HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-1-2, Page 8EXETER ADVOCATE, EE, T SONY JANUARY S 1H13 MARKETS* k.:$1,+‘ U MACH VVED1SIVD*,Y , • ., a}RI. Teeple e Beekerhei gi got.».- ,w,t' bag ... , .. Hay. *or = •n.,,,....,: . •awt., tet:141y Floor, 109. .oracle per CW Dried A poi lb .R.. Shorts net- con ..... Bran; pp, 'on ., Sugar Bet meal, . ,�, .. , . 90 2 32 ..000 32 '100 d.15 90 1 OQ 10.00 10 00. yy,�•� 2 •70 1 00 i•W 25 245 30 7 80 23 00 2200 26.00 25,000 FIDES WANTED FOR WHICH THE VERT HIGHEST PRICII 'WILL BE PAID IN CAM .- FRED WITWER, EXETER NORM, HAT P.O BIG VALUES IN MEN'S TAI • iFT.iR COATS, EVERY. COAT IS GUARAN'P- BELL-STEWAR`.C'e. Our Christmas retook is now complete /aloes -egos, starts, candies, etc.—at Sta.' thane's. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. I am ':avi:ng my house on William Street thoroughly repaired and wee be prepared o sell or rent it. Terms reas- onable.—W3x. B'L,ATCHFORD,' Exeter. I1OUSE APRONS IN GOOD WASH- ING eLkTERIALS.t • VERY NEATLY MADE SPECIAL AT 50 CENTS AT STEW ART'S. • LOCAL DOINGS. eetreeepareteei2e4feraheelteeleeelie Retnueniber Chet epee. eeetree1f Toler ha}apSnesaa depeneeee The ehaptt who keall their tenrpere atre The chars who keep their .friends, A temperance pally is to be held tar. the Jaenes Street Chu/role on E'ride& evening, wheel out of town elreakerer ane to be present. • Marriage Licenses issued at the Advo- cate Office, Exeter. - STAMPED LINENS. PIN CLI&EIIONS DOILIES, PILLOW CASES, GUBST' TOWELS, NIGHT GOWNS AND ; OTH- ER. PIECES.!-SSEIWART'S. Get some neatly printed.' calling cards at The Advocate. . •- RENIN_4NT SALES -WE AVE' START ED TO TAKE STOCK' THIS WEEK.'1—A regular s'tor'm period is central on ALL ENDS OF DRESS GOODS SILKS FLANNELLETTES, PRINTS AT BIG REDUCTIONS.—STEWART'S' : . Mints Viola I'enhale is eliciting n Toronto, Miss •Lilly i3'airit'orn its hates for the holidays, ' Mr, Geo:. Case woe .Up from Taryettto last week. Micas Nina Carling, :e viteittAg in Brantford. Never in the hiseory Of the E;oe'tbr post -office have they hed teeth a busy Christmas season as the pant has been. The mails have been exceedingly heavy Wee incosteng and oetgroleg. Mr. D. Mack and fahnily narrowly. ee- caped axphexiartilet- by Goal gas' on Thursday night. That the gas was es- caping freeze tftrle 'strove wee net not- iced until Mr. Mack got' up le the, morn- ing. He immediately awakened the oth- er members of tete family, who were more or letss ovet:conre by tire gas, and aired ohut the house, It was several hours before the eftectis had worn off. lit, Wor Bra, D. W. Collins duly int si.•alied the officers of Lebanon Flores` Lodi;,, A F. & A. M., on Friday even tot;, as follows •W,. D. Seed- ers ; W,?d., R. G. Seldom ; S.W., W. B. \V'sidenbaaumer ; J,W., W. 3. Murtray ; Tre'as., 3, A. Steweet; Sec'y, R. N, Creech; S.D.; J. E. McGillicuddy ese W Taman; I.G., S. S. Kearns; Ty- ler S Sweet, At the conclusion., of the ceremony an oyster suPPey was oar- taken of at Mrs'. Sander's I'3r. and. Mrs. Merles Lendenfelt last week attended the funeral of the lat- ter'e sister, Mrs. Lillian May Wllllawgh.. by, wife of Capeain'n W. 3. Willoughby,. who died Dec, 23rd, et her home in .r• 'R andsor; of paaeurnonia, atter but five days illness. Mrs. Willoughby was the daughter of the !cite Edward Graham of Goderiab She was bona in that town forty-two years ago. The surviving memters of the family are—The hus- band, the mother and one ,sen, Graham aged ten ' yea'rs:.- , HICKS' FORECAST FOR JANUARY. MISS G. E. W BISSETT, A .. Mae W. Ix• Honor Graduate of tile London Conservatory of Music, Teich ing College of the Wetstern University'. Teacher Piano, Theory, lea$3mony, Counts erpoint, and Musical Iii`storf. Pupils prepared for einsicai Exam'_natia-ns. HEART -RUBBERS AND.. SOCKS FOR MEIN AND BOYS. WE SELL THE FAMOUS ' MINER 'BRAND". THEY ARE GOOD.—STEWART'S. : ' ' $L.00 in advadree gee. The Advocate to January 1st, 1914. ... ... - LOOK AT YOUR LABEL,—At t3iie time of year. When taxes and other l-iab- taaties are iallinrg` due we . are , much rte need of mune . 'Advocate subecrib&ra could help us oobsidera.b1' 1f :they would look at the Iabe1si on their pette ere and remit at once the amount duel, Farmers wanting help- for next sec son should place their order at one the Canadian Government Agent, Advo, tate Office, Exeter, Choice Naval Oranges 15c. to 60c. a. dozen, at •Statbssn's.' GOOD PIANO FOR -SALE ApplT, at thee, office. Mr, W. J, Bissett is, vile/V.11g with Eerie relative* _Keay Carling of Teraiettord was tome for the holiday, Air. Al. Biel/tett of Brantford anent Chri•stemaa hero.'' Miss Merril Go d, enelli;sies, 's home for the holidays, Chester Coulees off Tortento was town over Sunday, Mr. and Mre. -Herb Axt visited ea •thondor last week. Mises Vera Rowe was home from Tor- Mr. Peter Ea,wdee. of Ridgetewn vie- iteu hie parents here this week. Mr. and Met S. 11. Peatitr Mrs. Fox and family of Rebltwood visited at the Meme o2 Mr. E. Rowecliffe through the Chriatmas holidays'. Miss Lilley n Beiele wh;1e skating On the rink Saturdee alight collided wall another :dater, and as :a resist ,she nowconed to nee bed. Mr, and We. Jaw Goad of 1 oklomie, Sack., are here visiting relateves, They haw been in the west three yteaa's a nd may decide to remain in Onta ile. Mr. Jae. Trapp of Hargeave Main,. ar-.1 ted here Tuesdag to ,,pend a few days with. his brother -en -law Air. F. W. Baker. Ice be also visiting hill fath- er at Rodgerville. Aim Tapp who went west about 12 ele(alrs ego is among young slums who have prospered in the West. fel Mise Jean •Iawksiha+w ,spent Tuesday in ;Ltaardee. Dr. Harry Rrovvtaing le viettinQ his parentis here. elra Reg EWW;iett oS Norwich; vielted here t'hi's week. W. Triebner o'f Auburn 1 4 holidaying with hies parerbs'. !firs, L, J, Penbals is confined to her room through ialhease Frank Elipratoff Of Stratford is vis- iting at J. C. StrsWeu elr..A. Cottle and d44&`ttter Mies Ida, spent 'l1uesda3 in Lbalden. Sbeere and can %'rank, are spend - Ing New Year in Bulatetfaord, • Mies Ella Baker is an the sick est and udder the dobtoris cake. Mr.: and lens. Geov Mantle spent New Years wLth friends Ea Cleniton, onto for Cbriael. • Mise Mabel Walkers of London was. home for . Christt uals. Owen Atkinson Was home from Lon- don For the holiday. Mre, R. G. S1eteen is cosutined to her room. through el¢i !see Mr L. H. Dialesen wets iaa, London on business Frldt►Y. fix, Harry cooper is home fnam Mich - 'fear for the holidays..: Mr. and Mile, Percy Hooper of Lon,- doh on-doh are visiting hers. Douglas Stewart of Toronto vesis hone tor the holidays Miss Sweet, Milliner, :s hiotne from Oriltia for tele 11011000Y* Mr. and eine Crit!teniden of Berta were, here for the holiday.' Mr. and Mris. J. 0. tlgawood and child of London are visiting here Frank Cornish, ofi ' London anent Christmas here with Ms parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bissett 4r/demos P mark spent C,tnriatrnp s in Exeter. Mr. Alex. IIbrlock of Detnoit visited his in:ether, who is [l 1, this week. PercyBrowai1Sott Toront o spentent las; week with hiss parentts here. Mr. and Mrs., Fred Hewlett -haw Of Toronto were bore toy Christmast Mr and Mrs. Adolphus Evans of '�onr vigitec tbts week at Want Treble's. Mr. John Morlock of Michigan Ile here owing to the illniess a his mother,. Miss Francis Davis of Wtitg;hans seendimg the holidays et her borne here. Mr.. and Mrs. Peter Robinso�a of Strat- ford were 'v}sitore, with r elati:ves here. Garvey Adhesion was horn from' L ra- don and James Sparks from Ingereoil Mr, and Mrs, Petnpriase of Toronto visited relatives n Exeter lest week. Mr.. C. H. eleatevoy olf pronto is spending New Year's aft his home tie*. Mr and firs. O'Brien, and daughter vlaited thus week at H. E, Huston's,: Mr." Jas. beurney was in Toledo and the 9th, extending from• the_ 7th to the 13th. A. member 04 decided storms will pate eastwardly across the country daring and immediately followfing thfs period, bringing a prolonged spell tot heavy storms acid . hard, winter weath- er. This is at the centre of the Mpks period, combined with; Vulcan, !Mer- cury and Jupiter. Much the 'eenn'e char- acter of ,tonne add weather existing at the time, and ter several: •storm' per- iods previous, wt11 prevail t'hr'ough January and February. We 'believe that wide and dangerous blizzards will els- it most parte of to country, with Meg - teal ,e torma in the south, ending .the great cold wpaes;.over •the entire •coum,- try. A FORMED. R'E•SI'DENT DIES; Thsl sad news was received•, here last week.' of a former well-known, and respected resident of Exeter in the person of Mre.ClareBalkwill, wife of Mr: J. Balkwill, who died at Dutton on. Xmas 2Day, atter an illntess of six months, Atter residing in St. Thomas for a short time, Ishe tnoved to ,Delaware, where she was inal'ried in .'1860. She trade her home at Exeter for over 20 years, and afterward, at Wallacetow n for several year&', alloying to Dutton,, 27 years ago. tiSince ,her girlhood she had been closely connected with ' the Methodist Church, being ant earnest meeker in all Ito bratntchea. DeceaEEd was well and favorable known here se EAP• and her infamy friends and relatives here will deeply regret to 'learn of her demise. To mourn her loss she iee.vee bee idea herr 'husband, five sones, and two daughters. James R., St. Thomas; William, Canton, Ohio; Thomas, De- troit; Joseph, Rocheeytee, N. Y Jphn, in the Sliest; Meat E. Brown Dlmsvr'ich ; and Mrs. B. R. Weer, puttori ; all of•. whom, with the exception of the eon in the West, were 'at her bedside when the end came. She Le also survived by STRATFORD BUSINESS'COLLEGE ' This school has ea co tinentat repu taticr. It dose 'more for its studesrits and graduates than do other similar eeheroie, Business mess know it has: the best courses, best• 'instructions,, and turns out the best Office help.- We draw the attention. of bur readers,/ to three brothers and eine •sister, William ! RisdonThp¢rae; John E. Riad the college advertisehient which aP• , St. i}b1r, pears elsewhere in this issue. Prince Edward related; Joseph Res - Cleveland last week one a, business trip. • • Mr. and Mrs. B. W., F. Beavers spent Chaisttanas with relatives in Bralnt- ford.' Mr. Wesley Chowen of Michigan vis- iced his father, Mr; ; W;m. Cirowenm, nes week Mr,. Ed. Htax'wood of TjeeonYto via*t ed mother, .Mee, Piek.ard, _ thi's MAKING THE FA'R.vt; i'A7' Dir' it ever occurtar" you that a very large n amber of termera are try- inn;, to do what leo other business raven think of doing, tbst Is, to ruii theet bweinees witTMnout a. bus:Riess paper. This shouldn't' be, and disa,st'rouis Falrn l- tt.re largisst end meet important indu'try in this. country, and ever?, farmer .should eatch week have the latest pe.rticuiars, regarding 'res bugle nee.. T;he Weekly Sea: Toronto, its the farmer's business paper. It costs little and will repay you many . times its price. It care nt Jp .[hake the faket pay :3.1, it eel pay, - don. Detroit, and Mrs'..; Annie White, Brantford. The funeral took`Placefrreed • her Iate home on Saturday. BALD MEN Seeuld call and inspect the beeves Sani.nry PMrte1it Toupees, as shown by Prof. Dorevrtenid, of Tlaronto, ae the 1 Central Hotel, Exeter, on Tuesday. Jan. 7th, These Toupees axe • not Dryly Per- fect In construction, but are the only Senility etn.'d Patented substitutes ce brie's/. own hair. • • After being laid WA,witth, a very pa,:ne tut gathering .im, th*e head Masker Bev enley Achasten its able Co be out again!. Anroarg the skit we regret to say that Mrs. Wm. Bawderi and Mrs, ldorlock are still very ill. Mr. Horden is !ea proving nicely btowever. Ivtr. Give H. lefeAlestleat, eon of Rev. and Mrs. McAlister, will deliver an ad. dress at the Jlaameia Se. Pea -e'er' Meet- ing ern Thereiday evening. DEATH OF' MRS: ROWE—Anotasr af' the oldest and irnasrt esteemed and Ureepected residents of Exeter has: been numbered with the nr!a3ority. We re- ter t'o the demise of Amrsltis Neil, weica of tbie have Thomas Rowe, who partsed away at the honbe ,o1 dr. Jonn Pedler, on Standee* December 29th,, 'n her 84th 'year. Mrs, Row h'ad enjoyed her usual good heattt1 to within a few days of her de'atte On Chrllelbmlas and partook Chrietane s' dinner ,with ,the family gathering at the home of her son, Samuel, and int there that even- ing as welt as eveirt, bat a few blur later was suddenly taken, with elearlt troul1t and in three short days sue - ciente?. •Steange to sae she died within a couple days Or the sum age as her husband. Mrs. Rowe was a na- tive o• Cornwall, Eng., being born in May 1829, and eml;grayedi to Canada with her husband about sixty—five years agd, first settling near Port _lope. A few .years later! they% moved into the ANNUAL M>E'ETI1NG - 'The Annual Meeting of the Exeter Ag- riculLurat- Society willl'•be,beld,:i,n. the 'own IrIa:I1, Elrteter, an, •Tues., Janua6i5" 14, 1913, at one o'clock rem. for the purpose of electing" President„ Vice - President and ISiractorrd for the • en- suing' year and transacting other hat, portant business'. All menibers'and In- terested parties sharuld , attend .the meeting.' 'rite direetend are part:crular- ly requested to attend e meeting at 10 o'clock •a.m. An tyleailleve peened - date El Christie N.D.Haedon. AG Dyer Pres,Tgearei Secy Logs Wanted IMPORTANT TO LADIES Prof, Dorenwead, of learonto, the to announce , that he will be at the Cen- tral Hotel an Tues. January 7th with a eompie';e disiege olt the newest Lon- don, Parie and Neer ,Yoe/it creations in Hair Goleds,, ;Toe are imwlbed tie call and inspect rn.1 goods. Mr. and tars. A. J. McTavish/ and fame ily were guests of.:Yi'rl. a1id, Mrs: J.'. N. Howard., Three horses were killed on Thurs.' day evenling by the Bruce ••train near Winghame Mr T. Case and Mina; Susie ate spend- ing the holidays with ,Mr ;Nelson, ,Case at Jordan. Mr. and Mrse Az'tlhlur Hoskints of Brantford eperef C1irestuntis with relaw• ttves here. J Mrs. Loadant;n arnd Mr. Frank Miller of London viveited; . at 144, E., Trleblela last week. Mr. Mart. Salter and Lemony o1 Lonr- don were guests at Mr, ,R Gould's* last week. v' Mr. and Mrs. Wgtlso a of Londpn vis- ited ° last week with) their daughter, Mrs. W. D. Clarke. • Mr. and Mrs. Melton Clerk el Sal vador, Sask., are visiting relatives here 'and in. UJborpe Mr. A. 'McDonell and VP,. T. Aches{*, attended the funeral al,lthieir aunt leave Jaannee Balkwill alt Duttonllast week. We are aper 0 kit't'y and Pay..cas'b for. township of 'Stetphen, settling on the 1011: Ccncesls4oln, front there they neav- ed to the ninth rolcesston ,of . Stephen and eboult thirty yealrs age moved cele the old Marsm.ing fermi on the London Road, ,South of here, now occupied by their son Henry Rowe, About nineteen years ago retired mient the harm and Caine to Exeter to live. About rear yearn ago deceased was bereft of her aged partner, elnee which time she has ,Wade her hon le with her daughter Vire. le'vn "Palter. Mrs. Rowe possessed many lovable qualities'. amd she leaves an ineefacabie void among those whri, eeteekned her ,ham .She was a faith-' ful member o2 title Mr�thodis4 Churbh and was ed, tee ed fox.' her +�'hr i�st:'an chan(aeter'. 'Mrs. Iftolere ie survived by five ,setts and seven dlaegh;tere Wnl of Carsonviilei, Micht , Joh•'nt, Hay., Robert N. and Sutm,uet of town's and Hertel, London 'Road 'Seattle; Mre. J Pedler. Mrs. T. lCe�sltle, tMrd., Jae, Gould Snell elf* teeter; Mee. Wind Hoe - kin, Brantford; Meg. +le. Lampert Far- ce/Tahoe. ar- i deo' r titeleed,:ier one bro,•he?( fir, Sohn 'Neil tog Mot.mr •Tlopo. Mr. and Mre. Franey, Handcock of Maid atone, Sask., are guests of the latter's. parents, Mr. . and Mrs Jonas ;Creech. Dr, Ed. Pickard of Chlea,go and Mr. Herb Pickard of Sudbury .visited "their :mother, Mrs. Richland Pickard, last week. Mr. and Mrs:. Kingsbury . of Torontla and Mr. and Ivies.. George Willis of Lon- don spent part of the week at T. E. Mo- Callwn'e. Mr, and Mrs. E. Buswell of Harwell, Man., are gwesta at gm T. Harvey sl Mr, Buswell has sold out his business in the West. Mi•se•. Eveyiie Giti 'left last :week for ;Brantford to nurse Meet Wen,. Verityi who is ill. Mris. Ri`char'd P{ckerd is also in Brantford owing, to her daugh- ter's illness. 4' t Hides Waned All kinds of hides wanted. Highest .prices paid, Alko Horsehair, Rubbers, Copper crap Iron, Rags, Etc. wanted Wexler & . Co. Exeter, Ont. eggleehereresegeresoleteolsetan Help Wanted: To Pick Beans 1111►:. R. G. SELDON Exeter, — Ontario Happy New Year is the sincere wish -of- The Holiday Season Our line of.goods is the most suites} . for gifts-.--to- your freinds at this season of the year. Our Stook is. most complete.in the following lines. 4 , Watches, Clocks, Pine, 'Glassware, Silverware Etc. See that you have a thorough look through our stock on the lhrst opportunity, A. Marchand Watchmaker and Jewellry Sale Auction —AT— TI-IE Bargain Store THE FOLLOWING DAYS=-- MONDAY. DECEMBER, 30th, AT'' 3 P.M. AND 8 P.M, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31st AT 3 PC1.M. •AND 8 P.M:. THURSDAY, JANUARY, 2nd, AT ' 8 P.M. FRIDAY, JANUARY 3rd, AT 3 P.M. AND'' 2 • P,M. SATURDAY. JANUARY, 4tr AT 3 P.M. AND 8 P.M { We are clearing all linen of Merchandise consisting of boats, Shoes„; Rubbers, Drygoods, Plaits and Caps, Suite, Overcoats', Etc. T•hls is.a. genuiu1 a e1epn'.ng sale, All lines must go to malts roiom for new stock.: 13. W. F. BEAVERS 1 door north of Post Office We sell the Premier Cream Separator easseeelesseeemesseoseseleee ,�,, ,,,,EveryliDay a Bargain Day,,.,,,.` owe a, , :. Choose ; Early and Avoid ; the Rush TOYS, NOTIONS. FANCY GOODS We wish all our Friends A Bright, Prosperous.' 13 A CLEAR-UP SALE, OF LEFT -OVERS now on. Drop in and see the stun. any quantity of Soft illni,'lttitk tutu are, Bro`sndrClty> AiiGr "vlrs A Iios- The Big. Variety Store Hard Maple, Basswood, -dt •ll1hite Ash Loo,gs:-either iss mush at,,delivered ,at 4l1 ay 9�aw ro d . a, that a iu app Slab .a Powell's Bazaar riliIl• Tt w p ..rices onr anyt1 r1, in above 15'ne than The Iurteral leak .!lace t1 the Exeter you have to octal, It. otubxtr,4 & 80N Exeter a ittt8toi•y ahn 'P'ue,dta s"• JONES PHONE NO. 32 Wish ►11 Uur Friends ` a Customers Very Hapiq And Prosperous New Year JONES & MAY fl'eadquiarters for the"celebrated W.E. Sanford Ci „•