HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-1-9, Page 7PORerANT EV13111t There Is No Iing I Men Oall •a(' UM. oranine eyeete ere discerned been the elm fore, the edvent of the eller must be pretty u the things thee are bo • pen; for women dmaid rolled as soldiers ()Lain, • isleAreeree,e War, an1 they have • Made the same claim in t 13alkans during the past few w eay London Anewe.rs, • Writing as an 4eld soldie r who has hod ,ereat deal a war a erience, I must say that I hate ge n nothing in war that a woman e Id not do as well as a, an. , Every woman eettleleeeet be turne,d (if comae; 11. Arid as to wo- of endue,: hat Woe Veil m aye to be cad he- Wereaa 401.. e' llane ef tred to hap.. cd to be ea - the Span - into an effiele.et soldier but neither can every eli have no el-oulet wha,tea r mants bravery, power tenet and ada,ptabilityt training; but t roast eon& - light misgivings as to ind of 'women who hay v qualities would b eel lin Ye tL1ixn . Meilen hat ohe set After, tit heelbee td her, kle ef eourse, charged .ft thet,ballet saldiering, eelieted again, tide time in a‘aelelry regiment. •Her run this t* 'wee ehort, for the was challeegee hOM Iie waa 41-1 it Was IlOt Until before Me death reveale,d herself. gith ef her lever, ill, and in the hoepi- clieeovered. This, d to b.er being • the army ; but finding mine was harder thee The Ofeeeeery Ifas Beon pejo ea • Chemist in Loudon, England. about a week after Efiltl3KABLE EW PRO RY AIK (NO UST INTO SUVL her exile being a; rbe the lip admit charge( ed out . In a same w lay ill Martin, a great betel/lie ernatrer fi Wata very er that th A still f xaI� m IVIies So fought va and was aCeUeed ,.fe orate spy. She had in cle.arina Izereelf of Allegation but she had to !sex, eo she was dis- gain. This time elle day - the array and married. litery hospital chariug the a drummer boy, aged 12, typheid fever. Cha rl i ough so young, had Seeu •1 of fierhtiug, for he had ve big battles and many 'its. The nurse in charge +Fah interested to discov- Irummer boy was a girl. tre reeent example of Oal ander is the ease of •a Yovan,ovitch, who Sintly by her lover's side in the Setif' cl th Ian army, ur e military , great strueele between the Balken eS to some I riliee end tee Pe rksAt the end I.; ether the , the war this modern Joan .of Are is other sol- aer lever. if both have mena e survived tile bullets of the enemy. • oe t indiviclaal women havemade SCOUN'F PF.EL. • soldiers is well known. •The• Britieli cheneide are oomplaining bitterly a the effect upon their re - a -h work winell the lack of suli- e.antial support is having as roan - p tree! with the enterprise in this directdoe shown in Germany, wheiee ie &mole:aced that, $5,003,030 is beiaa placed at the .diepos.tion of eitemists for experimento con, neetiou with syethetic rubber, which will eloubtleas • ultimately prove of vase benefit to the Gerrate ;lateen, writes a Lerdon eari.es- poedent. • The British eheiniets, however, Lad .En3.3 oorisolatton in the fact that experiments in England have resulted in a discovery which, it is said, raaa ievolutionize the eugar refini,ng inetuatry. By a new 'chemical prooes ns the maufacture of 'auger fpora wood and sawelest ha a become aecoen- plished fat, Lai ge quantities of th OOMITV dity have actually been producer', and if is said •that ar- rangements are in hand for the es- tablishmeet et factories throughout England for the -exploitation of the • eaees of Mary Anne Talbot Mrs The •P 1 ho has r Proceeded a the House' of Lords "Saechulose" is the term applied ing to •'he .deeth. of his father, te the new product. The resulte Walsh, Hanna.li Snell, apel...others ha,ve been written-a:6451g efte that there is no excuse for tePip heir stories over again; but ther ark mc Interesting Instances of wemen having served as sold at' are not familiar, and •s mhy well be taken to relate ea them. There was, .for instanele, tsteey of a Turkieh e galion brought to light £n'?18 , that year a conscript, •Iteshib, who had aereed for three years, was be a woman. The reason for the .girl tied of male identity is f /den ietereat. There was Beshib, and he was her •ife• was the only support clewed mother, and whe drawn in the eonscripti *7 ed b• f teem_ e nothing in _ fataily but .starvation. Then• a, brilliant 'idea, • Rako, the young man's t •she could not earn mon 'e house together, but enage, ehe 'ere ace ee el fine b13.6 - In Al: e army eereel to am ee p er ' lo •or the UtilizatiOn Ilv wOcti oubstafnee and its value thee elleeetions has yet to be eon- eiderod. Its sugar ecentent marks it out as resource for sonle tries, and naturally the first of these is the maeliefaeturo a spirit). A factory eapeble a treating 200 tons .of sawelusb weekly eoulel turn out between 000,000 and. 400,000 gal. Ions of proof spirit a year. This would also give. byeprexbecte et 50 tons of acetio acid. 10 tans of fur- fural, and 2,000 g lions of methyl alcohol for reeovery. Tld5 spirits produced are of high quality and free from fuse l 'oil. • It is thought that ties, in these day, is .of mixed advantage, 'since it a,ppeara that N- eel oil obtained as a by-prednet is beeenling more voluble than the eph its produced. Time was, and net reere than twelve years ago, when fueel was worth only ;g10 to ,Z20 a ton, while to -day it fetches 41e0 a ton, and the priee is raising rapidly day laY day. "Many other alternative openInge have not yet been oon,sidered. The sugar world to -day is producing va;'t amounts of glucose, and this amount, though eliermoua, does not adequately supply • the demand made for it; so, that the sale of weed sugar is not to be ignored. Might Make Caramels. "When the question of zilch a body as ee mind is to be considered, :s of eourse, not eontended that sueh .saccharine matter can eorapete with white emcee° for sugar boil- ing, but for sugars relaeively un- fermeetable, to be used as printing Viscount eel, well no doubt eleoy ob am el are what are called in the brewing industry this may a more pe meful career than he has "c!aesed proc-ss," ii wh:ch sawdust form the base. experienced in the Brit:sla Com- s SUbiaSted in close retorts to di- "Of late years, too, molasses has mons, gestton with a weak eulphurous acid been used for road sprinkling, and in the Lower House he was solution, and under the preesure of A is seriously suggested that Cuban known as "N er-Merry Peel." about 90 to 100 pounds to the reel's- es lhould be .ehipped to New Maybe his melancholy was clue to I square iech effeetive transmutation York for Aniericen eonsumption for the fact that he represented Teua- takepeeee. of the resulting pro- this pir pese. If this be successful, ton, a seat which is likely to be duct 25 per cent. is sugar. The why should not a similar product, swept away- under a scheme of re- cons.tituent sugar so formed is dex- distribution. However, he hasno tro in part, and fermentable to an ee longer any need to worry about such extet of 80 per ent. The rest is trifles• and moreover, he lives in net fernnentable- , 1 -one preduced, be usul for home oceesuraption? "Experiments are to he carriec/ on feirther, end their successful - a more rarefied atmosphere. I Numerous experimeets and de- ,c,empleteen case the demand monstratiens were recently made cf very large quantities of such Pro - What made the present Viseount's ca•reer so full of incident in the by tbe1 • n soientist in Lon... ne .assump- 11 of hu - real Ali brother. f his wi- he was n there nt of the came to n sister. to keep he could • ake her brother's plaee in the arni1r,"7356 leave Jura free to work for his mo- ther. And she did it, tea, keeping up .the deception for mere than three years. • It was a good thing for that Lam- ' that the girl'e secret as diseov- for the gory of her, rema.rk- ela-sacrifiee got to the ears of titan himself, and he wPa so d with it that he ordered her. of five pounds two shill- ;xpence a mon--,h--a living r in the milliemaire eines {ea -pardoned, her (locale- ased her b other from . y nineties, ea of nstrong, rican Civil taneoga,in Armstrong 30 years, respected. overecl that hose real oe, and fur - the dead . . guinea re- fs no fiction ibmit to an of ate ',great rth and South, veetheart went ted for his som- a bear absence Then ehe be rig and en- ement in which incredible did not dis- weetheart, ttro.eted to et, friends. e the real tie. 1Then nelt down d into his n fact, the reeking his message. send any , for she self. The to believe • account Aced Per- . w another hero - man ivil War. She, tenet Oeuliated tober also like that, although she et, regiment as her itu every day, he la of Nor 'A' gentity. 38411nig yrs.* Commons was that he was always. don, A. Zimmermann. He explain- "Th's converted wood. may again He ed the new dirseevery ard the re- be said to be the cheapest base sniffing round to find jobbery. sults. After dealing with the the- from which to .start for the purpose was ever zealous for the honor of h and was oretical reasons why wood treated of making synthetic rubber, whose iis political opponents, in the manner .cle,seribed ehould be souroe ia starch and sugar. Con - very prone to indulge in personale. a digestible and useful food, and of verted wood will doubtless be of ties. Hence the "scenes" that used e-peeal value to a country entirely great assistance in the development to arise during the time he has been dependent on the iraportation of of this process. The base of its de - on his feet. Tar. Peel's aFgtionippeonnts_the and accusations against his fore-gn-grown product. Mr. rivatives may be used in the. lino- . . Zimniermann outlined the experi- 'ellen industry, for this sp-cia,lry- trented and prepared base has many advantages for resilient *readings. en8s tanteY wele tang m°neY merge carried out on live stock as from the taxes were weakened by proof of the aetual value of "sac- tb.e fact that his own faxnily have eeutese» to the tamer and stock done extremely well in this way. breeder. Here,are ale exeeri- egieefateaer.„-theala.te .Viscount Peel, me t • ' 'w--"gain.4 1.. A .a. one of the best Speakers who ever mining explosives, while the organic ee very great, as it is by no means uu- ecteam,on for the bathroom eupply •, in tee netenuao,,ure Good for Stock. matter is mixed with powerful oxi- net to be effruneeted to the kitchen For Explosives, Too. IL&1U3ER IN STORY., Thom naveUen to Wel Weelth. '$ak kindly to the barber, an do not efeent his nsinnations that yeti need a haircut., a elm/rupee a facial xnaesage, a little tone, and a few other extras, for he may yet. become a great man and one whom you will delight to honer This le the leeson to be derived from the fact that the 180th anniversary of the birth of Sir Rieheed Ark- wright who rose from the berber's chair to wealth, fame and immore talitee• was celebrated reecutly. The, eighty-eierth reneivereary of the death of Belzoni, the distinguished .savant and Egyptian archaeologist, who was the son and for yeare the 0-gel:Aare, of e, peor barber of Padua, Italy, also pawed reeently. With thew two anniversariee the barber may be, forgiveu if be in a bit 'tehesty." Many other inetanees might be cited of barbers who have become great. Jeremy Ta.ylor, the Warner - tea Anglican divine and author, was the son ,of a barber Allah/Derek fol- lowed the trade for a time. The oentennial of Taylor's birth will be widely ()deb:ate& 'William Win- atantey, author of "Lives of the English Poets," and Baron Ten- terderi of Canterbury, were eons of toneorialists. Dr. John Kitt°, the theologian, was at one time a, bar- ber, and so was Lord St. Leonard, Chancellor of England and Ireland. Turner, the English painter, whose "Slave Ship" and other works have made him immortal, b.egien his ear- ee,,r in a barber shop. In ancient times in England the barber was a. surgeon as well. It was not nutil 1540 that the two pro- fessions were clivoreed by law. An ap+ nut into effect that year pro- vided :--"No person using any shav- ing or barbery in London shall oc- cupy any surgery, letting of blood, or cther matter, except only draw- ing ef teeth." For a century more the barber caneinued to practise dentistry. The filet union , "oonipany" of barbers was formed in 1308 and incorporated in 1492. The Journeymen Barbers' Interna- tional Union now hae on its mem- bership rolls a large proportion of tte best barbers in the United States and Canada and is said to be censtantly gaining in influence and thoroughness of organization. • -- INGENIOUS WATER HEATER. No. 1FIFicks to Burn and No Smoke or Smell Is Created. In rural districts, and even m many town houses, the ,diffieulty of procuring hot water for the bath is e' draught horses were select-. clizing age.nts, this suastance can Four bbiler, says Chambers' Journal. ed doing ordinary work weth others, be u -ed with gicitit advantage, The elaeleneY is now met by means eed -n the ht time a ihe year when since it can be so minutely divided, o'• an ingenious water -heater, cone - horses are generally expected to aed has such rapidity of eombus- prising a 'central cylindrical reeep- lees weight, the usral food ration tion. -bele in which is placed a kind of I was altered by deduotieg four 'Wet the least surprisng of • its blow -lamp similar to that erleployed petaled. of oats a, day from the toed eha.racteristies are its non -conduct- for burning off paint, but fitted with . eelected for the four and replacing ing properties produced by appro- two burners placed back to back as theni by four poutiele of a "saochn- priate treatment; so that for refrig- it were. The heat thus generated lose °lasses compound. The wee- erator peeking, incubators, ice is led through a pipe projecting this ease the pulp will be treated ha . node working in the same tearas chawbers etc. it will be found of from and oommunicating with the ' Formosa, and eh:lipped in retie or Viscount Peel. id he pub Will • "There i no reueon 10 that the (Mini:Se Republic wfl nov be perpetnated," said, the Rev. James Smith, a mieeionare late returned from China. "There are 4 great many abIe men among the Cluecee end the peeple are becoming mere widely eduoated. They have never areeepte ed with good grace the rule of dee Tereus. There are frem 300,000,001 to 400 000,000 people in China pro. pee, includina Manchuria, and. Mon- golia. Of these about 10,000,000 are Manehus or Tatars. These 10,000,- 000, however, centrolleel the Gov,. online/et, until the uprising which resulted in the overtlatenv of the dypasty. - 'Under the old regime none el thepeople were allowed to use fot their own farnities much of the mote • ey they earned. The eyetern ef gov- erament was for those in authority to squeeze from all classes of ludas- tr:al and ether workers the money they earned. This menet' was dig- tributed among the efficeholciers, conaneticing with the Toti .or Govere nor, of the province, and goieg dowu the line to the humblest of these in the Government employ. For • seventy-five years at least there was a well defined and raore or less well directed effort among the °Meese people to gee rid of the Manchu dynasty and restore the government to the Chinese. • "The Chinese ordinarily are a warlike race. They are docile, in- telligent and industrious, For 30G year there was no incentive for thee ordinary Chinamae to endeavor to better his eondition, because if by his efforts he made more money it was taken away from him for the support of the offieers of the Gov- ernment who ruled him, "There was no inducement for the display of industrial ability, which the Chinese confessedly pos- seas, China is about rone-third larger in area than the United States. It is one of the richest na- tions on earth, It has more coal and iron than any other; it has gold, silver and other minerals; a great extent oe tientrielaial areleeia- fine agricultural land updeveloped as there is in any part of the world. The ereae plains ef IVIongolia, are peculiarly adapted for grading. With the resourees of the country, love of peace and the intelligence of the people and with a stable re- public China will soon rank with the greatest of nations. PIPER FROM BAMBOO. Scottish Engineers Have Perfected Plans For Its Manufacture. Scottish engineers have perfected plans for the maneaeture of paper, on a large scale, from)iaraboo. On a site ue,ar Kew. (Japan) a fa,ctory has been inetalled with every requi- aite to deal in the first place with 300 tLne of pulp per month, but with room for any development. In 7 , sheets to the paper mills at Kobe; ' with the selecte-1 four, to which had great use. not beert given this feed, showed not "Mueli more eould be 'claimed for line:ease in weight, but those ex- ;it Many outlets are under investi- perimented upon showed a net gain gation and undergoing patient de - in body w ight, and worked better velopments. These varied process - in every way. Increases in weighties are a"ter all tin result of, and go of 70 pounds, 30 pounds, 35 pounds, band in hand with, the production and 65 pounds were- shown respec- of sugar from wood." Mr. Zimmermann's experiments A oelt thae was in such a weak have red ed oonsielera,ble interest. cond:tioa that it amid hardly stand Ant-ther scientist, Walter F. Reid, was next experimented 'meth. Four F.O.H. who is also interested in important veterinary surgeons, oh- the new discovery, says that there t .wied after a car fill examination is en enormous amount of wood gill presided over the House of Com - heel given indepencleat verdicts that left in the world, especially in Eu - mons, received in salary and pen- d the colt should be destroyed. Then rope, aed it is a rather curious eie- sion something like $150.000, an- the new food was given to the ani- velopmenthe saes, that the United he was not the only one bearing the eaal, first 134 lbs. daily divided into States which had such enormous arra y name who xias noon WCII three meals. This wa,s increased to treated by the State. The present WA and 4 pounds daily, the qnan- Viseount can afford to soar above oty ef cats being lowly decreased the hackneyed question of ways and in the same proportion Two lbs meaes, for he is married to a daugh- of ter of Lord Ashton, the Lancaster haveluiarifflimailtsed.owas giveu daily and than the whole of the United States and Canada combined. millionaire. • The we:ght ef the animal taken It has been pointed out that there In the early days of his Political at the beginning of the six months' are a great mane sawmills in Lon - career, before he was so worried fe Ong, was 623 lbs.; the final don doing a large amount of work, about the purity of other people's weight. after that peried. was 882 and thee the sawdust predeeed is motives, Viscount Peel represented Ebse a total increase ef more than fnr superior to that collected from South Manchester, and he is a Gov- 250. The colt is now in excel:each the fresh wood in the countries in ernor of Manchester University. late does eot inherit the views of his farnous grandfather on the fis- eal question, and in fact, has little The secretary of an important been washed out, and thus gives a itt coramen with his ancestor. • Durham eolliery •reports that he far better product. The new Viscount ens traveled finds the substitutifon o 2 pounds reserves of forePts, is now gozng to outside countries for wood. On the <the- hand, the tot,q1 area of &nest lands, including Siberia, is greater condition and fit for any work. In Use he Mines. which the woe(' is is grown. The wood used in London is mostly water- borne, from which the resin has w'idely, end during the Graeco-Tur- of „"eacchulate," mixed with mo- kish ever he acted as 0°"°$Pondent lasses for an equal weight in oats, How to be an Aristoer,at. for a London paper. He is a major keeps the pit ponies and horses in Eat dinner at nighe. Mortgege your house and buy an automobile. Let the groceryman and'. meat dealers wait awhile. Borrow money to join a coeple ef oountry clube, When thete is a receptioti, have geemente sent up on approval and wear them to the reception. Place your nose at an angle of 1. forty-five degrees when you meet: an honest workingman on the , Aunt•oceetteoowhy do you tereeting diseovery that the new street. flirt? Can't you rellleinber that you f°°d Produced the heel, bacon and Refer to your six leerse-power as are' a marred woman a hams. A veteettoary surgeon, atter 4 "Motah" and shuri the street oars Aenaeeoh„, sure, But the men in. the Bedfordshire Iraperial Yeo- manry, and also a justice of the Peace for the county. For four years he served on the London County Council, and led the Mod- preduee, after several wears' failure erates, whom he served Ably and to gain firlq-diaS,S*rocognition it well. His intellectual abilities are eennty how, aehieved successes ouch that he had no difficulty in during a period in which he experi- mented with "extechulese" tnixed with oil protein. The mane ger ef one of the largest firma of butehers has made the in - a good, hard oond:teon, smilax to that when fed entirely on oats and chaff. In the production of milk and briefer a keen exhibitor of dairy carving out a career without de- pending on the fandly name. Defective Memory. interior of the central oylineler; and this pipe, being disposed in three rows, and fiaally bent at right an- eles to project vertically above tbe water -line, permits the precluets of combustion to esca,pe, The appara- tus measures thirty-six inch in leneth over all, and has a, width of twelve inches and a height of nine inches, 80 that there is ample heart- radiatirg surface. The device is lowered into the bath, which has been ellarged with water so that the heateig surface is submerged. The fuel employed is petrol or any other epirit, and the lamp is started by placing a teaspoonful of camphor in sp-cial recess provided for the purpose. When this is lighted it heats the burner and vaporises the spirit sufficiently to ignite the lamp. Cernehor is used because thereby . all danger of accident arising from the spilling ,of tile, spirit is avoided. Not only is the system exceptionally ra,pid, but there are no wicks to burn and no smoke or smell is cre- sted, When the heatina is com- pleted the apparatus is lifted from the water by the lia,nelle and hung up until it is again required. A Problem. in Physics. A native of T., on the coed of Scotland, when the contract for the building of the first three steamers fitted with electric) lights at the lo- cal shipyard was completed, formed one of the social party gathered to entertain the eleetrieians, says Ideas. In a buret of candor and just in the same manner as the wood pulp of Norway, Sweden, ilussia and Finland is shipped. 'to the - United Kingdom to feed the British paper mills. It is hoped that in the Far East ba,rnboo pulp will enable Eastern mins to compete with the British ancl Americam imported paper of the finer qualities. The process of manufacture from bamboo is a more expensive one than that from weed. It is thoeght that experi- ments may eheapen the process and the supply of the cane is practically inexhaustible. Moreover, the bamboo is a plant that can readily be cultivated. If any particular species is considered the beet for paper -making pur- poses, it can easily be grown in any quantity. Asia, 'Africa, America, and Oceania all have forests -of ie. For paper-makirg, the cane is out up into small pieces, of one or two inches, then belled with sulphate of lime, bleached by electricity, wash- ed machine rolled and pressed into tissue forms, and dried by steam. One On Dad. This aent-in kid story is vouched for, but somehow or other it sounds strangely fa,miliar to' us. Some- body will write in to -morrow and tell us that it was in Hostetter's Almanae for 1809, but we'll take a chance: The preacher was tailing at little comradeship, he was he" .to Se'Y Bobby a house. to"<)Miloen°,f Ptirterw,illnite'ern wi' pr‘acerAenil eat(' nigohubi 4m1 Tlisttl.seayra 111'7' ° You an they boats, believe eould teked the elertornum. "Yea sir," answered Bobby, "an' mamma does, too." "That'e right. But doeen't your papa say his prayers T • "No—he don't have to." "Why, what do eent meant" "He don't have to—you eee het never gets home till Rae daylight, an' then what le there to prey about I" put in the eleetrie rna,ser, but there's only one thing that bates me." "Aye, aye, Sandy, what is thttel" nquired his interested friend, wil- ingebo help him if it lay in hie pow- er, • "Weal, mon," replied 'Sandy, 'it's juist this: 1 dime°, leen heo ye get the ile tee rin alang the wires." • ot hOlo got petinission tee Societe N • role." he Very few brande fetee oee thee .sho tattid as good as they corducting expeeiznents 641 hie own on all occasions' hones, came to tee oettelutiOn that Forget. the' letter "r" In all of "eacchulose" mixed with mole -seen 3ronr eonvereatioe and eultivate a was the best sugar food he ever foredoess for grapefruit. tried. and its fleeleforining aropene 1Vfake a loud noise through' the sales wete in.ost pronouneed. • need when aaybody mentions such There are ena,ny possibilities," a pie -.ian thing as work. A Preferenoe. Rather take life with a smile, Rather facet Re tares and grin, Then go travlieg all the while With a gloomy, downeatt ehin. Seth Greenera3f $ ye if you It0411t to know how MAGI] fun there le ton -dollar bill, try extending 0 in to shop. •