HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-3-6, Page 51JENTAI. Or. GI, F. If.Oii/I,SR'r)N, L.DM,, D.D,n1, DENTIST Member of the 'R,C.U.S. of Onter+io led flonor Groat'aate P= Toronto Flaliseroit♦rr Of#L'ce•-Over $ldmon & Carling % IoW ofe te. Closed VYMidnesday afternoons. 133.1. A. R. Exivi•IAN, Fitt Honor Graduate of Toronto 'Cramery PElN'iFIST 'teeth ezebra.ctedwithout paler, or any bad effects Office over Gladm'aa dk Stanbu'ry'3 Offe e, Maid Street, Exeter, LEGAL. DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Cotnr, trbissironers. Solicitors for the Molson$, )gang. etc. ;;. a oney to Loan at lowest rates of interest Offices—Marin-St., Exeter t. R. Carling,, B.A. L. li. Dickson MONEY- EY- TO LOAN We wave a large amount of private funds to loan on faros- and village prop - err' -es at law rates of Intearleit. eLAOMAN & &1rANNIORY •• Barraatere. Solicitors, . Exeter. J. SENIOR Agent:.Cont>ederrattou Lite Aivaurance Company, a?bo Pere Inaurance fro, lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. iitften-St,, • E:'eter,. T. B CARTING Life, Hire, Aecideht end. Plate Glass Insurance, Oolleeting adbetlinte, and con- duetting' atteleon sales. 'Teeter, Ont. GET THE BEST. IT PAYS. Toronto, Ont., is a Commercial :School ;of the. Highest Grade. NONE BETTER IN CANADA. Qriadt secs in etrt:lg demand. .acuter now. '.xtatngue free. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned ie offering for sale ••that desirable 100 acre farm, situated In the Towirshep oY lerldulph, being Lot 13, Con. 1. Mere to On. the premises a good thyme, Bowie, beth with, rotunda-, tion, orctatxt,. The. fawn ars well .draikr-. ed and all under cultivation. This is an -excellent farrork well situated and will. be 'sold reasonable, Por further partic• ulars apply to Sohn O'Neil, Mooresville, 'Ont, WM. KELLY, HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. The undesrlgited are offering for nate or rent the cen,trre new. hous , erect- .ed on the old Mansion Heuse property Main Street, Exeter,. This, house Is ,eqt ppedr-wirth, bath, closets toilets, - fur- nace, and ail rooln el papered anal urea-. -ed. Immediate pos;session., Will be sold reasonable. Apply -to Wes. Snell. •SSNELL & eLkROHAND Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of.the-female system. Refuse all .cheap imitations. Dr. de Yates are sold at 45 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any addrese. fila. Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines,Ont,. Home Study Thousands of ambitious young people are being instructed in their Home Study Dept. You may finish at College if you desire, Pay whenever you wish. Thirty Years' Experience, Largest train- ers ;.n Canada. Enter any day Positions guaranteed. If you wish to save board and learn while you earn, write for parti- culars. NO VACATION Croton Buatiess College GEO. SPOTTON B. P. WARD President- Principal SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY person who is the sole -head of a. family or any male over 18 years old,. nlay ,homestead a quartet-- section of available Drranim:bra laud Ln Manitoba. •Saskatehew'pn or ,Alberta. The ap- plicant neat appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or : Sub agency for the district. artery by pro- xy .made be made at any agency, on certain cendit'.,tns by feather, rnother son, daughter, brother or sister pf in- tending thoui,dseead,er Dirties -Six , months' re8ddenne upon and cultivationof the Land In each of three yoare, A homeatoader may live wItain nine rr.:ie& of his homestead on a Sasso :sof at, leas 80 aeries edlely owned and occupied by him or by his father, nlotther, son daughter, brother or rslstet., In certain diatrircts a horneeteader 'at good s'tandinng may pre-empt a quart' tor -section 'along side -his honvestersd. Price $3,00 per acre. I).uees—Must •raaldo upon the come stead or pre-envption 'six rnonithe :n each et set. years foam date of home - Stead entry (leucindu g the tents re- gtlired t'o earn boteinetead patent) and tultiverte fifty.- e.tree extra. A..homesteader who ha,e exhausted hia ho.n}estead right and rain not obtain p. Pee-Min/nice/ ma,y easter felt a puri , cleaned hemesnetad Gn eettaln, ,dietrt:cts Pr1ee .$3.00 per acre. Duties-- Musk reside six enbfrtttilts'to, each of these ,S'•earH, awlh.[oirsiodt,,.,. fit;tar ;a,Cre;s and, erect a. browse worth $400.„,•• 3� f•- • Deputy of the Modeler eter of the Interior N.13a-Unautjttro'rtzed Pribllcatlon of tthdb advertieiemeat Vaal not lot pied fol'., Auction Sale OF' FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS C JYAT,, PURPLE Stock & Poultry Specifies FREEWe will nand absolutely ;tree, t'or the asking, postpaid, one of ours There will be sell, by public auction on Lot 8, Knorr- 12, t AY, Two renes north .of DAsawpoD, on WEDNES- DAY, MARCH 19th, 191,3, at 11 a'ctoc'k e larlt, the following valuable ,property • I•ioreea—Agrtoultuaal mare rie[Ing , 4 years cad by A1tarolo. in foal. to Miller; found; Percheap:ordere 6 -yr. -Peal to Hackney) Agri- h4o'rae rising 6, by, (Al, NOM sound,. `weigrht 1500 ; spaln Ltnaxe,a erring 4 and, 5, eogor brown, 4 whilte feet each and • atripe,, sound, weight 2050r .'right .every -way', and: both the same breed; filly rising, t' or years lieavy,dr'arwght t filly rising, 1 yr, h'eanY draught both colts are the same breed 'filly "teethe 1 Yee old, .breed •hackney.; Cattle -3 cows, reeling..° years old, due to calve i(t+ April oIr .Mfa y ; cow due '.lo calve la July; hel9er dye to calve In April; 2 stetetts� Inning 2 l 4 heefets Veen int; 2; 2 steers 1 -yr. old; steer 2 -yrs. old ; heifer 2-yr,s. told; 4heifer rivaling 8 ; fat cow; 5 'eprfng ceivet.- Hogs.—Thdepughbred tBerkshire boar 2 Piga 3 Months old ; 3 pigs 2 mos, empl'emjete4a—Mone,ey-elarris •binder In good inrder; Deering ltiower, NoxOn itay rake, McCormick cultivlator.•, 17 -'booth grain and grass medley complete, las good, as new; Wagon and box, Matele;