HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-3-27, Page 1Iia N JW Tfat3Si SttieSC IettatION thew is the term to wall in, and reeve your oub,seripteon to The ,tedvoca'te ue- hewed: We atm to gave you ell ' trre Weal Wawa to canniest and tate/Meth semen, and we beeteve vire tine up to the elaitn, %Yelp a.rong the good, work: ' WElarreaaraB TEAR EXETER,, ONTARIO TWO DAYS LATE A mixup in the G. T, R. freight business caused The Advocate to be tea days late last week, Local, Items Mr Win Atkinson visited at Clin- ton this week. Mrs ,(lar.) McGiilicu ldy spent Eas- ter it West Lorne, Mrs Waugh visited with relatives in Toronto this week, Mr A. J. Ford and family epent Good Friday in London, Mr Alvin Brintnell of Victoria Har- bor ie .`home for Easter holidays. Mrs, John Welsh and grandson spent the holidays in London 'Iown-• ship, Miss Stella Gregory of Chatham is visiting lief mother, Mrs. Thos. Gre- gore Mr, John Welsh, Loudon Road north was ,in Toronto last wee', an bush,. ss . Mr Robt Gibson of Galt is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kernick and ' other relatives, Mr Geo Armstrong of Paris spent pare of the week with his brother, Mr, , Armstrong. Mrs Brown of London spent the( h*liday; with her parents, Mr, and Mrs: J E Dignan. Mises Bennett of Blenheim, a guest of Mrs (Dr;) Quackenbush duringthe holidays returned Monday, . I,1r, Fred. Hawkshaw of Toronto spent Good Friday with his parents here his father being still -quite e1. 11r T. H. McCallum was in Tor- onto last week attending the meet- ce the International Assets Company. Mss Lydia Handford or Toronto accompanied by Mr. Geo. Griffiths, spent the holidays at her. home here bliss Weatherill,teacher, returned Monday from a visit at her home .in Wyoming. Asdid also Miss Edmund aftera visitat her home near Blyth. h Miss Victoria Miners, teacher; of Goderich Miss Ida Rowe, teacher, of Folden's Corners, and Miss -Gladys I4estle, teacher, of Harrow, are -siert- ing at their homes here. '4a e Mrs. Annie Sanderswho s se n h the past. two years enga a ed on the Jarvis Record, returned to her home here Fricke and left Monday ror Waterloo where she has accepted a r.: jisi.tion. • . Mr Jas. .Nieuwe, member of the 'Manitoba Legislature and his daugh- ter Miss Jessie, . are visiting fri- ends and relatives in Stephen, Exe- ter and Kippen, spending Tuesday' the guest of C H. Sanders. They avir1I return to their home in the. west about the first of the month Mr• M TS S'DA'Y„' MARCH 427, 1913.. � Geo, Bedford was in London: on Cunication iS OLLT. BBSNNG AT mem s+twn ea the year whenn,. ytrtt ire ;ronewJurg Your ;newspaper Wub- eeriptieeva Tie ,Advocate elubs with all, the Witty` Weekly aid Daily private)- and the Ma,gaalinoe at, terms 'that are a eta ineeetarnent. call end .: get our z'atee, sealeSdaleS to MEMOS on ay c�nnxere '�nr;5torrri IViss. W. D. Clarke visited in Lon, ;,. den this week, r i LETTER FROM RItV, R. I-IOBBS This: district experienced the >vost Mr Walter Bailey of Toronto visit- senate grid destructive wind storm To the Editor of The Advocate. ed friends hexa. in many years on Good Friday and a Fred Bowden of London was here Dear Sir; -I feel -that it is due ;to Brea' deal of damage was 'done, for the holidays, a large number of your readers, who The wind came from the.:south- t Mr Robert Leathorn of London is are my friends,;that I shouldnalce wes an . rnc:rnasing in force al l the a public acknowled ement of their morning had reached at noon a vel- apendinu a few days here, g eerie ot, about 75 miles an hour, sand Mr Nelson Northcott of Stratford abounding liberality, sympathy and continued so for many hours; even spen the holidays at his home here, good -will towards the late pastor of at ;light the wind had only slightly the. James Street Methodist church abated. Mr.J G Staribury attended the a Nearly ever It was. almctst impossible. for pedes- funera' of the late Dr, Eastwood i` in your town. A few days ago . I y property in town or 'one hundred` and forty-six .dollars n received a cheque for the sum of country had sone damage done to it, Whitby Mr Frank Sweet returned to Sarnia and twenty-five cents, together with titan:: to proceed along the street, Tuesday eventing after spending rhe an address assuringnee that this ex- and dangerous from flying sticks, holiday: here,pression of lovegand good -will by boards bricks, sheet iron, etc. Mr, Harry Triebrter of Atiburn is number. ofmy, friends, ie in consider- The storms seems to have been gen 'spending. the Easter holidays at his ation of the fact, that they believe eral 'throughout Western Ontario, und home in_Stephen., that my claim made to the James worse in many places than in Exeter. i',Iiss Emma Guenther of Dashwood Street Official Board for thei , pay- About two-thirds of the barns ,. in spent the holidays, with her a ester meat of pulpit supply during my i11- the surronding country were totally* Mrs, Ed, Harness, Hess for the: conference year'of 1.91.1- or partially unroofed, anc"i here and 12 was legitimate and right; accord- there. we hear of a barn, collapsing ale- Luther Reynolds of Hay left ing tc the law and usage of the Meth altogether, Tuesday :for Saskatoon, Sask., AV here odic, church. Nevertheless they as- The damage done in• Exeter ind, he intends remaining: sura me that the above remittance vicinity at*ill run into thousands of 11r. Henry Reynolds. and wife- ?eft doe; ,not in any degree release the dollars and it would •be inrpass blo Wednesday morning for Dundas to quarterly official board from its Oa- to enumerate the destruction, reside at least for a time. -: ligation Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Hawkins spent ' i Thia the third g' the holidays with' their daughter's, great tan ible D Braund's carriage shop was part Mrs Percy Pollard in Windsor, to of the profound sympathy of ly blow -over, £, G,'Seidon's weigh the James Street Congregation with scale buildin Mr, and Mrs. Leis and son of Ber- their former pastor, which has done g was' toppled over and lin and Mr, and Mrs. Guiltyand two the beam bent; the shed at the rear ' more to help him oven one of the of Connor Bros.' old machine shop daughters of Waterloo, after spend- hardest places of his life, than he my the holidays. with Mr and Mrs a find lap t e' was completely demolished; the IN EXETER • can rn gunge o express. en the- rectory Ed. Fahner -returned to their homes chimneywas blown Tuesday It seems that a great deal of ails- down and crashed through the roof understanding has arise out theinto the kitchen, arisen ofi r e whereCollins 1 Mrs. C It matter of my claim upon the Tames.had stoocl�;•just a few minutes before, --Leon, CAUGHTIN PRESS Street quarterly official•board, for the but luckily she had moved to another TteoIe. .who is engaged at the Times payment of pulpit supply during my part of the house; thus escaping what office met with a painful accident illness of last year, which by ;your might have proved fatal. The vegan- on Monday last, He was engaged in permission, Mr• Editor, I would like dah in front of Dr. Hyndman's and running. the Gorden press, when in to correct,. We have inthe Confer- Dr. .McGillicuddy's offices was torn tine aadjustment t h attain a to ke t oQ an Pr mthed theContingent topieces and also verandahs ' f index and second fingers of the left once what is tailed t Con ing t no Fund; Collections are - taken up on Mrs. Harnessand Mr. L. 14IcTaggart hand were caught in tare machinery all the circuits in the Conference ev- were bloven down: Chimneys e. were mangling: the index finger badly and ery year to pay medical expenses, blown' froth the houses of E,Christie, taking the top of the other off s t funeral expenses, pulpit supplies, etc Misr Balkwill, W. 11 Weekes, i,Cob- the joint It will be some time be- Subject of course, to certain regu- bledick, R, G. Seldon, and from the fore he will have the. use of the_ Iations (see minutes of Conference} Commercial Hotel, and Murray's Ma- rniuiec fingers again.- I made no application to conference chine Shop. Part of the roof was for any help whatever from, this fund lifted from Mr, Jos, Hawkins. kit - though I think' that the "special fie- chin Huron Street, and Mr. L Arm-. SHOT AT WHALEN cessrties, of my case would have strong's tchen. The west end sof ..1-•-f rightly entitled me to some help the rink. As rnoved from its found - " Accident -What might from this fund, But I based my ation and';considerable of the iron have proveda fatal shooting accident claim upono n the followingregulation,was torn off,and the wholestr ct - occurred here on Saturday 1ast,while HamelY .That ip. the case of hetes- ure seemed doomed to destructron, ministerialsu 1 e t wind `11 ,� •- ar and authorized Mr N trop Kes les mi went� Albert the young son of Mr, Albert. s ysupply i Knowles of Blanchard, was out hunt- on account of affliction or death er; a part of the roof of the G.T.R. ing muskrats. The young man had :where the circuits are competent, the freight : shed_ was torn off, also a.r_ar just shot one and not killing it outs expenses of such supply shall be paid' or ewe co; the switches were wrecked right he seized the gun by the bar- by the circuits, etc. I thought all Considerable roofing on the Canning rel and struck it with the stock. Thu tha: would be necessary would be factory was stripped off and the force of the blow causes the second to call the attention of the Record- chirnnep on the. Old Temperance aloa barrel to discharge, the contents en- ing Steward to this paragraph, and as tel was blown down. A window, on tering his body just, at the lower part the circuit had abundance on hand the south side of the Presbyterian o fthe stomach. Drs. Lang were cal- front the weekly offerings' to pay me church was blown in and completely led but the unfortunate young 'Wan wha, I have actually paid out for the destroyed. The storage room of Mr, had lost a great deal of blood and his supply of the pulpit, which as chair- Ed. Coombe on Main Street was'tak•- condition is serious, mai) of the Exeter District, it was en from its foundation and wrecked. Inv duty to do. It should be remem- P_ pinnaclewas blown off the James bered. in the very nature• of things St. Church tower, CARLING'S PHONE 18 AUCTION SALE Continues ursday, - Friday and Saturday After- noons and Saturday Evening J. mow► RL I i 7 G that the supply of the pulpit has the Shade and -fruit trees tit over 'he First claim upon t he weekly offering town .were levelled to the ground. fund However, nothing was done. I assured the Recording Stewart that if The following have- been reported my claim was not settled --before I from the surrounding country;--• left the circuit I should be compelled to pass the matter`over into the. hands USB ORNE. of the new pastor, and chairman of Barns unroofed -James Monteith the district This I was forced to da John Westlake, Alfred Hicks, Philip much against my own will. He right- Madge. W. H. Kay, Jos. Creery, Geo, ly presented my claim to the Quart- Coward. Wm, Kernick, Bert Fletch- erly Official Board, - and it was :noved er Wm, Rowcliffe, John Batten, Rus - and seconded that the pulpit supply sell SkinnerAlbert Etherington; Wes Clain• be paid, but this proposition Johns' barn was completely demolish- wa: voted - down. The next step in 'ed and windmill blown over; James order was to give the whole matter WiIson's barn unroofed and windmill int• the hands of the President of the over ; Wet Delbridge and Harry Del- Conference This I did, and he as bridge windmills over stared me that the James St.. Board STEPHEN. refused to entertain my claim. This is where the matter rests to -day. And 'I he, barn of George Scott near Ship whir it should rest at a point •ike ka wee completely demolished; while this is the question, with over $600 the following were unroofed in •his to the good from the weekly* offering townships --Jos, Lawson, Jos. Amy, fund, after meeting its first claims, Thee Mawhinney, Chris. Dinney, Pet— is more than I can understand. Other er Martine Chris. Hoist, John Gaiser charges paying a larger salary than Jahr' Fahner, Barney Brown, jr,, Eli James Street, pay for their pulpit King Levi. Stahls, John Hirtzel, John supple during the illness of their pas- A, Mitchell, J. R. Essery, Sarni Kuhn teas The law of the Conference sta- Al' Hodgson, Dennis O'Connell, Jas, tes "that where the circuits are .eons- McKeever John Maclden, Rich. O'- petent. the expenses of such supply Rourke Levi Heymacher, Angus Mc shat be pair by the circuits,' `and Donald Angles Moore, Reuben Goetz surely James Street is competent. Sarni Miller Wilfred Lafong, Chas. I confess that it did seeiu hard in Allier and Richard Baker and r. Northcott Ha JacobZeller Thos, view of ah the, facts in the case, chat Rowland Harry, ainilton, Jos. Sher - 1 should have to pay for the supply row ,Mrs, Johnston: Damaged barns of the James Street pulpit during my Jacob Weber, Mark Wilds, Stephen ill seseSand aentextaiing tnngeir tthveemlingAso l ea_ Welsh Jahr, Taylor, Dolph, Disjar- medical expenses and all other �x- dine, Jacob Wein, Fred Stunt, C, pensee incident to my affliction. I 'A/alert John, Kuntz, Art Weber. hal r tried to serve God and the Math The barn of the Dashwood Flax odisi Church, might and main, body Company 140x50 ft. was completely and soul, and substance, for 40 nears, demolishes! and a lot of material stor and this is the first and only ~laim, ed therein was completely destroyed. upon any fund or provision of the The, brick school house, about tine church that I have ever made. I am and a half miles west of Dashwood exceedingly sorry that I cannot ten- was blown and made a total wreck, der an official acknowledgement of The flax mill barn roof at Credi- the bounty received from my Exeter ton was taken off and the smoke - friends because it has not been offic- stake blown down, while t. he grist tall” . tendered, and therefore my .if- mill partly unroofed and smokestack ficial claim still stands, and must levelled Sheds at F. leer's and Jos• stanu until officially settled. Truly Heist's brickyards were blown down Exeter can never be forgotten by me, and Mr I err had a stack toppled ov- t being; the scene of my first love er Fred Geiser Shipka, had his wind it the gospel ministry, and probtbly, mill turned over, as did also W. H. mv, last Gaiser and Wesley Lamport, Grecli- RICIARD ROBES ton the latter being only erected the 35 Bowden Ave,, Toronto. dor before. HORSEMEN The-- Advocate is again he readiness to print your horse cards in - the best of style and on, shortest notice. Our cuts are the best. - Six barns on the fourth and fifth concessions of Biddulph were unroof, - ed and three on the second concession badly damaged, A new barn on rhe edge of the village belonging to Mrs, Ward was badly wrecked and those of Thomas Armitage, Michael Arnie itage P. Dickens, Wm, Turner, Tohn Howard J. Walter Hodgins, H. A. Stanles and Chris. Hodgins, Ili McGillivray T'w'p, several barns have 'been unroofed and destroyed. Atf. gathers, betr'n unroofed, Alex Buchalter shed demolished. Several svindmills were blown, clown around Corbett and Greenway. John Brown'syvbort•aywas unroofed north of Green - T'he barn of George - Foster, of Blansherd was Completely wrecked , A. fine brick school house at Pros- pect hilt was totally demolished, Mrs John Gould, widow of the tate Joh!, Gould Hays while attempting to close the barn doors during the ,corm in some manner had her ants broken, Eb traveller going from Winghani to Exeter counted 54 barns unroofed as seen :front the train, The cities of London, Hamilton and Toiontc report every heavydamage while from surroundings towns, Park hill Seaforth Goderich, and Clinton the reports state that much de- structior'. - has been wrought. -- The local dealers in roofing mat- erial were much sought the day fol- lowing the storm. The Ross -Taylor Cos. having completely . sold their stocl- of shingles before noon.. The very heavy fains of Sunday and Monday night have been a• afost. unfortunate thing, f ollowing on the unroofing of so many barns: Grain, straw and hay have been soaked by the rain and much damage ,done. Case es we have heard of where full bins of grain have been soaked. to .the bottom. A good - many o the farmers car- ried wina insurance, and these come shies ill be hard hit, and the pol- icyholders undoubtedlybecal- lea a -led upon to pay their premium •'totes, The Huron Weather Insurance- Co'y with headquarters at Zurich field a' large number of policies. - WANTS HURON TO VOTE ON O CANADA TEMPERANCE ACT At a large temperan ce meeting held in Clinton on Marc 20th, it was dec ided to ask for a vote of he wholec the •da t ount` on h Gana da Temperance Act. Huron is one of the largest counties in the pro- vince with 26 municipalities, and 14' ofthese will, after the first of May be dry either by local option • or the Duncan Act. When the campaign committee brought in their reportori they it would be a _ •decided that r hopeless task to secure local option in the remaining 12 places, mostly villages and towns, Goderich, Wing hani Seaforth, Exeter, Blyth and Brussels being among the number, and they therefore recommended •the a- dop-tioe of the Canada Temperance Act in its new form. The delegates were almost unanimous for the cam to -be 'brought on act at once. The date .of the election cannot be set at present but it, will be some time before December in order . to take effect May 1914, The following officers were elected President F. Buchanan, Wingham ;A. T.Cooper Vice -President. Clinton; R.. P Watser, Brucefield ; A. B. Carr Blyth; Treasurer, Re v J. G. Greene. Clinton, Secretary, J. A. Irivin Clinton. - A vote on this Act would be eon- trolled by the Dominion Government and the Dominion Lists would 'rave to be used. This would eliminate all the women vote, and many young men who do not own property - would vote LOCAL OPTION IN CLINTON Clinton March 22 --Judge Holt fin- ally disposed of the Clinton local option by-law case to -day - by re- porting that the by-law had re- ceived flee required - sixty per 'tient: and should naw be given the third reading by the Town Council. The judge held that some persons had tampered with the ballots in St. Johns ward by erasing the cross in favor or local option and placing crosses, against local option. There weree 14 bllot;which expert Stanton said were changed and the judge allow- ed 13 of . these as it was very ap- parent the crosses 'added had Teen made by the one person, while one ballot which had 'been marked for local option and 'also had the word "yes" above the word againsttewas not allowed, The final vote as reported y- the judge was 327. for the by-law and 216 against which leaves a margin - of three votes over the three-fifths necessary to carry the by-law. Counsel for the .local option party W. Proudfoot K, C., held that the original returns which gave a nra- jorit' of nine for local option should have been accepted but the judge decided otherwise. , The costs of the case are assess- ed against Reuben Graham in whose name the case was entered. The ,.Local Option by-law has also beer; declared carried in. Kincardine With one vote to spare. BIRTHS Sires --In Crediton East, to Mr, and Mrs John Sims, a daughter. - Disjardine--In Stephen, on March 20 to Mr, and Mrs. Maximo Disjardine a son DEATHS Reardon -Ins Mount Carmel, Mier, . 23 Miss Julia Reardon, aged 45 years: Washburn ---in Osborne on March 23 Hehey Charles Washburn, son' df Mr and Mrs, Thomas Washburn, aged 5 years, 5 months, 4 days. Eastwood -'4n Whitby, March 22 W, 0 Eastwood, M,1)., (father of Mrs, J G Staribury, of Exeter)' egad 82 years Key ---le Exeter, Mar, 23, Elizabeth Glenna wite of Mr. T. M. Kay, ag eel 65 years, Spring And hummer Clothing:: In Suits and • Men's Furnishings We have a .full and com- plete stock of the newest Spring -and Summer Clothing in Suits, and Men's Furnish ings. Suits Of all Cloths and - Styles made up in the best of goods suitable for the warm and hot weather. Men's Furnishings The stock is complete in in Hats, Caps, Collars, Ties Shirts, Sox, Umbrellas and 11 erctothin� we want - U d i g you. to see them. No trouble to show you. - 1Vlade' to -Measure - Clothing Everybody knows the. Talan" garment is right we pride ourselves on our order— ed goods, and our customers have the satisfied :feeling that always brings them bank again. and we want you , all to be customers, Try Lts LP Tailor and Furrnsher—teeter 1 1 1 1