HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-2-20, Page 8iiXI3TU 13I ItU TES T ' ItSI1AY lBHRUARY SU, tela Exp I MARKETS. oil kN *1. t 43OH WEDNESDAY l[r� rt • .• •,.:'.., 97 97 t t4l•t.+l '^ .YrrRR• 45. 50 Buckvhel ,,.. 48 50 Oats. .,.. .,... 34 - 84 Pear $ 00 1 i pertrl,e I,H.I ,Y...• rose 1 25y 71 85 Hay.' > .r r, , t ...:1f000 1O40 Floa>;r, ,. •i ^»t„ fond y 270 Fioexr% l,.lv r,- tide per'cW 1 ,5 12O 2 22 22 05 23 WO 22 00 2±i 00 BIItttk . . . - ..Rt+ Ekes R Dried App'" per'lb Live hog-, e' .c cwt Short, pyo r, ,i�.Y Brats per•,,, a •. Ehmgar likes roc l ..., r. • r 1918 WAuTT, PAPERS ARE READY FOR YOUR APPROVAL. THE .PAT- TERNS AND PRICES ARE SURE TO PLEASE.--STE,W.ART'S. , HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Having had, ;,may house remodelled, it Is now rutty for ,gplta qr•rent•. Atso a. few Premier Separators for !sale k:heap alt B. W. F. Beearver's Store apply to Wk. M, RLATCHI*ORD, 828 Lee Ave. Toronto, Ont. or One doer south of house. LADIES SPRING TAILORED SUITS THE SEASON'S VERY LATEST„ PRIC- ED AT $16,50, $18.50 TO $25;00-; STEWART'S. Marriage Licenses issued at the Advo- cate Office. Exeter. GIRLS' PRETTY GINGHAM DRES-t' SES" . BIG RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM. NO TWO ALIKE. BIG VAL- ES -,`',.1.00 to $2.50.-STEWART'S. Get some neatly printed calling cards at The Advocate. c MISS G. E. W BISSE1T, A. Mugs. W. U Boater Graduate of the London Conservatory of Music, Teach- irL Celiege of the Western University. Teacher Piano, Theory, Harmony, Count- erpoint, ounterpoint, and Musical Htstore. Pupils Prepared for Musial Exam:natio.-ts. MEN'S SPRING SUITS, IN NEWEST AND WEAVES. EXTRA VALUES AT $,10.00, $15.00 AND $18.00. --STEW ART'S. • LOOK AT YOUR LABEL. -At this time of year ween taxes and other slab-'_ Lldties are fail' -3a due vre are much as need of money. Advocate subscribes t could help us considerably it they - would took at the labels en their, pap- ers and renin at once the amount dues Farmers wanting help for nest sear eon ehoutd place their order at • once. the Canadian, Government Agent, Advo- cate Office, Exeter. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Lot 20 and 24, William Street, Exeter an which is a geed 'veneered .storeys , aaid hall houses, Ono, g'o'ad: repa1r'. Profit' of house 'Is 18x24, kitchen 18x20, and the woodshed and sunener kitchen 21x 15. Good hard water, god : stable 4.8z 24; number large and small :fruit trees For further ' paa?ticulare aPPIY.... .:tQ WILLIAM 'ATKINSON or B. S. PHere EDIPS, Ar3ctioneter, Exeter. GIRLSWANTED.-Two girls at once. APp1Y 'to Mrs. W. T; Acheson, Central Hotel. Exeter. CALF FOR SALE -A thoroughbred Jere see' heifer calf for USW.% Apply to T. G. CREECH, Exeter. GROCERIES. -Having purchased .the store of W. J. Carling & Sexn,, end having taken over the Grocery business and purchased a: new stock of high class groceries, I wish to atanpunce that. as soot as the -stock arrives we will be In a poee:it:on to .supply thet wants of ell neet1iJng good 414eaii. 'groceries . of every description, and we solicit a share oaf the pateonage of the people of this community.- GEORGE )3EDig ORD. CARD OF 'THANKS We wish to thank the tn.mbsrg of the Fire Erg.ade aged other friends 'for thet`;r' prompt and kind alexia tasnce at the fire whirr. occurred in our store Last week. JONES & MAX. The ,none, which finds its way to the treasury of any, great bussineas travels the preth of publicity. That 32 of_ a xna•jonity on the flied reading of the Borden Navy Bill seems, to be quite sufficient tci warrant a guess+ th.'at,it gees through all rights. r R HOUSE FOR SALE A ane -story brick house, on Main St., Exeter. In good condition, arid suitable _n o, small Pasmily. Small gar- den. arden. Good vI seed., Apply bo R. N1• crWE, yr S. W ROWE, Exe ter Ono FOR SALE Tjiat desttasble pr petty known aft: Pcvr'e1re Fruit txardeenlst, 'situated the conn' of Coiling Dead Victeeria., St ' Exeter, is fox sale Gelod storey and' half frame, house ion , geoid repa1r.s: stal le, hen -house, etc aged excellealt:; -fruit gardens of 134 acres.. Goad well and town water, near depot schibol,, and Churches. Apish, to' 2. POWELL;. Bus, Dray and Teaming Business Your orders ill our line will be. attended' to quickly and satisfac- torily-. We are her to please, the public needing anything in our Itne, and we ask a trial froth you.. Orders left by phone or other: wise at THE. ADVOCATE OFb'; lex, PHONE 25, wilt receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech irgrAirir v LLO DOINGS. a�c�ilfca�k �agaibc�ik ai!).aA� ami The wavy et the tranegiae'seor is hard but seer 0th: It isn't acanthi', Until people's etlart to 't 41 'about Its Te err le hulnie+:lw -t,o targive the. other feltow^-•ndt ;mach; Ono good effect of the present winter Is to enable ' eltizepiial toe week upright- ly with little eef'ot. Do not iterget the hockey niartch ori Thursday night-Seafeeth vs. Exeter. A good game is aasesured. Thane ane two wiayis to have happi- aleaa•. *Ora La t'Ohla.vfawhat you want, and this other is for wasn't wila't eoou have. A hockey match was held on Friday Last between the Plu .is' Ultra class o1 Mair Street Church vs Tee High School The former winning by, a shore of 6-2 isir. Jas. Easterbroele of I enorfa, Ont. formerly a resident of Usborne town- ship, atter visiting relatives here :re turned to her home on Monday. The .1Larrd Cat,nivaii on Tuesday even- ing. Feb. 25, will be the best of the seessn. The Grand lrfarch will be a specie' feature of the evening. Adnt'.s- sive 25c.; children 15c. Tile' Debenture of the Cot. of Huron totals• $1i.3o0o anti tolwarde3 itsl liquidatiloln here isr'the Sinking- Fund $85.544 leaving. at the present time ally .$23,446 to 'be provided for in the Years befoere „the debentures will mature.. Ow'1lnfg to the mealy county, bri- dges .that leve been built and :`(he oneq -yet to be eretited the Ca; rate of .tanatiee keteps Weil up ,but neverthe- less this grand old County 'is in prime sh,apo flea tibia . • A .regular storm parriod runs Orem the 22nd to thle 27th', being at its cen- ter on the 24th. The same. ata',.ronsomic causes are eti),1 in Dome at this time as during the, two preceding Periods ceiling' for the sane watchfulneses• and preca'utiovn,. Equineht;ai gales and cycl- ones wiaL move northward from the equator, possibly reaching our :south coast regions 'et the $ame time. Coun- ter stones of rain„ Bleat and blizzards •m,iy• be expected out of the northwest at •the sane time. Unseasonable cold will pre ei,1 far i'nte the 'south during the •Inst .de,ya of February. We ane vele, pleased with ,the libi Grad_ Wanner in which the :pub'iib haye respond in the Matter of sending' ii interesting :tehrie Of news. They will see vrheit la kilndndses they are con, terrine' when they stop to think, that mea ny an Bald resident of Eteter in Canada or United States anxiousey aw'eita 'arravial off The Advocate week to • weak' for •nieiws' asa the old home vi1I age and vicinity; 1/Deny of you knvoiy: r o• • some such; perhaps, they are your relatives or frIeeide to whom you write only .too Belden). Any item of ne'w's should - be sent Ice Telephone it ten or call tact the 'or'i`fice. Get it here same hoer afor these fni ndisr of yours are anxious for mewls! Irani home. The outside eentr3bu'to 1s ' have been doing very' efficient veered and we hope they will co ttinhe through cut the year, ' the good. vinrk whtlich they have 'begun: Oomiplrainet Tis made to the Advocate that main, peo'plle• fail to report births In their Theile people do net neat* 'to realize this Seriousness of the offeni e, 'dr that a hfek,,vy, fine in the pen- alty pre'ebrtbed 171 the statute covering the matter: ; It Le sate to say thati no ulterior''matice esis(bsl is not reporting the -birth Of a. child, but that the negli- gence was caused fr mi pure ignorance o'f the - law, which is aide excuse. - It is absolutely neccsIsetry not only to :the keeping ' of akietque tie vital s'tati t ic's of our town, but Ito the moral safeguard ing of our c1vid CDS, that such _ttnpOrt- ant matters ahs biirther, marriages and deaths should be prohnptiy reported to the proper 'b'fftteciial .. Thae keeping of re- cords of thee kilted. 'ifs one of 'the require- ments of a tiVillevieed community, and I•te importance should be clearly recognized The more So in that the statute pre- scribeis a. fine oat not lea's . than ` X5,1 noir more than $50 for a• breach et the regulation), and that at present Mere seerhe to - c a.certain, indtfferetce or ignorance prevailing :+n the matter. COPIES WANTED -For our files we desire eagles of the Advocate of Oct: 17th. 1812, aind January 9th; 1918 and. we would- be very .Pleased if Ad- vocate , subscribrere could supply usr. withthese iesrues, by n'rall, or by handing same into the office. HOCKEY -The escore does' not ,in- dicate it, 'but alt thje same time the game of hockey on Thntrsday night between London and lEaeberi was' a good one,° although el''sappbJAt$ng ,iso the local. Cans. At liia,lf Fiend the 'score', was 4-1 To flavor of thle Vesitorse," and at full time 11=2 In combination work, 'fast skating : and ;stick -work, the locals were out beaten, bee neve by any means out classed„ le checking our boye. had the best of 1t. Callahan in goal for London played a star game, and his tine work, Is! the practibei reasbn for the different scores • There was. consilderable rloughneeesg in the second . half. grid • it got beyond the central) of the' eefenee,'Who. had he .penalized all who were dleserwiteg a;t times would had rn}ist• Det the pela'yelrle off the ice. The fans were greatly Pleaded with • the Playing of Melee; and.Southcott, per ticuelarly,. the lettlntalrs, w+ho are showing remsrkeble form fart. stitch ,young play- Ors..•Amtoing the 7.wendoin players were two, Exeter boys Garvey Achesien and Beattie „Martin, beth of whom play a Strong ,game. The time ult- 'Leridpn "Exetler ' Calla ham GregMar,ti;n FettenL„y I3{.' Etlo,tlt 33awden Acfiesso' i 'Cal't1,ng Ssouthcothr Be nay J. Elliot • Thompson Leg; Le, rky ecia1 point cover rowee centre right wing left wing sePt•ette est hockey playei'ge of Thai; es Road played e game witha local seven On Tuesday, the' locales winning The following Exeter hockey moye went to -Mitchel Tun day and played. tt ganve wIth the 1eatm Det .that town,- Goea7, Greig; point, 7. 911.1ifottl cover, II Elliott.; rover, };Liver's; centro, Hau"h,. oo•tt; right wing, Riern t left w:eg, Aticbnson. The, game reseulted in favor oC v,itettel,l; 10+2. ,CQ11 cash Makes ail eaoalle nt holt weather conitort, Mrs, Tholes. Cookson Is! •sswt'ferilrg from a severely sprained ankle. Tax Reform wne defea•cd by 73.20 in the Ontario Legtslleture last week Mr. We Treble deliveeed a, large sm.'oke ,stack to a S't• Marys brei for Jas. MogrLLy & beer onr Feidaty. Mr, Joos'. Wambold o', ;Dashwood bass we understand., purchasrd the 'confec- tionery busttness of 91 J. Willetan. 1 Rev. C. E. ; fan nenfg, associate e fc.1 retary df home Missions, preached ex-. cellen'I sermons on - mi's sione in James Sim: church or Sunday; . . The Huron Branch of the Dominion Alliance is censider.ng the advlsa bik, ity of trying the New S'co't Act, which is county wilck'Ei, next year: We were -pleased to notice that Mr. Andrew Gibson orf the Tharnee Road was ori TuieadaY al41s td drive ,out to town, after his 'serious illness. The sale of ooNes offered by Messrs:. Snell & - Clarke on Saturday last was well attended and 'prices avere , fair,, They will hold another sale. shortly. The auction sale of B. M. Fisch,en- farm steek aped implenn•enta-advertie- ed ie last week'el p per ,ahold this, has beer changed froeml 26tn :Feb. Lo 27th Feb. Take irk the gnratnd, Masquerade Care nivel at the rink on Tuesday eveniltgl Feb. 25th, to .eaglet the Band in - coin- pleti'u.g payment opt uniforms. Admite- sion 215c.; children 15c. The •Supxenve Court has :deob red: the West Lorne vote on Local Option in- valid. The p!oin't- decided was that nee,- resitdieater could hot vote- An ap- peal may be made to the Privy Coml.= Dr. Harrison, 171.1,2” of Inger•s,o'll,say that cerebs,l nieningitils to horse in hila district gist d:reelp traceable to thb r. aeedltig of, acorn ensilage; and warns all farmers to beware of thole - flood for horses, drartttttlaaly coltsg. S`:rnieOneasks eft what " age a pup:. LB taxable, and the answer; is that a pv!p Is a deg -ter the puppioes'sof',asshssnient and :taxalbion the 'mbpnbo,t . it is born'.. 11 is ;something like the oldold a ory of "Pigs is legs," Whether Guinea. :pigs "or real porkeree alst told .in connection 'with a celebrated customs" dispute_ in the United Sita,te!, The funeral Of Ors': Wen. H. Davin son took eileice from the family read- dente, 8 ;Beil.lie`veus • avenue, Landel , on Thursday afternbtdn tog Woodland eerie,' tery. and Was e f a private nat'urd. The floral tributes mere' beautiful, , 'the casket beim) coimpletely buried w'i'th' fSowers. The lake Mrs! Devldeoa --is. survived by a sbxtiavri!ng bus bend annd'. four daulghhters., Ivfa,s, J. A. Rollins, of elern'icoe Mrs.: P. G. Edwards, Landon, Misses Edlnaa and Ruby at home and sons, T,.'Haarntdn and Judson, of Sagi- naw; Aifvin S., of Mangelorlas, Mich„, WY Fred, G. rr lea agent';. Me!rritttori, Hurry L.. R: of Muskegon, Mach, - Mei Jodi H. Davada'tgn, of Toronto Liss Euinice Down, Mises E, ICernick, Mrs G. fA. Birkee of Exeter, and efe Jctixi Shute of Klrkto'n • attended .the'. tunerali McLendt- Idid eriziei.-A pretty - home weddibg was vsolllehnlaized 1n Adelaide Township on. Wiahlaesday, Febf. 19th, when Mrr, Thenea.s Citta McLeod of, Ex- eter was united in marriage' tor Miss Edna, Janet* 'MeKehzie, daughter of IMrs. McKenzie bid that township. The ceremony, which totok -place at high= ,nine, was perforh ed by Revi. A. W. Hare of Arkotnai, iii, the presence of 'about Bra invited guests. Both bride and groom were •unattended. The ceremony over a sumptuous* repast was ,served, atter which. the /ening couple left on at bridal trip to- Port Hurn Detroit, Iona, Mich,., and 'ethetr points. On the return they 'will take up their resid- ence in Exeter, and will occupy the dwelling on the comer of Gidiey and William Streets, The young couple will have the; beset wighes of a large circle of trien s, for a long and happy wedded life'. NOTICE. -Special White Sale at Mrs:. W. D. Yeo^,s la1sd fdur days': Of Febru' ars*. See adWertisement in andther col PAND 'CARNIVAL.- The Band will hold a grand eMaeciueerade :.Carnival in the Rink here oil' Tuesday evening,, Feb. 25th, whein_`prizes will. be awarded for ladies' and gents' fancyi and comic cos- tume ; toys' oblsitarle race.; A 20 -min- ., utegame Of fait hockey will *be playoi efrs, Jays, Beer )het 'returned fronli visit in 1,101Pdon, I+1rs. Marchannl and daughters. were .in %ando/1 Salturdaty. 2,11 Percy Galles Was, in Dutton on. business last w!es!it. • Miss Elsie Kc'Ca(i'unil spent Saturday with her parents ,het e,• • Miss Polly Hoarier its• eis'Sting le To- ronto for a few . weeks', - :AlIes 2wteett, enil)lilnler, lett Tues day' to attend the Torahtof 'olietlings. Messrs L. H. Dteeks!oln and F. W. Grladanapi wtere Sin Lt ndon last week. Thos 2andtielner, 3r, left last week' Dor Toronto, where) he has. taken a polar tttam; Arra. W. W. Ii1a`In i4x was confined to the house ler several days' thvriaug'h i'Lines'st !Mrs. M'uaroCe has returned from; a vise it -with her breather, .Mil. Wet. Tolland in Detroit. Miss Tillie Yager lefd Tuesday even- ing to attend thie inillin,erY o'Penlilnt`;{d a't froranto., School Inspector Toni of Godeirieh was on oi1tibial druty in the neighbor: - hood tills 'weak.: are. S. Filtbon was taken ill on, Friday night and was confined to the house for a Pje.vr! days. ;Hiss Floedie Hunter visited with the :Titrelses.Dickffns e'n'Lucaal,returning home on Saturday night. • ,Mi.sees Addle Mbrifbeck and Vellme Easterbrbok went too•. Teeranto Saturday to attend .tree. nmililneery openingst.._ Messrs. S. T1. and D. B. Sanders, re- turned* Saturday Ptiohn attending the Canner's t oneen!itoti s at Lebuisville, Icy. a; .r NOTICE Regina. Watches, when sold without an Official; Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second.. Hand Watches,' taken in trade or procured in *some other second-hand way. I am the' `only authorizeai Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. A. MAiCHAND ivir.` Il`: 3. Atkisson_ orf St. Thomas spent a few de.es. with his brother, Mr.. Jas. Atkinsloen, who' continues very low - I B. Graph„ insurance Inspector, f o 'Listowel, wars here. last •weak in con- nection with the 11 a in the store; 'of Jones & May. Mr. George Thomas left on - Wed- nesday for St, Joseph's Hospital London, where he will be operated on, for appendicitis. Misses Maud Rolilins and Carry -Dyer Misses May" and Ethel Armstrong, and 'Miss Merril Gould • are attending the nniiSLnery to'pee nags. . Mr, and Mrs G'eloalge Rusriettt who have been spending a parlb of their noney- I'eft Friday hitolleitvg , for TbTonte Lo Spend a few' .days prior tot leaving for their • •`.;acre h rria in :North Bait'Aef•:rrd, Sask., Mi. ta'ntldy.• Ei'.F.R,,iher, who; has b•. 'n. connected with the labii, of Oanrnierce staff hexose: forsornii tim,e,..•ha•s received fromword, frohead luahtta' tee' report' at the OolUngwoad.,;_;branch, leaving here. Tuesday ntorning:F On Monday night; he. was the reeip`~ient of a suitcase from his bay friends 1 ry genie Buckwheat Flour for good ' pancakes also'a choice lot of ,.Corn on hand R ' G.ISELDON Exeter, — Ontario ROUE Phone 20a • itesklence next to the store. Undertaker and - License Embalmer ed between Toh'al picked- teams. All in mask will be allowed on, the Ice. Ad- EXETER, ONTARIO nession 25c.; chillelree. 15c. Everybody came out and help „thee band, pedal White Sale February Sale _ —OF— Ladies White Wear The last week •,in FEBRUARY 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th Will be another busy week in Ladies wearing apparel Four Specials for Four Days Only Ladies Gowns Shirts, Corset Covers, Etc White Muslins White Vestings;White Embroideries and Laces, Narrow and- Wide; Ladies White Waists and Hankerchiefs. This sale presents advantages not available when this sale is over. Look the advertisement over very carefully, much' will surely be found of interest to every reader, Remember the. the date. Last four days of February, Mrs. W. D. Yeo EXETER ONTARIO February Sale This week, another big s1flpinent o`.'•: Gr&ni'.tJawear, -0 ,one of writ- big pads, Envelopes and Papetries for 'our Bargain, Counters: There. will be 'barga in s so be on the :Look ,out,• - Dopl't forget, our Prue, Department.. '15c.` is the price tn:ls year for finest Talcum; Powder, Toilet pre-parations, Tdoth Paiste, Our goodst are ,noir inferior, but A1. artibles;, that have no .superitor. Try Some, no twee' paying 25e. when you can ge dt :here for 15 centt!s COME IN OFTEN, AND SEE THI GREAT VALUES WE AIVE OFFERING_ EVERY DAY, NIg)* CARDS,- (LOCAL VIEWsS, BIRTH DAYS, COMICS, Etc., SOME GOLD FISH LEFT, 'i he Big Variety Store 1... Powell's� .. Bazaar ES & MAY PRONE NO. 82 NEw SPRING sTocK We are now ready for the rush for Spring Goods. New lots coming in every day. New Dress -Goods Of every Dolor and kind that will be fashionable this Spring. New Wash Coeds Prints, G in,ghams, Cham- brays, Galateas, Vestings and Muslin. - Ladies White Wear Everything new in White Waists, Night Gowns, Shirts, Corset cov ers and Drawers. - New 'Wash Dresses .. `For Ladies Misses and Children.--- Very dainty colors and de- signs. Big Sale o inter Goods All our Winter Goods teihe sacrificed at a price Furs, .,Fur Lined- Coats, Fur Collared Coats, Ladies' Coats,' Children's Coats, Neck Scarfs land Underwear :Now' is your time to getaBargain: Damaged Fire Stock last _ . We were unfortunate week to have a small. Fire in; 'out -Dry. Goods :Department which did' about. $1,000 worth of damage: Thiis; stock. which consists of Table Linen, Cottons, Window' .Mu.slins,• Linings Shirts and Underwear and tnslins will be put on sale ThursdaYFriday and Saturday OF THIS WEEK JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W; E. Sanford Clothing