Exeter Advocate, 1913-2-20, Page 4Otteter
SeederCreech., 4 rope.
RSD.A.Ar B..'.' VOt '13
T,he Carat -eel held in the. sitatine aina
lefat Fricley evenine' Wasi e, deeided
oese. A la,r43 Ralintrer apeed
• costume. It wale al pretter eight 'tei see
',them Cla the lee. Some Were well daeasaa:
ed and aboveed relmarkeble taete ,While
others went the caner way 610 "extreM
The prizes were awardedes, -follOwa
'Beet dressed gent Geo; Hbleern, and;
atr. Saxon.; Best clrefeelaia: lecle ; 'Mies
M. Bertrand, second less' Martha Wind
best aecliee comic' eteetoinf Mrs: jamea
Lneesen ; Bore prize; Deal SWeitzera
seeend Baker; The acielteer match be-
eetWeeet Old Melds and batabielerie was/
good. The puak usecl ,ereear ae load
tootball s r.° tatiurt4 TOtring
the game a remaeltable Oteniart •Of Im-
reenee size made anapageateuee with
-bee Old man and 'this becomiee the cene
ot attraail don Put the, game.' eut of
business; This <ad cotipta• *aola have
won the - priee had --they eeme earlier
in the evening\ Als at wale thear
eetity waseterecnoeve • until, they disrobed
Mr. 8heardewn Ils te be cong,ratueaft-
ed upon Malting tads ea'ealing such '
• soccesee: ' -•
Bev. Selby ;ffjfiereotheeate.an :t Oriente
'this weekdOlareelleiea.seel;itek lertUree
-1Yr. „letaitaonegie yearle • x119
Lielt eat tutteialang, theetnalet-
' Oen` Os -. a Telfeklitaa•; •
7eare enallaars, Heenelie Oiseaelchar .haee.
retureed beanie atter a. :eats -sant visite
• Witte friends in Miteleigfate' -
Mr. 'Roy Geiger reanhed th Ott Evano.
Church last uradaiaa neortalegeatad
eveneng. Zeric.h is tO beacoutgraalleietega
upon having stach EL clever' .Yoleagnaia
who has every i1t& oT tratelti:elg
his, aim in agea 0pCtie-
ea w.ays be glad lid hear 'him when alleyea
Is• an oppertuiit or haat to _Come
• CredIton. • •
Chris Eliber and deughter, Mies Itoxie
of Zurich were ire town on Tuiesday;
A nuneber fromeiere attended the fen -
'oral of the late ds Joo, Guinan le
Mount. Carniel on geintlaaa The de.
ceased was well and reverahlY Mealy&
Itere and to the deceased atuabend and
family is extended the heartfelt syna-
',lathy of the entire_ aorniiiiedltee
Chas. Zwicke.r made a business trap
to Todento last Weelnlesdae. e •
The remains ot the ;late Henayl zaote
sr., were interred In the Evangereal
Cemetery Lest SundaY, the Rev. Jefter-,
sen ot the Metal/dist, Church official:41g
.Ln the abeente c thel local pastor •Reve.
Burn. The deceased haa been feeble
and in ill. heeeth flea a number of, ere.
He dled an Feeley at the lees age 'at'
•78 years and 9 months. •He leaves to
-enetern a widow and eight children, of
whom J. S. illacaz of 'creelltoll Meg
is a !syn. The bereeivect widow and fam-
ily have the eieentialtitty of the eietretya
Rev. E. Burn preached at the anner-
- versary 'service'sinageum'ataai-alapt aline
day. Next Sundae speelaa aannlyerstary
servezev will 'Oa held aheateadara
•Evan;g•elical Church Rev. i 'Haute
of Moer,iSition will...lee the pastor for the
Mr. elellin's hese Met with
fu accidext on Sunday night when
in some vray its nip was brokerle-
Mrs. Cobbledick went to Denfield last
vresic to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Pimpertene-A. number from "here at -
.tended the funeral crt the late Mrs:
Darr at Lieury on efondaye-Gortiort
Woodburn had the misfortuae to have
' his fewer cut. off in a eating box
on Steel -dale -Mr. and 11.1r,cs• 'Nvin: Sher-
ritt returned on Thursday froni
ing friends n Vernao--Laer TueedaY
the memtves nt Unien- Tent No.
K. O. T eL head an open meeting in
their hall atter a public installaYein
ot the -officers „ear the conilingayeate
geed pragrarn wee givee by the male
'Quartette and other eocee;tealent • They
'were assisted by Mr. A. 'Selarefield who
gave his readings, ite hris usuel happy
manner, also a gdod Dialogue :Hoar •
este iv the hest pollicYr Kea ,
ably eetalexed by latelases :Will Dixon
Gordon Mackey and Tern Tupper. Short
addresses by Nev. 1).. D. Thomsen'
and Reeve W. T. Mena. brought .
_pleasant evening to a close.
Mr. and Mrs. 1-1. laalmfetten ace family
who have been residing, eti a,!33r;lalettif,
`Columbia for the pest' three yeare, are
rived here Tbuesday evening anda;-
• settle on the farm Which Mr.eHernitatore
purchased from Mr. A. leavelaee-aerte
Walter .Stattee held a Wor.od bee ',Fel'-
, ,day while Mrs. Stattort htertainedae
numbeae.of ladies to a auleffna
. Mr. end_ Mesa Stewartsoe apatdaugater
of ;Geeeliae,41.'ailat'lledset Mr a .Georke Cala
iveras o*n f-drai y -Quite Paatititiagt
:around heitiegee eideferingefreareatad
• and severe bofdsearair, Etlatitiatalie, avaa''
• In Arkorta Salteilaleye-eiltaaahri iteit
ancl Mrs. Ed. Gale r, vrefealiCZtiriell
A member from twee attended, the
Thernee Reed Pr titan ennieeisery
tielertealaaleelat end tee lefolldite era
enangeeeirs. Jas. Para ate ad preaone
yii ting wath hr. niece, Moe Thottlae
sen in lasterree;ea'013, Had.gscm is OA
te be around solp,,i-HISal CArrie, steact.
nviaL owl moo usktuat RICO of WYoha`
and 'Mies DNA'S »thg Otoleise Craig
were guosts at the pareeeriage tee a
couple of dayse.The adelt olaele are
heading et mock perlia.meet on 'Meese
day Overate: next, A very" latereatallg
time lei Welted tota as. the lady niern-,
eere et the elited Paeseatt, ea bill
asking for "Wolinen Sutterag,a.."-Tha,
•sale et the churtail ailed* wee Weil at
:tended. The shed was eold jsbetions
and Wrought a golad price. '
a Mr. Rieha.rd Delbrldee of Exeter and
Cleee Mee Mrs. Beee, &pent a clay with
the fortner'e .sister, Mrs, Philip An-
drew.!-Ttie offielail board. tati the Mina
velle circuit extended a. unanimous n-
vati0a to thetr perstar to rerroan
third year. A pulpit Supply conitet:tatee
consieting of Mr. Medd', Joshua Johns
and Chas. Grodbolit ivres appainted to
erinage pulpit supply for pestor's va-
cetaen.-Mrs. Eaton aed daughter, Mise
ot Learelregton vlsitellaa with
the tormarar etece, Miss Othello, Hey-
wood -Rev. 'Steadman wishes te' thank
his Sundae Scheel class' at Sunshine
for the wry kittid gift oa a, eaad et oats.
A quiet wedge* was celebrated 'At
Se Settees Church Parlthila at High
N•cna on WedirreadaY, February 12th,
when Miss Hazel Mary Canterot, deet -
of Er. and Otra Fred Zepfe
Parkhill bec&me. the wiee of Mr:. Nose
man W. W Reedy of Viceroy, Seek,
youngest son R,ear George W and
aIrs Racey of learkton The ceremionY
wee• Performed, by the father ot the
aaaaPare.atarfase,,a4depy- Rev.. C. 24. .Fat-
aese'areatikaer Staajlernes, The bride, who
'teat.1 sway by, her father, wore
her 'triatelling tole ;Of revy blue hat
te match .wath atittcheia oa Paddy Greer'
end handsome reteNn Lamb tura. The
well wishes cif t•hole 'friends., will ge
`with them to their w.eatern, home,
efr. and efes. ML Shier AY! Crandall.
Mane are vieltarg at E. Na ShCallAsa-
Artniverseey ieervices •were .eeId lin the
:Methodist 'church en Sunday lest end
next Sendai, simater etereicee are to be
held In St. Baulasaelorrch,.-efr. Callen-
der et' West formerlY ot this
;Pore. spent ths rest fevr days vis-
iting old feends here,
Word has •bean leaceived here •teat
Walter IMCN1C011., V*10, is, in. P.dinonton
• had the .raisfortlunie. to ,.11Ve his le*
a broken while workibg inethat ,ret5r. aea
Large 'confer.egaltiane greeted Rev, Dr.
Meadeurn, Cievelencl,'- Nebo aireached
anniversary -services en the. Preabyteia
Lan church on Sunday merelhg' evening, Many -then e meninx aseverae
tittles. Dr. tadeldrem's diatantrisesaaWele
greatly apprieele tad bY aLt valve „Iteerd
him. On Monday evening a deeightful
tea wee served . and a peogreene et 'irr-
teresting addreoees welia:rend.erect "
• lerge crowd was pnes,eint, .• ••*
-a± Mr, Ss. .Wairebleidas • ,
Mr. David Tietatata rat:ARAM:110.th
weelt bre atutteattlete ' ' a -ear
" talle. Wellmbeelebee percherneeeethe
•• eeeileeti breve ebe Bit0p8 at 3vy---,1-
-.5011 at ExeterAnd Wale:take' peladisayen
Pon Aprli 1st. • •
The ,remeins of the late Mae. PhlLtps
of Kippen were interated err the eerie.'
eery 'hare eel Sunday afternoan.-The
Misses ZvIyrtile. and Bessie: Ryck•man
very pleasantly entertained a number Of
theta young friends on. WedneadaY even
i:TEC last.-alitive Greta Rose of Seatarth
enet the week end wfth latiare Nan
Horton -We. enientlioned the. death pf
air. Wm. Tybee. 'Since then the youn'g-
er broth.er arid:sleet' have pals sed away
with the same dread disease, Pnese-
neeelaa R is indeed a very 'Sad affaer,
as the whole housatiolr has, Isen wiped
ciute-Quite .a numbeie-faban he were
ii Theenea Road Sunday nmening and
evening to - hear the Rev. Dr. area&
rem.--eIrs. Curry of Meese Jaw, Sask.,
spent a few day si at Wen. V. Sohn
Geennas..-Mr. Albert Grandy , aia.7/Decic.
ak Zurich spent. Wedaesdawith
Wm. Glerua and termite.
Death of etre. Guinan -Mrs, elargalleit
Guinan, aged 5e, valere of Mr. JosePh
Guinan Of Mt. ,Cenerel died on Fr:deo
morning in St. Toseph's, Hoepitall, On
doe- The late Mrs. Guinan had been
ill for nearly 'ten weeks, and recently
underwent an operation. The remains
weee shipped on the 4_50 13:me Hui --
en and Bruce, testa and took to Mount
Ce.rmel, where interment took place on
Monday. Rev. Father Foster 'officiated
Mrs. Guena.n is eurvared by her •hus-
'rand and a forolly of three sons and
daughters. Their names are Messrs'
John, Frank end Vnicent, Miasta Marie
valeaeria and 'Weneteed. The funerai
wee very lfangely attertded s,hoeving.
geat regret for the loss ot elo valued
a- vromain, and sympathy for the bereae
`ieri fianally. The pail bearers -were tvvo
seas, John and Fra tk, and taut neph-
ews, John, Joseph, 13a,sta and Patrick
Sellivana Those that aitaended •thefun-
ere' teem a distanee were her brother'
James Sulleraia of Green Bay, • Wire,
Misses Mary anti Mergeret Crow;ley of
Detreit Mr and Mrs. Wm. Planner'',
bt Sealoeth, aind Mrs. Joseph Rau,
3t Joseph; John Flannery, Seatiorth;
Mr and Mrs. Roberti Calmehella St. 'Jae-
eph 13a.zal Wvai, Sandwech • College.
North Middlesex Farmers' 'Associae
'Earl held their impetiOgeeniethe ',Hall on
, Wednesday asaternoon and evening and -
•It vra.s largely •eitieended..-Mr. Frank
Coughlin is ,smaling .over the arrival
:ad a sone -Mi. 13. Queely of Centralia
viieieng fr'erele. beetle's neigarlearra
booda-Mires elerep.iet „Patton,. left. last
week foto-Staples wheee ehe wertettah
sphoelo-Mr. jaimetti ClUalley lost a valie
able driver last -week trona ablicess
the brain., -John Beery Pkurchased •- a
beantifte plane or hs h6me lest week.'
-Jeseeh Wee end datiganter ,Margarrat'
Of Conden called oh friends • here- last.
weelt.;-Mrs, T. J. Hallifea: many friends
here are eileesed to -know that elle le
impreving. e •
,. Mr. JonathanBeek IeZt WI Monday
Joe his honiee 01a.k. Lake, atter
spending a toupee of Menthe/ _with has
'father and mother.
a Mr Edward etyan retvental to ahe
village again on Saturday evening! Mr.
. Oyert will hold an 'Aviation" Sale in e
few Weeks and dispeee Of his Pre-,
pert?' and hou-sehold .effects.
Mies, Clare Feirhall of Lucael is
'attending a aew' days under the Par -
.en tal reef.
Rev. Mr. Rieloardas of Parr. Se,hr'Y
sperm the past Week vest -tang hae bro-
ther, Mr. D. Richards, o ehe Cred-
itor road, He preached. for Rev.
allatchtord, on Sunday •eventrig.
The painters' and decorator ot the
T: Re are renovating the Picket',
_Office and vradtang roam which .wel.
;no doubt add, neteh te, its itimeetance
erhea completed., •
--Mr. Thos Ofng;wed _Mr;
•ra"alee of 'S'4• lera reef )36,4 butter maaaea
tea the canting Seeis an and ex:it8 to
cenuneece work or • Idarth . int.
,• ' alita.a.aatee e - • ' aca'aa, , • .-aaeo o-
WHA f411/Plit
Tho itenta base and Mee Patrick
et,eoeal eases elle steno Of a wire
aloe getherithe oln Saturday, Feb', ath
it beteg the twaftat.ealatfth aarOvereary
Of ilte1rwedding
In the inetaning a. rna ea cif than,.
giving was Ofterda Rte. Father
,Gleesteln actor vd;t.,10.4 about fifty *f the
immediate relateves and neigleaorai, Pisa
sembled at the haeuette • ,
The aftereoen rand evening weiaseerit
La genies end alnuisiernants..ate various
inceodano Ian Intleireetente debate.
Reel:lived that the' man !rem the city
Is niore eaterteining trot the •icellintrY
DO 6004, • Wheithan and A. Lamphler
of Wyand;otte, ' , niche The • happy,
eouPle were the oaelPienta ef Mann
of riven* aaallulatiale and useful articles
at silverwaree The claildreet'e elft",waS
eet leitaer kintivela ' end forks ao
compaeleaby t* felljowleg addrese.-
starred for the oolualtrY while Edward
and John elleGap velliantly defended the
citizens AtorsOng these presen-t treera a
dletence were etre, Jobe Cerrigam lea
Guelph; MeEntira Edward and ,Tohn eta
Gee Of Lairelort, and Mr, Wm. McGee
We your" children have aoticed to,
day with feelings of pride „and admits:
tlen- the mane °vide -Ogle Of. respect and
tongratulataOns eta heartily -tendered
you by our ft:tenet and` t eighbort, and
we feel that we owe* It to you, and
to ourselves tp Offer yeti .our, gdeete.
prigs also in e manner Worthof
the occasion. : •
•Weil do you •remember Met celd
'February neornirige twenty-tive ,yeatit
age when yota *teed under the tseint-
ty hand get Reveleend Father, Conn:011Y
and accepted the bond�. of holy mat-
rimony. roar wU aldnett that -see then
held bright hoeflai f the future and
we. belle+ you aeial toadaY that they
have 1>ten. eta e., griaat ettent realized
Oinoe that ttnee you have art unease
ed raany cluengee, weathered nrallY
storms, ,seffered . many loss -es and
aPena Mattlaa itaPP.dayes ' on
the tv.vediaei. •
In that time oi halve biought us
to the pestle/an fn late where we an
realize, a part &t least• of what you
have delete tar Us' and we are glad
you have given uis thee opportunity to
publicity, than you for it. a
Happy days were [beep for ail pf
us when,- ale little children, you care=
fully Instructed test 1n. th-e neyeaerfeer bt
our religion and watched us one by
one, receive our first holy communcini.
Often' have we annoyed you by otir
avilfulneser _and Irregleett and 5-eur
pro'ots erect it at timas ,severe, were
a.leray.s well rntielltled.,
Many sacrifices; base! you made that --
we might feceive an adequate educat-
ion which would preelde_ais- with a.
means of ear.ningen henest
etarry lames ha ale vrt& -gone to) you
for advice and atissistainee and aa.- often
have we gerterolualy received' V.
The meat painfulaexperience, perhaps, ,
has been. the litres of <pee kind sister,
Bridget,wheen God melted from. our fare;
ily circle ',and placed ovee us, we hope,
as our gulartlian aegel..
Even 'though etaildreee we ...had watch-
fel eyes and we have alweys noted
the kindly way le which youtreated
eour pa.nelate land vea are a/llama to
follow your exaliiplje,
The -secret olf yeluirasuccess in dealt=
ling with oar neiglaib'oes ee 'vividly
brought a better% by Melo] respects
paid te `You eta th& yeef ,selver-wad-
ding del.
In gratitude theretofre for the elnd
and judicious autl-iority you, have al-
ways hel.d over as in childhood and
as a pledge .of due respect t You
while we live, we edit you to accept
this set of e.Ilver knfves and forks
as an set:Cern' of the Wee which exists
between us.
lacing may you; bet spared over us' and
may we be Oven' to repay at least
pert of the filial obligat:on td Whiten
you are so justly entitled/. May tete
blessings ot- God invoked tale Mem-
hag in the holly leacrit'xie of, the mass.
aseislt us eineeh all in cementang
the a.ftectlein Med preserving the unity
which exists ,boladey. Signed • by your
children-fretergettalt, Patrick, lanlep :and
Wm. McGee:
' HAy.
• .
The many friends of Thee. Dick, floi
many Years a resixl.enton the 2nd line
Hay, will ,sincerely regret in learn ace
his death at laganiondialle, where he
'moved ea.:few years ago. Although
about 88 his heal tlt had • been excel -
bent till within a recent perto'd. Of a
genial trooial dial:Os:a:on and full of
quaint humar, he needle many .friends
vrho with 'heartfelt sincerity regret the,
denese . ;of another- ef- the early ..piesa
neare • of Hay. The rematne• were
breught teem Egmont/tile taethe old
home on the 2nd lane frem where the
tu'neral took plate on Friday to Hen-
•saill Union Cerneory, .
• ,
Uatarrh Vannut be Cured
with LQ0AL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot aealat
the set or the eigetee. catarrh Isp. blood or comet,
tetioniatlimase, end in order te cum it rtg,t eteg
take internal remedies. flellat Catarrh Cure le teken
iueornelly lea oats direaly On OM) blood end nummes
eurfeeee, Gale Catarrh CON jot itte quaek fl&ed-
li viati preeoribell by one theanbeolt Pbeeleleue
ie this country for yems end is a legume; . prepare),
thin, It le composed of the bed to131014110Wit. OM.
tatted with the beet blood purifiers. eating directly
mitts mucous eurfeees. The perfect teniblnation
of the two inerediente le what produceasuch weeder
NI results) in outing Catarrh. Send for testhemaials
free, '
• P. a. ()GENET* co, Props., Toledo, 0'
Sold by druggists, Prig50.,
Tairellall's.Panaly Pills for constipetioe.
aeles Elea' taartwein lett Thursday
laventing korp Vor,oinklo, to ;attend thia
millinery _Opening e-Jolan Drysdale ana
wife, ot 'Dolatlitn attended. the wedding -
of the sister 'of the feetner.-bn.Sele
Ivry. wife arid 'family leave far Tor-
onto abut the lest ot. this neonate" -
James Galchrist ,as hero v:seting 'hese
dateghter. He ea e trot- been in ' Herel
sail:for I8o11ie.it31nee-a6 of the pioneers
Of -elle isection "passed away at bis
home Halsgreent oite`Salteleday. Iiecea•ae.a.
was laleillet Plait year axed ants a man
9,t excellepit,,p,hareeter and • strong
eheletieue reoitUde.--Orte of those haPPY
events 'took ,piaOe larthe hertie of •Rabert
Drysdale, On Weeineaday ate- high,
.noon, wheira his' eldest 'daughter, Ent -
ma, was united Le anarria,ge, v,a.th
o1xn MeeeTeli, ,of Consort,. Alta. 'The
bride who ' was 'haudisioarteily gownee in
meter, Aritnared with pent
Lace, Ned carryithe a bouquet of roes
eni UIy at the valley. entered tim
Aroviing roper. leaning, on the arm of
her rather, While he sister .?..lasealaeari
Drysdale played, the Wedding Ma-rch,
Rey,. E, Mel.; Senate . oiffic'eted. The
baidas 'travelling atat was of navy blue
Bilk with '•velvet pitptag. After .01:lending
s•h•ort time ati 'Pore/Ito they wit •
prec.eed west- sand visit reletares in
11103seau1e arid 13tabec, tter whicn they. it •
will pre<.'eed to. tee aialmeirof the iireocite
near Coasert, • ilea ..--aJetea'`Dousla.s and
wlte, who hafre been visiting relat tvele
here. ter seami time, tett en Tuesday for
their- home ta Sanatate.atte
HatIBERT.„-T. Cameron sold • the
White homestead on the 3.2tP con, con
stating of 200 acres, now occupied, he
John /toy, to: 4,1ex. Stewart of the
101h cone-J.4.k', lig' the ;Stewart 50 acres
part teenemint, and this' he wall now
Be 1 cheael. •
Good Health
Vim and. Vitality
Are assured if You will cleanse. your
Steil:natal 'of undigeetted toad and foul
gates; the extess -bile ' trona the laver
and. the„ waste matter from the intes•t-
Ines and bowels by the use of
the greattruit, IddaeY, liver Stomach
and bowel , remedy..
At all dealers 25 and 50 cent boxes
or mailed by Tihe F1 Pill Co., St:
Thenues, Ont,
Auction Sale
Etc.. on SOUTH HALF LOT le, CON.
2, HAY, on TUESDAY:: MAR 4, at
12.30 ;o'clock, the t allowing ProPert7
Horseste-fPr. good work horses, mare
and geldatrg, 1 driving herse, quiet and
rellabae; driving mare risk* 3, brok-
en to harness.'
Cattle -2_ renewed colvrs ; 2 cotwa due
ia March and April, 4 beef -ring he'O-
els, 2 yr. Old; 4 Steers) 2 -yr.; 4? calves
Haga-1:brofed WO' due in March, a
number olii Stole begat, 140 lbsi. '
A number Of purel -bred Leghorn hens
and pullets. - •
Implements• -Lumber wagon, new top
hugger, Pale' sleigh% cutter; binde.r, mo-
wer nearly new, 'horse- rake, walking
plow', 2 fu.rrow 'ploer, disc cultivator,
set harrow, new ;steel roller, feeder
and drill, scuttlee, pulper, fanning :raill
set bag trucke, wheablarrow; set double
work harnesa, set single harness, and
whifitletrees, neck -yokes, grain bags
forksshovels, hoes, savis, etc.,
Coon back robe, with bear skin seat,
rat robe*, horse blankets.; quantlaY of
dry stove woad, quentitY good elm a -rid
beech planks, lot of 23r4 -scantling;
quantity Inch lumber, number of pieees
of good hemlock timber 3x8; number
of wagon pales In the plank, lot of
good cedar pastas and bracesfor tence ;
a let of rails and retutse poises for wood
8 ten. &Nita hay, quaatity final -class
Timothy ,hay, tiled !erne straw, to be
fed Or farm ; 800 besh.,turidiewein root
house; quantity -POtatcres,, 200 beset,
Banner .o.alts for Seed
, Household -Plirailturea-Set house sceie
240 lbs. ; cot/king Eitiove. • weal:ilea:bee
eak extenslen dieting table, 3„alitcheia
tables, couch, bed lounge!. Walnut cane'
ire eabie, walnut arm chair, 2 rocking'
chairs, %doz. perfotelted cheers, IA dos
dining chairs, 3a deed _kitchen cha'itse
glass oupheartle carpets, rugslinoleum
lot of fruit, cnocks. disihesa knives and.
forks, pots, par1s6, genes, good oak bar-
rels, etc. ' ' _
Positively nd reserve as the peoprietor,
is quitting farmange - '''' '
Fauna -Also 'the .follovring fe.rae-
ConsIstisig of that choke .50 acre
Dot, South Halt 13, Con. 2, Tpwroshia
et Hay. On the pier/Niels 1E40 conifort.
.abie fine' dwellang in god repair ; a
,rrearl-ynew been 82x86, 85 feet of
Which is on stone and brick founda.-
tken, with cement faoars, tor stabling
atop falling heir and horses and cattle ; goad* hog and hen
ilte.hing 1 scalp, and house; erneal orchard of gqod winter
Protnete a. new fruit ; .5 a.cries of alfalfa ; 24 acres of
growth of hair if •the hay and grass, and .balance all ,double
hair root is, teA dead. plowed and ready foe °Rolle 3 good
lit its a algae tonic-
and contains no Plaie
setacetue lead lar other
daegerous eubstartee,
It will put radiant
beeuty into dal&
al•ded lifeless, 'hair
;led' as dant e hair
dressing for wOmen
r• aa)not be matched.
•Gket a, 5p.retat‘t leotite ore PARISIA.le
eAGE, to -day. , ea ta oareesrat, give
Pie:* elatiSiedatfeltgri,ujr' '
;teurele,d. , Sad ° be '
dealer a ever-Yereertc'
'''''''''' ''' "a.., •,,aaee
PARIsia./4- SAGPloask for it byename.
when yeltio.'want the real •hear `geataaaaa
and- alandruft cure:
! Tale 'is pietiae of
the carton In-whieh
sisaah bottle of PARIS-
IAN SAGE is packed',
wall baAiSh dandrteff.
spring vrells wath pumps. Ties farm
Is thoroughly undeedrained with tee,
well fenced and Is In a firist-class
slate of cultivation; eoevenierit to
schoel and 'churches, being 2 1-2 hales
frara and tive miles from Ex.
eter, and must be sold.
Terme-Beall EsItate, a , reasonable
amount ot roleaSe price may.; retnain
OM etre mortigege. 454 per 'cent!
,Chaeltels-$5 end under Oaoh, oVer
area atr
moat 10a mos credit on approva
.rnprus.F ;IA -Pit) t „ not ma. let ere ee n t riteori cash.
S. COLE Mule a,AMES `OatiliEN laBON
,• •"aaiesp:'-` , Vireqeher; •
AO. Sei. eaa,aiee ..etee ;
SIR EMEND WALKER. C.V.O., %X.», D.C.L.. Preeldent
General Meuteiter
Atielstant General riienwor
cAfirrAL, W,,000,000 REST, S12,500,000
AccoUnts may be Opened at every branch of The Canadian
Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive tlAe
same careful attention as is given to all other departments of t&
Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this
way as satisfactorily as by, a personal visit to the Bank- 8.4
EXETER BRANCH -G. L, NVAGI-1, PeLanaiser. Branch also at Crofton
„ , 155
Record of Progreserfor Five Years -1906-1911
•' 4,00,000
'‘. „ 35,6421311
• • 38,854,801
' . 48,237,84
Capital ` - $8,0001000
Reserve - - , -7 03,omipoo
Deposits : '03,614;736
LOMB and InvestMents 2707,00 •
Total Assets ' ° ,.3,090,19V
Has 88 Branclies in oaitada;and Aierits and GOrresPortdent.ei alithe
•Principal Cities in the World.
at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest.eurront rate.
• Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Gover.nment.
DIORSopt & CABLING, Solicitors. N. D: HIIRDON Manager,
Auction Sale
There wall be aield by public aur.con
tti Lot 6, N. E., STEPHEN on THURS-
DAY. MARCH 6, 1913, at one o'cleck
sharp the toiloweng valuable. property,
Herses.-General Perease near% yr.
aid. in toel to Storm King; 7 year-old
driving horse; mare 13 yells, old; ,suip-
posed to be In foal. to VIctctr; aged
in•are ; yeae-eild Percheron colt.
Cattle -5 cows, supposed to be in
calf; 2 cows with calf at tori; farrow
cew ; 2.3roar-o1d steer; 2 year-old hei-
fers; 5 sailing calves: 3 y.eareold
grade bull.
ganders, 2 turk-
ey hens and gobbler.
Imelementa-Ma,ss;ey Harris hinder, 6
ft., sheaf carrier and truck, Maxwell
newer, 5 ft.; Frost & Wood 1147 rake,
9 ft., new; Frost & 'Woad Champion
'cultivator, new; Wisner drill; combatted,
set diamond harrows, iuniber. ; wagon,
openae..nd covered buggy, _cart; Imperiel
gang, relling. coulters, Wilkineen gang
plow, Fletrry walking plow, •
avalicing Plew, cylinder straw cutter, 12
inch face; hose power;, fanning mill
puiper, hay reek, steel road scraper,
aarge potash kettle; ,sugae kettle;
grindstone, 2 scuftlerv, 2000 lb. scale
on wheels, disk harrows, single cutter,
set double harness, set single harnesa
pair bob sleighs, grevel box, atelott;
separator, heaele• neve; churn, Incuba-
tor 60 ggs.; ineubator 100 egge; peas
harvester, eutter and buggy tongue ,
stone hammer, pick, quantity of hay,
quantity of turnips, shovels., korks, and
spades and chalets and a lot ot other
valuable aeticles,.
The farm contains 100 acres, is welt
drained has two frame housesi, ' goocl.
bank be.rn ; newly all seeded chrwro
suitable for either grass or grain grew -
Ing, abundance et water, 'plenty et
smell fruit trees This property Itnee
previousily Isold, Will be sold by antion
Terms.-Alll istrme et $5 and :under
cash, over that amount .10 rreanahs:
credit will. be given' in furnishing, ap-
proved Joint notes 5 per . cent per an-
nU1111 oft for cash on, credit' ameunte.
Fee teems of farm apply to ,the .under
signed, or made knower on. day. 'of Shia
- Aucteeaa '
Notice To Contractors
I will, receive marked 'tenders up to
noon on the 17th day ot March /reit:
tor a, twel-atory Cement ' building, :22
by 85 fleet, to bo erectedat the gaol
in the• town; or Goderich Tenders for
whole work or for eeparateetradas will
„beeconsidered, A marked cheque for ten
qier eapie:Itiesoiletf.he4tert: :Ipecer uniececatelonsarislyciane!ent-
seen in' theetratia.t,notilerck:xti
. , , . 14,4"
• Chairman Of COMa
Dated, Goderich., Feb., 1.0th, .1913.
Are You Ging
. .0
The d,t'and Trunk Pacific lakevrai :s
the shortest, and quickest' rOatteabetween
Winnipeg; 'aiskatoote Edmonton ,
Fast trains' leave Winnipeg at
0;00 p Da RV;
8.45 aerta Deily except Sunday.
• -FOR--
Portage ira Prattle ' Rivers.
Watrous So. eke toot
To field Cement •
Wainwright Edmonton
Electric lighted sleep;:ree ettre. SuPeeb
dining car servies . '
Round trip too tiat ticliel;s. iviug
choice ,of4t.4 the b,est, route?;"together
with, fulp.if 611.0410v ma be obtain-
ed frn-re.11.4 t'rkjiiirAgent.
DOEM'Sti3'-tiVer4Eteti igzeter.
Electric Restorer for Men
restores every nerve In the body
Phospholioi to its proper tension; restores
vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual
weakness averted at once. rhoaphonot ww
make you a new man. Price $8 a box. or two for
ea. Mailed to any address. The SeobeD Drug
Co., St. catharthes. Ont.
100 acre farm to rent tor grass, be-
ing lot 10, Cole 1, Hay .Tp. Ael seed-
ed down by eaglet tuxes. Reinter may
crop the eight acres and seed it
down, There is a never falling sprang
running through the famm whith tn,akee
it very valuable dee grazers, A good
brace house and Ewe. barns 00 the
place Possession givers March late. if
desired. Apply to DT. JARROTT, 26714
Lappin Ave, Teirtente: ^Ontario.
Tee under/sighed is offering ter sale
Dot 6, North Boundary Stephen, con-
taining 100 acres oe goad land. There
is on the premises a goad frame house
with- stone cellar ; bank barn with ca./
ment floors; 3 good walla, ain.d
small °reheat'. This is a good gee
or egra.ss tan, or Weald make a good
stock farm. Situe.ted two miles from
Exeter; phone in house. Will be sold
reasOlnablieL For particulars apply oh
the premises, or write the undersigned/
Fred Green, Hay, atm B. S. Philters;
Situated an Slmeoe. Street, frame house
containing foor Moines. On good found-
ation; goad cellar; hard and soft wa-
ter. A large number oe fruit trees,
consisting of sepia', 'Cherry, plum, rasp-
berries, currante, etc. Oats bst a very
desirable property, 3-1 acre, and will
be sold realioneblea Fier further par-
riculars apply to •F„. IM. ELEBER, or
B. S. PHILLIPS, Real: Estate Agent,
For Sale
•T,hat • desirable frame residence on
street,• ,Exeiter, molten of the
river. Three lots, modern cotaventienceS
electric HOW- 204 turateee,„: A' number
of fruit trees and butanes- Geed hard
and •seft water. • •
Eua 414alticiallatral al31317 lo
BaSte,ageLeraIpS, Auctioteer
The be*
ft./Widely rtaireta .:',40a-th.tonc°NfgER
deAL, , sHoRAHA.")) spd. TELEGRAP.
HY:' All '-boutelles seep taorpaigh and
Pfe-eliba#. tosiCkliaka eiperteeced and
gra.duateia aae 'parse -Jed in positions. alra
give' indite.duell aittlentalOn and students
mae enter at ritovr time. write for our
'free asaalegue at once,
• i5 A. IlleLAOHLAN, Principal.
We are now well establish-
ed in busiOss and we believe
on the best of authority (nalal..
ely that of a daily increasing'
business),that we are meeting
it long felt want, and giving(
the best of Satisfaetion.
All kinds of produce takeni
in cX6biata