HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-3-6, Page 8Q1�,11 MMIER MARKET&M 1i D• EAO1 WEDNESDAY 42 502 1 00 1 1.5 125 1 10 00, 14 00 150 150 20 22 of SO 25 00 22 00 20 00 ,}'t'�,w ,• ,ee.Ra..Y•. RR,., A T''{rt-% R,R4,,.,,. RR atluk V1114,40. AA .t. ., °aatt.. . , Ream.R••R . Pot:,; ..y,p>tbag,,R.R.•, Ray. ly'Xft'a, ....,. cwt., $ y Flair r ,'v grade pe c^Fv Burr,*, .4,.4.. ...19., Egg.- . 4. R•.... R. R Dried 1,tkpfeS rib ...R Tawe h ,gra pr a r+;.... R. Brant A•0 Sugot• R+et $ho'•r . ,Mc t rl. .. • .R. kg. ,Ma.si'or 'Ste Toronto Mr. W. I: Blatchi?ord, Des .; r ;--Iai ans'w'er to yam card a, eh.^ ; time ago I ant pleased tic:say my h t, • is centres It has thickened up' atthe a, dal; and ea coming over the top of my head nicely I alas sure it is going to dos gall you epee it would, and I are glad that I took your advfcetasld used It. Say, Can You sped me an- other bottle ars I will exon be without any. The...three bottles ars goign do what yo'1t=eaald they would, and I am going :a kerep on using it until I have a g.^od head 'et haitr again. I remeen, Yoturs truly, px. 3. HONE. This Herb Hair Restorer :,s only a'R1 .a'. •ale place in Canada -328, Lee Avenue, East Toronto. LADIES' TAILORED, SUITS.—'THE SEASON'S LATEST STYLES IN BLUE Jima BLACK SERGES, WHIPCORDS, AND BEDFORD CORDS AT $$16.50, $18.00. to $25.00.--(STEWART'S. WANTED—At the Alexandra Marine and Ge.teral Hospital, Goderich three or four pupil nurses. Apply to Miss Griffiths, Superintendent, Goder'che SEED BARLEY FOR. SALE --A limit- ed amount of choice 21 manchuria Seed barley for s,a1e--A poly to W. H. PEN - HALE, Exeter.. LADIES" DRESS SKIRTS IN THE NEW CLOTHS, S1L9.RTLY DESIGNED AND TAILORED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE, AT $7.00, $7.50, ' $8.00— STEWART'S. Marriage Licenses issued at the Advo- cate Office, Exeter. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE. About 600 bus. O .)0. No. 21 Barley price 75e a bush7el; 500 bus. White Siberian Oats, price 50a. a bushel. Free from wild oats end obnoxious seeds, JOHN CAA11'BEll, Hay P.O Lot 10, Con. 2, Hay, Get some neatly printed calling cards at The Advocate. MEN'S SPRING SUITS.—YOU WILL WANT A NOBBY-, AND UP-TO-DATE SUIT POR EASTER. SEE OUR VAL- UES AT $10.00,$12.50, $15.00& $18.00.—STEWART'S. LOOK AT YOUR LABEL.—At thea time of year when taxes and other gab- " lanes are failing due we are much tet need of money. Advocate ,subacrtbens could help us considerably if they would book at the labels on their pap.' erre and remit at once the amount due. Farmers wanting *t„ het p for nextseat. eon should place their order at • onoe the Canadian Cray_rrlan nt Agent Adyo- rata C,3ffige,, UXe?tell, GIRLS WANTED.—Twro girls at once. Apply to Mrs. W. T. Acheson, Cenitrai: Hotel. Exeter. NEW WALL PAPERS.—PRETTY IN- EXPENSIVE PAPERS FOR ANY ROOM IN YOUR HOME AT. PER ROLL 1Ot., 12g2., TO 25c.—STEWART'S A MASONIC BUTTON FOUND —Ap-. ply at this office. COi'7ES WANTED -For our .files we' desire espies of the Advocate of Oct.. i7rla 1912, and January Oth, 1918 and we would be vary' pLesed if Ad vrratc subscribers co.tld supply us with these ieruee, by r t.1, or by handing same into the office. HOUSE FOR SALE A one-story brick house, on Main St.. Exeter. In good condition, alad suitable for small fam`ly. Snia11 gar- den. Gaol water. Apply to R. Ns ROWE. pair S. W. ROWE, Exe ter,' Ont, FOR SALE Tharr desirable property known, ars P:well's Fruit Gardens; situated on tiue cc !rear of Carling and Victoria St., Exeter. Is for sale. Good storey rind half, frame house in good repair; stat le, hen -hawse, etc., anti excellent fruit gardens of 13 acres. Good well. and town water, near depot schlooi and churches. Apply to S. POWELL. HOUSE. AND 2 LOTS FOR SALE OR TO RENT. • Two, -storey brick tubus ,e; very conven lent; good stable; hard and soft wa- ter; pleasantly situalt,,ed.. Can . be ,pur- chased very reasonable. Apply to B. " 8. PHILLIPS' Rest Estate Agent, Exeter, Ont. HOUSE AND LOT' FOR SALE Situated oin Andrew Street; house c'ontalns 7 rooms; hard and soft water All in good state of repair; new Prams stable; will be sold reasonable. For further particulars apply to JAMES OG - DEN, or tO B. S. PHILLIPS, Real Estate Arent, Exeter, OSat. 10,000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALT :. . All First -Class Quality, A Special' Price for Large Orders. G. 1p. HICXS, Cetntralie e rallevAirlriiinggli/"9"4110"141r to. LOCAL DOINGS, ik.,01,,"--Ar.0.-,01..eSteaOreekeheelliteitlkepa4 Good anereters are always holnenaade. Keep turning, if ope goed term dee aervee amother. !Coultcillar Daylet 'Is confined to hies home through theses, Sone amen are .dtaappelated in levee the others in marriage: Many fellows decided to pay as they go --but they never wallet. 1,000,000 emigrants is the estimate from the O. Land for 1918., Economy does not mean etinrginese It mane making ttae moat and bee;i of the meatnsat hand March entered With a slight enavw storm. Thema wa,st no resemblance to either the lion or the lamb, To destroy a. bad odor, allow dried orange peel to shnauldsr o0, a ptiecd of red-hot Iran or shovel; IC the struggling to get into Heaven were as keen as, that' to get tato, eyelet*" only a few people wiuld be left out:. Mr. Geo. Walker has leased Mrs. John Saaders' fifty, acres Patrm on the 8rd c'o'.ices;sfon •?f $stetphen for a term of five years. Credlton hockey team put it over a teem of Exeter players on Thursday oe. the loess rink to the tune of 5-1 The first half Was 1-1 and a good exhibition, but the least' said about. the latter half ties better,' So long' as, I rain. minister of Militia" said Colonel Hughes, at the militaxyl conference" 'there will never be anew - ed in the militia camp any wet mess- es, mild or light beer canteens. We will not waste any time dksruss''.htg this, question further. It is s'ettled'." This Wednesday evening Rev. A. E. Armstrong, assistant secretary of the Board of Mission, Toronto, will deliver a. lecture or the Life. travel and Work of David Liv'nga'tlane, in the Presh&terian church. This la the ce,ttctrary `year of the great African Missionary and Explorer. He. whosettee h in the seat of the sr:ornful, . les rebuked by the conduct of two young Ba..ptist elergyen.sn in tele city. Ree( John McNair, of -the Walmer road church with a salary of. $4.,000 has refused: $12,000 'to' go to' a New York church whjere he would have assilstants and long holidays:; Rev. W. A. Casnfaron, a f the Bipor St. church, with a stipend of $8„000, Sias, also rejected a $12,000 church in the United States. Rein. ,G,. R. Fasken, oP St. Paul's Presbytea'ian church, ha•ei remained true to• his congregation 'un- der similarly tempting circumstances.-= Toronto News. There are worse evils in 'the ;world than work. Lucky is the ream whol is able to find constant eanploynvent of a kind suited to' hie thele and Ms abilities. It wotnld' be a better and a happier 'world if 'everybody acquired a taste for work of some kind, if not for the sake 'et making a livitngg, then tor the sake of the Work itself arid the satestiaction it brings. One of the great mistakese of life Is to look upon wok as merely h. Means to an end being the making of a 1W ng. For most people the work itself is, altereelt as necessary a' condition Of a happy life as food, and clothing. The silver coinage annually turned out from the Otitta.wta+ Mint now amounts tto about $1.500,000 ,while over la - 000,000 cents are turned out. The' new .5 cent pixels' ruin close to the 4,000,000 mark and *he ten cents pieces total 1 ,some 3,000;000 annually Dies for a Canadian elver dollar are now, on hand, buit finance depertnteeit has not decidled to coin any of the "ca,rtwhe,els" believing that the dollar notes . am ,more eenvenbent end more lid»uiare During 'the pilaf fiscal year the Finance Departimentt deported for- elien silver co1na', tm,eieely'tio the TJn- Iced States, worth $1791,187.! EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST. -Mass J. J. Allen, Eye Sight Specialist, will be at The CENTRAL HOTEL on SATURDAY MARCH 15, from 10 a.m. 'tol 8 p.m. TIMOTHY CROLEY DEAD. A for- me' resider;. of Exeter died at hid hone in Londtan on Friday night last in the pensojn of Tliunhathy Croley In his 81,et year. Deceased is survived b:r .his wire atnd. one !sen Witllaan1` 73., acceuniant for the London Loan COM. pans Mr Croltey lived on the farm rio's owned by Mr. Harry Jones south of town but moved to London about 25 yearn• ago. RICKS' FORECASTS FOR M*ROH.- A reactionary Storm Period coverts. the 13th, 14th and 15th. The Moon will be at greatest north declination at this time, hence wind currents will be from southerly points), the temperature will be higher, the barometer will +'ail, fol- lowed by rade and' wind, ending :n ris- ing barometer and change to much cold- er for several days following) The eye should ba kept on all •sberin clouds and don't forget the'bs.xometer... GOE.i FARMING --The London Admit' timer says of s, former Exeter Boy.— ' Members of the city police force gathered at headquarters on Friday evening anki .pres!ekited Constable Mar shoal: Box, who is ` retiring, with a gold locket. and ebains; Mtn Brox will engage in farming near Ailsa Cray:g. One side of the locket bore the ret cipicnt's° etelleabe and on the other was rseaitly' engraved the lnacritoelom Marshall Sox, Frolm t+ he London Toilet Force, 1018." P. C . B1x was popular with all the Men of the force. whe extended to hen beet wishes for r ucress in hila new vocation MR$. HATTER. IIOt DRABLY AC.. QUITTED.—The charge of stealing a fifty dW1lar bill which wag laid by W aldroh Crewe s' slgaiinu st Mrs. Hatter, of Exeter Nar.th, before Pollee Magee,' trate Andrews of Clinton, add which has .taken about -a month to dispose of,' was' yaaterds]f dismissed and Mrs: Hatter honorably aetluftted, It would appear that much of the newspaper. cotiznxent 'upon the catse hail been un- fe.ir to Mrs. IT;atttier, ws gn the trial. it was proven, beyond ques'tiotr that she had not stolen the ,bili, but that it wan' left with her by the presenutar far safe keeping, atnd tbet shd hued done ell. in heir power to reetonie it to th.l rDR ]]:.'` , 'E"R aI1 AY Mrs. John f Stephen 1e 01 with piteu rienia. Never (treat reitueli t'a a rt w friend er ,an 014 eaateniv., Ur Nee. Bellw+oloel end fai tly have move! to SStrratforfj' to reside., Mr. Thos. Wille, sea to very ill at the beano of Me. Ed. Willie', bawn, :tire. D. Mitchell Of town is reeoyer, ?Ing from. a, severe attack 'of grapple, 'CV's: are pleased to report Me. and•Ftaa. T. K. Katy as taxrprgiring from their 11 - nese Mr Richard Ittu'rphy, Maslejeyeklanris A8Cne, heikl .a big` delltvetry of iknple- inerts on Weesc1ayk Cheater Harvey hoe taken a pesltion with Messrs, Jones' & f4i`ay, and Ernest Harvey with W„ W. Tatman. We Neve had. tele beat eileIg1ting this weak, (since Chr1istinias, It .its unusual to visit until Ma.rclmi foir eleigeing.' Threc ri,nlere of curlers from Hensen. were down ops Tuesday 'and played morning and atteanelon games with 'the lo'zal� The James' Street League paid, a iraternat visit to the Malin Street Lea; gee or. Tuesday evening, and repent an. eneoyable tinny.' Exetet High 'Selmer, luockey team went to Luva,n Sa'turda e and won out in .a gam,- with the High Sohbol tea'nt of that village, 8.0. Thomas McMillan o88 Hullett .alyown- ship, was chba nt lona M(andlay'`_ ly the Liberals ot ^W'eei Maxon as their case- d ii.a'to folr the Deminion House. 'Tie a btrer pill to avlaflcw to find. Your beet` culsteener htaa bean lured away by your coinu,petitrar'e advertlee- nnents• But th'erei» a rem'edy'. Better adverttlsing, Tittle girl (n New; York b a.sl died 'Wrenn ,swatlolvein • a small piece of blue lead pencil. The habit .of we t - tiny a Peal pencil on the tongue should be dtse'ouragedand forbidden 3s lc Is very daneerotu•a. Mr. „Wen AitkQns(o'n' sold •Ms property on William. Street on Morena*" 'to • the Misses ;Merril of Exeter Noetb. The buyers get poissess'Ion 'shortly. The deal was made throujgh )3, S, Phillips, Real Estate Agent! Milt . Atkins'on•will have a saitee of bduaebte1d effects on Saturday March 15th: ' Do you 'act toward your wife as you did 'beef&e ylow maarried her?" • Exactly. I remembered just mo'w'haw I mired to abt w!h'eel I Cir* fell in Wee with her. I used to hang' over the fence in trent of her .bm'tuse and gaze alt her shadolwt on. the -curtain, afrad+7 to go in, And I act just the same nye when I get home late." Mrs. Henry Reyaoldis of the Ord connceission of Hay need with a very. unpleasant and painful 'accident on Friday east. 6lhlei wag buaining some old papers !qn the Sto've, saline of which con tiaineo settn!ettthdnjg that wasp very in -1 flamable and (baking irnjg bile veep qu.tte- ly the blame extended high. and into her face, w'ilth, tole reislutllt that Tier face was, quite severely burned EYE SIGITT SPECIALIST.—Mese J. J. Allen, Eye Sight Specialist, will be at The CENTRAL HOTEL on SATURDAY MARCH 15, frotne 10 a,.m.. to 8 p.m. MARCH efisa 'eleerloelc, .has returned front ri'ollante, elle T. l3e!y10 wee tat. Louadon on Tuee day on bus'iness. Mies White, Milliner, has accepted a situation; in ' iiedfo'd,; Miss '4''1'ieatherale agent. S'uuday with her listed,' In Wly'owklutg, The . Missies Atee strong; returned from Teronte Millinery Openings Monday. Mr Norman Ta4lrott of Toronto was in town on busdmess ifar (a, taw days. 14r. anti kdlyd. 30114 May 'ot Ctlntlan ePeft Sunday With frdlehd's in. town. Mise W,inm o Huston, atal:llfne,r, bas` re - awned ter 'situation as milliner in Hamilton. idr. and Mus,. P hn1 Hamdc'ock Intend leaving 'Saturday for their home tui tho west., Miss Mary O'Brien! Of Mount Carmel war a 'visitor at Caunelll;ors Doyle's 'thin evok; Miers Tillie Yager has' taken a post. •iiort ahs milliner with' Meseta White & 'gay at St.Marys. Mrs. Daly Of Fent W,ayaie, Ind., af- :ter a. few dt'ie viesit hart, left Monday morning to vilstlt ipt St. Thiornasi Miss Hatt* I3)amkltloir'd returned last week front Tordntd'where she was at- tending the Millin€ry Opening's,. 0. le. 'Sautldier,el °'and Mies. IvlcAvoy at- tended the eulnera,1 Of the late Oheistot. pher Gotiestelir whd died suddenly 'near Ittpiey on' T1tuS.esklay lalste Mrs. Poplestone and her daughter, Mrs. Wets Welsh, !spent a. few days during the week; witch Mr. and Mrs, Sa A. Poplestone, Blythe Try some Buckwheat Flour for good pancakes also a choicejlot of Corn on hand , R. G. SELDON Exeter, .- -- Ontario RoCL1E Phone 20a QResidence next to the store: Undertaker and License Embalmer EXETER 'ONTARIO Grand Trunk Railway System Colonist ERates On Salo Daily • MARCH 15 to APRIL 15 INCLUSIVE Froin,, E.X TBR1 to VANCOUVER, E. C;-. VICTORIA., B. C SEATTLE, WASH. SPOKANE, WASH. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOS. ANGELES, CAL,. SAN DIEGO, CAL. MEXICO, CITY,, MEX. Proporbihnate low settee, to other p•afnts in Arizona, Bnib'_'sh .Columbia. Cal.; fornix,, Idaho;, Mexico, Montana, Nevada, .Oregon, Utah, Washington,: etc tram all statbone in Ontario.' Ask GI T. Agents for foil ,particulars(. The Grand Trunk Pacific .Railway its the shortest and quickest route be- tween Winnipegt4Saskatoon-Edmonton. ; • 46,75 Homeseakers' Excursions To Mario'Saskatchewan t �s annd Al- berta each Tues'da7y . March to ;October inclusive via Chi:talg/a and St. Paul. `hrotigh coaches and Pullman Tourist Mise Cars will leave Torontrt 11 p tit " ori abolve dates' for WINNIPEG No. Change of, cattle. WINNIPEG and Return 4'35.00 EDMONTON, and Return $48.00 Tickets; good for 60 days.' Propene tionate low rates to other palates settlers' Excursions To ALBERTA & SASKATCHEWAN,! • MARCH 11th ' arid every Tuesday thereafter t}ntil April 29th inclusive, from stations °n lntarlo, Peberbortoe Port .Hope & Wes'. LOW; RA.TkAS Through .Coaches welt 'Tourist Sleepers to WINNIPEG without change, leav- ing Ttio(ronte 11 p.nl. on above! dates., Berth Resertgtattionts' Literature and Fuli Information fnolrt, G. T. R. Agents ' N. J; DORE, Station Ticket :Agent Exeter, ' Ont. Groceries and crockery Our stock of Groceries is now complete. We solicit a share df the patronage of the peopie of Exeter and 'vicinity. See our window for special quotations, '40111.1111111m..... cARri:ING°s 0.40:.$1713,01:): tui NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without. an Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent,'are liable to be Second Hand watches, taken in trade or procured in some ' other second-hand way. I am the only authorizes Official Agent here, and am the : only one who can issuean Offic- ial Guarantee, which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. A. MARCHAND soleaeoltereovemolemoeirenemeWPOssAlerylkolemiemeW ■ Wedding Gifts Galore HAND PAINTED PRETTY DECORATIONS IN ►" ;Salad Bowie., Cake Platee, Spoon. Trays, Biscuit Jars, Butter Bowls Bon bons, Tea Sets, Dinner Sets, Sugars Brod Cremes, Spate end ,Pept- Pere, Table Sets, „Water Sets/ Jardineers, Cups and Saucers, from Japan, Austria, French and English Potteries,. LATEST SHAPES AND COLORINGS, PRICES AWAY DOWN. Ask to sea our Open Stock Dinnerware. .SATURDAY SPECIALS A Jug Sale -•milk and Water Jugs, Keep your eye on, our North window. QUALITY GOOD. PRICES LOW. Swell St. Patrick Cards at 20 cents a. dozen. Linen Nets Paper in boxes Reg.. 25c., for 19c- Pads and Enwelopes 8 for 25 Cents. Powell's Bazaar BONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Ladies Spring Suits And Coats We are always trying to have something new in the Suit and Coat line and for this sea- son our selections will certainly please you. We want all the Ladies and Girls to see our Ready-to-wear. Ladies Coats % or full length In the new, shades of Tari, Grey, Navy, Mack and Tweeds. No two Deets alike so you will have an exclu sive garment of your own. Dress Skirts NIcely tritnmed in the latest style, High waest bind,. •A big tot to choose from. Fancy Collars & Ties For waists Dresses or Suits They '.are very pretty and corns 1n dtdferent ehadee. Ladies Suits In Tan, Nfavy, Black & Tweeds A11 man tailored andno two' alike. They "are very 'eweil gar- ments made quite nifty All eat Ir 'lined. Ladies Waists . Silk Wa1sibs• in all shades some trimmed with a differentt color Fancy' Lawn 'Waists. Tailored Linen waists: Embroideries & Laces Both wilds and d natt row. We have a very large aas!ar'tnient, to eofeea you. House Furnishings We are filled. upwith everything in this line Eugs, Carpets, Curtains, Iguslfns, Blinds, Linoleums and Oilcloths. JONES MAY eadquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing