HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-2-27, Page 8r'• ein Wheir el:leery •••011,014,t0/10 Finirr• e^r cwt., family Firm, v .rrade per OW Dried Aeries per lb .... Bran 67 37 45 48 48 50 34 84 1 00 1 15 1 26 1 35 10 00 10 60 2 10 1 60 1 50 22 22 22 23 8 15 23 00 22 02 26 00 1918 WeLL PAPERS ABE READY FOR YOUR APPROVAL, THE PAT- TERNS AND PRICES ABE SURE TO HOUSE FOB SALE OR RENT Having had he? house remodelLed, Is now ready tor sele *or rent. Also a. few Premier Sepa-ratiors ,for sale 'cheer at Ea W. F. Beavees Store apply te BLATCIIFORD, 828 Lee Ave,. Taranto, One or one door south of tones. LADIET SPRING TAILORED SUITS THE eEA.SON'S VERY LATEST, PRIC- Meer:age Licenses issued at the Advo. GIRLS' PRETTY GINGHAM DRES- SES, A 11/0 RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM. NO TWO ALIKE. BIG VAL- Get some neatly printed calling cards at The Advocate. Honor Graduate of the London Conser•vatory g Music, Teach- ing College ot the Western University. Teacher Plano, Theory, Harmony, Count- erpoint, and Musical Iltstorg. Pupils prepared for 'Musical Examinations. MEN'S SPRING SUITS, IN NEWEST AND WEAVES,' EXTRA VALUES AT LOOK AT YOUR LABEL.—At this time of yeae when taxes' and other liab- ilities axe falling due we are much, tin need of money. Advocate eubscribers could help us cionsiderably it they would look at the labels on their pep - ere and remit at once tfhre amount due. Farmers wanting help for next sear eon should place their order at once the Canadian Government Ageht, Ade). cafe Oftice, Exeter, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Lot 20 and 24, William Street, Exeter on welch is a good 'veneered storey end halt house, En goed repair'. Profit of house Is 18x24, kitchen 18x20,arel tee woodshed and surnmer kitchen 21x 15. Good hard welter, good stable 18x 24; number large end small true trees For furtha particulars apply to dill WAN6l315.—Yvro girls at once. Apply to Mrs. W. T; Acheson, Centrae Hotel. Exeter. ply af this office. COPIES WANTED—For our tiles we desire copies of the Advocate of Oct'. 17th. 1912, and January 9th, 1.0).8 and we would be very Ploesed If Ad - ve• te these i.er Iles, by mail, or bY handing same into the office. HOUSE FOR SAieel St.. Exeter. In geed condition, arid Suitable for' small. family. Small gar- den. Good eater*. Apply to R. N FOR SALE T.hat desirable property knowa Pcweire Fruit Garden% situated 'on the cermet* of Carling and Victoria St., Exeter, is foe taaae. Goad storey end half frame house in good repair. stal le, hen -house, etc., and excellent and, town water, near depot school and therches. Apply to S. POWEILL. Learn Dress Cutting ill Exeter LOOAL DOINGS. TITO GRIP Hoe then feeering, Trembling, quaking, Weary, beaa.ry, ead awl dreary, etere, tee, rave too, Eyes red, lipe blue., Reeking, !lecke*, Spitting, cracking,: fgeaeaehe, no break, All drugs seem takea Sore chest, no relst, One lone painfrare een't think, eat, drink, On the big blink, Tutst lie and &lath, Feel like you'd die, grippe at present. Id. M. Doyle slhipped a car of horses te Bremner, Orley, at Saturday. Mrs, Thos. Sweet had the misnoetunet bp fail on the sidewelk, ton e'ridae aed ereaking a email bone in her vneee Some people. think dark-haired we - men marry erste but the wag differs; he says', et's the lighteileaded ones. A wife is a provisecia of Providence on behalf tit a nun tio keep hlm from making too much of a. Tool of him- self able bodied men doing little or noth- ing, ;while the farmers are calling for Miss Gladys Delve is oft duty at the Jackson factory lowing to a severely and' striking' it on the gate. We understand teat Mr. Alex 'Dow has aced termi near the river to Mr, E. Hewett of near Kirkton. The 'tee- ter will conduct a milk businees. • Mrs. Ja. A. David:sae of Stratford died in that citY lase week. She wee the mother-411.1am of Mr. W. H. Gregory of Berlin, f orniorly ot Exeter. daughter of Mr. Wm Kerreck, tenden. ed her a kitchen shower on; Friday even nee at the berme cif Mt, and Mrs. C. F. „Clare Mentxose Wright, who at the time of the Kinrade tragedy In Ham- ilton was trying for the minis:I:Y., and who subsequently married • Mies Florence Kinrade, has been called te the bar ot Alberta, Wert was received here last week by relatives thee Metal Cassie Friee ,of Peterborough had died In that Place Wednesday, Feb. 196. Miss. Frise trequently visited in Exeter ,and those of her triends will deeply regret to lea.re o•f her demise. Owing to the Making ot several new eer, wire was Beedmester on the L. H. & B. Line had been moved to Pal - of London, will ha.ve charge of thief line from Hyde Park to Wingham, „, Forty-eight pose officee in Cariada' were 'dosed last month on account of the inauguration of the free rural sys- of course, are net neceseary and abol- Mee of the past offices in part porn- peesates ter tee expenses of the rura.. deliveries. A railway edach, tilled' with taloa nixed. Mottoes', 'sanitary appliances ited model houses for 'sick fplk, left the Union Station Toronto oe Wednesday for a. three months' trip around One- stituted by *LI* Provintial , Board ot Health. It will travel from town el toern, geeing everyone an opportunitY et seeing safeguarde against disease. It will be in Weritern Ontario Vest: A number of the would-be-youngoten, said to be resideete 'of 'a neighbor, - fog were gueley of a• eghtt. headed actlet on Fridas/ evening when tkiey took a buggy belengleg to Mr Geo. Cra.wley frohn the ,s1de of the road north et •'Exeter to the creek by Mr. D, lefeCaurdy's house and dumped It into theiwater. understend that it the deumbee le not antreel for action will be taken against thene The boys. Miss Stewart will ageta teach Dress Cutting at Exeter. Charge ' for full course Is oely $10, including the mast perfect system in use which we glee each lesson, which axe veleta.ble for further reference Wei •haare first.. class certifieeter foe teething, and use the best and latest/ neathede:-AII Wish - me en Saturday, March 1st, at Com e mercial Hotel, Exeter. MISS STEWART, Instructor:, Bus, Dray and' Teaming Business Tour orders in our line will be attended to quickly and satiefaie. torily. We are here to please the public needing anything in otir line, and we ask a trial frefti•i011. Orders left by phone or other,. wise at TUB ADVOCIA.TE OFp. PlIONE 25, will receive , prompt attention.. • One of the glees kn the Neeetta.1 Baseball League tees 'year has a total abetinence elverie in the contract that all the players Meat Riga,. Hitherte "moderate drinking" by a professeen 'al player Is now tlo be asked to' adopt the high stantleed of the atnateu,r. And in the' Mere serious business -of efe, where competition its even keener than athletles. it es beconene; harder end header for the ,drinking men to get or keep emploreentent„ 'Efficiency is the thing tbat counts, and drinking reduces etr. Teen OilletiPle, sr., hats b II) for a. tew. dfrate. Mrs, T. lege lei very at erase day evening.' The SeatortheeEeeter hociteY match was Called oft ThunsilaY owing te the after hie opereelon last Wedeestlee for appendicitis. Willard's farm, London Road North, to Mr. ja.eksen let zunt, Mich. to his leg welle leading lege la.et week and the member will be painful ern' atldlle time dey. as did elect Rev 1 Powell and Rev. Hicks .ot Beinsele. An attempt Is beteg Made in ,the Unlit nelt allowing funerals) te which flowers axe permitted to be seat, bo be held in Abe cherrehield, leuxon are asking' by petition te be made members of tire vestry in their reeve:eve pare/Meat as in the case sevee other dloteselas in Canada. death took pleee.at Fereat Grove Porttence Ore., on Jen. 2a, of 'George Roweliffe, ;former eesident ;of this section, at the age off 71 yeaxe, 2 mos: 28 days. Many relatives' reside here. MISS STEWART will teach Drees Cutting in Exeter,. Be sere be Ape her March 1st. She hopes as .rnatnY as' possible Of her senior pupils Will call to see her. Rev. A. H. Geleg, paator 'of Zion Tebernatie, Hamilton, has been invit- ed to Port elops„ and Rev. Dr. Laker of Port Hope willt go (0 'Zion Tiabere maple, borer subject to" the steteoning • Miss Flossie Hunter .eals !been. successful in passbng her fifth grade examination in plane" dn' cennectioe .with the London Cieniservatory,. and Miss Lena Coates the eecond grade with fiest Wales honors,. It is austornarY to meke lignt of measlee, but when It is stated that 48 'children died In Tieeolnere duxeng January, from tree ateection alene, it Mrs. Floyd, who Is about ninety yearn of age, and who resided' •at, -the 'south end of town, had; the mielforturie .to fall while going to bed on Saturday night, with the result that elm 'sustained ' a broken arra. The fracture wias reduced and the algal lady Is retovering nicely, Mr. Hasten and Mrs. NV). Tapp returned TuesdaY from -Keewood, where they attended the funeral of th.eir briar ther James Herten, The late Me Her - von was aged 7,8 yearge8 months4 His demise took place tan the 20th, and the funeral was held one the 22nd. He wes bora at Exeter end reeved Kerwood labout 45 years ago, Mili0 le the. thir.d brother to die vrithen two yearsi A ',Wild - The Ontario Department of Educatilen is issueng sextets' off Bullpens on Agricultural Educetion and sending them to teach'e,es and Truseeese—The go -operation g teachers and Otherilif se'rving of promoting, further.. Con, - are solicited regeecleng (1) newelines of school work thiat have been found Children's ISehool Clubs, (I) exper-t for condIuttleg Seh‘ool Fairer, (6) property, decoeseeng the interior of the school roeourin; playground equip- ment, aroutaing public Interest the school, or inaking the school a 'social centre. Address cotraMunicatione to the Director of Elementery Agrieuleure lege, Guelph. DIED IN PARKHILLe—The death et Ernest Dickson, a prominent young man, book plaice on Friday afternoon at the home lof hie mother, Mesa Will- ia,m Dickson:: His death came as a, shock to his friends, he ha,ving been only a. short Aired. He is survived lay .his Mother Only. Tee, late Mr. Dick- son was! knee% In Exeter.' FORECASTS:—There is a re- actionary storm, period central, on the let, 2nd and 8rd. This ie the exact center oT the great Jupiter periodwith the Mars and earth equinoctial, periods. in full combined force. Sternas all the; way from tropleal in, the south, to bor-1 should eurpriee no reader el this tore.: east, at this or any other peeled duiel Ing this month. A very, cold vrave will spread over moat poets of the Countey frown abc)uit, the Bridt to the 6th, sweeps lag from the northwest to the 'south- east. Watch for It. 'A regular storm period Is 'central on the 8th, invelvine eth to the llth, New' mcien on the 7th. end moon en the c.elestlial °qua. - tor on the 8th, witih. the venue period adding its 'influence to earth, 'Mara and turbrances will be natural ancl certain from &bete Fria* the 7111 Tueaday. the llth. Blizzards free-) the northwest will meet theee tropical ,stortris, andleg in high, &Strutter° gales and a Mere' cold wave, Eleetrle Bee Mae, causing earth Overeat% nerthern an0 Many earthquakes, between the 711-1 and 12th. A marked seennic period cat., tends from the eth tet the letie being, ceatral on the 7th.. Watch yogi bar.: wind cerrents arid clouds', until 'bet ported "erhowle lie trend:" Da the game at an the period ir Ms month. Mr, eantes Waiter* left jest week foe the See relatives here, hero on Saturriee; a.nd Toronto this woe, Mies Ethel Mellott is attendire 'the millinery *referees et Ivorotto, Nese' Bettger Of New Ilerulatipe le the guest ot Mrs,. George leavrkina. ;VII'. W. 3. MuIrray lett Set,uaday for Toronto to .visit far a. few d.aysl. a, vieit relate/see Brandford. Will Greig of tee Sackeen 00.; left Is the g,iipet ot Mies Hazel Brorwleing. Mrs. Wan.. Diemen of Levan 'water here Monday attending the tfuneral .the late James Ateireston. Mies, Jane Cureleltigharn Of ClandebelYe seent aefevr days durcleg the week with her niece, efra. Tater. . their home In Paris On MondaY- ; Mr. aed Mrs. E. 134. Follick visited durl•ng the week Ingersoll and Ter- oete, the fanner returning, TdondaY. Mr. James Creech elf Roehester, N. Creech, sr. Mrs. O. E. Babe Of Fort Wraerke, Ind IS the •giaetet Of her •slatene, Mrs. Acheson and Mrs': Billings, at the Central Hotel • .• efis•s .Annie iSheren and her little niece, Gladys Boycl of Ottawa, are visiting the Zelernee's aunt', erne. John Sparkman. • NOTICE.e-Special 'White Sale now on days left, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, 27th and 28th; Mere Specia.1 for those two days. Te•ble Linen; and 'White Spreads. HOUSE AND 2 LOTS .FOR SALE OR TO, RENT. Two-storey brick house; very conven- ient; good sta.ble; hoed and soft 'wa- ter ; pleastantiy sattuated., Can be pur- chased very realsonaible. Apply to V. S. PHILLIPS Real Estate Agent, Exeter. Ont. • HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE coutains rOpITBEF; hard and 'soft water .411 Ite geed state a repair ; nese frame etable; will be sold reasonable- For further particulars apply J'AMES OGe Real Estate Agent, Exeter, Ont. Try soin. e Buckwheat Flour for good pancakes also a choice lot of Corn on hand Exeter, — Ontario R. G. SELDON R. N. noWE Phone 20a Residence next to the store. Undertaker and License Embalmer EXETER ONTARIO Groceries and Crockery Our stock of Groceries is now complete. We solieit a share of the patronage of the peopie of Exeter and Vicinity. See our window for special quotations. 13EDFORID o$,S OLD syrniqb •Inf 11 NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and byother than an authorized agent; are liable to be Second - Hand Watches, taken in trade or procured in some other second-hand way. I am the only authorizeu Official Agent here, and am t6e only one who can issue an Offic.. ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. A. MARCHAND edding Gifts Galore HAND PAINTED PRETTY DECORATIONS IN paled Bowls; Cake Plates,. Speen Trays, Biscuit Tars, Butter Bowls Bon bons, Tea Sets', Dinner Sets, Sugars and eCreamos, S,alta end .l'ele" pers, Table Selo, Water Sees% . eardineers, Cups ana Saucers', Prime Japan, Aestriae French and' English Piatterlee, e.)ATEST SHAPES AND COLOR eNoS; PRICES AWAY DOWN., ' Ask te see out Open Steck Dinnerware. SATURDAY SPECIALS, • A Jut; Sale—'Milk and Water Jugs,, Keep your eye on our North window. QUALITY GOOD. PRICES LOW. . Swell Ste Patrick Cards at 20 cents a dozen. Linen Note Paper in boxes Reg. 25c., for 1.9e. Pads and Enivelopeeee for 25 Cetits. Powell's Bazaar JONES & NIAX PE1ON.B No. 82 SPRING nog, We are now ready for the rush for Spring Goods: New lots coming in every day. New Dress Goods Of every color and kind that will be fashionable this Spring. New Wash Goods Prints, Ginghams, Cham - and Muslirua. Ladies White Wear Everything new in White Waists, Night Gowns, Shirts, Corset coy erfir and Drawers. New Wash Dresses For Ladies. Misses and Children. Very dainty colors and . de% Big Sale of Winter Goods All oar Winter Goods to.be sacrificed at a price Furs, Fur Lined Coats, Fur Collared Coats,' Ladies Coats, Children's Coats, Neck Scarfs and Underwear Now is your time to get a Bargain. Ladies New Spring Suits and Oiercoats We have kik opened Our New Saits and Coats and they are a nifty lot. Coats Three Quarter or Full Length in Fawn, Grey,Nav3r,Black and Tweeds. They are right up-to-date in every way. Suits with Silk Linings 'all New Tailored in Navy, Fawn, Grey and Black, Real stylish. 'Do riot miss seeing them. ATAy • Ileadquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing