Exeter Advocate, 1913-3-13, Page 5DENTAL �Dr. G. F. ItOttLSTON, L,D,S„ DENTIST 11ember of the 1d.0 D.S, of O40010 at4 J41041- Graduate •ot Toronto E1tl5sret44 , Oifke--Orel , S►la1ce011 &Carling% law Office. ClosedWednesday aftorn.ons, 4' AR. :A A. R, I3 ai$144 N, . T :k►.5., H.Dt+ Honor Cr dtkteatToten to - Un +ry r y DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or any odd Offeete. Office over 'Gladrnan 8c Stanrbury's Office, llifadn Street, I Teter. L19GAL piCICSON &: CABLING, •BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Nietalies, Conveyancers, Com- Inhasdoners. Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, etc. 1lfoneytq Loan et lowest (rates of intereffer Offices -Marin -St., 'Exet er T: R. Carling, N.A. L. H, Dickson M©N111Y TO LOAN We .have a larrge, amount of private funds to loan on farm and village prop erC;ee at law rats of interest. EI A7iMAII & STANEURY 3anr)eters, •Soldeltors, F3reter: 3. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, ,aso FClre Insurance fn .lead= tag Canadian acid British Comisaniies. Madan—Et., Exeter. T B. ;CARLI'NG Life, Fire. Aeeldbm and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ducting auction sales. Exeter, OM. GET THE BEST. ,ELLLJOTT IT PAYS. Toronto, Omit-, 1s a. Commercial School of the Hlghnest Grade. NONE fi'ETTER IN CANADA. Gihduaua in etre rig demand. Enter now. :acatoguefree. FARM yea SALE The undersigned :s' offering for sale that desirable .1.00 acre farm, situated• In the Townshflp of B.Iddulph, being Lot 13,, Cori. 1, There, Is oat the pre¢ni,ses a good frame itiwtise, blat'n withtSounda- tion, armband,. The fa,nrai 5s well drain- ed and all render oulttItvat1on. This is an excellent fames,, urer situated and will be sold reasonable For fur'ther partic- ulars apply to Jalhtn'O'Neil, Mooresvale, Ont. WM. KELLY PARK. FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for sale Lot 6, North Boundary Stephen, con- taining 100 acres et good land. There is on the premises a .good frame house stone cellar ; : bank barn with ce- ment floors ; 3 good, wellS, and a snvali orchard', This is a god' grain dor grass farm, or wlould make a good Stock farm. Situated two miles from Exet<.sr , phone in house, Will be sold reasoslabbe. For particulars apply on the premises, or write the undersigned, Fred Green, Hay, or B. S. Phillipa, I Exeter. Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Yana are sold at 85 a box, or three for $10. Mailed toany address. The'Soebell Drug 'Co., St. Catharines, Ont. Auction Sale 1H1 OF FAB,M STOCK sec . IMPLP1M lN'OS on I of 6, cldnr 12. HAY, ' wro; ir1d1Rlsl north, of, DA PTWOOD, on WET)I F1S• DAY') MA1•'tCkl 19th, 1913, at I. e'cloo'lt sha}•p• the 8olloyrinl; vaS'ua'ble „property Horses -Agricultural mare rtslin " , years Old by Aldlldni, ily foal to Miller; aoutnd•; Percherpn in;are 6 -yr. foal to Hackney ; Agri. herfe rioting 4, by l,M- bion, sound, W!ei4,"•h*t 1500 ; spam omits;rising 4 and 5, „color baown, 4 white feet each : and stripe,, /5'0 undo weight 2650, • right • every'' way'. and both taro same breed; filly rising two years; heavy dra,ug11t; filly rising;' 1 yr, heavY draught both colts . are then ;sense breed ; filly rising' 1 yet, eld, breed hackney., Cattle -3` cows rinsing 6 years old, due to calve Ilr , Aprl1 dr 'M(ay, tiow due to calve In July ; heif+er due to calve in April ; 2 stew rilsiin;g 2 ;, 4 heifers rile -s Enc; 2 ; 2 sheers 1 -yr, old; steer 2 -yrs. old ; heifer 2 -yids. +old ; heifer r1.ss"ng 3 ; fat cow; 5.spring calvleis. , °PIogs.-I hd,rtoulghbred Berkshire boar 2 pigs $ mzonther old; 3 pigs 2 'Mos, Implemimn'ts,-Maier ley- Iasris binder In good order ; Deering mower, Noxon hay rake, McCormick cultivator, , 17-ttootll grain and grass seedier complete, las good a;e new; wagon and box, Maes:0-- 13arrle disc drill, new; set di%mend harrows, •walking plow`, Perrin 2 -fur- row riding plow, good as naw'; root pulper, fanning mill, bobsleigh, cutter grind stone, homs6-140wer, s'uita'ble for heavy work, wood healter, double ,bar nese. braes trimming; double he.rn;esia, chain tugs.; About 50 bushels off flood seed pots tors ; rhea collie slog' alnd. other artdclPs too Inutplero;us to men- tion Terms. -$5, and lender cash ; over that •anneumc 12 months credit{ on furnishing approved notes. 4 percent. off for catsli otic credit asnount,e#, ED, •3 WAUPER, E. BOSSENBERRY 1Iroprietar kuctionecif Name Study Thousands of ambitious young, people are being instructed In theiir Hoare Study Dept. You may finish at College if you desire• Pay whenever you wish.. ' Thirty Years' Experience.. Largest train- ers in Canada. Enter .any day Poe:td,ons guaranteed. If you wish to save board and learn while you earn, write for parti- culars. NO VACATION Cinton Business College .^ GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President Prittcipal SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LANA REGULATIONS • ANY persoun who is the sole fleati'•,sof ;i fancily or any male over 18 yeas oils, Play homestead a •quarter section of available- Donninibni land rn Manitoba, Sasivatichewer or 'Alberta. The :ap- plicant must appear' in person at • the Dominion Lands Agency. or Sub- agency for the district. klntir'y ..by pro- xy made be lnede at any, age4ncy, on. certain conditions) .by feather, •mother, Bion, daughter, brother or sister ,of in- tending th onn c s ead,er • • Duties -Six naoaths''•• residence upon and .cultivation of the land 1 i each of three years, A hoaneabeader pray live Within.n nine ¢ n,.i s o�! h h c yr"'sestead on ,e .rs a Cahn of art least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, :anther, son daughter, brother Or slater,. , • In certain, ddtstrtets a homesteader ,5n good standing, may pre-ern'pt a quart ergsection 'along . side his honvistead, Price '> $,3.00 per '''acre. Duties v);ust reside upon •the hoarse stead -or pre-ennptioin six months in each, of. six years troun date Of hronis-• stead entry . (1n,GLudit7g the fain= re- quired: to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acmes oxtra, A .homesteader who 115,5 exh.atxsted tis homestead right and carnet 'obtain tt pre -temp don.•; 'nay : 'enter for a. ,purl. chased homes ead En certain dieetrfots Price 43.00 pet` acre. Duties-, Must Reiff •stat:.,, erntikPa ilial eaxh� • ort theso Years, cuiirtiwatii fifty apron .and erect a house Wot'tl $360, • y - ,u Depiiiy of the; ivti;nLaler'nt 'th: Inter:or 14.8.-L7tiaiLtiotizod publication • of tdlial adyertiatartent Will net be Baud tor: • NOW TS• THE TIME TO BUY Wire Fencing From 'now • till April lst I will sell at the following prides ;--1 . 5 bar fence, No, 9 wtire '18c. per rod. 6 ba.r fans, Nie. 9 wire Sir.. per rod. 7 bs.r . fence, 140. 9 wire 23c., per rod. 8 b:tr fence No. 9 wore 26c. per rod Steel gate 12 foot long $4.00 Steel gate 13 foot long $4.25 Steen: gate 14 foot long, $4.50 Red cedar posts 4% to 5 in. top, at 15c Bed cedar posts '5 to 5% in. bop, at 20e Red cedar posts 5% Ln. & up top, at 25c Lots of Anchor posts on hand. B. C. Red cedar shingles XXX at 900 Ditto Ditto. XXXX at 95c. N. Brunswick white cedar shingles at 75c., 85c., and 95c. All kinds of Hen5lock lumber on hand at $,21.00. per M. Close prices quoted, on Blue Lake Ce- nient-.and on St. •+i Whys Cement.. - A. Jo Clatworthy • GRANTON. . O`P'AL PURPLE. Stick & Poultry Specifics FREE We will acmes ebsolutel' free, for n aeof our the teak] g, Postpaid, n o ,.,,om,r.,,,;. ' large '64 -page books (with in. , serf), on ,the common diseases• of atoik and poultry. Tells bow to feed all kinds of heavy, and light horses. colts and mares, milch cows,; calves and fattening steers, also how to keep. and feed poultry so that they will lay as well in winter as in Hummer. It contains 889 recommends from all over Canada, from people who have used our goods. No farmer should be without it, You can fatten cattle and hogs in a montb's leas time by usingour iteyal Purple Stock Specific than y914 could possibly do without it. thereby saving a month's feed and labor and the cost to you will'not be more than 81.60 for slit pigs or $1.00 for one steer. It will keep your horses in bow condition with ordinary feed. if you have a poor, miserable -look- ing animal on your place try it on this one. uret and see the marvellous result which will be obtained. Our Stock Specific wil' increase the milk flow three to five lbs, per wow per day, while being fed in the stable. A ,a.t Package will last a cow or horse 70 day ROYAL 'PURPLE POULTRY SPECIUiIC will make your hens lay just as well hi the winter as in the summer, and will keep them free from disease.,. These goods are pure and unadulterated. We do not use any cheap filler to make a largo package, entirely different from any on the market at the present time. Royal Purple Stock Specific, 60c' pckgs• ; four 50e actin., in an air -tight tin, for 81.50.. Royal Foible Poultry Specific, 25c and 50e pckga., and $1.50 air -tight tins, that hold four 50e pckge. Royal. Purple Lice Kilter, 25c and Ole tins; Bee by mail. Royal Purple Gall Cure, 25c and 50e tins;, 80(i by mail. Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 50c bottle; 60c by mail. Royal Purple Cough Cure, 50c tin ; 60c by mail Royal Purple Disinfectant, 26c and 50e tins. Royal Pnrple Roup Cure. !6c tins; 30c by mall Royal Pnrple Worm• Powder, 26c tins; 30c by mail. Manufactured only by TheW . A.Jenkins Mfg. Co. Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK HAY & ROOTS IMPLEMENTS AND. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, on LOT 17, CON- CESSION 1, STEPHEN, on WED NFSDAY MARCH 26th. 1913 ,At 12.30 o'clock the following Valu - able property namely. Horses -Brood mare 7 -yrs -old in foal to Banks O'Dee, eligible for registration agric.. mare 5 -yrs -old. agri.' filly rising 3 yrs. 'eligible for registration, agri.; mare5 yrs.. agric. horse rising 1 -yr -old, agric. filly roadster rising 2 -yrs -old. Cattle -1 Pure bred registered cow due April; 2••cows due time of sale: cow due in April; cow due in. May; cow due lat er; 2yr- old heifer in calf ;.4 steers 2 -yrs - old• 4 year-old; 4 calves, regis- stered Shorthorn bull 16, months old.. 70 hens and .pullets, 1 pair of turk'ey's . Implements -Wagon -and box complete .nearly new:,. tru •ck wag- on. top buggy, open buggy, nearly new road cart, pair of bobsleighs cutter • binder, mower horserake single- plow Maple Leaf 2 -furrow plow• :cultivatordisc seeder and drill, roller:,. Diamond harrows, scuftler root pulper, fanning mill 1,000 pound scales, one hay rack. grave] box stone boat, wheel barrow grindstone, wagon lack. water barrels, set double brass mounted team harness, set work harness set single harness, horse blankets robes, rugs and bells. grass seed sower, wire fence stretcher, sugar kettle, whiffle - trees, neck yokes, -•chains, saws ; 2,ladders grain bags, forks shovels hoes crow bar, pick, hay fork; car ropes and slings, blocks and tackle and other articles too num- erous to mention. 15 tons of timothy and alfalfa hay a quantity of roots. 1 cream separator nearly new;. Dais}; churn, milk pails; pans. croc ks: six octave piano case organ oak bedroom set, feather bed, mattress, springs, lounge,; arm chair rocking chairs, perfor- ated chairs. kitchen chairs,' pict- ures. etc.. etc. Terms -A11 sums of 5.00 ' and under cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will ' be' "given on - furnishin g approved •joint notes. A discount of 4 per, cent. off for cash on credit amounts. Henric Rowe, Prop. `Thos. Cameron Auct, Farquhar P.O. Phone by way of • Exeter. Auction Sale Frame cottage, 1 story, 6 rooms btiek foundation, good• cellar, goon 'well. large and small fruit; being' situated an Part of Lot t9 West side of Carling Street;''Exet- er and formerly .• the home Of the Laic Margaret E; StanoOnIbe. Sale On : Saturday, March 29, 1913, at 12 o'clock ,p, m., on the premises, r o reserve .as, the property inust' be sold - Ternis-10 % _o'n day of'sale, bal- ance. in 30 days. .For further oar- tieulars apply. to G•eo, Easterbrook. laxecutor T. B.. Carling auction-' ser ox Dickson; ,Carling SOlicit- ors, 1011. al ihait , insti•tson utltion last Sato). day. The r o e at' Was ;� ccess- a ft114 pel:forxaed and ,complete re- cover), is' :looked. koro, -Fox hunt- ing. ix+ the big swamp its the noir amusement of, local sports- mel•, just now. lYlany foxes „leave been captured. ---Herring fishing at St Joseph .leas been.,going' on tQr some days, The herring are larger that, thev have, been for years ?it this point, -Mr, AndreW Hess, for many years clerk of the division court resigned his -position re- cently Henry Neeb was appointed to the vacancy, Mr. Blake Horner and Miss D. Geiger were quietly married re- cently, -Miss Mary Brown, Gos- hen Line. who has been in Berlin for a number of weeks, . returned home. -Rev. W. 0. Henn of 'St. Jacobs who is assisting Rev, Mr. Brown in his revival meetings, preached in the Evangelical ebur ch on Sunday both morning and evening. --Mr, and Mrs. Harry Ran dell of London are visitors in town. -Mr. John H. Beaver of Saginaw Mich,.; son of Peter Beav er formerly of this section o is visiting' relatives in town and victnity. , London, Canada •'RoyalIParple Supplies and Booklets may be obtained from W. J. f` eatni n, Exeter, Ont, Hanlon O'Brien, Centralia. HOW TO CONQUER• RHEUMATISM AT YOUR OWN HOME If you or any of your friends suffer from rheu- matism, kidney disorders or excess of uric acid. causing lameness, backache, muscular pains ; stiff, painful. swollen joints, pain in the limbs and feet; dimness of sight, itching skin or frequent neuralgic pains, I invite you to send for a generous Free Trial Treatment of my well- known, reliable Chronicure, with refereucesand full, particulars by mail. (This is no C. O. D. scheme.) No matter how many may have failed in your case, let me prove to you, free of cost, that rheumatism can be conquered. Chronicure succeeds where all else fails. Chronicure cleanses the blood and removes the cause. Also for a weakened, run-down condition of the system, you will find Chronicure a mosttsatisfac tory general tonic that makes you feel that life is worth living. Please telt your friends of this liberal offer, and send today for large free package, to MRS. M. SUMMERS. Box. E.840 -Windsor, Ont. STUDY AT HOMEI Use your spare time and become a good Book-keeper, 'or a ,Sten- ographer, or Learn ' to Draw and Design, Or take a course fn Story Writing or Journalism and qualli'fy to earn a gotod sal- ary. We can give you just the right Course., Waite *us for Cat- atogue.i W. H• 'SHAW, President, ,Shaw's Schools,' Toronto. 1913` ' Catalogue Now Ready y 80 pages brim full of good things. Con- tains valuable information for the farmer, market gardener and private planter. 12 pages of the latest and best, world-wide introductions. Valuable premiums. Your choice of 6 new varieties still unnamed (not for sale until 1914) absolutely free with every order, large or small. Don't delay writing. Mail this with your name and address. Your request will receive special attention. State if you grow vegetables or flowers for market, as we have a special price list. Write to -day while it's fresh in your 'Hind. DARCH & HUNTER, SEED CO., Limited Dept. E1 LONDON, CANADA Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS ADDRESS - ed to the Postmaster -General will be received at Ottawa until noon) on Friday, April 18th, 1913, for the conveyance of hiS Majes- ty's Mails on a proposed contract for four years, er times per week, over Rural Mail Route from Cen- tralia (Saintsbury Way), Ontario from the Postmaster -General's pleasure. Printed notices, containing forth er information as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of tender may be obtained' at the Post Office at Cen- obtained at the Post Office at Cen- tralia, Saintsbury, and, at the of - floe of the Post Office Inspector at London. Post Office Department, Mail Service Branch. Ottawa ° 'eb. 28th, 1013. G. C, ANDERSON, Superintendent. ZURICH' itlrs .C.antin of St, Joseph, who was taken to St, Joseph Hospital HURONDALE Most people in •;this section have mail boxes put in place iTM -adi- nessfor rural mail d�*' cry. Mr. Frank Hill and little son, were visiting' at Mr: Evan Dew's. Mr. Hill is in Port Huron. -We are glad to know Mr. `Blatchford 'is slowly recovering; -=The Gillies teams of Exeter have 'been draw logs from our vicinity' during the past weeks. -Messrs Neil and Purdy have left , our vicinity. The former goes to Kirkton, the latter near. Hensall.-The pupils of S. S. No. '1 Usborne, purpose holding an ' entertainment on Wednesday afternoon Mar'19th. Parents and all interested are cordially , in - vited. HENSALL' --- Mrs • Simpson is visiting her sis- ter Mrs. Vair in Toronto.- Peter Douglas and family leave on the. first of April, for the West. - Mrs. W. Shirray of Detroit is the guest of her mother, Mrs. N. Shir- ray.-Miss Creighton, of Perth, has been engaged _as head miliner by Hugh McLean. -Miss Mary P. Lang intends residing for a time with Mrs David Mack of Exeter. -When Mrs. - G. Brown was leaving her residence she slipped and fell her head striking the bottom step with - such force as to seriously injurethe back of her neck, Owing to the accident she been confin- ed to her bed for over a week. -- A very happy event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs...Wm. Dougal of Hay Tp, on March 5th when their second. daughter . Ma - belle G was united inmarriage with Milne R. Rennie, one of Hen - sail's young and enterprising business ; men. After the young couple`' Who were unattended, had taker- their place under an arch of evergreen, Rev. E. MeL Smith preformed tke ceremony. After luncheon and a social hour they drove to Hensall where the bride and groom took the train for a trip to Hamilton, Toronto and Ot- tawa .Upon the return of the happycouple they will take up residence in Hensall. 71,IcG LLIVRAY A very pretty wedding took place in London on Feb. 26th when Everoyal Durrilla, Lewis of McGillivray became the bride of Mr- Russel Gordon Blake of Elgin - field. Ont., Miss Myrtle; sister of the 'bride acted as bridesmaid and Chester Blake, brother of the groom was grbomsman, KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. Norman Racey are visitors at the Rectory.:Mr. and Mrs. Nichol of Chicago are visit- ing. their niece Mrs. J. E. Elliott. !John O'Brien commenced his dut fes as, stage driver between Kirk - ton and .Farquhar on March 1st. -Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Kennedy left on Tuesday for their home in the West ' Miss E. A. Shier accompany- ing them. -Mrs. Thos. Tufts left on Tuesday ,last for a time of three months' visit to her daughter, Mrs J, Kerr Conquest Sask. - After spending a couple of months with friends and relatives here. Mr-. and Mrs. Arthur Kirk left this week for their home in Hamiota, Manitoba. SODOM. ic01311ETr—Jaines Morrow, lvlf, P. P. of Manitols, Manitoba, is visit- inr old friends here ,this week. It is 34 years since Mr. MorroW moved west from. this vicinity: -- $c'1 Mrs , D, D. Thorn,pson, who has been sick With la grippe for the past weak is getting better and we hope to see her around again,--•Mz.and Mrs, I, C. Good - han i arrived Koine after spend, int*+ almost' two, months with fri, ends in Tilsonburg and other East ern .,points. "ebr& ary Report foir S.S. No. 3. Stephen. Only names of those who obtained 60! of over are pub, - fished -Sar,IV„ P Sanders $4, L Sanders 69; Jr, IV., A Shapatti'a 69 R Hogarth :63, C" Triebner 60, M. Triebner 60 ; Sr, XIX., R Parse -a 70 L 'Schroeber 69; Jr, 11X., G Schroe- der 70' .II. -G Jaeobs 82, L Pa^•sons 80, kl Preszcator 79, N Sanders t'6: Primer. C Christie A Christi?). ..E Schroeder, F Paraons, J V,"11:1 Marchand. Teacher,. • hy should any other r cereal be Called"just as ,. good" as 1 119: RN FLAK The home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greer was the scene of a, pleasant event on Tuesday night last, when a number of the friends and neigh- bors gathered to do honor to 111r. anc1 Mrs Green, prior to their leaving the township for their new home in Exeter, the . occasion be- ing thepresentation to them of a large Morris chair. a rocker and a beautiful centre table accompan- ied by a nicely, worded address. the address being read by Mr A Hooper, while the presen- tation was made by Mr. Nelson Stanlake` The evening was a most pleasant one to all present. Fol- lowing is the address :- To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green, - Dear friends, -On hearing of your ;intended removal from our Wilda to your newhome in Exeter we felt that we could not allow you to depart without expressing to you MD.' deep feelings of regret at the loss we are about to sus tain During your long residence ]here your obliging manner, coup- led With your many other estim- able qualities have woven a chain of friendship ' which neither time" Of i e sever. We telt no;• distance. can that we should in some way' tc- kno'si'ledge this esteem in .whleh your, are held by your friends and. neighbors., .and therefore ask you to accept this 'Morris chair, rock - e. ant* centre , table, . aa ; marks 'if' appreciation and regard, on '1e hal- of your old it ends and neigh- about- It lzlonth ago, was operated bore. Because Kellogg's is known to be the best and most nutritious cereal on the market— Because the sale of Kellogg's Corn Flakes is enormous as trade returns will show— Because another large modern factory, the best and most sanitary in Canada had to be built to take care of our constantly in- creasing trade— Because the imitator, knowing these facts and having few selling arguments for his own product thinks to create a market for it by comparing it to Kellogg's: But ---the/ avorand the sustaining - qualities of Kellogg's Corn Flake3 cannot be counterfeited. Sold in big packages at 10c. Look for the signature. 93 ,uvvvvvv ALE --- STOUT --- LAGER PURE—PALATABLE — NUTRITIOUS — BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE j G t G R7.�Y.lG�/.t7,1f.�AVAA1h1G\IVAVAAJAVV.VANIAAA.VAVINA\i' AAVAlAA/A,/N ,AAP AG: LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to ' JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA A "Feed" that adds 25% to the value of Stock in a very short period Caldwell's Molasses Meal It does more than that --it also insu' es rh^ health of your cattle besides reducing ne. feeding costs by a substantial marg . is 84% pure Cane Molasses and 16% e11i r 'iss selected for its unique digestive action. . \ ou know the feeding value of pure Cane MMi tat. ;is. Caldwell's Meal is the only wasteless 1 ?°in in which it tan be fed. It's always palatal'le' and dry to the touch. Takes the place of at ec'ial amount of other cereal, making it rrure palatable and digestible. Most likely y't feednlan handles it, but write to us at an, rate for the facts. THE CALDWELL FEED CO., Limited, DUNDAS, ONTARIO. 32 "I am an old man and many of m troubles p7' never ha ened.-ELBERT H yyB IiU .BARD Imummo HE white hair p Y and wrinkled faces bf our busy men and women tell of doubt, fear and anxiety -more than disease or age. Worry' plays s T havoc with the nervous system -so that that digestion is ruined and sleep. banished. What oil is to the friction of the delicate parts of an engine DR. PIERCE'S oldena lc �scoc l�J[ lD► is to the delicate organs of the body. It's a tonic and body builder -because it stimulates the liver to vigorous action, assists the stomach to assimilate food -thus enriehing the blood, and the nerves end heart hi turn are fed ole pore rich blood. Neuralgia "is the cry} of starved nerves for ,food."" Por forty years “GoldenMedical Discovery in liquid form has given great satisfaction as a tonic and blood maker. Now it' can be obtained in tablet, form front dealers in n edict ne or send $Ooneeeentstamp* fortrial box. Write IL Y.Pterce,B`tc/Taio. Oil : PIERCE' 01- i4+k.EA.14.1VIr PEL1LETS BeAle►ecoettllpalielli •trrgelatethe liver. Mowi.lr. Marl • to t*ke Mr Okay.