HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-2-13, Page 34,LITTI1 VICTIMS OF ST. VITUS DANCE it Is Most .Common.Anmong Chu- dren of the School Age If your child—whether boy or girl .--is fidgetty, emotional and awk- ward, you should watch it care- fully as it . may develop Sts, Vitus dance. Frequently c+haldren can- not keep still, they move with intra ge actions, their limbs jerk and their features twitch nervous- ly. Speech is confused and the whole muscular system not under control. These are among the symptoms of St. Vitus>dance, a trouble that afflicts growing girls and boys, most frequentlyduring the school age. Dr. illiams' Pink Pills are such -a splendid nerve tonic that they have cured the worst Gases of St, Vitus dance. They do this because the new, rich blood they make feeds and streng- thens the starved nerves, thus throwing off the disease. Here is an example. Mrs. L. L. Gifford, Westover, Ont., says "For over two years my little girl, Constance, was a sufferer from St. Vitus dance. She was frightened badly by a dog,; which seemed to bring on the trouble, and notwithstanding all we did for her it. seemed to he grow- ing worse. She grew sobad that she could not feed herself and her speech was so badly affected that we could ..scarcely understand her. The twitching and jerking of her limbs was pitiable. At this ileac- ture we began giving her Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and to our great joy they . have completely ,cured her, and she is now as healthy a child as you can find," Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at .50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from . The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. LENGTH OF DAYS ON MARS. Year Has Double Number of Days Year on Earth Has.. The planet Mars, according to Edmund Ferrier, wlho writes on the subject in The North American Re- view, is more, distant than the earth from the siva-150,000,000 miles on the average, instead of 100,000,000. It is therefore a little colder ; the more ,so as its central heat is less because she diameter of the planet is only 4,000 miles instefid of 8,000. 'Martian deYs have almost the same duration as ours, but theaxis of the planet being more inclined on the plane of the orbit by about four degrees, the polar regions, where the sun r'emain's, more than one day on or below the horizon,. are more extended, as is also torrid zone. The inequality of days and nights at the'same. latitude is greeter on Mars than on the earth; at the lat-• titude of 45 degrees our'shortest,day is eight hours and forty-three min- utes and the longest fifteen hours and thirty-eight minutes; these are on. Mars, respectively, seven hours and fifty-six minutes and seventeen hours and fifty eight minutes long. The duration of the year on Mars is almost double, being 668% days instead of 3651 days, as on this planet. The orbit of Mars is an elongated ellipse instead of being almost a circle like the earth's. Therefore there is more difference between the seasons both in respect of duration and sof temperature and thenorthern hemisphere fev- ered by a king summer,' is warmer, than the southern hemisphere. A MOTHER'S PRAISE OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Pierre Lambert, Paquette ville, Que., says "I read in the papers of what.. Baby's Own Tab- lets were doing fox- other children, so decided to try them for my baby, who was suffering from con- stipation ' and stomach trouble. They worked ' like a charm and now I always keep them iai the house and recommend them to all my friends." Eaby's Own Tablets cure constipation and indigestion ; they expel worms, break up colds and allay simple fever and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2a cents a box from The Dr. Williams'; Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Stating the Case. "Do I look like afool?" "Well, I wouldn't say that. But I will say that you look like a man thinks he looks when the wind has blown his hat off and a crowd has gathered to watch him chaseit down the street." Dr. 14orse`a -- Indian ftoot Pills exactly meet the need which .opften arises in every familyfor a tnedkille to opera up and reguate the bowels. Not only are they effective .sill ascii of Constipation, but they . • ti in breakin a Cid Y g tip or e b cleaning��ll �>?• p , y„...out >she system and purifying the blood. , 11106 same waythey relieve or cure Biliousness,Indigestion, Sick Headaches, Rheuna atiein and other common ailments. In the fullest sense of the words I)r. Morse's Indian. Root Pills are 47 J IldusehOld Res'idn4da+.' SIR (UIRALD LiOWTH R Sir Gerald Lowthere the Britie ,Ambassador at Constantinople has been undergoing a very anxiou time during th past eesely months. He is on of Britain's mos experienced diplo mats, and ha served at Wash ington, St. Pet . !,,�d'�,,//,�"r,,°.� ><',� • ersburg, Madrid Paris, Tangier and other parts o the world, He possesses per feet Ambassa dorial manner and this is well ii lustrated by an incident which cc curred at a (Hanel party held.at the British Legation in Tangier. It was a few days' af- ter the capture of Kaid Maclean by that notorious individual Rai- suli. One of the Ambassador's guests, a fascinating' French lady, anxious . to know what England would do, called across to him during the repast, "What are you waiting for, Sir Gerald?" "A lamb cutlet, madame," was the ready response. Sir Gerald married in 1905 Miss Alice Blight, of . Philadelphia, the granddaughter of Richard Green- ough, the famous sculptor. • Her charming personality, and her abil- ity as a hostess, have been of the greatest assistance to her husband in his diplomatic career. . . Pointed Paragraphs. There are some graft germs in al- most any man's makeup. One who has nothing to lose is 'generally willing to take chances. The girl who dreams, of eloping allows her imagination to run away with her. However, the chap who rocks the boat in the sea of matrimony is apt to land in the divorce court. A. DIFFERENCE. It Paid This Man to Change Food. Sir Gerald Lowther. "What .is ' called 'good living' eventually brought me to a con- dition quite the reverse. of good health," writes an Eastern rner- chant. "Improper eating told on me till my stomach became • so weak that food nauseated me, even the light- est and simplest lunch, and I was much depressed after a night of uneasy slumber, unfitting me for business. "This condition was discourag- ing, as I could find no way to im- prove it. Then I saw the adver- tisement of Grape -Nuts food, and decided to try it and became de- lighted with the result. "For the past three years I have used Grape -Nuts and nothing else for my breakfast asd for lunch 'be- fore retiring. It speedily set my stomach right and I congratulate myself that I have regained my health. There is no greater com- fort for a tired man than a lunch of Grape -Nuts. It 'insures restful sleep, and an awakening in the morning with a. feeling of buoyant courage and hopefulness: "Grape -Nuts has been a. boon to my whole family. It has made of our 2 -year-old boy, who used to be unable to digest much of anything, a robust, healthy, little rascal weighing •• 32 pounds. Mankind certainly owes adebt. of gratitude to the expert who invented this perfect food." Name given by Canadian Postum Co, Windsor, Ont. "There's a reason." 'Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. AIRQUAKES AND CAUSE. 'Violent Explosions of Meteorites Louder Than Thunder. , The suggestion that there are air - 'quakes, due to explosions of me- teorites and quite independent of earthquakes and volcanoes, comes from no; less an authority than W. F. Denning, the British aatrone- mer. That such explosions are some- times audible is well known. W. M. Foote has. just recorded that a, large meteorite, falling near Holbrook, Ariz., at 6.30 p.m., on July 19, 1912, broke up with a loud noise that lasted half a minute or more, and scattered over a . stretch of three miles of sandy desert, more thin 14,090 of the fragments—of 'a total weight of nearly 500 pounds—hav- ing been picked up and preserved. The exploding bodies., of course, Are not always seen. A violent air shock on the morning of November 19 caused the shaking of windows and • other effects in thvicinity of Sanninghill, England, but could not be connected with any earthquake, and this has led to the conclusion that it was due to the explosion of a fireball high in the air. The view is confirmed by the fact that astronomer's recognize a few neer the middle of November as a period of detehatiing . fireba,ll.s. Other similar instances have been noted in 18'71'-4on November 20 rind 23 --were estimated to have created. air disturbances more than a hun- dred times as violent'as a loud peal. of thunder, The average married Min knows what:lit is to be cross-ewateined SHE USED ONLY THE NATURAL CURE IIOW NOVA SCOTIA WOMAN 'AAs RELIEVED OF ICElt ItEAUT DISEASE. Made her 'Kidneys rightwith Dodd's Kidney icille and all her troubles vanished speedily and completely. Eel Creek, Cumberland Co.,m N S., Februar�yy 10.—Suffering fro Female, Kidney and Heart Trou- ble, so run down, nervous and de- pressed that all the brightness had gone out of her life, and never ex- pecting to be a healthy woman again,' Mrs. J. W. Leadbetter of this place tried " Dodd's Kidney Pills, and is once more in the beet of health. Her simple statement is the best evidence that no ease of Kidney Disease: is so bad that Dodd's Kidney Pills will not cure it, "I was treated by five doctors," Mrs. Leadbetter states. "Four of them did me no good. The fifth. operated on' me and that gave me relief for a time. I had. Female, Kidney and Heart trouble. I was so nervous and run down that my friends did not think I would. ever, get better. "An advertisement led ins to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, and I have found in them a cure for all my troubles. I cannot praise Dodd's Kidney Pills too highly." Female Trouble and Heart Dis- ease are caused by Kidney Disease. The natural way to cure thein is cure the Kidneys by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. Not Such a Much. "My wife writes me frond Lon- don that our daughter was p esent- ed at court over there." said Mr. Bragg. "This is a great honor and it cost me nearly a thousand dol- "I was presented at court in this country . some years ago," replied Mr. Stagg. "It cost me five dol- lars and costs, and I don't see where it is such a great honor." HER HEARING RESTORED ' Astonishing Deliverance of Woman Thought to be Hopelessly Deaf. New York Special.—Fully con- vinced that her hearing has been permanently restored after years of torture with head noises and•al- most total deafness, Mrs. B. A. Barry of 555 W. 170th street, N.Y. City, has now beenpersuaded to tell the story of her wonderful de- liverance. After having spent hundreds of dollars on mechalznical devices, me- dicines and doctors' fees, she de- cided that this latest discovery, however simple and inexpensive, should be the last she would try before resigning herself to the hopelessness of permanent and total deafness. Those interested in Mrs. Barry's case and the hope it holds out for them, may write to her in confidence for full details, which she offers to send gratuit- ously. Harsh. "Pride goes before a fall." "I never use that phrase myself." "Why not?" "It sounds too much like kicking a man when he's'down." r Murine Eyea When Ty n Remedy No smarting—Feels Fine—Acts Quickly, Try i t for; Bed, Weak, Watery Byes and ® U I Granulated Eyelids. Illustrated hook Eyesin each Package, MiniISE is eomn- pounded byourO uAste-nota"Patent ediolne"butcoed IneuccesefulPl, el - Nees!Ne e ! Clans' Practice to many yearn Not► dedicated to the Public and acid by eurug ietaatStc-OOeperbottle.. Burma Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 9iic-OOo. ■.........=s.. ,Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Co-operative Mexican Baking. In nearly every Mexican village may be, found a. rounded structure of dried mud resembling an old- fashioned bee -hive with a. small opening near the ground, It is the oven which is utilized by the village for general culinary purposes. Early in the day the oven is thor- oughly heated by building a fire in it, and after the coals are brushed down all the pots and pans con- taining *the food to be cooked are placed inside and the ovens is closed up. No further -attention is paid to , it until dinner time. Many a man foolshimself when he thinks that he is fooling his wife. ED. 7. No More Bronchitis I mrairM SON BIRD' Throat Distress, Cured Tomtit and Skylark Being Intro, Life -Long Sufferer Tells of quick Relief Prom, "Catarrhozone." Every breath carries healing balsams to the sick sore places in ' the nose and throat. Montreal Ude time gives splendid praise for the modern way of curing Golds, oa- tarrh and. bronchitis. Instead of taking sickening drugs into the stomach, or using an old-fashioned spray, the sensible man now -a -dare breathes the soothing vapor of Catarrh - ozone and gets well right away. This is exactly what Mr, Joseph Daoust did, and writing from his aloe at 57 St. Paul St., he says;— "I` suffered for years from 'the worst form of ,chronic bronchial throat and nasal catarrh. I tried all kinds of syrups, ointments, tablets and wasil'es,but they proved ineffective. In fact I could get no relief, I road in the Montreal Witness of Catarrhozone and bought an outfit. In a few. hours I got relief. The air pas- sages of my nose were cleared out, and I was able to breathe freely. My throat was strengthened—my voice improved— and no longer gagged and coughed. The effect of Catarrhozone was wonderful. Now I am well—no bronchitis—no throat distress. I urge everyone with a weak throat, with a cough, a cold or a'touch of catarrh to use Catarrhozone ' freely." Prominent men in all walks of life use and endorse Catarrhozone which is a scientific preparation for 'throat troubles and, Catarrh. It is not a "cure-all." The dollar outfit contains an indestructible, hard rubber inhaler and medication for two months' treatment. All dealers or post paid from the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, • Canada. MUST SCHOOL DESK GO? Children Sit Down Too Much, Ore- gon Teacher Claims. The familiar school desk, as we know it, is soon to become a curi- osity. Progress in education has doomed it. The school desk must go, because it is an enemy to health and directly responsible for many of the ills of sehool children. In twenty years it will he obsolete in the schools, Prof. E. 0. Sisson said .a4 the annual Teachers' Institute in Oregon, recently. Professor Sisson told the teachers that it is wrong in principle, in the first place, because it compels chil- dren 'to ei't cramped and still when they should be free to move about in the schoolroom in a natural way. He compared the desk to a. relic of barbarism. "The cast-iron, rigid, regimental seat of to -day will be thrown out," he said. "In its place we will have benebes and tables and chairs, and the children will not be pinned down to a seat, but will move about as they study and recite and work. "School children sit down alto- gether too much. Adults do, too. I am firmly convinced that it is all wrong to beep children seated as we do. They ought to have to stand up and to walk. The old Romans used to make the children stand up and study. We do just the opposite. "Doctors will tell you that the sit- ting posture, too much used, is sure to result in organic disease,partio- ularly of the circulation. ep It Ought. "He's a man of few words." "That ought to make him popu' lar." FOOLISH TO KEEP CORNS Putnam's. Extraotor Iilemoves'Em No way to extract a corn like painting on Putnam's 'Corn Extractor; it's the surest Corn Doctor ever known. Eases up that aw- ful pinch over night, brings out the' hard ker- nel of the corn and leaves the toe smooth as. silk. • Millions of people.have proved. Putnam's Corn /a Extractor a genuine sue- , seas; 'it' will remove your corns, warts and callouses, Sold in 25c, bottles and recommended by druggists. Antiphonal. "What is that racket?" "They are singing the baby to sIeep and the baby is singing them awake." Only One, "BROMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, Look for the signature of E, W. GROVE, Cures a Cold in One Day, Cures Grip 'n Two Days. 25c. Most of us would rather accept, another man's cigars than his ad- vice. Minard'. Liniment Cures Distemper. "re it expensive to send a boy to college?' "No," replied the father, who had just received an- otherr request for funds, "but find it's expensive to. keep . hind there,'' SSUE .3• I Minar'd's Liniment Cures Colds, rte. duped Into British Columbia. "Leave nature alone or there may be trouble." This is the opin- ion of a writer,_. ronlmenting on the introduction into British Columbia of British song birds, It was with the best of intentions that the sparrow WAS introduced into America, in the hope that,it would assist in keeping down the insect pests so harmful th agricul- ture, but as soon as the bird found that a diet of corn was better worth having, it abandoned its former good habits and quickly proved once again, the truth of the old adage that the cure is often worse than the disease Among the birds being sent out from England are the skylark and the tit, both very attractive and de- sirable birds from many points of view, but not altogether blameless in their habits. The larkis an in- veterahe destroyer of the clover "leys" in winter. In an agricul- ture suction.of British Columbia it is' conceivable that the;experience of the British farmer would be re- peated, and if the birds increased. there, as they probably would at a greater 'rate than in Britain, their might prove to be nothing short of disastrous. Far more serious might be the establishment of the tit family in a district where fruit is grown. The tit is an inveterate dearoyer of fruit buds, and is not even satisfied, to step at that. In England the great and blue tits make sad havoc in the orchards when the pears and apples begin to ripen, it being their tire- some habit to peck small holes near the stalk of the fruit, so that de- cay immediately sets in and the fruit is useless for marketing. The amount of damage that a single family of tits cam cause and they invariably forage in companies—is extraordinary, for the birds are not content to finish the fruit they have begun, but spend their whole time in "sampling," so that in a very short time half an orchard may be ruined. et WHAT FOLLOWED A CUT. A Magistrate's Wonderful, Experi- ence With Zam-Buk. Mr. J. E. Arsenault, a Justice of the Peace, and station master at Wellington, on the Prince Edward Island Ry., has had a wonderful proof of the healing power of Zam- Buk. He says : "Four years ago I had an acci- dent. I slipped' in the station and fell on a freight „ruck, sustaining a bad cut on the front of my leg. I thought this .would heal, but in- stead of doing so et developed into a bad ulcer and later into a form of eczema which spread very rap- idly and also started on the other leg. Both legs became so swollen and sore that I could only go about my work by having them bandaged. My doctor said I must stop work and lay up. "After six months of this trou- ble I consulted another doctor, but with no better result. I tried all the salves, liniments and lotions I heard of, but instead of getting better I got worse,. "This was my ,;ondition when I got my first Ilex of Zam-Buk. Greatly to my delight that first box gave me relief. I continued to ap- ply it to the sores,and day by day they got better. I could see that at last I had got hold of something which would cure me, and . in the end it did. It is now over a year since Zam- Buk worked a cure in my ease, and there has been no return of the ec- zema or any trace of it." All druggists and stores sell at 50c. box or post free from Zam=Buk Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price. ►1• Falls in Love With It. "Do you believe in love at . first sight ?" "Yes, indeed. That's how my wife always picks out the most ex- pensive stuff the clerks show her." lib:lard's Liniment Co., Limited. Some time ago I had a bad attack Of Quinsy, which laid me up for two weeks and coat a lot of money. Finding the lump again forming in my throat, I bathed ' freely with MIN. AIM'S LINIMENT, and saturating a cloth with the liniment left it on all night. Next morning the swelling was gone and I attributed the warding off of an attack of Quinsy to the free use of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. G. P. WORDEN. St. John. Roumanian Grim Crown. Roumania's royal crown is per- haps the grimmest in the world, It was made, by command of King Charles, from the steel of a Turkish gun captured at Plevna. Ott May 10, 1881, after this and the simple golden crown, without jewels or ornaments, made for the queen., had been consecrated, (King Charles took his crown into his hands with the words ; "I assilnae with pride this crown, 'wrought from a cannon sprinkled with the blood of our her- oes and eoneecralted by the church.;. I accept it as a symbol cif the lride- pendentc•e and power of Rottman , ' The were 1t.mala 1010 WE the easiri' it is to keep .his •face shut. SUFFERED 2 MONTHS WITH HEMORRHOIDS Bean with Itching Sensaticna• Kept Awake at Night. Causal Great Pain, Thought Operaticn Only Cure. Cuticura Soap and Dint- went Entirely Cured in 6 Weeks0 54 Strange St., Toronto, Ontario, -•-"X tnl tared for twe months with the piles. The/ first began with a sudden itching sensation which used to keep me awake at night. I tried di& forent kinds of ointment tap. stop the itching which die not prove valuable in tree least and to my surprise after a fow weeks they be. 1 gam to bleed. I did. not I know what to do as they caused me great pain. I began to think that an operation was the only euro for them, T heard of Cuticura Soap and °int. went and decided to try them. I sent for a sample and after using them a few times I found out to my great relief they gave me loss pain and later on the bleeding began to cease. I got some more and continued with the *Outiciva Ointment and Soap. I began to get better sleep at bight and aftef six weeks' careful treatment I find that I am entirely cured." (Signed) A. Bennetts Mar. 25, 1912, if you wish a skin clear of pimples, blade, heads and .other annoying eruptions, hands soft and white, hair live and glossy, and scalp p free from dandruff and itching, begin to -day the regular use of Cuticura Soap for the toilet, bath and shampoo, assisted by en occasional light application of Cuticura Ointment, Soldthroughout the world. Lib. eral sample of each mailed free, with 52-p. Skin Book. Address post card Potter Drug & Chem. Corp„ Dept. 41D. Boston, U. S. d. FARMS FOR SALE.. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto, !I COD STOOK FARM OF 500 ACRES , Vf with Three Houses; large Bank Barn. Must be sold quick. Price is very low. SEVERAL DESIRABLE FARMS IN Manitoba, Alberta and, Saskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the money for Quick sale. IHAVE OVER ONE -HUNDRED GSM farms in different sections of Ontario on my list. If you want a farm consult me. 14. W. DAWSON, Toronto. ONE HUNDRED ACRES, MIDDLESEX County; soil clay loam; frame. house; frame barn; close to railway 'sta- tion. , Apply to erman Wilson, Cold- stream, Ont., or Western Real Estate Ex- change, London, Ont. STAMPS AND COINS. TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED DIF. IJ ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue. Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. leer V ANTED — LIVE WILD ANIMALS, V V V all kinds. Pearson, Poultryman,. Guelph, Ont: ARGAIN — REGULAR' 25c, SHEET B Musk at wholesale. Sample•copy 5o. Specialties Agency, Box 1836, Winnipeg. OTS AND GIRLS—SEND TEN CENTS for twenty-five pretty post cards. Beerworth, Stanstead, Que. CANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.. internal and external, cured with, out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. GALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Remedy. "Sanol." price $1.50. Another new remedy for 'Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure sure. is "Sanol's Anti -Diabetes." Price $2.00 from druggists or direct. The Sanol Manufac- turing Company of Canada, Limited. Winnipeg. Man: CHENILLE CURTAINS and all kinds of house hangiags. alio iLACE CURTAINS DYED IKE Arno GLEAN.ES LNEW Write to us about yours, Gold Medalist. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO., Box233,Mentreal No Difference. If we could have our lives to live over again,. we might avoid the mistakes we made before ; but we should make as many other ones. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. No indeed. Oletimer—"And how do you like married life ?" Newlywed (sighing)-"Well--er— it's no political job !" PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any ease of Itch- ing, BIind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles to 1 to 14 clays. 50o. He—"If I should kiss you •what would happen I" She—"I 'should call father." He—"Then I won't do it." She—"But father's abroad." Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. Defies Economy. "What is the meaning of eco- nomy." "Economy, my ion, is going without something you do want in case some day you should want something which you probably won't avant." SENT SIXTY MILES FOR GIN PILLS. Mr. Sid. Castleman of .,arder Lake, 'Ont. needed Gin Pills badly. Re says: 'X had been suffering some time with my Kidneys and U'r'ine. The pain Was something awful, and no rest at night. I heard of your Gin Pills and sent zni'. chum do miles to get them, and in les. than six hours I felt relief. In two days the pain had left rile entirely-- and to -day 1 feel as well as ever". see. 11 box, six fors ,s,so. Sample free If you write National Drug and Cheniioiil Co„ of Canada Limited, rorouto. 134