Exeter Advocate, 1913-2-13, Page 5i
Auction Sale ROYAL
TON,s., Ip,D.tl. FARM STOCK; n;t�'1?tL plllx'n�, IIIAYI, ��(grci«Ic $� �'ou�1a�' � e, if Mr, Lelsis �awe°l7>Gi a Rn LoAdtan Tvr
RGti[it 19191 T I S 1'! Ro its, rr(nK1 a 4Clteei. p't bush la%41 as few• Jaya laWt weak,+-'wir: J. Roas
We will pen stpai , ate
has rented hist •k!lhtXksaxvtth. +ak>o to Mr.
►isobar of fere R.C.A.S. of filatafiiq jelzW rn I.at, , CJo ., 11, 1uckersllu•tb i all. � E the ageing, postpaid, one of 'au>
Honor Glxedrte,ts of Toronto 1Jlalrerolt3, WetnbBday, 70 db,6, 1913;, rvt 1 o'Cloctt Kerley iraaxl T.Satowe), pasaersslgn Ste
bloralaa--A ri4,. 16> duhg riatmig h Yi« i ^ """� lar8e 64 -page hooka (with' la* ittg r'iv'en Sa:tUrday. We weIc� me Dir.
r.:. O fUce Amer aktdokpon• &Cad' Will.lAw drart 8'eldlirx rig51V. d„ draft gold:z� �?kt), on the common diseases of etaolt `ung S4Sorlex to 'ow vilia�^-Xr,, mid t1 1W
Otflea. Closed Wednesday attetnoonrt. lgW.ttil( ¢r>arei 'sulX. iq, bay:ht: .vonitrv. Telfa how .to. feed -all. Mndr. of ipeavy Mooray who have boon vlsitinl�' at 'W�'511.
^ rising 3,-.afo aiid light, hgzsea, colts and .mnroc. match cows.
hr d i ' 9a' at;z'c i d f tt i tQ rs also how -tg eeit :tt'ers:OWa, 9ert ;Cor their tlo'me la -so
_ f o al "0 G sit Qz+. aMIA r a 'ng . , ca. ves , an a an 16 s e
ria'inlg 8 ; ailydC. colt, a raos�. by and feed Poultry so that they will li►y as tFll,' ) •- >xrs. ZZra Iirc.nnest we InDate 11-
.lq winter ss 'in mer, W,0-04 ]+'rlday,-'iv 'Saslclo,' who hams
sumra. adaIt O,
Gralvalnr; PeXIChereut, colt 0 no's. by cVro ixp� pie
all Canada,
ka ire 1, Carrie gieldiing', r5a:nrW 844-, , wbo leave �0 P r goods No a-r hould ba b@01t visiting, rdlat:vea'" aro wed I1ere
esti sisnlsiue at'id doulbls, 'aired by wlthaxut lt,,, 4dCt' for Crediton Thursday.-Qudte a
bars; drirl;nlif t111aae; 5 yrl., kind and You can fatten cattle and hogs In a month's, number around here are very much dis-
Using oar Royal Purple Stock otlJ res
aired by Wtldarley. less .tiros by nein% appointed at the council while
rialutS S ; 8 werafic than you could possibly do without it,, very ¢nlwah pleaeed.-'1�ra, John S'tAt-
Ga'ttle_5, thole oteezio an are
eerIgx thereby savlao, a month's feed and labor tori :had a quiltllag baa Vl�exltveaday„-
rJolog 2 ; 7 nl3 -Boers 1 5 the 'cost to you will1not be mora than $1,54 for
lvts,. '.I3o e--1, +sons'.dv% In April; 2 ,six pigs or $1.00 for one steer. It will keep �Srp. Frank Germette arrived horse from
w,o d'ue In 't,4a.'Y i 5 YOWW 'BOOB 'with your horses in show condition with ordinary Port Stanley Tuesday.,
and pull'ata, have a 1'exisro,-Ga n• -A very int�PBting
Elena-a,dias• $t2ruai "aniimalyou
is on Your placeptr'y int onathislOne
oa>, teat bob 'sleighs stat and see the marvclious result which will .event took pilacei sit thel hpn s, of W.
buw, rolald teak, vat lrian, haft be obtained. Our Stock Specific will .increase. aluil Sirs, Jomi1 Gnw), at Brewster,
Wet walking plorr, 2-furiww plow ; 1 the milk flow three to five lbs. per cow per Yesterday rob. 12th?, the oCca ion being
�• while being fed in the stable. A G0s Max Trails* do
tatvnIng' 11zt11, Oct stock scales a cow or horse 70. day-.. the an'arrlaIgie of 'NZ,
package will last 4NI'Is's Idabel dtal>lghter of Mr. and
,11r cap;adiiily, root tsulPer; n1sL y SPECIFIC Cvreenws
feed fusinade, Cutter;, cook ROYAL PURPLE' POULTRY Mrs. Jonah Green, The ceremony wain
will make your hens lay just As well in the
eve; 'set h•eavY he-MOss, set light' winter as in the summer, and will keep them 'F,erf'otnyed by Rev, 'S'. •A, Carriere at
AboWt 15 toots of good timt free from disease. Thetis goods are pure and 2.$0 o'clock, w+hII4 the groosru was s+iup-
Ilu(antRY rolat!s; some 8 -snit da, not ler ported by his brother, ?FIC(; Mich"A Per.-
by hay ; larged.
entirely different
tomaketie epackageusentir bttGrbe wfaid aRs,?;sled by bar
£• horse -biaalSCeoe, gra+ln bags,, forks from any ou the market at the Present time. 1e'P and who
whifeis4reeis, neck-Yokda, and _ - - ,:ouslp, Mins 01.1we Greein. The bride
i merous other articles Itoyal Purple Stock Specific, GO4 pckgs.; four, Y•oodved n>'a'ny use2ul presents. The
There will also' be, geld a acre+s of 60c pckgs.; In an air -tight tin, for $1.60, yoixllg C'auPle wdll tease the beet wishes
Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 266 and 60c
feed b ishi, pckso.. and $1.59 air -tight tins that bold 'o(' .theGr frlendsl
means-e,J 0 an'd. Ander cash, oYLIV four hoc pckgp.
amt alnio'Wnt 6 Inds. credGt aro approved Royal Purple Lice Killer, 260 and 60c tins;
5 par Cent: per annunl, off 30e by mail.
int 1lotes:• Royal Purple Gall Curs,. 26e and hoc tins; $00 Li MLRT.
r cash on credit anvonnnts+. Bush land by mail.
no.reserve ti's' the,tarlll Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, Goo battle;' GOc a Change i'•n
been ramal- by mail. pita experie4vCed quite
M. Fi,dGlafsr, T'•• Canvea^4n, Royal Purple Cough Cure, GOc tin; ejOC, by the weather tate wast week. -Mr. David
mail. A.l+exacder .had the mlefortuaie to Bose
Proprietor Axict:, Farquhar Royal Purple Disinfectant, 2110 and 50c tine. this weak. The funeral of the
Royal Purple Roup Cure, 25c tins; Boa by s, hora'e
mail.. late iPrn. PybWs took place Saturday
Royal Purple worm. Powder, 26c tins; $00 by afternoon last frolni hie late residence
.Farm for Sale mail, --lir and .Mra. J. A,.. Stewart of Va.n-
Mganufactured only by gua d, Basic., were PleeJsaut• visitere at
Being Lo+. 8, Coty. 3 Towna'h,ip of TheW. a•a•.Jenkl nsMfgeCio• wTn 'Glenn's the lather part bfi tae'(
of- week . -Mr Fred Sdanpnow was confined
Caw r.Y or Hur,'cul,, cosdstih'g London Canada to house a few da'ys1: Ferris
' the ofor
00 acnes, on wlxdch is a goad brick Purple Supplies and Booklets -F, rd of Lnomis, Wash., who spent Chit
with naeit'sl :oyf, contada> ng l0 'Royal
owes,: may be cobtalhed from past four months with his numerous
with kitchen,. amgdeihed, pantry T -e'•latives iii thire sea*on, returned an
rr • J. Seaman Exeter, 0>�t,
. roast, biarrd stud soft water; a t 1 B,Irs: agZx
turday evading Doak,
Uridt�rinte att1b. Barns aria 0 fax
cellar &OxO'Brien,t
ood ��1013 & BiOentralia ,1_,ttle soul Jack at arrack, Sack.•, left
0 feat, a:zd 35x90 Beet. Implerawt• ' home Monday, Mrs= Hummel x1l
ix1 drive s+`ied ?5x40 'fee:. All im good Pa,., he.lsl als;a returedn tc
repa(rs. A nevdr'faildng well !SCHOOL RElPORTS Bil,vomsbury,
her hcrost 1•Ir.s: 'VW W. Glenn returned
,. tarn, one acre wood orc'hardy cont-' a. visit 'with' her parents '.hr Lon,
of apples, cherries, planus, and The following. is the. oprrect report don Friday, --Mrs.' J. A. Boltron speni
q.UaavtitY of email fruit. 90 acres of S. S. Not. 2, Usuorne, Kor `he' the week with hFx sister Mas. R. D.
a.nd In. .good state of cultiva,- month of January, 1913, Sr IV! -H. Nell, TuckdremitIk--MI-s:s MagB'Ie BST
10 acres of bush and pa•a- HUnklm, J. Hatrper,' Pla Stowsi t, MA, Uc- dE Calgary spent a day the past weep
ore and 35 acres ceded to Donald.'Jr.' IV. --G. Dtkcarr, C. Cott ,vitt, tilts. Gurdon Dalton -Mies Me=
rasi= ; 7 acres fall wheat. Fall Plow- tie, C. Tua;nbull, G. Brown, . A 00t- Glenr and Mr. George spe;at Sunday
all done. Farad Ss' well under tie, H. Jleftrey, Sr, III. -1i. Pollen wltli friends at Eillagrbemr'- T3 e. Geo'
a(nd fenced. Never failing sprtxsg N. Hunkltn, V. Jeif frey, R. Pollen(„ ZL Fairburn arida, Vx•s. Wesley' Si'mmont
This is
r T
runs ac¢o,ss tltve tam U S "Sr, iI.�-k7 K n i ht A ,. •e mat h;
reek uin Jef t re Hadi~ g , th'h i ornier
Y, u w1th the
Property, situated agent Sunday
very desirable W. Turnbull, M: Doupe Iva. er. 12ra J. 'Si'mcnroaz'a.+-112r. a•nd Mss!
my 2 miles from tiho thriving town William�zs. -lot- CI'R8 F -G. Stewart, 10• Joseph Vance o'E, Britton near Lis�towe
v Exeter, % inGls from good Bch,00d Arnatrong,4 C. Dou'ps. P•rimxer Class- were here viaitling the farmar's broth,
olod gravel 3~aads leading is all.d'"c- A. Jeffrey, L. Kndght, Primer B.'Cla .s or the first of the week. Mr. Jas Iiob
Than property will he e3ld rear -G. NlcDoaaid, L. Kay, A. Huaukln. kirk of Bad Asci, Mich., is httre thr
Seattle'-ia,ctary r a a a+ an for Primer A}-fvI. Coit'td�J.: Number an roll g�,s�L n'f hie. wncl�a; George Habklrk:
Fou' Curtner particulars apply 39, average 38r -M. Coward, teacher. Mr.. a7d hire. VP. Gldivn•, cr., aitandeR
REYNOLDS on t1he promises HaY &rr Gram a
o Id. Cho fu,veral o+P' the late
or B. S. PHILLIPS, Auc'tiOneeC SCHOOL Rupop , off S. S. No. 8S H',llagrea'> on 39'dnday last. -Mr. ant
Oteph'e'n for January",; V., 350 marks;, Mra Harry Fiortdn of Hurondale spen
-- Irene 1'rawhifmneg 208; Verchica Han-
over 198, Peter 11agrer 7.94, •Wilbert
. S a l� Elartumui 172, Artheui Ha'nrves� 72; III.,
• 300 arracks, $erkhl� frairtntan 187, Ed-
C CElOICI] FOUISG 1IAR'E$ AND X72,. Catharine McDo'n- He Couldn't Tell.
gar Illewhi,*,ey
,Mr; Thorns Cameron hale Hta'rbert Wlilelrt 98, II., 25.o Theodore Lane had a toothache th
t'Aava ft•om the under+ add 146,
rem'.ved :ulstnui John ,Hanory'e'c 1.57, Tillie Ham- other morning. It was a bad tu,rtt,
van p1°•rke,
o Public AwCt';an, van
=geed to . s'31l by , 11,3 200 marks, Ed.watrd too, and Theodore let the .saint
8, u 11; IiIBB'ERT, an aches ; I., ache,
B or h 9 '3 t 11.30 o'clock Ha.rtM:L0 58; .91phro@y Hartman 25 The boyhood know all about it. But Crile!
FEB, .mut • 1 1 a Primer Claes:, 150 'marks, "Alice Neeb ills father got home that evening to
harp the fiollpwi ng. v'al'uable propertyr V®res 1T}awhint '$7, Flprehwe Ran -
rood mare, 4 'yours old, svppased to 71, was. calm and seemed at peace.
over 381 Mthel WWI'33,r3a 'G. Yell-
with . foal; Agricultural; 1 broiod "Has your tooth stopped aclliwl
e'wppo4S.e3 'be and, teacher
mare, 5 Yrs.`: old, tip `. Teddy2" asked Theodore settlor.
focal, Agric. 4 mares r_al'in 3, yrs. --- •+►-- "I don't know," answered the ,�orine
Agric ; 2. ge'ner"al purpose jxOT1,1s
3 Yns.. old; 2 geldings r;'s ng 4. BETTER THAN SPANKING Bte1'.
old. draft ; 4 geldings ris'.+ng 3 "Don't know? Why, what - do yo
, does note cure "d'ren of bed
Spanking "
A. R. KINSMAN, L.1U,$•, I1<.DAP rxValcr
Toronto Ul"Tet'i y �
360x' 6h'advate iaP
1) E, IST ; Vic
'Teeth extracted vvit•1`zout pain, or any b. zf
bail eflocts,. 9tf!ce. over ,. ;Giadnsm n &
Stan'bury's Orr;ce, MO n Street, Uxet4w-,
DICFCS(t)N :& CARLING, BARRISTERS, P Ttxlplepldivtle-�Wl
Solicitors, Notaries, Convegazzeers, Com- pen
m;s loner& Srlicitlor:s for the Maisons
Bank, etc, veWar,
Dfoney to Load at lowest rates of inta"t 25
Offices--Main-St., Exeter g cinder,
[. R. Cas'lim6, B.A. L• H, Dickson
MON•E r TO, LOAN o't
..,r_ til
We have a. laa'g'e - 8,MiRmt of private: s. hovelte•,
Lunda to loan -an farm and,WIllage Prop- zi
ernes at low rates OX nterest,
Ba¢'rMters, Soldcftors, Exeter.
A Sight.
Agent Confederation LUG Assurance Il
Company, also rke Insurance In lead- B
tng Canadiiati and Brit -tab Comli'anies,
112aim-Sk., Exeter,
Life, Fire, Aceldbut and Plate Ghee
Ineuranee, eollectirlg accounts, arid con-
ductiIng auction sales - Exeter, Ont.
s --n all the sights of the helgIJU
El_L14TT res
and partake df tivedr:hospitality;, Aftw
Torontn, oaut., is a Coxn2nercial Scholl :•a.to`.of,
of the Highest Grade., NONE BETTEI4 a
IN CANADA. GrhdiMa, s in strn'lg s ba,ing�
dem+'and. Ender now. .ata^zabuaTree. a "zy
i. oIli,
The undersIgned $B offering for 'sale ('
C situated J r BJ t
• 1 xOU. acre a m
that dee 'iJrab e c
In the Township of BIddulph, being Lot a
14, Can. 1. Theirs is on -the prem;ses• o
a good fragns ktouse, learn' with tounda- Q
tion, orabrarld. The+' fasten as well draln- g
ed and all under cultivatsoxi,. T.hls is t. lois.
e n will
ua and an excellent fa(rnn,, well 'sit t d : uonabl+e.
be sold reasomabie, For further partic-salli11g.'
ubare appltY to Jahn O'Neil, Mooresville, k
Ont. WK. KELLY, P.O.,
Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America
Tht umdsnsI.%ned are otferin�g' Sar sale
or rent tape cergtae new howsi>> erect a
ed on the old 1tilam(sion House property GELDINGS
Mein Street, Exeter. Thd•s house is I
equ'pped with bath, closet, toilets, fur= s
nate, and all rQom;O papered and gran- -LOT
ed. lnn-pedlate paitsessian., - Will be DAY,.
sold reason+a+ble.. Apply to Wes. S,nelj. a
•SST$lLL aYc bfA13CEiAND Prood
Dr. de Van's Female Pills
A reliable French regulator; never fails. These Yra•
in regulating the
pills are exceedingly powerful
portion of the female system. Refuse Y
all cheap imitations. Dr. de Pana are sold at
Drug co., Mailed
Th box. or
. Catharines, aOut.
it's the amount it digests which tells in class;
cereal -makes other "Feed" more palatable and
digestible. Molasses Meal is 84c/o pure Cadre ,Mo-
Nome Study'''
lasses -=16% an edible moss selected because of its x
known digestible action. You might as well save
increase the value of Your stock by 3aols. `wKtiea:;
money and a
using Caldwell's Molasses Meal. 1f your feedman
Thousands of ambitious young
cannot supply you -write to us -write anyhow
people are be•_,ng instructed' . in
their Home Study Dept. Yi t may
=nfsh at College if you desire
fay whenever you wish. Thirty
Is : the E .
Yesra'..Experl,ence, Largest tral•r .
ers :n Canada. Enter any day
will keep well I. No chain is stronger than its weakest
Pos°titons guaranteed. It you
link. an is gt^ onger than his stomach. With
No Yu
,wish to, save board. and learn
Coldext Medlea1: Disco -very
while you earn, write for part(-•
ihakas the stomach heait6v, the liver, active, and 't1i9 blood' pure, Mado from
liquid form at $1,00 per bottle for over 40 Yearn; raivuxr lteocrM eatisfacteaie,
w prefer tablets as tate406641 r 14erce, M, ICA., tineas can be
time aenl4erl or trial lb1t, j 11ri li n a raiceNlp t +i►f ekes its atltMwlFtl .
Cinton Busdness College .
President Prlxailsal
ANY person who Is the sole [lead ,of
a fa'inily: or atay male over 18 Years fid,
nxay bornestlead a� quarter section of
available Doanitn:ton land 4n iFfan:toba
Se-skatobewen or Alberta. The. ap-
plicant' a'nurel appear in person 'at the
Dominion Lands, Agency, or ' Snub=',
agency for tb a district. Entry by pro-
xy anade be maids at' any a 0,MY, ori
certain coindittian�s by father, mother,
son, daughter, brother or sister ;of in-„
toridlnlg ihoMosaead,er
Dutles-Six montibs' residence uPon
and cultivratioll of the Land ',n each
or three ye+are, A homeattea,de: 1msY live
within Wzo n..'Jes - of hla hoaneetead on
a figs. 'oaf, zt iso•at 80 ecries sollely.
owned and occupied by hiss Or by his
ta+t,h,er, mother, sten daughter, brother
or siet'er
In certain dd'strlcts a I-,omestea,der ale'
good standing may pre-empt R. quart
eristLon. 'along' sine .brie homestead.
Price $3.00 per acre.
T�utlee-'Must ree'ide • upon tine hovivo
sterid ar' pturetaliption six monith,a in
eaC'n• of six years from date of .hon:-
stead entry. (Including the :t2n>,= re:
quirdd to earn lZarttes'tdaci pa,teilt.) and
Cultivate fifty acnes extra.
A honles�teader who hoe exhausted Ile
h;orYtestead right aril carr, not obtain, g
pre-jetnly:iot'1 may enter for 0, Pur
chiasod ho,m,es<',eiad Im COrta.in d:stn:ot',s
Puce $41.00 p'ar acre• Dull o9 , gust .
resrde six anmnghs jut, each of :. these
years, cultivate fifty' ,acrea, and erect
a I"OUse worth $$"
De the MinLatem of the Inter or
) i
the operator's attention 1s til-tr; olvi
gooc aleighlnS or good wheeling Can-
What about a breathing toile':-t'I'lla'
d1tl'an.�-Invitat4ons are out; for theanar-
1-Ems••.=c res
riago oT rMss' L.4I'Mn Park to A.
_ dvocate not have hearth of Kidney Trouble, 40PhxtAdv Trouble, i'!•:ver
A w� tr> y
CurxU, of ;Ct•oinV*IYI'-•-x131!stsl May •TIrog-
A Wiisonnet.
girth enhex•tadavP:d the young people to
a; party ''In the Hall Tuesday evexang.
Sia years. ago it was the i v(10%
'Also Abel 'Speare of Calgary, who
bear, and later it was Wily pus-
haz been vi`s+i'ting relatives here, ',s
sum: Can it be possible tltnt It
Sliandln(g a wtwk .with her 'Uncle, Mr,
will now be the tvaa(10111('l.
klarry Spom)o in Sediolrltti -About r8a
Harper (Kan.) Sentinel.
of the rjeig•hbidtfz+ melt; at the borne of
euro..I know that these people est--. Any reader of The Advocate who will
tate' about Invest" ri Wney 1•n med ctna
Mr. and Mrs. John, 1FIcLe+au, who were
reoent,ly niaixted, aal,d' s+ur,prLeied them
-- '
by pressrithng th"., with a handsm!
A Sight.
fit;ialer slot aiid at ,solid ,oa,k rocker',
"Why did she get angry at tbat.nl
Thu dlmiar set' wase bit •'semi-porcelaln
who was Spending ill's vacation in t
hhina, �owtlined w6th old blue and g`tt
With pink roue dee•:Igni. IThO . presenta-
tlotl was nitado Mr'. Ge -add WalleBT
:,She asked him if he held ulPt 1
with a• few v'er'y lappropriabe words. Mr
daughter, and he said yes-•th;it lie h
and Mre, McLeani bath 'thauked tete
s --n all the sights of the helgIJU
(donors, aM4 $nvltt>ed thlem, all to return
bo()d,"--Hotlstou Post.
and partake df tivedr:hospitality;, Aftw
:...Piitee ...Malaria ..Neuralgia Hot F1a+Bi`:+es
„Dla*Apea• Asthana.... .Headsc ie 1...Bearintg down, padn
0 1cv< pbea•saint hours% anti lunch being
APP reciated,
sorved el( rAunivest h;oand wt,shi.ng. Tvlr:
u� 'aLaealn long to ml joy
"You seeln to enjoy that orator's
and Mrsi. years
theseG good thl.ng`ia,,-OYster support are
the order now -two at Staffa the, next
''`1ilell," unswereci the devoted MO
P-", :"1 don't Care So tlllrftl rur ailellk]
for a generous Free Trial Treatment of my well-
• known, reliab1eChronicure,with referencesand in the towft Of Godat•Ichl Ttrnd2rs for
rir,- tf, but that gobtlenlales ige'.`itl
' in your case, let me pave to you, free of cost,
that rheumatism can be conquered. Chronicure be ca pidered, A ma ked cheque fob ten
fails- Chronicure
d y so um119e the tfaby." W a4ulul,"'
E. 'I'. viatsorY, Pb' Grand blaelter of
Merit'i of Roust.
Ontario Tia, Q'. L) avo aim interesting
� g H
Myra (tvtili U't� JUBt llll�srd a glttpt
Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America
at World's Fair, 1893
_1�, Lim
Reduce Your "Feed" Bills by using
Molasses Meal
, Y
The quantity an animal eats counts for very little
it's the amount it digests which tells in class;
a ell's Molasses Meal lowers"Feed" ,r
andvalue C idw 3 SkIIEP,,
Bilis. It takes the place of an equal quantity of liitW pppr�I'
cereal -makes other "Feed" more palatable and
digestible. Molasses Meal is 84c/o pure Cadre ,Mo-
lasses -=16% an edible moss selected because of its x
known digestible action. You might as well save
increase the value of Your stock by 3aols. `wKtiea:;
money and a
using Caldwell's Molasses Meal. 1f your feedman
cannot supply you -write to us -write anyhow
The aUh
Is : the E .
Aim to make that strong -and digestion good -and You
will keep well I. No chain is stronger than its weakest
Ira ,
link. an is gt^ onger than his stomach. With
No Yu
stomach .disordered a train of diseases follow.
Coldext Medlea1: Disco -very
ihakas the stomach heait6v, the liver, active, and 't1i9 blood' pure, Mado from
foreft roots, and extracted without the use of nieahol. Sold by dtusglets, Iti
liquid form at $1,00 per bottle for over 40 Yearn; raivuxr lteocrM eatisfacteaie,
w prefer tablets as tate406641 r 14erce, M, ICA., tineas can be
time aenl4erl or trial lb1t, j 11ri li n a raiceNlp t +i►f ekes its atltMwlFtl .
iitai of ntetl
old ..optic; � geldings! l;fai'Ing
old, draft; 2 fillies' ris'.iag 2
yrettisig'. There is a co'nis'tltutional cause
"Itis out.,' -Cleveland Plain Dealer.
olid., Agric 3 geidith&$ 2 Yeses
for t'hdc trouble, Mrs. M. Summers, Bos
W. 1340. Windsor; Ont., will Bend tree tto
Agri'c ; -4 sucking c,71ts�, A•gr-h ;
good farmers drivelto rising 4 and
any mother her successful home treat
The Safety Lather.
yrs, 01 }.
rent, with full Instructions. Send no
The aliove tot at horses+ haves' all been
money but wr5te her do day if your
children trouble you I'd thi's way. Don't
selected wind are sired by
of th, Wet hars'2a in the cboth
blame the child, the chances are it
and sae u toy the standard beth
can't help -t. This treatment also cures
adults and aged people troubled with
t'n` isizet and ' qua lity. inteaad'.ng Pur-
'should not io,oista th oppoz tun-
^of attending th, ;sa4al
i till
TERUS-8 nlion'th's credit will be g v
" e
ea on furn4shing apPr6yed ja:•nt nates
Mr. Herbert Ut tlety has pu,�;chalaled;
at 5 • per od.1 par eIIIJUm[
Mr. Henry Bauer '.13 house at th(I
North erM.-Frauk. Gap.nville of the
Proprietor Auctiwneyr
Goshen Line, .o,att'. a vtaluable bull on
Monday. They had deharn.ed the animal
aid tho wourA•s commenlced bleedDng
Every WOMB
and beto're.,the blood could 'ba stopped
is interested and should )now
('t blend to death;-Owitng to Rev. Mr!
. about the wonderful
tiiaa s,s being laid up wAh a seveleb
:`\Marvel whirling Spray
cold, tharle wiaa no v3drviCel int - -the
�. Douche
Lutheraal Church On Sunde'.y t -hilt•. G.
'Campbell or St. Jolsd'ph, who is Aomd
frons the West expe+ctie to permanently
i.sIt our drufiRist foot �J'luy/r
locate In Saskatchdwaa>,, and Mr6 Camp
1 ;
tt.. A cannot supply
the. MALtVl•.G, accept no
heli a37d t7faluglste'r will likely accounp=
tlhor but sand stamp Per illus=,
'r. 1bock-pealed,' It gives full
any him an. his reitlurn."`---
�articulars and rltrectInns inv-daable
a ladios.S 4I VDBifllt S Ui?PLY Co., Windsor, Ont
Could not Something be done Io
"Denerai Agents for Canada.
der the lathering process less, tromz
d d
with the, danger of suffocallanr %%k,
The weather bras- been very col a,n
leaviing the roi2de in nd;tzeir
the operator's attention 1s til-tr; olvi
gooc aleighlnS or good wheeling Can-
What about a breathing toile':-t'I'lla'
d1tl'an.�-Invitat4ons are out; for theanar-
1-Ems••.=c res
riago oT rMss' L.4I'Mn Park to A.
_ dvocate not have hearth of Kidney Trouble, 40PhxtAdv Trouble, i'!•:ver
A w� tr> y
CurxU, of ;Ct•oinV*IYI'-•-x131!stsl May •TIrog-
A Wiisonnet.
girth enhex•tadavP:d the young people to
a; party ''In the Hall Tuesday evexang.
Sia years. ago it was the i v(10%
'Also Abel 'Speare of Calgary, who
bear, and later it was Wily pus-
haz been vi`s+i'ting relatives here, ',s
sum: Can it be possible tltnt It
Sliandln(g a wtwk .with her 'Uncle, Mr,
will now be the tvaa(10111('l.
klarry Spom)o in Sediolrltti -About r8a
Harper (Kan.) Sentinel.
of the rjeig•hbidtfz+ melt; at the borne of
euro..I know that these people est--. Any reader of The Advocate who will
tate' about Invest" ri Wney 1•n med ctna
Mr. and Mrs. John, 1FIcLe+au, who were
reoent,ly niaixted, aal,d' s+ur,prLeied them
-- '
by pressrithng th"., with a handsm!
A Sight.
fit;ialer slot aiid at ,solid ,oa,k rocker',
"Why did she get angry at tbat.nl
Thu dlmiar set' wase bit •'semi-porcelaln
who was Spending ill's vacation in t
hhina, �owtlined w6th old blue and g`tt
With pink roue dee•:Igni. IThO . presenta-
tlotl was nitado Mr'. Ge -add WalleBT
:,She asked him if he held ulPt 1
with a• few v'er'y lappropriabe words. Mr
daughter, and he said yes-•th;it lie h
and Mre, McLeani bath 'thauked tete
s --n all the sights of the helgIJU
(donors, aM4 $nvltt>ed thlem, all to return
bo()d,"--Hotlstou Post.
and partake df tivedr:hospitality;, Aftw
:...Piitee ...Malaria ..Neuralgia Hot F1a+Bi`:+es
„Dla*Apea• Asthana.... .Headsc ie 1...Bearintg down, padn
0 1cv< pbea•saint hours% anti lunch being
APP reciated,
sorved el( rAunivest h;oand wt,shi.ng. Tvlr:
u� 'aLaealn long to ml joy
"You seeln to enjoy that orator's
and Mrsi. years
theseG good thl.ng`ia,,-OYster support are
the order now -two at Staffa the, next
''`1ilell," unswereci the devoted MO
P-", :"1 don't Care So tlllrftl rur ailellk]
for a generous Free Trial Treatment of my well-
• known, reliab1eChronicure,with referencesand in the towft Of Godat•Ichl Ttrnd2rs for
rir,- tf, but that gobtlenlales ige'.`itl
' in your case, let me pave to you, free of cost,
that rheumatism can be conquered. Chronicure be ca pidered, A ma ked cheque fob ten
fails- Chronicure
d y so um119e the tfaby." W a4ulul,"'
E. 'I'. viatsorY, Pb' Grand blaelter of
Merit'i of Roust.
Ontario Tia, Q'. L) avo aim interesting
� g H
Myra (tvtili U't� JUBt llll�srd a glttpt
adorssa on Oreavgi'etrn in Urenlorra a
electric Restareir for ii't 61t h ;va trn Frlday eventing'.'' `Mir. Esiery. ' JFstralordllt fry! WoUldil't dove belt
PhjO ,�titfdnfi( restarsreldrybffVe in the adr iu ar ex,�e Igrut apoalk6rt� Iik1' the,
ad", arj 0v'h a t•i ing possibld.
to ltt lefoper, tcrasion I res
vtm.ti iif a talItIr P'reniatuEOdoeity and a!l sercuN fires lkxlaltle ktlnQ 6iii Elitia+) quatrter Old ,tital.ikt•P t1'ae)l, ttHll, l9 Stip
, tFet wet°e" fat ' alteh- , , t .
�* waakncsa' avrrted it dncita Rhaaphonol tWtll pouts:, A ;le;rtl;e nurn a vo.•r;i r eit'iv bpostie. l,bertw s tl deft
d1 a htu l . ublicGzt.an of 'Hakeyoranew man. PriseMaboxmottvtd;Cot yrY2C; t tri `ttit '`of ihE''adcti'esS. ¢, ,.xauw i'utr'tltl uUi)rl['d tirb.' k'tiituiL
: i•} k�J �6. Mailedtopreyaddress. 7[he9eotbplliArtrg IunClleoal was.servG�tl.'-...... _
bYutifi a21ve atuxie t� idl`fdot:ba'pa,.d rot „17o.:11t Qwtlurluiir.Ano.
Will p0 . A.
mts $5,00 T ,"CThe
Wert of Advocate
Famous Scientist �'k�4 Originated the Now*
Will p0 . A.
mts $5,00 T ,"CThe
Wert of Advocate
„:-,�--,tet ..�,,,.,�,�.,,•
Famous Scientist �'k�4 Originated the Now*
Wonderful. "Home Treatment" Offers "IP 1,00
Package, Free . to Sick and ailing
In order t{w enmy reactor of that People w1w "UtfoF from Rheuma,tlam,
_ dvocate not have hearth of Kidney Trouble, 40PhxtAdv Trouble, i'!•:ver
A w� tr> y
tkuia. wrondorfttl Wppl?lo Treatment"`magi or Bowel Vloorderg, Ca xrb, Bro%lchatis
have an nppa�tuW4ty to test thio relo. Arthana, Chronic Coutgha, Vireak Lunge;;
brated medicdne,, ," frlaw i:alnpwa solea,•• Luanbsge, Piles, [TTJAaa Ata )rdera ve-
U"t, Dr, Janves W',; Klldd, ,affora ti® give male weakngeses .ot AM k!lld. the weak'
absolutely a free full alze $1.00 pack- warn out, broketirdoW11 .and d:">pondent
20o to tire. (hundred reade'm of th � will bg tleldgikuted wt the offe:t of a few
paper', to Pnavo the wonderful oWmis doseg This w'on'ndertul troatna:nt creat -
finer appetd'te and
as a helps the digest -
which have, boon mado for It. In, mak-
inti oros.1ma to carrr7 an their functions :
Ler htt% offer the ocielruii+st sau`d: 1 ksrpw
g t as dray should It strongthene- the kid -
that there are Many people who hsvo net's, feta,. acrid drives Xb0Un1z:t;am PC1B-
been sufterinrg for years with are=a one from ^tho blood as It by magic.
chronic dGe'ea se and. many -of theta havq That Is why people who try :t; become
spent large suros oaf money seeking a so enthualast!C6
euro..I know that these people est--. Any reader of The Advocate who will
tate' about Invest" ri Wney 1•n med ctna
because they have despaired at ever try this extraordinary medle4ne tbat hams
created so Much, aacitetuent by its
getting W614T,hau$ands have told me
that story and ¢palmy thi3us04146 9i'•.the, cures can obtain abaol;utelY tr4.2 a full
$1,00 treatment by simply i''alling Inthe
same pie lhla,ve hold rind afterwal ke
tb,&t any, trtaa.'tmon't hart cured thew a8- eoupo►l below or writ -409 a, lettere des -
ter 110A cii+etolls stud a 3*thd7x)b alae bad fail,• cxIWjrxg their' case in thedr own
, if they and rnwiling It to-49to
I wars to prove to a ll60 nuts- :prefer,
nt0, Catuida� No
emitter wba.t the dlasease, noXRMO ne ad x
long thele ma'r have %utter= rn'anoy HebeW.
aex& be Lit and n) charge of
ed. no matter 1bow, blue and di'acouracrd any kind will be a A44, :
-that art's treahtne4t< rea11Y and aCbually Ams this offer .e llrrit'ted, Y'ou should.
does accompli th the wonderful reaultat write at ones, irr order to bi sure to
that have been raperts,411 recedvo free treatm MAL
Coupon CB 123 For free Dollar Treatment
Please Bend ane a Full $1 Counsel of Treatment tpr my case, froa and
postage paid, first a•Br you promrise,
Name.................... .. .......... .... ..... ........,^.
Post Office ............................,. Province.. ... .............
Street and No..... ... , ...... .. ..... . ......
Age............ ......How long aMoted?............... o ....... ......
Make a cross M before the diseases you base. Two crelsses (X.Y) be-
fore tdile one. frOM which you sUtfeh^ the Must.
....Rheuanautll►am ....KIdtW Troub0.e' :.Impure Blood ...Female Weakn')ss
7Luanbaga ,_131adIderTrbwbls ,,,,Aneania .:..Womb Trouble
i Trc Malo.
e .Over am
PJB taxi i 9
k T:ua P
. lCat girt 13 W as lir; P
'. , ads.
r>^ l.. tut Pe:.
..,,'Gh•ronIe Ctai�,. .Eczemta i ..P's.Ln
:...Piitee ...Malaria ..Neuralgia Hot F1a+Bi`:+es
„Dla*Apea• Asthana.... .Headsc ie 1...Bearintg down, padn
....Torpid L Over. ..Jany Fever ,,..D{z'z'_•nesa ,Leucordhoea.
Int ..: Fleart Trouble .„.Nervousness
,.Stoarxach firowble .... poor 'Ci4lcuia'ttarrz ,...Obestiy. ,
Give other eynlptoms on separate sheet. Correspondence in all languages.
Ifou or an of our friends suffer from rheu• u• to•
matxsm, kidney disorders or excess of uric acid, • P witi • restive marked Lenders p
1 causinglameness, backache, muscular pains; no,an on, the 17th days of bl'.arch next-,
stiff, painful, swollen joints, pain in. the limbs
i and feet; dunness'of sight, itching slain or for a two, -story cement building,. 22
frequent neuralgic pains, I invite you to send by 35 Eezlt; to b3 eretdtd3 at. the peal.
for a generous Free Trial Treatment of my well-
• known, reliab1eChronicure,with referencesand in the towft Of Godat•Ichl Ttrnd2rs for
full particulars by mail (This is no C. 0;,D.
scheme.) No matter how mauymayhavefailed whole work or for separate trades will
' in your case, let me pave to you, free of cost,
that rheumatism can be conquered. Chronicure be ca pidered, A ma ked cheque fob ten
fails- Chronicure
} succeeds where all clsc per can't No tender necessarily accept -
the blood and removes the cause. Also P
for a weakened, rundown condition of the ed Plans and specifi'catio'ns can be
system, you will find Chronicure a most satisfac. Been In the county clerk's office.
tory general, tonic that makes you feel that life
is worth living. Please tell your friends of R, C, • KUNNINGS
this liberal offer, and send today for .large Chairman of Coma
f free package, to MRS. M. SUMMERS, Bos
- E-840`•Windsor, Oat. Dated, Goderich, Feb, 1Otb, 1913-
The very best for use in ill -health and convalescence _
Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America
at World's Fair, 1893
_1�, Lim
Reduce Your "Feed" Bills by using
Molasses Meal
, Y
The quantity an animal eats counts for very little
it's the amount it digests which tells in class;
a ell's Molasses Meal lowers"Feed" ,r
andvalue C idw 3 SkIIEP,,
Bilis. It takes the place of an equal quantity of liitW pppr�I'
cereal -makes other "Feed" more palatable and
digestible. Molasses Meal is 84c/o pure Cadre ,Mo-
lasses -=16% an edible moss selected because of its x
known digestible action. You might as well save
increase the value of Your stock by 3aols. `wKtiea:;
money and a
using Caldwell's Molasses Meal. 1f your feedman
cannot supply you -write to us -write anyhow
The aUh
Is : the E .
Aim to make that strong -and digestion good -and You
will keep well I. No chain is stronger than its weakest
Ira ,
link. an is gt^ onger than his stomach. With
No Yu
stomach .disordered a train of diseases follow.
Coldext Medlea1: Disco -very
ihakas the stomach heait6v, the liver, active, and 't1i9 blood' pure, Mado from
foreft roots, and extracted without the use of nieahol. Sold by dtusglets, Iti
liquid form at $1,00 per bottle for over 40 Yearn; raivuxr lteocrM eatisfacteaie,
w prefer tablets as tate406641 r 14erce, M, ICA., tineas can be
time aenl4erl or trial lb1t, j 11ri li n a raiceNlp t +i►f ekes its atltMwlFtl .
iitai of ntetl