HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-1-16, Page 4'40 UO cat Senderfs & Creech., Props. uttstuT, JAN. to, '13 LAST YEAR WAS YEAR OF SEN. sATIoNs erYt)"0/aw adVarecers In 1,[to ha • elte. setensatioet, thethine goea, faster, • and that everes Meve swiftly. qt would •;Seem that what is true ot ledividuals re,speet let true elso of the Were) --niach Year Seerne ter be More erovvded with Mereenteete happeninge than the • ye.a,r that preceeed ft, and 1912 -might be eked ee a seriking example. lr one revhews the eistory tit the year; Ineluellit,g Is horIzon ihe vvitole • ea`Weeft flora chain4 to Peru, he will be •..-4.14 loerre 'GO find in, allAilatory an - **other year le ,WhIen ego xjkany great movements eel:Trek:sated °ingot under' ets y New reptsblies have been bora; •old laatiehe hare tOtteried, to their fale e Great Men bave be tragically reetoved but it wilt remeen -for another ti011s to say It atquallY great Men, hey° been boji n the year that has euet passed. Net in a: Seniera,:tion lets newtepaper Iteeding worl4 had se st. many t heals as 11912 has le upu THE vr...k.ws OF 1912 Probably the wee; In the Palka,ns -was the outstaeclieg reature as theeyeae's news, The wee; between' TurkeY and Italy began La 1.911„ but it extended tettrough Most olf 1912, tend, eta, thier <events belong te tete year Just elosed 7The more importlairrt war betvveen Tur- zkey and the Balicele allie.s began ante -a, few mottedes, aked the geoertal ettpinion les the.t Most of the f:ghteng, is -over with 1.912, trhe prayer mill be ethat the Peace delegates, now assegebled Ute•leatedon wilt be tibia tp •C'oine to a .speedy agreement. 61n. the =gardens the - war continuee, teaugh it is 'eqatie thee icesegeb. sides are fighting eeeref emxile'etatioln of ihieering, the calumet -el te etease tiring est any moment. That this war will alter thet map of eBerape is er•oregone conelusien. The end has ecolme±oTurltieee en a E-uropean Power. „and as one tor the predominetting ' 1ue/ices La. nteinational Wreat. easeer destiny remains for her will he -working out itti Asia, and one. or ;the 7 -gtrese evotates de European diplomacy wiLt e.hortly, dierappea.e. In her niece likely to be berm a new Belleen. Perhaps oat si power a.olinowledging a. 'single king or overlord-, bet a pow- - serful vonfedierecy that net in ,:futu-e ece treated Nvitht reseect and that• gen, be cetreted on In tune ot straes eo act like a eing.lse naltrein.• THE TRAGEDYi OF A.PRIL Not omitting the, War, the great eews- ee.,aper event of the year wee r be sink, • of ttee. Titaseete It was '-11 it.pra -that, iLhits ship, t wes the lastetord - tan laraerry rind megnifiken.oe, and . that• - laws supposed. eo, be as ensinkable age . 3- rock island, neat her dootn byestrike ling an iceberg off the An:tete:me :toast S'ifteen hundred eeople if her, pees-, angers and crew event to the batten), esieh her, includitag such famotts men -as ,Wen. T. 'Steed, Colonel Astor and • l'eadere 'Straus. The ,sinking of the - 'Titanic Wes probablyettee nmst eensat- - lona_ dim:seer af enedern. •time% and ren-tetbeeeld by the nrigliohl .-sepeaking• world evOl., after tee. memory r tee Balkan War has. faded. Another, • avant that -woes insignilfreent enough. -in neelf, , and yet- thee attracted the • at,- eteation o illgons and pnavolced ale •:motet as mutt, disicussion as: the sii- • -fug of the Tiara, waet ftbe murder of ' 'Herman Rosenttal, .A. New York gamb« CRIME AND TRAGEDY - Rosenabal we.e neuedered in order thee ees might not be able to give informatibn remplicatee terte'e ot the New relat- e Iaorme in a, zarabling httotuge scamdai, a state of affairs tlhat shocked people e Viletrial of his assassins revealed :everywhere. The dynamiting _trial •wlehh • -was reviewed Tuesday, Dec. 31st, and Le earlier •tripal Or the 'McNamara bro- thers are also to be accounted with ette sensaticesal. events. of 1912. In Tarnish politics the 'introduction; of elite Home Buie Bill and ,the -organize ed agitation age:rest it. Ulster were ▪ rae most salient eventhe Otherwise .the tolitice.1 evente of the year the e Oat/ Cotentry leave been. furnished by •strttggles over meals:twee previously in- etrduced, and discusseed. The death ot : tee Emperor tot japan Wats almost. fer- e leotten in the nuere deembitic end of a. great eitizen tat japan who was. far eteetter known to the wbelee. Nog t was etene at the gr*.t Japarteser heroes "Om war with. Russia, and Msdeath • mks an axe of respect to' hist -dead Erne e„seeee needle e pre/found imPre^,8,4• , , GREAT MEN CONE THE COUNTY COUNCIL Tae coutnty COtrucIl ot the Oeunte Huren foe the •Ye4r. 1913 witt best eomeeteed as felleweee Aelttleld-Wre, Huittee and Charlee layiStewart ee;let-Geolge TeLoglsaY. Br asses -Join Leckie. Berth -Dr, W . 1‘11,111fle• • ClinternE. eantelon. Calbenne-S, Biseett. Exeter -W. J. Hieresnan.1 Goderlett Township --3. afeClere. Gedetliete-B, C. Uunninge Mel Dr 3ney--11. W. LiVingstone aed 3 Heitsale--3 W. OrItteetne Hay -L. Kaabmelsob, ilowt,e,k-s. T. Winter and Harding. Ht-james Lett:Jar. Seerarth-3. A. Stewart. Staeley-Wrre Glee, Steptiele-W, TO, Sanders and lehn Love. TuekernertithrellebeetiXeKay Turnbettry--johe• MuiveY4 Ileberee-Santuel Routley. East Wawanosb-B,. W. Scott. West Wawainosts-W. Withat.arre-.I. W. Meliabbon. ' Wroxetetri-eC. Bela. The Political complection of the peeaectet County Council is steren of a nt3,10r1ty Reform., and attcordance •vete the previolus armngensent It 'well be a :Reform Wit rd ep tor tits year. • It, in expected that the Wardenship •et 'he toasty vviel. be tbetween Robert McKay Of Tuelciereimeth end J. M./ facav entieek o Melilla:op wto have each seen seven years service• alt tee CourstY Ceuncil, Wee Bailie at Wt Wavra're- osit Is ease ah aspirLent. CANTIN .IS,STIES A BIG WRIT., • • • M McEvoy or. London, epon ste'•Uctions :received faxen. N. et Catin St Joseph, ' has !stewed a writ against $am R,. 'Qle..rk and Jobe R. Carter, in Which Me Ceirein • claims $51,409.50 , and interest, being • ithe yeltett Of 514,095 steams or Stock, in a. eertain coeneodnyt He also ...asks an inenection restraitaIng he detendahts freen selling., the stock • until judgment IS ..given. MeG1LLIVRAY COMPLETE .RETRUNS For Reeve Posore ' 16 36 88 47,82 5837-284, Merle , 19 35 11,22 65 4175-828 For Deputy -3i. E. Murder, wee For Councilloes Nickles • 27 27 83 16 69 74 85-327 Rosser 43 50 1747 29 20 41-277 Robinson 58 35 543783 64 68-392 Tweddle 23 19 48 55 3848 4e-265 Ire Alberta the municipal •elect:lend eteld en the let ItIoneley in. Decerabee and people there can atteact to the 3.ealiday season undisturbed by ewe-- icieee contests. Vie have .something to eesen yet he this resPectsf. --we- "WEE BOWLS" DEAD Seatorthe Jan. 13.-Jam,es McMichael, one of the earliest pioneers of Huron County, died at his home in, Sleaterth bo -day at the agie Of 89eyears, and 10 raonth;s. His death is mourned by a large number of relatives and friends who were vrarmeg attaehed to Itim. Mr. Michael came to Cada vrhea. 18 years ot age. In 1852 he went to Aus- tralia deride' the title e( the gold rush, returning to Canada our years later. In 1895 Mr. -Mcerichaee started the game of bawling on the green 'tete and it 'had since ,becortge very populate He has been the Presidemt etinve lts organization. Be baught the • green and pregeurtied it to the 'club. One ac,.' comeof hes fqtnidttAes for playing' with. small 'to -awls he wa,s knovve.ameng Iris teliewLplayers ses eleree Boy:18,e •'In 1912 China • elected • her finst eiereselent lot'Ettarr114 Kart Technie-- ereely, Dr, Sun Yet ?Sem was. the fiAt •"eaPresident, but et bee:lane apparent soCm arta' be wa a denignated ea elarettnier - tetra he (never could .1exting peace te the „eountry, and tao, be seeppx1 ,aside and eteatertnitted the strongmen of China 'to manage affeers. The -$mith Pole was etelleiecovered by Almitendsen, in el. -91.1e but It was net WrVin alaecle 7th, that ' explorer trebareed civiliea.eotte w:th pews: or h'es' great exploit. A.viateme,eest, Otte of -eat two fatibere en Toy, • Wilbur 'Veright aseed away, . and r.)en. mark Foist a euilielv in Kele. Fredeeker • Vel, Lrr tee( same mooth, Among otber noted men to die in 1912, were Galena •le -tooth, General 'Sir George White, 'the e defender of Ladysmith, and Sir Lowe' Mance alma Ta,derne, ane of "tire ,greet- , zest of medetet Englieh artiate. Tee else Of tree Progressive esety ri tee liketed Sta.tes, and the apparent ittption a the Republican ineek • that ghee gover.ned the United States •aa-. u.renterruptedly since the War. were teal es et greet ". letettiat efetuit noW big thee bulk on • peeee or history future conterentatiorS est be lett to Judge. • a.nleda -?0,.,day does. •net eend,„ • 'Ingle, pound be bubtee te Great 1,0-1, t *Jo, '4,1teretais In 1903 'we •eent 40c;• ilbee Inetead eautter to beeetteeit elf oeVrereee," ' 1IIt,p<sq.0Ld.A. eietart. litia,aititge, • ytto gee deeedeee .40,trs, ewe, there being 1000 • Ye 1911 than In • HAY TP. INSURANCE MEETING • ' Tee 88th anneltal° insurance meeting of The Hay Township Faemfeee' Mutuai Fire Iles urance Oe., was head in the Tewn laLI, Zurich, on Tuesday the 14 or jan. Mr. John/ E. Spereovr, the prese ident of the company eor the Peet year, acted as dhatirman,, The three retiring director's, Mesellei. Carietian Stade, wRlia.m Lamont wad' Wm. Const were reeelected by acclamation and. Messrs - Jacob Haberee and Augest Renee as' auditors. On account of the new ree quire/net-els of the linsurance act, the en,trual :meeting Will be meld in future tin• trse artist Monday in januaty in Zur- ich. At the eloise. at the annual meeting the dinecteee Mee to elect their prase. aeilit and vim-preivident. flioh resu•Ited -Mr. Geo. McEwen, I-Iensall, president; :Me' Wm. reameert, Rake, eviceepresident During the past year there have been 473 policies, issued co -ere -kg ant insini eean_ r $1 059 950 alted tne year closed o_ , • • . with 2005 policiesi en force having an insurance Of $4,592,73-5, Th12. YearrEl lessee amounited fte $7702.52. There le a ',balance in the bank amountieg to e10,490.41. The assets et the comParY empunt to' 6181,662.62 -and the •come Piny is free of liaise:ties,. Ealers pol- icy -holder of the eontiany will receive a,--i%•leader a/nd a repoirt, in the course ot a fevv weelos? time. WHALEN. ---- ,The organized junior Bible Class celebrated the Atniverlstery ot their 1,st yeers Orgatn,izetion, by grveng-, a lb,enquet to the tlese and also tlie jifficer,s and teuehetts of the Sunday ' School.• A apieledid supper was 'served 1 and toasts givento the following. Our Church by David ,Jobnaton, lour Count. by Hervey :Piarkiseson, sr., Out I achool by John Haeelwood to .the visitors 'by Mlellvrillte Ilern and to the VV'aiter,a by S. Stevenson. The :close • during' its year. of woek has been ,a •(erese benefit td tee yOung peroPle . Mess ',Besslie Morley the President" gave Ze,,toest er.or- the elase and hat re, merks sheeted et graduall growth and deeded sueeese flee year -Mr. Cl,aeres tattfgard Car.ndute, Seek., le v't,e:itifig: a'r'Ieede around ',here thfa, vo:ritat.' wirg; , I. 'el-tog:gat MIS returned itenfee ertev /Mending the pest few' Menthe° with her els:ter, tet l'egetretell.„ end •Is i in P et)rei eeeteetelh 01 , able • lo .,, he. 'old f:e georet• I ediseft'eld.?tutlee, ge ,,,.. :a. 0, Crediton Out, Heekey boariek. Went tiO Batter oie Tuesdev to pley tbe first hockey eat,* • tbe seafeete. The lesult Wela 5 toe 8 In raver et Eteterc Elmer Sheafedowe is bus,yat a - rink end heeee, ILO leave geed skating in a few dalst H. Flatter, attended the an - Oral Meetieg of .tble police -holders, oe The Hee Toweellip recratee's Matt. Eire ins, Co. in ZOrich on "Tuesda.y, The ttewly eleeted Outwit, held its first geeetingtmn thee Kai. OLLmondaY A. number of mettle Rana wens attendi ed to, A meeting 'of thee temperance aersoclie teteen of the Township was held In Evaegelical, Chureh On, eronday after!. Reviva3 meetings, have comma -wed in the Eversgehical Cherete Tires pennies Of tie late erre. Ellen Morlock, wialo died in Exeter were lee tereed here eesteeday. Mrs. Mere lock• lived heriet sit one time and we's bdghly reSeleeted b)r ale. The bereaved fanule- have the sympra,thy of the cone- rauttitY. Tbe annual election, or officers of the letea..- court of the I.04F,1, was held bn tee ledge le:betelOn. aleadee night. The following iseehe• resert -ef the electioll C, R., Geo,. tzei ; ACM., W. K. Wenzel; FS., Alonzo; Fledging ; R:Se Hert, K. Meer ; Offtetor, 'Moues ,Faist ; S.W., John 'Wein t 3: W., Paul Shenie Trees Ezra raise ;, &B., Walter Clark.; 1.B., F. ; Marsh:tall ;. Henri, Wesley Brown of Bay- Port,, /spent a. teee dsys in ioern latst week. %else:tie ells father Better:I Brown. • STEPPIEN COUNCIL 'Tine newily elected .-peunell of the TowleshIP Or Stelaherl convened le the Town Hall, CredliOnt, rati.' Monday, 13th January, eh 11 o'clock aente': After' each, teember bad subseribed to his declare tions of office and property queilfica- ,.itiorznswer. theereadmitneateepis .0aipprotheivPed.revious meet-, •Keleennent-Ele0let--.11hat the reporter' the rettuneng, clatter re recent Local' Option vote be f�e4.e-Carried., Fielebeenseri--E)lebelt-Tihat Jos. Gteeen be appointed autesteesor, truant, officer and sheep ',Main tlar -Carrled- FLnkflGlL mann--Tealt James Hoagies be appeinted caretaker ref the Town Hall, at tomer salaree-Ca.rried. Elliott -Love -Teat Stephen *ebb :be appointed aMember of the Beard of Health or thrkes Years end William Lewis, Ea. Broleenshiee and W B. Oliver sanitary enspecticers or the ree spective deed/a:tins aLloted tie then in 1912-Ca:treed. I Applications were received Evora the A.dvocate Printing Co, ter printing and trent Fred Wdereth for the office of. Treasueer alt. a salary of $75. • Loves-Fittekbeeneal-That the appilea..- . tions be elled.leCarielled. - • - Eleott-Irellferimaine-That By-law No. 180, aPPerintling :Samuel Brown . Trees!, uxer or the Tovvirtehip ot Stephen; which' ai11, be nt;almd aiPedasl'eedby utal 7bIlt'e19. "0:110 hendeecl Doelfs.rs" in the . 19th and 20th lines rend substitutipe ,tiee words, "Ninety Dolls -es" th,e.refor.-- Car.rted. •• ' Irelleretann-Pingoelnert- That the Township printeng be awarded to The Oredlten Star et their -former tender. --Carried. • Lcee-I0ellercremet1-That By-law No. 197, to aPpoint mUnriciPal off.cere, hey - Ing b'een, read thee -third timebe pedsed and signed by' the Reeve an, Clerk, end the seat of the, ddeporetion attached tiherleta,-iOatiried. • The following orders were passed, -- Sundry persons, election expenses, $9615; Bell Telephone ,Co., . account, tor 1e12, $13.55; R 3. Loiveli & Co., erdert took and express, $9.90; Sae. Bowe, bal coateact• Bet. 1, S. B. $3,15; A: Eledgin.s, salar.y ae collector, $70 ; C. Prouty, gratuity, 425; Ja1s, Cowan & Cc., ges ' 67.84; Wason„ Pf.ke & Stewart, re. Pollock. award drain, $17.16; H. Bieber', re, Pollack awatd drain, $6; A. Hodge:es, Cce, gas. $2.40 C.. Stetebagen, removing insane destr-, tute to esyluin, 12.40 Henry Rader, grevel cnN. B, $2; Hespital, fee Sick Children 45, J. Coalmieh, re. Hutchins son's cont. $12. ' leel,tteentegeri--Love-eThe,t this Council do new adjeurn, to meet eagela in che Towe Hall, Crediton4, on Istoneaye Mete 3 -rd 1913; at 1 lean. . •H. Eilber, Clerk. frA,TIVOrlit NIcGILLIVRAY. • The feneral of he lete Mr,s, Tohrt F. Kafiri teak piece LeaIni leer late residence, 1.ercen, at 9 serne cm Tues.. day. Jen. 7t11, to MeGtillivray R.C: ChurCh, ,,dare tor service and inter - meet, followed ley a lalege number sof sympathizing friends. eceased was a. daughter et the late ItohnIGlavin,,ene et the pioneers. of McGillivray TR She' had resided In Ducat's tor nearly forts' Yeal'e. A quiet but very plicate wedding we.e Selemnized on. Jan. 8th . fSe, Paltricks chturth, Lateen, by Bee. Fr. Corcoran tor Loteden, NvIhon Miss Kath. leen Mellbeiggley, youngest daughter of the late John D. McIlhar,ge,y, and Mr. P. S. Buckley of Mount Carmel, were married. 'The btride was given .apway by her brolther ts1k.1I .11telElheme , and `was pretti1 y driese(ed in Alice blue silk. triune -led .tvilthe peens; and eveaet. leg a large blat,k hat with ostrich plumes. Stue wets attended by her -sloe ter :Mess Ilene lelictilhalfgey, who was becomingly deesseced 10, velvet, 'Witt euitable trn1xfln(g'a ab4,hat to match - Tee groom ,wale taitteiteedt by his bee- ther, Mr, Johtn Beckley or Salgtrea w. Aft.er the ceterniony was: 'performed the ceuple add eriendlar cleave Ip the bride's honte, Where a eery daltity breakfast Was served, Aneeng the guests 'were Miss Annie Otteltiley Wed bet niece* Miss Certilta. ',MePereit df Sa,gitteee. The beide' a 1 eavehling gowntn, were ca. Star whiecerd and blacl elvet. The itapey cofiple left foir Detroit, Saginaw, Mad- kirtae Island and otter points. On, their return they will resele on the 2.ed earteelesiort MeGlirvray.•, • GRAN)) BEND. SairS 41/0 Peatirx 01'Quar COT or TOLNDO, 'Frank T. ()hooey tuakes oath thet he is senior partner of theantt eg. 4. 04etiorop0., 40inK bust- uesa in the Qi' of Telede,tettee, tad Stete Afore. said, and that sealant -I. wl?PsY the sum a "E lielefeeND COLLARS ter each and every case of paterra that caenott he ured hy the tee of Halle Vatarrh Cuee, FRAAlleal. MENET • Sworn to before me end subscribed in iny pree tinge, this eth day of pee/enter, Ate 1866. .• (Sue) • A.W.OLEASON, •Novato Pewee Cate rr Curets takee interaalbe and actS directly ou the blood and 4mIcoue aurfacee of the system. Send for testimonials free. , F, J. ORKNEY h 00,, 'feted°, 0. Sold by ail Croegiste. 710, Take Halle teenier tells for 000stipation. Saturdeye-Mr., Prank AlU,ster 18 able to be out again after has Rivet:Vie"' Seheel started leet Monday with Mrs, Kerr of ',Oped,itoe • as teeelier.-eele. W: • A(m0a has aeldi hi n etooK, to Neleen Possegaien. 'given first or -Fe• bruare,e-allas Young, went to Lon - doe meet:veg. Dashwood Dr. Reetledge. -Wee In London on 'Mon - AVM Held Le serioutele 111 weth little or no prespeet of recovery. •'Mrs. ralinip Beaver is Srl !II at ILet10 6,042V:Z Is VielAChg :11er slater tiers. Percy Huenibie at Sarnia. Mr Ed. Disierdente had the Inirreditune to lose leie driver Friday. .He wars driving to the eillaigle, and vfbee intront of Richard Baker's' rants' the animal dropped *ad in the shatte. It Is quite a ,loss as he Wei a geed' r,ellabie driver Wieberig of Berlin Is risitieg les palettes in tete:plate. . Several tram hereatteedete, the RUC - tion ,sale Or the , sittat4 etard'tillimiereentri ot the late Wim- •Sehatz-A, which wars, the best .sale In this coenneualty for ,siome time', aood prices, preve.tiedxd. Baseen berrY, hl3 auctiOneete of title dernmunete weeded the hamnief iri his usuo:1 geed • rn, Va'nwene- 'TorWaship electioe passed 'off very quietay in tiles poll • Sever -1 /rem thee place attended the Meeting of the ,councll eer, Thos. Kluanaop Is looting after the bae-loir business lit this. -place en the abseace or Mr. Joseph Warnbead wile Is on a vela 'Ca his brother . in Elkhardt, Ind. Dr, McLaughlin lis again home gronl the bospital. , The annuail neeetine of the member. of t,he Lutheran. chure.h, Was held " on Monday aeteenetenwhen the usual. btes- Ines& was trielsected., Mese Clara Keefe of Thedford spent Sunday at her home here. • - A quiet weeding took place at the Lutheree parsonage on Tuesday even- ing last when, M. John L. Kraft!, son ot Mr. and Mtgs. Peter • Kraft, was are Red in nverlates to Wigs IY.E.IA de-ugh:ter of, Mr. atel Mtne. Sohnt the ceremeay being performed by 1-tey. Thun Mr., and Mrs. Kraft will take ehoueekeepilnig in Dashwood end will have the best Wishes, ot theer many ;tends foe a haipliry. and 'ProsPeneura wedded' life, • • Deshetreael wee again visited by Fere -On Monday nightl or Tuesday neor,ning the tem Mill, oVened by the Dealt:wane Fla.x CO: wale conipleteiy 'destreered by 'fire. -"rt'e fire wee fiat nolheedeby„ Mr. Adam Birk, a farmer 'Who reigid.es Just. east of the village. He at once gave the alarm, 'Mitt berate anything could be done the, wholei building vssa.arieres of flames. The 'Mill. had been, running during thet day and is thoughtit may have originated- feeler the engine MOM Luckily the ,lange bane 11vrtlich the seae. son's erolp ol axthalteebeent store:levels, in me way derneged, The company has another enill which had not bee,fl run - 9 beey will have a place to week up their stack. There wa.s nO in,- eura-nce on, the building or Contents. The death.. ,otoultalece here loct Teesday night, Jan. 14th, cd en aged resident of thaer Plate, le the pet'sate of -Pr-zabeth Me;st,• Wife nie Phlialep /Beaver, at the age er 70, yeses?, 7 ,xnenths, 19 days; tremaisecl e,k1 been a esideat of,Hay Township for about thirty years, end we:1 respected, tend eateetesed by all wec lenevv her. -She had been, ill /far about five .yeare:el ,diabetes 'arid the end came gradually lbut surely. Bol. 91405 the hoed:laid& ,shle; lei -survived by five -sons ariirdone datulgfreter, grri. rot Alberta, Seten .otf lattagatn., Sam of Stephen TP., and Frank and 01aarree .oti: Hay, arid Vies'. 'Vieille -sera Snell of Desherood witl -whottne she has been. resitieng for sonee mottiesc. The fun- eral will flake peace on Friday at 1.30 to the •Goletten 11-thesto. ce'raeterle , -• eeir. Jahn Bair d is 'en the siek itat- M,P. and Mrs. Geo: tvot • hointe t01'4:11.1e "Itter vlsitIng 'Vrareeri war tdt.'t4.1tYce L';le last ., •weelee:441ehWe4. ed,fn 'drVtt Leivie was ettteet in the faCe by a norso-on 1 THE..:.,.....CANAPIAN.., BRUCEFIELp-Mr, teeer. ,McCadtiney, Mill. Road, Tutaketherniele left last vreek an a trip to the Old CountrY. Acte., was ac,cornlownied by Dee- Shenahana er Pea‘- fertal. TheY Wiill be alwrzeY aro or six weeks. -The local option hotel here has been elosed.up tight 'Since the bet - taw for the. repeal or local °Aden Was defeated on Monetaty last. 'The sheds and strateee are wired elo andI 210.1110Eils ere being Iseleted. - BETTER THAN SPANKING Spankiesg does not cure children of bed wetting. There Is a cOnetitutional cense tar this troublef Mrs. M. Summers. Box W. 840. Windsor, Otte will seveli free Re any mother her _Ruccessfuti home treat- ment, with rdIl inietructions. Send ho motley but vrrete her to -dee if ,your children trouble you to this Nino-. Don't blame tee child, the ehances are it can't help it. 'This treatment ate° cures Adults and aged people troubled vnth anthe difficultiee by day or sight. OF CQ1y1YMRclg"..... snt oporcom WALKER. President AX.EXANDER LAIRD JOHN 1UHD • General Manager Assistant Gsserid *seater CAPITAL $15,000,000 REST, s12,500,000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadip Bank of .Commerce to be operated by mail, ant will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the &Ink- eie EXETER BRANCH -G. L. NY.!kr.JOH, 111.anager. Branch ale* at Creditor' The Molsons Bank 7 Incorporated 1855 Reeord of Progress for Five Years -1908-1911 Capital $3,000,000,000 • $4 - Reserve Deposits -$3,000,000 4,OOOE • $23,617,730 35,042,3111 Loans and Investments - 27,457,090 4954801 Total Assets - $33,090,192:- 4E237,2$4, Has 88,Branchesin ...,anada, and A gents atul-Corresponden ts n all the Principal Cities in the World:- anmirtm. BANKING SUSIN85/1 THANHAZT110. SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT • at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. • EXETER BRANCH • Agents at Exeter tor the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors, • N. D. HURDON Manager, ' CROMARTY Rev: F. L. Harbuen of Fair Cround Ls spending a talc), weeks, vtacation vr:th his Mother and brother, here, Quite e mine:ter from here topk advantage of the concert given' in the Methodist 'cher, ch, etaf.fe. tea Monday evening under the ansplees et' a betald of Dr. 13a.rhatieee boyet- from. Englatted.;-Mr. and Mrs. 3t Speare Calgary are visiteg at the tor,mer's relatives neair the village. - Mr. Sinion Miller aux local cerriage dealer es Meeting vete, great success Mese days deposing o1 his r.ew cut - terse -Mr. Willagen, Gaines or the C. B. C Stretford renewed acquaintance's here last week.-Nrs. George Martin is under the Dr's care. --Miss Ben,na of Fergus returned last Friday ah,d r:ao resented duties, at LS. No. -6.-Mr. and UrS, Jeo Weight ot Detrnit pnt est week at the Lorimer§ parents west of the village.e-A number from here, drove to the home of Mr. Sae: Miller one erolefe ites•t week and. :spent a very enjoyable era -ling. -Dr. Bruce af Ottawa lefiche, ;Spent. the week end with tele father heree-Mr. T MeGagnin spent lies,t1 week at this hetree, neer Da-shweed -Scheel tmeetengel pessed- off very quietly the usu.aa, trowel in attendance and rountine yrorrk done, -Mr. 5. A, etc -Laren ea's, resigned as' Reeve and Colque.oun was apPointed to fill the verRecy.. • • Notice to Contractors The undeesIgned Will receive tendelei Lor the Metal coy -ageing or erep Elim - Ville Methodist Church sheds, to con - alai of 0orruga.ted Tree, 28 Pulite, ihe earre to be reed?, least fee* feciteet end laP, and one comet:gee/sit end e. half side lap end the ridge roll to be of s'iltf101efra ,s;24. Alai) bet eillere:egot three veatilatore on the rifillt4. Veri- tracter, te feernieite' i13lWI1 iIi. The re,oCie 122 Net le length reet iri.11 Pt", , qeke fakir teiigt{lie "ef l'oe each efeidee, r#.0 reiteeee from tiiie tetta l'Oec, eete:.; t:tactot, TeridelletotCa 1j by illehrtaktil 1st 1913. s. 3, Priti, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 sweets IN. THE INI.A.TMER OF THE ES- • TATE OF GE011GE 3CI:1110E0ER, tile ELDER, leee of the T.ovenehip et • Stephen, inethe County of. Huron, yea- cleeea,sed. Notice Is hereby given, pursuant .to 'Statue° 1, Geo. V, Ghla,p. 26, Sec. 55, teat all persons havtng claims ageiest the above earned deceased, who " died on or about thee21st dee 01 Septembet A, D.,' 1912, are reqUired to send by poet prepaid, or to deliver ad the under- signed, Solicitors for tlhe •EXeellbare; on ox before the let eliy, of February,1913 their names and addreeses and a full •seeternent of the pateticulairs or their cleat:Tee' and the geltulee or 'the seettrity lir any) aield by theta; Prepierig yeei- fled, and that after the said '1st day February, 1913, the Executors will proceed te distribute the 'assets- 6f the '•;said 'deceased ,haering regard only to 'elaiMe` 'of Welch :,ehey shell, then liar/a eatIce, ad j( thy %Ilia not be fee 'able' ter- titse' askiets ea' diatributed or, a.ne"-',eart thereof tot ale person 6r. , wribae claim t0ie s1144,,-41 tot ,then, have, • , . Dated at Exeter tele 7th day of Jan- uary, A. D., loia. DICKSON & CARLINC, • Seliettore tor Executors „ HOUSE FOR SALE The undersigned is. orreleng sale that desirable village, Property, situated lni Etelter, being Lets 19. and 20, Main street, There is on the peens- isee a modern brick residence, ter:Mall cenvereencest ; a. good ,stable, and e. number Si choice trait trees, This prope orte Is well located and- W111 be sold reeetenably. Aimly on the' pre/re:Roe, or by mail to Mr. Wen, ,Pudetore, Exetetr For Sale That desirable trarne , residence on Will:ham !street, Exeter, settee: of the river. Three iota, modern can.veniencea electrie , Lights. and „furnace. A, humbler of fettle trees , en,d ebueleav, Geed hard and .actt., :water. Mao epplicatione by )tender will be reeettred tor tee, tante:a:Y, eeteseIn whole -land, bulidt.nge,, itteehe etre y,, ivbeve-.1›.'1: SebOrelbety. the , • lowest or any , tender aot en,ecesectitile . etc. :potpie& For partici/lane epply IticCALLUM. EXT./TER, BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught abtytheexpert instructors • 1./1/Pe Y, M. C. A. BLDG.. • LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College. in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt . J..W. Westervelt, Jr. principal ceurt,ered Accented., is Via -Principal FARM FOR SA.LE. Reing composed et Lot 18, Care 6; • Usborne, containing 100 acres. On the premises is a good brick housee heated by furnace; hard and sett w - L shaped bank Were), 38x82 and 50 ,„ finiehed Ler horses, cattle, and hens; peod drive mepesee.. sitO 12x33 feet: l',erge supply cen watet tank 'supplied. never ;fallingI. will' windmill attached. Cement. water - tank for taireshing. 125 trees( of choice eppl es; else good garrden ot plume end and ,sme.,11. fruits; 2 icres of hardwood bush .45 acres ploughed for winter and 'ole balance in greser. 'This ProPertYIs welt undeediained, well fenced and in good state of cultivation. Coneelent to `churches, Sehool, and' market. A .beaut- Ira! name in good neighbkrhood ad ni.u.EN be sotd to wind.ulrrarP eskalte..EaSY terms of payment. For Terme and par- ticulars apply to Vine F.1 Wilson an 'tee prentieee or to ThotseCiterneren Aunt James Street Church Shed Mere is a large number cir pectiale.' „Who ,usse this sherP.Whea do not in way give any eueport to the church. e The Trustees think. that alt such .4:he-Led contribute In oma way to • -thee °rendes ot tihe church,. for the splendid accommodation Witten theyaveil -theine selyee of, 'and wetted intimate that any wishing' to 'do so ahead remit er hand samce to their eeeretery. treasurer, iter• S. Martin. • ," 'Exehsee Note. ,26, 11912.. '; WINTER TERM •Fletcem JANTIAAY 4tit , ,SeTri'arpollb. ONT. ;,Atratferd• Su*. Col. out. dese more for its students arid grade uatee than does other &miler eacirmobe C..0111'600 are up-toedate and laskructere ere ,a1Periencede Giraduates are pieced in good positions The three applica- tion:a receeved to -day •offer etteragesee- are- of $118e' per annum. Three dereark... nle'L/te 'CoglidlORCIAL, SHORTHAND & TReiGRAPHY. •• • Write roe reveactetaleigue at once. . 0 A.. MeLACHLAN., Principal, resh roceries We are now well establish- ed, in business and we lbolieve on the best of authority (nam, ely that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giviik the ,best of satisfaetion. " All kinds of produce takep, in exehange4-, JAS.* G ULD