HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-2-27, Page 1RENEW Tovn S17}3SCRIk"T1014
Now 1a into thiole to Oa- II in and halal
your ettescripttion to TItte Advocate see-
lnewted• We aim to Mere yo,ub all, the
ioea.l sleeve tai coetedse and intereetine
l form, end we belieye we five uA tel
the claims, Help along the geed work.
f;L rn31NGt RATES
le %e the of :the year whefa.
2t U are Mewing your n,ewspaPer cub.
tecriptiafis. The Advocate cittias with
all 'the City Weekly and Deily pewee
and the Magatrinoa at recons thet .are at
big dnduceanerta Can a44 get net' rater,
sikNOlats 4it MEMO
We have only
Dry Goods and
VVaII Papers left
and they
You can have.
them at greasy
reduced prices..
Do not miss this
last chance to get
your choice from
our large stock.
Only a few
more days. You
can buy at almost
our own price.
Produce taken at the sale at Cash Prices
Local ItemsDx.
a? e n wall im • I.ondoua Nf,oaoday
Miss White, mfalieer, went to' Tor;onte The Rand Ca rrevau Tuesday night woe.
Mrs Aber. Dow its visid'.ng friends
in Seafortla.
glee. 011ie Quaaabe returned from Tor,-
oronto on Tuesday
Miss •Sarah: Sweet is visiting in Lon-
don. for, two weeks.
Mr. J. A. Stew axe le In Toronto on
on business this week,
Mise Mabel Walters. of London is
home for two weeks holidays .
Mrs McAvoy visited Mrs. Duplaaa of
Centralia a few days Ulla- 'week
S, G. ,Bawda'n, Fred Bowden, Joseph'
Dpele and Mr. Horn left Friday far
;gra. Bright and children are vitae-,
ane her father, W. A, Gunn and uncle,
Jas. S. Fullerton, K.C.; Toronto.
Mr. and Milton Clark, after .a visit
with relatives here, returned to their
homaa in 'salvadior, Sask., this week.
Reeve Heamaa a and Councillor Hind
went to Toronto Tuesdka,y to attend .a
meeting in the ihiterest oaf GolodReade.
Mr. J. A. OrelTo¢y' o3 Winnipeg;, who
has ben elle/Idling .sieveral months in
Europe. visited has, mother here .for
a few days during rt:he ,week.
,Mice Isaac Salkeld oIP Godterich was
a visittoe here Thursday .and Friday
to see her brother, '.'SLG. Bawden, prier
to his leaving for Edmonton.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McMartin of Win-
nipeg, who leen been visiting :n Z;ieaa-
sari during the winter, spent part of
the week at the hoirna of T: G. Creech.
Mr. Chas. Dun•sford, who hare been
engaged at .Sudbury, returned home last`
Saturday, accernav hied by his cousin,
Mr. Reg istaid Kitchen, why will visa
here for sohniw time.
Several brethren of Lebanon Forest
Lodge accompanied District Djeputy
Grand Meister Celine on his ofP Cal
visit to Irving Lodge, Lucas', Friday
evening, and spent an enjoyable time.
Anteing those wale went to Toronto
this week to attend the Dominion Ala
!lance Meeting, ,oar the Motor Show, 'are_
Rev. McAlister, Rev. Rowell, A. J.
Ferd, C. B. Snelle S. ;vier'tke S. Fitton;
Mr, and Mrs. White who srta'ent ` a
few drays last weak with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs,. . Thos. Hax vey.
left Satuedap' to attend ht waddling'
of the grolatm's brother{ near Waehinge
ton. D. C.
Mr: Georgie Bagshaw, who has been
ei•sit ,ng belle end fn ether parte ,oR'
Huron for' several weeks, lest ;Friday
evening for his 'hotels in Tullesvtille,
Sask. gra Btagehaw who has been.
Ili recently upolerwepat a second opera
ion at Clinton Hyispita1, and wr511 be
unable to return'rtolthe 'west untdl ,the
a ilege emcees/ int eveiry way, The at-
tendance of costumed ;skaters ;was very
large, and the judged had no easy, thee
lIt decidine who were entitled to the
prizes. ,The isurneisa'fuL eines Were; --
Lady . representing Rl Natiell, glad
Annie IBie itt, "India.", Iveiss Miry
Acheson, "Japatn; Giant representing .. a
Nation, Lean Treble, "Arabia", Geo,
Hepburn "Uncle 'Sam"; Lady Character
press, Miss Lulu Marina, "Bo Peep ;
Jessie Bowey and Mildred Ml.rcha•nd/
"Nuns"; Gents.'• Claa:nacber Dress, Wal-
lace Fuke, 'IndiYam", Willie. Matteotti
rrEgeptiee Geri"; °omit Costume, -Ger-
ald Hurdon, Trnserneel Elliott; Obstacle
Race. Maurice Senior, Harry Parsons.
A shaft ho'key Matehosselsted tie. the ev-
ening's enjoyniearta, The Band Boys are
greatly Pleased with the na+gnifretn:'
patron,e The toital proceeds. auaoun:-
ed to 83.
.Provided a pro es(ed amlendment to
the Voters' 'Lica Act; gees theougAtne;
P,roviiicial House, hnearriied.' Women
whose, name eppser on the assess-
ment roil a.s propierty owner -lea are to
be given the 'municipal franchise. The
ad.•optebn • of this law will mean the
dllstranlchesement es Parr as munitfeat
elections are concerned, of all men
whose only right to vote at present
is on property held in the name of their
wives, and will prevent more than
one civic representative from running
for office al:etin. Lar other words, .the
bill declares that a nla.rried woman
owning property s'hiail have the right
upon 'giving notice to the assessor or
the Court de Revision `o exercise the
municipal franchise, the husband be-
ing prevented theijeby foam voting on
that property: The seeing-point_Use
in the fact %heti unless the woman
give° eeeh liotic+e .the husband =0.y
continue as at present to vote on his
wife's property. - The effect of this
provision is that where the woman; who
has no desire to exercise the Prase
chlse no change is mtadde' In 'the eresit-
1na; saw,;
:MISS STEWART will teach Dress
Cutting in Exeter,. Be sure to see ' her
at the Comunurciral Hooise, Saturday,
March 1st, She hopes as many as
possible of her senior pupils will call
to see her.
Farmers' Institute
ter a long and .tedioos illness there'
passed .away at his holme on William
Streetn Friday last, Mr. James Ai-
klmson, one of our old and much es-
teemed residents For aver dour years
detsased had been In very poor health,
and the last eta es or his trowels fie-
veloped. softening of the brain: ren
aerinh him altnoslt helpless„ and for
mune !Menthe he, has been a great care
and charge to those et the household)
Mr. Atkinson was a native of Biddulph,
beteg a son of the late James Atkin-
son, and was born in that township
to April, 1.844, consequently he was, in
his, 69th year., About 48 years, ago
he ,married Rebecca Hodgins, to whom
were, born two 18+3119 sand one daughter,
all or whom survive, -Than. Atkinalan
of Manitou, Man., Marshall of Detroit
and gra. Shoebettem of London Town-
ship; 'the tw'e latthr -being present
when the end cane. About 38 years
a; o Mr. Atkinson n rsed with his 1am-
Ily to '-Exeter, and with the exception
of about ten years ha's<<resided here
ever since: A Sew ,year's' after corning
to Exeter his tinea wife died, and some-
time- later he married his now bereft
wife. lath eased was a member of the
Trivet;_Meneorial Church, a,ndl ren poetics
was a staunch Conservative. Mr.
Atkinson vela a. twat of many b'1ood
(iva'lities, 'being cured -hl a'rted, a true
friend and a 'good neighbor. Ike was
a valued member of the Independent
Order of Foresters!, ;ender whose aus-
pices the funeral (took place on Mon-
day to the Elxeter. cemetery Besid'ee
' b
his wife and ialg7l:l.V'• he et rev ved wry
fou., brothers and one eleter,-Edward
of DM grit, Tleotnaas J of St. Thomas;.
Robert at Blddulph ; Charles of Lou-
den; and Mrs. ;John I-Lodginst of Kill-
arney, Man.
Meetings of thte South Huron I'arna,-
ers Institute will be held as follows,'--
Spealeere--(avi.;n Barbour, Cresieliiil ;
Clarke Hamilton, Iroquois ; and local
speakers. •`
HENSALL, tMeDoneal's Hall, March • 1
(Cavin ft3ar
s afternoon sbject--
"Lee" 'Ce.tbie:'.' Deeming, Pres&eh t Dewy
Needs elf Ontario Agriculture.,',
Clarke Haiti on's afternoon subjeeti
"Swine Pro'blernis, Selection, Feeding,
and Houaing.° Evening, Selected.
Loxah-W D. .Sanders Selected
DA$OIWOOD, Zistalrter's Hall, Mar. 3
Cavin 'Barbo'ur's atternoets aubjectf
"Draft Basses' aid How va Maisie Them'
Evening, "Present Day Needs' of Ont-
ario Agrlcullture '
Clarke Haitruilkolrt's afternoon subject,
"The Corn Carop, Cee tevatitan, Variety,
t-iarvesting and Feeding* tralue." Even
leg subject, 'Selecte'd.•
local -Sas. `Green, Selected.
GRAND BEND, Brenner a Hall, Mer.4
Gavin Bjarbour's afternoo,n subject&
"How to Grow Grope in Dry Seteson'+st'
Evening, ' Faraneis' and .thelia' Soiree'
Clarke Hamillton's afternoon subject,
"Swine Probleaaas, Selection, Feeding,;
and Boating." Evening", Selected.
Leettl, John Morgan, Selected.
A erogrtm will et glean et the liVori
Crag alaeetings; A terneen meettiags• ax, 3
o'clock. 1 vening nve,Ctings • at 7.80 'Ali
taraatera and others Intoreeled ere rot'
dielty invited to attend.
'Secretary President,
Brucefield, Feb. 22nd. ---The annual
seed ehovr in comnecti1dn with the Syr
Huron Agricultural Society wald held in
Walker's Hall yesterday,' The number
of 'competitors was very ;small. There
wero only tour samples of beans, 2
Of oats, 8 of barley, 3 of cornea few
of :potatoes; 1 of anions, 1 of clover
seed and 1 of timothy, .
Exeter Council
Council tnet in the Town Hall Frday
evening, 21st inst., With all present
except Councillor 3;iarton, whose ab,
sense was unuavoidaibie.
Minutes la.et Malting were read i
and confirmed..
Do,g1e--Rind,-Thatt the accounts be �
passed ars reads Bell Telephone ac.,
1,70; S. Hardy, cement', 50c,; Mrs. 'T
Bleeett, jr., load gamed 1..00 ; James
Walters, error dog tat, 1,00 ; D..Rus-
sell, jr,, ac, 2.25; Ti Brock; snow
Plowing 5.50 ; Winn. Vale, cemetery 1.75
Melte Ford ,1,50 ; 'John Ford 90c.; W.
3. 'Biaeett, meals Etat' Horn, and rail-
way fare John Brown to House ,of
Refuge 5.75; T. I•Io teden,. punapine 2.50
By-law hio. 9, leptiteig the h(dtei
licenses. to two heal lte third read`ng
a.nd was finale pras+sied en motion of
Scotty, seconded by Hind, and a copy
of sane to be Bent to the Chairman of
the License Comnniseianere.
J, leind.-"shat we adjourn to • call of.
A man • entered ashop one battier
cold day, ajndtboughtt a wsoollen. muffler
When he opened the muffler he found
inside it the photograph: of a beatetei
to girl, togeth er with- a nate, say-
"If yore are shade, e, please write • to
me" A name amd addresis followed
and the man Weasels He was etri te,.
and he putt thei photo ila,pe on his sit-
ting room mantel. There emery • even-
ing, looking up from his book, he
beheld it. It was very -beautiful, 'and
in a week the he'd fallen head ovee(r
heels lin Love
So he wrote to the` girl. Another week
peeved, 'a week of anxious, nerve rack-
ing suspense. Teen the love sick man
received this crushing letter: •
"Sir} --The Mary Smith td whom you
wrote. was "may gralndanoltlaer. She died
nine years alio. aged 86. Yours truly"
•Our heart -broken bachelor, on looking
into this matter, 1oun9thele ate had
floaliahly bought the naluffler from a
dealer who didn'tt aadv'ertisetr••-Pittsburg
T. B. Carling, Clerk.
12r. Baskerville artee eiater of Gull
Lake, Seale, spent a couple of days
least week with his Parente here.
?ver. Groreener and son r,f Stra,threy
are spending a few' dayst with Mr. and
Mrs. John Willelose
Mrs. S. Andrew spent • s. few days
at F.ucah vieit:ni her dater, Mrs. T.
Seel. •
12r. Mcleurltrie of Mich. Is spending
the past week at the geetst of his
sister Mrs. Blair+.
Mrs. W. IR. kilelrottt, se ves ing her
daughter in London.
Mrs. Bavaelaugh has returned after
spending a couple weeks in I ondon.
Mr. Joe Edwtard'ai hate returned to; his
home atter workuhg'1 for Ti Willis for
several ;months. gr. W� Mitchell takes
hie job 01 gathering •creakn
Missy Clara Fair/tell, who has been
visiting' her parents for a couple weeks
returned to Loran Satturdayy evening,
Mr. S. Davis, who has beet yiseteng
and relatives in the West returned
home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Abbott accompalaied: him and we
regret: to say Mr's. Abbott has not
improved in he{alithb
Mise Marshall &pent Sunday with
her parents at Blyth,
Mr. and Mrs., Ge.OJ Dotbbsi tot St. Marys
aro visltiing their parent& here T'heY,
interd leaving for the West
in thenearr
Mr. 'Dana Austin ins' wearing a broad
smite' these" days, -ft's •a. nogr
Mrs. A. Brooke visited relatives ,:n
Belgrave last week.
Mr Gus Coughlin of Toronto
Friday with relatives here.
Mrs. W. J. Pareonst visited le Lon-
don Wednesday.
Mies: Bessie Anderson visited friends
at 'Hilistgreee for a few days, last week.
Idles Mabel Elliott repent. Sunday with
friend's in Landow,
Bev. Ti W. Blateleterd, B. A., is at-
tending a temperatnce convention in To-
ronto this week.
We are sorry to' reprohe the illness of
Mrs. OUver, Her matanY friends wishher a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs,. A. Hicks entertained
a. number Of their friends Monday ev-
etaing. All repose a. very enjoyable
time. -
Mr. Herbert Illanlon of London visited
his • parents here over Sunday.
Mrs. McAvoy of Exeter visited with
Mrs. C. H. Duplatn Tuesday and Wed-
The , public will welcome the 1.918
Edition of "5000 Faotsi About Canada
compiled by Frank 1Yelgh, the ack-
nowledged a.ulthnrltiy en things Can;
adtan and the .author at "Through the
Heart of Ciahaad+a ' Ten thousand cop -
lea are . nares odd annually, which find
their wla(y .all over Canada and t the
Empire, indeed title wbrld;.l
"The Facts btoblmlet Ls' istuffee ee
full of hnDoranlaltlien are a sausage is
of neat" la the hpppy and true; way
an English joaaraalri;alert it, and the
new tomo:, which includes nuuny neva
features and ianproivoineints, such as a
colored soap of the Domblion, preset
a. strikleg eatery of t he. wonderful ad-
vance tat Ca utes, the a s1ng,ie year We
now talk it billilotxsa
The booklet to Walled at 25c a copy
by the Caanhtdian Foote Pub, C., 588
Heron Street, t'Soronta, wand ie •stile by
all the lead1ing newra dealers,
Mr, Thos. P. Kist eG] of the Goshen
Line had a hog killed on Tuesday, last'
which weighed 850 pounds and was
only three years old. The butchin'g' was
done by Mr. Samf1 Beaever, who says
it is the largest hog he ever killed.
Who can beat this' 2.
is now on at
W. W.
S•chiunt-In Dashwood, Feb. 25, bo Mr.
and Mrs. John S(chlu(nt, a daughter,
Davis.' --In KJbatthe mi, to Mr. and Mrs/
Kung Daviis,.formerly' of Exeter, . a'
Foster -On Con. 1, Bidduiph, on 'Feb,25
to Mr. and Mr(s, Leo. Foster, a dough•
Aany-In 'Burford, on Feb: 20, to Mr,
and Mrs.. Amy, nese Ida Jory, a son.
Kitchen --In Brucefield, on Friday, • Feb.
14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Yohn Kitchen
a son.
MahafTy—ln Hibbert, on Feb. 19th,
to Mr and Mra. Wilbert Mahaiffy, a
1 u er.
Kay -In Farquhar, Feb. 24, to Mr. and
Mrs. William May, a daegeter,
Ordered Clothing
Reduced Prom
$25 to 2 •
$23 to $18
$20 to $15
frianiner.-Hearpele-A£ the home' of
the bride's father, Fuliarto,n, on. Feb,:
19, Maria, daughter of/ Mr, Wan. I-Iar1..
per to Mr, VPtm, J'eseets Ptrlmmer, of
t nity, Sask.
WeLn.rin London, ton Feb. 24, Leati
Beaver, beloved' wife of John G.' Wein,
Stephen, aged 513" yeas ei, 10 months,
and 20 days?,
darter: --lea Oltnt'on1, on F'eb. 18th, Aim
McGee, • relict of the late Thames Car-
ter, aged 86 yearls.
z5ay. in Fualartton, on Feb. 10, John'
Day, aged 82 years:
'Atkinson -In Exeter, Feb. 'filet Jaines
Atklnsvh, aged; 68 years, 10 nonthe
20 days. •
Herlo,n,,-Tn Kierw'ood, den Feb, 20th,
hoes}acs Sees0fl1 aged 73 years, 3 nioe.'
StrwtillStew-At Forest Grove, Portland,
Ore., Jan. 2d, George. Ro,wollf1ei,
aged `71 lea re,, 2 ,aaaa4, 28 days.
held -Xaa i)ashwoad, erect Feb. 211. Jobe
E. Herd,
Ordered Overcoats
llama, Prom
$25 to $18
$20 to $15
Reduced Prom
$18 to $13
$15 to $12
$12 to $18
These big reduction are
made to clean up our stock
for Spring, because our motto
"New "'Goods for
Every Season".
You will do well to take ad-
vantage of these reductions.
'A '1 1
Tailor and Furnisher— Exeter.'