HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-1-16, Page 5Y
. v. ftegnk&ffilN,
Welber or the R.0.410. et 01470 0.04
Bop** Oraduato of Tom* trAlserniti.
Ottices-..rer Iieko 1 flora*** law
°Mee; Closed Wedueoday afternoons.
• Drt. L K1140,414.
If,oneir Owed** of Tortanto UnteerrAY
Veva) ea'neaeteit wittemit p, er any
bad effects. °Mee over Gladinare. At
Stanboreaa Ofaice, Mann Street, Exeter.
SOltiditore, Nieberles, Cenveyancere,
reesseenerO, Scaideore for the Iv/0161one
Beek. itte, '
Oney' tO Loan at, lewes t atee of iteerest
Offices—Man-Ste Er.eter
T. It. Carlhor, BA. L. E. Blekeoh
We have a iratVe =Mooed of PoWate
Owls to loan on farm and seilage prop -
melee at leW rotes of tateireat.
catiAmt.tast its NIANEULOY
Barrasteres, Solecitors, Exeter.
Agent dre L. Amturanell
Company. also Fare Issettrasice he lead-
ing °anodise and Eartuou cotosstasif.-
)644)41e. Exeter.
B 0%8.14HW _
Lifes, First, accident and Plate:alleles
Insilsratere, ClotteatIng aceO‘Riti.,atid con-
doeting assetiste sales. — Esteban Ont.
• Toronto, Ont., enAoye is not the result
of accident: There le a realson, •tor 'at.
We have room for roexe. Pineer D:ow.
Catalogue free.
rAmd, Poirt sAL21
The isridersigned s offering for tale
that desirable 10Cf acre farm, cal -sated
In the; Towasbaip of laidclulph, being Lot
18, Con. 1. Thiene le on the piennees
a good frame atopee, barn with fou.;.da--
tion, orcibaria. The farm is. well drain-
ed and 41 under etilttvation. Vies le-
an excellent forms well. situated said will
be eold ren.sonaine.", For further partio-
Wang apply to, Jahn 'O'Neil, adoexerorille,
Ont. ` WM. KELLY,
The enderel,seted are otfereng for sale
or rent tale centre tiew baleen, erect-
ed on- the. old Mane.ion House property.
•elate Street,. Exeter* Thie hose its
-equipped with bath, cleeete tenets, fur -
nae, send all eaolme papered and greelne,
Inimecliate 'ponseesten; .- Will be
d sold 'reasonable. sepply to Weis. Sin,e11.
, SNELL 'Fe MA.R011.A.ND
Van's Pettiale Pills
t ,
Nr ifie 'Eby
0., ..—„,.. „..., .iable French regulator; never fails. These
; ,pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
.' '•generative portion of the female system. Refuse
• all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at
15a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any,addrese.
.Tile Scobell Drug Co., St. otstbarines, Ont.
H�me Study
Teokieands. of anibetious young
people are 'being enstructed in
•their Home Study Dept. You may
finish at College if you desire
Pay Whenever You wish. Thirty
• Years' Expereenee. Largest train-
ers n Canada. Enter. any day
Positions guaranteed. If you
wish. to save board and learn
wiele. you • earn, write for parte:.
cuter's. •
Oenton Business ,College
•Presidenf - Prinol
very Woman.
is interested and should know
aboutthe wonderful ,
mer,ee Whirling Spray
„A.siryear druggist lbr
it.'.1f he cermet PlIPPIO
-fho'31„onter.e, accept no ..
otherOant send, stamp for IlluS.
trated trook—sealed. It gives ha
particulars and directions invsluable• i
to ladies.WINRSORstrreLYCO..wiridsoi. 0111
GeOerel Agente for Canada.:
Poe Pail. and Winter.' menthe a.
mart, reliable pereon to 'war leer
well-kOown. fruit 'and ortiamereal
...trees le EXETER,and surround-
,ing counare.
cif finest nerseek, stoolc. 'grown
Stock weld end delivered to trade.
Earee and good dellyery guaean-
..„,teed Thienyetive years Of DU,si-
' WISE; experience enables is to, 'or-
fer the beat 'ageneY in. our line
• -Monte fer kerma:•
GRAND TRUNIV'sx;',,1114
The Sunny South
The Grand Truck Railway is the
most direct route iron:kali potnte East
through Qanada via Chicago, Detroit
or Buffalo.
Only Double Track Route
, Round trip tourist tickets, giving
ehoice of all the befit routes. together
with fttli infermation. may be obtain-
ed from any Grand Trunk Agent.
Xi. 3. DORE. Station Agent, glIceter.
Electric Restorer for Men
Phosphossoll restores every nerve in the body
• to ib proper tenalen; restores
vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual
Weakness averted at *am Plaosplioase will
make yeti a new man. Price 38a box, or two fox
$5. Mailed to any address. Thence/eon Drug
Co.. elt. Ceelisselnee. Out.
The 200 acre farm Leta 4 amit,ard
L'elneeilaloire Steeken, known ne the
Huitoe property, is offered' for eats
by tender. Tne, reteteed up • to 1.st
Feb., 1913. The highest or eny teO-
der not neceSearny accepted. Apply Ito
• 11.' Plo_HUSTON, Exeter. Ont,
, Fa.nmers wanting eared men for next
seasce. ,ehouild place their orders at snots
°there itie there will be lett iculty
vecux trig bap. °Odors left with the
Loser Government Employment Agerrt
for ible distriet, Advocate Oftree, • or
addree Bed thereto, will receive pronieb
ittflerlrio7.1- C. H. SANDERS, Agent.
Have You 11,
Farm Por SaIe?
The Publicity Asereceetion for Huron,
County ,intend to publieh a. Oat of fanni
properties for sale en this counts', and
ask any persona having a farm for
eale -to send at *nee to any member
of the Executive, neared below, pe.rtleu-
lore or erten farm, describing it and
etatIng price at which they will sell.
When aclete. of sulticien.t farms have
been received, the Executive will nub-
lish the list ln circular term for ge)nr
Oral didtribution en the Old Land and
In the 'Milted Stretese without charge
to the advertisers.
Funite,r partieulars, may be obtain -
en front any of the Executive.
S. G. GREIG, President, Seaforth.
30.F7la LECKIE, Vice -Pres., Brusse1s:1
B. J. MUNNIN'GS, Treas., .Goderich.
JAS. MITOHELL, Sec'ye Goderieh.
Executive Coimr.—X. M. Goveelock,
reeve McKillop, Winthrop P. 0.; Mayor
SPentin, Winehatme Wm. Glen, reeve of
Staniar, Clinton P. 0.; John elanstord
President, Clinton Board Trade; W. S.
1:Keainan, reeve of Exeter, %aloe. Stab -
era, Dungannon; R. W. , Livingsto'ne,
eeeve of Grey, Me/acrid f P. 0.
Auction Sale
iKr. Those Cameron Has received in-
structions to sell by public auction%
LOT, 26 cgsi, 3, USBORNE.
On THURSDAY, JAN. 23rd, 1913,
al 12,36 c'elock eharp the following—
Hoses--t resisltered Clydesdale Brood
eiare ; 9 yelare old; 1 maes by King
'Thomas, 4 years old, e ligible for
registration 1 ' mare 4yeard
oid with foe!. at her .el.de e ligible for
.regilsteation ; -1 Yleariiing Vie' by
• King, Thotnati) eligible Zr . • trees-
• teation ; .2, ailliee rasing one yea/ olde
eligible., fee veritable:ten ; 2 Cllies,
rising tVPO. Yerans draft; 1 filly raise'
lag 2 yetsr.s• agricuiteiral, 2 fleet class
:geldings ring 3 and I' year's draft
.2 first aloes. geldings., ,cirtig:'
years agelcultorsa ; 1 general purpose
'mare rising four years old quiet and
relitablee .
.. These horses, are an exceptionelly • fiae
lot, both, ase to size ,and quality,
Cattle— 1 milking now', 2 cows dile
Le February ; 4 COVes dun La afarct.. and
April.; 1 t Notroughbred , jersey ow .
due fri, May ; 1 Grade" Jeratey Cozy% slits
in Mao , 2 eteer.s , reserae. 6 yrs,,
heitere risine. three year „old; 4
steers, rieing, y:.:!lanh old; 3 Heifers'
rising 2 year S ..'eide; 6 e'reson and "laa'ifiral
teeing one year- old.
Sheep -4 Pure bred Doreet Evree;
ewe .2 'tenable at side; 1 •
bred dereet ram 2 geese Old; '
Pure' 'Bred TOrkehlre Hogs..o.1 • boar
8 'Years' ; 1 brier 1 year old ; 1
sow sviit:h latter at toot r. 6 sows due
in. April and Maty; a mirraber of trice
young sows *net , bred; 23 ettere toge
tinp1ernentis.-1 2-4 lumber wagon,
top buggy, 1 Pair tit bebeleig,he, 2 cut-
tere ;. 1 6 -toot blades*, 1 'hay eloadere
eide delivery rake, tnatrilire, S /welder,
new courbined cualtivatoe sect bean hero'
vaster, 3 -horse eultivator • and cdr1T
'drill, -euvar betj '. seder, twee -furrow
reline plow, .detchling plow, 2 walieleg
plovre, djs2, sete.lrba hat row.eeIaaid
roller, -sugar be 2 hay raaks,„
,sto'cli, racks, root pulper, straw: cat-
; 2: isttuJ1e hornees i; set ferriage
'h.a.roess ,• Iset platform scales 2000
ati4 rlhy tnl11 naeoltne ernOtte writh
belt 8, -Oircu,lar saw, wheel ba.irro
Whj f fie tepee, neekyokes, cheirm. Perks
ereeveis, hove 1, a. lot of 'first 'las,
•, barrels, helese collars ‘4.,:-0:1 Odd harlitee
MEETING 00 Id 15110N .QOUNTY COUN- taddera, and otileet articles tO,
• CIL, • 'erous itTo,l.tioim. 5.00 bihe1e 04 sed
Tile council ;of the Corporetlen the, • . TORIOS—A _eel nes "of $111.Vencl.tieder
Oat:ay:Of Eut-owI11 niect In the cowl, Cash over tene tenoetatolle Ann/Ines erecir;
ohernberi ein the town .of GOderich, wiijl.V.NiSao, totriareillektfil rain;
,qiTuesa, . ,.ry0:ce.mbor` preved, ig41.10. trIncetet?,. ellene uelt of 5
et 3" inclxickarearseeel, ,pcx aOf
nnum f, for Conte.
All aceounts for settigineielielst • 'h Nn rescrie proptietot • ba,S
'placed with the Clerk befene 'this date:„.pee,,,,,,e fatta, - •
i32g2. rucS, CAVIE11.0.N, rellekO. RAltVEY
, LANE Clerk, •• ',Auctioneer Prooriator...
stock& Pou1try s
FREEWe ts.
the sekiret, Peetleald, one of our
veseveveitess herb 04 -page books (with ie.
+wet), en the common diseases of "tack Vet
Poultry, , how ea teed en kind, of brelteri
end light bomb, colts and ebbe, milbet. awe*
calv�i s14 fottoning steers. 1140 hew- ter keep
ford moultry so that they will lite re well
in eister es i summer. It contains 360
recommends /rem ell ever Canaide Prone people
who eat,* used our goods. No farmer' should be
withent it.
Yen °en fatten cattle and hogs in a, montles
lens time by using oue Ileyal Insole Stone
Srsaitir tan yeti, could possibly do. without it,
thereby taring 0, raonth's feed and Faber and
the one te 'yen will net be more thee. $1.40 for
isle pies- er $1.00 for este atter, It, vsill keels
your horses le show condition with ordinary
feed, If yets here a poor, inlaerahle.look.
Mg animal on your Place try, it ont this one
• first sad see tbe ntarvellons result which will
ka oloodaee. our Stock SpeeitO wi1 iberealo)
tile milk flew ti3ree to dve lbe per cow per
.Widle bleier fed in the stebte, A 60e
Package will lase cow or horse, 70 days.
sour, ruitrix POULTRY SP111CIFIO
will make year hens lay just as, well in the
wiener as In the summer, and win keep them
3rea firma atosaao. 'These roe& are Pure and
listadelherated. We de not ttse any sheep filler
to make a large peeks**, entbsir dtfferent
t'rezze any ea the market at, the present time.
• /twirl l`nrple Stock Specific, 50e pekes, four
Ste pelrge„ in an air -tight tin, for ;1.50,
Royal• Purple Poultry Speoffic, 26c endO60e
pongee and $1.60 aireignt tins that bold
Iwor See
lesyski Furple Mee Rine.; 25e and 50. tins;
hy men. '
M _ foi_
ord Panda Gal) Care, 2Se ant e tins'; Hee
II•Y al Purple Sweat Linimeat, 56e bottle': 4011
ley nada ,
Real Purple Conch Cure, Ste tin; 60e by
Void Sole lesinfeetant, 25e end see
/WA Fonda ltrem Com. 24 tiles; see be
/oval throb Wore* ptorder, 21/e 'ties; ilk by
Maaufactured only by
TkeW (Jenkins Mfg. Co.
-BAyai ?Niro' supplies and Boeklete
Islaq be 'obtained from
W. J. Haman, Exeter,
Malan & O'Brien, °entrails
Notice to Creditors 11
OF IMA.R,GA.RET E. 5TANC0all3PO late
of the Vilionn Of, Efseter, in the Cowley
•ef Huron, widow, deceased. '
Puesuant to Sec. 3.8,, 01 Chapter t129
of the revised Saatkites oe. Ontario, 1897
notice is hereby given that ,all creditors
and others havens cleans against the
estate of Maiteret BI. Stineerabe, late
of the Vilialge dr Ender!, in theCountY
of Huron, widow, Who died ni er
about the Ferest der'y of • •Septernbr
Ln the yearOf 1912, ; A. D.
are ore or before, tine 'First clay ;of
Meech, 191e, to send by poet prepaid t�
itesers. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors
of the Villalge 01 ,Exelter in the County'
01 Huron, foir George Ea,ste
terbrcolc, Ee., exeeetrie of decea.sed;
their chrtation names and surnamers,
addresses and descrePtione, the full par-
ticulars ot their clannos, a statement Of
their accounts and the nature of 'the se-
cierndes elf any) held by ttleste and that.
a.tter the. daer is ,aforleseiti the Exec-
utor will preCeed te distribute -tint
assets of the said deceased ampng the
Parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard to those delete only of whecti"-
'netice shall have been reedited as above
eequired, 'end said executor will nen be
liable for ,tase Sad, #36110tal or any part
thereof se distributed eta aforesaid no
eve person or peracnni. of Whose 'Claim
Or claims, notice Shall not time been re-
telved bf.1im lat the tine let 4uch
Date at Exeter! tiller Sixth 1Day 'of
jetnuary, A. D. 1913: ,
Solicitors feir
South Huron Agri-
cultural Society
The annual Meeting of the eherriberie
of tho South Raton AgriculltUral.- Sot>
iety will be -held le •
oriMONDA.Y, JANUARY the 20th, 1913
at 1 o'cleelt p. m.
Per thc. purpose of receiving the annual
Ripertee the election Of Directors peed
the transactien of any other business
required. ,
A 'meeting of the .directerist will be
bet at at --the *name place ,,on the sante
dao at 10 o'clock me .
'Secretary •,• 'Firesiellent
Farm for Sale
grelog' Lot 3,, Cone e'reW.nehirt ot
Hey, CearntY Of Huron, tosistirig of
100 acre, on; watiOni 10 a good brick
hoosse, with Metal eopf, contairlaren 10
rower, with idteheno woodshed, -'Pantry
wash mean,. laaa'd Mid Solt Water e
good centir undeildestilhl.. Trams are 40x
90” feet and 25x20' ITOet.- Implement
Land delve rated ,25x40 feet. All in geed
'state et repiirt, k neverfaiiing' wen
-att barn- One acre golod orehardJ, 'cane
elating _et apples, pherrieis, PlOnerf and'
any quantity ot e'rneel ,fealte 90 acres'
Cleared' arid ii good eta te of cis -Otero
1:0' acreso flLt vebeati, irgiat pl,oer
Mg alt., , derive .Fiaren Oil well under
draleed end fenced a Never failing sereng
creek rune' 2.010.8,4 the taT:rri: .vhia ta
a, *Ea.:: dalsieleblo peepertY, sitiu;ated
only 2 millea. arced the ih-riVistig town
6r, Exeter, 34. 1000 zroim, pod ,Ercbooa
geed gnarl enastet leading in all ,direce
dont.. Wig ero'pleety will 'be 'Isola reap
so cable. 'EattlisilaxitOrY 2efts)03 for
soll1ngor fortliret .particulars apply
to He REYNOLD,Et on theapreanteee Hay
P.O., or e, Auctioneer
BAINSLEV-eallulte a, aarprieile ' wee
opekingeen! 0100 Daisy Pierce. When, 20
"girt ,,friednin met' .tit the' ho nee of, r Mi et's
,kt,abi7zIkes Saiiti, prosoiiiidliise-rioleY
i kt ;ea *tidier) eihoeveiej, ' after' awniott' la
Irsuppliel*wy.'SferVeiii: and ' niusie '
10,i)anoir 'wereitiiatiWa, ' '1. albs Dalt'iii
,lists since left' for the" wash tel meet
nee futere Life tenetrger.
Dr, P, 0. 1Cijr 01TOrairtO spenit
Neve Year w/ttbt 'hits oonV, Ws. m;
vrils04.-4tra.• 'Ludo*, erutertgapo teepee
rrAhlke JhOtor:01 Ware. Oi:yer'e
birtlidnYe-Have you a. cold? We have
not, Out then. vole 4,-rletals „ta tne.
Pow Yea isetegriMietfe VnglisinIW
lei Lennon thits week.r-istre, Mat',
Ploireete le Ont nthe stole:Het at present
frer frisptts hope She, troy sego, recover
--Mrs. GOO, "rnoinpkon of flairnerait.
pats boete,. vlsitl-44 tr.:elide "We
an elmilAdelO EiWeil 704T-80—Xtee
Rae Down of Gealred ,rfeed was a, weelst-
end vitaitor tsere&-The members of the
W,M.S. of ,the Ilfiethollot church are
preparing for a con.cert .ind social
evenin(g ()in Jen, 2L is pecgreen wIU
censiet 01 nietelc by Male Quartetteand
others, recitations, dialealsee and. e -TO
address by Mrs. (WelvO), Snell of the
'Sylvan circuit, All ieiel 'have to' 'do is
come and enjoy' the prograni. and the
tun during' the lunch tienevated glee the
ladies 15e. "retell be ,very vveloame-
Death.--Tee death Oceurefel' on Salo
7te,in Onterle, Cote of joha. WeedeV
Sherritt, .encoeve sere, of ,Williane Sherett
and the lateEliza;beth Bothwell, aged
29 years, 4 riliaethere 20 days, Hetwat
leorn 1s Hialsgreenie Staley p., in
Ougest, letis. When a, hlid his
pareate sleeved to Stelnlork, Tp., where
he spent his childhood- days. About,
12 years algo he weat to Lendoe Where
he stayed a repori,,, then Weat to Wa?-
Weis.? Skak,, wheine tie tiontesteaded and
lived until about three year.s.ageeseligie
Ws 'health failed atted he came back to
Oritaries. A little 'givera yea• ago the,
ocoolnPaollied bY, WO dieter Wee Mfotte
went to Caltitorniel lrt blopere ef regeWe
In glita heath, ktitfi Mtn, death' came
and cut hint off_in, the biloiorn of .
youth, -Wesley Wats at YP1kfle moo and
much, beloieed bY, aP, being, of a bright
theerful diepottitiOn, 'arid alwana a
welcome connuerilpta A memorial en.
yi'rewas neliA in his, father's heave at
r.;orbett �j Jerre 9Ithr, Where 1 largo
netrnber. if tribe:lee ga4ered to phOW
their. :sYmpathyRev,. D, D. Thomson
preached a meet appropriate sermon -
He leaves' two 'breathers', Herbert • and
George of Alberta, and- flee .sistereeMes
Herbert Hailtota di Shipp., and Misses
Myrtle, Minnie, Luella aeid Mariam; ,hrts
father, and a, larace circle of friends
to Mourn hie less. •
• Obituary—The death of Mrs. Edward
Ryan cln SaturdaYi last after only a
few weeks + Meese reMovete from lour
midst one of the early settlers, they
haVing lived for ma' Year,sr in, the Ore,.
Mite of Centrallir. She was 78 Year10
of age lend as real smart up to a
Yew weeks previous to her death. She
has .three sisters living tse Michigan.
Tne funeral wa'a largely attended lere
Monday, interment taking place at -the
R,• C. iernetery, on Which church the
deceased Was a ;ranted member.
Mr, and Niro. McFalls left for
their home in London Monday, after
sPending a couple weeks with Mr. and
Mrs, T. Willis, Mre F. Sophia and S.
White left oe voncia,,7 morning to try
forrtunes ifl eethern Ontario.
Mr. Wen. Luker le 4on the, rnesed age:in
'after 'hie Meg spell of 'illaess.
The W. F. KA S. met at the Mesees
Wilson's on; Tuesday aateenpon.
Mr. Albert Battens of Vancouver, B.
C.,• is eisilanag hie brother, W. 1-1;
Paslitons. „
Mr. Jas. .Archileald. of Seafortli and
W. R. Elliott .shepped a; ear of fine
norses to Mlontreak on 'OunsdaY.
OeVerel room the village attended the
temPlerance meeting at Orediton or
Monday atteenelen.
Mr. Milton Cla.r.lt and wife of Salva-
dor, Seek, .spent few days With
friends' herie Lase week.—Mr, Prank,
Ballanlyne 01 Larig'hanif ,Saak., spent
S.anda.T with- Lep: Robinsop.r-Mr. Frad.
Delbeidge has Made good use or the
Eleigiring • ni" last week, as he has the
sand tendgravel. I -leered to 'build his
houeein the sPringe—latr., 'Seal Brook
delivaned a 'fine colt to. Geo. W. Hunt -
ter, getting abandsOsnie surn.--Gearge
Pullyblank 'sold his „grey driver 'to' J.
McGraw, of Dublin for a good figure.
Miss bi. DeanrisOn of Bort Huron is
vilaltieta with her sestet Meg. n'. A.
TaYlote—Mr. alral Mire. Chas. 'Clarke a
London are vierilteleng fellende in and
around ehe vikaage:—Misses R. Reek,
teactret. at Aeronkonl; and Roadhouse
of 'LakeSide speintt the holidays sit
their Mimes, heiree-Tbot Misses Burton,
Gerrante joise and Maurice Racal of
Torcerbe spent (t'hira holideys at thele
respective helmet h'ere.se-Howard Bale
four, whio Nag 'beetle nisitierg at • D.
Hizelwoocl'e, left lest week ter hie
ImmoinFilOta3jnit0, Mies Nellie HaxeX-
wood, accleimillainYkslar
. HAY.
After a' long and trying Meows .borne
with, Christian 'realign a tren and fort e
reeds. gra. James O'Brien Patted away
Saturds.y Jar. 4. She had attained'
the age of 64 yea. A weman ot. sterl-
ing vrerlie a. )(end friend and .neigh-
boC She will be grpatlY missed.' Much
sympather is felt for her ,sorrpwlng hus
band In hie 'sad , bereavement. The fun-
eral took place on Monnoy pone, to
Exeter Ceeneteree' 'When a. large num-
ber testified to' the 'reepteet • -end es-
teem tor the deperted. •
T. 0 F. Oyster Supper.—The me.
noel Oyster Supper ane .Entertaititneet
will be theld irk tille Pubiic Hall . here
Isrida.e regent, „Tee. 24t1i, cosernerice
log at 6.30 o'clOck., After, supper a
elvoice program will be rendered, on
sleting ot Vteatl'ingti, .0-ea:t5tiet110, •Vhoe
lirk selectieles, Solite, etc. , The uoM.
.rnittee ere eparang tee ains 10 Mike
thle supper send . enter teirimen t
apeotnO ?the 'beef' ;1-1ey hbvo ter held.
Admission, to eupPer 20c.—s01e0.d plate
1 0 e ,exten.
.00I" Verna Itedp apple te faitOCanaditer
ij&s41,ru1ilkiNt Enttenelittent Agent, ''' 'Attlee
one ,Office, Elleeart
Xies) gaggket Belk arrived hare fronz
Calgarr, Alts., n'1101001041*.H4413. and
Mete atelier Cileff, Of 11,-Yr10lto vieit40. at
va'Alesid4410s Wertee,ner 01
hiselede4 Canoe, wa here his weel
t4ng hlreletreeta—Mre. T., Higgioe "et
trioirenio, 1g: vienrIg .100. VV. C.
parits.0-4ilas fitro/To aortashac tale -
el. .0 Position on the Publie SphOol
Staff at Clakvillee—The malty friends' of
Mrs. 'Waiter gobkisk reoret to bear ef
her exegetes illeteePar—afae ge,reru,s hart
reeved to Owe). lotto 4bst reghlenco
etedie.tely le, the reale of the butt:leer
enope-Mies Ks ed Bette of Winalleen
weaved, heme lest weVie ter
after an AbEleace of fOun YeartsneMrs4
VIteUe.ry 01 •Toreesete who beti,,a ;beta eta -
„wag, a.t ror eeveral weees
hoe interned. lioneee—Incere Geiger t. left
for nerento, to reseal* nis studies at
the Seleool of Paarreace.—Mrs..
pgoir lias been coufinect to her bed
Om the past week witit pleurisy, but
en, the way to recoeer.Y.
Meeere Valentine, Gerber and RtidY
Seawartzentreeteer left for allivertozO
lettered the funerei of the former's sis
ter, Idra. Niel:setae 1Cipfere—Mr. Alieet
A. Baler, of Seek& and Klee Elizabeth
open of. near Blake were united in
neereeese alt tee Preebyterlan Manse,
.17anna. They Will Make titelr home, near
Biggar, Stusk.,—The Jackson Clothing
Co, are Insley this weeInstsating- t her
maehtnery and will veer) be ready te
begin work,. -4r. afareseall Zeller left
Saturday- Morellos fele Serattord. ' te at-
tend high schoole—Mr,, Jame's. O'Brien
of :he 2ed corn died 'on -Saturday, after
severa.1 , months linneasteo-Mise Ma.#816
Itrausicopf Ott vortiurra, Califerola 'eitO
Red the past week wilth her aunt Mee
McCormick and Other relatares.--AlYin,
Surerus who 'hoe been elaitiars hs
name at the Brosenon Line for the east
two weens, tat ,on Teseeday reorients to
resume his 'studies at the Tort:141a°' Un-
ivererity.,—Harry Yuegblett wag elected
echnea trustee ark place of Mr. J. ptes.,
ter, whose term 4.as expired. The .1913
Board le composed of Messes -F. Fleas
.7, Habemer and Mr. l'unieblene—`
and Mrs. Wrtmdailk gmereu of the +Mesh-.
ea Line, 'Seulth, ceilielera.ted their silver
wedding. a- The brew schOol. Was'
emally opened last week. The build-
ing is a condoetable one, with rodm
for tour tea.cheirt, end it will be In
the interests of 7eurIch and vtarbety to'
have a fourth teacher employed. Mr:
Arehiba.ld le competent to take up
high School 'stork in forms 1. and
j. t, CeinistAngne, the • Mani-
Neer ef Meteeletas Bank here,, hoe
beer, traneefereed ter, the Highgate branch
in Kent Conerty. DUin,lop Clinton,'
formerly connectied with the Ba,nit at
Dastwood, will became manager et this
braec'h and those who k,now him spea-k
very highly of quiet weddang
took place on Tuesday 7t1 -t inst. at the
ham e of Mr, and naive Joseph Meal>,
in the town of Gedericlo, „when erier
fhird daughter, aline Prettily, was -.1n-
ited In martliaget to. Mr. Adolpb. Onterks,
eldest son of, Mrl. and MTS., A. Gee-.
ens. of Porta, Ora
Farmers Institute
The Regular nreetangs Of the Smith,
Huron Verniers' 'institute win be held
as Tollowse-
espeeeseee—G,• (s. pee” Burlington;
and W. ,Scarlef, Dtlehlain '
, p. S. PeartleAfternoon subject, —
"Fertilizers, Natural and Chemical.
Mail ures., vinare . and Why to .apply
them," Evening ISulbjecit, Selected. • .
W. Searat'a Affterepolon Subject, "The
Breeding and Fleiedjog de Beef Cattle"
Everting ,Subject, "Imprevements, -alt
Fa.nre Crops." •
LeCal speaker=o% A. MeEwen.
TEIOTRSDAY, JAN, 23rd, '1913.
p. S. Peant'e Atertfernoicen, 'Subject, "Fer
tilizere, Naltuent end Chemical. Mau-
mee, .wren and who lee enrol?' them."
Erening Subject, Seleeted.
W, ,Scarff's' Aftetinteon1 Subject, "Tin.
Prevenient Ot Parra ClroPe." Evening
Subject, "Breedling and Feeding ' of
Beef Cattle."
1.ota1' Speaker, G. Oeinhale.
Pror,eahn wilW be given ait Lae Deem-
ing 'Meetings. iAel. farni[ors slid others
inter,ested in Institute eleetengs • are ,
cordially Melted to attlerole
-See'y Pres- .
14.e1l..Y met . w a e.tude
den death in Tetedo, Olrio, thootee
hie automobile energies :.ate Maumee
Billet.He wan le gvla.'ndegva, eO teke
Donnelly, family who were foully rivaz.
Ored in Hilddk,aph Towniehrisi en the
night of February 4, 1980, eee v,ee
a, tante Meng physician of the re
01 dia years. Two Men war) ve be with
him eno4Ped .Oet lie was pinned under
'the car and drew:Teed.
14tio,40,-,1tue, Ilsooral 04. Mrs. jehre, Cain .
wee heldfrolte, here tto et. 300eph
MeGillivreer Oat). 7, Where it'gh iretes
wogs' gelebrated by' ny, Pettier Forstee
She 11,a;154VV0rOd by' h'er husband and
two, OletiOtererenThe .ferieral of Mes,
Ag.nee MeNameera, wag, held the eam
4-0-;1, to -•$t. ,Tatne‘s cemetery., See
survived be her husband, Robert Ke-
flatne,ra and tw'o' festers, IVO.s. Gunn
01 1.4ucan and Mrs. 45/1-ison Bdtriontan
'5r a.l igne of %pis stem being
clogged: 'Dise Liver stud Dow.g.$ are
.140441t anil the '9.telliseh, Is weak frorn
undigested foods Med feel gase,
the greet fruit recnedy, will mane you
feel like a. new' pettifog,
Wiretlitleg, June 27, 1911
After taking three leeXee of your Fig
Pine for " raterma.ch and Ors t-eaubles
feel etrong and well and ate': to do
my Own 'work. • Itrise A. H. Se -utter
'Sold at dealers Let 25 Lad 50 cent
boxes oi Mailed by The Fie Pill CO..
St. trammels, Ont.
Tf yen Orany of your friends suffer from that.
=atom, kidney disorders or excess of uric acid,
causing. lameness, backache, nizzgcn:ar prams;
stiff, painful, swollen joints, pain in the limbs
and feeto dimness of sight, itchirta skin or
Irene:ant „neuralgic pains, 1 xlIvit ',MI to send
for a gerK.rous Free Trial Treatment -of my wee -
known, relOthie Chronicure, with references and
full particulars by mail. (This is no C. Q. Xi.
scheme) No matter how many max have &hell
in your case, let me prove to you, tree of cost,
that rheumatism can be conquered. Chronicure
succeeds where all else tails. Chronicure
cleanses thst blood and removes the cease. Also
for a weakened, run-down condition of the
system, you will End Chronimare a most satisfac-
tory genend tonic that makes you fe-eithat life
or MRS aPictl eda Lle int ,ed1 isuytodayom mu rEf for
igo ersn. d s3. 48 or goi
E.840—'Windtor, Ont.
• ••
ANY person who is the sole head of
re family oe any male over 18 years oid,
may. tromestead a quarter section of
aveilable Domieren land en Manitoba
Seskaileeneene or Alberta. The ap-
plicant meet a p,tear in persee at the
Dominion Lander Agency 0: Sub-
agency for the district. Entry by pro -
ICY ertUle be neade. a anY aseOneY, ox.
seete,orarnicialingaa.n. uct..!th,otitn.delkrqt:bersod.4tekierrby ofla;thseir4,termootitt eir4r,
Duties --Six months' _residence upo
and cuitIvation or the land .n •cach-
et three years, A tiomestleader may Live
_witnie inane n. 1ee t11 lrrn home stead, on
a. farm ea age least 80 a-eies sdiely
oereen;resteta,a.dd ocoupie. by him, o by his
father, mother, sou daught,...,-, brother
In certain districts a homesieeder rt
good etandlng may pre-empt a quart
er-teeetiorn along side- his homestead.
Price $3,00 per agree se
•'Duties—Must reside upon tree home
stead or pre-emption six me ,'hs
&aerie of elx you's .frolm date fel borne-
ktead entry (Including the -One re-
quired to earn homeisteed patent) end
eultivate fitty atrese extra.
A hotneeteader who hoe exhausted eie
homestead right and cannot ebtain
Preeenletion MAY • enter for a pur-
chased hon./geese:I in certain Cate:es
Price $3.00 per acre Duties-- Musa,
neisede 'sin Menthe lin( each t, of these
Years, cultivate fitty acres and erect
2. louse worth $300'. '
- • WI. 'W. CORY,
Deputy on the Minister of rh : iater:or
• N.Ba-Unteethorized ptiblicet
this advertleement well not .b " reed for.
• There are ,unnappy married lives, but a large percentage of 'these unhapp3
homes are due to the illness of the wife, mother or daughter. The feelings oi
nervousness, the befogged mind, the ill.teraper, the pale and wrinkled face, hollow
and circled eyes result most often from those diserders peculiar, to women. • For
the woman to be happy and pod -looking she must naturally' have good health. -
Dragging-dovm feelings'hysteria, het -flashes Or constantly returning pains and
aches—are too great a drain upon a wocaan's44tality and strength. 'Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription restores weak and sick women to sound health by regu-
lating and correcting the local disorders which are generally resporisibie for the
above distressing symptom. ••'•
"I Buffeted greatly far a number of years and for the past three
entre Was ts0 bad that life was a "The
to me," writes lees. B Drat-
ioexit, of Utica Ohio, Route 4. 'The doctors told me I would have re
go to a hospital before I 'would ever be better. A year ago this winter
and !prints I was worse than ever before. At each period I -suffered on
• one ut torment. I am the mother of six cbildren1 waa se ben for
eve months that I knew emeething must be done, so I wrote to ler. l. Vi
• Pierce, telling him asalererlO as I toted how I suffered. He outlined a
course of treatment which I followed to the letter. I took two bottler!
of 'Favorite Preserietioe' and one of 'Golden Medical Discovery- and a
fifty -cent bottle of Smart -Weed,' and have never suffered much since
I *sit I could tell evere suffering woman the world over what a toon
Dr. Pierce's medicines are. There is no use wasting time mai
dottoring with anything else or any ore else."
The Medical Adviser by R. V. Pierce, K. D. 13infa1o,
N. Y, answers., hosts of delicate questions about which
every woman, eIngle or married ought to know. Sent free
fifes, »tamer', on receipt or 5)) stamps to pay foe wrapping and mailing only.
Swoop StvpAqs • 31
' JOHN ,-Loargn, LoNnoN