HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-2-6, Page 10 i SILTHSCi2IPTION (tale tri Cal in ,and have „sNiperip'tdoin t4 .be Advocate %e - ed. We nigra to glee you all the Decal news in colnal e..a,nd interesting form, a:td we believe we live up 'WI the claim. nap along the good work, ]i TV9l�NTY-SI TB Y tAR EXETER, CARLING'S PHONE 18 PUBLI SALE AT EXETE W. J. Carling .Retires from- business end mus# vacate the buiId- ing $10,00 OF GOODS And will be sold at less than cost Sale to .com- mence at once for` THIRTY DAYS Produce taken at the sale at. Cash Prices ONTARIO, I U SDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1913. 0,k.'tlls%3IN0 RATE the sea• On or the yew when', re renewing your z 8W8PaPer sub-• SOripteen8. The Akivecatedubs with all the City Week Y writ !feel, Pemex,' and the Megeeui+nea term that are a big lenduaereent Gan wild get mfr rates S'AdIl'A S.r"P- RECOUNT SHQWS. CLINTON DEFEATED LOCAL ,O,P,TION• BY 28% VOTES: Judge Net Oertal ire are to His • Right to Invedtig'ate grid Adjourns :To February .17th. Clinton;,, Feb. ',3l -The adjourned sit- ting of the scrutiny beintg conducted; by Judge 13a1't of Goddr.1oh, was held in the Council chamber to -day. At the sliest session tat the eaurt about 30 ballots: were, reserved 'for argument, one having ,ben marked with ink, three had nodi „the deputy returning °tether's initials, one, had two orjoeses and, one had a double erosive The judge held that . he bald atuthoirity .icor' allowing all of these, which he did. There were also 15 blank ballets and the judge held that these ehotuld trot be counted ,in. the returns. In three wards it was 'shown, that them were no cleaages to the resuitsl as reported by the deputies, the.badlate bnreserve, having all been allowed as good balliots. St, John's „ward, where. ,the deputy had reported ,84 ;or the by-law a'nd 5,1 againnst, also five blank 'ballots, the scrutiny shows that Only :69 ballots are nowr •ln, the box marked for then her- bs-ye, ybsw, while 'there are 64 agaittist, f_ve blank ballots .and three marked both w+ayq, 180 that If this, tecrutiny ie not appealed again for taken to a higher court, the ,vote* will 'stand 316 for the by-law a,nd ;227 ,atgainse and, the by'• law will fall short of the regltireki tlt!reeetliftha. W. Prtrudfao•t, Ki C., for the option - hats, said he wished to, call evidence to show that ballots in St. John's ward had beer tampered with since the elec- tion. that (the depu/ty ,returhIng officer made his report tel the town clerk, and, afterwards the ba llotel were placed in the pall ,box and lacked, with a vekey inferior lock in, a, cell at the rear. rof the hall, end as this building was not looked either from the front or the back it would be easy for "any un-' scrupulous person rte, tamper with them. He argued that the Judge should ale low him to prudulce, evidence to show that sone? of the papers which were now In the .box were not the balltots that. were there . w,henl the deputy nude his returns:. lie also wished to submit to the court affidia1vite sworn to by the deputy, poet clerk and scrutineer, cer- tifying that the otdg, el returns were correct a:ndthla+t the rebugnis as mew shown were net, according to the will of the people In that ward. ;Charles Gamow of ' (Inde; ich, acting for the hotelkeepers, •sitated that there was not the slightest ground teor ;the objections of, Mr: Praudfoot, and on. behalf of the hotelkeepers repudiatedatb. so'lntely that there had ;been any ate tempt to tatnper ,winjhi the ballots and quoted authority to' shorwl that the evi- dence was not pellniiwisible The judge said that nothing. should be donefa slmothe;r:"the matter up and if it could he shaven him that he had the right to takie the evidence, he would do so. He said thea•, he did not want to think that anyone could be guilty of s� eserIo'us a crthiia; tatvod' 1g ae f t Might burglary, steo.linee and forgery. It is a remiarkable occurrence and dif- ficult to ;account for, said the judge, it aright ;me raatielelslan!ess an the part of the deputy reteirning officer, =else some evil ,diispolsed person had tamper- ed with the iballo,te and if the latter est the case, he hoped the guilty party or . parties wauld be .punished .•severely. rn..the httea,ntime he would adjourn the court until Februatryi 17. SAFE. BLOWERS AT CREDITON, Crediton, Jain.81.- . daring atteanpt was ,nates. at 'two o'Cloelc this merne tug to rob tiel safe Uni the past off'.ice irr here. Burglars, three in: nuwtnber, gains ed an •enttranee meta the buildingg by us- ing a. bag eted stems to etnesh a w'in dow in the frvonit deer) In all, lour charges' were exploded in an effort to gel- at the cortdnts of the safe, Tho first explclsion wakened Manager Wm, Beget toe thie Canadian r Bank of Co.mnleree, who to8q s at the batnk which is the adjoining building.. Look- ing out he sia'w a light lin, the rear of the post of"fere avid fired his revolver, hileee.• ie rowsled )fr. Slexaa, the teller, 9.,E - d Mr. Glenn, the Ledger keeper, the robbers eontinued•busy and put in a. nal charge, the heaviest, of the four, smashing the windows and tearing out the safe door. The bank men, than began firing, and August 'Hill, hetelkleeper, appearing on • the scene with his gun, joined in the firing, - The robbers saw, that the whole .nei„hborbobd was aroused and depart- ed without dating the safe, although it would ba;ve bean a pimple Wetter with the door acro letely destroyed. No clue has been found other than the feet thak the bag they 'used bore the nem?. oaf CxrlLnig Bros., Ex&Usrealnr nniles from here:, Pt ,is su•slpected that the gang is the satme wlilc:i was ,at work at Brussels a few nights before. The ;burglars apparently had a horse and rig in the outsadkte of the vl'ilage Acid drove away. Pastnaster B. Brown and assistant Wueeth were scion an. the scene and en exakninaitien found their papers and a sum of 'money, '$,250, intact. The tools used la breaking open the post office were obtained i8 Iviorl,ock's blacksmith shop here.. In coninectionwith thele case the dep- uty returning officer of St. Johns ward has admitted .tha.t he made a wrong TO. turn Mettle votes, 'cast for e.--ctouncillos Fred Jackson. ?:Che official return,'was 40 and, the scrutineers counted 48. This brings Mr,, Jackson up to -within twin' votes of the lowest ,cdunciiiorelectied. PLUCKY YOUNG IdIAN. The Torontio Newts, Of Monday con- tains in peat the following concerning a son a8 Rev. and Mrs. McAlester of Exeter,- Miraculous wale the escape on tiSatur- day frolm dealth of Hector C. McA,li.sjteir Of Exeter, a siecand-year medical stud- ent , at Torointlo Uttdvertsite , who. acci- dentally swallowed aan enormous quan- tity. of nitric acrid and then tolok enough caaustio potash tot kill: him, as an ante. dote. Ile Is ill, from the 'efCecte, but is getting better,: The means he took [0 save here life; where ;even more deadly than, the pollen, he drank in the 'firs:t tnstteoce, 'Saturday afternoon. he was working at Iain, expeirilmient, : which rem quired his etlphor n$` '.n a. tube a cot - teen ath ulnt t>> nitrile acid, and to do this he d}ew' the poison trite- the tube by sucking at One end olfi the tube. .Something distracted hie attentt:ton with the result. tholethe air got under the sgbnnerged end 0' 'the tuba and sud- denly forced the nettle axed itnto the young student's nvauthand throat, the amoun't taken bang according to ,his own stat oast about 10 cetv`lmetrese Here McAlister exhibited extraord;.n ery presentee of aulltild and nerve. Instead of dropping bo the floor; choking, gasp- ing and burning in the throat, as he Was, he rushed too' the re -agents. First he swallowed ,A quantity of a'rnlmpnla, then a. ,quantity Of potassium hydrate (caustic potash) and thee . somvc teedium chlorate. '1`hle, however, he thought, was holt Enough, do env* his •life, and so he ru•sliied iidta.,a.r other .roan in the laboratory and then swaltteWPA over a pint, lie s.as, of potassium . hydrate, onough to kill a horses: After 'awallowlatlg the re -agents be went In search at an a eeitio but rt doctor happ'eiteEd Wong and applied the stomatic "pum1e. While suffering 1:1'o1n shock and bnrris he la progree aingl frac' tenably, a COUNTY COUNCIL DOING'S, •Mr. Henry w i,11 opt Daghweod re- ceked the cot'1,talatet „train the Gbunty Council for the ,eaektion, of a cement bridge ' at the Eleven Mile Ceerak on thL Lake Road west, of Dash - weed, for the s'ulne of $887. The matter of the formatio of ant• ether scholal Mapeetointe by e,. union of parts of Bruce and Hur,7nr w80. brcught up and turned down, owing to the diifiautlty oP gstt{tg a sat"rsfatree tory arrangenenek,: In the meantime the travelling expense allowance of the present inspectors was tncreesoti little in arotnsideration let the Weller 'ler of living; This, w:al. probably nnert that th,s Education Detpartrreent wilt arrange torr the other ih,sptectirrete is the Work bast become oro heavy; for tun lnspedtore. It was decadled, ttoi increase the acconl- nv:elatio'n for fenttelle. prisoners att the jttl' by, building atn, a4d'ei cn, the un- der parr et which will be used for the stcri,ng of coal tend the upper part for prisoners' roto tris i This ve:11 settle g matter that liras beds before the ouncit for several ,emits. An. addition is also to be built ko the blain Lett the Houls'e of Refuge, t, e11ew for the stbrintg of more hay sed e roam fir keeping implements over the winner. The following were appointed auditors Peter Cantelolrt of Clintran and Alex. `,tcEwen at Bituevalel ,tier. Welidenhantmer cid Exeter was again appointed an ,exaan'tter for the n3unty The Publicity campaign wets dfis'cueeed et sons length and the writ.eeurp • o3 the committee gone ilntt'o and vfsedand ewe ected by reprelsanttiativeefi of • this various m'unicJpal:ib:es, preparatory to ice' being printted for dittribution• The Standing Committees of Huron County Council fen 1918 are, Esecutive-Jo he Leckie, Willlaan Glenn, W. J. Beaman, W. D. Sanders', J. N. Cantip'be11. • Special, -J. T. Winter„ 3. W. Ortwei'n C. Stewart, 7.. lafulwey, 3. Brown. Fi•neutce.-J. M. Govenlook, D.Cantel_on J. W. MoKi'bbOn, John Lave, J. ' A. Stewart Education. -Dr. Miene, Dr. W. F. Clark. Gee. 1,indhay, S. Bissett, J( 'reaper. Road and Bridge/-W1m. Bailie, R. W. Livi,ngsteelle, Q, Retie, L. Kalbf lenschh, J. .McClure,. county Property -B. C. Muauings, W. Bunter, J. :Shortreed, S.' Itoutly, Hrarding. Eq uaii.zatioret-Whole Clewed'. Warren. --7. Shorltreed, ti'4 n>, Gleat,n, B G do.nn:ing's, J. 110. Goeenlock, Dr.Miine u ee of Refuge. -W. J. lIeam e n, T. };jour J. Leiper, W, D. Sanders PUBLIC. WORVS 'FOR WESTERN otllrARJO. LicEN,SE REDUCTION REFUSED IN STEPHEN. A :pedal meeting el! the Coencei ,of the Township of ,Stephen, convened at the Town Beale, Crediton, :on Feb. 8rd; at the Gall of the Reeve, for the pur- ppee of receiving a Iikeln,ae Reduction deputatao,•t,. Rev. Blaitchford outlined the request of the deputation, htantalY, That the 'Council pees a:, By-law, that oa and. 'after the 'first day of May, ''A. D. 1913, 'being the beginning of the next ensuing license year, the number or. Tavern •liti^•enat..e to be issued .n the Tnwttahip o'f Sephen shall be limited to the iitu li:sr oQ, ,ojne, Nand than:such bye taw shell apply to any future license year, or until such by-law ie altered or repealed: Ellioitti•-Kellektmehtlt,-That the request of the d,ep'utlation! be not gratnJCed, and that this council doe adjourn to ;neer again the first idonldtey in. :Mtarch. Carried unaniimoueiY• •Ii:. Eiiber, Clerk, WHO IS RRESPONSIBLE ? Dear Mr. Editor, On Mondjay last a large deputation of temperance iilerq °from various parts 01 the Township 01 Stephen waited on the council and urged the duty of lic- ease reduction td the lianit fared by the law, viz, one, . It was pointed out that despite. corrupt practiced on the part of friends of the liquor ltntereets'--includ- ing the influencing el young urian by money bribed --•am the 6th of January, e. :majority of 183 Wats polled in favor of cutting off every ante of the four licensee new granted. en the tolwnship f that in three oautof the •four polling subdivis`bn's Ora wAlch' theefour licensed bars are situate, a annajority at votes exceeding the • three-fifths requ re- ment had been, cast in favor of aom- plets1y wiping the liquor traffic out at our municipality, alnd,.that therefore, the tide of temperance s'enitiment wee sufficiently strong tot warrant thecount- c11 taking :innmed:ate action to curtail the iniquitous bue'.nless to the full ex- tent of their p .wer? yet after deliberi"at- ting .for about ,an hour and a half the council adjourned Withiout taking actrtom The liquor traffic tis dalntag'ng both to the nwatlarilatl alai. nigral i=nterests of every community where it exists'. Wlio. then. I •ask, will be responsible for the injury done by the open, bars that night have been. closed atter the first oe May If the coulncil, had acceded to the requesl of the tenperaince deputation„,? It is true et councils ars of individuals that some dire in o'bscuri'ty and are not gratefully • remembered, because great opportunlfies never came their. way , but the 'Stephen council of 1913 will, it seems to me, be reneeMbered- how I need net, .say --by the fact .thatl a great opportunityof moral • uplift was placed before them and they failed to esthnata the, gravity at the sSit uaklton and measure up to the responisibility laid upon them, by parliament and by the !electors of the township. Surely Members of the council cannot .be exonerated by., the statement that preye1e!ctiotn pliedgee tie their handset elnperanoe men should never prostrate thennselvee at the Ceht of the llqudf Idol. „Yours sincerely, T; 'W..BLATCI-XFORD. Ottawa, Feb. 3.t-Alrttoinlmlg the approprie atiotts for public buildngs .in Western Ontario in the mein, esl,-'mates brought down in the Renee tin -day, are, - Acton $25,600 Aylmer 25,000 Chesiey. Coliingwood Dundas Elmira Hanover Heepeler Kingsville London ..e Mitchell Norwich Seaforth Tilbury Tilesonburg Watford Wiarton Bayfield,, repla11s to pietrs 2,000 Goderich, harbor improvement 200,000 Kincardine, peter repairs 1,500' Port Burwell, harbor, 99,000 Port Elgin, breakwe,ter, 2,000 Port Stanley, harbor 132,000 Sarnia, shelter bas7,nr ..50,000 The united Sttaltds! Seniato has voted in ;favor of .a single .term; clofn$'.,etl:+ng of sex yeatlsi, for, titre presidents, ea fut- ure! 'Beta ria it beleeknest Cavy' It tenet be t' tttled by the House of Representa- tives and by .the several States Of the unton. A' .;rad aocldent betel. the little dau, ghtcr' of Mr. and Mie W. 'klogen:s. oi' Listowel. The little girl, who is only tor yearn did, rtan 'against a pair of sol sera, the sharp point of which ran into her eye: The, child was taken, bo' the qtr8tsotd adalpttAl. y'eetterdey. where an operltkioin was perfornned It was a moist patnftul aectdelAt, and int kis feared !the ohll'd'is stglit .'w'tl be in, 21,000 15,000 30,000 5,000 15,000 25,000 15,000 150,000 8,000 15,000 7,000 20,000 4,000 15,000 20,000 The Reduction Season isnowonat. W. W. TAMAN'S Men's Furnishing Store LOCAL OPTION STANDS ATf FOREST After going thoroughly over the bal- lots in connection with the recent local option',vrote alt Forest, Judge Mac - Watt announced that; local. ,option was carried „there by a majority of four. The figures tehew that there were 256 ballots for and. 167 against focal option. BIRTHS Smith -In McGillivray, on Feb: 5, to Mr. and Mrs. John, Stlnith, a daughter Wackerow,-In Exeter, ton Jan 28, to Mr. ,and Mrs. Fratnk Waoherow, a son. Durr-MtGi111vray, Can. 19th, Jan 26 • i Durr,a da u h'ter r J. g dMe o Mr. an t Soldier -In Hibblert, On Jan. 28th, td Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stadler, a eon. MARRIAGES Dower -Koch -In Dieashwobd, on Feb. ,4l by Rey,. Thula, Mn;. John Dew?ek to Bois Matey 'Mode, dlasughtt'er of Mr, and Mr.e. George Koch': Rawsalnf-Westland--in. Wyoming, ton Jain. 2,9th, Mr. W[ul. Rawson, to Mists Frances '.Almeida, daiu,ghtter o11 Mie. Aifred ' e�itlamdf--rail of Wyoming-, Stapletonhgallagher-In St. Patriek'e Church, Dublin, do Jan: 29th, by, Rev. Father • Noonalni, 11er, Williahn Stapiev [0n to otter Francis (39.3.la30.e1',, both, of Hibbert. " DEATHS Ordered Clothing Reduced From, $25 to $20 $23 to $18 $20 to $15 MODougald-in •'ullatta8„ on Jan.• 29th, .Alexander McDoltik2td, aged 87 yrs, Roy --In Fullartohn, on Ten: 28th, Alex. ' ander Roy, ..raged. 77 • years, 8 Menthe and 17. drays.t Wilkiesonft-At Undone Valla, Wdodali, Spa, England, On t .. 14,. 1018, Dorothy Itath10cn Greeltehant, the dealt-; ly loved, daughter.ott Mr, and Mee, W(: I. W ilkt,neoin NC Luiraley, aged 17 years, 5Intlokathd, Ordered Overcoats Reduced From $25 to $18 $20 to $15 Ready-to-wear Overcoats Deduced From $18 to $13. $. 15to ...-12 $12 to $ 8 These big reduction are made to clean up our stock for Spring, because our motto is "New Goods " for Every Season" You will do well to take ad vantage of these reductions. 1 Tailor, and Furnisher •Nateter.