to fficient.`Money to loanor money to bot. roe, Want Ads, cover the entire field. ':ale your druggist for It. I, '15 cannot supply ie 'MARir:L, accept no star, but send stump for lilts- rited btiak -Hied It gtv,•s fail . roar. t :,+lard earl flirectin, irr' uabls A7 ies. t' 11TYal ORStJpj. t' Cly„Wtndeoe.Ont .:teras i gents t',: Co an,l:.. Electric Restorer for Men Lphos[-) lonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension ; restorer vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once, rhosphonol will make you a new man. Price $8 a box: or two for $5.. Mailed to any address. The Scobelll Drug Co.. St. Catharines. Ont. 51. For Sale That desirable frame_ residence .on. Wilt!asn. ,street, ,'Plxe4'er, south of the river. Three iota, �en sand trv ca'ri, etid'en 1 electric ligitbe and furnace. A. numbex ' ot fruit treed and bushes.' Good hard and ,soft • water. For parlticwlatns, app1Y to T. i:I. MCOATattem, EXETER, or B. St PHILLIPS, Auctioneer Fresh Groceries We are now well establish- ed in business and we believe on the 'best of authority `nam- ely that of a daily-increasing business that we are meeting a long felt want, and '-vin g the best of satisfaction. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. JAS. WcRD gies! Buggies! We have just received a car of The famous Brockville lle. Canada ( Carriage Company Buggies These buggies are`. a special lot, specially built' , and specially finished.. The young man 'will be particularlyleased with these bu p buggies. Be sure.to see them. As .they; have been bought in .car lots, we can giveou? them for the right price. Y We also have a shipment of Gray - Campbell p Chatham Buggies .. yes Snell Implement Agent -,- Exeter Ontario