HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-1-2, Page 7st in us te s, ;c1 of rea kg' y, at sr to rn ts- ;f1 of tit in tin ea Ls. ee he ssi an x - he ot he as 'or ng ine ay ng in- ak •••••••• I AU01(1ST HEIBErs. • ISdd arid beatDo Your Looks Tao covrats PAIN A 1,11041 WO aPeen QUUe uYou rECZEMA ITCHEO Bismarck, and who has paused the. ite ati ewes are Themselves, to Mame Kaieer wore qualms than any of his Y for Illitesh of Their Suffering. lother subjects, must be a remark, taattetaaa• weak, let undax. a ablp personage, and such, indeed, e they will try to hide pain and i August Bebe', the famous leader aufferieg that any man could net of the Gentian Socialists, who has ber patiently,. if women wawa just published the story of his We remember that altar frequenb Though 73 years of age, Bebal is oaaareo pa health 4rise from feeble 14111 active, and his infieenee ,was never greater than it is Eta-day,He has possessed a seat hi the Reich- stag for ohne on half a eentury, and he isone <)f the founders of the Ger- man Social Democratic movetaerit, which polls 4,250,000 votes and sends 110 members to the Reichstag. Bebe! was the son of a working- man, and his childhood was spent in dire poverty. Ile was apprenticed to a turaer, and had to work far la hours a day at the lathe for a wage of eighteen penee a week. ,Fle was an orphan before he reached his »r impure blood thew Uvea would, smoother and they would longer in—leareir nattfral estarra. lawn the blood tails thea begin hese dragging backaches and eadaches; unrefreshing sleep that uses dark lines under the eyes ; alisziness; fits of depression ; pal- pitation or rapid' fluttering of the heart; hot flashes and indigestion. Then the cheeks grow pale, the eyes dull and the complexion blemished. Women should know that much of this suffering is needless and can be promptly remedied. Purify and • enrich the blood through the use of " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and your stuttering will vanish. Thousands of women know that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have brightened their lives by making the new, good blood of health, and so toning up all the vital organs into healthy, vigorous itetion. Here is an instance from among many. Miss Cora A, Cor- nell, St. Catharines, Ont., says; "'Ever since the age of fourteen 1 aave suffered terribly with pains in my back, and severe headaches. I -vas also much troubled with dndi- gestian and had to be extremely 'careful as to iny diet, and some- _ titeeeediel not feel like eating at all. )Tome two years ago the headaches became so bad that I had to give up my position. which was clerking in a store, where, of course, 1 was constantly on my feet. I took a pre eition in an office, where 1 could„ be seated most of tine time, but even • then I suffered terribly inest of the time. As the medicine I had been taking did not help me I finally de- cided fa try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I got a supply, and soon felt teens, and even as a child he was they were helping me and I con- faced with the problem of how to tamed taking the pills for several educate himself. What spare mom - menthe until I felt perfectly well. mats he could snatch he devoted to although my doctor advised me reading romances which ineluded •$bot to go back to my old position, "Robinson Crusoe," "Uncle Tom's I decided to do so, and have not Cabin;" and Scott's novels. After felt any ill effect. I never have • completing his apprenticeship he eckache now, seldom a headache, tramped from city to city as a jour - ad all traces of the indigestion neymaa in search o work. Ulti- have disappeared. I cannot speak mately he wa sable to start as a too highly of Dr. Williams' .Pibk mately ho was able to start as a Pills,, and 1 hope this letter will but when he became a political agi- tator he lost many of his best cus- tomers. When Bisstiarek passed.his repres- sion laws Bebel was confined in a fortress -for three years, but whilst undergoing detention he was elect- ed to the Reichstag by big majori- ties, and throughout his career he has aroused the greatest enthusi- asrn and loyalty amongst his follow- ers. —.a STEADY RAND. A, Surgeon's Illand Should be the Firmest of "For fifteen years 1 have suffered from insomnia, indigestion and nervousness as a result of coffee drinking," said a surgeon the other day. (Tea is equally injurious be- cause it contains caffebse, the same drug found in coffee). "The dyspepsia became so bad that 1 had to limit myself to one cup at breakfast. Even this caused me to lose my food soon after I ate it. "All the attendant symptoms of indigestion, such as heart b,urn, palpitation, water brash, wakeful- ness or disturbed sleep, bad taste in the mouth, nervousness, etc., were present to such a degree as to incapacitate me for my practice as a surgeon. "The result of leaving off coffee and drinking Pastan was simply marvelens. The change was wrought forthwith, my hand steadi ed and my normal condition of health was restored:" Name given upon request. Read the famous little book, "The Road to Well- vil le, ° in pkgs. There's a reason." Posture' now comes in concen- trated, powder form, called Instant Postum. It is prepared by stirring a level teaspoonful in a cup of hot water, adding sugar to taste, and enough cream to bring the color to golden brown. Instant Postutn is convenient; there's no waste; and the flavor is always uniform. Sold by grocers- 50-eup tin 30 cts,, 100 -cup tin 50 cts. A 5 -cup trial tin mailed for gro- cer's 'name and 2-eent stamp for postage. Canadian Posture, Cot, Ltd., Windsor, Ont. Mr. August Behel. lielp 1omeone who suffers as I used i by all medicine dealers or ail at 50 cents a box or six for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil - Medicine Co., Brockville, TAUGHT TO STEA.L. Canine is Chased Master Ac- quires Money, success of the pollee dogs in France, has had a. singular . Thieves have taken to train - the intelligent companion of 1. rete a for men entered a store and ask- etegestaleercheese. The wo- ) dispensed such wares has - attend to her customers. us busied one of the men lady's attention to a dog d stolen from the display of 'large chicken. the woman gave chase, the men helped them- e till and got away with The woman failed to og and upon her return her loss. Meanwhile the east went home and laid at the door of a mean so much as tearing the gendarme observed the ight and waited. Present- wo men approached and °repay arrested, the spoils, ' —and valuables of taxi, in the fiat being slice station, where it trial. th Register. hs, marriages and 1 being recorded e indicated by miller gets -mar - ill with the arms slanting position veliturled. His s and gueets fl'equently do lowise with theil' mills,. in token the .ceremony., To indicate a aia the wheel is stopped with the rim in a slanting positiOn, but at ore acute angle than for a =r- age and with the two upper sails marled. Should a miller die the ails of his mill are all furled and e wheel is turned round until ns form an upright cross, in deb position they are left until ,er the funeral has taken piece, 4......_ ,...4._.....,......_ Quickly Extrae Corns ., I et; litistaat. "ellief . tith'ereelrii Extrankr • 'la to teller.• The sting ainatrecane ,• tees felt. better A once, another, 1aaellaatiott or -Iwo and the e,orts sees Noma', • Nothing ever kilMiii ectei so ellok tte aetnataa eixtrastor ' - it's go • steed, so pain. ;lobe so dead „ale/tele Peet, out ' Atte kind fel a 'earn that OVer -4 ,ti,t ^Ltan, rlitilMit'S EgtVIVOtOk v IbM$14):1 fitted atini rols Left Workmaee's Wife $75,000. Mrs. Langson, the wife of a ship- yard laborer, of Dunston -on -Tyne, Dear Gateshead,. has come into a fortune of $75,000, left to her by a' youth whom she once befriended by giving hint food and shelter before he went to Australia, where he I. prospered as a farmer. As all his relations had died ho Wt all his property to Mrs. Langsote, who in- tends going to Chili, of winch coun- try her husband is a native. • Demonstrating. • Mrs. Pry—What is all that noise in your house, Williet Willice—Ma told pa I was just like him—always fightint—and pit gait! ettnetek, itnol Dolt 6o:ere havin' It Your Color Is Bad, If Yon Suffer rrom Pimples, 116c Good Advice. Wine Results In Two Weeks, • Miss Nettie E. Callaghan, a well- known youug lady in Middleton, writes as, follows: "1. was affected for two years with a rash, and ugly looking pimples that spread over my face. My color was poor, and rny blood' evielentlY completely out ef order. Certainly it was a most despairing sort of a case, because various treatments did but little to help me. A friend of merle in To- ronto Ont., advised me to get Dr. Hamilton's Pills, so I sent at once for five boxes. In two weeks I felt like new—looks improved, spirits rose, and 1 felt I was getting well. I have used this remedy for a long time, and now wouldn't be without If you are in ailing health, have blood disorders, stomach trouble, or headaches, Dr. Hamilton's Pills Will help you quickly. All drug- gists and storekeepers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. 25e. per box, five for $1.00. Sent postpaid by the Ca- tarrhozone Co.. Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. • ---- • -- Fixing the Responsibility. "You can't always rely on wea- ther predictions." "My dear sir," replied the cli- mate expert, "weather predictions are absolutely correct end scientific. It's the climate that is unreliable." • TA.lIE NOTICE. We publish simple, straight teetimone ale, not press agents' interviews, from well -k clown people. From all over America they testify to the merits of MIN ARD'S LINIMENT. the best of Iloufthold Remedies. /LENARD'S LINTLf eNT CO.„ 'MUTES. Value Beneath the Surface. "How trifich are these puppies, little boy I" "All a 'quarter 'cept that one, and he's thirty-five cents. Re swal- lowed a dime ,yesterday I" PILES CURED IN 6 TO IS DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAM' OINTMENf faile to cure any ease of. tech - hag, Bland. Bleeding or Protrudang Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c. Conspicuous. "How did you feel at that fash- ionable wedding 1" "About as conspicuous as my pickle dish looked among the jewel- ed bronzes and ropes of pearls." Minard's Liniment Cures Carat hi COWS. A Girl's Pity, nit was King Midas, wasn't It, who turned evisrything he touched to goat I" "I believe so." "Poor old fellow." "He never could eat a pickle with his fingers." CONSUMPTION All suffering from ConsurrintIon, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Weak Lungs, or a Weak Throat, should write for parti- culars of my medicine. It never fails. It flia.tialTEIMILLhAtl It seAvy4uTgeogo, VOlg: The best men are not always blowing their own trumpets. Most of them are too poor to buy ono. alinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Sure Cure, Miss Lailin—What has become Of our friend Mr. Clay? • • Mr. Rand—He has taken employ- inent in a powder -mill far set AND BURNED • Until She was Nearly Crazy. Began with Watery Blisters. On Ears p Eyes, Hands and Ankles. Could • Not Sleep for Scratching. • Cuti- oura Soap and Ointment Cured. • iirunsvelelr Ste, Proderleton, /1.-eot bad a very bad cermet eczema. The trouble began with watery biletere cad Itched and btwned Until wee nearly cwazye It was ee ane aloe, eyes, hands and ankle.- could Pot keep the bed clothes over me at alight for the emarting and itesaing My ears would swell, 1 would scratch until Cho blood would, run and then forme scab, X felt as if 1 could take a knife and cue the gosh ons my hands. 1t would (Refigure my face and make It smart and burn and swell.. could not deep at nigtte for =retching. "1 tried everything I heard of without getting any benefit. used lots of -.home remedies. such as lard and eulplaw. and else was treated for It. Then I tried Cuticula Seep and Ointment and they gave me great ease. 1 used them about four months and am happy to say ara never troubled now, ThteCutieura. Soap and Ointment cured me completely," (Signed) Mrs. A. 8. Thorny - sou. Mar, 9. 191,2. , The regular use of Caticura Soap for toilet rand bath not only teuds to preserve. purify and beautify the skin. scalp, hair and bands, but assists in preventing Inflammation, irri- tation and clogging of the pores, the common cause of pimples. blackheads, redness and roughness, yellow, oily, mothy and other un- wholesome conditions of the skin. Cuticura Soap and Coticura Ointment are sold throukhout the world. Liberal sample of each, mailed tree with 82-p. Skin Book., Address post card Potter Drug ea Chem. Corp.. Dept. 44D, Boston, U. S. A,, NORWEGIAN POLICEMEN. SpeCiali Duty woofmtahne Chief Police - The appointment of another pol- ieetvoman at Christiania now brings the feminine police force in Norway up to seven, three of whom are in Christiania, 'two at Bergen, one in Stavanger, and one in Christian - sand, says the London Standard. The special duty of the chief pelicewoman in Christiania, Ser- geant Osen, is to keep under sur- veillance girls and women suspected of living immoral lives, and female beggars, while her two colleagues interrogate women traanps, a,nd, if deserving, render them help, look after the children and see that they are kept off the streets as vendors and beggars. The policewomen all perform occasional night duty and patrol some of the worst quarters of the city. With the exception of the policewomen at Christiansand. who wear a complete official uniform, the women are •dressed in plain clothes, only wearing green capes bearing a small medallion stamped with the crown and lion of Norway, toZiistinguish them from ordinary citizens. J14 Schools In India. EViderce of the slow progreas in the work of enlightenment achieved by British rule*in India is contained in a recent census report published in the Gazette of India at Calcutta, which shows that only 6.345,582 per- sons are attending seheels. Ground for complaint is found also in the fact that there are fewer girls in the schools than boys. Much satisfac- tion, however, is expressed by the Indian authorities themselves at the sp,eed with which literacy is advanc- ing throughout the Empire. easy Ono "BROM() QUININE" That le LAXATIVE BROMO QUIN/NE, Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day, Cures Grip .n Two Days. 25e. afiai this here season," said Uncle Josh this morninga"I'm anus glad Nature didn't give me ears like a jackass fer they must suffer like sixty w'en they git cold all thi° way, by links!" • Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. What He Felt. The teacher had asked the chil- dren to write their autoblograph.es, and the essays were not very pic- turesq,ae. "Now, children," she said, 'I don't want you simply to write the happenings of your life; write what you really feel inside." Little Willie, in his second attempt, wrote: "Inside I feel a heart, liver, ungs and stomach, and inside the tomach I feel an apple, a corn ball, a pickle- and a glass of milk." months. Miss Lafin—How strantel Mr. Rand—Not at all. He washed to break himself smoking. The exile may be glad there is no place like home. Regular i of the boivels is an absolute neces- sity for good health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects there is got rid of at least once a day, it decays and poisons the whole body, eausing biliousness, inda gestion and sick headathes. Salts and other harsh mineral purgatives irritate the delicate lining of the bowels. Dr, Morse's Indian Root Pills. --entirely vegetable—regulate the bowels effectively. without weak ening, sickening or griping. Use • Dr. ?gorse's in ndisix Root.Pili 12120d5E6ggroilind4ourb krortarod togethet. ,•,111..:1411411, n .tvstttat; orabottirs 1,15 3 irtiVP)L it out, /ID, V, ISSUE Ir—'110 . , ' f-1. ..• :g..,,V,...,,k, :341 ......1 tnit+ eglowst ektaigto Vgar*I161,1A*. ttet;r: OW*. *44444 ,4 :irIZZ..i.: bil. Wisentsss:i.D atearon 00•4" ,11'.. 4 AVE KATIOISTAI,4 COOL Two Examinations HeId to Choose Professor to Teach the A -rt. Franc now has an ofSeial cook with the tide of professor of woltin at the National School of Agrieul Weal and Housekeeping Instructio at -Orignon, A tide worthy a eve a German business card, is the cam talent of the French nevesPapers, This new ehair of cooking is th idea of M. Pams, Minister of Agri culture. The examinations, bel on November 11 in order to choos the bearer of this momentous title consisted of competitions in al branches, cooking, the making o soups, sauces and other accessories cutting and cooking neat, game, esh, yes -tables, entrees, patties, en eremets, pastry, fruit' and vegeta- ble preserves and the making o Oakes and desserts. Those who took part in the coin petition were requeeted to get up luncheon, the menu of which wa chosen before the examination b the jury. The concurrent's also ha to prepare preserves and give a les son before the students of tbe school. All c.a,ndidates who pre- sented theinselvee had to be be- tween the ages of 25 and 40 and eon form to many other requirements, such as being able to show their birth certificates, a certificate show- ing their French nationality and also what previous experience they had. Best French woks aome, it is said, from the ,district around Nancy. although Loraine until it, be- came German property had a great reputation. Cramps at Night Require Prompt Remedy Agonizing Pain Prevented. by liceping Nerviline Randy • Ote the Shell A Case In Point iiiiistrated, Deadly cramps—the symptoms are not to be mistaken. Suddenly and without warning the patient experiences such agony in the sto- mach as to contort the countenance and cause him to cry aloud for help. Then it is that the wonderful power of Nerviline can make itself felt—it cures so quickly. "Last summer I was strikes with a frightful attack of cramps. I feared the pain in my stomach would kill me. "My eyes bulged out and the veins in my forehead stood out like whip -cords. "My cries attracted a neighbor, who came to my assistance, and in a moment or two handed me half a teaspoonful •of Nerviline in some sweetened water. "It seemed as if an angel had charmed away the pain. In ten seconds I was well. Nerviline has a wonderful name in this locality, and is considered best for cramps, diarrhoea, flatulence, stomach and bowel disorders. urge all my friends to use Nerviline. "MANLEY M. LEGRADE. "Williamsburg," ers, or The Cattrrhozone Co., Buf- falo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. Ready Answer. Beggar—"Can you help a pore gent, misterV' Passer-by—"Hum, What sort of a gent do you call yourself ?" Beggar—"A indigent, sir." No home is safe or can afford to miss the manifold advantages of having Nerviline on hand in case of accident or emergent sickness. Large family size bottles of Nervi - line, 50c.; trial size, 25e., all deal - .,7"""" Try Murine Eye Hersedy wnen No Smarttng-Feels Fine -Acts Quickly. X p 7:411 n1 for !led. 'Iyeauk,16,5,:at2ry 1::yea and N (10 ra Int . Li inn 6n*Ce Monk , In each Package. NUM.:4n is cord* yes pounded, by our (loullete-no t a “Patent Medicine" but used In gbecegsrui rivet* e e „„,1 clang' Practice for many yearn. Now OR dedicated to the Public and gold by Oruggitts at gge-60c per bottle. Id urine a re.EY0 Barre in Ageptle Tubes. St.,50e. eaMIIIIIIIIMINUMI• Merino Eye Remedy Co,, Chleag0 Just who* you need efts's. * bird day's work—A, 'titres* jug cup of TEA . 000$ ftlfrtileSt for the ) speireroisesswiliftseouiPts moue, 1 FARMS FOR OALa. fin W. DAWSON, Ninety Celhores West, Teraina. • E.-1 LINDRED ES -CO tiNTT 14 ALTOS a • A, Good Ifouse: linildielte; Oreturdis 'belie end on osier terms. ! Ce. EV ENTY.A1X ACRES watt eoein k- buildings end apple orchard: Omni • Oro miteli rrayri ' Ram iltnn. lb W, CI A W $ 0 ti. Torontle CI NE IIIINDRED ACRES fl'; OXFORD •'1/4-, Counte; soil nice clay loom: live • acres tin -Aber: three acme 9 rabard,! tree • story freme house; a number of oetbuiliit. • legs; close to market, railway station and large cheese tastory, tura mall delete ' erv. Would exehange for city. tow e er •village nroperty or • for Win:311ex fame The Weetern Real Estate, Loudon, Ont. AGENTS WANTED. ....-.......-ee 11OME WORE, 67 TO $10 PETS WK-' We want reliable parties to knit • for us at home, whole or (Mare tftne., We furnish machine. yarn, etc, Seed yeur mime and address at oore for full mute. • male re. The Canadian Whnlevale Distri- buting Co., Dept, W.. Orillia, Ont. • STAMPS AND COINS. TAMP COLLEOPOILS--RUNDRED DIE - 1.. ferent Foreign 6tanspe, Catalogue. • Album, onle Seven Cente. Marks Stamp i^nmnn riy% Toronto, • MiSceLLANeous. ' —,.... irl ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. ETO, e.../ internal and external, cured with- out Pain by our home treetment. Writs us before too late. Dr. Balmer' Medical Co., Limited, Collingswood, Out. Ari ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- ii V der Stones, Sidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments poeitively mired with the • new • German tieniedy, "Sanol." price 61,50, Another new remedy for Diabetes-Mellitue. and sure cure, ie -Sailors Anti-Dinbetese Price 62 00 from druggists or direct. The Slime einnufac. turns?: Corn eaey of Cenede. Limited, nr inn i nee, Ma re CHENILLE CURTAIN'S and as k Mehl of hamar banginen, LACE CU RTAI5 DVE0 AND elmomomsWIIMMOI1011.11R•seX.M1.1011, IL IME ,ba CLEARElk OE ,AIC Medalist. 7,43,Apritreall Write) tI li %Wilt prrs. Gold name smenicsis PliEINC CO * Bag 0101•11•11011•• ifT oronto Keeps Growing • And it Is Sure Ta Figure your profit in five yearse-Sbe roomed House with all conveniences, 52,600 to 62,000, bringing In $22 to 626 • per month rent, and can be bought with 0.502 or MO clown. Will soon • pay for itself. write -ler particulars.• , J. e . B LeROY & CO. 771 Queen E., TORDIRTO p,......,..... ,...,. .55, . , Another Thought. "Sometimes I feel sure,e said Bil- - kills, "that I once sat on a throne and waved a sceptre." "And now," remarked his cheery wife, "yotf are going to stand on the back porch and wave a rug beater." • His Meaning. When a man says he has no poli- tical ambitions it 4enerally means that he doesn't think he has any prospects worth .considering. el inartee Liniment Cures Distemper. A ?lintels as Thermometers. Crickets have a tendency to chirp synchronously or in time with one another.' It is claimed that they chirp more rapidly in warm than in cold weather, • The inerease has even been rated at fear chirps a minute fornach degree the temper- ature increases. • Certain animals appear to act as barometers, says Harper's Weekly. It issaid that while frogs remain yellow nothing but fine weather may be expected, but that should their coats begin to assume a brawn' hue had weather is approaching. A epider seen spin- ning its web in the morning heralsle a fine day; if seen in the evening, then at. least the whole of the night, and the following miming will be tine. If it is raining and the owl streeehes, better weather will ensue, • 'The Candidate (passionately) — "From, •the day I Was twelve 1 earned any own living1 I owe no man a penov 1 ' Gentlemen, I made myself 1? The Voiee•—'aVell, y4sn. .., made a mistake," , That when you put a salve onto your child's skin, it passes through the pores and entera the blood, just as surely as if you put it into the child's stomach? You would not put a coarse mass of animal fat, colored by sra,rioue rnineta.L poisons (such as many crude salve ere) into your child's blood by way of the stomach? Then wlay co so by way of the pores• ?, 'Take no ritk. Use. &way; the pure h rbal camas provided id Lam -Palk. Z contains no trace of any animal oil et fat, and no pots:14,0ms miner.' col se log matter. Fro*n start to bolgs it is purely herbal, It heal sores, ulcers, absces- ses, eruptions, varicose ulcers, cuts, burns and bruises rn,.re quickly Heats any °tars k own preparation, It h el apace quickly stops the Smarting o1 * sat or cut, cures pi1s14 inflamed sores and blood-polsonisv, It a combine:Ion of healing poweratuf *dents is purity, leek those 'who have ro,4 rirPreires end dens Meese er Sillswele4 Cue Aeeeneefee prise, 44A 1 1 1 1 1