HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-2-20, Page 6a ti;
ly enjoyit unless we all go to-
gether, a huge party."
"I think we should be rather in
the way," she said. "You would
have so many old friends out there,
and would want to get rid of us.
Don't you remember the old lady
who was so outspoken at Balholm
when we tried to be friendly and
not to let her feel lonely and out
of it?"
Frithjof laughed at the recollec-
• "Yes," he said; "she liked to be
alone, and preferred to walk on
• quickly and keep 'out of the ruck,'
as she expressed it. We were 'the
For a time Frithiof was rather
silent and quiet; but Sigrid and
Swarthild were in high spirits as
they went clown to Rowan Tree
House, arriving just in time for
siipper. The atmosphere of hap-
piness, however, is always infecti-
ous, and he soon threw off his taci-
turnity, and dragging himself away
from his own engrossing thoughts,
forgot the shadows of life in the
pure brightness of this home which
had been so much to him ever since
he first setefoot in it.
With Swanhild Ear an excuse
they played all sorts of games; but
when at last she had been sent off
to bed, the fun and laughter quiet-
ed down.. Mr. and Mrs, Boniface
played their nightly game of back-
gammon; Roy and Sigrid had a
long tete-a-tete in the little
drawing -room; Cecil sat down at
the piano and began to play Men-
delssohnts Christmas pieces; and
Frithiof threw himself back in the
great arm -chair close by her, list-
ening half dreamily and with a rest-
ful sense of pause in his life that he
had never before known. He de-
sired nothing, he reveled in the
sense of freedom from the love
which for so long had been a mis-
ery to Idm; the very ealm was
"That is beautiful," he said,
when the music ceased. "After all
there is no one like Mendelssohn,
he is so human.",
"You look like one of the lotus-
eaters," said Cecil, glancing at
"It is precisely what I feel like,"
he said, with a smile. "Perhaps it
is because you have been giving me
"'Music that gentlier on the spirit
Than tired eyelids upon tired eyes.'
I remember so well how you read
that to me after I had been ill."
•She took a little thin red volume
from the book -helves beside her
and turned over the leaves. He
bent forward to look over her, and
together they read the first part of
the poem.
"It is Norway," he said. "What
could better describe it?
"You will not be a, true lotus-
eater till you are there once more,"
said Cecil, glancing at him. For
his dreamy content was gone, and
a wistfulness which she quite un-
derstood had taken its place.
"Don't you think, now that all is
so different, you might perhaps go
there next summer?" she added.
"No," he replied, "you must not
tempt me. I will not go back till
I am a free man and can look every
one in the face. The prospect of
being free so much sooner than I
had expected ought to be enough
to satisfy me. Suppose we build
castles in the air; that is surely the
right thing to do on Christmas -
eve. When at last these debts are
cleared, let us all go to Norway tot,
gether. I know Mr. Boniface
would be enchanted with' it, and
you, you did not see nearly all that
you should have seen. You must
see the Romsdal and the Geiran-
ger, and we must show you Oldo-
ren, where we so often spent the
summer holiday."
"How delightful it would be !"
said Ceocil.
"Don't say 'would," say 'will,' "
he replied. "I shall not thorough -
la •
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tr. doh CLItAM.51'. STAIPLKSTs sod REST ItiOraft
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011.-.00 MIstitlepo IMPOltliblae
Stott for Fro Cote& Cocl, Story Iloohlot, out
'fr.tiohler ng..1611it* Of DYeluit trade OthOr colors.
't fie Vir,:,:t?" Ctllt:Miat OSelN 00, Lfroltetf,
tlautlaAL Citi',
ruck.' And how we laughed at her
opinion of us."
"Well, of course you wouldn't
exactly put it in that way, but all
the same, I think you would want
to be alone when you go back."
He shook his head,
"No; you are quite mistaken,
• Now, promise that if Mr. Boniface
agreee, yon will all come too."
"Very well," she said, smiling,
"I promise."
"Where are they going to 7" he
exclaimed, glancing into the inner
room where Roy was wrapping a
thick sofa blanket about Sigrid's
"Out into the garden to hear the
bells, I dare say, she replied, "We
generally go out if it is fine."
"Let us came too," be said; and
they left the bright room and went
out into the dusky veranda, pacing
silently to and fro absorbed in their
own thoughtse while the Christmas
bells rang
"Peace and good -will, good -will
and peace,
Peace and good -will to all man-
.But the other two, down in a
sheltered path a -b the end of the
garden were not silent, nor did they
listen very much to the belle.
"Sigrid," said Roy, "have you
forgotten that you made: me a pro-
mise last June?"
"No," she said, her voice trends -
ling a little, "I have not forgot -
"You promised that when Frith-
iof was cleared I might ask you for
your answer."
She raised her face to his in the
dim starlight.
"Yee, I did promise."
"And the answer
"I love. you."
The soft Norse words were spoken
hardly above her breath, yet Roy
knew that they would ring in his
heart all his life long.
"My darling!" he said, taking
her in his arms. "Oh, if you knew
' what the waiting has been, to me?
But it was my own fault—all my
own fault, I ought to have trust-
• ed your instinct before my own rea-
"No, no," she said, clinging to
him; "I think I was hard and bit-
ter that day ; you must forgive me,
for I was *so very unhappy. Don't
let us speak of it any more. I hate
to think of it even."
"And nothing can ever come be-
tween us again," he •said, still
keeping his arm round her as they
walked on.
"No; never again," she repeat-
ed; "never again. I know I am
too proud and independent, and I
suppose it is to crush down my
pride that I have to come to you
like this, robbed of position and
money, and—"
"How can you speak of such
things," he said, repreaohfully.
"You know they are nothing to
you know that I can never feel
worthy of you."
"Such things do seem very little
when one really loves," she *41,
gently. "I thought it over, and it t
seems to rae like this—the proof of
your love to me is that you take t
me poor, an exile, more or less
burdened with the past; the proof
of my love to you is that I kill my
pride—and yield. It would have
seemed impossible to me once; but
now— Oh, Roy 1 how I love you—
how I love you I" .
* *
it's the "Bet Myer"
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and stood watching them as they
snag the quaint, old hymn:
"Good Christian men rejoice,
In heart and soul and -voice;
Now ye hear of endless bliss;
• joy I joy I
Jesus Christ was born for this 1
He bath oped the heavenly door,
And man is blessed evermore.
Christ was born for this."
Cecil, glancing up at her when
the carol was ended, read her sec-
ret in her happy, glowing face, She
rose from the piano.
"A happy Christmas to you," she
said, kissing her on both cheeks.
• "We have been out in the garden,
right clown in the lower path, and
you can't think how lovely the bells
sound," said Sigrid.
Then, with a fresh stab of pain
at her heart she thought of Frith -
eel's spoiled life; she looked wist-
fully across at him'conscious thather love for Roy had only deepened
her love for those belonging to
Was he never to know anything
more satisfying than •the peace of
being freed from the heavy load of
suspicion ? Was he only to know
the pain of love? All her first .de-
stre to keep her aecret to herself
died away as she looked at him,
and in another minute her hand was
on his arm. "Dear old bey," she
said to him in Norse, "won't, you
come into the garden with me for a
few minutes 7"
So they went out together: into
the starlight, and wandered down
to the sheltered path where she and
Roy had paced to and fro so long.
"What a happy Christmas it has
been for us all!" she said, thought-
"Very; and how little we expecte
ed it!" said Frithiof.
"Do you think," she began, fal-
teringly, "do you think, Frithiof,
it would make you less ha,ppy if I
told you of a new happiness that
has come to me 7"
Her tone as mu& as the actual
words suddenly enlightened him.
"Whatever makes for your hap-
piness makes for mine," he ssid,
trying to read her face. °
"Are you sure of that 7" she said,
the tears rushing to her eyes. "Oh,
if I could quite believe you Frith-
iof, how happy I should be
"Why should' you doubt me 7t1 he
asked. "Come, I• have guessed
your secret, you are going to tell
me that—"
"That Roy Will Some day be your
brother as well as your friend,"
she said, finishing his sentence for
him. •
Ile caught her hand in his and
held it fast.
"I wish you joy, Sigrid, with all
my heart. This puts the finishing
touch to our Ohristmae hapiness."
"And Roy has been making such
plans," said Sigrid, brushing away
her tears; "he says that just over
he 'wall there is a charming little
house back to back, you know, with
his one, and it will just hold us all,
"And about Frithiof 1" said Roy,
presently. "You will explain to
him and make him understand that
I would not for the world break
up his home?"
"Yes," she replied, "I will 'tell
him; but I think not to -night. Just
till to -morrow let it be only for our-
selves. Hark 1 the cloeks are strik-
ing twelve! Let us go in and wish
the others a. happy Ohristmas."
But Roy kept the first of the good
wishes for himself ; then, at length
releasing her, walked beside her
toward the house, happy beyond
all power of. expression.
And now once more outer things
began to appeal to ham; he became
conscious of the' ' Christmas bells
ringing gayly in the stillness of the
night, of the stars 't Shining clown
gloriously through the clear frosty
air, of the cheerful glimpse of horne
to Tee seen through the uncurtained
window of the drawingeroom.
'Cecil and Frithjof had left the
veranda and returned. too the piano;
they were singing a carol, the Ger-
mail air of which was' well known
Norway„ Sigrid did pot know
the English words; but she listen-
ed to them now intently, and they
helped to reconcile her to the one
thorn in her perfect happieess—the
thought that thee other two were
shut out from the bliss which she
Quietly she stole into the room
for of course he will never allow
us to be separated. He told me 'that
long ago, when he firib asked me."
• "Long ago?' said Frithiof; "why
what do you mean, Sigrid 1 • I
thought it was only to -night."
"It was only to -night that I gave
him his answer," said Sigrid.'It
was when- we were at the sea last
June that he first spoke to me and
then—afterward—perhaps I was
wrong, but I would not hear any-
thing more about it till your cloud
had passed away. I knew some day
that your name must be cleared,
and I was angry with Roy for not
believing in you. I dare say I was
wrong to expect it, and 'it diaap-
pointed Me sodreadfully. He says
himself now that he ought to have
trustedL" '
"It was a wonder that'you didn't
make him hate me forever,' said
Frithiof. "Why did 'you not tell
me about it before?"
"How could I?" she said. "It
would only have made you more
unhapPy.`e It was far better to
wait. •
(To be continued.)
are entirely different „from
others both in their ootnpost-
tion and their effeot—oomplete
„evaouttlon without purging or
25e, a box at your druggist's.
Following the example of her
brother, Wm,- K. Vanderbilt, the
Dtichess of Marlborough is building
up a reputation as an enthusiastic
dog faneier.
At one time the Duehess ignored
the dog craze and it was a matter
a common talk that she was prac-
tically the only woman in the
"smart set" circle who did not pos-
sees a dog of some class among her
household pete. Now she appears,
to be falling into line with her
friends and is
paying faney prices
for bulldog breeds and water sped-
Her experiences have not ‘been
up to the present entirely favor-
Duchess of Marlborough:
able, for a, few days ago a valuable
animal which was being consigned
to her from Ireland got suffocated
on the journey, ancl as the con-
signment was at owner's risk the
Loss will mean something in the
neighborhood of $5,000.
Next year the Duchess hopes to
join the ranks of the, society women
who have been for a nuixtber of
years an, active and conspicuous
element in the Ladies' Kennel
British Board of Trade Law Does
• Not Forbid It.
Heretofore the position of ship's
surgeon has been monopolized by
men, but au do-ubt as to the eligi-
bility of women for the position has
been set at rest by a Sooittish
ste.aanship company.
The company had a steamer on
the Clyde ready to sail for Aus-
tralia with a large number of pas-
sengera, including emigrants, on
hoard. All that kept it from leav-
ing was the lack of a eurgeon.
A qualified woman doctor, tho
daughter of a mariae engineer,
heard of. the difficulty and offered
her services. The board of trade
offic,er who had to certify the ship
looked up all precedents, and, al-
though he found that no woman
had ever before been signed on as
surgeon of a ship, he. could find
nothing against, it, and the woman
doctor went out with ehe steamer.
Winter Care of Drafters.
• Most farmees de not get full use
of ,their horses through, failure to
provide work foe them during the
winter months. There is general-
ly not much doing on the farm then
except, perha'
ps hauling of a lit-
tle produce to town, dragging in
the logs for firewood and scatter-
ing manure on the snowy fields.
Alt-ogether they are kept idle for
so many days tha,t the average
number of hours worked per day
fOr /I year is even less than two,
counting those days in summer
overtime is the rule for man and
• This condition is unprofitable
from an economic point of view,
and ',from the .viewpoint of the
horse' s health.
Heavy drafters in good flesh .and
fed liberally on oats and tinarthy
will need exercise and plenty of it
to keep in fair .health during the
winter. ;They will need warm
stables properly ventilated; there
naust•be no cement or other damp
floors for them to lie on; there
Must be plenty of air and sunshine.
One winter we fed scarcely any-
thing but straw and just a little
grain and the horses. came through
in better shape than these of a
neighbor who fed liberally, but who
did not have any more work for his
horses than we had. There was not
so muck rich stuff to poison the
I know ass, farmer elle regu-
larly hires a teamster to take his
magnifieeat drafters oute into the
employ of the keel ice company,
and se keeps them busy during the
winter. Anothet engages, his two
teams in the cordwood business for
the same purpose,
Neither of these men makes very
much money through the deal, knit
they force their horses to pay for
their winter board and to come
through in spiv -To. 1;11 alle for the
summer's heavy g.:•irol,
. . ,
Every one shows the dealer a larger profit, but
none possess the flavour of
or give the same satisfaction to the tea drinker.
• M!XeU an�. men.
Sealed lead packets ordy.
Robbing the Jain Closet.
"What is Your wife doing in the
jam closet with a magnifying
"She's getting , be quite an
expert on finger prints. Who's the
culprit this time, my dear?"
90 96- Of
All' Fine
• Charity.
"There is nothing to be said for(
an author who Will steal all his weed
"At least you might give him
credit for not stealing bad ones."
/n the interest of purity of goods invslv. se MAPLE SYRUP
Ing an outlay of $600, divided into 44 prizes \ PRIZE CONTEST)
varying from MOO (first prize) down to
worn in tile 'united Statee ar•
manufactured itt Now Tork, the
world's beat market. Send fa*
priee list and shi, to
M, P. Pfaelzor & 00.
6 E. 12th St, (Desk 76) , X, T.
Competition le limited to users of the GRIMM 03IAMPION EVAPOR.A.TOR.
Should yon own a grove and want to get the beet value out of it, and are
• not using one o/ our EVAPORATORS, write to us, stating bow 'many trees
You tap and we will quote you necessary rest suited to your. needs. •You
can then enter contest and may win a cash prize, thus reducing cost of
outfit. Prizes will be given for the best samples of syrup and sugar sent
in by April 16th, closing date of carapetition. Samples from, every conipeti•
tor will be exhibitect in the magnificent show windows of "The Montreal
Star," Montreal, during the .last two weeks of April.
Don't fail to write at once for copy of our "Prize Contest Circular," giving
the fullest information,
88 Wellington St., Montreal, Que.
Canada's finest sugar'
at its best
Your love of
cleanliness and
purity will be
gratified by this 5 -
Pound Sealed Package of
• Extra Granulated Sugar
It's Canada's finest sugar, fresh from the Refinery; .4 '
untouched by human hands. Each Package
contains 5 full pounds of sugar Your Grocer -- /
can supply you. Canada Sugar Refining
Company, Limited,
....1. Mo7 ie ali.„....0 ,--,
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The outside closet— that abomin-
able accumulation of disease -laden
filth—is the curse of faun life—
directly responsible for nine -tenths
of the diseases existing in the rural.,
• TilerCan Be No Doubt About This
Just t consider. Here within a few 'steps of your home—poison-
ing every breath of air you breathe—you have built a pest
house—a foul-smelling sink—which must be used by you and
your family.
And you willingly subject, your wife, daughters and sons to
this risk of disease, publicity and discomfort—dn all weathers
—winter and summer. Probably you never thought of the
Outside, closet in this light before e Now you know, Make up
your mind to blot if off your farm at once.. Install a Good
Health Sanitary Closet—it doesn't c—osf much --and you can
have if. right in your home. ' Think of the convenience, teen -
fort and protection feore ill health.. Make up your Mind to,
have onewithotit another day's clelay.Tei us tell you more
abut: t, the God Heifth Closet, 7'
Mail This Coupon to Us RIGHT 1V 0 TV
The Good
eleaith Co.
Gentlemen t --
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Good Iteatth Sanitayy Clectet.