Exeter Advocate, 1913-3-27, Page 7LI[+`L'S.1WLNO1t f, LS "SINCE I C� p � � DaDD, S KIDNEY PILLS CURED MER :KIDNEY DISE,A.SE. New Brunswick Woman '.Tells Sow t She Was Rescued from x11 Uealtl;i by the Twin liteniedies, Dodd's Kidney dills and -Dodd s. Dys• pei►sia Tables. "`NTeguac, Allain P. 0. 1Mar, 24 (Speoi31),-Mrs. 'Joseph G. Savoy, a well-known resident of this l ilaco, whose ill -health has been a 'matter of much concern to heti: friends,,. is telling of the cure she found for all her troubles in Dodd's Kidney .Pills and Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets. "My health is fine now,", Mrs, Savoy says, in an interview. , "The bpains are golfs from my side and ack, and when,I go to bed 'I can sleep.: 'Before • x .'started ,using Dodd's Kidney :Pills and Dodd's DyspepsiaTablets I '`could not eat anything heavy, such as meat, but Inow I . can eat practically what I please .with no i11 effects." Mrs, Savoy was in a generally 'rundown condition, ' and her cur came about .by using the natural remedies. Dodd's Kidney Pills cuaed and invigorated her kidneys, 'thus purifying her blood and im- proving the circulation. • Dotld'ls Dyspepsia Tablet ' S'1nsured proper digestion of her food, thus furnishing the body with the nu- trition it required.. Women with healthy '.kidneys andsound diges- tion can afford to laugh at, the minor ills of life. , The Thing`to D'1•. What shall I say if Mr. Blink- ton asks me to marry him?" asked the young woman. . • "Don't bother; . about studying .vhat you will say," replied Miss Cayenne, "Rehearse an effort to look surprised/' dEarion. Bridge, 0- B., May 30, '02. I have handled MINARD S LINIMENT during the paet year. It is always 'the - first Liniment asked for here, and unques- tionably the best seller .of all the differ- - ''ant kinds, of Liniment I: handle. NEIL FERGUSON. Greater . Capacity. • "What de you mean by getting drunk: when I send you out with a prospective customer ?" asked- the merchant. "You told me to take the man's measure," explained the profligate son—, "This man had a greater ca- pacity than I had." Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast Via Chicago and North Western Railway, On sale daily,. March 15th to April 15th in- clusive, from all pointe in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Salt Lake City, Seattle, 'Victoria, Vancouver, Nelson, Roseland, and many other points. Through tourist sleepersand' free reclin- ing chair cars from Chicago. Variable route. Liberal stop overs. For full .In- formation as to rates, routes and litera- tnrte, writs or eall on B. R. Bennett, Gen- eral Agent, 46 Yonge Street, 'Toronto. A man may have great conver.- satibnal aabilities, says one who is rearmed, and still have. few conver- sational opportunities. Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cow,. Why does nota successful man al- ways 'give his friends. :.the same brand of advice that he usess•in his. own business? • PILES CORED IN 6 TO,1.4 DAYS riour druggist will rotund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any ease of Itch. Ing, Blind. Bleeding or'Protruding Piles in i to 14 days, 50d. ."Pop, what is the difference be- tween an artist and an artisan ?" "An artisan, my eon, can . "usually make at least $3 'a day." Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. "What business are you` engaged in ?" "Collecting:'; , "Collecting swhat V' ."The living the 'world owes rise." "Do you really -love rise V' she ;wrote. "Referr'ing to my last 1<•'t - ter," he promptly replied, "son will find that: I love you devote fly on page one, madly on page three, , andpassionately on pages four and five, mu. nInu ELr;';3 WJT. Many are the stories told. of Et. Hon, 'Mr, Birrell, His wit 14, Irre- pressible. When things wore going` badly with his Education bill he meet a bishop; who said to him; "I am afraid your bill is dead," "Yes, it may be, my lard," was Mr, Bir-. cell1• sfi i.i a sw "but I believe in the resurrection of tiie (dead." At the time when the Crown jewels had been stolen from Dublin Castle, the visit of Icing Edward to "Ireland was nearly due, andit was part of lAnaeimlc Mothers Here Is Relief! jou Can Burial Your Worn-out 'Blood and Quickly Renew Your Health It t With Dr. Raiitilton's x'f'ls LP1MPLES'ITCHEQ' -ANS BURN 7. t,, On Arms and Les. CausedRunning . Sores. Would Tear Himself H mself "f ill ;They Bled. Like Open Wounds, - CuticuraSoap and OintmentCured, 03 Stewart St.; T e r a an t 9: Ontyrio,.. "'When my baby was nlr,,o reenthaa, cid he'. bad a lot or pimpies• comp on his aline; a tad. legs wbieh used to come to a head, then break and cause running sores. Thy wore bright rod spots,'. which Relied and burned so badly that ho would tear hirrnseif t1U bo meds them bleed and they were . all like op on wounds, They rroro on: Iris face and arms so bad that I did not like to take him out, IIs could not *loop or rost anywhgro. I tried several things at hole and lots of different things people used to advise me, but ho did not got et bit better, "I bathed each place In warm water anal' Cuticula Soap and then I put scum of the Cuticura Ointment on and bound them up in soft rags and he slept, better that night than he had for three weeks, and he did not scratch himself once that night. I did that for three 'days, night and morn- ing, when we noticed the sores were get-. ting drier and healing, so I bought a cake of .Cuticura Soap and a box of Outi- curs Ointment, and after a week and a few days there" was nota blemish on (Signed) Mrs. F West, ];'ob. 2s, 1912, Cuticula Soap anti Cuticula Ointment aro sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal flee sample of each, with 32-p, ,book, send post card to Potter Drug /k Ohem. Corp., Dept. 3913, Boston,U. 8. 'A. Rt. Hon. Augustine Birrell. Mr. Birrell's duty, as Irish Secre- tary, to walk backwards as the King advanced, and to' carry the big, sword • of state. Walking back- wards is not one of`Mr. Birrell's accomplishments, • and he looked forward to the occasion with peculi- ar emotion. When, therefore,' the. horror-stricken•officialsannounced : the disappearance of the regalia, Mr, Birrell replied, "Good heav- ens; I hope they remembered the sword:" . w THE KNOW ROW To Feed Children and Get Good Results. There are more nervous persons made so by undigested food lying in the stomach than the average individual would suppose, If food remains undigested in the stomach, its begins to ferment; set up gas and a large portion is thus converted into poison.. That's .why imperfectly digested food may, and often does, cause ir- ritation of the nerves ' and stupor of the -iniad—brain and nerves are really poisoned, "My daughter ,had ` complained for some time of .a distressed feel- ing in the stomach; after eating, which set me thinking that her diet was not right," writes an _anxious and: intelligent mother. "She had been fond of cereals, ut had never tried Grape -Nuts. From reading the account of this predigested food, it seemed reason- a}5le to try Grape -Nuts for her ase. "The' results were really wonder - The little brain that seemed at times unable to do its work, took n new' life and vigor. Every morn - ng, now, before; going ,;to school, he eats the crisp little morsel`s and now completely and entirely well, he semis to ;have a new lease on fe—no more distress in the sto- ach, nor headache, but sound and well everyway." Name given by anadian Postum Co., Windsor, ni;. Read r,,The Road: to Well Ile," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one pears from, time to time. . They are mine, true, and full of human Interest. • Though marrieds cooking hool graduate, many- a, roan would other fight than eat. O i S is s li re C 0 vi ap ge SC r Minard'sLiniment Cures Cotde, Eto. The average roan takes five and a half pounds of food, and drink each day, which amounts to nearly one ton of solid and liquid nourishment annually. wt;; Try Marine tEyd Remedy NoSmarting.rieotsrine—Acte Quickly. Yo81 it TPy l t for itc,i, weak V'ntory lGyes and ® aranntated. Lyolids, lilustrat 0 Book. E In each Package Minting is corn N �i M rul Min T Chi 500, SO. the poo hav nor ago trot' clay the 'bird rive and nb etre the nig y S pounded eurigculistl+--notaF'Fatent brecuclne" but tined In suecesstul Phyei- od clans' Prattles 1'or 'many years. Nott' QJ dedicated to the Publte mad sold by Druggists at26c+Bac per bottle. -Merino e Eye Salve in Aseptic robes, 250•60e. Murine' Eye 'Remedy Co., Chicago any a meek and lowly, roan. has ed. the roost -as a baby. ard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Lawless ].fiver Population. he river population of Canton,, na, and vicinity is computed at 000. Rapid breeding and con- nt recruiting from the pirates of. West River further up 'keep e with the high death rate. They e no schooling, no religion, no als, no hope. Until three years not even Christian missionaries Iced them ..sad their efforts to - lacking adequate support from homeland, are like throwing -whet against Gibraltar. The ✓ rats are of neees�sity pirati lawless, . A boy floating un - iced and uneared for down the ant some bright ,morning trills tale of a fight or treachery the y ht before or. perhaps days agar'. Suffergr of .Twenty Years States Hamilton's Pills are a Real Cure.' "I can't remember 'any' time during Past twenty years when my heart was aching. If1 bent over, dark specks wo come' before my eyes, and it seemed if all the blood in my body wanted rush to my head," Thusopensthe' le of Mrs. Enooh S. Spry, of Putnam P and continuing her interesting statem she says: "Work .or exertion made heart beat terrible, and "going vpsta caused. Such shortness'' of breath that fairly frightened me.' I tell you how feel,; to -clay and you can understand wh great' dura Dr. Hamilton's Pills ha 'made: 1 feel strong enough now to wo like a man, as for going tip stairs on t run, it doesn't bother me at all. 1 eat a sleep 4any well person ought, and for dizziness which used` to frighten me' much, it has entirely disappeared: 0 Hamilton's Pills are a: wonderful me Gino. They Helped"me, and 1 know eve Woman that uses them will have comfo and good health. Refuse anything offer You instead of Dr. Hamilton's Pills Mandrake and Butternut, 26c. per 'box druggists and etorekeepers, . or the 0 tarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kin eton, Canada. IIOTELS PROTECT GUESS. Dr. the n iild as to Iter .0.; ent my irs it r hat ve rk he nd as so r. di- ry rt ed. of at a- g- Their Operation Entails •Strict At- tention to Details. In a modern hotel properly oper- ated there are scorns of specialists elfiployed for the sole purpose of protecting' the health, property and lives of:the guests., The personal safety-: of the guest inthe room is tastefully considered. Each floor is. operated ass if it werea separate hotel. The floor is in charge of a wolnanelerk, and it is so organized" that all the details of the guest's personal requirements have imme- cliate andsatisfactory attention. No one -can step on to the floor by way of : eitheis the elevator or- the stairs without` being seen by the clerk. Any one desiring to call upon. a guest must first obtain from the 'floor clerk the ,information whether or not the guest is: in and wishes to see him. A record is -kept of every access to guests' rooms. The employees whose duties require them to enter the rooms are be- fore employment thoroughly and carefully investigated. Each one is well recommended and furnishes a bond. :The precautions taken to' protect gainst.fxre are most thorough. The men who run 'the elevators and the engineers whooperate the power plant are selet to with special re- gard to their sobriety-, reliability,. . honesty and stability. The chief engineer of a great mo- dern hotel ranks very high in his 'profession. The power .plant and elevator •system are so carefully supervised asto make it almost irii- possible .for an accident to occur. Each elevator is inspected every night by competent experts, and no elevator which is not in absolutely perfect condition to operate is al- lowed to; remain in service. Learns by Knocks. A ,man never quite realizes how much furniture he owns until : ho triesto walk rapidly through his rooms in the dark. 1 quitckiy stops coughs, cures colds, and heals the throat and lungs. 23 cents. New Baby Brother. Doris was radiant over a recent addition to the family, and rushed out of the house to tell the news to a passing neighbor. "Oh, you dont know what we've got up- stairs !" "What is it?" "It's a new baby brother 1" And she set- tled back upon her heels and fold- ed her hands to watch the effect. "Xon don't say so! Is he going to stay?" "I expect se," very o ioughtftilly—"he's got his things Legrui<cerit, of the bowels is . an absolute necea- city for good health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects there is got rid of at least once a day, it decays and poisons the whole bodyr causing biliousness, hull - golden and sick beadac1ees. Salts and other harsh mineral putgat yes irritate the delicate lining of thebowels, br. Morse's Indian Root Pills --entirely vegetable regulate the boucle etiectively, without weak' ening, sickening or griping. Use Dr. Morse's' lib Indian Root Pilis PRODUCES CANCER; IN RATS. Prof. Fibiger Develops Parasite Prom Cockroach Eggs. Prop. Johannes. Fibiger, director of the Pathological Institute of Cope'nhagen, has communicated some results of cancer research to the Klinisohe Woohen.schrift, Prof. Fibiger found that tumor- ous affections in the stomach and oesophagus of rats were associated with a particular species of worm, which develops from the egg to the larva stage in the bodies of.cock- roaoh.es. He fed healthy cock- roaches with the eggs of these worms, and then healthy rats with. the infected cockroaches, with the result that the "rodents developed` tumors of an unmistakably cancer- ous type. Thus he asserts he has demonstrated for -the first time that cancer can be produced at any rate in rats and mise: by -.the operation of these parasites, The German m@dieal world is veuy reserved in -its opinions as to the Importance of this discovery, past experience with the claims of canner investigators having ren- dered it very •sceptical. YOUlt BABY'S SKIN Is the most delicate fabric in the world. You niay cause it perman- ent harm by using poisonous min- eral ointiitents for the little rashes and "eruptions that every baby suf- fers fr""onz occasionally. Don't take any chances., Use Zam-Buk, the baby's. best balm. Zam-Buk is made from fine her- bal extracts, and is free from any harmful poisonous coloring matter. Like the grasses and the flowers, nature has colored it green. It is nature's own healer ! Just put 'a little Zam-Buk-'on baby's skin, and see how soon it is absorbed; showing con- clusively that the pores of the skin are greedy for it. " .Use nothing but Zam-Buk for baby's skin troubles and wash with Zam-Buk Soap. All druggists and stares spll at 50c. box, or post free from. Zam- Buk Co., Toronto, for price. , Re- fuse harmful substitutes and imi- tations. Ia Not As Other Men. It is a great misfortune to any- one to conceive+ and cherish the idea that he is :not as other men are -- that he is" of finer clay and of su- perior orderof natureand re- quires' certain dispensations of life and a par"titular ordering of events in relation to himself to enable him to endure this mortal pilgrimage at all. It is a misfortune, first, be- cause it is difficult to provide a suffi- cient number of persons of this con- viction to ,ensure the desired com- forts of his life; and, secondly, be- cause, if a large I,>aroportion•, er even all with whom he comes in contact, were so persuaded, it would so isolate him in an atmos- phere of .selfishness that his better nature would be absolutely stiffed and dwarfed, and in time killed—if that immortal part of tts which is our better nature can die, Could Afford It.. "My dear, my salary has been raise" "God,od., Now I can start in being extravagant." Thinks Swearing Alt Right Providing the provocation equals oho of, fence at 'ones stenting on Smith's coma. Far hatter, to use Nth nin'g. Corn Extrae- tor;-t-it does pure eorris and warts in one day,, without pairs. Try "Putnani's," free ram aelds,, and painless, »rlee 25e. at all dealers. WOMEN UVE LONGER. Do 11Yoi Expend Their Vital Strength ' Unneo.easttr;ly. Statistical prove that women live longer .than men. From this point ari res an ,". extremely Interesting physiological question ---how is it to be accounted for that the sex, which r ilways has been Considered physi- cally frailer than men should in the majority of instariuesoutlive men:? If we' are to believe the "latent authorities on the •subject; we find that women are much more tena- cious of life and desist :disease much more readily than the average man. She is in many respects the superior: of the two. As ak ru]e, she aloes not expend; her vital strength unnecessarily, while the majority of men either in work, in play, or in pleasure, are literally :prodigal of their store, A writer has turned out some in -a 'structive comparative figures with regard too the liability of nien and women to disease and •deatll. He says from 3 to 35 'years of age the death rate between the sexes': re- mains about even, but afterwards the scale turns in favor of women At 40 a woman has seventy-eight. chances to "one against dying, while man has only forty-nine chances to. one. At 60 the odds are nearly twice as large in favor of woman, and at 80 they are five times as great. Prof: Sargent of Harvard says their fi 'gitres are changing' to resem- ble more the men: More height, deeper chests, smiller hips . - To Ease Tight Chest And Cure a Cold Rub 'On Nervi fisc No Remedy Ralf So Efficient. '°I didn't have to suffer long with a sore, wheezy chest. I had a mighty bad cold—it held me like a vise, but I knew what to do 'I took half a teaspoon. ful, of Nerviline in hot water and rubbed my neck and chest every half hour dur- ing the evening. You would hardly credit the way Nerviline loosed up that tight chest, enabled me to breathe like a free man,gave me ' comfort in a ` few hours." • This is the experience of 8, P. Durand, a well known resident of 'Burton's Cor- ners. In thousands of homes Nerviline is used every d'ay. 14 a little child has a sick stomach.. "just a few drops will suffice. If there is, any bowel disorder or diarrhoea, only a small dose is required. Inwardly or outwardly, wherever- there is Pain or inflammation, Nerviline will al- ways relieve quickest andcure surest of any remedy :known.. Family size, 50c.; small bottle 25e. at all storekeepers and druggists, or The Go., Buf- falo, N. Y. - ICEBERG LIKE A RAPIER. Action of Air and Waves Causes Berg to Sink in Low Water. Usually the s whole submerged part of an -"iceberg remains con- stantly surrounded with cold water and thus melts uniformly and slow - This, however, is the case only with the lower surface and the parts of the side walls that are quite deeply sunk. The parts •just below the surface undergo usually a more intense fusion than the rest. This results from a more rapid renewal of the chilled water, produced by the agitation due to waves and to surface currents. In this case- a sort of circular gorge is, melted out around the berg, immediately below the level of the sea, and the result is an ex- cess of weight in the parts subject- ed only to aerial makings. These, being ill supported, shortly' sink be- low. At this stage the berg seems to reach out under the sea and rip open, the hull of a .ship as with a rapier. Simple, friction against the sub- merged part of such an iceberg may, almost without shock, produce long tears in the relatively thin hulls of large vessels. The loss of the Titanic is perbap.s due to an accident of this kind. ♦y ' The family remedy for Coughs and Colds. Shiloh costs so little and does so much 1" Due. In but a few short weeks she'll say "My darling, grab thy mace And beat those rugs for isle, I pray, Housecleaning's taking place." TO CURE A COL~ D1N ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tabiet+S. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure, F, W. GROVE'S signature is on each bot, 26c. Old Coins Broken. They had an ingenious plan for: meeting a shortage of small change in the old days before copper coins existed. Until the reign of Edward I: the silver penny was thesmallest coin. tainted in England, ` to the great inconvenience of the small purchaser of the perloel, But the difficulty was to some extent got: over by the issue of pennies indent- ed with a deep cross. The Coin could then be broken into half- pennies and farthings. Our fiss't real copper coinage only dates from 1012, and until the time of Edward, VI, farthings of silver were toined, Suossismolsoilsossosimpar IT $ AT+,VIES maxima OF PEOPLE Worth ,lour while to test It IPTON'S TEA Sustains and Cheers: inswesmossum GLOVES Thal Are Guaranteed • Why take chances in buying a pair of gloves when you can get apesitives guarantee backed by Canada's largest glove factory in„lbe, ELL Pinto Shell Gvea made, from specially tanned horse- ;. hide, Guaranteed wet proof, 'grind proof, steam' and heat proof. Send for Illustrations, • HUDSON iBAYI KNITTING .CO., Canada's Expert Cleve and 85111 &fakers. MONTREAL. F. ARMS FOR SALF. H. W. DAWSQN, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. '1.31” OOD STOCKPARROL' 500 ACRES with Three. Rouses, large Bank Barn. &fust be sold nulek. Price is very low, FFV3ItAr, DESIRABr,ni FARMS, IN. t.7 Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan. that can be bought. Worth the money far (Mick sole. , T HAVE- OVER ONE HUNDRED :ttOOD farms in different Sections of Ontario on my list. If you want a farm consult me:. ►'- l" ns wants Tgrontp,. �{ Ir'rl'Y ACRES IN BRANT • COUNTY Frame house. number of outbuild- Ings, Owner anxious to sell, going to Northwest. The Western Real Estate ''Ex- change, London, Ont. rARM IN SASKATCxEWAN EQUIP• ped• in crop; must sell; termd easy.. Percy Love, Iiawarden, Sask. STAMPS AND COiNS. 1t' TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED `I)IP- ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue, Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company, Toronto, MISCELLANFO'.Is' EES FOR SALE—ONE HUNDRED first class colonies of Bees, partly Italian, in Eight' frame Langstroth-Hives. Delivery in May. R. F. Holtermann,. Brantford, Ontario. Canada. ,f t ANOEII, . TUMORS. LUMPS, Baas / internal' and external, eured with. out nain by our home treatment. Write' Os before too late. Dr, Reliman Medical no.. Limited, f:ollinswnnd. Ont. el eLL STONES, l tI)_N.EY AND 'bt.,AD• IX der Stones, . Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Remedy, "Saner." price 51.50, Another new remedy for Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure cure, Icy . "Sanol's Anti -Diabetes." Price 52.00 front druggists or direst, The ..Sanol Manufas• Luring Company cf Canada, Limited, Winnipeg, Man. CHENILLE CURTAINS and alb kin de o1 horse hangings, also LACE CURT DYED NEW CLEANED( - Write to us about yours. Gold Medalist. 611rISH AMERICAN DYEING CO., Box 233,Montreal Maypole Soap THE CLEAN HOME DYE Gives rich, even colors, free from streaks and absolut- ely fast. bsolut-elyfast. Does not stain hands or kettles 24 colors,avill give any shade. Colors 10c, black 15c, at your dealers or post - paid with. booklet 'How to Dye" from Xoq F. L. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal l w: syr Homes, Mules and Cows. They are healthier and render bettor service. when the heavy coat that holds the wet sweat and dirt is removed, they are more easily kept cloan, look better —get mora good from their feed and arc:better In every way. insist on baviag The• Stewart Ball Rearing F Clipping Machine it turns easter, clips faster and closer .and stays sharp longer than any ' other, - Gears are all file hard and", k cutrrom. solid etoetbar. FRiCE a They aro enclosed, rro- •, 4 r 1 ttlefrland t omin llttlea•oar. ltoew tyaebeflexibe Sha andthecelebrated Stewart single tension clipping bead, highest grade, Bei one from your defter; -�•: -, ..l,,,,,, everymachluo guaranteed to Please.. CHIcAs0 FLEXIBLE SHAFT C0.t 593 La Salle Ave. ClifoAGQ, ILL, Write torcomplete new catalogue showing world's largtet and meet modern 11ne-ot titularell ppin w sand sheep shoal -Ink. machines, nailed tree en ropuest, growing smaller and smaller as the value of silver increased. ---London .Chronicle. And a lot of modesty' is only skin deep,; CONSULTING ENGINEER ENDORSES GIN PILLS 1913roaci way, New York. bought.sotne of your GIN PILLS at Victoria, B.C. last September. Your remedy T find, at Go years of age. to give perfect relief froth tits Ikidney and Bladder Troubles incident to One of my age. f urgently recommend GIN PILLS 'to friends as being the one thing that does tee good," la G. WOODY'ORIS. sec. a box, G for its.so. Money back if GTN ?ILLS fail, Sample free if yott, write National' Drug and C:hetnical Co. of Canada, i,iftiited, `Throats. 1pi