HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-1-9, Page 6SY YIELDS
.Adrian4pe, but $urrender
Te*ritoiy at the Peace Conference
itchfro Lond ays:
tr traeeed diploesatie skirm-
ishing the Turks Aually capiat.
ed to, a majority of the dentauds of
thed Balkan alliee at, Wednesday'e
aessicaa of the peace cenference
,xfonese Palaoe, Through Roohad
Pasha they agreed to cede praeti-
cally the whole of the Ottoman Ern-
pire'e Eunipean •ciorain.ions except
Adrianople and the territory be-
tween at wad Constantinople to
their vkterious, but, traditionally
despised, neighbors.
The terms the Turkish delegates
presented to the eoeference as a
tounter-proposal to the demands of
I the allies were
1,0-The rectification of the Tur-
• eo-Btilgarian frontier by waking
the boundary west of the line now
occupied by the troops of the allies
in the Vilayet of Adrianople,
and -The quest:on of the sta,tus
„reps -ATTEMPT TO wnsa TRAIN.
Switch Lock Broken and Switch
Thrown Open,
A despatch from Charlottetown,
P. E. I., says:. A deliberate attempt
was made to wreck the train which
left Charlottetown for Suramerside
Wednesday morning at 6 o'clock,
The switch lock at a siding aiear the
oil tanks, about a quarter of a, mile
from the station, was beciken, and
the switches were thrown wide
open. The train on reaching this
point ran off, toppling over. The
engiueer and fireman jumped and
esca'ped without injury; the bag-
gage 'master. tb.e o11y occupant of
the baggage coy, alsorieseaped. No
passengeWrff-rd &art.
Thirty-three Dynatniters Photo.
graphed Like Other Crooks.
A despatch front Leavenworth,
Kansas, says: The labor union offi-
-eials sentenced at Indianapolis kr
ehernelheiity in the McNamara dyne -
:elite postre-areisreei at the Federal
pies.= here at 7.15-.6re Wednesdaii.
They immediately were photograph-
ed, dressed in penitentiary clothes
and formally enrolled as conviete.
As Frank M. Ryan, president of the
Ironwhiekeesai,InteereatiRnal Union a
Theitmoe, the Nei& coast
Heart S. Hockin, John T.
e others, stepped from
enhich brought
papolis, they were
the prison au -
as uncial and
cies. o
rem...New-York says:
t n early on Friday of Janes
Keene removes a figure which
was Jong familiar in financial and
eporting eireles, not only in this
counter', but abroad. itr. Keene
died ri a private hospital at 2.15
'o'clock on Friday morning, follow-
ing an operation on Thursday kr
abdominal trouble, the end coming
soraewhat suddenly, although it had
been realized that his condition
was seelmis.
''''ree SUCCESS.. is
camber, 1912, Below That of
Same Month a Year Ago.
A cleapateli from Toronto says:
fluocession duties for the month of
Di;cember sJew a eonsiderable fall-
ine off' as compared with the same
month of 1911. The amount cod -
was $49,700, and for the col --
spending month in 1911 $75,015.
For the first two tnonths of the our.
rent fiscal year the duty amounts to
V97,131, e,s aegaitilie $227417 a year
of Adrianople to be, t ed by 'Tur-
key zed Bulgaria dirett,
ard-The 00991,04 a the rewminder
•of Eurepeau Turkey, including ja-
eirta and Seutari, to the einee.
4th -The Albanian awl Cretan
questions to bo solved by the pow -
Otha-The Aegean Islands to re-,
main lurkash.
The announcement of these term
was wren. from the Ottoman dele-
gate,s with the greatest difficulty.
They came only after Iteehati Pasha
had reiterated Turkey's desire to
shift the responsibility for adjudi-
cating all the vital questions to the
great, powers and the representa-
tives of the allies had registered
their unchangeable objections to
such& course, and plaiuly had given
the Turks to underatand that the
failure of the Otthrua,n delegates to
embark upon seriotas negotiations
would mean a resumption of hostili-
ties in South -Eastern Europe.
President of the Structural iron
Workers' Union, who was convict-
ed, with other members of the
union executive, of participation in
the AleNamara-MeManigal dyne -
mite plots.
Upper House of Empire Adopts
Law Remo -hag Last Vestige.
A despateh from St. Petersburg
says: The C-ouncil of the Empire
adopted on Wednesday a law abol-
ishing the last vestiges of serfdom
in Russia. When the xestript of
emancipation was issued in 1861 the
Caucasus was excepted from its
previsions on account of special con-
ditions there, and temporary tra-
ditional measures were instituted
pending the adoption of the most
suitable BlethOd for giving the
serfs their freedom. This transi-
tional stage now, after half a. cen-
tury, has been terminated, though
there was still opposition to its be-
ing abolished. Premier Kokovsoff
personally appeared before the
Council of the Empire to urge the
adoption of the new law. It al-
ready has passed tho Duma.
Brings Loot Back to Halifax Ex-
press, Office and is Arrested.
A despatch from Halifax says:
'John Little, an 18 -year old clerk in
the OffiCe of the Canadian Express
Company at Halifax, is alleged to
have entered the office early on
Wednesday morning, (meted the
safe and taken a package contain-
ing $1,000, He left for Truro, but
on the way repented, returned to
Halifax, and getting into the effiee
put the money behind the safe. In
the meantime the loss of the money
had been discovered: Little was
arrested and is said to have eon-
i in 0
Cheap American, Egg Alarms the
Canadian Egg, Men
A despate, Ottatiest say:e
t'he utiwthing. in trade troublee
rejahaerondeet ef the egg, more
especially the United States egg,
prodnet of the prolific American
hen. It is coming into Canada.
Representations made to the Gov-,
artment indicate that the advent
of the United States egg under ex-
isting cireurestarices is viewed with
alarm by Canadian egg interests.
The egg trade aoross the, border
appears to hein:e gomewhat diver.
anized condition, seemingly due
to the efforte of 'housekeepers'
leagues in making war on high
mes. The eatuation is abnorma1.
gs at* said to be selling in wee-
eitiet tioie feo the border
videos fait below what it esot to
and 0.ore there, Bgg me.ra on
this side of the line have a inter s
supply, procured at priees several
cents higher than those now being
charged at the herder. a.
The suggestion has been made
that the (lumping duty in the Cana-
dian tariff be applied to the Ancleri-
eat) egg, er that the Canadian and
American egg tariffs be temporar-
ily equalized., the Canadian duty
being two mate lower. It does not
appear that the importation of the
eheaper eggs eould he discouraged
even if such a teourse were thotight
The dumping (dame only applies
where the import price in Gamecia
is lower than the fair market price
In the country of origin. It
in such eget, apply to eggs as well
4151 to anything else.
04.0aTe PRO* THA tteasHa
gliKTaSA aP 4144.14A.
ea -e.
*noes ePtettas, gown* erg eases
ihrieleeent .et Hernt sing asreeeee
Toronto. Jan, 7.-2.a4toba Wheat -Lek
Perna" No. 1 northern, e5 1-26; leo. 2, ee
No. 4, 89e; feed Wheat. 65e.
°uteri(' Wheate-No. 2, 90c t,o 91e for oa
lets, enitside, rangieg down to 70c tor Imo
gradee, '
Ontario Oate-No. 2 white, 3,To e4e
western pobete, 37o to 38o on eraele, T
Meniteba Oate-eNo. 2 0. W. oate, 411.7
track, bay ports; N. 3 C. W., 39.,a2o;
1 feed* 39 1-2e for jpronipt ehipmeut,
Oorp--American, ao. 3. all rail, Teronto
Deeembet shipment, 6e1 -2o.
Peas -No, 2, 91.10 to 51.20, oar lots oil
Ilackwheat-ato. 2, 47e to 40c.
Rye -No. 2, 75o to 76e.
Rolled Oate-Per bag ot 90 pounds $2.30
per barrel, 94.85, wholesale, Windeor t
Barlee-ankeed malting barley, outsid
60o th.62e
lifillfeed-lelanitoba bran, 920.00 10 521.00
tzflA.k0a;g8ontgirt" atette' l0,1236(0 t
bags; :shorts, 92100 $24.00.
Manetoba Flatir-First„ patente, 95,30 1
jete bees; swami, patents, $4.80, in jet
bags; etrong bakeria. $4.60, in jute bag
Th cotton bags ten cents More per- bane
Ontario Flour -Winter *wheat lama, „
Der ent. patente. le quoted at 94,05 to 9;
16 delivered
itenSiteartac errs oe coasIPrso
A Hetable 44,4del.-Weave of Oirilleallenic
Fine Peeltions-Agltqtion ter
Oleorce Court.
There it no more pieturesque arrive Ix
Termite thou Morgan, one ler th
tivo junior judees tor tne Cceuirty of role.
hie ioag dowieg wlaite beard axid pato
areleal countenauce give him 4 veneeabie
ueue evee greater titan hie 73 years evoql.
puttee Iforgan is noeed far three things
Ins kindienees of heart, his eareleesnees
toe couveutiens aud hie preianiter,
kindlineee of heart bripes him work
Lawyers amending persons aeowled of al
sorts of ofienees know his peeulierity an,
leave no etone unturned, tO get their ow%
traYereedso thet they will eome helm,
him. When Jadge Morgan's court is n
in Toronto there Is a veritabl,
proeession of (owe from the police our
to hie court, oases whieb, ia tb,o genera
cottmo of event% woUld more properly be
long to the teeliee wagistrinte'e juradA
Mon, The other day there Was each
f"ris of these eases welling al.ang• that
foot and bee ale nowit 4.--ri:81343Liltirehnaht he
honor. in a very hteral
k111)• ,:te rtancl. rer the IniPositieu anerelLe"c!
n , frank jeciel mee .1;1' Fetr.itl'Y
1, tence, if you 84;1re °1Lient
more 4:11%415: he asedau i wEtie, '11 (1911rse*
o 0 es. Ton leoutld be geibm roe u ee
s six 'mouths in d to prison tee
Country Preduca.
Toronto wholesale selling pricesEgen-Cold-storage ego 210 to 28e in CZ
lots: sreeh eggs, no to s30; and etre/al
new- et at Seto 50c..
Cheeee-Tin, new,143$o to 150, 9,n
large% new at 14 1-2e; old &wW
ee, ins
15 1-4e to 15t -2p; large, 16c,
Butter -Latest butter quotations are:
Creamery prints 314 to 32e
do eolids 2eo to • Me
Dairy prints.' ... ....... 26e 'to 27c
Inferior (hakeree.) .,. 25e to 24e
Motley-Buckwheat...9e poen. d in tins an
8eni barrels;. atrained Meter hoses.
12 1.2c a pound in 60-poundtins,123.4e
10 -pound ties; 110 in 5 -pound tins; coni
honey, No. 1, 92.60 por dozen; extra, 9
Per dozen; No. 2. 52.40 per dozen.
Poultry-Liveehiekens, wholeeale, 100 t
llo par pound; fowl, 8o to 10e: clacks, 11
to 13e; live turkeys. 15o to 170; awe% 9
10 1.0c* D d ul r 20 t 2i r,h
0 another place. which ehall be namelese.
h 11 ft to
Generally he threatems the object of ha
mercy with a terrible eentence If said
object should not prove to he worthy ani
should be so unfortunate as to come baeli
on another charge.
His Informal Courts.
a Judge Morgan does not believe much in
the trappings of eourte, Ile will often re
• calve lawyers on business bent in his pal
vate room and like as not will hear their
-" ease while recliuing on his lounge. ver,
- often at the same time smoking his Pipe
In the summer he doe not hesitate te
take his coat off when /sitting on the
A beach. When in the eouittrY. on Meettit
- he frequently declines to atteed the re
• Ruler court room, bat will have the law
yers and witnesses dome to the hotel sit-
• ting -roma to see him.
"I judge Morgan hes held his present po,
sition for almost 25 years. Ile is one of
the few Canadians Who was borrot in the
o e British West Indies, spending leis eerie(
life on the plantations there. Over 10
live quotations, excepting dressed turkeys
)3cans-Prices steady at $2.75 for primes
and 92.85 for hand-pieked.
Potatoes -Ontario potatoes, 90e to 95o per
bag; ear lots, 8033; New Brunswielis. 91.0
to $1.10 per bag, out of etore; 95o in, car
Spanish Onione-Pei ease. e2.50.
Montreal Markets.
Montreal Jan 7--Oate-Canadian valet
ern, No. 2, 410 to 45 1.2o; do., extra No 1
feed. 42c to 42 1-2c; do,, No. 2 local 'white
41e; do., No. 5 local white, 40c; do., No, 4
local- white. 59e.
Barley-Mo.nit,oba feed, .60e to 61e; doe
malting, 76e to 710.
Buokwheat-No. 2, 67o to enc.
Flour -Manitoba spring weeat patent%
firsts, 95.40; do.. seconds, 94.90; do., stroeg
bakers'. $4.70; do, winter pateuts, ehotee,
$5.55; do- etraight rollers, 94.95 to $5. 0;
do.. straight rollers, bags, 92.25 to 92.40.
Rolled Oats -Barrels, $4.60; do., bags, 90
lbs. *2.20.
Bran -$21.00.
Shorts -$2400.
Middlings -$28.00 te$30 00.
'11' 5 ,
. Alexis Carrel, of the Rockefeller Institutati
Annonaces a Great Scien6iflo Discovery
deepateh from New York says: Ti it were possible, he argued, to bte.i
Dr. Alexie Carrel ef the Rockefeller come po.seeseed of this knowledge be
fa -Istituto for Medial Researeh, who ought to be possible also to pro-
eceived the Nober Prize fer inedi- mete this proliteration cellsy.and
ine io 1912, is the first to anatelelleS the ecenealiCeteent growth of oonneee
1, great seientifie disemery it 1913. tits° tissue by artiecial meana. ale
Ln the oureeet issue ei the Journal. important diecovery alamost con-
, .
liEoli.gearpliwOefnitahloMeodkcoilactlhoffloaffiti: ocaleci beneath this innocuous cap-
;ute, he prediet,s, a4 the reauit ef a tion, "Art:fleet), Activation of the
mries of exporfroonte whioh havf3 Growth in Vitro of Connective Tis-
)een in progress sieee1907, the pose Aided by knowledee of the fa.eb
ebility of healing a eutaaeous that the growth of the body is de.
round in le'Ss than a day, and the pendent in many respects on the
epar of a Waken leg in four days. Inlinre or lees mysterious activities of
1,1though Dr. Carrel does not men- some of the ductile ,glands -tae
ion it in his preliminary report, thyroids for instance -he applied a'
ateertion is also made that the mixture of thyroid extract ana
ecanative process may become ap- macerated Portions of other organs
pheable net ouly in cases whore the of the body to entaneoes wounds.'
els, beeurlt in eases aa in where The resalt$ were wonderful' atlw"
large areas of tissue have been de- Inseiirerauislt()itsis.staTtelmleyenthetahrat*'ulf tthh:
etroyed in various parts of the body rate of the reparation of tissues
by disease. were activated ten times only, si
Dr. Carrel's latest discovery is cutaneous wound would heal in less
the result Of speculation as to the them twenty-four hours, and a frac-
ranner in which cells multiply and lure of the leg would' be cured in
thus effect the growth of tissues, four deers."
Ontario Received 00 per Cent. of
British Intinigration Last Year.
A despatch frem Toronto says
The number of British immigrants
who have oome to Ontario during
the twelve months of 1912 reaches
tho grand total of 50,727. It also
can elerzy
rears ago hie father, who WO an Alien)
rean came to Canada and sea
Mod in Boone. Judge Morgan likes to re.
call that at that peried he became jutiaa
editor of the Barrie Herald, mad on 0000.
4 *don ran the hand prers. The law claimea
" him, however. Before his appointmeot it
a judge he practised his profession in
Orangeville and Newmarket,
A Girl's Living Wage.
There are diseussiors from time to time
as to what constitutes a living wnge for
eerie living away from home in Toronto,
Some employers do not think that tileY
have any pensonal reeporsibility ou tea
matter While that is an attitude that
is dying out It ia undoubtedly true thet
a great ?lumber a girls from the wan.
try living, in boarding hoes in Toronto
are barely ekingout an existence.
One of the leaclit,g employers of labor
recently fixed 96.00 per week as the lowest
wage they would pay an girl. It inny
be confidently asserted that It is quite
impossible for a girl paying board to nee
on any lees in Toronto at the present time
and retain any measure of self-respect
In feet, it is quite likely that even $300
es not actually a living wage. It may
prove to be softie -me to got along on for
a given Mme, but it can make no pro-
ViSien Lor emergencies or elek71.,r13. Even
at beet it tequires it counting of t•he pen-
nies in a wa,:y that is not popular in this
day or generation.
Hey -No. 2, `Per ton, ear lots $14.50 to
United States Markets.
Minneavolis, Jan. 7.-Whent-May, 85o;
july. 87 5-4c; No. 1 hard, 841-8c; No. 1
northern, 82 3-8o to 83 3-13o; ao. 2 northern,
80 1-80 to 81 5-0c Corn -No. 5 yellow, 410
to 411-20. Oats -NO. 5 white, 2,9 3.4e to-55hr.
Rye, 2, 540 to 55 1-2e. Bran -4;19.50. ,Flour -
Duluth, Jan. 7. -Wheat -No. 1 bard,
83 5-2e; No. 1 northern, 825-8c; No. 2 north.
ern, 805,10; July, 873-10 bid; May, 865-80.
Live Stock Markets.
Toropto, <Tan. 7.--Cattle--Choice bueela-
arse 5625 to 96.85; good mediura, $5.25 to
$5.75; common, 92.76 to 93.75; cove. $3 to
55.25; bulls, $5 to 95.25; canners, $2 to $2.-
75. CeIves--Good veal, 97 to 99; common,
93 $3.25. Stoekere and Feeders -Steers,
550 to 750 pounds, at 93.25 to 93.50; feeding
bulls, 600 to 1,000 pounds, at 92.75 to $4.25;
aear.inge. $3.15 to $3.60. Milkers and
Springers -Steady. Erma 950 to 983 Sheep
ard Lambs --Light owes, 5425 to $4.7e;
heavy ewes. $5 to $3.50;. lambs, 97 te $8.
Hoge -98.50 being paid for them, fed and
watered, and 98.10 to 9815 Le -h.
Several Gir/ Employees Reported
In Ruins.
A despatch from Philadelphia
says : Heavy winds on Friday after-
noon wrecked a three-story build-
ing in this city used for manufac-
turingi.and several girl employees
are missing and reported to be in
the ruins. Men dragged from the
wreekage were taken to a hospital.
About fifty persons were employed
in the building.
in every package of
Crisp. sweet bits of
toasted Indi Co -ll, to be
served with cream or
Ready to Eat
Direct From
Always Delicious.
Sold by Grocer g every-
"The Memory lingers"
Canadian Postutn C4roel Co. TANI.,
Wind/etre Coterie,
Plums for Capable Ones.
.Vmue neels am net worth 96.00 it week,
and they itearavate the situation for Mae
more_competent. And there are opportuni-
ties tor clever • aeirle to earn a great deal
more than this amount. There are in-
etanees where women have worked them-
selves into positions where the salary Is
as high as $5,000 or $4,000 per year iu To.
Nnt0. It was never more true than at
the Present day that there is room at the
ton and that there is a keen demand for
workers of both sexes who have brain,
the physieal and mental capacities to do
things and, what is willing to be almost
tabsduratarrey.a.s eitlaer of these, in-defatigable
Divorce Court proposed.
Mr. E. P. B. JohnstOm LO., by his ad-
dress at the Bar Association, hats started
afresh the discussion as to whether Can-
ada should have a Divorce Court. lgr.
.Tohnston argues that under the present
swirleabtioien ounnIzirth.e rich can secure divorce,
His sugeestion for the establishment og
a court which, like other e,otiate for the
settlement of property cbsputee, would
come to .the people rather than make the
Ileople tome to it. hes <caused wneiderable
comment, particularly amosag -Church
eeople, who do not wish to tee the break.
inc of marriage enade any ersier. The
nroner eharae in the leery is to make it
harder to get married. they eav.
One of the greatest bnrriers against any
increase 10 the facilities for Ratting di.
vorces in Canada Hee In the attitude of
the Roman Catholic Church. At prerent
divorces are granted by the Canadian
Sceate, of which, out of the 87 memberu,
36 are_Rontan Catholics. These 36, with 8
others, can therefore at any time throw
out any divorce application.
Canadians Co Abroad.
, -
In recent yeare there has been Goble in-
crease in the member of divorces granted.
The averaga Is, however, but 19 it year.
Since Con,iederatiOn only some 200 divorew
all told have been granted by Parlia-
ment. Pour of the smaller provilmee have
Divorce Ooorts of their Own, tend it is eig.
niecant that otie •pf these, ?maw Bdward
Island, has never granted a divorce. Nova
Scotia averages .8 a :veer, New Brunswick
6 a year., and )3ritiala Columbia 8 a year.
Of the divorce/3 uranted by the Canadian
Parliament more have ben secured from
Toronto than from all the rest of the
country put together, As a Matter of
feet theee figures de not give xnuch in-
dication of the veal number or aivorcen
granted Canadians beeamee a treater nor -
tion of them who seek divorces go to the
United States.
Own an interest in some good
Corporation, by buying the First
Mortgage Bonds ee the leetitie
• tion.
We can afro, wen sora81ret4
high-grade boncte Of esialgistied
companies, to ylcid 0 per mint,
WO also have some Most at-
traothie Proferred etoeks, to
yield mew 7 per (lent.
Write for Pricee.
Comedian build's", MONTREAL
Royal Rink Oullifieg,TOROgTo
Icheap weighing sea]es, and tho thi8 demarel for cheaper scalee. Goy.,
trebles the, record of this provirice
for any previous year. During the
latter half of the year Ontario re,
eeived more than sixty per eent.
the entire British immigration re-
ceived to the Dominion. The On-
tario record kr the twelve months
is as follows: January, 611; Febru-
ary, 1006; March, 4209; April, 7013;
May, 7500; June, 6097; July. eeee ;
August, 6841; September, 4186; Oc-
tober, 3538; November, 2509; De-
cember, 1636. Total, 50,727.
TUE 0.0iro .LN
N OS/1UL. a
Canada, the El iplra And
ha Genere4 Before
the Worlik
Vous '
6 nada. ...,
Communicabl eliseasee inereaseol
last month in /mane.
The violent deaths in Toronto. its
1912 aggregateriover 200.
An Italian neblerean is worldng
in Toronto as ah artist'e model,
Quebec Provi4eial resalations rg-i
b el
steieting export! of pulpwood from
Crown lands have been modified.
The - Mayors of Belleville, Gananei
Welcomed Alilte by Farmers and oque, Haileybury, Cobalt and News
Business Men. Liekeard were elected by actlamass
A despatch frem Calgary, Alta , tion.
• The Michigan Central Railway?
says: Eight inches of snow fell here
has presented the St. Thomas Y. Mo
on Thursday aight. Thee weather
is now . bright and mild. Trai„,s C. A. with a 90 -year lease of a. pleb
from the west and north have been of ground for a $50,000 buikliag* .
delayed some hours. Reports show Eugh Kelly) G'T'Its ear insPeet°
at Hamilton, who lost both hands
that the enowfall extended over the in an aeewentraigwd iiiis,ws iout wag:t....hr
far north as Red Deer. The fall -is
whole of southern Alberta, and as
his mouth, then passed away peTiteea
welcomed by _fa_rme,___.ers and business fully' r
farmers who have been devoting all
men alike, as they say it will sti-
mulate trade by plaeing more money'
in circulation, as it will permit the was fatallY injured at'' 'milli" br
their attention to gram -shipping to ears'
get their hay to market.
. . and bo be married on ...lath inst.°
Miss Lizzie Potvip, eeventeets
being run over by a stri. g of freight
Frank Lauder, 27
yea,rs of age,- was inet. ntly killesi
BOER FARMERS FOR ALBERTA. in a Bt°re at Da'are' Re' fr'w e°''''
ty, being accidentally s hot by adi
eight-year-old boy who 7 as examin.e
Syndicate Planning . to Acquire ing &gun.
..Large Areas in Spring.
A despatch , front Edmonton, _
Alta., says : That a syndicate of The Duke of Abereo n I:lied ihe!
wealthy South Africans will, come London.
meneing next spring, "establish set- Several amendments the 'hornet
tlefnents of Dutch farmers in rule bill were negatived.
Northern Alberta is t,he *Sta.ternent Mr. Boner Law stat that, if
made by Hardus Snyrcian, who is submitted to the oountr and ea -
in the City investigating conditions. dersed, he would aelvi e Ulster
Mr. Snyman is a Beer, road farmed Unionists tot to resist he home
in South Africa, before reing to New rule hill,
Mexico to engage in ranching a few -
years ago. Milted State.
Great Britain,
Crude Product Raised Five Times
Lately --Nova $1.65 a Barrel.
A despatch from Sarnia sa,ys:
The price of crude oil has been
The New York ga,rment workers'
strike continues,
The 'United Stete,s Steel corpora=
Mr. Bruoe Ismer has r,:fsignhecaa,
frelli the Chairmanship
White Star Line.
tion has deeided to build t&teeentye
million -dollar plant at S; ndwielia
again boosted at the hea,dquarters
of the Imperial Oil Refinery here by Ont..
the sum of three cents. The local •A stay of exeeution of siintericee
was ordered in the case of, the dye
tiamite prisoners, and heavy bombe
were fixed by the ereurt.
The. United States Attorney -Gene.
eral decilareel the act pa sed an..
penal has been teased five times thorizing the Long Sault am pro.'
lately, bringing it up to $1.65 a jeet over the St. Lawreace to ha
btu rel. . u aconstithtio nal. ,
ft.rm gets all the it can from the
local Canadian fields about Petro -
lea and Oil Springs. The ,refinery,
at Petrolea has been pa.ying- Over $2
a barrel. The price paid by the Im-
The Royal Commiss on Finds this Reacts to the
Detriment of the Farmer
A despa,telh from Mentreal eitys : I ten years, Mr. Fuller told file Coxes
That there has been a demand for Missivn, there had been a!groieing
has led to the placing cn the , ernment regulations were isot :Alfa
mar- aciently rigid, he said. VVbse was'
kat of unreliable and faulty rna- : wattled in scillee was acne:mai
achines, reacting to the detriment durability and reliabilitip
. Mr,
of the farmer when selling his pro. Fuller e.xpreseed the °pin on that,
duct, was the ehief point brought :irtepeCtOre thoulel be more ufly
out on Thursday afternooe before ; strueted as to their duties,1 Inspeo.,
the 'Royal Clommission, whieh for , tors were appointed, he alleged, fog
some titne past has been investigate politiead .ateasens, men who had no.,
ing certain complaints as to weigh-, yen haedied a scale before. As toe
ing and paytneta methods made how the eheaper grade scales might
be banislad he advocated that 0o0.;
eminent should establish a mini.
mum 'or material in the parte ot
inathiee.., and insist on a certain
maximum for given leads, Fie alga
laet eilggevott more fregneut in,81)60,„bo`
egains.t Montreal merchants. The
.StiellY VMS given by teenry
Fuller, President of the Canadian
iottirbanks Compaty, who entoreed
NM points by demonstratit with
,three machines. Dttring" 6