Exeter Advocate, 1913-3-13, Page 7IsYour !Back
Full of Aches
All DayLon?
.'bat Steb.like stili to the Bttele
ttl Sarre Indi:alloit of
Kidney Trouble.
Mrs, Anna Rodriguez writes as follows
from her home .in Valencia: "Por a Tong.,
time I suffered- with failing strength and
nap•gitlg headaehos. : ley condition grew
steadily worse, my limbs became 'bloated
and -shaky, I woe sallow and thin, felt
rheumatio pains, dizziness and ehiliel, I'
unfortunately didn't suepeet my kidneys
'and was • nearly dead when I discovered
:the 'true cause of my sufferings. .z read
so mueli' about the wonderful health and
strength . that conies to all who use Dr.
Eamilton's Pills that. 'I' felt cure they
would help me. Suoh blessings of health
and: comfort I got front Dr. Hamilton's
'Pills I can't describe. They speedily put
me right,' and their steady use` keeps me
active, energetic, strong and. happy. 1
stronoly urge -Others toeregulate and tone
heir system with Dr. Hamilt6n's Pills
of Mandrake and Butternut"
No greater medicine exists than Dr..
Hamilton's Pills ;for..the cure of , indigos•
tion, constipation, flatulence, liver, blad-
der and kidney. trouble. Refuse substi-
tutee. 25eeper box or five boxes for $1.00,
at all druggists and storekeepers, or poet
paid by the Catarrhozone .Co., Buffalo,
N. Y., and Kingston, Canada.,,
'English naturalist Titsists That the
Ostrich is 1Laligned.
Speaking at aRoaa1 Colonial So-
ciety meeting, James Buckland
gave some interesting details of
,bird -habits.
' That much -maligned bird : the
'Africanost'iich, was at last rescued
from ignominy, The World has been
mistaken all these years in thinking
that it buries its head in the sand
because it is a fool—believing that
because it is unseeing it is unseen.
On the contrary, says Mi'. Buck
land, it buries its head because,
when it does .so, its body resembles
the ant hills whieli.euerount it and
''thus etescapes
4 •;"A most respectable bird Was thea.
,Snclian adjutant, . and Mr. Buckland
, stiggel�ted• that if he u
g p t„aip for the
'Athenaeum he would most certain-
' lybe elected.' He was most severe
md. correct inhis conduct, but
,,,, lin he danced it reminded them
of nothing ,so rauo'h as Oharliy's
aunt, having had a. little too much
at Christmas, trying to do a cake-
The cassowary was &nether mar-
vellous bird. Its. appetite was
enormous. Mr. Buckland said that
he once -fed one with bananas, but
he got tired ` long before the bird
did. They .all heard the song of
The cassowary,
rOn the plains of Tiznbuctoo,
,Who swallowed :up a missionary,
His beads and prayer and hymn-
book, too.
In fact, ° big as was the appetite
Of the cassowary, 11e appeared .e
y,. to
draw the line at missionaries.
The lord of'*Australian birds,°the
emu, was the most .shamelessly hen
pecke4 bird in creation. . When
,Mrs. Emil had laidher eggs, she
'left Mr, Emu to'eft, ` upon them,
.zallivanting about, only returning
inow and: then to add to the num-
'�`ir t V f 'Y�y.•
quickly' stops coughs, cures colds, and heals
the throat, and lungs. .> . ,i ., 26 cents.
Rnew What Was Coining.
"That's a bad cold you have."
"Yes, now go .ahead and tell me
lour favorite remedy."
IMtnard's Liniment' butes Cottle, Sid.
'Equal- to the Emergency.
Indignant Wife -I wonder what
you would Dave done if you had
lived when in.en were first compelled
'to earn their bread by the sweat of
their brows !
Indolent Husband --I should have
started a Tittle notion . store and
salxl handkerchiefs.
FREE OF l0 P,. BAB 0
ElOcause He Took GI al PILLS
Mr, it, A. Juices of Wiunipe writes:
"I have been a suffererfroiti I,uiubago
for lotne years past, I Diet your -ler.
1 -lilt and lie advised nie to take GIN
+I.S• 1 have been taking theta at
,..- eiiltervals during ttie early part of the
preseit winter, and tip -to -nate have lIBd
Ito return of my 'old trouble -in fact 1
feel better thou 1 have for years, aucl
stolen: that my old enemy has ravished
;odd and all,"
c. a box, 6 for ,a2,ao, Sample free if
•rite Natioual T)rl
ami chemical
Ie .
iu ca
Canada, Limited, 'reroute. lad
AN oron Rx(311LWAY 1.
Tke Carthaginians Understood the
Value of flood Roads.
Savagii lean built nothing that
can be called a road,' When he was
hungry he sought food in the for-
ests, or in the ,streanss wind lakes,
and finally made. for himself definite
trails, These trails became at last
the first roads, Mr, L. W. Page,'aln
"Roads, Paths and Bridges," tells
of the. stone -,surfaced roads found in
Egypt, built thoilsandts of years
ago, of massive ,stone blocks, in
some Places text feet thick. It was
over ;such a substantial road as this
that the atones used in the eonstruc-
tion of the great Pyramids were
hauled. •
Egypt is not the only land pos-
sessing relics of. early road -build-
ing. Babylon, the.:eity of hanging
gardens and great walls, at a very
early date developed a high state
of, civilization, and ,Semiramis, its
great queen, was au enthusiastic
road -builder. It is at this period
that we find what is probably the
first ase o£ atone in bridge -building.
The two portions of the city were
joined by a bridge across the Eu-.
phrases. This wonderful bridge was
built of large stone blocks, joined
with platen of lead. a
At that period, .more than two
thousand years before, Obrist, as-
phalt was used instead'nf,mortar in
constructing the vast walls round
the city. Colnanerce, flourished, 'and
great highways radiated to all the
principal cities of the then known
world. It is said that a highway.
400 miles long, and paved with
brick set in a mortar of asphaltum,
connected Nineveh and Babylon.
It was left to the Carthaginians
to become instructors to the world
in the art of road -building. Oar-
thage is given the credit of having
demonstrated to the world the stra-
tegic and econe/rile value of im-
proved roads. But for a splendid
system of highways, which permit-
ted an easy means of communica-
tion with all parts of her domains,
she never~ ooulcl have reached the
heights she attained, ,either in com-
merce or war.
i'Sithout Overloading the Stomach
The business man, especially,
needs food in the morn;ag thatewill
not overload the stomal h, but give
nlental;vigor for the day.
Much depends on the start a man
gets each -day, as to ' how he may
expect to accomplish the work on
He cat be alert, with a heavy,
fried=rnea"t-and-potatoes breakfast
requiring a lot of vital energy in di-
gesting it.
Awestern business' man tried to
And some food " coinbin.ation that
would not overload the stomach in
the morning, but that would pro-
duce energy.
He writes :
"For years X was 'salable to find
a breakfast food that had nutrition
enough to sustain a business lean
without overloading his stomach,
causing indigestion and kindred
"Being „a very busy and also a
very nervous man, I : decided to
give up breakfast altogether. But'
luckily :'I was induced to try Grape-
"Since that morning I have been
a new man ; can work without tir-
ing, my head is clear and my nerves
strong and -quiet.
"I -find four teaspoonfuls of
Grape -Nuts with ane of sugar and
e, small quantity of cold milk, is
delicious as the cereal part of the,
morning meal, and' invigerates me
for the day's business." Name
given by Canadian Postum Co.,
Windsor,. Ont. Read the little book,
"The Road to Wellville," in pkgs.
(`There's a Reason." -
Ever .read the above letter? A new ens
appears from time to time. They aro
genuine, true, and full of human Intel'sst,
Doing Their Sums.
"De wust thing about arithme-
tic," said. Uncle' Eben, "is dat a
whole.. lot o' folks gits de idea dal
any kind o' figgerin' is all right if
dey kin finish up wif a number slat
has a dollar mark in front of it."
Your druggist will refund money if PAZO
OINTMENT fails to cure any ease et Deb.
leg, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding file, Id
1 to 14 days. 500,
Some leen would rather run for
office than earn a decent laving..
Minard's Liniment Cures Caeget In Oows.
New Religion in Russia
_ A new religion has just been
launched in Russia by Iliodor, the
famous vagrant dissenter. The
oateehism for the new sectIliodor
has disclosed to a few of his follow-
ers ie. the desert of Florishevaa,.
The main principles of the doctrine
are a platonic love that shall ex-
tend to all peoples, irrespective of
rade or nationality, fl, Cotuinunistie
life for all believers, free marriage
and free, divorce, and a service con-
sisting of hymns to be .sung to rea-
son, freedom, the earrbh, water and
forests. Special holidays are ar-
ranged to do honor to Buddha, Con-
fucius, Mehemet, Tolstoy • and
Christ. MSC von holidays a year .ai e
set aside in honor of Christ.
A sound thinker, however, usu-
ally does his thinking in silenee,
THAT tT>(A.0 RIOI?l)'S x%.i;l)llt;GK PILLS
For Cases of Exhaustion and Nerve
Weakness—Row S. Jeremy Found
Relief rl'host ke Cured hie Kliilneys.
Snietyn, • Alta,, March 10,--
0, -
(Special).—That the natural remedy
for exhaustionand nerve weakness
is one that will give good eiroula-
tion and pure -blood carrying nutri-
tion to all - parts of , the body, is
again proved in the ease of S. Jet'
exny, a well-known resident of this
"For over two' years I suffered
from attacks of < exhaustion, and
nerve weakness," Mr, Jeremy
states. "I tried many nerve foods
and tonics but must admit that
Dodd's Kidney Pills have benefit-
ted me more than anything else I
ever' used..
"I am more *than grateful for
what Dodd's Kidney Pills have done
for me."
Nerve weakness and exhaustion
are caused by ,impure blood. Im-
pure blood is caused by diseased
kidneys failing to strain the waste
matter of the body out of the
blood. The natural remedy is to
cure the kidneys. Dodd's Kidney
Pills have yet to find a case of
kidney disease they cannot cure.
' Spring Signs.
It is a happy sign of spring
When one can hear a robin sing;
But it's a, surer sign, some say,
To hear a street hand=trgan play.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Have used tIINAID'S LINIMENT for
Croup; fount nothing equal to it; sure
Eawkkhaw, N. B., Sept. let. 19C3.
Mother -"Edith, you mustn't be
conceited." Edith—"I'm not. I
don't think I'm nearly as sweet
and pretty as people say 1 am when
I'm not listening l"
Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets..
Druggists refund ,money 1f it 1aile'to cure.
E, W. GROVE'S signature is C0.each box..
"I never heard of but one perfect
boy," said Johnnie, pensively, as he
sat in the corner doing penance.
"And who was that !" asked mam-
ma. "Papa—when he was little,"
was the answer. And silence reign-
ed for the space of five minutes.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distamper.
.Her husband grunted, being in a
reactionary mood. • 'Td like to
know," he said, "what women
`have ever done for the feeble-
mipcled'l" • "They usually marry
them, dear," replied the wife sweet-
ly. •
Try Murillo Eye Remedy
Smarting -Peels -Fine -Acts
Try flier Red, weak, watery Lyes and
Y® ✓u r� Granulated-Syolyde, Illutmtcd Boole
EyesIn each Package. MI1121NE to come
pounded by our Oen lists -nota "Patent
Medicine" but used in successful PySI-
H e e .•0' clans' Practice Lor many years. Now
iI dedicated tothe- Pub110 and cold by
Druggists at 2Go-title per bottle. Marine
re Bye salve In Aseptic Tubes, 25e-500..
Merino Eye Reteedy Co., Chicago
There is nothing that makes up
the sum of human life in which the
woman's side should not be put as
well as the man's.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Chinese Logic.
Another instance of what seems
to us .the topsyiurvy way of doing
things in °(;hina is told, according
to the Washington Star, by Bishop
Lewis of Foochow.
A gentleman entered a Chinese
shop to purchase tea. He found,
to his amazement, that five pounds
of a certain tea cost two dollars and
a half, whereas ten pounds of the
same brand cost seven dollars and
a half;
Tho gentleman protested at these
prices, but the shopkeeper insisted
that they were perfectly .logical.
As he put it : •
"More buy, more rich—snore rich,
more can pay."
Looked Like Raw Meat. Itched and
Burned So Badly Could Not Rest
Night or Day, Arms Sore from
Wrist to Elbow, Cuticura Soap
and Ointment Completely Cured.
Lower Blandford, Nova, Scotia. --"Three
years ago I became troubled, with sore arms.
Th came as a rash, My arms looked like
raw meat and itched oriel burned so badly
I could not rust night or day. When I
scratched they became awfully sore. As
long as the weather was warm it didn't
bother me so much, bet in winter ib was
almost unbearable. lely arms were sero
Prem the wrist to the elbow.
"I Wised several sures which wo'e recom-
mended to ane but without .any -avail. x
saw how I could gob a sample of Cuticura
Soap and Ointment which I did, I used
the samples and found an improvement,
Whenever 1 applied the Outicura Ointment
the itching and burulug ,eased. I got a,
full-sized box of Cuticura Ointment and a.
cocoas Cntleu a Soap and ouly used about
half when it disappeared auclesince thou T
have not been troubled. That was six
months ago. Outicura Soap and Ointment
completely cured me." (Signed) Miss Elsie,
E. Zinck, Mar. 7. 1012.
Cutioure Soap and Ointment do so much
for pimples, blackheads, red, rough 'skins,
Itching, scaly scalps, dandruff, dry, thin and
falling emir, chapped hands and shapeless
nails with painful finger -ands, that it is
almost criminal not to use them. A single
cake of Outicura Soap and box of Outicura
Ointment are often sufficient when all else
has failed.. Sold everywhere. Liberal
sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin
Book. • Address post care Potter Drug &f
Chem. Corp., Dept. 4SD,1 Boston, U. S. A.
Without That You Aao Unfit—Afore
Is Dangerous, Says Doctor.
"Seven hours' sleep is all that is
necessary far any human being,.
and if`obtained regularly in certain
hours, nightly will- keep . the body
and mind, in a, healthy ,state," said
Dr. Foertmeyer, regarded as an
"Much of the disease of to -day is
due to too much or too little sleep.
A person who sleeps over seven
hours has had too much rest, which
makes the mind 'alue,gish and the
muscles lazy. On the other hand,
the person who has not had suili.-
caent sleep • is mentally and physi-
cally unfit to perform '-his or her
duties with that snap and vim found
in persons who have had the re-
quired rent.
"Men and women who commit
crime, ss a rule are long sleepers.
Their minds grow. weak froin too
much sleep and then they acquire
the . 'don't care'habit, which -Ochsoften
results in crime, •
"'Makey t zlr yule to sleep seven
hours and you will be better for it,
mentally, physically and financial-
As One Nilo Knows.
Figg—Does your grocer 'sell his
apples..by the barrel? '
Fogg --Well, they come in bar-
rels, but what he sells them by is
the top layer.
'rhe family remedy for Caughe and Colds,
Shiloh costs so . little and dose so much P'
A young man about to.be married
asked his father how he got on so
well with his wife. The old man con-
sidered a moment or two, and then
he said :—"It's like this, John. If
your wife is a "good woman, let her
have her own way, and if she is a
bad one she'll take it."
Just a Minute protrudfngoor
• Huff
bleeding piles
can be cured by using nature's own re.
inedy-no medicilre-no operation. This
remedy does not ,profess to pure internal
piles, but is a certain cure for protruding
piles. Discovery was' made by euiferer of
20 years' standing, who is now quite well.
Null instructions on receipt of $1.00.
'WM. B. OXLEY, 294 Berkeley St.. Toronto.
(Maypole Soap
Wadies and dyes at
one operation, giv-
ing remarkably
clean, bright, fast
colors. Dyes cotton,
wool, silk or mix-
tures. 24 colors,
will give any shade.
Colors 10ct black
15c at your dealer's
or poslp'd with Vic., t
let "How to Dye' ro5
from F. L. BiENEDICT & CO. Montreal
E1h It;
ISSUE 11.•---,1d,
Steuart t'getz clipping f' oltItto
7vflas enelor,ellps taster and close,and ataysshnrp
lonpertban [My otter. Gear) ere altfilo bard Rud
mitfren, solid steel bar, eneloeed, protect• pence
ed and run lnoil. Dag elx foot of.tew
et,j to pexlbte Chart nee celebrated Sisiv.'',�?y+�,
urb angle tennton clipping liend, Oct - `�
Ono from your dean r, ere'ry runebtno gnarantocd.
oa lr, ec,t t11.114XlIaLIs SHAFT Co.
693 LA Salle Me. eilicAao,1Lt..
.ste , or tree .yioo1t momma ed o
bone rnel Shoop c5rIn; xnbhlnes.
Prophecy of Third of Century Ago
What Seems Near Pultilulnont.
In a spteoohM Ef,d'inburgh on NOV;
M04 1679, the late Rt. Hon, W. E.
Gladotone made the following pre-'
diction regarding the disposest of
the terrilxmry in. the Balkans
"I wish to avail myself of this
occasion fox' the purpose of clearly
putting and oliearly :answering one
question of vast importance. Who
ia'tt. that ought to poeeees, who is
it that ought to away, those rich
clad fertile oounitries which are
known as comprising •what is called
the BaIkan Peninsula `I
"It seems to be agreed thatt the
time has coma, that the hour is
abuut to strike, if it has not struck
already, when all away of '.l'urkisll
power over those fair provinces
must ,geese, if it were only by rea-
eon of impotence. Who, then, is to
have the suoees,Q..ion to Turkey?
From the, bottom of my heart, and
with the fullest conviction of my
understanding, I will give you the.
reply -.a reply which I ate perfectly
certain will awaken a free, a, gen-
erous, a unanimous echo in your
bosoms. That suoeession is not to
pass to Russia.. It rtot to pass to
Austs'ia• It is net to pass `lo Eng-
land, under whatever nante of
Anglo -Turkish Convention or any
thing oleo. It is to pass to the peo-
.ple of those Gauntries ; to these wbo
have inhabited them for many long
eenturies ; to these who had reared
theist to a state of civilization when
the great .calamity of Ottoman con-
quest spread like a wild wave over
that portion of the •earth, and bur-
ied that civilization under its over-
whelming force."
A Racking Cough
And Sate Throat
Cured In Five Hours
lise the . Proper Remedy altd Colds
and Sore Throat Disappear.
"When I came home last evening,"
writes Mr. Thomas E. Jarvis, "I was all
used up with cold and a racking cough.
I felt sick all over. My wiferubbed my
throat and Chest every hour, and made
nae gargle with Nerviline and water. I
waS soon warmed up and made comfort-
able with .the Nerviline, and the chilly
sensation passed. away. At 11 o'clock,
after live houre` treatment,' I' was; praoti-
Gaily well, I therefore write you at once
in order that it may be publicly known
that Nerviline will knock out a bad cold
over night."
It is a fact that Nerviline will ease 'up
a tight chest, will relieve that sore,
wheezy feeling, will knock out a cold in
t a few hones.
bus s It penetrates deeply,
draws out the congestion, cures prompt-
ly. Get a large family size bottle, d0e.;
small sae, 25c., at. all storekeepers and
druggists or The Catgrrhozone Co., Buf-
falo, N. Y.
Comparative Cost of Those Which
Have peen Lately Built.
The competition in the building of
wars -hips continues with unabated
energy, in spite of the growing anx-
iety to which it gives rise; but in
this country, lit least, it is aceeepted
with a. large measure of composure,
because it is seen to be inevitable,
says Engineering. There is cer-
tainly here less hesitancy and more
general acceptance of the situation
than there was some time ago, It
is interesting, if 'not gratifying, to
reflect on the fact that the cost of
this heavy task imposed upon Bri-
tain is lighter than in other conn -
tries. The two European countries
which are building most extensive-
ly are Britain and Germany, and
the figures published in the new
German Navy estimate's afford
means of comparing the cost of the
latest ships. These figures, too, are
of still wider significance, as they
may be .accepted also as in some
measure indicative of the cost of
shipbuilding work generally in the
two countries. We admit the diffi-
culty of ensuring reliability in such
comparisons, as variants enter into
the problem; but it is possible to
arrive at such a degree of definite-
ness as to indicate, without ques-
tion of grave error, the general con-
clusion that the British Admiralty
are getting their ships of the line
at a much leas price than is paid by
the German naval authorities. •
The figures 'applicable to the Ger-
man battle -cruisers Goeben and
Seydlitz may be compared with
those for the Lion and the Princess
Royal. Time designs, of course, dif-
fer. rj.'h:e British .ships are certain-
ly larger, have greater epeecd, and
as to their armament it may at least
be said that the offensive power of
the British ships is not inferior to
that of the Germante:ssels. Thera
latter cost ---the first named .41,2,203,-
000, ind"the other, and later, ves-
sel. 183,234,00(1. The costiof the Lion
was zW,068,000, and of the Princess
Royal •as,013,ase. We have -there-
fore, a clear gain. of quite eight per
cent. in favor of the British ships,
without considering the difference
in design. The, Gerntti:'1 criucers
have a length of 010'/ feet, and a
displacement of W2,b00tons ;tht'C3ri
fish ships have le length of 000 fe<.t,
and a displacement of 20,S50 tons,
There should thus be a rr>usitlrrrcl)1t,
"Y` l 't 1 1.
difference cr, in . � e t i the German
f of
Chips, for in hull cotrstruct*)_a ui-
crea.s!e in length ;invelvoy higher ex. -
Tea when you are tired,
part oniony if it's
Goes farthest for the money
H, W. DAWSOI'I, Ninety CQlberne Strent,
e.X' with Three Houses: large Beek Berne
Must be Fold quiek. Price is very low.
EVERAL D1*tI1t5,BLia FA Bala IN
1.-, Manitoba, Alberta .and Saskatchewan
that can be bought, Worth the money for
quick sale.
farms in d'iff'erent .sestione of Ontario
on my list. If you. want -a farm consult
H. W, DAWSON. Toronto,
and ten notes in a th'rivitg -Outage
in Western Ontario. Will 'exehange for
farm in SPsicatahewan, Alberta . or On-
tario. The Western Real Estate Exchange,
London, Ont.
►.3 ferent Foreign Stamps. Oatalogue,
Album, only Seven Ceuta. Marks Stamp
Cern/lane. Toronto.
au Barbers and Live Men in towns only
100 population make big money: Bo first
to write for book,"Row to Start a Bile
Bard Room"-Coet, Easy Terme, etc. Cato.
logues of tables for Home and Olub free.
If you have a table ask for our supply
catalogue. Brunswick-Balke-Oollender Oom•
Deny. Toronto,
winners and layers --$1 and $1.75 per
15. Bert. Wismer, Preston.
eeel the north shore of Lake Erie, 25 se-
lected kinds; Black Cap Raspberries and
Evergreens. Free catalogue. Lakeview
Fruit Farre, Grovesend, Ont. .(This •ad-
vertisement appears but once).
ei 14
• internal and external, cured with.
out rain by our home treatment, Write
ns before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical
Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
der Stones. Kidney trouble, Gravel.
Lumbago and kindred ailments positively
cured with the new German ' Remedy,
"Banol," price $1.50: Another new remedy.
for Ilfabetee•1fellitne, and sure cure,: [e
"Senol's Antt•1)iabetes." Price $2.00 from
druggists or direct. The Sanol Mannfao• 5
taring Company of Canada, Limited.
Winninea, Man.
7,.FRcNC orI.EANEn
1611 DYED
Best Work in Canada. Gold 'Medalist
p 'construction nstruction and in
armor protection. Again, the de-
signed power of each of the German
cruisers is 52,000 horsepower, with
which 27 knots .was to be realized.
The two British cruisers, on the
other hand, were to be fitted with
machinery .of 70,000 horsepower, to
give a designed speed of 28 knots.
It is known that in all eases the de-
signed speed was exceeded
Mr. J. E. Arsenault, e. Justice of
the Peace, and station master at
Wellington, on the Prince Edward
Island Railway, says:
"Four years ago I slipped in the;
station and fell on. e . freight truck,
sustaining a bad cut on the front of
ray leg. 1 thought this would heal,
but instead of doing so it developed
into a bad ulcer, and later into a form,
of eczema which spread very, rapidly
and also started on the other leg.
Both legs became so swollen and sore
that I could only go about my work
by having them bandaged.' My doctor
said I must stop work and lay up.
"After six months of this trouble
I consulted anather , doctor, but -with
no better result. I tried all the salves, .
Liniments and lotions 1 heard of, but
instead 'of getting better I got worse.
" This was toy condition when I got
my first box of Zanz Buis. Greatly to
my delight that .first box gave me re-
lief. I continued to apply it to the
sores, and clay by day they got better.
X could see that at last I had got hold
of something which would cure me,
and in the end It did.
"It is now over a year since Manz-
Buk worked a ours, 1n my case, and
there has been no return of the
Such Is the nature of the great curets
which Zeirelluk Is daily elfoeting.
Purely* herbal in.. composition, this`.
great balm is a sure cure for all skin
diseases, cold sores, chapped, hands,
frost bite, ulcers, blood -poisoning, vnri-
ease sores, piles, scalp sores, ring-
ingworn, inflated patches, .outs, burns and
bruises, All druggists and stares sell
et EO;,. hex, er post free tram Zslu-Bud
Cty.ti upon receipt of price.