HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-2-20, Page 5L4 ilCl tdy res ual Nin for oS ea - Kir "l Y it ng :ea ad if he 7y, ne- ale are used od� 3nr )Id 031 ed 2s;`' tee ad- ra- as, sp- ;ry rill ir- on nt, on :he :es ger ad er P- nd std ve uta ,ur al. D 1t N7Are Dr g• Ir, lt00Ia 0 r,,fit.tl„ i2ENTISel0 Member of the i .G.D.a3, et O*tgexio and. Hobor graduate o4 d'ere eft0 1111111160 010. Off toefee.feer8lrycson 4b 0101111Yell IAW ofrN». Closed •W'ednesday .afternnens, P. . A4, B. KINSeLefe, I,.Ia.:i., II, Honor emanate of Toronto Oniveripity DEN tIST Teeth extracted without Patin, or any bad eftecte. Office over Gliedman & Staff burg's Office, Maim Street, •'Btxetoe.. LEGAL DZVKSONdt CARLING, BAlfiiliSTFiRS, Soltelteres►, Notaries, Conveyancers, Cone. nz+iiar'itoners. Soli't:ifiors Mr true Molsone Banti, etc, isfoney to XJoatt at lowest rates of Interest Oft:ceia--Malin-Ste Exeter I. R. Careen/it, H.A. Ie H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a lame amautet of -private Conde' to loan ort tam and vtliage prop- erties at low rates cif tiltsCeet. ALAb1i $ do BPA.111$$i3 W Barristers, Soltettdrs, S1retsa. 3. ;satil3'R Agent Conisdarateon Lite Assurance company, also PCa'e 'Ipnure etee fn teed - trig Cettaelian and Dettlab Comli htdee. Mast-iYE:, Beeler.. T. S CARLI$1O ,.• Lit0. File, Accident and Pate Glass Inifw+anee, l"ollsciing accounts. 'and con- ducting auetlon sales. - Exeter. Ont. GET THE BEST, . IT. P.AYS. Toronto, Oat., Is a. Coanmercial. School of the Highest Grade, NONE BETTER IN CANADA. Gteeluei,es in strong •derreted. Eckel' now. `alma: wefree. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for •sale that desirable lee acre farm, situated in the Township of B,iddulph, being Lot 13, Cour. 1. 'More is on the pre¢ntses a good fratni /Mouse, barn with iounda- -tion, orcleand, The farm is well draihx- ed and a111; ender oult'ivatIon- This is :an excellent fame, well situated and will he eold reasonable. For Wither partie- Mars apply >to "Solhn O'Neil, Mooresville, Ont. WM. KELLY, ROUSE FOR SArt el OR RENT. The underelegned are offering for ease or rent the centre new house, erect- -ed on the old Mansion House property retain Street, Exeter, This house :s •eq a Aped with bath, closets toilets, fur- nace, and all raolnysi papered and gr'ailn= .ed. mmediate possession., • 'Will . be sold reasonable. Apply to Wes. Snell. 'SNHLL & MAROHAND • Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Vanes are sold at 15 a box, or three for SIO. Mailed to any address. The Soobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. • Home study Thousands ,of arribitious young. people are being instructed in their Home Study Sept. You may finish at College if you desire Pay whenever you wish. Thirty Tears' Experience. Largest train- . ere in 'Canada, Enter any day Pos_tione guaranteed. If you wish to save board and learn while you earn, write . for parti- culars. NO VACATION Cinton Business College GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD' President Prifiaipal SYNOPSIS• De', CANADIAN NORTH WEST ;LAND REGULATION$ 4IIT'ePereran who is the sole head of Trials over years old, •,BAY '110r4estead a. quarter election of fivflaBler•Ilomini?bel" landMan'-toba. Saakatkehewen .or ..Alberta. The, plican't aniestti appear in person at thefee.. ,Dgnitniohi `L!Ide •,cel.gency or, :ag'exeY„far,.,tire district. Pliitiry byapro aY, elude •be maid •;' at any agency, en " '` certa1n cOriiLi cores :by father, mother, 'son,; daughter, 'brother,' or s•Lster of in tending . hotnrdgteai#;er • <' Duties --Six rnlomtJtrs' rea:dence , pdnYs, and, cultivaltion of the Land in each` of three :years, :A hont'estcadee may live ' Within nixie n..'jie 'of h'''ex homestead: en a lairm of at toast 80 acrlss solids owned and occupied by hien or by his. father, mother•, mon daughter, brother or s.Istere ; In'certain, ddlsitellate a hlomesteader good, standing tuay pre-empt a quart er- edtion e'along side hes homestead. Price $L0O per acre. Dirties -Must r x440 upon the home stead or. preeeresticene six monales in „each. of six year s 1roan date of home- stead entry (11v6litdin1j the tine re- quired to earn' ilouriesteed .patent) and cultivate . fifty aebee extra, A lioxnesteader who has oxhM steel 'ste homestead right and •caunot obtain a. preteanptlon mayenter fou` a pun. h cased hemp&•ead. in oerta.in ,dtstrfeter, Pelee 33.00 per acre. Duties-, Mince reside six enorhtliere im • each of these •• • year**, • cultivate fifty acres and erect ahouse Werth $,30.0, • W. W. CORY', , Deputy, of the M3,nLater of the Interior N.B.e- thiar +tduoxyzed epetblita't'.on' a1 this advertiietkttent Well not ,be pate' for,. ROYAL PtritPLE Stoolt & Poultry Specifies FREE�Vo will send abaob telt' free,, for tile.::::g, postpaid, `•one of our ooloop twomei large 64,+page hooka, (woe 'n;,, aer•t), en the 0(40498 diseases of stop', .44 poultry. Tette how to feed all kinds of heavy. and light horses, colte and mares, milch crows, calves and fattening steers, also how to, keep. and feed ,poultry so that -they win ley es well. in winter es in ,summer It contains 960' recommends from all over Cianade, front' people Who'have used our goods, 'No farmer should be Nettlwut it, You can fatten cattle, and bogsin a monttes leas time by. using our Royal Puente Stock Speelf% than you could possibly do without it. thereby saving a month's feed and labor and the cost to you will'wot be mono than $1.60 fod pix pigs or $1.00 Aar one steer, It will keep. your hozsea in show condition with ordinary feed. If you have a poor, miserable -loose, lag animal on your plum try It on this oue first and see the marvellous resultwill tt well be obtained. Our Stock Speeific Wii' in .rease the milk flow three to dve lbs. per cow 1. er claY,while being fed in the stable ^ -,_ eaelcage will last a cow or horse 70 day • ROYAL PURPLI!; POULTRY 81'!• el will make your hens lay just as well in the winter as In the .slimmer, and will keep these free from disease. These goods are pure and unadulterated. We do not use any cheap filler cter make n large-'paekage. entirely different from any on the market at the present tirne- Royal Purple Stock Specific, 50c pekes.; four 60c' pekes., in ati air -tight tin, for $L60. " literal Purple Poultry.: Specific, 25c and 50e pekgs-. and $1.50 air -tight tins that hold four 50c pckye. "Byar Purple Lice (Ciller, 20c and 50c tins;: '30e by mail. Royal ru>pie Gall Cure, 26e and 50e tins;' See by Aman, - •, Rbya1 Purple Sweat Liniment, 50c bottle; 60a sly mail, Royal Purple Cough Cure, •60e tin p 60c by mail. Royal Purple Disinfectant, 25c and 60e tins. Missal Purple Roup Cure. 26c tins; 20e by. msu, Ray Purple Worm Powder, 25c tins ; 30e by Manufactured only by TheW. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. London, Canada 'Royal Pimple ple Supplies and Booklets nifty be obtained from W. J. Beaman, Exeter, Ont. Uanlon & O'Brien, Centralia McGILLI VR„1 Y. The death occurred oi1) Feb. 12 at Ilderton of Harriet Paxton, relict of the late Andrew Paxton o2 this town- ship at the age of' 83 years, 4 months The tundra -I todkplace on lFridaY Frohn. the home of the son -in -'law, Fen- ton Paisley, -to Salem cemetery. L'UOAN-Thee death occured in Harr- ington recently of Dre McDougal, who W11 II a native- of Lvcan, and prior to practising medtd::rue taught school for many years. He died very suddenly. Alter finishing his chorea he came Weaned Of hot feeling well and spent the day resting gluietlY en bed, As he was gettiln,g up in the evening tie suddenly fell back dead: 'Bclslidels his wife he leaves three simja.:ll children, He was 45 years: olid. • Auction Sale FARM STOCK, - IIM'FLEM'ENTS, HAY;, Roots, and 8 acres' of bush land/. oe Lot 8, Con. 11, Tuckersmitii, on Thursday, Feb. 27, 1913%. at 1 o'clock. Horses-Agr3.o. geldiing testing Sex..; draft geldiing rising 4, draft gelding tieing 3. agricultural! musu'd.:s:un. tea be fee aa1 to Gbii Grahaani, rising 4; agree. mare rising ' 8 ; agree. colt, 8 moss. by Ord. Grahialni ; Percherola colt' 8 mob. by Voltaire ; carriage geld1i11g r. ts::eng 3 --re. broken single and; double,'sired ' by Mcnbars ; drlv'Lng Inlare,• 5 yes, kind; and reliable, sired by Wi"lderley„' ' Cattle -5• choice steeps rising .';5 i 8 steens rising 2 ; 7 yearling !stleerse 5 calvvbe. Hogs -1 bow duel in A,pri1; 2 sows due tin IvNay ; 5 young stows with pig. Hens -2 dove. leeres and pullets. Implentenitis-Wagoln, set bob 'sleighs open buggy, road+r,.arl, sat lean hare rows, walking plow', 2 -furrow plow ; 1 mower, fanlni:ng mill, stet stock scales 2500 lb capacity ; root pulper; ernery grinder, feed furnace, cutter', cook stove; set heady harness, set light harneete', About 15 tons of good tim- othy hay ; quantity reatts; .some 3 -snit tile. horse blankets, grain bags, forks shovels, whiffLewrees, neck -yokes, and numerous other ' articles;, There will also 'be. sold 8 acre's bf mixed bush!. - Terme-elle and under cash ; ovet that' amount 6 mos. credit ole approved joint rioted. 5 per Gent: per annum off for''ca•sh on credit .amounts. Bush land cash Posetively' no ,reserve as the Parka has "been rented. D. M. Fischer, T. Cameron, Proprtoir Auet., Farquhar Auction Sale of CHOICE YO.UN;G ,MARES AND GRLDINGS, Mr:: Those Cameron • haig Lreceived iinstbuict:lbnnsfrom the .under signed to • sell by Public Aucti n, en LOT 8, C'ON. 11, HIBB'ERT, 0.1 DUES DAY, FEB 25th, 1913 at 12.80; o'clock. sharr the toLlgwlilnlg •-v'al'uable-:pl'4pa rty; Brood ,'mare, .4, Yi alga solid supposed to be with ;goal,: •Agrfcultural .1.. t ;broad rrta.re, 5 sirs.. ' ,old, s'uppdsed do hie with foal; 'Agar. 4• mares reeling 3, yrs. old,-Agric.; 2 generb.l purpose Ma les rising 3 yes. old : 2 geldings rising 4 yj .. old ' draft ; .4 geldings, rising . 3 y is , dTtl Agrice 2 geldings resting 8 Y:463, Ole, draft; 2. fillfgs„niefing 2 yeses Old, Agric ; 8 gelding,s 2 years •bud, Agrlc ; 's•uckireg h:ifitw, AgrIic 3 good farriers drivers rising ., '.4 and 5 yrs, -old. The above lot u'f' horses have all been easefully :selected and are ,sired by dibme of the hest hiersee ie. the coon- tmy"-atu1 are up to+ the standard, both as to size/ 'and ',ewe lety. Intending pur- chasers should hot loose the opportun- ity ct attending, thes 'satsf. PO'SITIVEILY NO. RESERVE TERMS -8 month's ,credit will be giv en en fntvrishing approved joint mites at 5 per fait per armlets, D. C. GARDINER., T. d.A14IERON Proprietor Auetloneer 'I'C FARMERS WANTING1 MEN. Panniers 'Wanting ,hLred mete for next &Gegen should plaice their ordere at orate otherwise there ` Will he tf ce sty sleclbiig kiimliat :,`Oldie. tt Left •with . the Lesaee ,o` eriehedt pitCifiVif i'teht < : Agetrt.. ter' t•51'+d: diatr'l:t; • Adv,l°. , . oe �d"OE'1'toe, • . s4.z". addeessdd theretofIewilt'"rec'eiv'e prone*: blitontiet C,..I -S,A IM*itS, Agent., DRUMMER'S OBIN$ Sure Fire Annihilators of the In- growing Slugs» TAKE` ONE EVERY TWO HOURS. The Masher That Mashed a' Terrier” Mississippi Skeeter*, Not a Shylook and Ss -luting the Bride --If They Don't Make You Laugh Sea a Debtor. By M. QUAD. (Copyright,, 1912, by Associated Literary Press,J WOMAN and a terrier dog reached the Dillon depot yes- terday half an hour before the time of the Grand Trunk train 'for Buffalo, and . while the wo- man sat down in the waiting room as the best thing she could do the clog made the totir of the room several times and then curled up on a seat not far away to get a, wink of sleep 'ha - fore being turned over to the tender care of the baggageman. All things were to so when a yomig man with a good: deal of cane and watch rbain and necktie sauntered in and took a cool survey;' of the' various females. ' The one nearest the dug not only had a young and. pleasant face, hut she. "MADE A COURSE FOR TRH DOOR." was all alone. After satistying bine self of this the young Man advanced, made a graceful bow and inquired: "Beg pardon, but do you gu east':" She nodded. "Ah! I thought so. If yon have any - baggage 1 shall be most happy -ah - shall be most happy to" - He had all the time been preparing to sit down beside heron the dog, and the sentence was not yet finished when he sank gracefully back. Some dogs have been sat down on so often that they don't mind it, but this ter- rier had always been a pampered pet and had -been given proper time to shale off sleep and get his legs under. him. When suddenly buried- under 140 pounds of masher his ideas must have been terribly confused, but not for long. A clock couldn't have tick- ed over six times when the young man began to rise up and whoop, and he wall scarcely up when be made a course for the door, which upset every bandboe and satchel for a width of ten feet. As be went out of the door a black ob- ject let go of him and trotted back, and it was only when the dog began rub- bing against the baseboard to restore himself to his former round shape that any one was able to discover why the frenzied young man had left in such a hurry. Mississippi Skeeters. The railroad station at Mississippi City; is located among the pines, and the way the mosquitoes were biting there even in April was enough to keep .a mule moving. After awhile we got to talking about the insects, anti I asked a native of the country: "Are they thicker than this in the summer?" "Thicker! Why, in July there's 'a million to one!" "And larger?" - "Larger!' Why, sir, one of the regu- lar skeeters of this section could carry twenty of these on his back and still fly highs" I thought I'd down him at once and so continued: "Now, •, sir, • answer me truthfully. Do you believe that six of your big- gest mosquitoes could kill tt mule if he was tied up out here?" He looked at me in amazement for a minute and then went to the door and beckoned in the man sitting on a box and watching. -the horses. When the man came the native said: "William, you remember that air roan mule o' yours?" "I reckon." "In perfect health, wasn't lie?" "He was." "Could run like a deer and kick like. a sawlog?" "He could." "Atli he was alone in 'a ten acre lot, William? ' "He ° was." "And two Of them mrd swamp skeeters got arter him one morning and run him down and killed him altd devoured both hams and sucked every drop of blood in his body? William. speak tip!" "Stranger, if they didn't,. then 1 hope to be clawed to rfigsl" said William, and he`.said. it exactly like a,man who' Wouldn't have allowed there were t t'o 'ekeetets, if lie: hadn't peen earnestly con"vifcEd of 'the,„pie wiilkecl out doom and a deep silence tell' upon .us two, broken only after a long Interval by the native saying: "I've asps kinder suspected that them two skeeters bad assistance tram. a hossfly that held him down till the murder was committed.” Not w Shylpak, A, day or two ago a man who was at the central depot' to tate a train sud delay cried out that some one .had stolen hie valise,'end he began such a hullabaloo that everybody 'had to be interested,' "I sot that 'ere satchel right dawn that• and .stepped to the door," .he,ox. plained to the officer, "and when. 1. re- turned it was gone." "Wen, • you should clave been earerui. We are not responsible fursuehiosses." "You ain't, eb'? Whar's the presi- dent?" "Out eaf the city, sir." "Whar's' the gineral manager?" "Be's sick abed.,". "Wbar's the superlutendent?" "Won't be here until 4 o'clock." "Waal, now, somebody's -got to make good that loss or about a dozen men will go to -the hospital for six months apiece-" - "What was the -value?" "Fifty dollars and not a cent. less!": "What were the contents?" "1 bad twelve shirts, a new snit of clothes, an overcoat and lots of other things." "Was it a carpet sack?" "She was." "One handle gone and the lock broken?" "Yes, one handle was gone, and I had her tied with a string." "Is this it?"' asked the officer, as he took the baggage off the bench not six Peet away. "Great snakes, that's her!" chuckled the owner. • In handing it to him the string broke, the bag flew open and out rolled two. old shirts, a pair of socks and five or, six paper collars -all there was in it, "Then these are the duds you wanted $50 for?" queried tbe officer. "No, sir," was the indignant reply. "1 should have token the money for. loss of time and damage to my feelings I'm no Shylock, sir!" "Sa-luting the Bride." Tbere was a marriage at the upper end of the D. and E. road the otber ,day. A great big (-bap, almost able to throw a carload of lumber off the track, fell in love with a widow who was cooking for the hands in a sawmill, and after a week's acquaintance they were married. The boys around the mill lent William three calico shirts, a dress coat and a pair of white pants and chipped in a purse of about $20, and the couple started for Detroit on a bridal tour within en hour after being married. "This 'ere lady," explained William as the conductor came along for tick- ets, "are ms bride. Just spliced fifty- six ininits ago. Cost $2, but .durn the cost. She's a lily of the valley, Mary is, and I'm the right bower in a new pack of keerds. Conductor, sa-lute the bride!" The conductor hesitated. The wid- ow had freckles and wrinkles and a turn up nose and kissing the bride was no gratification. "Conductor, sa-lute the bride or look out• for tornadoes!" continued Witham as he rose up and shed his coat. The conductor sa-luted. It was the best thing he could do just then. "1 never did try to put on style be- fore," muttered William, "bet l'w, bound to see this thing through if 1 'have to fight all Michigan. These 'ere passengers has -got to come up to the chalk, they bas." The car was full. William walked down the aisle, waved his hand to command attention and said "I've just been married. Over thug' sots the bride. Anybody wb'o wants to sa-lute the bride kin now do so. Anybody who •don't want to will hey cause to believe that a tree fell on dial!' One by one tbe men walked up and "kissed- the widow, until only one was left He was asleep. William rea,•h- ed over and lifted him into a sitting maposition rdent one movement.end COW - "Ar' "Ar' ye goin' to dust over thar' inn' kiss the bride?" "Blast your bride, and yen, too!" growled the passenger. William drew him over the hack, -of the seat; laid him down in the aisle. tied hitt legs in a knot and was making a bundle of him fust 4f.'e size "to' go', through the window, when the man caved in and went`ove% ani saluted. . "Now, then," said William, as be put on his • coat:,' "this bridle tower wilt be resuined as usual; bled' if nary and me squeeze'hands'or git td laying heads on each other's shoulders I shall demand to know who laffed about it, and I'll make., him e-magine that I'm a hull boom full of the biggest kind of saw- logs,.an'•inore comiu` dowii'on the rise. Now, Mary,- hitch along a'n' let me git my arms around yei" No• Other Ways' ,"Yes, sir," said Brown, "Black is a matt who keeps hie •word;' but then he hoe to." "How Is that?" asked Smith.. "Because lie one 'will take it." -De - trait free Press. • Evidently. To be weighed ,in the social soale it seerils necessary to have a ' cash balance.•-Neiv York: Times. .t. 1'n "Wrong. He•>`"•I' dreamed latft iight:that 'y Our r oother wla.very i She-13rateI 1 heard you `1 t iig la your sleej).--IlfrUall a;f Magaiine e 1,011 Mise f i 4nla f ouber left tor eleert 'vielit ;in W lridsat'•'- e Jed pki resell Sr., 'of oka.r EilletlQn bl1oh, ` fele-rear• le of chis Towcavehlt;, died on' bltonday of Oast v+ieek. ADA waist b'uyte4 on Wed fleet/a•Y. 4 lee beer of relateee& from here attended time fulleer'al:'.' ll1r, and tkfre. ,Yero lb lit"ieinneI of Blake }morn the death Of 't'l x' ten • menthe' , clef child, offer a very brief l7i es. Mr. W Lbllaim Gx sine; prbibaably the , oldest of the pioneer resident •01 thd'ay Towris,b?p fled On F,rida'y rale the,hdnie of hie;• da.u, ghter edea; helve Ja4'cott, at: 1Illls'.. green, it .the lege or 92 yearn,.. The deceased was a iuiother of • +e genre Qrtwein, Of this. town, Mr. Gttereie Grate of thin Parr IAD* being a 'son, -The new pubis sehogi of 2iurteh was .1Qreenli'y costed. on Tuesday of lase weeks.th the Pres;eaiee Of leD . Tiots}, Mobile , :School, Ibspeeter, ailed a: nen-ober or .the, Sri- ends The section, had evorY 'reason be be prouid df their new' sehoOl An•dl the rllr•upsteeg atioluld be eongratulateedl fes.' plactng such an itnpoeI'ng, and/ well arr(aingaedschool tdnilding In pum midst. At .0deer O'Clock/ the ,scholarat as- sexxlbled lin the rtololen Of Mr, Archibald the pre/wiped Of. the School, when a programme was reaidlezted, CHISELHURST-Wood . was received here 1as!t Mondtay Morning,ef the death o1 Mrar Iiitc•ksl, vette dgparted- this life at the' hclm.e of he: son In' Belamzs". ville On Sunday t1ighlit She Beet 1>iere early. In Jlamuaryt,tn, very delicate heal- th. The retrains were brought to Hen - sail and Wells laid to resat tn' He;nsall Union cemetery on Wednesday after,. tome 1913 "�a ogue - v Ready' 80 page. brim. full of coed things Can - Market valuable information rye lite: tar -re-, market gardener and prlvste plinter, 12 pages of the latest and beat, world-wide intendeetions, Valuable premiums. Your. chime of 6 new varieties alit unnamed (not for sale until 1919) absolutely free' with every order, large or small. Don't delay writing, Mail this with your name and address, "roue request will receive speciat attention, State 1f yougrow vegetables or flowers for market, na we have s special price list. Write today while It's fresh in your mind. PARCH & HUNTER SEED CO.) Limited Dept. E1 LONDON, CANADA Every Woman is einteree ed and should know about the wended l Marvel whlrrfng $pray Douche Ask Tour draglet fire It: II" be cannot aupp1$r' she ' ARVEL, accept no other, but send Bttear Illns- trnted aw book -sealed. It gives full particulars and directions invaluable to 1adles.WINDS0 8UpP,LY CO.,Wlndsor, Out General Agents for Canada. PURE — PALATABLE — NUTRITIOUS — BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, • LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA , Al. AAA• a' "aa4�h1iA /�1�%atiaVa\A"UM & ?NA to AL /h/: AZAttilittas�It FREE TOOUllyll �7147� FREE INS FROM WOMEN S A.LMENTSTO YOU AND EVERY SISTER FFEq• . I am a wotnan. I know woman's sufferings. = I have found the cure. I will mail, free cf any charge, my home treat• tient with full instructions to any sufferer from women's ailments. I want to tell an women about this cure - you, my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your sister. I want to tell you how to cure yourselves at home without the help of a doctor. Men cannot understand wom- en's sufferings. What we women know from ex• perience, we know better than any doctor. I know that my home treatment is a safe and sure cure for Leucorrhoea or Whitish discharges, Ulceration, Dis- placement or Falling of the Womb, Profuse; Scanty or Painful Periods, Uterine or Ovarian, Tumors or Growths, also pains In the head; back and bowels, bearing down feelings, nervousness. creeping feel- ing up the spine, melancholy. desire to cry, hot flashes, weariness, kidney and bladder troubles where caused by weaknesses peculiar to our sex. I want to send you a complete 10 days' treatment entirely free to prove to you that you can cure yourself at home, easily, quickly and surely. Remember, that it wilt cost you nothing to give the treatment a complete trial; and if you should wish to continue, it will cost you only about 12 cents a week, or less than two cents a day. It will not interfere with your work or occupation. Just send me your name and address, tell me how you suffer, if you wish,. and 1 will send you the treatment for, your case, entirely free, in plain wrapper, by'return mail. 1 will also send you free of cost, my book -"WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER" with explanatory illustrations show, ing why women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at heart_. Every woman should have 'it, and learn to .think for herself,' Then when the doctor says—"You must have an opera, tion," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of Women have cured themselves with my hone remedy. It cures all, old or young.. To Mothers of Daughters, 1 will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leucorrhma, Green Sickness and Painful or . Irregular Menstruation in Young I,ad'ies.•• Plumpness and health always result from its use. • Wherever you live, limn refer you to ladies of your own locality who know and will gladly tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cares all woman's diseases and makes women well, strong, plump and robust. Just send me your address. and the free ten days' treatment is yours, also• the book- Write to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address : MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box H.840' - . WINDSOR, Ont. A "Feed" that adds 25% to the value of Stock in a very short period Caldwell's.Molasses 'Meal It does more than that—it also iii tlres the healthof your cattle besides reduci:; . general -feeding •costs by a substantial margo.:.It; ris 84% pure Cane Molasses and 16% edible moss selected for its unique digestive action- You know the feeding value of pure Cane Morasses. Caldwell's Meal is the only wasteless form in which it can be fed. It's always palatable and dry to the touch.:. Takes the place of' an equal amount of 'other cereal, making it.. more palatable and digestible. Most likely yt feedman handles It, but write to us ' at an, rate for the facts. THE CALDWELL FEED CO. Limited, DUNDAS, ONTARIO. 32 -ea— That Wonderful Event u011111111MCUl(i 11111111011lillnmlllllllllillliulillllll111111 IIIIIIM11111111111111Ilillliliillillllilliilllllllllllllllililli0111111111M TP THERE is.a'time above all times when a woman should be in perfect physical condition it is the time previous to the coming of her baba During this period many women suffer from headache, sleeplessness, pains of various description poor appetite, and a host of other ailments which should be eliminated In justice to the new life about to be ushered into this worlds DR. PIERCES FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION momesuromemsommomummonoesommumiwoui Is a scientific medicine carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician and adapted to the needs and requirements of woman's delicate system. It has been recommended for over forty years as a remedy for, those peculiar ailments which make their appearance during the expectant period. Motherhood is made easier by Its use. Thousands of women have been benefited by the% great medicine. • Your druggist can supply yon in liquid or tablet .form, or you can send 50 one -cent stamps for a trial box of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Tablet., to Dr. Pierce, at Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, It is your priuiledge 10 tonne to :TA 'P erre for advice, and it roils be yttgriy; given free .af charge." Of courseraft cofnmunications are -confidential. • WUII U IgiIIt11WNIUlU eiguIUIIH IIUillll i I1 III 1IU I I II! ill 1 I IlulUlllgq pill IlUI ll 1 Illi II ViII I�IIu Uu ulUl IUUIIWplUNlUllpilglll II p 111111 I Ii 111111.J'.