HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-1-9, Page 3Do You Feel Moody, Irritable, Depressed ? When, That Languid, 11.t1gll'r lGf silyelei red. fettling Conte Yom Llher Is Slows Vail* »Ow t0 Cur* Qulskll1 "Even when I was. young. I was bait robust: and healthy like other. dila. I suffered trona headaches, end had sort of blue feelings that deprived me of tee joyful apirits tamers, and ,wee most severe upon and ,nleaeures *Hier girls stsert 4 the baker who sold bread defirgient' to get, After I married.I found I in weight or duality, 401114 k not' throw worries, off like For the Arst °freest) he was drawn other women, and those full feel- on a hurdle through the principal' Ings of despondency and weariness streets,which would be thronged no cause to feel so, and my doctor with the offending loaf suspended made nae very unhappy. There wasIwith people and foul with traffic, said my liver was sluggish, and this, from his neck. From a pen -an -ink accounted for my poor color, my sketch of this ceremony, it appears that the unhappy tradesman wore neither shoes nor stockings, and heti his arms strapped to. his .sides. It seems also that two horses drew the hurdle, which suggests that it rattled along at a pretty lively pace. For the eecoud offense, the :linker enjoyed another ride upon the hur- dle, and then underwent an hour's e.cpesure inthe pillory. If he ]' 'SA.BLY PIATteFOOD L How the -ere Were t Iu the Good Old Days. In the time ' f Edward I. o£ lingµ Wel innkeeporte were slot permit- ted to. Males either bread or beer, The former they were obliged by law to buy from the baker, and the latter from the brewer, . In "Otis - toms of Old England," Mr. E, 3. Snell deeares that it the law de cnde& what was «nakered the le- gitimate claim of the baker to a proper livelihood, it was equally solicitous for the welfare o£ his eus- i tiredness, langour and despaar. The pills the doctor gave me were too purgative, rnade me weaker be- cause they were too active for my oonstitution. Dozens of niy friends reeommend'ed Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and they were so mild and helpful. Well, I never used a pi11 that act- sd 'so quietly as Dr, Hamilton's, They were so comfortable to use, I was afraid" they might not help. proved so` incorrigible as to commit But in a week I know they had been the offense a third time, his oven actively engaged in cleaning up my was demolished, and he was forbid- syetenl. . ' ,They did the work ., of a den to follow his trade. tonic and blood medicine combined, I ,unproved, to a marvelous degree with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and I now maintain the most perfect kind of health by usieg them just once or twice a week. It is Mrs. E. 'he Erlanger, well known at Gleucenter, who relates the above experieilee. She proved what you and all others, hien and women, can prove --that Dr. Ilam- ilton's Pills are health and ' best system in perfect best for restoring tfor keeping the running order. rde r . Dontbe misled hass using anything but Dr. HamiJhcni's Pills, 20e, a box, five for $1.001 at all druggists and storekeepers, or postpaid by the Catarrhozone ,Co., Buff lo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. WEARS REiIIIINS OF 'faun, as Body Cremated and 'Uses Iron In It as Set for Ring, An ingenious Method of disposing, of the ashes of a metnated body has been recorded. After a'wornan had been cremated the husband took the ashes to a chemist for the pu- pose of extracting the iron, which he is now wearing set in his ring as one world wit•• dianoud. ..-- �. ltrny.•,rnlite 5, feint' of lean in a human body, ace irding to the statement of a well k' Jwn analytical chemist,is at `best cry small—a matter of grains—a od it varies very niueh ac- cording, to the state of health. A.aiaerare •people have very slight traces ;o iron in their bodies, but in norir ,gal persons there is enough to us.., as it has been used, in place • f a stony- ina ring, The(England) Cremation oP a•tvoinan who always,oarrled the A 'Western womanfound some 'perfect! Everyone who goes LLOYD ' Gary �.rr;. In his great speech at Aberdeen Lloyd George said that the care of the aged;:.. tht� , sick, and„ the infirm, by the State addect a aew infirm, and glory to the British Empire. —• THE BEST TEACHER.. Old Experience Still Hollis the PIMPLES THICKLY SCATTERED ONFACE In Bad Condition. Pimples Large. Face Sora and itchy. Looked Badly. Cuticura Sea p., and Oint- ment Cured in Two Weeks. Yaluneoe. °nutria.—" some diose see silo .yaro was in a very bad condition with lama land or pimples.' The pimples were briskly scattereThe tops or thews; were white; matter was in them. Tike3r were quite arca and my : face was sore and Itchy and looked badly. I bed to scratch to be comfort. able and sometimes 'lost rely' sloop, The sores taitted. about . / two months and 1 tried some Onto:0mM but didn't like them. hen X sent Sar spume Outicura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, used thorn for two weeks and I was completely cured." (Slsned) Alex. It. Oke, April 2, 1012. SCALY ECZECr1A ON FACE Clarkson, Ontario. ---''My little girl, aged two years, started: with .a skin disease on her face. so I called lir the doctor and Ite said ib ways eczema. The skin. was quits red and all scaly. I washed the parts well with the Concurs Soap and. them I put the Otttleura Ointment on, Yon ought to see her now —ea fair as a Illyf "I suffered a Great deal with piles. I had them very bad, and they itched. and Larged s0 I could hardly bear it. When I get the Cuticnra Ointment I tried it. Now it has entirely cured me." (Signed) Mrs_ Cyrus Ward, Jam 1,11)12. CJuticurit Soap and Outicura Ointment are sold throughout the world,. Send to Potter D. 4 C. Corp., Dept. 63D, Boston, V.S.A.. for f s -lo or tach with ce p'u o boost ld4d Eczema, 28 Tears sod J 0+ tors Said "No Core." Yet Zaiu•B4k' has Worked Comp Vurc. COWS tt ittie bland, cats the Breed 1� Stringent Jaws. oto Undoubtedly tele little island of jersey has been enriched by ' the profit of its cows. In modern days is. zs the experience o a man of Potato raeong a. nd fruit culture. reputation, widely known so lave helped, but it: is the solid, con- Montreal, and whose case cart read- antral profit of the cattle that has ily be investigated.. 1 M.r.. T. &L. t made the island rich. Marsh, the gentleman referred too, So careful dry they tend t'hern livea at 101 Delorimier "Avenue, there, axes no frugal are they of Montreal. For twenty -Ave years he waste in trodden ?statures, says Our has had eczema on his hands and Dumb ,A.nimals, that they actuallyj ethresseeksaitslateralsoelaseseieeftemiesa i•chile = ea wrists The dihr�aso itxat started in tether their animals, and the lr i--�=---�_-•-----.--.••t—M---.� �M4 !Yl`hoi3 �ri 3 tlrUl ltzl IPTG red biothes, which itched, and dren'or indoor servants fillift - them when scratched became painful. , at morn, noon and night. I3ad sores followed, until els t Gentleness is their cue in, haled•• halide were one raw, painful mass ling the cal;£, whieh after s.. short of sores!. This state of affairs con- dose of Another's milk has to be con tinned for twenty. -five years! tent with skimmed. rriilk, or rskillc In that tinge four eminent !nodi- I galee. She is haltered and fed by ''IMS FOR SALE , W, DAWBON. Ninety Cotbai'$i Teront4, ,ZCUED ACT 5 Good house linii+ttng,ttt .Pier ,rh nn or av t4•1n49 �"'� 6 vr7NTY.SI ArsEti wtT l goon' ►'� btrildin s and atrplk ort:hard.. uwbr�nb • s cal men tried to cure him and hand ,and becomes docile and gen-dire miter from nrarnileon each gave up the case as hopeless. tie. and when two years old yields 'w " Pesos. Toronto. Naturally, Mr. Marsh tried -reme- indoors or out her bountiful bucket dies of all kinds, but he, :also, at of frothy, rich mi'k to the quiet wo- last wive it up. For two years he men folk who milk her, had to wear gloves day and night.1 The Jersey breed is kept pure by Then came Zam-Buk 1 But he soon stringent laws against the importa- found out that Zaln-Buk wan differ- tion of foreign stook. The summer l ent, Withip. a few weeks there were' pasturage ie very rich, and cattle O ME woRIC, $7 TO 3.O P n• We want reliable parties to itnI0 distinct gof benefit and a little remain out from May till October, for ne at home, whole or spare tune. e �... signs+, great itnrlla l but duringthe winter they are al -furnish e ix address yarn, efro. Roma your perseve s t1tw- with` this rarr'e and' address at on4'e for fell .naa•bs• balm resulted in what he Ilan given ways comfortable housed, eiders. The Canadian Wholes:0e t*+iatrl ami t g Q AC 61-01,0811 TO LONDON MAR 'i ETy • new frames Cottage, �6table, 'Wool 4r -change for fare. 5 ctv+I,o fere p arity'. The Western Real Estate, AGEN WANTED, r up all hope of -•-a complete cure! The milk is used almost exclusive-. l aTi butter. good d'er- Anal the cure was n•o:M tt.mr�oiary ly in mac ng, b to A cure. It was permanent. Re wa:s ser is beautiful in form and her cured nearly four years ago. In- abounding. dairy products make her terviewed the other day, Mr. Marsh a favorite with the household, an saki: "The cure which Za n But ornament, to any farmor estate and worked has been absolutely per -a source of great profit . to her manent. From. the day that I was owner. cured to the' present moment I have had rio trace of eczema, and .I feel free °'�'. sure it will never return." A iican Woman. "I think that Mrs.: Jones is the it the naive of this paper, and mail sir" "Very good, indeed --..t , :sup - meanest little cat in th's town," it with one cent stamp to pay re- ply' the natural ford—very good " remarked Mrs. piety Hill to her turn postage, to Zia -Bulb (JO , To- , "And out" turningto the second. husband. 1 ronto. We win forward. you by re-'' «Please, sir, a scltoolrilaster," "How is that, m•'dear V' asked turn a free trial box of Zaln-Buk. ":Even better—•filling the minds: e•of Mr. Hill, 1 All druggists and stores sell this rising generations with mental food a: "Well, I had fixed up something famous remedy, 50e, heli, or three —vee, even better"! And you t real sarcastic to say to her about for $1.25. Refuse harmful substi turning to` the third. "A preacher, If you suffer from any skin trou-' The Best of All. "And what, my boy," asked a minister; ` t'do you intend to be ble, cut out this _erticle, write across when you grow up?" "A farmer, her new.hat, and she said the same tut eel.. thing, about mine and said it first." $a3,QO3 FOIL18 FOXES Caii.atlian Farmers Funding Nee. Isiinard's Liniment Co., Limited. Road to Wealth. Gentle"©n =-I Have need 1tn' c pD`g Some years ago a Canadian far. sir." "The best of all, my dear lit- tle boy: for filling the soul'with sniritual food is far worthier than filling either the mind or the body. And why do you wish to become a minister 1" "'Cos we always have duck for dinner when the parson LINIMENT eris ° It was ecommendded to ins nice 'named Lamb was hunting comes!" replied.the boy. by a eronrirent physioirn of Montreal, strayed cattle in the woods when he who called it the great Nova Sootia Lini- meet.'• It does the doctor's work; it is found two silver fox pups, a male ' T 11 rah go Cured particularly good in cases or liheteueatism and Sprains. Yours truly, Cl. G. DUSTAN, Chartered A Halifax, N. S.,' Sept, 21 1905. and a female, in a hollow log. He contrived to carry them home, and swapped them .with a neighbor for ccartntant. a cow and a few dollars to boot. The neighbor experirnented for several years with various kinds of pene and treatment, but finally be- _.: __ ..: laic discouraged and sold the fox - "Is a ton of coal very much, par. 1 the late owner. "It depends on whether you are This sores shovelling it or burning it." iJt'litln(1S. fC dt.i eaoti .ioete. ere, „ I also was no more successful' than TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE EROMO C,iuinire Tablets. Papal. Druggists ref and money if it fails to cure. the increasing tameness of the fox - Palm. i.E . GROVE'S signature h . .d man gave over his experiment to a third man, who lived on an island in Caseampec Bay.' The quiet of the new place, W. i nature re sit each ox. es, and the intelligence of the new For real practical reliability and 250, keeper nredtzced conditions that re - This to ear by experience ng swear , —plainold fence is able to Perfect. lieved Mme. Reynard's nervous ap- error getting "Doesn't, Ida keepher hardwood prehension for her young's safety, LS' 1'+C40n �n� an . Carry a beg load yet without� �' Doesn t and three pups were reared to Comp any has knowledge of the casebeautiful. condition t" swaybacked. floors in turity in two seasons, otr erne . ver ma - ashe,: of her late husband about things about food from Old Expell- with her, and give instructions thatence a good, reliable teacher. wise e her end came her body was to She writes: be: rtrernttcd and: the `ashes mixed w't.i those of her husband. With th �i gro ivth inthe number of erema- ti c,'ses it i•ss becoming quite a fell raotioe to have the ashes 0 .rre ss ecinto small tablet, , th a:fshort inscription upon it. TR1,,TIi ABOUT ENGLAND. the E u Eyes o .Bi Through Sc �'� It s e As I h. a Japanese Boy. 'There: is, a large missionary school In : Tdkyo where the teaching is given in English. One of the' pupils. cwt log ago wrote a eomposi:tion on ngland, from which these are ex tracts "The England which occupied: of the largest and greatest dominion. whieh rarely can be. „The English- man always works with very power- ful hands and the long legs, and even the emmeneed mind and bit chit' ..s so strong as deserves iron. Being, ,spread out from Europe to Aust�•alia to America his dominion is 'dreadfully .extensive,'so that his oountrymen boastfully :`says, 'The sun are never set on our ao minion, The testimony of England say that 'he that lost the common cense, he neve- had anybenefit. though he has gained a complete lete world.' The Engl. sh are cunning mention to ,establish a great Err.;pire of the lise. As the Englzahtnen alp confide the object of the pure he order to be holy, and they such him if any of them are to death with the contention mer merit" et a Ai p FOOT CALLOUSES REMOVED QuWCKLY Par, way and repro killee of of "I think I have used almost every breakfast food manufactured, but, none equal Grape -Nuts in my esti goodmfellow is usually a man esti- mation. :° . A ledge cf the fine art of. rearing foxes ""greatly bothered' with who can pay 90:cents a. round for b r: •rjealouslyU ar.d .d was I yCaptivity and a, gca weak stomach and indigestion, drinks because his wife dues her their secret until 1910. Up that - with formation of gas after eating washing and makes her own waists. l time noe live foxes were sold to except remedies for it but L i "silvers" o distant and tried many , vane light silvers t d -- e t Try Biurino Eye Remedy. No titnartin r e s there is carried out with a fracture or a dislocation.'' terinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. A food Fellow. This success; the result of eight years experimentation, gave a strong impulse to a brand new in- dustry. Farmers have not many new industries to turn to nowadays, ard' this. one began . in earnest. About six men possessed a know - id not find relief.. ie and Eieit Your Eyes Nee Caro places. " �e must t edlm ecld r Id en T11 P e kills i Is wee n• a •lusa m ul Th s T see if I could overcome the did wantexyAEye erne Granulated. aEye ds. wIllus. and the pelts marketed in London t t ��that way. My choice offAccording to the Strand Magazi*ie. tidy a g. was Grape -Nuts because the doctor aampUnnaea oy oar oetu5ts—net a. >yttentz.lea ielno but a ti in sncaesyf'ni physiofa,ns`.Prac- elle d^i'k silver pelt sold: for $3.070. told ire' could not digest starchy ben nndsold Uy years. Noeadedicated Meoror so Pub- - ata Lond7n auction. anti in 1910.11 feed trated Book in each Paekage. : ?amine is ,hlnyi,hing oto year fest that shouldn't to ttero—wbetber terns, oailoutes or f,oro traps—they can all be removed , in short order by:Putnant's Coro 11*traotor. ' hilt of the . "gat in yeti aro ssrved. molten brat sore cord soca. It Is .foolish to experiment With untried remedies . food. (`Orel, e -Nuts food has been a great benefit to ililurine ye Remedy Co.,da 3Chicago prices o1 $2,700 and $2,500 ab- ktuene `tamed. Since then as mach as me for I fed like a dif i $3,500 has been realized, highest e n to eat Marks—When I got horse to supe.. been for the the ofhany Parent person i since begun me how.per last nil;ht I found rey wife hr'd price ever pp it. It is wonderful resbeen Parks—What was the . kind of animal: ons m 'nerves have become. I crying.Now that the secret is out fox strong e ytrouble? Marks—She wouldn't tell advise everyone to try it, for ex- n't know whether it 'was farms are springing up in Canada the best teacher. rae. Ido in all directions, and henceforth it peril issomethingthat happened et home ``If you have any stomach rico- pp ble-can't digest your food, use or ha a novel she was reading. Grape -Nuts food for breakfast at Minard's Liniment cares Cailtet in Cows. least, and you won't be able to praise it enough when you ;see how A. Sop to Her Conscience. . Hub (after ht out)—I feel ph two -spot. I wish you'd teleof the universe the lump comes out. phone to the office that I'm in bed of eighteen animals, for which the l in this story from the with the grip, eigh eamusingly Wife --That would be a lie. i Dundee Advertiser : different you feel." Name given Every. Ache Gone 'Thousands Still Suffering That Can be Quickly Cured by "Nerviline." "Three years ago I discovered that a, man subject to lumbago might just as well be dead as alive." These words open the sin- cere, straightforward letter of 11. P. Bushy, a well-known man in the plumbing and tinsmithirtg business. "One attack came after another, and lumbago got to be a chronic thing with inc. I could scarcely get in, a day's work before that knifing cruel'pain would attack my back. I used a gallon of liniments: not one of them seemerd penetrat- ing enough to get at the core of the pain. I read in the Montreal Wit- ness about Nerviline, and got. five bottles. It is. a- wonderful medicine Icould feel •t thing pain- applied. ain pp Whent thedisease Mr.W.Larkins, :the ndon (England) steeplejack plelack wh Sixty Theueand trappers now send rza their Raw Firs. Way not you? pay highest prices and r.xpress charas no oamtaissfon an sone" dry coeds ars rccelvrei, S7' are sed trappers each ye retia{,lo ieaase. We aro unisex Coneds. FREE East' 012 iu d-tst 1;st „„i, [iS'i tuetfrrtAllt s>ir�:f�PE a book of 55 pages, mailed •FREE. 'Smite '-.-day to john Hallam, , Mail Dept SO TQnorno,1iiProntSt.R. soothing, - ee its t .. - .�t, � u New 1' c e�c ..,els s lr 1D 1 relieving action every time it was ie a lied, 1 bitting Co., Dept. lir"., Orlliia, Ont... STAMPSAND C01N5• iy I)t a�1 TAMP COLLEGrUlEla--01flinitP ferent. Foreign Stamps. Catalogue, Album, only Seven Centel., Marlys Stamp f•nm PP n7. 're Oil mIstisi.t.ANsous ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, 'kJ internal and external, cured with-. out pain by our ?come :rertutent. Write us before too GolIin Dr. Onto meat -sal i t ALL STONES, EIDt1tY ANI) BLAB,.. X der' Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments poattivoty cured with the new German Rometir. "Strood " price 151.50. Another new remedy for Diabetef-Mellitus. and sure mire, tai "Ravei's Anti -Diabetes." Price $2 00' front druggists or direct. The Send Manu:fats•." taring Comn;arny of Canada Limitasis.' Winnipeg, pian P DY I;ING I CLEANING F,rrti,ts er..•v beet, sand your w,r1 't,, alis ""11111. AIME lhAN CYE111e' CIL" Look fur tweet'*.ysts, or mead direct. let,,narea.1. Toronto. 0 girl ,. Qu -' ere The Soul of a Plano as tin Action. Insist ar%'IY1te OTTO GE Piano Actions _ .t n -^'.-iii'..' • ' Lalii _Nem ouncl ecori 115 - ...e' hand. 'or heatwg and power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKE' STACKS, /igen a for t<turt6. ,.. "V :r n•int • a'irr - C ,ts:na ra,•,t na.i a•,i I3, K g• POLSON Engines Ind,,thirtt'xtt'ders go . •L o e:liznheci under control with Nerviline, I the land) Column and restored built' up my strength and fortified the statue in o1him the id r restored d .n r zone at . ex o taking 1i' en blood i- to 1 a been engaged to ze- Sf Teas f 1 ai . Tisa t'' g • meals. This treatment cures tete � six tli� m r,t c ue of.��1.. nt. en l , and I urge everyone `. P - :- perman t p, of Sutb eland, neali Dunrob1 . to give: up the thick, white, oily t1f}. The "oitrnPy Frain Lona liniments they are : using, and try l 1 g 652 miles, ani. the monument sts an; up-to-date, penetrat ng, pain on the surari3it of Pen drag ;< a. . • i izie. K.•. 1 civ t. li N �.. Iike to �t e v a a Pl er s h+t a � T • letter the! 1 •, fl0 feet hie n. "Please publish my ; stands on a eolid stone prdestal 90 world over. I want all to hear of feet high, and measures 33 tient ba Nerviline." be• height, nearly twice the size of the Don't be. cajoled into recti anything from your dealer but S snare: It takes typo hours t+5 `eNerviline."'' Large familysize! climb the , had huh ving j statue of Nelson in Trafalgar b m e. m auntain r•. workh u of a 50c . trial size 25e., all demi.)se in t ire for th•a dost ti = ,.: world seem that the production bottl sto` sea costly fur is only a arch "em for the ors, or The Catarrhozone Co:; Lxttf- fore' dark, tits top of :�;e mountain w` lusbandman, Perhaps the fade N. Y., and Kingston, Canada.':?ae•ng eosered with seger nearly all a lural 1 ," day will soon come when books of "Hint." the winter. rten otter and drink peril- Lord ;Felson s areee will be published. One fox by Canadian I'ostttniCo,, Windsor, Ont, Read:the little book, "The Road to Wellville,•" in pkgs. "There's a Il;eaton." Ever read the above letter? A hew one ,appears from time to, time. They genuine, true, and full of huarlan'Interest. • The Cart Before the Horse. Margaretta Tuttle, the authoress, is very fond of the Scottish dialect. A favorite story of hers concerns an old Scottish shepherd, who, faithful to the traditions of his clan, still wore the Highland kilt. One cold, raw day he was sitting on the hillsicl;e, tending his sheep. His plaid was wrapped closely about hint, but his teeth chattered, and bis bare legs were blue with cold. '3 feito elnnsnian, who had been away from his tKatiuo hills, came by, wearing aft English oats, - coat, Observing the shivering shep- herd, he asked: "Sandy, are ye no' cauda' wi' the Ir.il - t" Putnam x. i . r better trio ih � rr .y 1. .. loyal dxao•C.oa and the work will be tion+, 14.t; rirlr, replied thel y a0ulokly and 'without pain, P'utearn'„ �;ttti3t , "but A'zti near kilt wi' the axe, tar 4)00 e z6c per battle., Sold t 1.1 1`' .10011 rtOniwoutltAl tot aniirsists, tau 4 u a nig ou — ee term recently visited on the banks like a wo-spo St. Lawrence contained The Scotsman's_ conviction . that Scotland is the leaven and the rest owner demanded MAO. • tt articular you women At the Battle of Trafalgar, two. II b How p are l Fetchover that grip and lay Scots, messmates and cronies from : ` - it on the bed near my' feet. There? ' the same :village, happened to be '1 stationed. near each other when the Now will you telephone celebrated signal was displayed from the adiril•al s ship. „said Look up and read, jock, one to the oilier. "'England ex- pects every Irian to do his duty"— not a . word for pair Auld Scot- land!" c.trt- ltardl" . Jock teiekerl his eye at the flags and turned to his crony. "Man, Geordie, is that a' your sense t" he. asked. "Scotland kens well enough Mlinard's Liniment Cures Cords., to, Try This. Laugh at old Trouble and you'll see That he'll go at your bidding; For Trouble is a grouch, and the Will never stand for kidding. PILES OUitED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS; Your druggist will refund money if PAZ, OlNrr'MEN.0 fails to cure any case of Itch- ing. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50o. Feminine ''inane. "Well,dear," said the young 1 that her bairns will do their dirty t a rsbanto his bride, "I'1„ make that's just a hint to the English i, out the deposit slip in your name men." . and all you have to do is to take it to the bank.'"�`attitil slhe respo.ndaai, t1but stip- "Do you think Osct,ar proposed to p, -,se t want to draw out some me merely on of r;ouitt; of city money sonic day how will they money 1,, 'Well, Ti tee ten , . it , know which is any money1sa nitres • roust ha,t e sonic r, easuza. NilnArro•d°� �.Iroiwt®Bet iliAtottil4aP" i.•. he WAS A ONIFMMED DYSPEPTIO. d t Pleasure toolcy Meats i'iJlOY Finds it � 1 i��a��l'u �r 1 7 here is a case which seemed as boil and as hopeless as yours .en possibly be, This is the experience of Mr. 11. T. Browns ,, 384 Bathurst St rTorouto, in kis owsg 'words : t,t;5t`nise%. ••--T 1 ave i tal pleasure mentionit,g, to ills benefits r eoli• from your a -Diu- Yen.s,�, and can cheerfully rccaiitmarar 1.:„„, simply had confirmed dyspepsia u its wretched: symptoms, and tried all 'die advertised dares with aro Stu You bare in Na-tlmn-Co 17ydpe , Tal lets the best curative agent I could, find, it is now such a pleasure to once resale with their cont,e9ueat nourish- trient that I want to mention this for tliti benefit of others." The fact that a lotxf preacriptirts so-called "cares" have failed to, help you i4 rte sign that you hare got to go afar attffetirg. Try 14a,brn-Ct, nyspet;t lie Tablets and roc how quickly this sterling xeuttily tfill •give you relief awl start vont stomach working properly. %f it dorsa'ti help you you get ;vont money ;back. Se4 n hn:t at yOUr : dntsl,,ist"s. Compotes e l 6v the tAtXorttl Drug and Chemical C0ii 01 area t1t,"..1.isanitstl, latah' elr, tib