HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-2-6, Page 7•
Cramming down 111 -chosen
food, and ,rushing ba4 to
work, .leads straight to dya-
pepsis„ with all it means in
Proper habits of eating;
with a Na-Drtt-Co Dys-
pepsia Tablet after each
meal, restore good .diges-'
tion, health and happiness..
A toe of Na-Dru-Co Dye.
pepsia Tablets. costs but
500. at your Druggist's.
National Drug and Chem-
ical Co, of Canada, Limited,
e at the hoot of »Isease and
Gives Now 11001011..
If you look in your ditatiouary you
will, find the word "tonic" defined
its "a medicine that increases the
strength and vigor .4)f Cho sytstem,"
Than tells w`hy Dr. Williams;rink
Pills `.are a real tonic. Thousands
o£ men and women are ailing' to-
day, not sick in bed, but without
litrongtii and ambition, utterly
tired out after a day's work.No.
one organ seems to be at fault, yet
the whole eYstem is lacing in health.'
They do not sleep well and are al-
ways •tired and nervous, many have
headaches, backaches and stomach
trouble. A11 these people need the
tonic help of Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills. The beneficial influence of
this medicine reaches the whole
system. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
do more than relieve the symptoms,
they actually remove the cause of
the trouble. The case of Mrs. J, H,
Sharpe, London, Ont., is one in
proof of the above statements, Mrs.
Sharpe says :—"I was so ran down
and: weak that life was a burden.
Theleast exertion Would exhaust
me so greatly that I could hardly
breather :' If going. up ; stairs, I
would have to rest ,several minutes
when. I reached the top. My heart
would palpitate until I felt as if it
would choke rue. I was extremely
nervous, in fact a oomplete wreck,
and would sometimes have to re
rnain in bed' for a couple of days ar
more at a time. I found no help
from medicine until I began using
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and my
experience with them was that they
made a complete cure. I gained. in
,weight and . my friends tell me I
look younger than I did ten years
ago -I know I certainly feel youn-
ger, I feel sure that what Di. Wil-
t'iams' Pink Pills heve done for me
they will do to other women if given
it fair chance."
If you are at all unwell. do not
tail to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
and you will find new health and
strength. Sold by medicine deal-
ers or by snail at 50 cents a box or
six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
ibsurd Disputes Precipitated War
Between: Nations.
Many times it has happened that
bgreat and costly war has been
rought about by an incident tri-
vial and even ridiculous. Thus the
war of the Spanish Succession is
and to have been caused through a
glass of wartex. A lady, Mrs. Ma-
sham, was carrying a, glass of wa-
ter, when .shewas obstructed by the
Marquess de Torey. A slight scuf-
fle ensued between the English and
French courts, with the ultimate're-
sult that a war was declared. The
campaign cost France many severe
battles -viz., Blenheim, 1704; Ram-
illies, 1707; Oudenerde,. 1708, ,and
Malplaquet, 1709.
Quite as absurd in its origin was
the war that took place during the
Conmaanwealth of Modena. A sol-
dier stole a bucket from. a public
well belonging to the State of Bol-
ogna. Although the value of, the.
'article did not exceed a shilling,
its anneaation • was the signal for a
fierce and prolonged war. Henry,
the King of Sardinia, assisted the
Modenese to :retain the bucket, and
in one of the subsequent battles he
was anode a prisoner. The bucket
1s still exhibited in the tower oft the
Cathedral of Modena.
Athird instance of a war result-
ing from a trifling cause was that
between Louis VII.,, of France, and
Henry 11. of England, The Aroh-
bishop of Boueri decreed that no
one should wear long hair upon
their heads or chins. Louis sub-
mitted to the decree, whereupon
his : wife, Eleanor, railed him upon
his appearance: A. qua•ir'el,,ensued,
which resulted in the dissolution of
the marriage and Eleanor's mar-
riage with Henry.' By this mar;
raage• the broad domains of Nor-.
manly, forniorly belouging to
Lotus, Passed: into the ,possession of
Henry;' Louis, hotly incensed,
made an attack on Normandy, and
henceforth for nearly 300: years
arose libelee :devastating wars which
cps!, France upwards Of 3,000,000
' Baby's Own 'Tablets Tables ar.'e the
ooe safe medicine to make
baby well and keep hila wells
They are .guar. anteed "k y •a,
government analyst to be free`.
faoin all injurious drugs and
are .absolutely safe to :give
even to the Newborn babe.
Concerning them' Mrs. Oscar
Bedard, Manseau, Que,,
writes --":t" have used Baby's
Own Tablets. , and have to
thank them' that my.little one
is living today, ;:1 know of
nothing to £squai them as a,'.
ehildren's medic ne " The
Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25' cents
' a box: from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville,
The mystery of the Crown jewel:;;,
which disappeared from Dublin
Castle a feiv. °years ago, has neve
been cleared up, There are many
people who have decided views on
the subject, and prominent among
theist is Mr. Lewreuce Ginnell, the
Nationalist member for Westmeath
in the British Parliament,
M'. Ginnell main-
tains that he 'pose-
yeses sufficient in-
formation to dis-
solve the mystery
once and for all.
On several ocoa
,lions he has. nlacle
i,.alient attempts to
71tinduce the House of
y; Commons to hear
Gt'Yif jt his .views on the
subject.. Solemnly
he arises, and
members g u e s s
*-^ what is coining.
Mr. Lawrence' Mr, Ginnell 4n
Ginnell, ill.P. forms the House
that he is in . a position to make
shocking :revelations, and just as' 1}e
is getting into his stride it is dis;
ooverecl that most of the members
have disappeared and the House is
counted out, 'Tis very ;strange, and
,curious-znindeci: people outside the
House would like to see Mi'. Gine
nell given 'a .free hand to probe the
mystery.` The member for West-
meath declares that the jewels •could
be recovered at any time, and a
great scandal is being hushed up to
save persons in high places. In
fact, Mr. Ginnell recently called on
the Irish. ,Secretary "to lay them on
the table of the House." A roar
went lip at the possible prospect of
English, Irish, Scotch 'and Welsh,
to say nothiiag of other nationali-:
ties, scrambling for the precious
In private life there is no sug-
gestion of the sleuth -hound about
Mr. Ginnell. ` He wears a beard
and a. well -fitting frock coat.
Though he is self-educated, he is a
member of both the Irish and Eng-
lish Bar, and helped to found the
Irish Literary Society in London.
He has written en "Land and Lib
erty," an'd'may one daywrite on
what appeals to him as the greatest.
of all mysteries,': under .soiree such
title as "Oeh, the Jewels."
Chest Colds Bronchitis-
Can't Be Cured
By Cough ugh Sru s
Y p
The 'direct -breathing cure, "Catarrho-
zone," which Instantly reaches all
affected parts Is best Remedy.
Just note the following chart -it :clear-
ly, shows how the vapor of Catarrhozone
when inhaled'` covers all the breathing or-
gans in the nose, 'throat and lungs -that
is why Catarrhoiione always cures -it gets
where the trouble really ie.
"I can speak of the wonders Catarrho-
zoale did for nie," writes J. P. Fernandez,
ani important figure in mercantile life in
Georgetown. 1'1 had all the distressing
symptoms of catarrh -head was stuffed up
-had a inofuse discharge ''from the nose
I hawked and gagged and. had a weak
throat. My ears buzzed and I had eon-
Stant pain over the eyes.. Catarrhozone
olearc°sl•my head, etrenrtheied my throat,
took away that rank •breath and soreness
in the no'se."
If you -have; any form of catarrh or
throat trouble, out out all experiments-
use Catarrhozone•--it's reputation, is world-
wide. A complete outfit with sufficient
medication to last two 'Months and an.
indistructible hard' rubber inhaler costs
$1.00; smaller 'sizeswith glass inhaler,
25c. and 50o, ' All druggists and store-
keepers, or, post paid from the"Clatera'ho-
zone Co., Buffalo, N, Y., and Kingston,
Scot'ch Sun ' Dial.
Record is contained in the Bible
of a sun -dial 'set-up in. 771 B. C. by
Ahaz to commemorate the miracu-
lous healing of b.is. son IIezekiah. A
very .ancient one was recently 'ells-.
covered lying in the grounds' of the
ruined castle of Finlarig, Killi'i,
Perthshire, Scotland, `the ancient
seat el the Brea>aclalbanes. Unlike
most dials, it has twelve planes for
recording the hours and two circu-
lar, planes for use in ;summer and
wiutel' respectively; For many cen-
turies the occupants of the castle
deciphered its many angles as it
stood reared on a tall pedestal, re-
flected in the waters: of a fountain,
The'interval of nearly 2,000 years
between this dial and that 'set up
by. Ahaz shows for how long the
dial, held its own as an object of
„Most of us know when ito s
after.; it's too httte.
Dodd's Kidney lnlis cured her after
flee year's sltffering-Felt a bene-
fit after first box.
Toronto,Ont,; Feb. 3 (Special).•---
Mrs. Alberta 'Goflin, 'a nurse, liv-
ing at 40 -Wright Ave,, this city, has
been interviewed ie regard to her
reported eure••;.of nervous orKid-
;ney Trouble by Dodd's Kidney. Pills.
bhe etatee that the report is true in
"eryMyparticsickness," Mrs. Coffin,says,
"was causedfrom a nervous break-
down and what the doptoas called
incurable. Bright's 'Disease brought
on by 'cold and long weeks of nuns;
Jag, I suffered for five years,
"I was treated bythree doctors
and w>as',a patient in two hospitals,
but gradually got weaker. Reading
the experiences of other sufferers
like myself load me to try Dodd's
Kidney Pills. At that time I was
so weak and nervous I could not
hold a clap of . tea without spilling.
some of its contents.
"I felt a benefit after taking the
first box of Dead's' Kidney Pills,
and eight or nine boxes cured ane so
completely I can n'ow walk a mile,
without fatigue." .
If you haven't used Dodd's 'Kid-
ney Pills yourself allxiost any -of
youi neighbors will toll you they.
always euro Kidney Disease in any
Hood's Bit of Fun.
An English beer -.vender wrote
over his shop door :
"Bear sold here."
Tom Hood, who saw it, said it was
spelled right.
"The fluid the man •sells," Hood.
explained, "is his own bruin:.
The Nova Scotia "Lumber I{ingg"' says:.
"I consider MIiNARD'S LINIMENT the
BEST 'liniment. in use.
I got my foot badly jammed lately, I
bathed it well with MIy`ARD'S LINI-
M]5 T and 1t was as well% as ever next
y Yours very truly,.
A Really Smart Man.
"He always says the right thing
at the right time, doesn't he?"
"More. than that. He 'always
keeps still at the right time."
Minard's Liniment Cures: •Distemper.'
"The Whifferbys put on a„,great
deal of style, considering the- fact
that they hardly know where they
will getto-morrow's dinner.”
"Some method in their madness,
though.. The more style they. put
on the more apt they are to be in-
vited out to .dinner.
Your druggist will refund money if PAZO
OINTMENT fails to cure ,any case of Itch-
ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in
6 to 14 days. 50c. '-
Diddling the":: Doctor.
An Irishman was serving in aere=
giment in India. Not liking time
climate Pat tried to evolve a..trick
by which he could get home. A,c
corclingly he went to the doctor and
told him his eyesight was bad. The
doctor looped at him for .a while
dud: then said :-"How : can you
prove to me that your eyesight is
bad?" Pat looked about the room
and at last said "Well, doctor, do
yott see: that nail on the wall?"
"Yes," ,replied': the doctor. "Well'
then," replied Pat, "I can't."
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Proudand pompous, the doctor
was strolling down the street, when
he was spoken to by a -poor woman.
``Good -morning, sir," reanarked
the latter. "Good -morning, ma-
dam," replied the medico. "I ex -
pest you are. malting a good thing
out of attending to that rich Smith
boy?" suggested the lady. "Oh,
yes, a fairly good fee," replied the
doctor, somewhlit angrily. "Well,"
.whispered the lady, "I hope you
won't forget that it was my Willie
who threw the brick that hit him."
ISSUE 6—'13,
Do You Wish to Im-
prove Your Complexion,
Hands or Hair?
If you wish a skin clear
of pimples, blackheads 0,nd
other annoying eruptions,
bands soft and white, hair
live and glossy, : and scalp
free from dandr iff and itch-
ing, begin today the regular
use of.Cuticura Soap for the
toilet, bath and shampoo,
assisted by an occasional
light application of Cuticura
Ointment. No other method
is so agreeable, so often
effective and so economical
in treating poor complex-
ions, red, rough hands, and
dry, thin and fallinghair.
Cuticura and Oint-
i -
ment havebeen sold through-
out the world for more than
a generation,' but to those
wishing to try them with-
out cost, a liberal 'sample
of each will be sent free
with 32-p. book on the care
and treatment of the skin
and hair. Address `Cuticura,'
Dept. 25D, Boston, U. S. A-
A Itoy<al M. D. •
The only royal doctor of' -medicine
is ex -Queen Marie Amelia of Por-
tugal. Not only is ;she devoted,to
the healing art, which she studies
with such ,success; but she isper-
sistently successful as an. exponent
of hygienic dressing. Tight lacing
is to her an litter abomination.
Though an exile, she spends some-
thing like three-fourths of her large
annual income yet upon the poor
of Portugal. Her charities include
experimental stations for the pro-
duction of the;serum of •cliphthezia,
a dread disease much prevalent.
Portugal; ,a model sanitary bakery
for Lisbon slums dwellers; and a
hospital and free ' dispensary for
strickenwonien, .Florence Nightin
gale was a great friend of Queen
Marie, and her Majesty often con-
ferred with "the Heroine of the
Grimea" concerning her hospital
work, .and derived much aid: from
bbs praotioal counsel thus obtained..
Explaining "Horse -power.'.
The. average man is apt to speak
very glibly of so many hundred or
thousand horse=power, but it is ex-
tremely doubtful whether one; per-
son in a hundred hes a, due appre-
ciation of what the phrase really
means, ;Calculating the strength of
twelve met' to be equal to one
borne -power, it would require 840,-
090°1'16n to
40,-090°men:to produce as much energy
as the 70,000 horse -power developed
by the turbine machinery of a big
Atlantic steamer. Then;. if the men.
were to work on the eight -hour -day
system, those figures would give a
total of ' 2,520,000, that being the
number: of men whose strength
would be necessary to drive the ves-
sel across the Atlantic Ocean.
You can't be disappointed with Putnam's
Corn Extractor; it is not only
the oldest Corn Doctor, but as
thousands knew, it is the best.
Putnam's Extractor is not a
greasy'= salve that runs all
over the foot and inflames it, -
no, Putnam's is made to go
right at corns -to root
them out for all time to
come. Youuau remove your
corn quickly with a 25o. 'bottle, sold and
recommended by druggists.
"What's your idea of 'Prosper-
ity ?" "Alwa ys a little more than
1 have." y
Minard's Liniment Cures Cargot In Cows,
Some people are co full of fight.
that even their own statements eon -
A perspicacious young man,: pass-:
'ing where an old colored man was
busy setting fire .o the deadgrass
in a meadow; accosted him thus:
"Don't do that, Uncle Eb; don't do
thatl" "Why so, .rah, why so?"
"You will snake that meadow as
black as you are." "Never mind
dat, sah, ',never mind dab! Dat
grass will all grow out an' be as
green as you is !"
13.1.16y: o.e Cold Cream
A toilet delight, with the exquisite
fragrance of fresh roses, Makes
.chapped hands smooth and sett and.
veep them so, Preserves the most
delioatccthriplexton against ettposure
to the severest weather. Try it
you'll certainly appreciate It.
In 25o. opal jars, at your druggist's:.
NATIONAL b`ItOG AND Cptltilti6AL 05,
or CANMSA, eesireeb. 184
Altlktl'1NIAN WEI/111N a LONG.
"Happy Man" a Paradox Through
Taxing Celebration,
Axt Arreenian wedding is not
readily _ forgotten. it lasts for sev-
eral days, and starts witha gen-
eral meeting of friends 'and rela-
tives, who are entertained by a
band of minstrels and dancers un -
ill the arrival of the groom. In the
midst of the uproar, it is Armenian
etiquette that the `Happy" man
shall totter in with faltering—foot
bteps and blanched face (it has just
been whitened with a little pow-
der) in order to go through the or-
deal of preparation. '
He is first publicly shaved, and
then adorned with the various gifts
sent by the bride -elect. His bro-
thers next fall upon him, and with
such;;vigor that he speedily stands
forth as Nature made him, Then
they completely reelothe him in new
garments as best they can—a diffi-
cult job, when one remembers that
custom forces them to holcl candies
in their right hands throughout the
The evening terminates with bon-
fires, more music, and much dane-
ing.. Upon the following evening
the bride puts in her first appear- 000 sTOCx{ : EA1UI or 600 Aro
ance;by tiding to church --the bride- Vr with. mitres pauses: large Ban>r' a,rrl
Mut g
e sol
Gala- ?rice is :Tor/low,
groom walks.' .The priest meets- n
them at the porch, and reads them Evanea " DESIRABLE FARMS IA1
a very seasonable little homily u.„ 17 Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan
p- that can, bo 'bought. Worth the money for
on the obligations they are about quick sale.
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
to undertake.. They next march in
procession to the •altar, where their 1 fauns in different sections of Ontario
foreheads aze.bound together with on my list.» If you want a farm coneult
gold chains.
Even, then, however, - another
three' days must elapse before the
expectant groom is allowed to take
possession. Theyare a .long-suffer-
ing race, the Armenians.
Zain-Buk Was Then Tried and
Worked a Cure.
Writing from Poplar,. B.O., Mrs.
0. Hanson, wife: of 'the proprietor
of the Commercial Hotel, says "I
suffered for years with bleeding
piles. The pain was so bad at times
that I could hardly walk, and or-
dinary remedies seemed utterly tad
able to give me a
any ease. Finally
I deckled to undergo an operation,
and went to the Sacred Heart Hos-
pital in Spokane. There they per-
formed an operation and did all they
could for me. For a time I was
certainly better, but within 12
months the trouble started again.
and the piles became as 'painful as
ever.. 1 tried liniments, hot poul-
tices, various `pile cures,' and in
deed ,everything I could think would
be likely to do any good, but still
I continued to suffer, and the shoot-
ing, burning, stinging pains, - the
dull, . aching and wretched `worn-
out' feeling that the disease causes
continued as bad as ever.
"One day I read .about Zam-Bilk`
and thought I would try it. The:
first one or two boxes gave me more
ease than anything else I had tried,.
so I went on with the treatment.
In a short time I began to feel al-
together different and better, and 1
saw: that 'Zane -Bilk was going to
cure me. Wel), I went on using it,
and iby the time 'I had used six
boxes I was ,delighted to -find my-
self entirely cured. That was three
years ago, and from thea to, the
present time there has been'no re-
turn of.thertrouble.':
Druggists and -stores everywhere,
500. box, ar Zam-I3uk Co., Toronto,
for price.
Lads's-I don't like this picture so
well as I did the last one you took
of me. :Photographer -=Ah, madam,
I have not the artistic taste that I
had when 1 was .young; and, be-
sides, my camera is getting old.
When n Your Eyes Need Care
7 rp Marine Eye Remedy. No Smarting•—Yed'ls
Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak,
Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus-
trated Book in each Package. Marine' is
compounded by our -Oculists-tot •a "Patent Med-
icine"- but used in snecesstul Physicians' Prac-
tice or many ears. Nowdedicated 0 ePub-
and sold by Druggists at 262 and 50c nor Bottle.
H. W. DAWSON, Toronto.
County;. soil gravelly loam, frame
house; frame bank barn; other outbuild-
::close to railway station and market.
Apply Geo., More, Thamesford; or Western
Real Estate,' Exchange, London.
1+7 ferent • Foreign Stamps; Catalogue.
Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp
Company, Toronto.
all kinds. Pearson, Poultrym%n.
Guelph, Ont.
Music at, wholesale: Sample copy 5a:
Specialties Agency, Box 1836, Winnipeg. , y
internal and external; cured . with-
out pain by .our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical
Co., Limited, Collingwood. Ont.'
VI- der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel,
Lumbago and'' kindred ailments positively
cured with, the new German Remedy,
"'Sanol," price 01.50. Another'new .remedy
for Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure cure.: is
"Senors Anti -Diabetes." Price 02.00. front
druggists or. direct. The Sanol Manufac-
turing' Company of Canada, -Limited,
Winnipef, Man. • .
and (leaning. Thts is c suleialty'lith the
British American Dyeing Co`
Send particulars by post and. we aro sure to satisfy.
Gold Medalist. Address Box 233, Menteeal'
When buying your Piano
insist or haven? aid.
Piano Actions
B0LS :New and Second-
hand, for' heating
and power purposes. TANKS AND
SMOKE STACKS. Agents for Starts.
vant veniipp-:ming and Heating Systems.
Engines and Shtpbuitdors
/q L To Color a It row.
�i�i;a� i"� And }'tyke It Grow.
Nothing quite so nice as
a beautiful head of hair.
Let us send you absolutely
free one treatment of
Luxurine, if it is only 40
prove -to you .that it odore
grey haft and makeait-
grow, stops itching, remo-
ves dandruff and makes the
hair of man or woman or
child heavy and beautifully
glossy, You have only to send us your address,
with 10o. enclosed tot mailing and packing, and we
will send you anywhere our treatment, at our mom,
expense Write to -day. Address DR. PROSSE, •-
Dept 2 20'.3 Commissioner Street, Montreal.
Mrs. �7extdoor—"I suppose your
dat gbtrr is happily married ?" Mrs.
ti f x t th Nagsb3 --"Indeed sloe is. Why, hsr
Murine eese Saivo In Asoptia Tubes, -tic and 60G husband is actually afraid to open
idl'Iurnie dye , 96i10ki�' Co,, hioa 0. his -mouth in her presence.''
What They:Say.
Elderly Suitor—"But a man is as
young as he .feels, you know."
Girl—"Er--yes--after he gets
Attractive rates will" be ciliated via,
variable routes, affording • the finest seen.
ery, The Los Angeles Limited, leaving.
Chicago daily 10:16 p an. for Southern Dali,
-fornia,: the San 1iraneisco Overland' Lim-
ited, leaving Chicago 8;30 p.m., less than
three days en. route, provide the belt of
everything in railway travel. The China
and Japan Mail leaves Chicago daily at
•10':45 17.m. for San Franclseo and Lqs An -
exiles. Illustrated literature on applica
tion to 13. 11. Bennett, C4. A., Chicago anti
North. Western Ry., .46 Yango,St., Toronto.
. Bitter Bits.
The world is always eager ger to give
a men a beost when he gets near
the top,
Paw things .'ire perfect. Even the
longest wary around has its slxort-
Many a man who is afraid to
teke a, chance loses his money on a'°
sure thing.
Tu one pls.ec,whet'e deb. always
wines before pleesure is in the die -
tie` eery,
It'e'ra poor mile that Won't work.
both ways, but drinking to a tean's
betel.th lora 'going to improve Vous
Take LAXATIVE •BROMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists • refund money, if 11, 2aile to our*.
E. W. AROVE''3 signature is on each box..
How would you • like to be Dom- -
pelled to love yourself as you do
your neighbor,?
MIttaihd's liniment Cures Colds, Etc,
Intelligent First Born -"Have
you . ever noticed, dada, how often
nianuna:usee the, expression 'And so -
on r And so en! And so on?' Fa-
ther --"Yes, . lny dear ; • but I am
sorry to say ;that it does not apply
to my .tenser buttons."
servals free if you write National tiroi
^:�ltrlotil 00. ,, of Canada, Lin'titeil,
` oronto.