HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-1-9, Page 1RENEW TOM, $1:123$(31xplktor;
ws1 tame t tU to and have
4411)07Pr11:0400 to The AdVeeate
eWed, WO atm jveIP1A tho
nov(8 1r cOne410 and Interesting
r and Ave b0.14tre 'we five 1iJO
W•felp alOng, the geed work.
ti-ao ,seaiVon 010 fe,arr
ars rgoeyrliag yoku, Thoekopo4tor 44.4-
scriptions, 'The• A470cate' 01.0.0 VOtt,1,
an, the Ot.'y iffee)ely and: 174.11/i PaPerf-•"'
and the Briagagineut A% ter3.0.4 that arc a
linduceraent. C. *4.4 tot evoir i"e•te..
s4.eicoarms ik mown
1111()N1?; 1$
ti clear
the balance ol our
1 Merciial4se
consists of
ods, tAdies
nts Furn-
all. Paper,
rdwalle & Groe-
can save you at least 25 per
cent and in many cases 30 to' 40
• All goods must be sold as
the bvilding has been sold and
has to by vacated by Feb. ist.
!reduce taken at the sale at Cash Prices
Local Items
Seheol no -opened on It onda,Y niOraD-
Mg '
r, Clive H. lylicAlister ba .0 return-
ed to Ws stuid.4es in Toronto. '
Mrs, 'PhOs. Sanders I cenitinedLtc
her bed aUffering front were attaPk
of bronchitis.
qkpo Orediton -Hockey team wilt play
a. goane, with the.leicali. teal» i)ere on;
Tue,sda g1i llyerybedy see. It.
Mr. Bog. Samuel of Highgate, forrn.
erly ot gurter, has 'been transferred to
the Melsolna Bank branch t Alvinstori
as manager. •
Two Swelter Old 'Bays, Meehars. Geo.
*111,1a,M1 Dignan were can-
didates, for nrunielpal itbnors 32 Luean
on ISonda.y, tfh,O :torpor headi,ng the
Poll and the latter lOsing.'by. onfy one,
vote. The ba..ttle wtals ono of the mast
keenly waged exiAnicipo.1 contests, that
hastalten place itnl the .town,it bei3,
folight o,nt principally On the linesf
if25 ,saaary. or ino •satairY,
chaps widn4n t handsoinely.
entiy our friend .33a,Wden's: services are
appreciated in. 'cani s.s counclillot,ihte
having sat On, the 'ho+3.;:t1 for ton Ye'arS,.
and only ranid= eleotions.
5'r. E. Willis ledt; last week ,to teach.
Dardej PPilar Olt Clinton vote
in townl'e4st week.
lles Sarah. Sweet, returned last week
from a. visit lin Detticii:nt-
Miss Gladys Ford left KondaYmorn,-
Mg to attend Chatham Business
Mr, Phil. Rowe.cliffe -of. London., ,vis-
ited, with 4f1onOs !a Own en Monday.
Mr, Fred Flint= and Jady friend. of
Sbna4tford visited at 3 C. Snell's last
Mr. R. V. Cal( Feat Colborne is
visiting Otill Ws father. 1VI.r,. Thomas
Case. '
Mre. W. J. Hari and ;family lies
returned fpop a vilsit, With rel'S.14'..ves
London. A
ection Returns
• 'AVEfirsa •
Tne;•,1918 YUnc1 in( ,,Exeter
W Fieamank AoNer: scpairt
tmtt, ''Tilkowaor• HKto,a, 3,511.11;RA
'1yr. Counellfors.' Thks
vOto,,by pets ets f011bWft,-
1 2 8; 4
1-reainar):• • 6'0 .79 66 35-240
Tay or, 15 74 50 25-224
Day 44. ,36
Doyk 74 63 89 24-;201.
Ford • 41 67 54 .1.3175
• ,7 87 (SO 17-245
Kind 1'67 73 :62 24-.224
2s. 37 24 13-104
Seett ' 65 92 84 31-272
31. 48, 48 19-185
Wa1cr ' 27 36 23 82-118
Local OpOon lacked the required num,'
beret': vo'...by 3. sill InajOzIty,, I-Iad
eight, persels whb voted agaInst Lotai,
Option -voted 'Or it, the ".by,law would
have 'pesset,. b -,exe.ctly ‘requiclecl,
•'1..hree-riftli; The vete bY polls was, -
For Local ,st,Ution '56 100 77 '25-259
Agakis,..., 67 47 43 29-186
Reeve, S"nuel Routley ;
T. Brock, 8 Duncan, Jr., S. Skinner, A:
Bilerington110 88 37 31-266
Routley 3 17 39 ,77 121-234
Brock , 123 39 57 133-852
Duncan • • 50 53 110 84-806
Skinner " 140 82 ;44: 83-305
6.?., 87 431 45-,-267
Frayne 65 70 56 33-224
Aeeve, W: D. Sandals; Deputy, John
Love; Councillors, W. R. Elliott, Mich
Pinkbelner, 'Geo, Tireilletnanti.
•Fe? Pteeye.
• 41.00'.8.6 28 27344T 85-462
M. Andrew Murray and family of Re- Willer'
gin& are vlaDtd:trig Mei and Mrs.,: Swops
DROPPED DEAD. -At rieen• on ,Wed-
nesday e is weak Mr. Richard Els-
ton dropped dead at MS home on.
drevr Altbough, he has' 'been ailr•
tug for some time ha sudden takfing
off. was not M. tha„least expetted. Heart.
trouble Is 'supposed .to have been the
8 3. Q1-133 Tueedgya afternoon, Jan,. 7±.-11,- Mrs.
CHANGES. IN RURAL 11OUTES.---J4 •' -515' 18 50 61 29 1S 7.,2 45 71--,435. "Tin•dins..s yiern.,--s..ed 79, Years, 9 morivhi,
J. Merner, M. 13,4, ,i.urich; and rt LOCAL, OPTION
338i,88,..38 52 101 52 12 89-432
E.Aove '
51 41 53 662848 5.2".6.4 104-510
Yearley ,
p5•37A4 5353 69 32 2.120-367
•For CouncillorsEtFoLt ,
,' •
77 6264 83 4178 14 "1 r 8-,"60
, 3 .3
F'unkberucr • ,
20 27 5655.41 91 57 4I-38-142
Reovei,,ShOritvreed ; COuneillors,
phaston, LaidlaW.
llesve-Carspb 4L; MUIC1130T484 CurrY
Ruch.anan, Stog).ehouse,
(Reeve-xi/Ivey; counetilors, wheeler,
Autherford, IdoBurney, Wellwood,
Colborne TeWriLiZeL13'0.oltualefl,,, Sara Vis
;110ve; 1....HetillerAngton:, Gordon
Yeung, Sohn McOlarty and AleX, Sutton
Goderioh TownshiP, °noel; john Mc-
Clure, Reeve, Meserts Lindsay,,, Hudie
and Sohn Yeo.
Local Option
The •resullt of the voting ,on, Liara.a.
Ohion indicates that the by-laws Pass
ed In 24 places,. -5 toWns, '6 villages
and 3.3 t,ov4-uships ; while it failed
88 places; failed to re'peal 1.11 19
places, and repealed 10 1 place. These
may be chnmed somewhat later.
Adelaide Tp,, Almonte, Betatincic Tp.,
Ohesiey, Dovvnie frp., Finch., Coiling
wcod,'Caledon TP., Dundalk, Galt, Lobo
Tp„ Troquols, Maclean and Ridout
Markham Tp., Owen Sound, Orangevilio
Strathroy, Tuciserendtb ,Tp., Weiingtoln
Ayr, Callander, .Drescleru, Esz!ott Front
Tp,. Exeter, Fenelon Fergus ,
Gravenhursit, G;lencee, Hinisworth N,
Tp., Lindsay, Malden, T"p„, IYIeaterd,
&thrrici Tp., Neinth Bay, Petrolea Park
bill,Peberhoro Sannia, Stephen Tp., St. -
Mary's Sombre, ThameSville,
Aurora, Erock Tp., Clintoo, Drunir
mond TP., Delaware Ti., Dutton.„ Dun-
wien, Tp., Enbro,,t Elmo- TO.1, Forest '
•Ingerssoll, Haig Tp., 11C-nraa'dine,.., Lon-
don Tp., Merris, ,Nort Gower, Tp.,
Newboro',. Turnburry
Tiverton, Thekkoad Tp., Vict.Oria I-Iarbor„
Vtardsville, 'Whiltby E. Tp.,
Arthur, 03ronuley, Ba,yfielcIt Carleton
Place, Eganville, Louth Tp., Mount
Forest, Markdale, I'ort Staniey,, Pem-
broke, Penetangutsbene.
Acton. •
KeYs „ Suseu , or11.- w`•tdomq'
• M and 10 days. Decealised had been 111 er
Bowler', Inspector of Rural Mall Routes •
met a. delgation from. the' TownishiP
off Ushorns here. eel; Monday last to
re-anrange the propOsed rural . malt
routes' in th4 township, Tie matter of
re -arrangement iwas thoroughly gone in-
to and a ffew changed were 'made,
wherebY the whole township will now
be well served, even the neglected Part
• born e and
of the town alh-he beitiween
RtidduAlph. will 'be prOvidoi tor tn the
rvavir arrAtigleirnent,
M. M. Doyle's Mara' '8rie/14s' hex'o. word,
pleased to he!,a.* theft, ale., • was elected
as one of tibia couirucifinten of. Exeter oh-
Menday-Mr1pgrick Buekley oC Moores.
ville, fortm,erly dt thiS neighborhood,
Waal married to VISO1ahieetn. McIlhar-
gey of Blddulph, the cerentenY taking
plate at (St. Patrick'd R,,) C. Ch.urch,13id-,
dulph, On yVedhAsda-Mrs. Joseph
GI/WI/en waie 'taken to Ot. Jaseph's•Hos-
pital, London, on Friday -.evening' (for
treatment,. Her Many friends wish, ..for
her a ,e,peedy repoveit.Yk-Mre. M. Mal-
oney alnd Mrs. Miligler of .aoseph
visited at the bin te elf Mr. and Ulla.
John McDotuald for e'VY" -days this
week. -MTs. Denas O'Connell la visit-
ing her sister, Mird.F. Walsh of
don for a few: .weeks,.. -Mr.
ry Pilaff purchalsed driver from
Joseph Doyle last week. -Mr. Johrl
Ryan left last Week forChicago, where
be 'Intends remain: -Mr. Frank Ghia -
an. spent Monday.111 London. ---Mrs. P.
Glavin and gen, Patrick attended the
funeral of the late 7yfird. Sohn F. Cain
at Luctain, wirmi&. took .place from, hen
late ilesidence to• at. Peter's R. C. Cem-
etery, MoGialivray, on Tuesday..
Was defeated by 15
For 53 31 55 80, 11 33 35 541,86-470
'Ag. '2828 88 41 88 77,37 20 24-387
Reeve, W. T. Meas.; deputy -reeve, E.
E. Mar' (acclaitnation); councillors,
John Robinson, 3. Frank Nickels and
A. Rosser.
pidduaph :Reeve A. K.
Hodgins, jrnajority 110. •Counciliprs,
James RYder, • C. Bran, «N (Davis:
- •
-Reeve-C. rW\ 31w, majority
49. Councillors, tai --'•,'";vrden, D.
McVicar,- W.- L. C4stai1:N,'
fOrd. • - • •
`• • l•-••—•••
ALIss Craig councIllers ,are elected as
follows -Sohn Alender, D. Mac-
Donald, W. 3. Gutrune. and, George Meek-
cloy's, Reeve Morgan ware elected by
acelamationi. ; •
Mayor, W. R, Duttcher; councilors,
B. T Corpeland, -W1rn Dale, 'YV/ni..,j Bart-
lett, Wm. Pulleyblank, W.:. Hainel
11, White . • -
N. kcP,hee reeve • Councillors, F. V.
TAIlleht0111, W. G. Caine, 3. Laughlin, F,
Jack•son, J. F. Roberts, a'rld M. Fenn.
- •
Mayor :VItaudtone, Reeve, Mels-ibber4
council, Mills,. 3pottOn Bei, young,
Rerce, IshisIsiertt
H. Cook Sons & Co.
This coupon let good for 40' cents on each toag• of ENOW„ DRIFT, our
best farrbily flour; garving YOU the !privilege • of teAritg . erne to five begs,
proVid,ring thie coupon •is presented to us, on or before 30109)17 . 31st, 1.013
• .
Our k•eguisx selling pri,',Le or our SNOW DRIFT'. flour without th4s
coupon Is43.75'lit yew present this coUpOri each. bag of sllow,. DRIFT Will
only • coat you 0.35 for each bag, ' ' •
Our mill its ectuttped vvith the latest and Meet Modemflour trill roacbdoerY
We 'also have secured the serviceof a first ole 08 roflier, ' wile Was pre-
viously etroPloYed by one of. " the largest aill.la In OtirW.TIo. .Coneeetuent-
ly we aro Offering, thla indtxcernent In order to give every woman 87* oPpertten
ity to try 01;4, SNOW, DELIplk flour, gi/OrY beg grtaarantieed: . .
We are selling bran at $22.00, and Sherts at $12;3,.‘00 li8r tom in ton
.... a...,,,p...q.........,...... ..,y . .• . • ... . .. .• . 4 t • • • .2 A • • • . r .• • .• •
10",,,,,,,„,th„,w4 .1.,
H. COOK, SONS & Co..
. ' . etisall, ,Ont.
several months, having. suffered from
strokes of PartalYsiS) during the past
year, and Of litUte shie .had been. confin-
ed to her room: 'She was an esteemed
lady arad her demi* will be regrett)ed
by .many filen40, as' ,well as the fatn,
who have the sympapy, o•f
husband predeceaSed her about 20 years
She is survived by deyeral grown-up'
sons and daughters. The funeral wjfl
be held en Frida.Y. • •
The elections are over, once ..mlore.
S'oene are taela:sed, while others ' sire
Sorely diaappointed.1-Mr„ Wilbur Luk-
er and Herold DupLan, lett ;on Monday
to take a toulse at the Chatham Bus-
iness College. isuccess boys, --Mr. Clar-
ence Duplani left on Monday to 'attend
the- Huron C011eger,--0/Pr. James Abbott/
accoMpanied by Davis, left, 'for Crya-
ta•I City, Ma404., Olt Friday 1•Astr whe'r;?'
Mr. Abbott wilA. take a treatinent t'or
the cancer his lip. Word has beet%
neceived that they arrived O. K.. Hid
many friends hioPe the ,treatment will
besuccessful.-111iss Fiorence Blotch -
ford left MondaY eienling for.,,Tioronto
to attend Tlaiversity.--The -school re-
opened On Monday witty Miss Marshall
again in chargep-Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Hickf Detroit% Spent last. Week, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs, A; Hick3...L,7-
Mr. and 1VIre. W31t Hepburn, of Melville,
Sask., are visiting Me former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mns. 3. I-Iepbturn, It
is many Years since IN111. went West
andit koreikis. Chougti it agreed with
him pretty wel.1.-Mr. and 'Mrs; Robt.;
Mc:Falls KAE {London, are visiting watt
Mrs. T. Walter WielineYer
is spending a few weeks at, late• holme
In .Ayton.
is now on at
Dickins-Hodginsk--A% Granton, Jan. 1
Alfred Dickins to Nils's( Mary LoOse
I-Iodgiris, both of 13iddulph.
McLeaur-Gib,son-On Dec. 25, at the
Manse, Thairnes Road, by Rev. Flet-
cher, Samuel McLean of Hibbert to
Florence Gibson, of Dslaprne.
MonteitLIU-Wiseatanr-On Dec. 25, et the
home of the bride'd parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Goo. lvfo,nteith, Thames Road,
by Rev. Fetcher, Miss Gertie Mon-
teith to Mr. Wiseman of Bawnshard.1
Churchhia,D-Billgsen the. Manse,
Mitthell on Esc. 31sa5, by Rev. Er,
NiatRae,Mr. :Tohn Churchill, of Olin -
ton, to Louisa, daughter of Mr. Aug-
• ust Elligeon of Mitchell.
Ordered Clothin
Reduced• From,•
$25 to $20
$2() to $15
Ordered Overcoats
Reduced Prom.
$25 to $18
$20 to $15
Etstom-In Exeter, on jani. .8th, Rich-
ard ElstOn, aged 75 eare.
nuct e
19 yea4a, (3
aim: k -
bard aged 80. $eaird, 8.
EItiffmenformin StoVnert, on .3en.
Peter Hoffatatal, aged 86 pYeatr's, 10
rno,ndha, `,.2* daYec
Moodle-In StaniltY, 3.71 December. 26th
James Moodie, Sr., rtoed. 96ytartler;
11 ,rnentha cotd, 80 days, •
Reduced Prom
$18 to $13
, $15 to $12
$12 to $ 8-
These big reduction are
made to clean up our stock.
for Spring, because our motto.
"New Goods for
Every Season"
You will do well to take ad
vantage of these reductions,
Tailor and Furnisher—Tatter