HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-1-2, Page 2PracticaIl
Almost Every Commodity Except Soft
Coal Shows a Great Increase
despatch from, Sault Ste,
Out., says,: More than ten
trillion tons greater than the record
oat 1910, the hest previous season,
was the vellums of freight oarried
through the canals at. the Soo this
season, as shown in the statistical.
report jurat is511ed.
While shipnaznts of preetically
every commodity except soft cots
(show an increase over the three pre-
vious seasons, the movement of iron
acre, 46,303,423 tons, was greater by
more than 4,609,789 tons than in
1910, the season showing the great.
t previous shipments.
The movement of wheat, 174,086,-
'4356 bushels, was 60,832,895 bushels
greater than im. 1909, while e total
• gt•ain shipments show a gain of 12,-
605el;,a bushelsover the record of
that year.
Although the nxovement of hard
coal was delayed in starting by
spine difeulties early in the season,
the shipments, 2,142,485 tons, were
82,276 tons greater than the previ-
oashigll regard of 1911. The move-
ment o.f soft coal; amounting to 12,-
789,109 toffs, was 483,558 tons below
1911, due chiefly to delay in getting
the product from the manes to the
loading docks owing to ear short-
Lumber shipments were 667,542,-
000 feet, a gain of 64,441,000 feet
over the high record of 1910.
Passenger traffic shows a consid-
erable falling off, the number -car-
ried through the canals, 66,877,
having been 56 fewer than in 1910,
showing a loss o
€ 13 a7
4 or l6
and sh 1ng o >
per cent„ compared with 1911. For
this, the unseasonable cold weather
early in the year is held chiefly re-
oltls Its F ortyseighth Annual
Progress in all departments of
the Bank's activities marks the 48th
Annual Report recently issued by
the Union Bank of Canada. The
Annual Meeting of this Bank was
held in Winnipeg ou December
17th, and was presided over by Mr.
John Galt, the President. This was
the first year in which the Annual
Meeting was held in Winnipeg, the
change from Quebec taking place
during the past year,
The statement shows net profits
for the year of $700,832, which com-
pares with $062,000 for the pre-
vious year. The net profits for the
year 1912, together with $47,000 de -
.rived as premium on new stock is-
sued and $71,000 carried forward
from the previous year, made $826,-
000 available for distribution. Four
quarterly dividends at the rate of
2 per cent,. each absorbed $397,000.
The sum of $242,000 was transferred
to the rest account, $100,000 written
air bank premises account and $10,-
000 contributed to the officers' pen-
sion fund. leaving a balance of
$75,000 to be carried forward. Net
earnings for the year were slightly.
in excess of 14 per cent. on the
arerane paid-up capital. A further
examination of the report shows
that gains were made in every de-
partment of the Bank's activities.
Its' aid -up ca ital was increased,
i? .� p
and now stands at $5,000,000. Its
.gest;' account was also augmented,
and now stands.at $3,300.000. Large
gains were also made in deposits,
current loans and total assets. The
deposits now total over $55,643,000,
et gain of $10,000,000 during the
ee,Tear. Of the amount, $41,219.000 is
interest bearing and $14,423,000
non-interest bearing. The current
loans at over $45.000,000 show a
gain of 87.000.000 during the year,
while the total assets, amounting to
869.400,000, show the large gain of
$11.000,000 over the figures for the
previous year. Another feature of
the report worthy of special men-
tion is the large proportion of
rro1d, silver, Dominion notes and
tether' quickly available assets.
These bear a very large proportion
to the liabilities to the public.
The Union Bank of Canada is
rapidly forging to the front, and is
occupying a continually larger
place in the business affairs of the
country. The fact that the current
leans for t:;e year amounted to over
$45,000,000, or a gain of $7,000,000
over the previous year, indicates
that the flank is doing a continually
larger share of the country's busi-
mess and is catering to the business
needs of the communities where its
branches are located. The fact that
ft opened 43 branches during the
year is another indication of its eon-
tirual expansion. The Bank has
now 295 branches, making it one of
the best equipped banks in the
Dominion in this respect.
The address of President Galt
was a splendid review of the finan-
cial and industrial conditions pre-
vailing in the country at the present
time, and showed that the officials
of the Bank kept,in the very elosest
touch with the progress being matte
by the Dominion. An enterosting
feature of his report was the relat-
ing g
history d growth of the
ofthe h to an tl
Mike Bank and the reason for the
4v- transfer of the head office from
Quebec to Winnipeg. He showed
that eight and one-half ,years ago
when the present General Manager
took charge, the Bank's capital was
lust one-half tthat it is today, the
"(,serve `fund Less than one-third,
reed ,total assets considerably less
than oris -third- ` Altogether the
dort and the addresses of the Presi- Quebec Weekly, Owned by Senator
ent anal General Manager form Choquette, Loses $7;000 Net.
tees of the best combinations issued A despatch from Quebec says: La
flay any bank this year. •
Lady Aberdeen, consort of the
former Governor-General, who with
Mass Violet Asquith is visiting on
this side of the Atlantic.
Rulers of Many Nations Asked to
Hygiene Congress at Buffalo.
A despatch from Buffalo says:
One hundred and twenty-five thou-
sand school children of Buffalo and
vicinity are to sign a mammoth in-
vitation to be sent to the heads of
nearly half a hundred countries all
over the globe, requesting them for
the sake of their little cousins in
those lands tosend as many dele-
gates as possible to the fourth In-
ternational Congress of School Hy-
giene, which meets here next Aug-
ust. Among those to which the in-
vitation will be sent are England,
France, Germany, Russia, Italy,
Spain, Finland, Roumania, Servia,
Greece, Portugal, : Holland, Swe-
den; Denmark, China, Japan, Cor -
ea, India, Canada, Brazil, Argen-
tin; Chile and Ecuador.
fitriking Figures in Return Mast
Compiled by Government.
A despatch from Ottawa' says:
The Department of Trade and Com-
Inerce has just compiled the figures
showing total grain shipments east -
Canada,- the Enlpllrt'' ratan the i'*trlif
to General Belpre froth*.!
SetwelitSS OF AtMERtCA.,.
(!nese et Costate, death, Cheese ani etbee
Peeetnie et Home and OtOteellife
Toronto,, Deo, 31,--t 144r --Ontario wheat
flour, Domestic lots, 54 to 54.16 at. mills..
11anitobas, l Est patents, in Jute bags,
COO; seespd patents,, le into hap, $4,bJ;
strong bakers, in Jute bagel, $4,40,
Manitobit wheat --No, 1 r rthern quoted
et 931.2c, flay ports; No. 2, 921-2c; and
leo. 3. 900, Bay ports, Peed wheat, G5 to.
Berlin is to have a new Federal0
p,atario hrtseat--No, 2 new white and red
building to cost 8200,000. wheat, 90 to 91e. outside, and sprouted, 76
Quebec Board' ' of Trade favors oats—Ontario •oats, 33 to 3314e, uutlikin,
Commission government for the city. and 351.2 to 36o, on track, rorouto, Wes•.
tern Canada oats, 411.to for No. 2, ani aat
Premier McBride of British (,,'o- 40e for 140. s. lacy pyres
lumbia has accepted a life vice -pre- Poas-No, 2 at 55.20 to 51.25,
Barley-Forty'oigbt-lb. barler . Of good
sidency in the. British Navy League, giialfty, 60 to sse, outside. Feed, 40 to 50e.
The Donaldson expedition which Uorn-New No. 3 American eerie. 550. all.
had been lost track of in the James wail. ,
ltye-No, 2 at 78 to 75e, outside.
Bay country, has been reported' .'Buckwheat -48 to 49o, outside.
Bran—llauitoba:bran, 540, in bags, T'o.
safe, 1 eon�to.freight. Shorts are quoted at 523 to
Serious complaint against the 523.50.
treatment of miners at Porcupine
was laid before the Attorney -Gen-
Cannty Produce.
Butter --(tolls, choice, 2b to 27o; bakers',
inferior: 22 to 230; choice dairy, tube, 2.o;
creamery, 31 to 320 for rolls and 29e for
Major W. Densmore 'd Bury; Bolide,
immigration agent for the Eastern dozen, and of oold storage, 27 to 8e
will go t4 Scotland as special Egga Casa lot f Fresh, 32 ,o
s o 330 fee
ern strictly new -laid, 45c per dozen.
Cheese--14t-2c kir large, and et 14 3-4c
for twine,
Beans-lland•picked: 53 per buohel;
primes, $2:90, in a Jobbing way.
A plan to teach farming by mail
tobe tried by the Manitoba
W Inhabitant of the Deep is the Irst{
An Unusual .
Discovered in Canada
A *despatch from. Ottawa says
The Commissioners of Fisheries
have just received interesting speci-
nlens of a remarkable lititle fish ne-
ver before fennel : in Canada, al-
though rare specimens have been
caught in the United States and
Europe. It .is a small silvery fish
not unlike a small' herring, but has
two rows of pearl organs along the
side of the body. The fish were
naught by fishermen on' Grand Ma-
nan, and they are scientifically val
uable and interesting. The most
wonderful feature is the fact that
each of the pearl organs gives out a
brilliant light, 'similar 40 a small
electric) lamp. The fish fs ,lxailetl
the "pearl sides," and belongs to r1
group of very rare fish that a'ral
luminous, Very• little is known
about the historyof t ese'sma1lefi,glta ~ '
but scientific athorities are" of the
opinion that they inhabit the deep
est waters of the ocean and thatpthe
light. they give out enables then. to
procure their food, and may rase
protect them by.frightening away
their enemies, Prof, Princes is
handing these specimens over to the
biological body of which lie is chair.
man, but is preparing a techniefl$
report for'theRoyal Society of Cagle
Ho Creat issue 'In the Municipal Cam -
is about a papa -Mayer Hocken Had Ease Op- -
Honey—Extracted, in tins. 121.2 to 123.40 posltlan-Sir Somas Whitney
Government, and the C. P. R. is to per pound for No. 1, wholesale; oombs, Holiday Trade,
establish demonstration. farm work:, $2,50 t. 53 per doyen for No. 1,. and 52,40
for No. 2, Vi'hat'iesue was up for decision this year
A fourteen -year-old boy, 'John Poultry -Neon -fatted, otiraa
, was accidentally e t5 -
n, dry -picked was a question frequently asked; by vise lb;fowi, it tin. The
stock thickens 15 to 56c p • tors during the Municipal compo
arks, le to lee; gees to answer lig to las ' n pal Ctvic govo h
drowned in a well at his house at.turkeys, 20 to 22eLive poultry, about 20 meat In Toronto at present is a question
Camden East while drawing water, 1°poi
The new Montreal harbor coin per b g molly p1 eVlOna OCCAtlOIIe beoamo y
I Io a2c• d
Chun the above. of admitilatrationrather than of policies
Potatoes -Good Ontario stock, 75 a0 800 or issues. As a result the contest „s ,aa
a on track, and New Brunswick, 90 merely w
missioners are W. G. Ross, chair- to 921.20 per bag. trial of personal strength between the
man, Farquhar various candidates.
n 1-2
lea case lots. Pork -Short cut, 26 to 27 ons' devices were ut.ilized', for covering the.
do., mess. $21.50 to' $22• Ilam—Medium to ground, Anything like a personal oanvaes
Wen. Todd, formerly of Hamilton, light: 17 to 171-2c; heavy, 151.2 to t6;; is impossible, although-. it is said one
has been arrested in Seattle, Nash- 18onta'bacl -2 to 143.4c breakfast bacon, Board of Control aspirant, Controller Me-
Carthy. had the city divided into 500 sec'
tions and had a personal friend working
each section. No one else attempted any-
thing .so complete.
and Lt - f�rottlstons
The task of canvassing a. big city irks
Col. A. Labelle, All are prominent Bacon, long clear, 1514 to t5 c per lb, Toronto is of course tremendous, and pari-
business men.
ington, charged with theft of i2,-
300 from his employers. He is al-
leged to have, deserted his family
far another woman.
Three young children of Mr. and $i1.
Mrs. Andrew Curran. of Edwards' Baled straw—$920 to $i0, on track, To -
Station, Carleton county, were `onto.
burned in a fire that consumed their Montreal Markets.
Montreal, Dec. 31, Oats—Oanadian Wes -
home, while, the parents were bar- tern, No. 2, 43 to 43 2a; extra No, 1 feed,' ing out .125 ,000 letters 4vould bo $1,200,00 tor
ncssing up to drive to the grand 421-2 to 43c; No. 2431
white. 41c; No. 3,,, postage - along. It ie said that some cam
do„ 40c; No. 4, do.. 39o. Barley—Manitoba didates for Alderman spent autos running
parents' for .Christmas dinner. fend, 60 to 61o; malting, 76 tq 780. BU0k- into the thousands of dollars and thea did
Jos. Schneider of Montreal, has tielaeat—R*o. 2, 57 to 6Da. t° 78° not get elected. As thg Salary of an Aider-,
been awarded by Judge Charbon -siring wheat patents, firsts, $5,40; do,. man is only 5300 it ie evident that the
seconds, $0.90; strong ,bakers'. 54.70; Vein• honor is valued highly in soma quarters work. The nulls are to be erected
neau, $799.68 from the Royal tltlam- ter patents, choice, 7535; straight. rollers, et least A Controller gets 82,500 a year. near Newcastle, and they will .be
diens, an insurance company, $4,95 to 55;
do.. in bees, $2:35 to $240. but even this sum is often exhausted iM
oats—Barrels, 54.60; bags of 90 lbs, election expenses alone. Mr .1. J. Ward extended as the needs of Aitstialiab
which, after he join sd, passed an $2,20. Milliaed—Bran, $21; aborts,52°: probably furnishes an exception to this grow. "The amount of money to
amendment excluding Iiquor deal- middlings; $28 to $305 mouillie, $30 to $"5..
ers from membership. The sum
represents the sum he paid'in,
Great Britain.
London tradesmen say the 'holi
day trade has eclipsed all records
" Lard -Tierces, 1 21 41.2e; tuba, 14 3-4e; ,pails,
Raced Hay and Straw.
Baled hay—No. 1, $13.50 to $14, on track,
Toronto; No. 2.' 512. Mixed hay. 810.50 to
Soliciting Votes.
The personal letter is widely used. Even l called steel trust is to be created
these run into a lot of expense. One can-' in New South Wales, where a' stool
didate, it was reported. used 125.000 letters, making plant is to be built at a cost
a number sufficient to cover every voter
in the city bwiee and perhaps three times. of $5,000;000. The information i!8
it is _doubtful: if these letters and tarda conveyed ` in a 1'e ort just received
get many votes, although the cost of send- ' p
by this Government from American.
Consul-General John P. Bray ab
Sydney, who says that $50,000 al. -
ready has been spent in preliminary
work of a great deal of value to the oorre.
munity and into it Mr. Rowell hes throw*
himself enthusiastically.
Holiday Trading Coed.
Toronto looks forward to 1913 as likely
to be a banner year. Bounding prosperity
continues. It was an tnapiret:on •to gm
into any of the stores. before Qhristmae
and see people buying Chri.,tmas presents.
All classes from the working man to the
multi-miliiottaire could be seen Jostitter
each other at the various counters and all
selecting gifts as if money was no object,
The only cloud upon the financial horizon
is the possible aftermath of the Balkae
War, One reithority estimates that $400,.
000,000 in capital has been destroyed. Thle
may mean that the money stringency of
the past autumn may develop and eon..
time in 1913, and.If it does there may be.
some set back, Vteitors from the Nest
are more optimistic of the -future;, them
ever and expect 1913 to be the biggest year'
yet. If that proves to be the case, 15
means another year, at least, of goo
times for Toronto and Ontario.
Plant to Cosa .5,000.000 to Be
Erected at Newcastle; N.S..W•
A" despatch from 1'Vashington
says: A formidable rival to the so -
Hay -No. 2, per ton. car tote; $14.50 to 515.
Cheese -Finest westerns, 13 to 131-4n: do.,
eastern, 121.4 to 12 3-4c. Butter -Choicest
creamery, 30'1-4 to 301.2o. Potatoes -Per
bag, car lots, 75 to 90.
' • United States.
Minneapolis, Deo. 31. -wheat -December,
81 1.8 to 81 1.4o; May. 85 3.4 to 85 7.8e; July,
871-2c; N. i hard, 837.8e; No. 1 Northern,
rule. He is an assiduous glad hander,
but does not believe in ;pending his pros.
pet-tIve 'salary:
The great problem of the candidate le to
get his name before the public.'A per.
sonal acquaintance of a thousand men le
a pretty wide acquaintance, and where
there ere 40 or 50,000' voters it is evident
that candidates can be known to only a
few. It is for this reason that a man who
r is once elected finds it fairly easy to hold
The Turks and Balkan allies ex- 82 to 833-8e: No. 2 Northern, 80 to 813.8c. his seat if he wants to. He gate so muoh
titbit no signs of yieldingin regard o. 3 yellow corn, 415-2 to 42e; No. 3 publicity through the newspapers, during
g to oats, •301-4 to 301-2o No. 7 rye, 54 the year that unless he makes very had
to peace conditions:
Elliott Smith, professor of ana-
tomy in Manchester University,
says that the Pharaoh of the Exo-
dus was corpulent and almost bald;
United States.
A three million dollar drydock
will be built at South Boston
to 58e. Bran, 519 to 519.50. Flour—First,
patents, 54.05 to. $4.35; second patents, $3.-
3-90 to $4.15; first clears; $2.90 to 63.20; see-
ond clears, $2.10 to $2.40.
Duluth, Dec.. 31.—Wheat--No. 4 hard,
842-4e: No. 1 Northern, 831-4c; No. 2
Northern, 81 1.4c; July, 873-4e; nominal,
December,- 825.8c asked; May, 861-4c. Lin•
seed on track.. 51.24 3.8; to arrive, $124 3-8;
December, $1,241-8 bid; January, $1.24 i-4
asked; May, 51.27 1.8.
Live Stock Markets,
Toronto, Den, 31.—Good to choice butch•'
Congress will probably meet ening steers from Ss to 56.2x, medium at
March 15 to begin work on tariff from 55 to $5.75, and common at from
54.25 to 55. Cows from $3.50 to 54 25, with
revision. e common grades and canners at 12.50 to
'Wm. I.,oeh, jr., collector of cus- 53.50.ambe Bullsbranged'from from 83.50to ,to, light54.25.
Lrought $7.75
totes of New York, will join the ewes -from 54.50 to $4.75, and heavy from
Guggenheims. 62.25 to 63.50 Veal calves went at from
The U. S. Steel Corporation will $7 t0.59: while roughs changed bands at
poo from 53 to $6. Hogs from $8.25 to $8.40
increase the wages of unskilled lab_ per hundredweight fed and watered.
Col. Goethals, now in charge of SIIEEP_BONE OPERATION.
the Panama canal zone, has been —
offered the Governorship. It means P2ttr eminent Hospital is
a reduction in salary of $5,000. ,'y;: '
An unknown woman of L A
os nae A despatch from Hamilton says :
les, Cal., with a..revolver forced a Gibson Race, the young man who
number of drunken Austrians to underwent an unusual operation at
cease trampling an American flag. the City Hospital on Deeernber 19,
Guy de Villepion, a former tea- when a piece of a bone taken from
cher at a San Francisco academy, a sheep was grafted in his arm in
has returned from the west coast of place' of the human bone, is doing
South America, and told a tale of nicely at the institution. Dr. J. P.
having been fattened for a .feast by McGregor, of this city, performed
cannibals while attempting to cross the ,operation, and it attracted
from Ciudad to Buenos Ayres. He great attention' among the :local
escaped after many adventures. medical men.
Greece has contracted for a su- TAMPER WITH SIGNAL WIRES.
per -Dreadnought. Suffragettes Nov Accused of E]n-
The Paris police will arrest ve-
hicle drivers who splash mud. dangerina Public Safety.
The French Premier, M. Poincare,
wards for the grain year of 1911-12, decided to contest the Presidency,
which ended on August 31. The fig- China has declined tb negotiate a
ores . easily pass all records. The new treaty with Britain concerning
total amount shipped by lake and Tibet:
rail was 139,322,961, as compared 1 Six Italian anarchists are under
with•93,380,236 bushels in 1911, and arrest charged with plottingan at -
98,837,867 in 1910. The figures are as tack en the King, _
The Chinese Government has `is-
sued a manifesto towardssuppress-
ing the opinni industry.
follows: --
Vessels. : Rail.
Wheat ..87,837,412 15,103,479
Oats 20,767,883 6,776,518 Chas. Borseul, who discovered
Barley ,: ,.., 2,959,859 293.010 the principle of telephoning, which
Flax .. 4,]554,830 9,443,540 Graham Bell perfected, died poor
Rye f,064 4,5540
I.and unknown in Faris, aged 83,
Said She, Yawning.
Mr, Stayore—My watch has stop-
ped. 'I wonder bow tong I've been
talking 2 -
:'iiss Bored --You'll find a ealen-
dor. 135 the hall.
eon fKail to admire a rni
and says little t
The German penal Bode is to be
revised. Eery sixth man and every
25th woman in Germany has been
punished for violating it in some
The present demands of the la1-
A despatch from London says:
The Daily Chronicle accuses the
suffragettes of endangering the pub-
lic safety by 'tanipering with the sig-
nal wires of the Great Northern
Railway near London. The wires,
the paper says, were found tied to-
gether and a letter was attached
which demanded votes for women.
�t> • (y' Openotl with
a v i n c� earn Company
.lkCCOLI11ts from date re..{.l calved to data
Interest Is credited -- JANUARY,.
APRiL, JULY and O..T*85 at.titre
rate of.
timumumuldm 4 % reiae alfP w
Accounts may be opened by
ken league are scouted b 'the mail and are subjecii':to cheque
Libre Parole, a weekly paper, ewe. Young Turks as being aeronaut Ethel ', account.thdrawal, One titular opens an
• wrthdra
ed b Senator Cho' uette, w s corn- , aa
y; q u•
pletely desaroyed by fire here on impossible, The newspapers take
Wednesday the same view. Tinton
Vl rdne�day mornizig. How the ills.
The Trust
originated is unknown, but it is sup- "The Man of r'ifty" was the •sun-
lused to have been caused by an aact of a Christmas symposium in
electric wire.The
loss is about the Berlin Tageblatt, and reedxkat Tetude Buil/lig
$15,000. with an iilsllrafloo of 518.- experts, business' ;men 'and artists Cor, llhy and aiblanone Sts., Toronto.
OnO, The pa=per will etlspend publi- agree that a man of fifty is no alder flirt UP'CAPi'rAI. si 790 006
eMat1091 toe a tOte we6:lt$ until a calsis- than a 'Alan of forty, and in nur er- : NO RESERVE ?: t
try t,,:f,;.
If/01A is made with the Under- otst ,instatlees dot dedly nxol e 51st-
ritere., f.111,
blunders. people think he must be a gre't
Acclamations Are hare,
It was almost too rnneh Tor Mane Hoek -
on to expect to get an election by accla-
mation. As a matter of fact acclamations
for'the Mayoralty in Tornato have been
exceedingly rare. the honor accredited to
Mr. Geary last year being the first of its
kind in -a very long period. There : have
been a number of virtual acclamations.
For example, in 1911 Mr. Geary, although
he had two opponents. secured over 31,000
votes against about 3,000 for lris two op-
ponents combined. Then in 1909 Joseph
Oliver had no serious opposition, although
there were against him three candidates,
one of whom wits Thomas Davies, who waa
this year nominated against Mayor Hocit.
en. On that occasion Mr. Davies got over
9.000 'votes, as against Mr. Olivers 26,000
Occasionally freak eandidatee make a
surprisingly good run. For example, nn
one occasion in the long ago the late E.
A. Macdonald was elected Mayor, though
by most people he was regarded as a
crank candidate. The most striking I11ui-
tratinn of the curious motives which
sometimes govern electors was furnished
in 1907 when Joseph Lindala, an unheard-
of Socialist running against the sitting
Mayor. '. Mr. Coatsworth, `came within
striking distance of being elected.
There are always plenty of crank'cand]
dates in Toronto. Whenthey are net
running for the Mayor's chair they are
In the Board of Control or Aldormanic
race. There are generally 8 or 10 of them
in every Municipal contest,
Thomas Davies can hardly he classed as
a crank candidate. He is a man of some
substance and ability, but generally re-
garded as lacking the qualifications and
experience which will entitle him to the
Chief Magistracy of the city.
Poor Place for Meeting.
Toronto has little reason to be proud of
its annual nomination meeting. Follow-
ing Municipal' custom the event takes
place in the Town Hall, but unfortunately
there le no proper chamber in that pile.
The fact is that the Assembly Rail on the
top door of the building has never been
finished. It is a bare barn of a room
without furnishing other than a little bit
of dragged bunting and without heat.
Eere the nomination meeting is held.
This is the only use the room is put to
from one year's end to the other. Very
few electors find itworth while to attend
the proceedings, and there are no doubt
scores of nomination meetings throughout
the Province which are more Largely at-
The system 'of holding Municipal elec.
tions on New Year's Day seems to suit a
great many people, though it works a
hardship to a substantial number, includ-
Inc newspaper men, who have the first,
and in mann respe0ts, the best holiday of
the year. absolutely destroyed by reason
of the tact that. there 15 so much to do
following the casting of the ballots,
It is • generally supposed that the
system of holding the poll on that
day instead of on the first Monday
In ,Tanuary was devised and probably put
through by forces friendly to the Temper.
once oampaign, The result of the •evstem
a holiday wh allb bars
l""ere na maatrrshops
d by0a
great deal of drinking, These who have
the day spoiled. however, wonder, if some
means could not be found of keeping the
bins closed on that day and at the same
time brave voting :on another day,
Sir. James Whitney, the Premier,
has returned to his ofiloe from a dying
Visit to England apparently In the best of
health and In gond form for a stirring
session. Els first and practically his only
public act since his return has been to
put the'gttictus on an incipient agitation
fol' radical changes in the Assessment
Mr, Rowell, the lender of the Opposition,
is devoting a great deal of tine to has
position, not so nrtreb hi a party sense es
in his expectance of a great number of the
innttmornble. aplilicatioras that, come t0
tenders of both .*Parties to etteind nubile
{ meetings: and meets assesses of elerione
meas. j repatrin r 9411 les frit all °eco: of
„2,-1 itret ethem Is
Work,bus 'If well ds
be expended will be unlimited," -
Mr. Bray declares in his report,,
"because the oompany will he
spending money all the time." The
Broken Hill Proprietary Company
I; said to be behind the project,
which eventually is expected to con-
trol absolutely the American mar-
Statement Shows Revenue the
Largest in History.
A despatch from Fredericton,
N. B., says: The annual statement
of the finances of the Province of
New Brunswick, published in the
Royal Gazette on Thursday, for the
fiscal year ending October 31, shows
total ordinary revenue $1,417,722.17,
the largest in its history, and an in-
crease over 1911, of $70,9345.12, The
expenditure for the year on ordin-
cry account totalled $1,409,049.381;
an increase of $5,502.53 over 1911.
The surplus on the operations o!
the year 1912 is $8,672:71, as against
a4 deficit in the previous year of $56ec
sic --,._•..:,,e
Distriet Supply Goes Largely to
Hamilton and Toronto.
A despatch from Galt ,says: As
the result of scarcity of milk in this
section producers have raised
prices. Chief among reasons given
for the limited supply is that the big
dairy companies of Hamilton, and
Toronto are corning into the clis-
trict to get milk. Wagons front
Hamilton are collecting milk within
a few miles of Galt, and large quan-
tities are shipped by express to To-
Premier Malpartida, of Peru, ren
signed after a vote of censure by
the Senate, and Gen. Varela suc-
ceeds bin,
:, RR I S
Net Assets.,.52,076,000
timid Issue .,,..., - 600,000
Earnings, 1011. ,... ......$157.465
Rend interest Cherges .,.20.0001
Rend Issue, 24 p. e. et Assets,
nand Interest sarnod ' s ',These.
‘14r Tata
Royal Brink #lutldito gfl, TORONTO
3I. R, fl rneee1ll, ;quieter.
C#'ar,irdleft' t34fiftlin , df NT#teaL