Exeter Advocate, 1913-3-13, Page 4oke# e
Sanders dt Creech, Preps, *
TUURSDAT NAB,. 13, ''I,3
`xtht new co-operative plan of
eiel veru came into force in Park
hill on Monday. That is a move
which will recommend itself . to. all
as the service whichthe public
Will receive will be just as effic -
lent and the coat of keeping store
will be materially lessened. A.
merchant who formerly paid ,out
front $450 to $500 a year fork a
drivel and horse keep and re-
pair: will now pay only a frac-
tion of that sum. The cost ` Or
getting • the goods into the aus-
tomer's handswill be greatly les
ened.—Parkhill Gazette,
I jt to the present time Laurier
and his supporters have formulat
ed the: following policies n on the.
Naval Aid Bill.—
(al They voted on February 13
that the question should be, sub-
mitted to the people at a gener-
al election.
(b)Ou the same day they voted
that the question should not.::;. be
submitted to the people ,but ''Ghat
immediate action should be taken
to increase the effective naval
forces of the Empire.
(c) They voted on the twentieth
of February that the question
should not be referred to the
people by a plebiscite.
(dl They voted .on the 13th. Feb-
ruary that thirty-five millions
should immediately be appropri-
ated to increase the effective nav-
al forces of the Empire.
(e) They have now moved an
amendment that not one,. dollar
shall be appropriated to in-
crease the effective naval forces
of the Empire.
Upon this last motion they are
now actively occupied in .obstruct
ing the business of the cpuntry.
It will be observed that they vot
Ied against a plebiscite but for a
general election:making plain their,.
desire They want no , submission'
of the question to the people un-
less it gives them a chance to 're-
turn to office.
There is every reason to be-,
lieve that it will not be per
mitted For many years there has
been a growing feeling through-
hroughout the country that Parliament
should work more and talk less,
Speeches of three -and -a -half to
four hours full of petty and tri-
vial matter do not contribute eith-
er to the dignity of Parliament
,tort and return, --Mr; Wm. Brooks
who has been extensively engaged
• in the pig business during the
Messrs, Foist Bros,. tools posses=
sion of the General store lormer-
lv conducted by Samuel 'Brown on
t3, sdnesday and are now open for
business.. We wisp, them every suc-
cess in their new undertaking.
quarterly services will be held
in tiles Evaltgelieal Church next
Sttllday,. Rev. S, R. lfuetchel, P.
B. of Berlin will preach both morn
inf.' and evening.—It has "been
fir ilia decided by the .,members of
the Methodist. Church to erect
a new church shed this coating
summer Work will be commenc-
ed as soon as kthe weather per-
nuts—J. Guinan the township 'ts-
sessoi has bee making his
rounds in the village the past
week Did you hide the dog? ,•-
Albert Morlock attended the
automobile show in London '.ast
Thurselay.—Fralik . Sims has sold
his threshing outfit to Bruce
Mitchell of Centralia Frank thinks
b will go back on the farm Por
a change,—Herb,. Eilber is to
ceiving the congratulations of his
friends 11114 week It's a girl
There has been considerable sick -
nese in our neighborhood the past
few weeks The Grippe is no :e-
specter of persons and "sticketh
closer than a brother."-- :Wuerth
13aist & Co. have sold their flax
companv team to Mr Welsh of
Exeter,—Henry Matz fell down
stairs early one morning last week
breaking three ribs. He had a
lighten lamp in his hand at the
time but fortunately the light was
extinguished before anything was
destroyed,—Elvin McMurray of
Winnipeg ,Man., is 'spending a fern
days' in town renewing old ac-
quaintances.—Daniel Finkbeiner is
suffering from an attack of ap-
pendicites We trust the attack
wilt not prove serious and neces-
sitate . an operation. - Wesley
Brown and bride of Pigeon, Mich.,
spent a few days in town last
week. We extend our hearty con-
gratulations, -The hockey match
scheduled .for Monday night be-
tweer. the H. S. Boys fo our school
Dashwood was called off on ac-
count of the mild weather.
':A quiet wedding took place at.
the home° of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Kirk on Feb. 26, :when their.eld-
est .daughter, Ellen Grace, was un-
ited 'in marriage to' Frederick W.
sort , .of Thos. J. Amy of Crediton,
The 'marriage ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. W. A. McKim
Yonne in the presence of about 30
intimatefriends and relatives of
the bride and groom. Promptly at
8 o'clock the bridal party entered
the parlor to the strains of . the
wedding march played by1 Mr3. D,
Orth of Harrowby,,:Sask. cousin of
or to the efficiency of Parlianeeu-. '.thhe''bride. The °-bride was given
tary Government. If the Opposit t away,,•.,bv Tier father' and was unit -
ion find themselves in an unfortlx-5aed She wore a dress of
cream silk with bridal veil and
orange blossoms. Her going away
dress was bluesilk with. hat to
Match The many beautiful and
costli presents showed the high
esteem in whish the young "couple
are held. They will reside on the
groom's fine farm neat' Crandall,
Man.—Crandall Enterprise,
nate position as a result of,.r"tFiir'
tactics they will onlay „ha''e thdisl
sedeee-s-•te ,31eeme and no reasonable
man in Canada will waste Shusle.
sympathy upon them.
The request of the Government
is moderate and just.
They ask first that a reasonable
date shall be set when discuss -
ion of the Bill in Committee :,hal).
be brought to a conclusion.
They ask in the second place
that a reasonable date shall be set
for the vote upon the third read
ing of the Bill.
They ask in the third place that
the usual vote on .account of sup-
ply in order to carry on the busi-'
ness of the country shall pass. This
is necessary as the fiscal -ear
will end on the. 31st March and af-
ter that date nu payment can
made to Civil Servants who are
dependant for their daily exist-
ence upon their salaries, no pub-
lic works can be carried on end
no part of the business of the
country can proceed unless such
a vote on account is granted.
Ui to the present year this has
never been refused. During the Re
ciprocite debate sof 1911 the Con!
te of
servative Party ea
one sixth of the main estimates
on the 31st of March and on the
17th May they granted one quarter
of the estimates, or in all five
twelfths. a little less than one
half. This vote was given by the
Conservatives without discussion
and in order that the business of
the country might not be delay-
ed or impeded.
A quiet wedding took plaice on
Wednesday February 26th, when
Mrs. Heitzman of Shipka and. Mr.
Haymaker of Kansas were :: un-
ited in marriage, 'at the parson-
age of Rev. S. `A: Carrier. The.
bride and groom took a drive
around Zurich. They will ;make.
their home in Shipka.—A wedding
tool- place on Wednesday, _Feb.
26th at the home of Mrs. Wasp-
er, when her daughter Anna, was
united in marriage to Mr. Divine
son of George Divine.
revuiar storm period involves 7th to prepare for the ;millinery open -
to aero The center of the Earth's 1 ings at Tiernan & Edighof£er's.
equinox falls on the 22nd, withinPostponed Auctuion Sale 18p,,
two days of the center of the Ve-
nus equinox on the 24th. Themoon
wri; be in opposition with Earth
ant~ Sun at an eclipse node, on the
22 na. and on the celestial equator I Almer Morley, who has been
encs in perigee on the 21st. We home e£ro a telegrant tb
will venture to put down Tues- received g t Sneer. He
his old position as g
day Wednesday' Thursday. Friday,
Satnrdav and. Sunday, the 1.8t$i, I left Thursday for Or nto, where
19th 20th 21.st, 22nd and Z3rd, as t he starts forScott,
a period of , great , Rdns Gunning, who has been on
anstituting di turbanees, 1>eoe i a° month's visit With friends at.
ant dangerous l,,des
1 be wise to beep an eye Norwich returned' home last:
pie Will„ „
he probabilities, Phenomenal! Thursday.—The Mission Ba'ndtield
ett t' i and theirlregular monthly meeting at
c tectxi :svisit Manwy
n - ithe home of Mies Myrtle Squire
pec will visor south,uwhile
iz 1. e 0th of Blanshard Saturday
eciall�c' to the. while hliz-on the i ry 1 r in it
z will —Ltr, .Tripp- has la ;nunibe
zaxaous storms and gales , grippe but the nick
r clOWn from the north and grip around hare
sues are rm relte ,nieely,t. ==, Walter
met c into the. sorixl5 �;'.,,-qcorning' ,p � Moil e
g Wide, GuttnittO' ,.u, .ants <• Delbert, y
fromsouth,causing' a _ ,
'n cold wave for 'Mar��r, spent the past'. week
tar -leaching ow end. 'at ,1Crrkto.n.--Mr. rL rosto is,
' who getting'' the material home to
CLINTON—John bet ai—Vlt'il-
sr his bard next s
forixterl� ran a,barbs! takritP ??? •sal
Clinton Was instantly killed by ri son ' Merley treated the Acing
C P R.. train, at a level crossing , lassies of this place to
its . 'Toronto. ride or, Saturday evening to '1Cir-
year, nuos,expected a ehOtee
lot past
litter this month, litirposes diSpos
ink^ of themall before spring,—
Rev, Steadman of ElimVille and
Geo Wilson of the tgeneral store
has -purchased each a fine young
driverfrom 'Orkin Bros, lately.
--Leo Harrigan near Lucan was
taker: to St. Joseph Hospital in
London last week and oper,ated, on
successful by Drs. Lang and Stev-
enson for appendicitis .—The or-
ganized Bible Class .of ..this S. S.
purposes giving an entertainment
about Easter holidays a :.splendid
programs is being prepared.
Tickets issued at Single Fare for
roundtrir between all stations in
Canada east of Port Arthur,. also
to Detroit, pt. Huron. Buffalo Ni-
agara. Falls. Blaek Rock, Suspen-
sion Bridger Good going. Mar. 20..
21 22, 23, 24, valid
returning up
and including March 26. Particul-
ars and tickets from G. T. agents.
Mr. Wm. Smith has soniewhatiin
proved after his severe illness.
We hope to soon see him around
again.—The Chosen Friends made
a wood bee and ,cut a fine lot of
wood for Wm. Smith on Monday
afternoon.—Mr. John Herm, Sl.t has
sold his driver to. Mr. Jas: Norrisy
for a handsome figure. - Mr. " Wes
Snell of Exeter has installed' . a
litter carrier for Henry Delbridge.
John Delbridge -delivered a ,.wo-
vear-old filly to John Hamilton of
Cromarty on Monday for Which he
received $300.—Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Delbridge spent Sunday withfri-
ends at Whalen.—Mrs. John Brock
of Zion still continues very sick.—
Johr Routley's sale was a great
success Everything brought good
prices.—Josias Creery is having a
sale on March 20.
Mr Henry Stanbus who got
hurt' in the bush by a falling tree
is improving nicely.
Mr John Bre:nnerrnan of Blake
is learning the blacksmith trade
with Mr. Philip Passold.
A meeting of the • farmers' In-
stitute was held in .the Hall on
Monday evening, March 3rd.
Mrs George Wiegand had a
nuiltince bee on Tuesday afternoon
Messrs John Eidt and E. M.
Brokenshire were in Parkhill on:
Wedding.—On Tuesday, March 11
Mr. Louis Restemayer and Miss
Clara Willert were„ united in wed-
lock The ceremony was perform-
ed los Be. G. Thun, the resident
minister in the presence of a large
number .of invited , guests. They
will live on the •Restemeyer home-
stead on the lath of Hay. We ex-
tend our congratulations and hope,
that their journey through life
mai- be as one long bright summer
Mrs M. Fenn of Parkhill is vis-
iting friends in town,
Mr and Mrs. Henry Guenther at-
tended the .wedding of Mrs. Guen-
ther's brother, Milne Ronnie, in
Hensel]. last ednesday.
The Senior Y.P.A. of .the. 'Evan-
r egress church are ' arranging for
a concert on 'the 4th of April.
Messrs. Louis Rinker and F. Chien
then have gone to port Duron. -
While, Dave Pfaff and Henry Stan
bus were cutting wood in Ratz's
bush last week a tree fell on. Mr.
Staubus pinning him down: For-
tunately he received rib serious,
injury although he will be laid up
for sometime: Miss. Maida. Rout-
ledge has returned from London
and Toronto where she attended
the millinery opening. She tom-
meneed Wednesday of last week
are all aligns of the system being
clogged. The Liver and .Bn«"el5 '•'are,
tractive and,, t," ,,' .slimach la weak from
un;ci g s.0
''foods and foul gases.
the great fruit remedy, will niake you
feel like a new pers,ort.
Winnipeg, June 27, 1911
Atter `taking three boxes of your'Fig
Pills for stomach and liver troubles I
feel strong and well .and able ,to - .do
illy own work. Mrs. A. H. Sauter
• Sold at all dealers In 25 and 50 cent
boxes or mailed by-Tihe Fig Pill Co ,
St. Thosn"as,:Ont.
Mr and Mrs. Richard Blatchford
of Exeter are visiting With their
many friends in this neighborhood
—Mr Bert 'Andrew and family
spent Tuesday of. this ;week :with
I,Tr and Mrs. John Herdma ,n.
Mr Thomas Smale is slowly recov-
ering from an attack of grippe.—
Mr, Richard Johns Sr. is remark-
ably well for ,a man in his 90th
year. His many friends enjoy a
conversation with hire.—Mr. and
Mrs S. Balk -will', spent one day
of last week in St. Marys.—The
Library Committee of Methodist
Sunday School met at the Parson-
age on Monday evening to select
Volumes for ' their library, when
25 of the latest books is ,added
we will have a S. S. ,Library, sec-
ond to ,none:.—Mr,'-and Mrs. Jos,
Hawkins called on their daughter.
Mrs. W. Hunter on Monday.— On
St. Patrick's night March 17th, a
social "evening will be given by
Ladies of the Auxiliary. Choruses
by the children. Music by choir
and an address by MissMedd of
her trip through Egpyt.
wiches. cake and coffee will be
served Admission 20c. and Mc.—
Mrs. George Wright is ,on the Stick
list -Special sermons in the inter-
est of the W. M. S., will be preach
ed in Eliniville on Sunday evening
Beware Young
'Howl B ThisP We oder Bae l uadred poller4Kewsrel tor STAY OM
of Catarrh that omelet tet ourad by 11.01 Catitrh
Qt rs, ' jr� J, CDENET d4 Ao, r 'Toledo, 9.
We sthe uudereigaedbavekoowo F,.J. Chooey for
the Iaet ib yeajrr,-{fid Ware Wee perfectly honoxsN4
io ail budae1S'tris sUons, and Absnclally able to
worry out say obtigatioaa wade h ' his brat.'
wrwose, 41XXle k *Awn*
Wboiovali Dauggisto,'Toledo, 0
Hews Peterrii,Qure is taken iaterually, acting di'
reedy oe, the .blood and muooua cur;wee of the
aytte,u. Taatiteeeiela seat tree. Pries 70e. per bot.
ttlie, Sgld by all DruagiatN
Takeliell'aletoil-Pills w constipation,
Miro Millie Sherritt, who has
bear visiting relatives in Inger-
soll, arrived home on Monday ev-
ening.—Mr and Mrs. Thos, Love
spent. Monday on the Lake Road,
—Mr Len Taylor,who has been
spending. the winter with relatives
here, left for:'Egmondville on Sat-
urdal to join his ,wife there. They
are leaving for the West the he
ginning of the week, and intend
ticketing for the coas.—
Mr . Thos
Marr of Sarnia is spending a
couple. .of weeks visiting at Mr.
Turner's.—Our sleighing did
not last very long.—Mrs. Roy Sher
ritt has returned home after
spendine. some time at Lucan, ac-
companied by her father, Mr,.
Pstrick.-Mr, Robt. Hickey of
Fairgrove Mich., is visiting rela-
tives and friends in this vicinity
for some. time, -Mr. Thos. Pallis
has tapped his maple bush.—Mr.
T. E. Tom I. P. S., of Goderich
visited the schools in this locality
this week.
Spanking does not cure children of bed
wetting. There is .a conethiettenal cause
for this trouble, Mrs. M. Summers, Box
W. 840. ,Windsor, Oiut•, will mend free to
any mother her successful home treat-
ment, .with full Instructions. Send no
money but write her 'ee-day iryour
children trouble .you in Ws way. Don't
blame the •child, • the chances are it
can't help it. This treatment also cures
adults and aged people troubled with
urim difficulties by day or night
Parisian Sage Stops Falling Hair
anc Does Not Contain Poison-,
ous Lead or Dyes.
MITCHELL—Mr. Tig Wood of
Logan. is the owner of. a fine herd.
of Holstein cattle and some of
his cows have, a great milk and
butter record, Recently, in a
seven= day_. test, one of his favor -
Wes "Buffalo Gill," -'-made a re -
cord of 494 pounds of milk and 36
-33 pounds of butter. This is a
record which would be hard to
The clever young .man of to -day
doesn't take any chances on los-
ing hi§ hair. A man who is bald-
headed at 30 looks like 45, andis
piacee at a disadvantage when.
eekin employment.
If you have
dandruff it
means down
near the roots
of your nair
an army of
germs are at-
tacking the
hair root
and destroy-
ing it vi-:
'Ther, hair falls' results. out;_groats thin
and baldness 'Yaun 'Tian
pat your faith in delightful PA,-
RISIAN SAGE it will stop falling
six kill; 'da gruff gerng.. abolish
dandruff attd itching ‘Scalp. orirxion
PARISIAN SAGE' Is'.only 60 :ets,
P:AOLE and:ilieal-
e 'Vie
. S C
botttl a t.
ers; everywhere,. Girl With AAA -
burn hail: On every E carton. Ask
Clearing Auction. Sale
There will be sold by public auc-
tion on Lot 12, Con... 10, Usborne
on THURS. MAR. 20, 1913,'at' one
o'clock. the following property:—
Horses-3 Clyde nares, supposed
to.be in foal; 3 Clyde colts rising
2; 3 good drivers; 1 Sight yearl-
ing colt
Cattle -1 aged imported Short-
horn bull; 14 registered shorthorn
cows. supposed' to be in calf ; 3,
registered Shorthorn heifers, sup-
posed to be in calf; 6 grade short-
horr cows, supposed to be, in calf'
4 steers rising 2; 6 heifers rising
2* 19 calves; 5 registered shorthorn
bulli: -2 grade heifers; 5 brood
sows, 2 with litter at foot, one due
to farrow at time of sale; one cut-
ter, churn butter worker.
Terms—$55 and under cash; over
that amount 8 months' credit on,
approved joint notes or 5% per an-
num off for cash in lieu of notes.
Jos. White. Josias E. Creery
Auct. Prop.
Auction Sale
-Fred Green's sale of Stock and
Implements on Lot 6, N.B. Steph-
en, has been. postponed to MON-
DAY MARCH 17th.—B. S. Philips
Auction Sale
SIR EDMUND WALKER. C..'V.O . 1.L.D., D.Q.L.. President
General Manager Assistant General Manager
CAPITAL, 15 000 000 REST, $12,500,000
Interest at thecurrent rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and
upwards. Careful attention is given to every account Small accounts
are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail.
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more pergolas,
withdrawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. sa
EXETER BRANCH—G. L. WAUGH, M,anager. Drench also at Crediton
The lVlolsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Record of Progress for Five Years -1906-191r
Capital - - $3,000,000 $4,000,000
Reserve . - - $3,000,000 4,600,000
Deposits - - $23,677,730 35,042,311
Loans and Investments 27,457,090: 38,854.801
Total Assets - $33,090,192 48,237,284
Haa.ES Branches its eeenada,•and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Gities in the World.
at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DlassoN & CABLING, Solicitors. N.D. HURDQN Manager,
Grand Trunk Railway System
Colonist Rates
On Sale Daily
Proportinna e 'bow ra;beel to other
palms. in Arizona., Bn:t:•sh Columbia,
California, Idaho, Mexico, Montana,
Nevado, Oregon, Utah, Washington, etc
from all, stations in Ontario. Ask G,
T. .A gents Lor full ,pa.rticuiaret.
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway
'the shortest and quickest route be-
t green Winnipcgt'Sa.ska too -Edmonton.
Therc'will be offered for sale by, pub-
lic auction on Lt9t 24, Con. 3, HAY,
on • FRIDAY; MARCH 14th,. 1913, fast;
1 'o'clock "shiarp, the followi.n"g prop-
erty,- .
The Farm -The farm consllets .of 100
acres; about. 8 acres bush, balance in
good ,state of, cultivation ; 3 good spring
wells, ' 1 acre orchard; tramp haus!e ;
bank barn, cement basetnent 40x60 and
rode house 26x14; cement 13110 35x14
water "eydteim through the basement;
,stabling for 40 'hea'd ;caattie„ all put
In ,new. Location 1-4 mile from school
and two miles from 'iiensall.
Horses—Grey '1g/sidintg, agricultural,
rrising 6 years; :bare mare agricultur
at,":rising '`6, •supploseld to be in fowl to
King Thomas; bay mate, general pur..
Paye, 'rising 6,, supposed to 'tie in foal
to King' Thomas; driving horse . by
Road Master; ; year o14 •stallion, Ora
Wilks, Tr., bYOra. Wilke,
yr, old,
pedis; reo produced at sale; 2 colts ris-,
ing 1 Yea,'" 'old.
Cattle -20 grand steeps rising a; 10
steers rising 2; 3 ,steers ri's'ing 2; ,2
young cowls duo' Ma,Y lot, 1 dry' cow.
I,mPlements, Etc.—Blinder neariY new;
ntower nearly new ; ,e,prislg •torah, cultt-,
'tatba', new; disc,, set die:mend harrows
2 plows, iron r,ollec. rsearly new l"o"an
scorner, nearly new; tight, spring_ wag-
on, bulfgit, iunulose wagon, . set h b
s"lei hts, cutter„_ 2 seta . single 1ia.rne,ss
set double harness, ,serve tots and
Lein at other useful articles:,
Alt the Anety% lis in firnsitsclass shape;
ov°ererrnlsth—atdhSattst ItLtl-$�.,alnd: strider CaeYS;
6 rflonttis crerll.t xsii
twrrli,shifll appyo'ved j .:nit •motes.' d p€1
cent Per alintio. off for cash an credit
attncuhbe. F0011,-734000 withi;ng 8
day b' without ii terbat, the ,balance MAY'
remtiin join £lrat melt t'gaae. at r per.
,. poi anewtt >r
cin` p
A. ,JOitl`i'T do THOS,'»] OWN, Autta.
tIP1o. JOYNT, Prop:
Homeseakers'- Excursions
To Manitoba., ;Saskatchewan amid Al=
berta, each Tuesdayy March to ;October
inclusive via Chicago and St. Paul.-
aul.-Through coaches and Pullman Tourist'
Sleeping Cars will leave Toronto 11
p.m. on above dates for WINNIPEG
No. Change of cars.
WINNIPEG and Return $35.00
EDMONTON and 'Return $43.00
Tickets good. for 60 days. Propor-
tionate low rates to other points:
.settlers' Excursions
and every Tuesday t erea`ter until:
April 29th inciusscve, from ata.,ttona
Ontario, Peterbar;o,,; Port I:Iope" & West:;
Through Coaches and,' Tourist Sleepers
to WINNIPEG without change, leav-
ing Toronto 11 p.m. on above dates
Berth 13.eseryationts' Literature and Full Information from G. yr- R. Agents{
N. J;. DORE, Stat ion Ticket Agent Exeter, Ont.
Electric Restorer for Men
Phosnhonol restores every nerve iii the body
twits proper tension; restores
vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual
weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will
make you a new man. Price 88 a box. or two tot
MaiCatharines,eany address.
dd ess. The 9cobeu Drug
100 acre farm to rent for grass. 'be-
ing' lot '10; Co_m1. 1, •Hay Tp. All:seed,
ed dowwi by ei(gblt acres'. Reinter., may
crop tho eilght acres and seed it
down,. There is a newer failing ;spring
running through the faann which makes
it very valuia,ble foo' grrazing A good
brich house and twio barns, on the
place Po"ssles'sion .given, March lst..IS
desired. Apply to N. JARROTT, 2673,4
z,appin •Ave Toronto, 'Ontario.
There "will be sold by public auc-
tion, ,on William St., Exeter, West
of,'Commercial Hotel, on Sat. Mch:
15th. at'1.30 o'clock,, the on
property :—Sofa,fancy ;chair, 2 iron
bedsteads nearly new: 2 mattress-
es. dresser, 2 wash stands, bureau,
sideboard. cupboard, centre table
fall -leaf table, 2 lounges, easle card
table 6 dining chairs,, 18 kitchen
chairs. 2 arm chairs, 3 rocking
chairs 14 pictures, 6 wood bed-
steads 2'china bedroom sets, china
set dishes 3 kitchen tables, Fam-
ous coal heater with oven,- Coal
and wood kitchen cook stove,
heating stove, clock, ccomnzode,
Looking glasses, Raymond sewing
Machine packing box, drum and
stovt, pipe., ladies' bicycle, 4 sets
bed springs 2 pieces rag carpet,
piece linoleum, 12x16 piece
e,um12x9.number hot air pipes, ,3
hanging, lamps, -4 table lamps, '7
pair lace curtains,. 7 window blinds
bed prop clothes basket, ironing
board. 2 rain water barrels, flour
box vinegar' barrel. 2 screen doors
6 Window screens, 8 feather pillows
6 cotton sheets, 2 table cloths, 2
bed spreads, 14 pillo'W covers, 2
table covers 6.quilts, 6 chair cash
ions 24 sealers, 75 hunches list-
ings. piano
ist-ings.'piano box cutter, fancy iron
gate lawn. Mower, copper kettle
bucksaw, saw. horse, charcoal iron
step ladder, 10 -ft. woodengate,
stove furniture, china dishes,•glass
ware.. 'forks', , spades, shovels, gar-
den tools and other articles too
numerous to mention.
Terins $5, and under cash Liver
that amount:: 8 months credit sin
furnishing approved joint notes,
W Atlztnsbn, S. S. Phillips
;Proprietor. Auctioneer.
very Woman
is interested and should know
abont the wonderful
Marvel Whirling spray
-ask onr drugeist for
Is. If ho cannot supply
:ho MARVEL, accept no
;i her, but send stamp for Illus.
',rated book—sealed. It gives full
-urticnlars and d,rectlons invaluable
o ladie;.at'INDSORSUPPLY Co., Windsor,
General Agents ,for Canada.
For Sale
That desirable frame residence . on
Wi1hani ?street, Exeter, south, of the
river, Three lobs, modern conveniences
electric lights and furnace. A number
of fruit trees and bushes. Good hard
and ,soft weter.
For particulates apply Lo
or B. S. PHILIPS, Auctia'neter
The blest practiclal training school
On'tari'o. TStree . deratrtmetts, 'COMMER
HY: Alt courses are ,t(5oi-ough and
prattica,l, rlbaidbier,e ere exPerj'encedand
graduates are placed in poaitionS. 'We
give individual at't!enit:ou amid" students
may enter at any' time. Write for our
free catalogue at once, •
17 A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
We are now well establish-
ed in business and we believe
on the best of authority (nam-
elythat of a daily increasing
business) that we are meeting
a long 1 want, felt andgiving
the best of' ss;Grsf Ot104,,
All kinds of produce • taken
in ezchance e,