HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-1-16, Page 1ill 1Nai1W''TOUR' SUBSCRIPTION Now IS arae tk1i4 tee earl 3tl pili hive your tuba0t01011 1;0 Atte &dveeate ree ieevted. We sere tel. 'Vile yens ell the lrr 1 eteWe irl eeft 4ee And intereeti,aag foYaix, acid We 'beliefs' we five tip tO tiro claltn, 'kelp alerig the 00 work, BI u tyre s lewln ,yo w, p r o so6deteenS, .fie dvosst fxlttlra 9 ail the .CICY W+celcl ' arad ly las and giber M inea at terrras that .sze ieldWeneent. Melt axed get Ireer,rst EXETER. ONTA,RT CARLIN ?SONE 18 o clear out the bala e of our of General Meru ndise which consis of Dry foods, Fadies and Genf Furn- ishin.gs, arpets, Rugs, .WalI. l'aper, china, Glassware, Boots and shoes, Hardware &, Groc- eries. We can save y at test 25 per cent and in man.)cases 30 to 40 AU goods must b f, sold as the building has beela sold and has to be vacated Feb. 1st. lR'U SDAY, JA. 'CTA Y i& i91 Local Items ;dr, W. 0. Goodwin; .of the Jeekeeata, Company hta(s' gonia to Zurich whore be will be xnanegen of •;'hie brarncb factery Mr, Goodwin was an aecoznpllsiied'sote? Let, and bas seri:lees in the choir et James Street church will be oaten ruts peed, HONOF1iS .FOR AURON.-We are very pleased to notice; tlba(t lvlr S. J, Ifitogartlr who entered ithe Orceaa'd Conpe'titbasa conducted by the Fruit I3ra;nch of The Department of Agriculture of • Ontario, durintg the past 'season, has succeel, ed is captu.tieg thte first ,Pa"-zze:air this dietriet, wthech embraces the Count ae of Lrrmbton 1-lwratn,.l3ruce, Grey " aid;, Seneca, The Publicity 'Assoc:atfori will; taro doubt make geed use .of the honor brougltlt to this county by Mr. "'RoB'- arth, who hour thus publicly demons stra'tedthe adaptability of this di'atASct far the productiled of the ahoifat apples T'no Judges in risking their awards cera sideried - not ,only the quantity and quality of the fruit, .out the., pruei,ng, spraying,cultivation, fere:g e stein, and covert -crops] empitAYed by; thecgntestants in the management of their.oroharde, We congratuletem' t.; Hogattth, and ,tun selves oto the dLstinctioti brought to Exeter. ANNUAL MEET NG-The,a.ntauaI meet- ing of the Exeter , Agricultural Sot-. iety was, nein ;fist the Town,.; asil on Tuesday lest, -rr. 'I3, E. Huston was assigned to . the chair, who in a few' brief remarks °•paned the nieeti,n_ . The president, M. E. Christie, was called upon to address the meeting, anent the affairs of the society during the past year, after' which the president was `tend:ax d a Hearty vote of thanks ter the excellent and able services render- ed .,he satiety,. The auditors' report was read by C. H. Sanders evna h showed the society to be in a, good healthy condition fina1'ict',aLly, the e- ceiPt;s for bele prat year; being $1292.00, with a t bhiatvice On hand of $129.43 after a hundred dollars had' beein, paid on the mortgage ab ceunit. In. a: motion the society put' itselfon record ,as be.. torr in. f,avtotr of at expert reprefseulta.'. Live frons thae Experimeital` Farm, Guei.- ph, for ;hits dietribt, whose dwty k ,would be to .instruct pal any Point or agriculturle The ft1lowing officers were , elected for _ensuing year',--Presie dent, E. Christie;, let Vice -Pres., John 'fir 1foir; 2nd Vice-Preel., W. D..''Samdera, Directors, John Dielbridee, George Pen - hale, W. R. Elliott, Jas. Jeckle Paul Coates, John Allison, Wm. Russell, B. Willianva, Tilos. Hunlcim; 'Auditors, C EI. . Sancleea and, 7as.. Been At - 'the subsequent meeting of the,director.a, A G. Dyer wa,e elected secretary and N. D. Hurdo>n, treasurer. THE LATE RICeTARD EI.STON.+-Mr, Richard Elteton, a, Well-known resi- dent of EYeter,, died suddenly Wednesz- day, 8th January (ass we mentioned last 'week) in 'hd,s 76th year. In 18.55 his father and fatmily came from Devoxn shire, Eng., Parish orf Morchard, and settled to Exeter. Richard was themin his. 19th year, :In his 27th year he married MaR'y Ann, eldest daughter'of Thomas X'arkinse z, who predeceased shim &bot five years,'. Tue homestead'on which' hiei eon Richard atoll lIees, is situate on Lot 1, Cohtt.,.8, Biddulp'h. He :leaves four sans; and three daughters', Tlectmas, .Gen Balli ; Jes;ee, Exeter Rio'hard, Biddi h; Misses A.an('e and Dinah, Exeter; David and Mariam • of Edmonton, Alta,. Although so widely separjatted in their bereavement I doubt. ,not but their heart's Will all turn to the old home around w'lrich cluing so many fond menner3eis of father and mother, memories” which will undoubte edly be cherished as the most) precious' Il'h'ing•s of life. Mee Elston was an ac- tive worker in' the -church sad Sunday school, elglo took air intelligent interest in educatio»Rl h- artteeta as was evfden.. ced by Bitst being School Trustee for several 'term. Living in Exeter and vicinity fbr over half a century Richard Elston was one of our well-known men. He wars a, member' of Main-st Methodist church, an ardent advocate and "sup- porter of tennperance, and a Life -Bong Liberal. - Sure the last end of the good man ilsl peace. Hew calm his exit; Night dews fa,11 not more genitly to the ground ; Nor weary. worn-out winds expire so soft. Even the tired 'flesh rests, toot' In certain hope of Besur-' vection; Nor shall it hope in veal The time draws oto wh;en, nota single, spot of burial easel, Whether on land or in the ewe:ciauts wept, But must' give. back its long committed dust in,veolate. Exeter Cott -nen The old C wn i1r ,l x2 0 9 held its ia,st Jileetl1Y:S, 'I(hler'pdtaY evening, Jain•. 9th. ,Mernbere were all present, exoept ser, Lovett. Minutes Of the last meet- ing were read and confirmed. Beelaw Na, 15, re error Ira •taxes hal,: ing been read :'the riece+selrrty number of .lentos was featly Passed, on mo- tion or. Ford, seconded by Rivers. Theo only tender ,for the ice Wala that of a1fr,,, Tih,as. Creech, being •er3(1 for the ,season. en motion of Scott, 'second ed' he Ford, the soma Was accepted. 11,1•ve};s--Fofxd-That the accounts as read 'e; Paid ; eeolsons Beek, debenture $84:06; • C. H, "weeders, borrowed man;-; eY and :interest, 4'4558.26; Thos. Crawls 'ruant officer, $10; error in dog tax, $1b5.05; Sandy Purdolixt, cern. at. $5,70. 0,,V1' „Relighit, debenture, $;108.45; ':f01sorls`Bank, do., $671.,82 ; V. B4 Carling,. pottage, .$5 ; Gladmalk & Stan - bury, debenture, $129.35; Casolinc, Bo - bier, do,, $108,45; W. Holmes, County. Treas., $968:76'; Jackson Bros;, rent stere,. 4300 Ge'a, Crawley, (terse hire ii ; 1-larvey Bads„• coal, $1.47; S. Mae - tin, re Ford a,rud Davie ,,drain, $i.8;, W. Harding, rep. scales, $3; Canadian Rub bee Go., $250.00John Ford,. pt. Baal.. $31.25; Ross -Taylor Co e 3.7 5 C;an- ti act Record, adv., $3.40; ;Advocate $187.45; efu•nic.ipal World, supplies $24.99:. Jas, Dignan & Son , $1 ; El- ectric 'Light Co, 125.58; W. Carling, aec:ount, 60c.. J. Norry. labor, 2,60; T: 'Seeders Leeeor, 2460; S. $a•nderg,. 1.00; W J. LI•seett • postage and ex- change, 2.50; Tlr'os. Brock, snow plowing 6.00 ; Thos. Xloniden labor, '.Will. Tema, suit elotlhes, W. J. Bissett 25.00; ;'Silas •H.andford, eared, 2.25 , ~ Afters, the aajowrnmiatnt the - Reeve ad - ,dressed 'the officers and cauncilJ;ors. file stated ;that l e ha(d the last wird aid beat -ked 'the officers and councillors :for the way' in which they Sad stood by Men darting the past Yeah • ie could, not remember when he had ,enjoyed the yeasts work as he hail during the past year ated tele best Of all was he in- vited the cdutnciS and the offifcers to Partake ' at oysters L with hint and was. a;ci15 sorry that we hadn!t Mr. Levett ta. join :vie. T. B Carling, Clerk. . The newly -ea ted . cOU;ncil met in the Tern Hata. or (M`olnclay at 41 hint Reeve eleatnitji etnd Councillorsi 1-Tind Doyle, S'cot't, and }lepton took and sub;. scrited to the 'oath of office, after. whish the meeting Wags opened by Rey. eicA'listter with praayer. On met It ;tL if1 , • Mdaeree (Scott and 'Doyle, the t'hanlce +0'f the council w.ere:• gendered: Sfr. llcAmierter. The Reeve after congratulating. the members on their elettior. i,n . a short address au:betted a' few matter.si which ,Mould In all prlobability engage the at- tention of `Ghee• co'u'ncil dturltng the year The Hydra E,lledtri'c( power -wast the most urgenit', he heli( It was the bounden duty de the council to push Hydro as fast as potssibile. WkI Owe at to thel sis- ter towns of Goderitch and ,Clinton to e 'bo o as asr 1 . submit; k'v byelaw, a�s .seen, P, The Hydro engineer. has, estin>tatted that the 'present electric plant was worth about $9000 for '($10000, but t tee amount the proprretioma had stated they would molt accept: T:he roadie, ¢deeded; i(<,npr0vesnen1t and. thiis council would. need tla do son* thing, probably to biiy, a crushtelr. It fila- 'ikely Nlhalt we may bel called: on to discuss` tithe analttee oe the Canadian Nortbeen Railway con ng to Bastetd from Stratford and; St$arys. The mat- ter, of ki'ving any, alsisiaa•ta.nce neoesearY to the aiWurim(g ori: a new post office was: touched on,; as was, •a1reo the need of.;fixing the darn: Tbid reeve again ad- vteed the appoilntanlenit Of two assess. - :ears. • el The apptoiniti cent of the various °fell. cera was : Itih ri pi dceed'ed with, ; ata follows: ' Scott-IIariton-+rT 4 Ed. Treble and 3, Senior be auditocee' at a salary lot $25.-Carreed:'., Doyle -Hindi- Th1aat T. 33. Carling, , be re! -a'pp'ointed c1leerk and treasurer. - Careled, ' Barton(-Sbott rTlhtaj, W. 3. Bissett; be re -appointed: Rorad co!mr'iistatenercef- Carlried. Scott-Doyle-T1hxi;t arppltications be ,asked fore -for use of weigh elcales for bell. ringing, for Printing and for a,s seasons: -Car:tied. Bind-Doyle--'Tiholt Reeve Heagnan,, and GouncLll'are Sceott and Barton be ret- Prelslantai'tives to tlhe 'cemetery board -3 Carlried;. Flour Coupon. OF H. hook, Sons` & Co. The coupon. is good for 40 caret on each bag of SNOW DRIFT, ottr beet family flour, giving you tdie •privile$'e of dakftg one to • five have, providing this ootuJpon fs presented to us oto or, before Jalnueey 81st, 1913 Our regn,.letr (selling price of our • SNOW DRIFT, floutr without this coupon file. e2.75, ere you' present this coupon each bag of SNOW. DRIFT will' only reel'; you $2.136 for each. bag. Oux axtd3:1 3tb equlped with the latest and moot modern flour mill machinery We oleo have seemed the services of a first class miller, who warts prre viotttly eniplo'yeki by one of the largest Innis In Ontario. Cenaequen3- IY We sre Offering, this tiiducement in 'Order to tglye evety Woman an, OVportun sty tb tt'r etut? SNOW DRIFT :flour.,'llvery bait ,giatareteed• We are eel ti(g bear oat $22.00, and Shorts at $28000 per toll, 1n ten lotil,, , WE ARE LARGE ki'f1YERS OP BEANS BRING tIS OCT.A SAMPLE Presented by .. s• ... , • .... • ....... `. COOK, SON'S & Co, Bonsai]. Ont SAINAES & CRS' Seette-Hastert .Thee; Meagre. F. W; 0- nen nen atndW. D. Weekes be re.ea. Pointed to t'krfe tepee cry boards -Carried OcottWW1-That the f011oeVing fence viewer's be .s'e-a,Ppodrxtedr, W. J. Bis-" sett, J. Gill, 8. 'Sanxita'ew-Ciairridd, Doyle• -'Matteis itt t T3iosl. Crewee be re-appeintpd Tet a4 Officer.-Carried.i Scott Doyle -That' Dr. Qutakenbush and eL E, Huston. be re -appointed to the Beard of I ieali i.• -Carried, EIartee- Sctrttt --- T3hbJt ClouncllLoris Doyle and Hind be tihee Light Committee -Carried. . Scertt-'Doy :gat 7. A" Stewart be regi appointed to the Library- • Beats for .1913 -4,5:- Kiat teed,, 1Iarton-'S•od'tt 'Ith t $5 be granted to the wick Children's• Hosp.ta i e -C,a:r r led' ''Scott-Doyle-Th(0A the a clerk 'order two ,snow prows from the Stratford. Bridge Cooma,ny. -'C cried. • Flarten tadjouran'uen't to • call of Reeve END ASUCCESSFUL YEAR. --- Tee Eighth Annual 1tte'eting of tee Boss Taylor Go. we s heldto their orifice en Jan. 10,ttti, for the purpose of gearing (the rep'ojt s of their officers for !the year. The reports showed the business • of the year to be entirely satisfactory, the increase of thie roe - tune of business amounting to , 6 per cent over and above one previlous year. Tee company paid out during; the year In wages $5500 and ,or freight $3700 Tee officers- wane elected for the ere suing. year, --Gen. Manager, John R. Hind; Sec-Tateatst;' D, A. Ross•; Direr, errors , J;. W,. Traylor, D. A. Road J. R. Hind ; Auditors, A. E. Fuko, A. E. Andrew,s.. :Alt a meeting 01 the directors held immediately afterwards J. W, Tayjior wee elected President and J. R. .Hirudo . Vice"-pr'eetelent. It .a a pleasure for The Advocate :o note that this connpeeey Is dory 8b well and yearly ire ceasing ti').etr volume ger bes.i,nes,s• as well as the .diveleuul to ,shareholders, which Wtais also increase led 2 pert' centj. olte.b the previous year., The factory hasp bin closed down, for two weeks for stock taking and re- ppened this week with bright pro;g r petits for tore year's buliness. FROM yi" ODD EXETER_ We are stnreceiptthee week 01 a copy of The Exprlees and •Echo, a newspaper pubdtishted in Exeter, Eng:- land, ngland, containing an account of the an- nual dinner g(iveri to three store and ten of :his 'broken;. won friends 'by Mr. Harry Henera, a . noted sculptor, whet visited Exeter; Canada, several years ago, and, made teensy friends: Wtifite here. ibis was the fon-tq=fourth suc-t cessive and minuet Oteristmas Feast given by Mr, >Hemra, who invites fust ser paaamy guests as he is years of age. Invariably a sneelsalge 01 greeting and good will is raceived froni the re:gra ing King. Another note worthy fee. tore of these events is that each guest :befotrre ;leaving is presented by bhe host with a pound of plum pude ding, half a pored od, tea, and a s'hiIl-, ting. 1. delightful letter from Mr. Hems to the Advocate and gopies oh the invitations. were also received with the paper.- In 'hila; 'letter Mr. Herne speaks eery higley of the 'wenn welcome he met here" when on bust vielt of several years since, and extends to the reader of the Advocate his best and most cordial geed wishes for 1913 DASHWOOD FLAX MILL BURNED About 1.80 etieook. on Tuesday recrnt- Ing olf tarots' week !'t was noticed that 'the; }Plat trill at Dashwlood was ori fire. Tjhe fiamieS hbd: gained such headway thatt paothingl could be done to save it and int burned teethe ground The barn with the greater amount of stock was saved. Co±isiderabie• stock ptosed 'in tele mill was bunned, bel. sides, tate budId5ng' and machinery, and the loss will be quite heavy. There was no insurance. BIRTHS Ilawkiir{s-ln Usbpree on Deo. 31st. to Mr. and tMajsa Wesel Hawkins, a ;wear. Northcott --In Eixeter :ohtl Saturday Jain. 4th, toMr. and ,,Wrs.,Chas. Northcott a dauig'hterr Weertlss- In Bayfield, on January 7tth, to Mt. and Mrs: Frpink Warts, of Bow I'slaxid, Albert¢, a sore, Arlin -Im Clinton, Jan. 9,, toe Rev., and Mrs. A. E: Alli;n„ of ,R'ut1l Lake, Sask.. a daughter. Weber -At the Goshen Line, Stephen. no Jar., 5tth, to, Mr. end Mrs. Dan' Weber a de ulghtter. McBride -At the Blind Line, Hay on Jan. 6th to Mr. and Wes. John Mc- Bride, a dou'g+htieai ''MARRIAGES I ratt.-Witliert--At tlhe Lutheran parson age, Dashwood, ten January 1.4th`, 'by Rev. G. Tenn, Mr. John L., Kraft, son of Mr. and Mr,ei 'Pester Kraft, to Mies 'TblL;'s viV4lert, daughter :of Mr. and Mee. John Wil °t; --All .orf Dashwood. DEATHS Ryan -At Centnallar, Jan. 11, Edward Ryan, aged 78 nails. Bereverr-In Dashwood, ,sort Jan, 14th Elizabeth Me,st, Wife! of Phillip 3eae Ver, aged 70 years 7 months and. 19 aye " �M°"lock.-poi Exetier, eta Sae„ 9tht Ellen Horne, vt,Idtiw ;at this lets Julius Mor,. look, load 69, yletattls' 6 months ami 12 days" Copeiaind-In illirm,atl' excl, Yen. 6th, Jane Thompson, wife let Robert Copeland, ;1n her 75th year. Sheri itteX,n Gr iteirio, Ca+l•, Jan. 7, Johtt ''?W sley'Merritt, ferrrrierlY' of Dor. bet, aged 29 years'. hw eponling of the Ontario i,egtelmt to > wiII take 'Plate rel ,n ebruar t 4thr. hd date talars decided upon Thursd0 rnefetfing or the Cobin,et, !duction: Season • 1S .10W 011 �s�rr T4i4N'S s Men's: Furnishing Store Ordered Clothing Reduced From $25 to $20 $23 to $1: $20 to $15 Ordered Overcoats Reduced From $25 to $18 $20 to $15 Ready-to-wear Overcoats Reduced. From $18 to $13 $15 to $12 $12 to$ &, These big reduction are made to clean up our stock for. Spring, because our mottos, is "New Goods for - Every Season" York Will, do well to take ad vantage of these reductions. r , Valor and 'urt.nsher--titer J a