Exeter Advocate, 1913-3-20, Page 5D:. .G
- PE rrAc,
Member of 'the 141,5. Of 'Galatia a,tr4i
;!anter Ora-4luate 06 'Toronto tflitttersdtai,
Qsftc -Oyer Zricltecrn A; Cpri1114 il ..IaW
office. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
Herter Gradtuet.pe ,a4' Toronto 1.3111 regi y
Teeth extracted. Without pain, or nits
bad effects. Office .ever Madman ; &
Staliburee Office, Main Street; 1Srceta-,
Solicitors, Notaries, VonveYancera,' Court
nnlasitoners. Solicibors for the MoIsOns
Bank, etc.
bfbney to Loan at lowest rates of •inter4,at
OUiices--Madrt-Sgt., Exeter
t. R. Carling, H.A. L, Ha Dickson.
We , have a large amount of private
funds to loan too faa7n1 and Nit'ltage Prop-
erties at tdw rates of Interest.
Barristers, Solitcitors, Ere ter.
Agent Confederation .L4te • Assurance.
Corispany, also FY'tre Insurance In lead-
ead-,ing Canadian and Bidtiata Cornii'anies.
Mahn -St., .Exeter.
T. R Certief e
Life, Flre, AceIdetit and 'Plate Glass
Insurance, Collecting accounts: and con-
. ducting auction sales. -- Exettr, Ont.
Toronto, Ont., Is a Cornmercia1 School
ot- the.Hi'ghest Grade NONE l:3ETTEI't
IN CANAt).A. Gr'adwaLae in 'str-o,sg
demand. tinter now. lacaiooguefree.
The undersigned .s offering for 'sale
that desirable 100 acre farm, satuated
in th,e Township of • B,iddulph, being Lot
13,Con. 1. There 1's on the premi,ses.
a good Prangs bourse, barn .with, founda-
tion, arohand,. The tans is well drain-
ed and all raider cultivation;. This is
an excellent fair;,; well' 'situated and will
be ,sold reasonable., For rurther"partie-
niers apply to .Jdhn O'Neil, Mooresville,
'Oat. W.M. KELLY.
The undersigned is offering „for sale' Lot 6, North Bpwndary Stephen., con-
taining 100 acres of good land. There
is on the premises a good frame house
With stone cellar ; ba'nk barn with, ce-
.ment floors ; 3 good wells, and a
;small orchard. This is a good grain
or. grass Earn, or Would, ;Wake a good
stock farm. Situated two mfles from
Eselar, phone in house;. Will be Sold
reasekaablie. For particulars apply on..
the premises, or write the undersigned,
Fred Green; Iiay, om E. S. Phillips',
College At
Thousands of ambitious youngpeo-
pie aro fast preparing In their own homes to
occupy lucrative positions as stenographers,
bookkeepers,telegraphers, civil servants, in
tact every sphere of Business Activities
You may finish at college if you so wish h
Positions guaranteed. Enter college any
day. Individual iestraetion. Expert tea.
ohes. Thirty years, exporence. Largest
trainers in Canada. 'Seyeu colleges, Spec-
' ial course for teachers:
..Affiliated .with Commercial
Educators' Association. of Oen-
ada. Sumner School at famous
SpottonBusiness• College, Lon-
President Princlpal
ANY pergola who. le the sole head of
a. fainidy or,. ape male over 18 years, eel,
brew ,hemetatead • a " quartet.' sebtIothh of
available: ,Dortnirt'.bo. land est Manitoba
Ra•skratoliewen or Alberta. The' aid_,
plican't • (1must a ppea.r in person ' at the
Dominions 'Lands -Agency or • Sub-
agency for the district. En.tn'Y by pro-:
sy made he made at 'a.ny,agency, on
certain conditions by , father, mother ,
son., '•datzg06ter; broodier or sister ;of ina
tending ttsogn;estteedel •
.Duties --Six ." rnouitkhs' residence - upon
and cultivattio;ry of" the lend in each
of .three years, A hornestieaider many live
WiE,l in aline sr.'.liea 'oaf his,hornestee.d on
a .form `rod, at Least 8e aeries' aoliely
owned anal occupied by hint.or by his
tither, :mother, on daughter, brother
or '•aisten.
In certain:• districts a hdn eatea.dsr
good atandtrng. may pre -erupt a quart.
etisaer-tiort 'along. side ;aria bona stead.
Price ea,0o' per' eare.,
nittles-11luet. reside upon the home
stead or pre-emption' Six months In.
bath.' .of six years froim date of home
• stead entry (I,nOliklinuS' the title rem
dulred to corn homestead. patent) and
beetleate fifty acres extra..
A .homestefxler Who Ma althansted
hornestead right ., and carr: not obtain ,'u
pro.lemPtion MAY. enter for a Pura
chased ho,mesterad I,n certain,d ttit'cts
Price 33,'00, per acre. Duties-- MUst
reside -sift nientlhis in each et Leese
years, eelelvete fitly. anrea and. rrcet
a hdvee acinii e e :., •
"roe; 'w, wires
1`+~puiy .
af the Mi i1ater of tht ,tnteeeete
N.4"4t7ria,eta1 tree lsub1feat:ari Oi
t+hia atI'Vei'ttaeMant was riot be pad
Balance Au. ;tors' Re .'11
Arrears Taxes
Resident Taxes
License Fund
Pines and Fees
Poll Tax,
Rents etc,
Non -Resident Tllxes
School Purposes
W'atet Works
Payable, -Notes, •
Inte1est on Deposits.
Bills payable
Salaries etc.
Printing and Postage
G&W Costs
Road;: and Bridges
School Purposes
Fire. Protection
County Rate
Street Lighting•.
Town Hall
Street Watering
Election Expenses
Error in Taxes
Water,. Works
Total Receipts
Total Expenditure
2449 8$
254 32
305 80
62 .65
'34 00
97 85
345e 56
584 89
1099 39
142 45
7500 00.
14 63
9026 00
";72 50
40616 50
• 7558' 26
1026 25
187 73.
• 22', 49
'325 00
1986 17
1203 F3
3528 44.
6800 87
4781 40
336. 82
51 70
1458 49.
360 30
283 85
879 38
51 00
120 70
5715 14,
37592 57
40616 50
37592 57
$3023 93
From now till April 1st I will sell.
at the: following prices ;--r
5 bar fence, :No,. 9 wire 18c. per rod.
6 bar fence, No, 9 wire 2lc.1 par rod.
7 baa fence, Ned+ 9 Wire 23c., per rod.
8 -bar fence No. 9 ware 26c., per rod
Steer gate 12 foot, long $4.00
Steel, gate: 13 toot l;ang $4.25
Steel, gate 14 foot hong, $x.50
Red cedar poste 4% to 5 In. op, at 15c
Red cedar pmts 5 to 5% in. top; at 20c
Red cedar posts, 5% In. & up top, at 25e
Lots of Anchor posta on hand.
B. G. Red cedar gangue XXX- at 9Qc
Ditto Ditto. XXXX at 95c:
N. Brunswick white cedar shingles at
75c., 85o., "end 95c.
All kinds of Henteel:1 lumber on hand;
Close pricesquoted ora Blue: Isalee Ce-
ment and on St. Marys Cement.
A. J. Clatworthy
Auction Sale
9 1Va3 At
NE'SD AY MARCH 26th. l
12.30 o'clock the following valu-
able property namely.
Borses-Brood mare 7 -yrs -old in
foal for Banks O'Dee, eligible for
registration agric.. mare 5 -yrs -old
agri.' filly rising 3 yrs. eligible
for registration, agri.; mare5 yrs..
agric. horse rising 1 -yr -old, agric
filly roadster rising 2 -yrs -old.
Cattle -1 Pure bred registered
cow due April; 2 cows due time
of saleApril; COW
cow due in p ,
due in May; cow due lat :er ; 2yr-
olcl steers 2 -yrs -
s heifer in calf; 4 � r
4 year-old; . 4 calves, regis-
stered Shorthorn bull 16 months
70- hens and pullets, 1 pair of
turkeys ; ,•
Implements—Wagon and box
complete nearly new:„ tru ek wag-
on. topbuggy, open buggy, nearly
new road. cart; pair of bobsleighs
cutter binder, mower '" horserake
single plow Maple' Leaf 2 -furrow
plow • cultivator disc seeder and
drill. roller, Diamond harrows,
scufiler root pulper, fanning mill
1,000 pound scales, one hay rack.
gravel box stone boat, wheel
barrow grindstone, wagon lack
water barrel!, set double brass
mountedteam harness, get work
harness set single harness,, 'horse
blankets xrobes, - rugs .' and- :Tbells.
grass' seedeeower, .' .wire fence
streteher,,eepg,ar..kettle, Whiffle-
trees. neck yokes, chains, .saws
2ladders grain bags, forks shovels
hoes crow bar, pick, hay • fork;
car 'ropes and slings, blocks and,
tackle and other articles toe num-
erous to mention.
15' tons of timothy and alfalfa
hay a quantity of roots.
2 gook stoves, wood heating stove
clothes 'horse,e kitchen tables, 2
bedroom' stands, carpets, rugs, lace
curtains shot gun, bucksaw, new
goat robe: a quantity of luml:er
and cedar posts.
1 cream separator nearly new;.
Dais';, churn, milk pails, pan.
scot 1ks. six: octave piano case
organ oak bedroom, set, feather
bed,, mattress,. springs, lounge,
arm chair rocking chairs, perfor-
ated echairs. kitchen chairs, piet-
ures. etc.: etc, m
'Terms -All sums of 5.00 and..
under cash; over that amount 10
months' credit will. be given on
furnishing . approved joint notes.
A discount of 4 per cent. off for
caslt On Credit amounts.,
Henry Rowe; Prop. Thos. Caheron
Auct, Z;arquliar P.O. Phone by.
way of Exeter.
t r'. ,'1.0 Vafl's telletic `Pills°
N ;.ti
A rcl'.aG1e l?rencfr. regula#or, ihe.ver oils:' '1'lacse.
pflle are ekeeodingly'remodel, in regalattng the
geueratvetsortiea fthe fern ale.systei Relied
'e11 thong imitations. Dr'. db:VOWS are bold at.
.t8:abox, or t rree,tar,$lfl, Mailed to any address.
£1'i. stool' ,Drug Gu.t St, tatharines. Oi►te
Clearing Auction Sale ,
There will be sold by pub ic auc-
tion .on. • Lot 12, Con, 10, Ulsborne
on TH.URS, MAR. 20, 1913, a one
o ' . e>t�t .-�-
oclock. the following pt op y
Hordes -,-3 Clyde mares, supposed
to bein foal,, 3 Clyde colts rising
2; 3 good drivers; 1 light ' yearl-
ing colt
Cattle --1 aged imported Short-
horn bull; 14 registered -shorthorn
cows,: supposed to be .in ,calf; 3
re ietered Shorthorn heiferssup-
posed to be in calf; 6 grade 'shore-,
hour, cows, supposed to be.l, eaaf'
, :0 he' ;e s nisi
4 steers rising 2; If r ng
2.19 calves ; 5 registered shorthorn,
bulls; • 2 grade heifers; 5 brood
sows. 2 withlitter at foot, one due
to farrow at time of sale; one cut-
ter, churn ' butter worker,.
'Terms -$55 and under cash; over
that amount 8 mouths' credit pn
approved joint mates or 5% per an-
num ;off for cash in lieu of notes.
Jos. White. •-. • Josias E. Creery
Aust. Prop. e
Tickets issued at at Single Fare foe.
round trir between all stations in
Canada east of Port Arthur, also
to Detroit, Pt. Huron. Buffalo Nie,
agara'Valls. Black Rock, -Suspen-
sion Bridge. Good : going Mar; 20.
21 22, 23, 24, validreturning up to
and including' March 26. •Particul-
ars, and tickets from G. T. agents.
Use your ,spare time and become
a good Book. -keeper, or a ,Sten-
ographer, or learn to Draw and
Design, otr take a course in
r i
Story Writing or Jou nal ,alta
and qualify to' earn a good 'sal-
ary. We eon give you just the
right Course,.. Write us, , for Cat-
alotr,,ue.. W. H. 'SHAW, President,
Shaw's Schools, Toronto.
1913 Catalogue Now Ready
80 pages brim full of good things. Con-
tains valuable information for the farmer,,
market gardener and private planter. 12
pages of the latest and best,. world-wide
introductions. Valuable premiums. Your
choice of 6 new varieties atilt unnamed
(not for' sale until 1914) absolutely free
with every order, large or small. Don't
delay writing, ,Mail this with your name
and address: Your request will receive
special' attention. State if you grow
vegetables or flowers for market, as we
have a special price list. Write' to -day
while: it's fresh in your mind.
Dept. El
ed to the Postmaster -General
will be received at Ottawa until
noon on Friday, April 18th, 1913;
for the conveyance of his Males-
ty'e Mails on a proposed contract
for tour years, 6 times per week,
over Rural Mail Route from Cen-
trali�,. (Saintsbury Way), (Ontario
from the. 'Postrn,aster-General's
pleasure, '
Printed notices, containing forth
er information as to conditions of
proposed coetradt may be seen
and blank forms of tender may be
obtained at the Post Office at Cen-
obtained .at the Post Office at Cen-
trItlia,,Saiiltsbury, and at .the of -
'flee Of the Post Offiee Inspector
1i1 LoI* thn,
' bet. Offiee•''. Department, Mail
Service Beaneh.
'Feb. 2t
Ottawa, F S h, 1013.
G. G: ANThERSON,. , Superintendent,
We regret this 'week to have
to chronicle. ,tine death of Mrs.
Fart, Zuetteot Melford, Sask,. Mrs
Zuetle . in company With her hus-
band came here last fall to visit
Mr. Zuefle's parents, and about a
couple of months ago was taken
Very seriously ill arid •despite the
best medical treatment and ,nurs-
in€" her condition. beecome more
and more serious until she 'pass-
ed peacefully away. Deceased was
young woman of 20 years of age
and her death seemed particular-
articularly sad being here among strap -
gem apart from.. her, husbands tam
ilv and leaving a little Son of
three months. The remains were
knterred in the" Hensel& Union
cemetery,—Miss Jean Ingram has
resumed her position as milliner
in London„—Miss Reta Jarrott
has gone to Toronto where she
has taken a position.—Earl Zue4le
left for his home'in Milford, near
,prince Albert, Sask..--Sana Bullard
and wife who have been visiting
peri; for some time, returned to
the 'west last week. -. Robert
Drysdale received a telegram in-
forming him of the serious illness
of his brother-ixl - law Thomas Sten
henson of Marlette, -Mich, He
took the train for that place.
Mr John Decker, ire recently
sold a colt to Mr.. ,J, Sparrow of
Varna for the sum of $240. It was
an excellent specimen of a horse
and 'was sired by Nbrdine. ..John
raiser, nothing but the best and he
usually gets the top prices.
Mr Conrad Thiel hasurchas-
ed the Casper'Weber dwelling
from the Executors, and will move
in shortly, The price, paidf is
$650.00.—Mrs, A. H, F. Stelk of
Danphin Man., who has been vis
;ting her mother Mrs. S. Ronnie,
returned to the West. -- Wm.
Wagner has rented Mrs: McCor-
mick's reeturant for a year .-Mr,
F. W. Hess has .purchased Mr.
Henry Kalbfleisch's dwelling at
the South end and intends mov-
ing in soon. Mr. Kalbfleisch will
move back to 'the farm with his
son Mr Louis Xalbfleisch.— Rev,
Peter Ropr and E Zeller have ex-
changed dwellings. Mr. Ropp will
leave in a very few days for
Michigan, where he has purchas-
ed a farm.—The residence of Mr,
and Mrs. Dougall was the scene
of a most interesting and happy
event on March 4th at twelve noon
when their daughter Maybelle
became the "wife of Mr. Milne R.
Rennie one of HenaalIs popular
vouns' merchants.
Mrs. Hugh Chesney of Egmond-
ville spent the first of the week
with her brothers fere.—Our
schoo: was Closed for a couple of
days last week on account of the
teacher's illness. -Mrs. Stewart Mc
Queer 'has returned from visiting
her parents west of Hensall.—Mr..
D Bell of Tuckersmith gent
a week with relatives here, and we
are pleased to see him so ` well
after his recent severe _ illness.—
Mrs: Hugh McDougall was called
to the bed -side of her sister, Mrs.
Join, D Atkinson of Clinton on
Saturday last.—Mr. John A. Bolton
recently- sold to Mir. Tennant of Ex
eter a fine team of horses for
which he received a handsome fig-
igure.—Mrs Henry Hogarth Of Crom-
arty spent the past week with
her mother, Mrs. Simmons.
A red letter day for missions is
expected at Boston Methodist
church Greenway, on Sunday next
March 23rd. Rev. 13. ijren will
preach at 2.30 p. m. for the W. M..
S. and Rev Snell at 7.30 p. m.,
whet a thank offering Will be tak-
en .at both services. Show your
thankfullness ' for a risen Savior.
Don, e fail to come, Everybody wel
come. Special music by the choili
—One of the oldest and most es-
teemed members of the Methodist
churchhas gone to meet his loved
one and the Saviour he served
so faithfully for a great many
years He was a very acceptable
local preacher for years, also class
leader in the old Bethel church.
His integrity was impeachable and
his word was never doubted.
Everybody listened when, Father
Beltstood up to speak in Fel-
lou'shie meeting. His testimony
hat' the right ring. The Sabbath
day was held too sacred by him
to talk bout worldly business
that day. He has" lived ,to see his
wife and all his, children die. His
funeral was held op March ,18th.—
18t11:Mist,' Mae 'Wilson returns home to-
day, after spending two weeks
with her. aunt, Mrs. (Rev.) J. Rus-
sell and cousins in Toronto.—Miss
Zilla English is in London. ---Mise
Mabel Foster presided at the or -
gar, very acceptably on Sunday in
the Methodist church.
Mr, Gilbert Manns of eturora
viSIteC for a couple of days last
week withfriends hare.—After a
two weeks' visit with friends, here
John Mains returned to Watford
prior to going back to his farm -tri
Alberta.—Levern Alexander has re-
turned to hie home ,in Wanstead
accompanied by Miss Bella. Davis
whc .will visit for some time.—
Mise Alice`. Mains of London spent
Sunday of lash; week with her
sister Mrs. Will Dickins.—Mr. Sas,
Herbert began duties on the mail
route from Lucan via Saintabury
on Monday of last Week —Mr. Will
Davis attended Grand Orange
Lodge held in Windsor last,, week
and leports 'a good time: --Mr. H.
Hodgins had a Wood bee on Mon -
on il'1onday le.st,--Mrs. W. I'I, Atkin
'.sole •is•,lee Bryanston waitieg un a;
chli�ilnx `d"°:ot Me, and Mite. Garfield
Wedding ook:.
F`t)'LLARTON.—�A ry g' t
place at ruill.artoll '• 011 itlareb 12th
when Miss Ada Maletta,youngest
dattghtei' =o f Mr..: and °t dKxs. Oliver
Harris, became the bride of
Wilbert, Roy Lobb, eldest seine;
Ur and Mrs, W. I:[. Lobb,
T1CKERSMIT}T.--M--Mr. Alexander
Wallace who purchased the Rinke
farm in Tuckersnidth, south of Ege
mondville last fall removed from
Corn'ber. -Essex county, .to his new
home last week, Mr. Wallace and
family will be heartily welcomed
by the people .of Tuckersmith. He
is e native of this township, hav-
ing removed to Essex county with
his parentsseveral years ago.
BANFIELD—A. quiet wedding
was solemnized at the parsonage
Of the' First Methodist Church, Lon
don. or. Saturday afternoon, • Rev.
Richard Whiting officiating, when
Mist- Ina L. Fowiie, of Bayfield
E, 'nrorsell of Goderieli for
iaf Clinton.
RII.''PEN.-:A quiet Wedding 'uvas.
solemnized at the Manse ty Rev.
Mr. Riohardspn op Saturday, when
Miss Jean Cochrane, daughter Of
Mr and Mrs. James Cochrane of
Ilay west of our village, became
the bride Mr, Hugh Cameron of
Saeltatoon and son of 34-- fohn
Cameron of Bx'ucefield.
IIIRPEN,•--On Marell 8ih tTisa
Jeal Cochrane of Hillsgr'een and
Iilr. Hugh Cameron of Saskatoon"
were quietly .married at the Manse
by the Rev, J, Richardson,; The
happ" couple left on the five
o'clock train for Haurilton and To-
ronto afterwards returning' here
before leaving for their future
became the bride of Mr. John home in Saskatoon.
I know woman's sufferings.
I have found the cure.
I will mail, free of any charge, nay hnrne treat.
ment with full instructions to any sufforer from
women's ailments. I want to tell all women about
this cure you, my reader, for yourself, your
daughter, your mother, or your sister. 1 want to
tell you bow to cure yourselves at ;horse without
the helpof a doctor. Men cannot understand wom-
en's sufferings. What we women i -no v from ex.
perience, we know better than any doct >r. I know
that my home treatment is a safe and sure cure for
Leucorrhoeao Whitish discharges, Ulceration, Dis-
placement or Falling of the Womb, Profuse Scanty
or Painful Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or
Growths, also pains In the head; back and bowels,
bearing down feelings, nervousness, el -coping leeks
trig up the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, hot
flashes, weariness, kidney and bladder troubles
whereant causedto
send byyou weaknesses
a pecul10idaysar totreatmoursexent.
I wcomplete'
entirely free to prove to you that you can cure
yourself. at home, easily, quickly and surely,
Remember, that It will cost you nothing to give the
treatment a complete trial ; and'if you should wish to continue, it will cost you ouly about rz
cents a week, or less than two cents a dayy. It will not interfere with your work or occupation.
Just send me your name and address,,te11 me how you suffer, if you wish, and I will send you the
r byreturn,mitwill
treatment for your case, entirely free, in plain wrapper, a i also send you .free.
of cost, my book -"WOMAN'S OWN 'MEDICAL ADVISER" with explanatory illustrations show-
ing why women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at house, Everywoman should
have it, and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says --"You must have au operaa,
Lion," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with niy home
remedy. It cores all, old or your . To Mothers of Daughters, 1 will explain a simple 'home
treatment which speedily and effectually cures .I,eucorrhcea, Green Sickness and Painful or
Irregular Menstruation in Young Ladies. Plumpness and health always result from its use.
Wherever you live, I can refer you to ladies of -your own locality who know and will gladly
yours, also the book. Write today, as you may not see this offer again. Address :
tell. any sufferer that this Nome Treatment really cures all woman's diseases and makes women
welt, strong, plump and robust. Just send me your address, and the free ten days' treatment is
MRS. M. SUMM€RS, Box 14.840 - -• - WINDSOR, Qtnt
is a decided Economy and an. excellent Invest r.e;;i
Because it'.xnakes other feed more pr• < eb?e and
digestible. It also puts stock in first—cite:o i :aa
very quick. Caldwell's Molasses Meal is Se
t Pure
Cane Molasses with lir% a special variety cf ..,i.:.le
moss possessing unique digestive •action.
Thousands of stockmen and farmers are co lristent
users of Molasses Meal because they have fare -`en it
to be the best conditioner on the market. 'k vat• Beed
man likely* • has it. It he hasn't, it would ea well
worth your'while to write for prices.
t�� .ttttttt�..tttw
This Way,.
Backache or Headache -
Dragging Down Sensations
Tenderness Low Down.
It is because of some derangement or disease
distinctly feminine. Write Dr. R. V. Pierce's
Faculty at Invalids' Hotel, i3ufralo, N.Y.
Consultation is free and :ads ice is strictly in
.. rc s Favorite i tion
restores the health and spirits and removes those
painful symptoms mentioned above,. It has beet1
sold by :druggists for over 40 years, in fluid form,
at .$1, 0O, 0 ttle, .ivin genera) satisfaction. It can
owr' r od eR.V.Ther. .
rib* a liad� tl.."ttt tet xr1, lxs' mo rfl d b R.Vle Ce,
014' 1400 yya iNieto 13fbators or ,ta
by, n a�a � ot�io hi stamps