HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-1-9, Page 86IETS 0 <" Ii .0/1 W 1N DAY l,r-, -,. ...., 00 92 zt r i , 48 00 Buc,ktiv-lto,i,t 48 6.o !bats .... , 82 $2. Pena ,.,, _ ,,...r., 1010 115 k, PPtir,t arae, P"),,kgO0 1 QQ Hay, lli'arton..,,,„ , ,. 10OQ 10 00 t 2 7 1 00 X 06 25. SD 30 Dried App: e. per lb .. #i ;IGx-e how.,: k r owt8 05 Sktotxtn pet ' ''Ll. 23 00 Bran pt,a^to,., , .. , . „,. 22 00 Sugar Beet 'x e 1 , , .. 26 00 Bow,fts' u t-„ tt'ly Bow, IOW g • de per ew 25,000 . HIDES WANTED FOR WHICH THE VERY HIGEEST Kucz• wiLL, HE PA ID Hi' msg. -- FRED =WM. Fe -E'# NORTH, HAY F,Q . • BIG VALVES INMEN'S YAK ,FUR COATS. EVERY 'GOAT IS GUAR.ANT- EED,r—STHWART' ,. R r r FOR SALE OR TO RENT., I am ,having my house on• William thorrouihl:y repaired and will be prepared to sell or vent lits Terme reas- ene.ble,..-WMs. Ei'T A'i'CHFO! D, HXeter. HOUSE APRONS IN GOOD WASH- ING lvXATERIAleS , VERY NEATLY MADE SPECIAL Al .50 CENTS AT TEWART'S. • Marriage Licenses issued at the Advo•. tate Otf°ee, Exeter. STAMPED LINENS, PIN CUSHIONS DOILIES, PILLOW CASES, GUEST TOWELS, NIGHT GOWNS AND OTH •k+1R;,. I'IFi.'CF3S• S'IEY,VART'S. Get some neatly printed calling cards at 1'be Advocate. REMNANT SALE—SPE HAVE, ;START ED TO T.AFr STOCK THIS , WEEK. ALL ENDS OF DRESS GOODS, SILKS FLANNELLETTES,, PRINTS AT BIG REDUCTIONS.—STEWART'S MISS G. E. i' BISSETvl!, A. Mue. tiY_ U • Donor Graduate of the London Conservatory y or Music, Teach - irk College • of the Western Untverisity'. Teacher Piano, Theory, Harmony. Count Rrpoint, and Musical Inatome Pupils a r prepared for 'Vi rsical Exam ati40s. • HEAVY R UBBERS AND SOCKS FOR MEN AND BOYS. WE SELL THE. FAMOUS "),LINER BRAND". THEY ARE GOOD.•-STEWART'S. • • $1.00 in advance; gets The Advocate e January. let, 1914. LOOK AT YOUR LABEL. -At this time of Year where taxes and other liab- ilities are falling due we are much In need of onioney- .Advocate subscribers could- help use considerably if, they would look at the labels gat, their` paps ere and remitth at once:the ELM --cunt duel. Farmers wanting help for next sear • soar. should place their order. at once the Canadian Government Agent, t, Ady9r vale Offline, Exeter. - EYE SIGHT PEC2,4LIST _ Mies J. Allen, Eye- Stott Specialist, will be it The CEId' RAI.. 'HOTEL on SATURDAY 1-@tlt_ GOOD OD PIANO FOR. SALE Apply atthis o'fiiCe, I >k* LOCAL DOINGS. .a0. Te,a.re eraPerfete before, ,lee face that radiates aunaehine. Mi'' Jacob IIa,r"kl ib .lost a valuable, leer,ee l+°et Frld ,1" n atrriiltg, ` Mrs, ,Rhoda Snell is confined to her so9SXi through • illness'. To ,et , things coming your i , 'v'ra'Y to nsessi y� to' he 'after them, 9n,wraY, txe i,ap ,haver dodges ,up an alley w air a Mara is looking for Pt. A wetiiaar would rather not know .a secret tw'lan have rte one to 'tell it tie. De net get the noti;an that while: 1915 le odd, it should also be< anf,ortu- hate, We• have had real good sleighing conn elderins tho amourt of snow that has iai eln. The man who makes the most of what he begs. natally has ntiarh than most men. It le better to grumble about 'your wife than, at her, although both are, utterly: useless. The + o+vermrnent is, telling of the new design for its $10,000 bilis, Let's see, what was the old design?, There its net e inch a cry for hig he• educat4oh es ;:'ere is for just coni Motu, erdinary. 'CD:.rt'men sense. Mr. T. ; B. Carping, sold as high- priced .trio of Plymouth Rack chicken to Mr, Al. BiefeOtlt of Braintford last week.. Hydro Electric By -Laws : pa e sed in every place tried on Monday, Clinton being e50 to 1.08 and Gaderich 460 to 1,1,' When a wieneetre gives: her nusband tie a 'd ^. lir e',. us �• _oar Chrl,s5rntlrs, 't's to guarantee his keeping :hits muffler well buttoned While too the streets. Mr. Frank Coates of Usbornie lost ,a young 'calf; on Jarsireley 2nd. This, ns, the eecend withiln! three weektes the other being a ye,arlittg. They were full brother s. There are now 101 eternal es at she House of Refuge, sljhisis the largest number 'i -mat• Neils, ever been in the. house at any titnel. The highest num- ber before was 97.. The Temperance meeting in the Janet •'Street' Church on Friday even ins laa't was iatrgelY attended. Tele speeches were partpeuaarey clear and free from hezrshnesais ami personalities while the singing' was very piealeng Indeed. The Qntario, farmer Is, fortunate in baying, such an, able 'exponent of his cargo as the Wetattrly .Sun, Toronto.. Iti Makes "good reading for the thoughtful.' There is no"other paper just like Tlie:l Fanneris Weekly Sept. You should be i, reader of it. It is not geiser_a;1Iy known that an ordinary" box of Matches, such fate art gertrally Used at the pres,en,t :time, is ahnOst , sure' to lignite it let fall any reasonable dieteenee, therefore the grea%e et of care should be ;taken not to place them where they are: ,Iiaibie to fall or shake o$ .or be theown off by tete or mice. Es-• Verden Speolernatn of Exeter rel ntenjb.,pied the i3nntares,ofthen Honkele of 'Refuge lefit 41?ly. alt~ the Christma'e. time Sending' a. Iterffle mike et oranges for drstrrtil'tiomak?lrghr, 3Erix}, Thki is little act Or'tlijouigh';tP:uPnsss wtbi 40 `F.+'iris't ed c?.ot 047 VItills lil!p'rtalieol but • by } Manager atriFl 'u,2r1sl.4 Match;--041tor, EXETER- ADVOCATE.y TatERSTIAY W,1. 1UARY B IB Mr,Earl Browning of Toialrte visited bib p ,rests here last week. Mr. Johrm Hisser; of London et t New Year with, TelatiVesi here.. gr. Wilboruir Kitn'g sit t,iie ;West is vieititag at 'Mr. Wrrx, W itteforjd'g; Mr. Mark Mitchell of London spent New 'Years with hie pereiita here. • Miss' L. Finkbeiner 'spent, t,bbe hot' dare with her palr'e ate irk Shipka. Mr. Itebert Pickard aptd' family ret turned from the west on Saturday bight. err, 4Viliiaxtt Kellaway of Killarney4 Man,, to the guest or Mn, ,loam, Bede ler. • Mr. William Selden of Ingersoll ited has brother, R. 9., over the New Tear. Amiss McGillicuddy` of Watford visited her ferotber,: Dr. Mcell,'1•icuddy, last week:,' Miss Stella Gmeesy returned to Chat- ham Saturday to resume her teaching duties. . Lucinda aped. Dora, Kraft of Exeter spent last `•Sand, ;y Under the patrientel root Mr. and Mrs. F: Walsh- of Govern, Seek., axe 'guestg of •Mr.r ratrd Mre. tl: E. Anderson. Mr. 'Stephen Po vie and Mr, and Mrs.Willis •Pewell ' spent New Year, in Therndale, Mr. C. H. MoAvo!y returned to Toronto Friday evening after. *Mending thea brolldays here. Mr, and Mrs. Sohn, Kelleher ot1 Prae- tor, Minn., are guests of Mr. and Mrs; Harry Palmaris. Mr. and Mrs. G W s Browne spent tate halidays in Exeter guee is of tear. and Kra. J'ol'in :Dignan, Mrs. I. Hail h.ittd Mai. H J Xeetle have returned home,:after spending the holidays • In Detrain Mrs,Geo. W nflea� of Noudori Saalr. , nee : Alan Cudnietre, arrives here this week', to visit relatives', • Miss Annie 'Sanders returned to Jar- vis Thurs'daY morning after spending the holidays s.l her horns here. Mr. Alva Amy of Out000lc, Sa,skr,, is visiting his • father aired ether re1e,- lives and friends in. thS s vicin.ty• Mr. I. • S. Clubinet, Mlei u,el;; Trainingt Teacher of Stratford 'Collegiate, was the guest oe MisS Marty Patrpons.:• Mr. and Mrs. J. Nentlewood of Wind - ,eros spent the holidays with -the-the.latter, s parents, Mr. aired Mss, Fred Witwer. Mr. Albeit Penwlaiden and: daughter Miss Priscilla vltsl'.lted with, ,friends lin Parkhill and MISS. Craig over Sunday. Mrs. Beebe, : who hale been 'vleitteng bei• mother, Muss yr, Prior, returned to• leer home in Ridgettawin on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Metejs- Amy attended the Silver wedding of Mx'. and Mee., John TrlevethIck sit Brin!sley on b r - Mr, Harley Triebner atter spending the bielidays at hes iaones eln Stephen;, re- turned to his, teacbip -duties mean' Au: bury. •. Mr. Abe , Davis+ leis returned to Cal- gary, after ;spending a'few: weeks with. his sora, Lester, and : pt3.Ierrira, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. ` Mr. Bright . wife and song ,or ,ilsriarton and Dr,` Bright and wife of Ottawa .were guests of rix', glad Mee, Bright' for 'the- New :Year,. Mr. and Mile. l$: R,. Peart, Mrs, Fox and family of Rockwood visited at - the hoarse of Mir, EP. Roweclige'.tht' ukh lue C_hrr,stax{as holadaxa. Mrs. i:have -ret Peri and 'daugh.Ro;a•' '._. turned rr'rin the West, ,where thee, spent the 'summer. Mr. Herb Ford after an absence of, two years,returned with them. Mt' E, Gifford H!ottiriui, has returned ni of - tett Ag • a to his work lin the Department ricullure, Whitby, after a brief vela!; with his parents, 1vlrr and Mrs. S. J. Hogarth-, $tephelei, i Mrs (Rev:f Colli, l -C, wile Was call- ed to Birr recently +(W'ing to the, severe illness of her mother, Mrs. :iiobbe re- turned bonne Frida-y, her 'mother's erin- ditios; having improved cbnsiderablI: Tee Hogarth Hot:niseltead in Stephen enjoyed the usual, New Year's re -union'. Messrs'. J. 'I?.'df Avoln'i Eber'S..of,Ham' iltort and Miss Et: J•', or Landon being among 'the guests welcomed there. Mr. W B. Weidenhammer acrid. 'fern- fly returned Doan Streletsville on. Friday, after spending the holidays there. lhile p,way }heir- eldest son, ere had the -i -id Aoetune to :: break hie arm aboivb the wrist while play-. roes, -with other boy t Mr. and Mrs. Cf Ni. lxhair, who have been visittling in and' around'Exeter;;the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. A. E. Trout, left' Wed neesday fan' ;t!hteir home in • Victoria., B.C. Mrs: Frontac- companied them els far as ..Ailey Crag and:epent '.ohne days wiltht Mss,. Pedller. News accord. GAAP A 400 day -clock was presented' to Mr Michael Eacrett:of. Brantford, formerly of Exeter, recently, the• occasion being the fiftieth annevererary ooP his iiiarrthge T lie domorsr Were :tile.cruembara ,of '1. -/a -sonic Lotlge, Era¢iitford- me ram- ily of MT• 4- ' sy s crett with, one et7h EsceWere all preeien,t to celebrate the aatnir'erleary, end presented their honored'' parents with e. purse of gteld. 484 IQ; ; iwMM tiaz h in t�tiBlv"e,d ,1, 2ect%4erilrlgc iwir, and Mei Mary ort 9littton visited wittn, freesia's here lest wetic. Ur. M. M. D oylle s+h aped a 'Cal' of ;, aria . d one • ago Port Artthur• 'W'Wednesday.--- hrorses to White MVO oh.t y', an James Jdhtrstcai. also Shipped one to Laird, Sask., 'TuesdatY. 'SUBSCRIBE NOW. The Toronto Deily News is recog- nized as .orb_ of' firs first papers pub - liable" in Canada,' and"TheAdvocate has been fortunate in making an arrange - Ment under which •alubseribers to the Advecate may upon, l ayment of $2.30 receive beth, 'papers for twelve months. 'Send in your •s,ubS.cript ens Aarly =n .the new yea r;. ANNUAL M IETI1 fG The - Annual Meeting of - the Exeter Ag. riculturat Society will be held in the Town Hall. Exeter, on Tues., January 1.4, 1013', at one o'cloelt p.m. for „thee purerise' vi' eleetlrnq President, : 'V'ic'e President and Director's' for the ' en- suing year and transacting other i'ntr, portant"business. All members andin- teres'ted parties should attendthe meeting. Tee directdSs are particular- ly reenacted to attend a n,eetin,g at 10 o'clock a.nt. oa 'thea ablove named date, E Christie N.D.Hulyden AfI Dyer Pres. Telease See'y Logs ' Wanted We are open to betyr and pay cash, for any quantity of Soft Eltni,. Rock Elm, Hard Maple, Beee•Wood, or White Ash' Logs—either in Bush Vii, delivered at mill., It will pay you to tget : our prices on anything in above line that you have to offer,. TI. GILLIES & SON Exeter 'The late George Blaitchfoid, who de- parted this lite on Decerrroer 23rd, was born in Devonshire, D -mg., on .January 10th, 1828, and cannel to Canada when a. young non. of ,24 Yeats. He had while he had hi the Old Land served an appren,tfroahip to the trade' of biackszt :hang and after coming to thus country he worked for 20 years at ear;r- lege staling lin the town of. Port Hope In 1855 he Wes sr happily ,married to Miss P1tylil ' Greenway of the Townr ship of :Elope,and to ,then were born one daughter and two eons', Forty-one years ago he mIo"roed .with his family to Huron County, having purchatsed Lot 21 on .the north sidle of the 'Thaan,eis Road, close tro %la village or Exeter, and continued to live there to 'the end of his. days. Hist daeighiter matytted Mr. Ed. Roberts, and diied in 'Torentb in ranular•,,. 18.93. His devoted wife pass- ed away on August 23, 1900. Deceas- ed. was very fond' of mingle and for 'years •played the violin Int connection with -church •services'. He was a roan of intelligence, being 'fund or 'good read- ing etnd ° blest : with, a 'retentive 'nem - erg. About 37 yowls ago he had a a. very severe' alt tank of. illness and was given up by h,is attending Physes tans, but In the good pro•yideeee of God be was raised ern and spared to etroeed the "tb'wr I$coie a -years" by' el incest five years, end to be the oldest. member of the ' Zantirljy to which he be.. longed, IGr'.dupLl.y by rea,som of ad- vanoed_ake his strength declined; till. hi,s• spirit passed quietly from the, claytenement "to time God who gave it," The furrrerat ,eervices ''were conduct- ed by Rev. E. G: Powell and yiev. W. fllatcih'ford, nephew of deceased the remains being : lased to rest iii Exeter cemetery to await the last trur'tt,phslt's raid Re le survived by the twos sons, Joni- and Geelge, the former Of Exec° ter, and the'lettter etch -,the fame, Where the father spent nearly one half, . of hie lire, Bus, »ray and Teaming Business. Your order's in our: line will be attended to quickly and. satlsfic- torily. We are here to please the public needing anything in our line, acid we ask a trial from you.. Orders left key phoneott+ ether-. Wage rpt TRE t .tiT!'v-ooAT 4 o 'r. TOE, PRONE 25, trill receive prole pt attention. T.. G. Creech. HICKS' JANUARY FORECAST'S.•„ - Cards of Thanks TO THE; pILHCT'QQa OF HXBTER, While I did niott'oc'eive enoulh vat- er, to elect-tn(s +sdtrttr(cilllor, I desire, to thank +theg!a wirer vio'ted for 'p e,l and to state -that 'I have still the best i;ntereste of the v'iIiege at 'heaart, and always will have. LOUIS. DAY. TO. THE ELECTORS OF, EXETEIR, I take this, opportunity el tendering my sincere: ,tom' to, the electors Of Exeter for thleir exceltlPent evemort in electing 'anti to the Exetter Council on Monday lest. T'HOi8, HARTON, 910 THE EL,ECT!OTIS, OF EXETER,. E indly incept hlY .meet sincere thanks. tor, ti1to confidtettce yod Nava• again. Placed In nee by ellecbinai me as noun• eillOr for 1913. aNlO: H.: SCA:Cry,' TO THE 'ELEOTORSi QP, EXETER I ,desire. -to expresa 'MY, sincere thganke to the elteetoms Of 'Exeer for elestint me to the honorarble position of ' Cauutekllor, and I biceps to fulfil the duttes to yolut statistaotion. K DOYLE TO THE ELECTORS OF : EXETER , My sincere thanks are hereby 'extend- ed to the. elecltor* of. Exeter .for the excellent "vote they gave nue, ,o'tt Monday., I 'propose to gravis my- "best services to make 1918' a liutegiieletsive year for our village JOHN; R'. HIND. TO THE :ELECTORS OF EXETER I wish, to return 'My sinteae thankel, to the eleeetors opt, ,Ebetiar tor the hearty 'support that wlae accorded. niie'on Mon- day In., electiei ' imp' a .'s •'llieeve of 'the VII-' Mage,. and it will be any ..earnest endeav- or to ditselearg'e the ,.dultipa of the Of - 'flee with; fervency app .zeal. W,, 'J. HBAM,AN. TO THE ELECTORS OFt STEPHEN', Having been, elected a's R.eeve' of the Township Of Strveilen I take this 09- port'unity to era* z y" supporters one and all for their epOfertls . apo. votes• to elect neo to ; sin 'tio'ribralble . a positiote and I trust yon •viae, hl3•.'r'e'no occasion to : regre'thaving favored mit '' with your support W. D. SANDERS. EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST.—Miss J. J. Allen, Eye Sight Specialist, will be at The CENTRAL' HOTEL. on SATURDAY One da JANUARY 18th. Ori y Hides Wanted All kinds of bides wanted. Highest prices paid. Alo. Horsehair,' Rubbers, ' Copper, Scrap Iron, Rags, Etc.4°wanted Wexler & Co. Exeter, Ont. Help Wanted / JONESPHOe &E NO� MAY- To Pick Beans STOCK - TAKING ,a !Ilw R ohhar Oine line of g your freinds at this most complete in th Watohols, is the I�I meet suit& z .:son of the yea ;followinglines. Clock, ]3.314/09 Peine, Glass See that our stook on the firs A Wate o for gifts to Our Stock is arc, ilvei°arare Eto. look through have a thorou;l pportunity.. Marchand aker and, Jewel in a S� rest —AT l Bare, Store The Exeter Bar, :,sr devoted to Store e, . month of Januar r educed Bar sins. fiver ih>o� . We are ,,clearing all :liptes of Merchantdiso Conte : of books, Shoes,,; Rubbers, Arygoods; Hats and' Ceps. Suits, Oversea Etc. This is a genuine clearing sale, new . •stock: .. All 'lixiea ¢nus% g o Make rotas for a, u.1• F• BEAEA 1 door ' north of Post Q We sell the Premier Cream St rater GF R. G. SELDON i. 1 Exeter, — Ontark + K. 14. liOLUE Phone 20a Residence next to the store. Undertaker and License Embalmer EXETER ONTARIO ,.,, , ,,,,.„EveryirDay a Bargain reect enary isitenre period will. take up and proIong disturbances on the ,14th, 15th and 18th. The Mars period ;, is 'cen'tralthe, 150, with Moon at first quarter' and near the celestial. equator F a1linf' baro meter, change to warmer with possibly wittier tl(p'httti:xig and thee:Wer anent the 18th, will, bring contlp'uerl •s'toknttvs into these react'on-. ae ' days, Sndettis tie general Snotw ,Storms,, with icif cold wave followleg for several days, e, e1rs Bae BIG VARIETY STORE We had a• good 1912, We want a. biller 1.97,3„ and we will 'strive' tot, it. 'We want to double our business end, and in Icyrder ;to do se. we have 'reduced eta Toilet pre pbratiohe, • +lcutn 'powders, .and flay-;. .oe'Ink ex'ta .e•ts from 25c. to-1S;ent's ' T1tile its riot fo'r a week but tot all time forth.. We want,evearyone who reads 711I'S to come and, test of Gtoods. Re .member that a 25c.' article at 15c. ,rhe rnre a, saying of 40 per cent. or 10c. on 25,c. NO use paying more When. you nett save. We back up our statements wittu the goods, YOU cannot'get bdttor goods art any itrl;ce elsewher's. THERE ISe-Toot,h Paste, Al Mond ; cream, idleipippl Telly, Foot Ease, Rose e,,'"d Violet Talcunlrii•'Powders, Wavering • Extracts. In Pow der teem, •in Lemon, Varrilip, Chinantpin, Nutmeg, Winter Green„ repperonenii, 'A trial will convin'rcethe moot ecepitiealf We ,need your trade so help build our bttelhese Everybody knows 'there's money in druid 'goons(, fend We ktow it t ti and we are after the merl . ' BE a+tUI'ttE1 AND TRY OtlE GOODS AND YOU'LL .ALW'A.YS BE pLEAsED, he Big Variety Store Powell's Bazaar The Time For Bargains!. We are:now.busy' stock -taking duce our stock as much as possible. p' will be givih Bi Bargains in All Wint ill B g Furs Ladi We have a fine selection of : Only a fe the newest Furs. All to sell at Coats. Yet stock -taking prices, ugs •A few real ohoice Rugs to be cleared at a real low price. pi ki .1 f � Olr�•e All otir try linter 1. Ste Clothin 1 Suits Men S and Boys' S S an This Is ' Your Time To Buy s Some of the real nifty stuff in. the new shades, All at stock -taking p rices. c,Vey A.11•• kinds to choose frosi. e o See them before r .0 all JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford