Exeter Advocate, 1913-1-16, Page 7d Pains in Back, Wdc, and Gies ,yuffer+i1 for . Weeka€, Ant Finc}iiy Found t111Itd w QKlicla, Sure t Relief. Queen Quiokly blr neerviena.'" 'o atrmneer prod of the won Ilterf i1 merit of Nerviliee could be )sreduesc•+d than the letter of Miss ticy Mosher, sdho for years has been a well-knovrn resident of Windsor, N. S. "I want to 'add my unsolicited testimony to the efficacy a o your wonderful liniznont,; 'Nerviliee.I consider it the best remedy for a cold, sole throat, wheezing tight- ness in the chest, ate., and can Oatesthat been without laleryour home lla f". care of their .eixlployes. T Liusi- p ci h nese men are learning that well-fed, pev 4zad a dreadful attack of cold, that well -clothed inen and women work- ing 1- it 1?rd e t �; i to 1 vers a,t in in well l h d w g g , quaff+tens and on ,schedules arranged ln' .accordance with 'o'er modern knowledge of •psychology and phyte iol gy, actually turn out more work and better work then under- paid, diseoxltented' help, working under_ nneormfortable and insani- tary.c•QnditionS. At hitt; iJaappllless Li uiDliaatita Ar sats, t well /nen ie worth inure• than a 1 . s sil:lw; xilllii, from tk purely bu€� nes ;saint a,�f view, A eiriitenti., happy aV<rznan til ill 4ti more ane better work than ere() who is discontented and unhappy. Sickness ie a. meter- ial ),iabllity, health a realizable ocatenerciel asset, Thew) are facts realized by life illtsuranoe 'enpau- ies, which have f Bend that they can incr'ea'se their dividends faster by cutting down the death -rate than by increasing sales *.or by reducing �expen'se e, Employers' of large numbers of human ana,chinee are relilixing the eurpiising fact that, as a, cold busi- ness pro'pesitioii, it pays, not in ;sentiment, but in dollars, to take settled on mychest, that fourteen f teen different remedies couldn't break up. I rubbed on Nerviline three times' a day, 'used Nerviline as a restor- ed. wasco m stet to x a adl 1 and gargle, A y ed. I 'have induced` dozens of uVy friends to use Nerviline, and they e,re ell delighted "with.,.its wonder- ful power over peen' and sickness, "You are , at liberty to publish this signed. letter, which I' hope will show the way to health to. many that need to use Isierviline. (Signed) "LUCY MOSHER." All sorts of aches, pains, and eef- ferings—internal and external -- yield to Nerviline. Aeoept no substitute. Large family size bot- tles, 50c. trial size; 25c., at all dealers, or the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Ont. COBRA COMES AS A GUEST. oiiian-' Saves ger Life by Rare Preemies of Mind. An Englishman ' in travelling through Ceylon was the guest of a dockyard offieial of Triueomalie, tiara an exchange. . "The dinner was excellent," he says, "but when it was about halt' t' over I was etartled by hearing the wife of my host tell the native ser- vant to place a bowl of milk on a deerskin near her chair. "Although she spoke as calmly as if • giving an ordinary. .'order, I knew at once there . was a snake lacanevr,here in the room, for they prefer' milk to anything else. As a, hasty movement might have meant certain: death, we all sat like eta- toes; but, for all that my eyes were inspecting every cook and corner with, a peep under the table. How- ever, it was not until the milk ivas the _placed on the deer skin and enake appeared: And then to our. amaeerent alarge cobra uncoiled itself from my hostess's ankle and glidedtoward the bowl, when, of course, it was immediately killed, f`But just Laney the terve' of the wamaxi, though she fainted when tEe thing lay dead on the floor. Howmany could have remained motionless ' under : suoh Mecum - stances 2" le MAY SOLVE LIVING PROBLEM. A Fruit Tree Called the Avocado. Grows in Mexico.' Meat is still going •up in price, but this fact need not worry house,- ives much longer, for a new food produce has been discovered by 'Verne agricultural experts, says •Peareon's Weekly` '• i sis _ is • �.. This ' netiy. product, which ;aimed. will help to solve the quo - ion tion of theincreasiiig east, of living, :.is a fruit tree called. the Avocado, growing in.,M•exico. The fruit of the tree is pear- `ehaped, but the queer part, about it ,is that it is composed of the sub- .'stanee•s which are to be found in meat. It contains about 20 per cent.of fat, .nd many other ingredients of rgreat food value, and itis said that bine "good-sized "meat" pear ha uite "sufficient o niake ai meal ..f:o'r he .average man. Some experts have grown quite nthusiastic about it ; it is far su- erior to the banana, they say, and s, in fact, "the most :valuable ruit known," The natives of Mexico live almost ntirely an: the Avocado, and it is. oped that with a eufficient supply f the trees the world could do way with Meat entirely. if this does happen. how vegetal -- ns will welcome it l The reason ..why the fruit is so tele known at present is because is grown nowhere on a large le, what few trees there are ow round the huts of the natives, ere', they f1ouriah'with little care, } afford o-asy meals for the indo- tn owners, Ii 'or thes,e: reasons large corpora- tions are ispending money liberally in play -grounds, resterooms, librar- 1es, gymnessiums, . 'sanitary lunch:• rooms, moving -picture shows, -safe- ty devices, ventilating systems and similar devices for the well-being and enjoyment of their employes. If one asks these men why they are doing these things, they will dis- claim any charitable or philanthro- pie motive. "This isn't charity," said one. fixni, "we want that clearly understood. This . is simply good business management and ,common sense." DREADED TO E.T. A Quaker Couple's Experience. How many persons dread toeat their meals, although actually hungry nearly all the time ?' Mature never intended this should be so, for we ;are given a thing called appetite that should guide us as towhat the system needs at any time and can digest. But wesget in . a hurry, swallow our food very much as we shovel coal into the furnace, and .our .senses of appetite becomes unna- tural and perverted. Then we eat the wrong 'kind of food or eat too much, and there yon are—indiges- tion and its accompanying miseries. An Eastern lady said: "My husband and I have been sick and nervous for 15 or 20 years from' drinking coffee—feverish, indi- gestion, totally unfit, a good part of the. time, for woror pleasure. We actually dreaded to eat our meals, (Tea is just as 'injurious, because it contains caffeine the same drug found in coffee,) "We tried doctors and patent medicines that counted up into. hundreds of dollars, with little if any benefit. "Accidentally, a small package• of Posture came into my hands. 1' made some according to directions, with surprising results. We both liked it and have not used any so'f- fee' since. • "The dull feeling after meals has left us and we feel better . every way. We are 'so well satisfied with Postum that we recommend it to our friends who have bCen made sick and nervous and miserable by coffee." Name given upon request. Read the little book, "The Road to' Wellville, ' in pkgs. Postum now comes in concen- trated, powder form, called In- stant Postum. It is prepared by stirring a`level teaspoonful in &cup of hot water, adding sugar to taste, and enough cream to bring the color to golden brown. Instant ;.Postum is convenient, there's no waste; and the flavor is always s in 1 4Tn. Sold by grocers - 50 -cup tin 30 ,des., 100 -coup tin 50 ets. A 5 -cup trial tin mailed for gro- ocr's name and 2 -cent stamp for postage. Canadian Postum Ce- real 'Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. ainful Corns Removed By New Painless itegnedy You're a Chump to suffer •a day longer •Everyone of those etinaing'cor'ns can be eacefully and ryuiokly reaawved by paint. big on Putnami'a Corn Ex- tiractor, It's really a mar- vel hetir Pattern's Ex- t;reetor nixes out the pain, 1 w it, draws Out the titlre- neap, 2ibw it lifts the eorn right out by the coro, It is to xteet, clear 140a that n'a 7 xtractbt does -00 ;rsilaedY ;tlo - mere •i N $o. b06t16 trf hut. o for --Cold sad -iedoodnntelitlod , HE C4UlO NOT SLEEP AT MOTS TILL l a FQLN» RELIEF I;ti. DQDD'S KIDNEY was. Fria, Swanson, of Saskatchewan, seryls a utcssage. orf cheer to tease who feel the weariness and d1s'. erxl#1'agclilt'ut that +;it>mos from broken rest. Macklin, Sask., Jan, 13 (Special), -Those who stiffer from ,sleepless nights and get up in the morning feeling tired and disoourege4 will find renewed hope in the statement made by Fred Swanson of this plane. : He could nob sleep et nights. He discovered the -cause. It was Kidney trouble.: He discovered she ' iI •r .oc1 i n•C Ii lis. celei D d Its sKd y "Yes," Mr. Swanson ewe in an interview regarding his ease, "I was troubled with ray Kidneys' for J of adth a. ticoudn year, b overa y , so sleep at nights. After . using one box 'of Dodd'e Kidney Pills I found great relief. Four boxes removed all my pain and nowI sleep well and 1 am as strong in any Kidneys as any loam." If the Kidneys are wrong .the blood becomes •clogged with impuri- ties and natural rest is an impossi- bility. ,Sarong, healthy- Kidneys mean pure blood, new life all over the body and that delightful rest that is the sweetest thing in life. Dodds ,Kidney Pills always make otrong, healthy Kidneys. Grim Prospect. According to Prof. Fisher, of Yale University, by the year 4000 the average span of human life will be about 250 years, People will then, we imagine, be mare nervous than ever of marrying, Mir/aril's Liniment, co., Limited. Gentlemen, -Last winter I received great benefit from the use of MINARD's LINI- MENT ha a severe attack of LaGrippe, and I have frequently proved it to be very ref- festive in oases of Inflammation. Yours, HUTCHINSON, now1iy Is CorniugOut! Rith oi�u�a Soap andIiit1ellt Tonight rub your scalp lightly with Cuticura Ointment. In the morn- ing shampoo with Cuticura Soap, No other emollients do'somuch for dry, thin and, falling hair, dandruff and itching scalps, or do itsospeed- ly,' agreeably and economically. Full directions in every package. Gutlnaa:Scan and Ointment ate said tbroulihout the world, A liberal sample or each, with -i2-page booldot on the .care .and treatment of the akin and acatp, sent poat.rrce. Address Potter i3rug,ft Cher, Corn,, Dept. 1713. Beaton. G. S. A. Q1JPEN ALEXANDRA'S . TACT. In the bright days of her reign at Buckingham Palace it name to the knowledge of Queen Alexandra that ene of the housemaids, who had for some years been in the Royal.Ber- vice, iiad differed severely over an affair of the heart. Queen Alexandra sent for the 'girl, and after learning all about the matter, consoled her and sent her off to Sandringham for a change. Then her Majesty summoned the Co111iug Iiigh. "This increased cost of living is something terrible," said the young man, as he paid the third install - went an the engagement ring. PILES CURED? IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch. ing.. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c. Why. "She looks so discontented and dissatisfted." "No wonder, she has a husband who geta her everything she wants!" Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. More Than. They Thought of. "r. Pigg is altogether too _lit- era;M." "How so 1" "The last time he was at my house I told him to make himself • thoroughly at home, and in less than five minutes he had quarreled with my -wife, kicked the cat out of doors, discharged the cook, spankeli the baby, and told me 1 was a fool." "A Little Sermon. "1 don't profess to know much," remarked the .'Cheerful Idiot, "but I have discovered that anything you get for nothing is worth just' what you paid for it." Oniy One "gltOMO QUININE" That is LAXA'T'IVE] BROMO QUIN i Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. ,Cures Grip 'n Two Days. 25e, , Wily Called, Influenza. Influenza,derives its name from an Italian word meaning influence. It was thus entitled by the Italians in the seventeenth century because they attributed: the disease to the influence of the stars. . A very cem- tno'n belief is that inflttenza is tt comparatively modern disease, dis- associated from a general class by Loiter day medical men, but this is far from, being the case, for the ill- ness ,has been mentioned by ancient writers as far :.back es the four- teenth century, there being records -of' its appearance in France in 131.1 and 1403 "' More than 300,000 ineeriago aro registered annually ixi. the tlmted Kingdom. w�t"p�V'as�s'rlS,"'"'"' Try famine Eye' Remedy °` "� 1•to Smarting -Feels Pine --Ante taufcl<ly, Trytt forlded,Wgak,•Natory>v`Yosand Ye el 1� Granutated Tyehda, Illuatrateadd Book' in each Paakntre. MV?i1N] is cow Eyess pounded b our Oonitets—nota"Patent .f>` medicineutused insnceeestulns!- Need eed eladnatadoh!et y a eamlsw Urug letaattit-iteperbottle. roles a re nye Salve in aseptic Tubes, t5e-see, Maine Eye Remedt Co.; Chicaaa "Why don't you give your wife an allowanco..I" "I did once, and she spent it before I could borrow it back." • Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows, 1,S'o Room. "Bertie," said the hospitable hostess at a Sunday' School treat,. "won't you eat some more cook- ies f, i "1 can't. I'm full 1" sighed Bar - tie. "Well, then, put some in your. Pockets." "1 can't. They're full, `too," was the regretful answer. Queen Alexandra., cele Selttanrl.a' o Englti`sh Parson. to Make People good. e - or, Yt-�,fta wa f the more �a t 1 Soxne o y parts afCornwall, England, d, cum offer manysingular eights to the visitors. None of these is more curious, however, than that which is. •to be ee'enin the stall Village of r. of the V'�ixyan; in the�alolitliern part county. On each side Di ,the main roads which lead 'to the group of cottages clustered ,eround the church there are to be 'seen'o•Crtain queer look- ing round houses, each surmotmted by across. `.Chore •cottages, .accord- ing to a writer isi the Wide 'World, were built with the object of lseep- izig the devil out of the village. More than a hundred years age the vioar of the parish wets a cer- tain Jeremiah er-taineremia,h. Twist, a. parson who seems to have been a. most worthy man, though curiously supersti- tious. In spite of all his endeavors to make his parishioners good it seems that the village folk did not improve very rapidly, and he de- cided that soanetllnd mustmustb e done to right matters. Accordingly, after much cogita- tion, the famous round houses were built. With these in position, pro- tested by their crosses, it was urged that the Evil One 'multi ;not dare to enter, the village and therefore all would be well in Veryan. Whe- ther the good vieer',s hopes were realized it. is unfortunately impos- s.ible to say, but the houses stand to -day as a singular instance of rt attempt to baffie the powers of darkness. errant lover, who also held aflo- ra-Odaposition in the Palaee. After a kindly and tactful homily, Queen Alexandra, with humorous tact, Sand - couple wawa Royal sent the young man also to ringham. Very shortly thereafter the returned to town, and there wedding sequel, with the blessing, Over one-half of the entire popu- lation of the world are }inhabitants of Asia. Weary Tiredness Changed to Vigo That Played -Out Feeling .Was Quickly .Remedied and Realty Restored. Story of a Merchant Who Almost Lost His Business and His Health Througi Neglecting Early Symptoms of Ells ease. "My life for years has been o sedentary character," writes T. B. Titchfield, head of a well -know firm. in Buckingham. "Nine hour every day I spent at office wor and took exercise only en Sunday I disregarded the symptoms of ill hearth, which, were ,all too appar ent to my family. I grew thin then pale, and before long I wa jaundiced—eyes and skin were yel low, my strength and nerve en ergy were lowered, and I was quit unfitted for business.' In the morn ing a lightness in the hexad, part cularly when I bent over, made m very worried about my health. Mos of the laxative medicines T fours weakening, and knowing that 1 h to be at business every day I ne looted myself rather than risk fur ther weakness. Of course I gre worse, but by a happy chance I b gan to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. was forcibly struck by the fact th they neither caused griping no nausea, and it seemed incredibl that pills could tone, cleanse an regulate the system without cousin any unpleasant after effects. D Hamilton's Pills acted with just as gentle as nature they gav new life to my liver, strengthene 'my stornach, and won me back perfect .good health. My skin. 'clear, dizziness has disappeare and my appetite, strength, spiri are perfect. Refuse anything offered you stead of'' Dr. Hamilton's Pill which . are sure to cure. Sold 25c. boxes, five for $1.00 at druggists and storekeepers; or pos paid from the Catarrhozone Co Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingsto Canada: To Aid Gliiva Agriculturists. SPEND THE WiNTER IN CALIFORNIA. Attractive noted via. i11 be q rates w at variable routes, affording the finest scen- ery. The Los Angeles Limited, leaving Chicago 'daiiY i0. 15 p.m. for Southernern Cali- fornia, the; San Francisco Overland Lim" iter. leaving' Chicago 8:30 p.m., less than three days en route, provide the beat of everything in railway travel, The China and Manan Mail leaves Chicago daily at 10:45 p.m. for San Francisco and Loa An- geles. Illustrated literature on applica- tion to 73, 11.'Bennett G. A., Chicago and North Western ley., 48 Yonge St,, Toronto, Ont. Foreign waiters the number of s in 3,000 annually find situatti on Engi and. Minard's Liniment Cures D€phtheria, Ris Size. Old Gent --"Gentle dis esiti on . 'Why,,he'wants to bite the head off every dog he meets. You've -swind- led me!' Fancier --•-"Lor luv yer, guy -nor, you didn't oughter keep dogs at all ! A gent with your terrlpera- meat ought only to go in for silk- worms !'' Dr, kar S eiZt . Indium a► Root Plitt" are .tint the right medicine for the ehilrett. When, they are constipated when their kidneys are out of order —when over-induigenoe in some faaroelte food gives them lad; s.ion -^ lit'. Monies Indian Root Pins win suis and 'surely put them right, Pinks vegetable, they neither slclteii, imaitenergripe, like handl ppslrggatives, retrad your ehildren a health by ai*I1MU kdepitlw a bolt oil Dr. Mots& Indust Root falls in the house, They it Letts/ the Children Viten The republic of China has este lished a departm,ent of :agricultui and forestry on modern limes, a,n this institttiton has begun pibli,sl ing an .agricultural journal (all i Chinese), which appears'thrt times a month. It is understoc that a -national meteorological se vice will be established as a brats( of this department, and that it wi be under the direction of Dr. Hir L Kwai Tung, who was ed teatP. d Cornell University, and who for tl year past has been attached to tl bureau of plant industry in Was ington as an agricultural expel Chiral, 1 Dr. Fungc d for ha_ Seal tC' way of Europe, where he will me, a. reuild of visits to mei;eorologic observatories, Minard'S Liniment Curds Distemper; 'Mone Have Come tip. Smith,. and Jones were cliscussi the question of who should be head el the house -the mall ar t woman. "1 zun the head of my. tablishnxenb,' said Jones. '1 the breadwinner. Why shrlldn' be 1" "Well," replied Smith, " fore my wife and I were snare we made an agreement that 1 sho make the • rulings in u;il ma things, ray wife in all the mino "Hew has it worked "" quer Jones. • Smith smiled."So fa he replied, ''no major matter's la comm A tate rvti11 r'ti • ; ., to own weight, in feed each meeth, TRY Tou L lit n k e-2., at io is d, m_ 1n all the ltd joy r• r9 IT NVILE1,1 'YOU'RE TIRED will find it wonderf'ull refreshing Slaiy TON sustains and sheers •N FARMS Folin SALE. 11. W. DAWSON, Ninety coilerns 5trasc Toronto. COUNTA:LT01ft J-^�T'ttlin ZI) ACRES- Y• RR -1i- Oood ;house; Buildings; Oroharir Choc» and on easy terms, E\''NNrY-SIX At7Rlys WIT GOO'' 1,-.J buildings and apple orchard; abo'u$ eve miles from Hamilton, H, W. GAWSON, Toronto, ONE KUNDItED A.QItE$ IN OXPOIZ •County; soil clay and gaud laaw fifteen acres raised timber; 2. aoree or• ,chards buildings fair. Would exoliauge for, city, town, or villager property or '.soy smailer farm. I;. I. Franklin, Eastwood. Out. SITUATIONS VACANT. YERki. GEN'T'S WANTED EV1 1•4PIfi .. Apply immediately, Remlock Oil: Liniment, 7lalifax, .Nr S. STAMPS AND COiNS, Y TAMP QoLrECTOItS•,11UNDa'GD DIP .ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue, Album, only Seven Cents. Marks 'Stamp • Company, Toronto. f4ISGELLANEOUS, 0 . ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.,.. 1.1 internal and external, cured with., out Hain by our home treatment, Write us before too late. Sir. I3elltnan Medical Co.. Limited, Oolliugwood. Ont, ('1 ALL STONES, HIANEY AND BLAIN Vt• der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively oared with, the new German Remedy. "Bano1," price $1,51 Another new remedy' for 'Diabetes-Xellitue, and sure cure, to "Sanol's Anti -Diabetes." Price $2,00 frons. druggists or direct. The Sanol Manat ring Copany of Canada, Limits j' tarring m Winnipeg, 1/Lan, CLEANING LADIES' WALKiNC OR OUTING SUITS Oen be done perfectly by our Frenob proaeaa, Try 14 British American' Dyeing Co. • MVlontreai, Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec. FREETRIAL j�' Ta Color Grey flair til a� And Make It Grow. Nothing quite se nice as 4.'�3,_:4,„t a beautiful head et hair. 4. Y Let us lend, you absolutely ' . r, free one treatment of StV1 :_ 4 Luxnrine, if it is only to r F lc* •. Arove to you that it colors grey,halr and'makee it grow, stops itchin,t, rerun.. ca ,vest dandruff end makes the 'hair of mon or woman or - child heavy and beautifully glossy. Tou have only to sand ua your address, , with 10c. enclosed for mailing and packing, and we . will send you anrwhere our treatment, at our own expense. Write to -day. Address DR. PROSSE, Dept, 2 205 Commissioner Street. Montreal. e t 3. �. r e d- g e e dAn s t' S, t- , . elam ie lel r- ill? g et:;.t le ie- e yap 11e es sm t 1 be- IM >, [0,(1 11 'tn, `. '• • 44„- '' it ;. s , raw; �s;, < {°, -- a, ,a t p -k PHM' . •i+. y' .ya'iU,f2- F' (j.,, 'v�'c.a '„� - 3. 1�f15.- � .C. F Sixty Thousand trappers now send as their Raw Furs. Wily notyoul We pay highest prices end express' chargee &ergo no cammiaaton pod aced aquae day goods are received. Mi lion Ql dollars aro paid trappers each year. Deal with, a reliable house. We are the largest'la our line in Canada. FREE stations a d thse IaatoEdit onc' UUALLAM'S TIiAPPEfS GUIDE, a book of O61'iages,ineiied FREE Write to -day to Joha Haltom; Mail Dept. d0 TORONTO.111rrontSt.E. ,�,* ,tip "" ..f, � ..w Doctor "Pratt fibs his tongue. ``No, "I tressed me- Carolyn mind a blank Anatomical Fact. (to small boy, aged 4)— your' tongue out, please. juvenile protruded elle tip no; put :it right out." can't, doctor," was the • reply, "it's fastened on of dia. to -"I can read Charlie's like a book." Lucille—"Well, booksis easy to read!" Kira'.ar,�, l ne ^.r y•• .; �� �r���.,. �` . < '•, a rdr: 3e ,1:• . r Ssa • 'rWk;-":t slit ,ti ryr F' •;al.( .1 yy llpPP.*, wry a, , ,, Apply ? Zatxt i nk to alt wounds and sores anti You gill be surprised flow quickly It snaps the, smarting anti brings east. It covers the wound; with a layer of peas tective halm, kills all poison genes already is the woundo end'' prevents others eaite r£og. Ittl rich stealing herbal essences then bttilei tap from the fxltteisl fresh thane; In a wonderfully (short title the wound to healed! the 8amCult's popularity isbaled On%Malt, lntitailoueneverwork cores, 1l6sure sad got th9 teal thing,. ZeMlaolieis printed ' on ovary packet of ted genuine. Rause ll all . and tooada or P ail other , ec Tor on ar6•lat�t�