HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-2-20, Page 1RENEW TOT3R SUBSCRIPTION Now :le the Mee, to Mei In andhave y1t?ur eubacriettiOn to The Advocate re- newed, We elle to glee yoli all the lo'cat eaves in centres: and inte!resteng form, amid we believe we live up to the claim; gap alone' the • good work, CLIlS$II!T0 ZtA.TES Tele ee„, ,the , perteoe of the Beer whenl Yoe etre JeneWene yaw newspapeM'r1ubK Veripttens. Tee .A.dvocs.to clubs; with, all, tate, City Weekly end lent.: papery mid the Magazines ae terme'that are' a legeendegernente anal get our rate:, TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR•';. EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1913, eabeeleeeleereaLeTereelleeeeeaoreeeerlit CARLING'S PHONE 18 WALT PAPE We ry all Papers left and they have only oa►ds and MUST GI You can _have them at greaty reduced prices. Do notmiss this last chance to get . your choice from our Iarge stock. only a few more days. You can buy at almost our w own price. Produce taken at the sale at Cask 'rices eeeeepeeseerieetereee J. CARLING Local Items Miss Rhoda iOhdwen is viaittin ' 1 r Klppen. Masts Evelyn Gill returned to Ted oli ►l tread y, Miss' Mary Culbert of Lucax1 -visited here last week, Mr. Jas. Dearinlg of $'ospheri left Tuesley to visit with friend:re at Ing-, eraoOEL. Mr F. W, Ti)ott, Toledo, O:■ spent a few days here cl reltig the week with his misters. The entente even • of Mr, Wilbsr Man- ning oC London dried on Fee. 18, and was burled in Ol!nton. Mrs G,ladenaar and daughter of Pet- erborough, xeturned home Vecdnesday after a visit at the hon7,e of F. W. Gladnlare • Miss. Levine. Cookson left this week to visit hex ulster, Mars. Flied Melts. of Windsor, who lel stuttering tromi a severe attack of quinsy. Friday brat wtas St. Valentine's Day. The Vaapnt51nele off to-dp,y sere a .much more serreebile thenig than those of a few Thera alga, a(tit;hdu;;h the latter cease still exult, but are eery scarc'e. Mee. WneeBray and Mr, and, erns Geo. Moir who hra(vs been viseeng ,re- lettvos here fir dame time,. left en Tuesday :morning o(it theite return jaur-, ney tv their rJsee=tie a homes • :;n Virden, Man, Mr. Wine Calder df Durteetr, was in Tuesday and Wedneedee securing,pree les for the annual( merrtin oef the Na- tional Port end Cemient Cs. of that town, he being the president, The meeting well be held in Toroleeo on the, 26th kneel.. B S. Phillips, regal estate agerre has this week ebltd II Reynold's farm of 100acres, bele:: 1ot1 8,, Leon • .3, Hay,' to John Preelprier tof ,.Stephen for the. sum of $8400, Passes•sede • to be giveen on April 1st, 1918 'Mr. laeeniotda iLhtends going West in the spn?ntg, coni. sequently =:,wW ,del hied chattels some time ire :.March. Mr.. S. G. Ba.wdet, ito-greher with his brother Jatn7les of Pert Arthur, ,,and Messre Peter end Fred Bawden, iliie tends' farming a,concrete and building company with ' he quarters Ln• Ed- monton. On Wednesdfay ,they shipped ewe cars of effecter, conS1etting of household furniture, cement machinery lumber, tour feaeni -of,:.heroes :aed' out- fite. Measles Olintoin! 'Sweet and Peter Oke accompanied the care 'of effect: Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Bawdein, " Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ea:wden and Joseph Doyle will leave in a few days and will be joined by Mr. and Mrs. eannesr Baw den at Winnipeg Next week Mn. John; Triebner atrad 'Mir. T,hom7,as Shipley of Clinton follow, accompanying two care oif onions for eainlee Johnston df Hens sell. About• the -lalst of- March •the rest sell. About elle fleet of March the rest. of 'the Party leave, cen;si�eitteg of MSessrs P. Bawden, .John; leenohr, 'Fred Wells Geo, Holte an Sof Crediton, Fred Par- sons: While we regret to see. •sto niiane* good PgoPlet leaving Exeter we hope they Mae ha've the best succes,e' in the' new ventul it. Farmers' Institute Ivleetlings of thle Stotuth Huron Farrier era In,etituite will be held as tolloiws,'— ' seeekteee—Garvin Baebour, Croslshili; Clarke Hamilton, Iroquois'; and ;local speakers FARQUIIAB,, :: FEB 26th t Gavir tBarbour'e afterneenz 'subject,t- "S •iJ Curter:aitiota and Control of So l Moisture", :Evening :Subject, "Fanners and their 'Song7' Clarke Hsimdllton:'•s afternpiones'ubjeci, "The Da,lry Herd, Breeding Feedingl, and elenagealienitt'•"' Evening, Selected. Leccal, R. B. McLean—Selected. SEAFORTH TOWN HALL • FEB.: 27. Gavir Barbour's afternoon subject,— "Draft Horses and How bo Raise:Teem' leveeing, "Present Day Needs of eat. ario Agricviture." Cla.rke Halmilitde's afternoon subject, "Thi Dairy Herd, Breeding ,Feeding; ar,c Management:le Evening, Selected Lo all -H. Smith, "Bee& Cattle." VARNA TOWN HALL, . FRI., FEB. 28 Gavin Bareour's afteu',tooli subject,,: "Beet Cattlea: Evenil7g, Farmers and Their Suns." Clarke. Hamilton's afternolon snbject, "Weeds." Local••Alex. Muleterd, Selected '. HENSALL, f[ vi'c.Uonel'L's Hall, March 1 Gavin Barbour's .afteenomi subject,- "Bee" Cacblee' Evening, Peesieet Dee Needs off Ontario Agriculture.," Clarke Hain;tlitones afternoot . subject: "Swant Proleerne, Selection, Feeding, and liowa'ing.° Evening., Selected. 'Locale -W. `b. Senders Selected DASHWOOD, 'Zininndr's lialll, Mal`, 3 Gavin Barbour's afternoon subjectf-- "Draft Horseer and How co Rai•sIe Them,' Evening, "Pltesetnt TJAy Necds of Ont ario Agnicutturee" Clarke Hamvilltotn'•s afternoon subJeet, "The Cor:: Crop, Oullevetleon, Ver:etyr, ti•1lrvest&ng end Fteeding • Q aloe." Even ing subject, ',Selected. Local -Jas. Green, `e:tatted. , GRAND BEND, Breener•ri 'Hall, Mai 4 Gavin learboux's efternoan subject,:-. "Hee W Grow Crops In Dry Season's,' Evening; " Peraniees' end ,their Sons:l' Clarke Haleiitto;n's aftcrno'on eubjeot, "Swine: 7 eebleni,e, Selection, Feeding, ti.nd 'CRousing." Evcaniil ', Selected. Leval, John Morgue y Selected: A er'ogieam wilt be gl'vev alt ;the Ff'ven ing anieetings:• Afternoon Meetings: at 2 o'clot'k, Evening Meetings at .7,80, All termere crud others' Interested Aro car. dully inv5ted to attend. S:' PHILLIPS, t. R'. .ALLISON Secretary Proeident,' MISSIONARY BANQUET IN JAMES I ,e.TREET' METHODIST CHURCH. The School llaotnu of Jarnes Street Methodist Church. never looked brighter and better ten on Monday evening Capt, The tasty deoora tl:o..s' of Christ- mas were .enhanced by a rainbow that spanned the speektats' table To Mrs.. ' o great credit iso due for the ariestet effect. of ths d:cdratLona The occasion wlls a nnisatone,ry ban- quet. The• repeat and serving both by the ladles of the 9G p2; iS. wa,a'as us- ual without crittr'.sn.t The and enc: of nti:.l. approaching 200, was mosit in- spiring, and the 'theme, ' Chr:;stfa,n Kissel: s' that could: lie desit ed to make a' memorable occastoi. The speakers were 111r. G. Staniey of Lutan and .Jes.se I3, Arnup, B:A,., See- rmary of, the Laymen` s Net sriona,re Movement of the Metheodis'Y Church: �7r Stanley eloquently traced the 1tissionary idem froth the beg'.nn'•ngand showed how Were was no priority of realm by any nation to thebent; is or Christianity, which in the' mind and Intent of God was ter the whole world. DSS. Arnup, after sicetehing the world's leer outlook. since ttle n 7w century be.: tile• showed how opportunity was be: tn' the churc.h to carry the ad- vantages which are ours to thole be- yead. If nee,lected, centuries may p7,s.s before 'future g nlara.teone will eia.i have :the opportunity which is au.rs. Resoiu'tianis were :adopted putting James Street i'n lune w;sth the c-ampa:gn- i 7g plans or the,- Le.yani=in's leies':onary '• rove n .7t. Mr. Philips had arrange: a mlus'cal -cigranl which wee much enjoyed,, :Rev. W: G. McAlester was chairman. FIRE DOE7 $1000 'DAMAGE. A fire 'that threlatend a serious, con- flagraeion broke chitin the dry goods department of Measre. James. & May'•s te.Thursday ev large st'oire here on Tn ,s�day ening last about 7.80 o'ctiock . The blaze or- kgindtted at the end of the large counter on Tee north. side of the dry, goods de- partment. under a spool oriel, and had gained considerable Treadway when drs'4"o•vered. It wia firstt noticed by Mr J. A. Stewart alnd Dr. 'Aunoe,, what at octee gem the Marine and seen the fire wa o • he< ten= a� ucceed- br.g,ade a on t s, ., rtd, s ed 1„e subduing vhe flames: s: by the use of bucl s of Neater, and Peen7lcaisl„ but nor until ab uta tblousend dollar, dem- lige was etre e ° 'mit-the :surrounding'"Dry Geo: ,. The roilgt7i of the Ere w'aa a meetery, an'd, while;"the coal heater was .Sri close proxwnity b, where the fire started it ,lie not thought that the fire oelginated, from the ste e., Tele ;loss is Cully covered by insurance - JAMES RY.DER WINS IN THE COURT OP AIPPPEAL The court of appeal, at Toronto on Friday reviewed, the evidence' '_•a the case of James Rider vis' The Usborne & Hibbert' Fire.Desturaln a ComPany, and diem:lased the ai petal of the defendants with test -- The case its now *eel knew'n in this district haviing been treed in tee Divlsilon Count • at Exeter .and . the County Court at ,G.o>der(ich', where Mr, Ryder wont, obteleinag a judgment icor $160 and costa 'the $,160 being the value of a har,se clelnied 1,o have been killed by lightinirng on pla.ntlff's fain t.n August laist and which was Insured in de>;endan!t cotmeeelle As stated above the court of apeetai sustained the judgment given by; Judge Holt. in God - arida end Mr,. Reeder Is gr eted 2,11 costa in the came. It will take a tidy, sum. of, lnoin,ey' to cover jgdgmenl and costs. L.- Ii: beickas.an foe Ryder and F. W. GUtaternan for the company. PNEUMONIA WIPE OUT FAMILY. Last weak we rne de mention of :the fact thee pneumonia had caused the death roe William and Thomas Py - bus, of the 6th colnlc'eteaton oC Usborne, and this week 'we are called upon to chronicle the d emiis'e 'd1' their st:•ster,.' Elizabeth Pybus, aged 67 years, front the same cause, which• sad event oc- curted on Feb. 14th. All three passed away within a period or aeght days, and :atter an (lenses: Of only a flew days. They were eel enmarrled arid• had reelided, ori Ldti 2t% Cyn,. 6, ter many years and w'ere highly respect, ed by all who knelw thern The re- maiine of the late mise Pybus wier,e laid to rapt el the Exeter 'cemetery on Saturday afterinoon. The gad event le deeply regretted.be the whole commun- ity. CLINTON LOCAL OPTION SCRUTINY In view of 'thud feet that a, mandamus is being &eked .roe to, permit Judge Hee to take evidence en the. Ciliation Local Option Scrutiny, the judge has again adjourned the proceedings The tennperance people still cistern that the original returns, are; given by the dep. uty returning officer, and, agreed ,to to r by the prop cl_r1t, two' sdrutLnee a, aed tom candidatets''for ctouncll, wear 'thee correct one, , 84 for and 51• ageinet, end, as a'iurther Weed' of thee x eoYn1nittete ha,a been: at week in the ward, and 78 of the 8e tare already signed s'w'orn deeler:aitlanse that they did 011 Sanuary 6tibl lest nark their ballbte for focal option. . BARN BeiRNED AT ICIP,PEN Teen:: eche were seen loitering :Pr bout lin the vi lette aero belittled for the '.butltitngg eerie en Friday last of the barn .of Mrs. lvi'iiler.., the. entire etrutture, with eil the e.easo,n'e ha'y and grain Was berried to the ground, A volunteer brigade de faenters had the hardest kited Of work in keepleg the emotes from spreading to adjoin., ing buildNnBP.• D .1J.S4.ef, VISITS LEBANON t,1 HEST J The official vide:b of DI. D. Gr M., Rt, Wor Biro. D. WE Collins, to Lebanon Freest Lodge, Na'. 13,3, A. F. &f A. If.,. o:r Monday evening attracted a large nunteer oft brethren, a dumber of visit- oxs from outside lodges being.presen'• The work on hand was an initiation and the usual routline business, w1ttth was handled by the offecerte in a mane ner that refilected a greae deal, of erect. It on themeeleee, and which brought forth much prase and eulogy from the vlsit'ing brethren When the dodge oleeed dow.t the brethren adjo reed to the dining room, or. this ! ornmrc:al Flcusr• where two i0rr three hour were. pleteatltiy and profitably spent. After a- surnptueeter euprp'er, served in the mast approved' :style the Werehipful Mester, R. G. •Seidon, railed the bre- thren- to ones- and a fOia,st 'bf reason followed. A long Waist list wase pro- posed and responded the. •the :speeches be::tg interspersed wi:,th song, • story, and recitaatte:a. 'Rt. Wear, 13no. Collins ill response to the teoastt of "Grand Ledge" gave an address, of. etom!etlength and one that wee lolol, remain geeen' in the ivea.rts and. needles ofhie: deepiyi t'aterest.d hearerlt , The address t'a'nk the Terni of a: ples:entat9en of :•tlle ru,,dament:ail principle's of Free tMasone ry. dealing with the mato r e teachs:ng of the Diety, as revealing herself :n threw aspects of revelation. -- 1. God as Light—The Sight of reason the light of coescleagee the l'ght •ot hope 2. God as Order.—The study of the wliterse ;show: in a etik•ing and .won- derful won- de'ful ra,•7ner ° the Ian or Order. the h' a .\rrey 'bed::les', the beauty of 'the `lower, tth;e hsnmbiey of mature In col- or olor aoutd and •f_arnel The speaker took his hearers baok tot the foundation of nitsonry, 'the building of the gnat pyramid of Egypt, `perfect in every measuren]gnt, whese elembolical teach. ing is the wdndee of the ,w,orldt. Built 41711 years ago; Clearly .he architet:e was nc heathen, rattler the whole fab: rie tn its Wonderful order reveals an: ins irat'ot asa¢ked and wa nderi'W as the rinspiretr'jen et Holy S'cn:ptw-ec ` 3. God as Ldfe-thy;, ,ficial teaching of M es'ctire is life-treumph%ing over death, the dotttrinle Of .the reelurrectlion. Thes t re' degrees of .7aeolrY are f':I'eshaidtaiwed in :these three views Clf Gad Mi Win. Creech 3s •confined •to Glia home with pl,euriee. ,Mr. Shirley re, Bobtter a former Exe- ter resident butt wee has been etiatlon agent at Belgrave for a number of years. hes bean moved to Guelph, CIJANDEBOYE Miss 'Della Hareton Of London, who ha's bean viisitipg at her hone here, slipped while colnv:mg down ,slome :ey steps and fractured her Wri'stt KIPPEN-The nearly friends of Mr, and Mrs, Louis. Weeper, who formerly resided in thele: d'stn'.ht, but 'who: now lives in Seskkito►ant, •will regret to learn of thle deletil, df their eldest stop, Louis. His grandmother, Mrs A. Bell, sr., received a telie'gelam last week an- nouncing the steel event. MIT(:HELL—Thio funeral t ook place here en Tuesday aftereeon to Wood- land cemetery tdf,• •1Virs. Mary A. Challen- ger, relict of the :late Wiliiaer Challene ger, olf Getkl tech. She was 84 yellte of age and for Many nearis resided Mitchell and Logan,. MAAliILAGIS S,alke1d4—Bawdetl—Ila London, on Feb. .15th, at the,rledidence of Rev. W. M. Martin, Iseae Salkeld of Goden- ich. to Mise Fanny; Bowden, daughter oe the late ,William Balwden of Exeter. They will resile a't Gloderich., ; Challengegr'-'t3'ie•.r y—At Clinton, .on, Feb- ' 5th, bly Beh't 5, L, Alen, eanies E. Challenger, et Eldg•erltbh„ Alberta to Edna., only deegleter. oft Mr- and Mrs: Wililam Hardy, off Clinton. DEATHS P;axton—In tlldertore eon W,edrresklay Feb 12th, Barite Paxton, •relict' of the late Andrew Paxton of McGLIJti vray Township, aged 83. yearn a'nd 4. menthe. Guinan—le Stu J0sellh• Hospital, Lon- don, on Feb `14th,; .• bfa;rgaretj, waSu of Joseph Gulna,•, 'agled 58 years,. et rs:hal'.-In Clinton; on Feb. 6th, Robert Marshall off the Bayfield Road Aged 68 years'. Pybus:---In Usborne, on Feb. 14th, EII7.abeth Pybus, aged 67 years. bPatz.—I'n Crediton, en Feb. 18th, Henry mote, aged 78 Yee re, 9 mldn.thre S dogs. ANNUAL MEETING, The annual rneetiln'g of the patrons of Winchelsea Creamery will be held in Wobdhann Halil, ein Wednesday, Feb: 2(1 alt 2 o'clock p.m. Pxogramme.—The "Minutes of :lest meeting; Auditor's. Re- port (roan. Wm. Smith: and J. T. Miljersi auditors ; .A.ddleetel "A Short Review; Creamery 'V,'ork 1912, Present canr ditionie and oueltoo'k for .101.3,." ey Get. Medd ; Appoi.ntniiant of auditors for 1918. ;' New Busineese. Address, by Mr W ICJ. Albright, ' editor et the Farnihrts' Advocate, Loldioli, SItIJE r4,VOIS'TbR On Thursday, Fele 2 f, ` ,e a, pert. et ei'kin'e Hotel 'll'ar ta, T!tetiaalT, tt car. too:d' Ali`. Miry Cows, and yo'rrig cattle, J J, Shannon . ', %stern. Prop Aurt., he Reduction Season is now on at W. W. TAMAN'S Men's Furnishing Store Ordered Clothing educed From $25 to $20 $23 to $18 $20 to $15 Ordered Overcoats Reduced From $25 to $18 $20 to $15 Ready-to-wear Overcoats Reduced From $18to$13 $15 to $12 $12 to $ 8. These big reduction are made to clean up our stock for Sprin, because our motto is "New Goods • for Every Season" You will do well to take ad.. vantage of these reductions. W. Tama Tailor. and Furnisher— I :ter