HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-1-2, Page 1��vra�v; �oli�c SC3I3SV"•�'��'IQlt1..
Naw io 'the Gilnae $o 1 it k 3 hen
*` tvocate re„".
)hewed, "Vie tala4 to veYell, oil the
host- 15ewe ! 1n co Zid"e, end ih:tiOres4ng,
nd We beliefs "'vet tive-'up to
ale. Help alOng the' good work.
w r
otAllo xoteetii tZ),.
is /is the ao scut .yf the Year
you„ are renewing You'- riexwe'),taper
svrlptione.. The AdvQeate c u rr
all the City 'WeeltlY and Ochi IrrtC will'
and the MagazIneS at terms that are a
bit; i!nducednent, Call and get aur 'rate.
ear outthe balance of o
seneral : -Merchandise
which, consists` of
he•,1 vacczt 1 isles
Qu A11 aR � t5ew. Year
Local ' Option
T<' the Voters of Exeter,^
I have beeIn anawch ntit6res(ted in Lorne,
of the 'nLatterpultiliished Lw the lsnterlbets
of Local Qption, and while apprioving of
everything that Mas, been: ' published
vyl'idc14, vi;ll have the chest ;Of pronigt-
La the,- cauls,e Of true tempere.ince, ait the
seine bine !there 'tars bean publielhed
_gob'd de .i. 01 Matter ;f oreAgni to the, clue.-
fioei ,ot Lo^a1 OPti91n Jeno tint pert_ln-
ent •-to,, the. toxin. w t 1 to!- be; con-
eidered by t�r.,e v'crter 'an'Ianuary 6th
It is agreed },hat'' wee'should atwaye
preach- and • praetliSa temperance.,-, notohl� ar eatan`g axil" -dr'Iru1d'flng . bu,t, ;'n
other iaaa'ti@e'ns:. No o:te., ca'tn live
happhl'y who doe -a • no.::live honorably,
:3-14,4, ,temlleraltel'y(a' We leihould "'be tent'
perat even in -temperance,, and,
pecisily in the pireaoh'.lnla of it,t,orbeau
the evils of., our' ' awn ' ,imtempei ance;
which is rea.ctFiolrrt
The Scott, Act wet, her -tided by the
;so-called . Moral +.na2oriters 8b yeal'st
ago, a panacea _fair all "the. evils hat
fellow in the wake, of 'the abuse -of a1
•cholic liquorra, Just at Local. Option'
i's': tc-day. ?But vritletead ,he ,Scott act?
.It Local Optic.8f, st what its'advocates
or, 'Vernetare slain' -a: moral, ...I sue-=
how re 'tit the t' iiertisla+ll'ei'temenfs . of every
Claes; elel.gYrnatri anti others, ace not
promoting a. liy-1 w of their ,o.wru in
I3ensall? And..Il'{en+las.11 leas had 'its
experience• 'Tl?eY vs,. ;,tried . Local'
Opti and.faund: ik,.wattjtiu :
Eieter`f,is: in a peculiar potiet:on, sur-
rounded at it 14 bl all Bides by towns
and villages ltt vink the license:' system
IICnstadl,: Zutrieht, ` Seaferth„ Mitchell,
Lucan, and ,in 311 prababIlhit'yt-Oentral:a,
Crediton, rvDashweod and Grand. ''3end•
(000111ejuled on Page 5)
ings, Carpets,
s, Wall Paper,
�na, Glassware,
oots and: shoes,
e can save you at least -25 per
and in many 'cases :311to
iI goods must be sold , as
she n iding has been jsoxd and
Sas tb be vacated. by :Feb. 1st.
Produce taken at the sale at, Cash Prices
ietw.een the hours off 12 and 1 o'cltock,
omr`MndaY'nit the Town. -Iall the ll
a.vnng';ta�orninaatione }look . place before:.
C"14•1 ,x'.. B.
For 13ie; rve
Nen)! nee Prola oaer Seconder
W:1I I eannen.-J. Newell, C. Ilooper
TJACPaelf.EnN,ti--Van, Davis, A. Bowey.
Taylor -Jas Hear, A. Si Deavltt
Le -vett -W. CInr1l;ng, 7. Charlton
J Ix, :sot -J, Donnor, L. I'enhale
e't , For Cowncillora.
;NS'sei IloyIe-J. Senior,T:' Hpwitina
,5eldon-W. Carling, J, Stpinbut?y
i l'iaid:-T3 W F Bea&erat 1. Jewell
G,'" Dow F. We, IJawden, D. Ruslsell
"Scrott--A lifoRher,soA•a, .' J, Htnd:
;e IlawkLiis+-Wmn. Russell, A. Deavitt'
i uu.s baS=G..-At.kinson, James Beer
Si',)k,7. l4ra'1'ppr--11. l5tatvis, R, IL Murph ,y
a: a X. ,>;'ord--T.'"' E,1,iiott, Chas. Hooper
=fir H Lovett-Pl. D., 'Hutton, 0 Brooks'.
e : l aro -T• " Kernick, Ed. Treble
;4' x Rivera -Rd.- Davis, H`.. Makine
E or School Trustee
83 N Creeca R.. , 2fuurpli' y, G.;, Crawley
F, „We el tohln Hind, Janiesr Jewell.
.Marsha -R. N Creech, J. Stanbury
hr three ,setirial trusrtees were •ile-
le ed are eleetled by. acclamatipn.
The, nieei,ing ther2, adjourned to 8
.oteloek 'hi' the evetning,
candid3'tesi In the field are -Fol •
J. Heanlan, J. W. Taylor ;
F C'otytc111o`ns, W: River's, f '. J. Fords
i4I Daigle, R, G. 'Seldoa,a. W. Waaper,
ay, JolbinwEinld, J., E. seratt.-
'I. Plar'ten.•
11-, T.` B. Cart.iln(g? .atter being moved
't rt: ";chair called ori. the various' nlom-•
Heatnl h explained the •fine.nela1
et .ternerre in the uteutatl way' and review
Contdlniued on. 'Paz* 5;
We wish you ail a happy 'happy._.New.MYear
The Best Boom ` '1913 offers Exeter is
Local {option
2 Cities
Local Option is in force in -
25 Tow'ns' 57 Villages
�w m,
Business 'in`everyone ie booming
There .are 36Q places -that .could vote on
Repeal on Jan. 6th.
Only 21; are.attempting it.
That means in 339 Municipalities the Liquor interests say
we are whlppect without a fight.°
Look out for the
Anonymous Sheets .of- Anti -Literature
flooding our town. They are mis statements and lies,
No respectable -newspaper%would dare sign their
names at the bottom.
Come out to the °
Public Meeting in Lames St. Church
on Friday Night
and hear MR, JINXES °AVERS, • OF GALT,' refute their
lying' statements, Watch for reorbacks, either in the local
papers or in paniphlet form. lf they, are not signed the dev-
il is the author of them: .
No Respectable Citizen of Exeter ,
Blare take the; Public Platform: in defence of the Licensed
I3ar." Why ? . He knows its the breeding place of vice and
Mark your Ballot Thus
For Local Option ,
, against Local -Option
Write tdown on a sheet of paper •
100' names, ofmen you kuowvto be:openly,in favor of the Open Bar
100 names of :pen '; '� /e iti favor of Local Option '
Then ask God to lead you in making a,choice of the company you"wrll join,
VOTE EA11L1 l tJ81L O f1i iN> L JfNOE ! GIVE 'YO J1 Irma!'
Thisls a battle betaieen
The Churehr . and .The. Bait -1400m I '
The devil's masterpiece otl eart1 is tied 13ar 1,60m
Ohriet ire'. to destroy the irks of the°dstil. `Will you follow. Electors
of Exeter `D Help Mtn f •
And the honor and -dory sb ►l1 belong- to God.
. G..PoWEL L
Owing to our going to press early a
few of our News Budgets have not
reached the office in time this week.
Dear° Advocate
r noticed what you said about the
price of turkeys twenty years, ago and
now, and the price of The Advocate hot
having advanced like turkeys and 'other
tfiitngsl I want to tell you that I
w.cul+tlh.''t be 'without your weekly let-
ter it it coat ten tf.tnes the piece, and
tf yot, will let me know how ranch .my
bit, Ls I will aiot asik., you to wall ten
years aor the anolnery,, `Tt read with ,a
great dea1 of pleasure t,he'aecouint of
the Gulden Anniversary : of James
Street Methad,att Church, and read it
again, alnd it brouud',ht before rite those
'deal people 1 new iso well when ,I' wars
a toy. Tale night before 'the ettyper
wheir the church was built 1 remember'
sitting up all Int tt ,the bamettnont of
the church with menta or two others, • to
watch the cakes, and pies and things
that had been Oslo ,generously contrib./
uted lest 'they should take to them-
selves wings : and fly" away, when all
et a',sirdde;i without warning the laid
bell rang out and as we looked int
the night till.. ederJ" wa,a• lite up with the
flames from Broderick't store on Main
8 reet, only a..,liiock or twro away. It
is neediest to nay the pies and ,ea,kes
and things were torgotten for the time
being, but no on touched, thenry during
our absences. You spepk of a group
photo having been taken of Mrs- James
Pickard` and others} 'What a grand
woman ,she was. I would be yery glad
indeed to get sr copy of the picture,
and will be .,manna oblirged if you can
giet it fofr Chili, .Siad I will be glad to
pay for it,,I lasing irr the choir. I
'believe at that time Mr Chas . Snell
was the leader, and Mr. Dy Braund
the organist; I aria, not sure about the
eixrger:e, but I think 'Mos. ltd. Christos
Mies Mary Balkwill and, I thftnk net
'sister, Mrs. Broderick also sang and
probably other ladies whom I naive
now forgotten; amnongst the men were.
Robert and Will Pickard, Johns Clark,
C;•rad. Snell, and others who have now
escaped my memory,: Great credit was
due Mr: D. Bra,undaind Mr. Snell for
the way they took 'hold of the rough
timber they had itrt the:mailing u.p of
the choir. I was. very glad, indeed to
see Mr. Braund'a tisane amongst those
Who graced the accn'aion, :celebrating the
Golden Annive+sia br. ?4any'bappY anem-
ories : cluster , around, the old ,church and
the dear people I used to know.
Thanking you inadvance for the bill
and 'wishing you mtuny' happy returns
of the season, I 'ain,
e Y- cin e'rety. an1L trulY.Xoatr•'
G. G. Gibs+on:.
The Parkhill Gazette finis that
Parkhill heat a nazirdw-minded c1t z'eA
or two wlto do ' riot, seem to consider+
the "ilewepaper erff4ce it a place of.
business, and found' it neceslearr .last,
wee-,, .to enlii3'hten, its; ,readers as foU-
Ktws.-The "Gazette" was quoted sev-
eral }lanes at _ the Friday evening inset-
ing in the Town Hall Ae a ma4,ter. of
fact the "Gazette" has not eipressed
an opinion • either 2or oir against local
optiion,. We have }space to sell just as
the merchants, 'fa tow,d, nave goods to
,sell andwesell tihiulh apace to the pub -
lie or just_ as thle prdte'ssional mann
delle psis leler' iceel to the 'pubIilc�' We
have sold' space 'to bottli tthe; Lpcal Op-
tion committee add. to the anti Local
optica comnmittee. 1bia,'t ,space' belongs
to the people who have purchased it.
Than • material which appears . in either
rspace is the scans to, us, alai any paid
pdveriisement, we cannot dictate to
any committee or rnetrtcibant or adver
tiser vvvh;at shall be printed itttt the space
which they have purchased, unless it
be libellous matter. Neither acre we
responsible for what appears thereand
we believe a atewopaper 'should ,serve
all. cla,alses of the community just ars
any other huskiest •serves] all. clarssee
The merchant' does not refuse to sell
tea or sugary Or dry goods or clothing
orr hardware or furniture to a customer
because that euetonier chances to 4. be
on ,the Local optaoln'or onthe anti
Local option iside of the question,. Then:
why should not the'newspaper do busi-
ness with. all classes of the public just
as every other business Maria iu town
does and why should ipt each side
of ani question, heveaiceorded them the
privilege of .halting- their Opinions print-
ed in the oolumina 02 the local press?.
In a good all round •standup fight
no ono wishes to gag or 'bind his op-
anent, And in giving pubI c5ty , ,t, botlb.
sides the Gazette 'feels that 'it a`s ,onlY
playing fair".
Godwin - VVr'lgh t -lsn ,RiChanond mal,, on
Dec. 24, bY. Rev. William !GOdwiri of
Sweaburg, fortnesly „id Exeter, and
Lather of the grmolnrr, 14r. ,Wt Ouwzlte
Godwin of, W'tusthti'nrgton, D. C., to Mies
• Myrtz{.1 Lorine Weigh
Riley- dofort'hl- •At thet, residence of the
bride' -s liarentis, on' the 25th tot Dec.,
'Mr, Geo. (Riley, tid1 Hibbert, to Li11y:
datiglrter of l,tr; and ' Mrs. Robert,Go=
forth, of Fuila.rton..
kinner-- turAlsat,f--":Alt tihe home of tate
bride's parents, ton Dec. 25th,,., by the
Rev. 0: Fletcher; Mrf Johan Sktnnnor
to Mise 'Edith ,yurrrbult, daughter' art
M . Andrew TMirit?btlll,,, all of TJsbo rner
Petty—Tri YZeriatalJt on Dee., 27, George
I'eft5, in 'tile 8Qth Year.
;Boutin"` -In pix' ter an, 'Dec. 20th, Mrs,
I:1101a.s Stowe, in ;her 84th; year. x,
'roleter-t-JG'1'i lanahaed oft December
Parkins,. teat of the late Itobtt.
Foy ttdr, aged flui wears, and -1 mbni.the,
v Ex�t�r
1' amara
ou Ml
A Happy
New Year
Tailojr, and' `urnnsher Iket