HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-7-18, Page 2°MINION Is ix DING UP onths' Record in Twenty -$even Cities -Gain of Twenty -Eight Per Cent. A despatch from Toronto says: showed a, an <)f 278 per eeiit., AeoOr-ding to repots from official Brat:0Ord 133, Fort. William 13.% eources compiled by The Contract Port Arthur 124, Nel.sen 118, Tho building returns for six months a 1912 and the same period f 1911 are as follows: - :Record the banding operations twenty-seven Canadian Citien for the first half of 1912 aggregated ..$69,583,674, twenty-eight, per cent, more than for thesame e p rl ........ $13 195 971 '11 9V 9'13 lin 1, As illustrating the steady 11a32454,75e2, '-'9,,:1181i155;34 nts to the fact that the baildinpss Eattra:T= %06.5.99 T. growth of the. country the journal mo erected in 1911 exeeeder,1 in vrd•;;e I:68'5'7'45'634622 ..561°4.4441 thOse of 1910 by 20 per cent. The Begine Luildings for the month of June Poet WiissanI 1,74a.425 75075 Mamonuetive 617,428 74$O New Westminster .. 785,578 613.54 Lethbridge .... 719,043 62.8.958 Port Arther Brantford London Wandthr s et. Boldface' er. with an expenditure a $8,-, eStirehtieeseh 20e is $65,000 ahead of Mout- Seam's' -- Teal. and Edmonton is not far be- olCuitstP11 a hina with 87 5,622. Edmonton's xeisor, . xPenditnre s lief remarkable Stratford. - an I 870 Stratford RPS.41X41,,,7,11., llamileou • ...s 5145,600 2'.-•245'7ed 2,549,770 2,94,00 .es e,120,0e0 1,393,370 alone represeuted an expenditure Df $17,64709, as compared with $12,346,908 in, June, 1011. Toronto is in the lead with a six - months' record of $13,195,271. 'Win- nipeg's figures are $11,205,600, VA,11- TORtilif0 CORRESPONDENCE PRICES OF FARM PROOtle FIEPORTS FROM THE t.EADMO TOAD CENTRES OP Pries et CAWS, Crease Cheese and 0 Prodecas at Nemo end Atn'aall Toroutos July 16.--P1eur-Winter wheat, 90 per cent. patente. $4.15 to $4.20, et sea. board, and at $.4,20 to $4.25 or home eon M . eemeaion. aintobe floiret urs-Fpatents. _S370; seeon'd patents, $5,20, Arid strong bakers°, $5, op trade Toronto, Mauitoba Waeat-Nos 1 Northern, $1,- lel-% Bay ports; No. Z at $1.0e1-2., and newlY esta,blished sport, <I doubtful No. 3 at $1.05, Bay ports. Feed wheat by staying powers, attracted 15,00$ people the semple, 62 to 64e, Bay peate. other day, Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white, red and mix Some critics say that the trouble lies ed, $1.04 outside. with the "Big Four" organization. Al- Peas-earely nominal. ready there aee rumors that the 1. i.11, Oats -Car lose of No. 2 Ontario. 46e, and 'oe r.elivillednewt ason and will gem No. 3 at, 46re, oe track, Totento. No. 1 a team in Temente, probable 11, 3. Elem. extra W. C. feed, 48e. Bay Porte, and No- ieg'e Torontos. for the Tecumseh man- I at, 47e. Bay ports. agement ant the N. L. V officials show no sign yet of buryter, the hatchet, ROUGH PLAY THE Tgounra IN,TEFIESTOIG NOTES PROM THE CAN- , _Tea. OP THE PROVINCE. Lacrosse and Base Ball --A /deed Abattoir -Toronto's Harbor-17he Lath Mr, H. P. Dwight. Something is the matter with CartadaM, nationalesport. "Pig Four" charapionship larowssoerlgdafar blwrke; toboeo bgettmalcr ecaut 2,0e0 speetators, wlaile meeieere base ball between eastern league teams on a Saturday will easily bring together 8,000 to 10,000 pereons. Even metor eyele racee, s 70,994 312,90 nut the trouble probably lies deeeer than 657,03e 282=8 any mere question of 'league organizaeion, 509,598 452.4$3 In the siTiter's opinion it dates leacle stele 433630 3e6,79i eral eame Wien bretal Play was allow- , y mszo 467, _ ed to play a prominent oar t Tie the de- se- .ss ale,954 2,42,580 elethn of the big league laerosels lesniteete. • s... ss. 315.950 VIM Big crowds attended the garnee. "games" 2/661.61:Seefetlele by coureesee for xna.ny of them Wee dis. ss- weemedel? ,10.2,-,Q;.2 graceful exhibitions. It is hard _to e - ZAR.W4 1P7404 IvIty' the brutality was permitted. It nt 194015 e0.704 THE EFFEOT OF ON INVESTOR ON T83E CANASI MARKET. he Present nuilnesa In London H Quilts Netitiestale ehenfiei in tPrice Qt Several Canadian Municipal 0011en• tures-What L,endon Too! Front Lis IseSt Vear. Tbe 'cles etribated 1:11T eat° lor t nole rposo g pros. iie stars (1. it posailil awe. cut from money sigh t "wi entertuise The end re character the sot may berelied upon, The se axtic anti the poi) hillier e have n raterests to terve with thi atter ether than, reader. y "investor don it realm are buying our n asked (Ma day. "T Toronto am4 l'ontrett boy by far the greater alone a part of nu bond offerings. This talk of arket effecting. tiriees aPPears W on humbug.' Of Mane, man didn't hoots?. atlY- thing about the 'matter. lie wits quite ;Doreen (Pt least be would have been quite °meet) heti he field that "Caoaclian" houses absorbed a large riart of the bonds tittered be, and left out the rest. Ile forget (or never know) that during 1911 alone our railroada-steam and electric - sold no lase than 585,00,000 of bonds and doberittires in England without the inter. rention of Canadian houses. This one item, then. is a very good and Sufficient realm for watehing carefully tho tendency of prices in London as a baro. meter of our own. Last year 'England bought no -less than $208,000,020 of our se. entities, the greater part of which were bonds. 'Unfortunately, last year, Canadians didn't tahe sufficient care in preparing offerings, and aa a result some of them disappointed their purchasera. This bad the further unfortunate result of making the pane cautious until now there is little chance of any Canadian securities! being succesafnlly issued in London that have not the baching of some interna- tionally well known Canadian bond house. Land, and particularly timber compan- ies, have gone a long way to help dis- credit Canadian securities in T.ondon. Per- haps it would be more accurate to say that the British investor has become very ekePtical with. regard to the extravagant promises of a number of theve. Yore than a few of last year's isaues were taken to London, which were in no posi- tion to be offered as investments. As a result the underwriters were loaded 'up with a lot of stuff that they are still vainly trying to unload, on the public. This has, of cours.e, affected the market for high. grade Canadia,n bonds, so that we find very excellent municipal iesnee falling flat on the market, The effees of IMPROVE VICTORLA. HARBOR, this has been marked. A year ago Bran- don debentures could be 'readily sold on - Will Snend a Million a 41-2 per cent. basis. Now these may Government be bought at 43-4 or even 47-8 per cent. This is just a sample of the effect of the dullness In Louden on our market here. What the bond houses and municipalities tire hoping for is, of course, a reversal of form in London, and a renewed de- mand for our municipal debentures. This would mean that many bonds purchased during this year will show a very hand- iest/le increase in, price of two to four • points. It would also make a very good demand for many debentures which city •councils have been afraid of issuing ow- ing to the lack of demand from London. For though prectioally all our municiell debentures are sold to Canadian bond houses, most of these place the greater pereentage of the large issues in London. That ia one reason why the London market is so important. Another reason Is that the English investor is satisfied with a lower yield than the Canadian and th most of OUr low yield bonds are sold there. Moreover. our railroads do practically all their financing in London. Last De- cember the Canadian Northern sold no less than 535,000,000 of bonds in one block It, London at a conaparatively low ratn. T v sm leeee beee Meorneetent odletals, or a MIS- , 142.79t 53.Prg talteri idea on 'the pert of the menage - meet, that the ternwtia wanted to _two a n4,1e4 sot of SO(tallids bull fight, or 3ust a species of depravity on ehe part of .the elayersthemselves, or a conthinailon ,ef EW LEPEILS. or these. Por eeriest the bestitlayer as the mart who could lay out the ranst meente and not get caught at it. be tes of thc, Lazaretto gestslz was tinevitaWe, A lerge /vapor. ion of the deeent public got illsgu apt/ and cut out laethesse Ana even thOqe lii New Brunswieke despateh from Ottawa says; Th Direeter-qelleral of Public h, Dr, 17. Montizarollert, re ports that three new ea.51eS olep- rosywere admitted to the Leper zaretto at Ti -apodia, N.B., don'- iug the. aud one death oecur- According to ilina there are tis date twenty-two patient , twelve males and ten females, Tile CT Follne0 1,M3 owIT-111ted i'VeU to an expenditure of $300,000 fer a vaunt. en are of French Aeadiall cipai manifairi in ether worth,. es "toe gota3 one, of Rossi.- eoiems« 4ernreeees tieterationtion t tond thm EpgiTab, one of Sinai wholesale butcher ehop, 3sti 4"4' SL". '43 45' Mat 1,11414itte9 . /'Ot 'through them anent of Ihe cities of thq v oe their, hves. 'The Leper Ti it will be interesting to Re bow, the Barlee-Prices Corn -No. 3 American yellow, 75e. 0 track- Bay ports, and at 79e, Toronto. Rye -Prices nominal. Buckwheat -Prices- nominal. BrAn-Manllolia bran, $22, in bags, root* feeight. Shorts, $24. COUNTRY PRODUCE. eartS-Iland-pickeds 3 per bushel; primes. 52-0 to 52.73- Ttoney-Extractels in tins, 01 to 12e P, lb, Comas, 52.50 to 52.75 per dozeim Baled bas -No. / at 513 to $10« on 7•rne. Toronto; No. 3 at 511 to M. and mixed clover at ee, Baiefi etaw---Goed straw, el0 to 5,10-50, on tImek Toronto, Potatoes -Car lots of Ontarios. In bilge, 51,40. altd INIIAVATPa 41.60. Peultry-Wholesale prices of choice dressed imultry. Chickens. 10 to 17e per lb.; thsvl. 11 44128o tne4ore, le to .1s. Live opout 20 lowlor than the althea. BETTER. Eoos, eizgEn, who delight in seeing the gore fly want Beteelm,Deiey, oessees ee ?An; bakrp• 'te In decent COMPany. Se ebe attend- insseeese m to 23; ereeteery, 27 to Ole fe unce fell off, and when the penalties he- 06n f ond Egge--Neeelaid, 24e, per ORM and of !resit et, 22, to 230, Chefs -se -New cheese. 14 20 Per 1 more 11114101"0a9 the gatnee became c41 frees their one-sidedness, And the 4n5e dropped more. Therein seema to lie the real trouble with Canada's national game in the big leagtleS. OA be built ap agAins bet it will peobabla -thee Rene yearn of hard and earpful work. CITY ENTIER$ OCTOBER, TRADE. dio .s or Tetento ran into file Plater of Agriluitxtre sanetioned of =tat trust. suet: to dominate! the gift of a small organ for the use 44° 1'441G" vitte3g° 4'ctek a41117‘ -the patients to relieve the mono- leTtittell Statee. ro m woeets ant In Toraote. Toe n at Darcy Ulan& C., ban fiesbiteen in the tattle market images% oceivig,„a tor ens leper since for 1734117' 1(004113,7 APO far a lefelg Mae ast one was deported, previ- ttupaill dritin21°Or iligtri iiii"11 TatOZ1,707triltt 1 Te) this year, eppertentty, with the resuit that now the *ay eattie ,$^41fiii are alto:tether too small. -------.4.--.„-...,-- erre oTeionvelli4mlyb !ltirteil. ri,ild .4,:, ?..4 THE FEDERAL IlEVECTIE. tgat:1;t-t!ipegraVed lirinninene enttgillttg ;:ear'Xs. which ()cantle' eeniMedielle premises at West Toronto. rirbit Three 3X01101.9 Of Year tae et is seal the llnisre Stoek Yarde forte a Odin Exeeeds $8,0000000 potent:14'0i nucleus for a, eapallara Meet A. despatch from Ottawa eratirie there is the Canatlian bratell o the Swift, Co. Of ohiespo. Ueeentkr the The financial statement for the two lergese Calsagen limes, 'the Mares. three inonths of the fiscal year, t,,),,14;trsee(iiieain;1040"NufA, Wa'elelte tAreereleY ;Cfl, clesing on Inn° .30, shows total re- lei ulesn Steels eel rde annerouteeel tlint in eeipts of $37,839,11,0, as compared ml tt; tele,e4,111*.ttgibuF' 01117 at 11 '" latU' with 829,239,646 for the same period And --' - - - - last year. F alone, the 101031. ne of the meet eMere firers .Lor 330 tho month of sune ni,ple,!ittozi. shogilitytilfel'atRe bettoir will ens n the small independent wit ' • Me big increase 188 buteb°"' or wili cattle' eesult Is is tise etta';1' as corn a rdeceipts were S13481,174 the tedaStiettlt: botesiriese. .A. mustafeeirgill Pt° with $10,06G,20.5 141 ,Tune, 1P91r1e diture for the three months, so elan; thr :148'e:t1:1 the (413:171a14 '1:vt1;1' Without the city abattoir, and with the e z.ards going. * 1 us accounted for at the end of June hie firms buying only at the IT be eceopelled to go to thee bigttlii9oerkri nu. In addition, there have been supplies.d the einge business expenditures chargeable to capital 4al'd effecrttanll t This .s what the City Council wants to as against $2,303,730 for the first prevent. three months of 1911.- During the A HARBOR, BET NO PORT. fi.rst quarter of the ftseal toms colleetionskeon (lue to increased elis.mite to ihe r tbeenricSeAren y all The total exp their b retail trade ewe; rat dietri, seere. kilinrelir practieall as compared via; /*circle the business in the 'cite' ertlilrfilsewSletoza was 812,481,931, proportion R. $8 935,732 for the like period in TaieninclaveipnedniLnl hu ia y centralized in per- haps four firm aceourit, amounting to $1,533,920 Ter Beeene-Long clear, 14 1-4o per 1_2 in ease tete. Pora-Short mit. 524 leS 57,5; do- Tam, ecee.60 to 52.1. Plarase-Meditun light, 171-2 to 16cs heave, 1603 to 17e; rens, 13 to 13 0-2e; breakfast beetle, 181-2es IS elm, za to 2/c. Laedr4iercea, 103-4e; tubs, 19 seatle, 4 1-ZO, lontroet, OJNoTylt0E6.A.,_%4XARXE4441TaiSstual% Nee 2, 48 :a 43 1-20' de.. No. 0, 41 ; do., extra 7;zo. 1"feed. 45 to 48 1-2c. Ran, feel, 04 1.2 10 f.def de, malt. 40 to 5507, Plotte-NatI, Soling ants, $5.59; do., seconds, e.. t g .bakers*. $5.10; do, Win. 'pateote, choice, 55.40 to $5,50; do.. ht rollers, 54.05 to $5.00; do, streinbt • bags. 52,40 to $2,45. Rolled oats - $4 90; do., bona, 90 lbs.. $3,321.2. Shorts -$20. 111(itilings-$27. 0101110-$30 to $34. liar -No. 2, per ton, luta. $17 to $18. ebeese--Fineat west. 13 to 13 1-tio; do., easterna, 5:34 14 Butter -Choicest• creamery, 201-2 Wee aft otatoes-Per hag, ear lots, $1.00 Scores CA Attlerie(10 35setcoon2(160a.. fAN3-04. 2tost92-11.-45ei utoletrizi:nrosEni aEr.151::x The crops in Saskatchewan are in plendid condition. NtiQvtil 475;.1.; sna'en\Tvelw.INI‘17.01-7.Alt. The Whitby hospital for the in - No. 2 r;t, 62et:o 70VilleraTta0170 It<o) first patents. $5.20 10 55.45; eevorid patents. 54.90 to $5,15; first clears. $3.60 te 53.65; second clears, $2.50 to $2.50, Buffalo, July 16. -Spring wheat, No. 1 Northern, carloads. store. 5140; Winter, No. 2 red, 51.13; No, 3 red, $1.12; N. 2 white. $110. Corn, No. 3 'yellow. 78et No. 4 yellow, 761.4e; No. 0 corn, 753-4 te.761-40,1 NO. 4 corn, 74 1.4 te. 743-4c, all on track through billed. Oats, No. 2 white. 521-2o; No. 3 white, 1-2e; No, 4 White, 50 1-2c. LIVE STOOK MA.REETS, Montreal, Jelly 16.-Tlio top price for best Steers was 57, and the lower grades from that down to $5 per cwt. Prices of butchers' cows ranged from $3.50 te $5.50 Per owto bulls sold at .53.00 to 53.50 per owt. Sheep sold at $4,00 to 54.50 per owt., and lambs at $6.00 to 56,25 each. Sales of calves were made tte from 53.00 to 510.00 each, as to size and, quality. Hogs seld 5840 to 58.65, and mixed lets as lose as 58.25 per °Wt., weighed off cars. Toronto, July 16. -Cattle - Exporters. choice, $7.90 to $8; bulls, 54.50 to 55.25; cows, $5 to $5.25. Butcher -Choice, 57 to $5 25 Calves -47.60 to $7.85. Stockers -44e ANY brands of Baking Powder contain alum, which is an injurious acid. The ingredients of baking powder are never printed on the label. Magic Baking Powder Contains no alkun and is the only baking powder made in Canada that has all the ingredients plainly printed on the label. l'ItwopkguotiEs1 - "W4linit.,7-0001,*;:lect7o14,Heaet,.'5 .":'re4ter E.W.G111.,DTT COMPANY LIMITED TozzoNTo, oNT, eeriaINI.PEO 1,101eIT eiesseefa DISEASE 0 EVE VESSE larantine Station Report$, a Bad Year Amon 'OW it711114 A despatch r Ottawa sa.ys reeteet. to the Minister of etotttre, Dr. 0, 0, Martineau, of tho -antine station, GrOSFC Qnebee, states that the Year ended March 31, 1912, has been A bad one as far as quarantinahle disease is cerned, Six passenger vessels rived in quarantine with small- pox op 'Wall, t.Nv with cholera, and e with typhus fever, '„l`svo births and seven deaths occurred in the liospital during the year. The doe - to anntittnceS that two very 11110001- 22103.1 eases have made an appear - a ee, eholera aed typhus fever, Three hundred sixty-seven veSSell$ unsierWent quarantine in, speetien duriee the year ending Mareh 31. 1012, a, decrease of eleven Tapered with last year, due to Labor strikes in Great Britain tinr-. 'rig the summer, The total nufftbor -• of passengers examtr 03 vas 193,313, au increase in the year of it.,146. Infections or contagious disease, me reported or d'Escovered at the quarantine station *in every passen, boat sailing to that purt on9 MOM OCCaSiORS with the excel). ion of two, and the patients trane- hem veesele to hospitala ere 102. EW debt has been decreased 1)y 021 not got much to ilteamei Era Soler tee yet. new hsharobworforC.,0 year, the Toronte's 138, as campa.red with ' But, of course, It has not been on the $3,739,960 for job long enough to havb had a chance, the same period last year. As everyone knows, Toronto has one of tre finest harbors, if not the very finest, on the great lakes. And yet the amount of shipping it accommodaths is praetis ally negligible. For example, the ton- nage of the, Sault canals for the month of Mane was 10,700,000 bus. cie compared to, 7,400,000 tons. in Junes 1911. While To - route. harbor's traffic for the month was only 271,000 tons, as against 251,000 in on the Paeifie Port. A despatch from Ottawa says: It is understood that the Government has decided to call for tenders in the near future for the construction of important harbor improvements at Victoria, B.C. The work will probably cost o -ver a million dollars. The coutemplated improvements will do much to increase the impor- tance of Victoria as a Pacific port. GET ACQUAINTED IVITH YOUR NEIGIMRS. If you are genteel in appearance and courte,oue in your manner, you will be welcoinecl in every home in your locality, when you are showing samples of our au. perior toilet goods, household necessities. and tellable remedies. The satisfaction Which our goods give, places the users at would have taken years to have placed under an obligation to you, which wins those bonds in Canada. The railroads for you the same respect, esteem, and in. need more money th keep up to the great timate friendship given the priest. physi. expenditures they „e making on new cian, or pastor. and you will make more censtruction. The pessimist referred to • in the first sentenee had lsetter talk to some of our railroad presidents before he persuades himself as to the accuracy of his statements. money from your spare time than you dream of, besides a host of friends. This is your opportunity for a pleasant, profitable and perinanent bueiness. Ad. dress, The Fi•onie Supply Co.. Dept 20, Mar. rill mg, Toronto, n NEW NORIIIElfsl RAIL .9dmonton • Be Gii:ien Connections With 'Hudson Bay and the • North. • A .despatch from -Edmonton says I Financed by British capitalists of nternational repute holding a Fed- , eral charter, which provides for 1,- 800 miles of new railway construe- *. ion, giving Canada a new transcon7 incntal line, with Fort Churchill on st and Port Essington on the as inals,‘ and connecting ntorl:r 'Lac Is Riche, Fort 13'r af opt ancl. Lake Athabasca, survey of its re a from Edmonton north-easterly in the course of the next -few days, and before the• close of the season a st,art will probably , be made on the actual construction of the grade. 'The corporation is capitalized at $40;000,900, -and under the charter, which was granted the Dernin,2. ion Parlianient its last, seSsion,, has . b (mein g newerS amounting fo June, 1911. Relatively, the lake shipping from To- ronto has been dwindling year by year for the last generation. It is only cite tens well on in years who remetaber when the waterfront used to ,be dotted with grain elevators and the docks were 'al- ways buss?. Perhaps the day of grain traffic by boat from Toronto is past, but there are plans on foot to make Toronto again a great port for other purposes. That's the chief purpose of the new Harbor Commission. The city owns a large acreage on the waterfront. and this acreage it is hoped to attract large industral factories. Docks and wharves whose cost will total ninny hundred thousands of dollars are being projected. At present when a boat from the Atlantic works its way up through the St. Lawrence canals it cannot find a place to dock. But that is to be quickly changed. The sympathy of the Dominion Governinent has been enlisted and extensive dredging operations are now under way. But, of coarse, the great boon will be the new Welland canal and -the deepening of the St. Lawrence route Then Toronto hopes to be a real ocean port and also on the highway from the ocean to the head of the Lakes. 'If the factory development progresses, as hoped for, Toronto harbor will change from a piece of pretty scenery the centre of a hive of industry. THE PASSING OF If. P. DWIGHT. The passing of Mr. H. P. Dwight, Pee. sident of the G. e7. W. Telegraph Com- pany. removes ohe of Canada's landraarks. The oldest survivirfe telegrapher in Am- erica, his reminiscences went back • -th primitive days in Canada. He "discover - Hon. George A. Cox, took him into the employ of the G. N. W. CO as office boy, and taught him the language of tee wire. Senator Cox WaS a prominent mour- ner at the graveside.' Mr. Dwight was one of the most likeable men. The bent of his mind was well il- lustrated by the chief hobby of his later years. It ,was the Royal Canadian Iln- mane Society which had for its chief purpose the rewarding of deeds of brav- ery. To hear of a deed of heroism, rth matter how unspectacular the eircum- stap,ces and reword, the hero was a source of pleasure _which never lost its Power. He -took a keen inthrest in public affairs up tO ir3 last days, but never succumbed to the modern theories of public, owners' ship with which he wa s always somewhat out of sympathy' He was a frequent cor- rpsr3on d,,n t of the newspaper s over the signature Dim hut lie was, always mod - $40,000 per The length of this ';',P:±i,„.1.,17,,,,i,:;:1;,,‘L',,:i'i';7,',`,T.,,,7f1)1/11j81/;;ile; new transcontinental ,fi'om t'ne crmct tors eve id m 'w they, -were opposed tO the P,Hr,qaaerit advocate: , wt be 1,450 miles '411,;b1v4-ler Be was possilsly pris Ate, ownershi s ort Churchill- • IN A ?ARI N S Olit ALL 0YR1,1 T .0112 IN A UTSIIP,LL. th EMpire and the Weft Your 'Eyed. TED STAT 'RABBETS. lip. july 16.-Wheat-JUly, $1,- entnib.47,1151.01,1ili W 81,003-4; lie. e idge 11 gni.° 51;p7 51,Tz.c, No. 3 yellti.w cern, Neal;ly 833.000 WaS raised for the building at Boylin. Larribton county farmers aro mak- ing big strideEilientific Agrioul- ture„ The latest crop reports from Wes- tern Canada aro highly satisfac- tory. A factory watelanan at Hanover, Ontario, fell down an elevator shaft and Ivas fatally injured. An airship dropped on rowci of spectators in Winnipeg. No one was seriouqy *injured. The Donnnion Railway Board ap- proved the Canadian Northern Railway's tunnel same in Mont- real. Seven hundred Indians took part in the celebration of Bishop Groe- ard's golden anniversary in Alber- ta $7.50; medium. 56,50 to 56.90; cows, 55 to A seven-monthe-old girl living 50 to $5.7s. Sheep -Light ewer aro steady at 54 to $4.50: heavy. $3 to 54; spring lambs, steady, at 57.75 to 58.50. Hogs - Selects. 57.50 f.o.b., and 57,85 fed and wat- ered. BOMB -THROWING TUBES. A despatch from Berlin says: The Technical Monthly gives the parti- culars of the new military air crui- ser, Zeppelin III. The ship is fit- ted with bomb -throwing tubes and an observation .turcet on top of the frame for a machine gun, which has been specially constructed for a minimum recoil. WOW 4611 Savc_Ifioney and Increase its Earning POWCI' WE have issued a Book- let describing the PERIODICAL! PAY AIENT .PLAN" for the purchase of stocks and bonds. This Booklet, shows how you can create capital through a small trionthly savings, It also shows how these :savings are protected and how they are available for use at any time if required. Write to Investment Deparbinent. THE ETROPOLITAti SECURITIES AGENCY YrTE-D' lea St. Jantess st- NioNTREAL ;it Meuntetri Hill, QUEBEC 1. mee near Galt has two grandmothers and four great-grandmothers liv- ing. The Provincial CrOvernMent through Hon. L B. Lucas will in- vestigate public ownership of tele- phones in Britain, GREAT 13RITAIN. The King went down a, coal mine and wielded a pick. The Wimbledon Cup was won by an Trish. marksman. Tho reproduction of Elizabethan scenes and pageantry at the exhi- bition in London was a brilliant success. The British Foreign Office has communicated -to the United States Government Canada's .proposed ob- jections to the Pana,ma, Canal regu- lations. Sixty-five, including three Gov- ernra.ent inspectors, were killed by an explosion in the Cad.eby colliery, Yorkshire. It is feared that the number of dead may reach 80. GENERAL. Signor Mascagm., the composer, eloped with a chorus girl. The Federal forces drove the Mexican insurgents from Sn.uz. Strike riots brolt,., out at Zurich, witzerlaed, a4 the treope tiled out, The Fortugues lie$9.i011 to env The Royalist forees, make no eadway t orthern PoitozaL The s to be fizzrng out. ding gI Toronto won walking ebarapion- le games at Stock t. closcd g nvet ANTIA GO. 'aken fo Thd the Cuban Ci ot Ras. espateh from Wa.shhuton The plague alarm has reaeh- ed Cuba, neo -du g to ad- . z e. to the State Department 400 Tluorday. Ono ease, suspected of chlg the plague, Was found in the husmoss section on Wednesday, and the discovery of the suspect eaused great excitement. Energetic men - sures have been taken for eleaniug the entire city and ex.terminating the rats, A. house to house cam- paign *1 elimination has been in- anurated, BEEF FAMINE IN LONDON. i1viee RiSeS Phenomenally" Due te, Foot and Mouth Disease. A despatch from London says: The price of home -killed beef roscr $7,50 a carcass in London on Wed- nesday on account of the foot and mouth disease which prevails among cattle. Two fresh cases were diseovered near London. Ireland exported 121 cattle last week., wee - pared with 36,290 in the same week last year. 772 Onmulative Preferred Stock AMES-HOLDEN InceREADY LIMITED (Carrying a Bonus of' 40 % Common Stock), Price and full particulars -will be gladly forwarded On request. CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION LTD. 6Z INTEREST AND SAFETY • TT Price Bros. and Company Bonds pay 6 per cent on the investment. They ' offer the strong security of first mortgage on 6,000 square miles of pulp and timber lands -which are insured at Lloyds against fire. The earnings of the CotnPany at present approximate twice the bond interest. The new pulp mill in Course of constructiOn will double this earning power. Purchased at their present price they pay interest at the rate of 6 per cent. The best posted investors in Canada and England have purchased these bonds. Owing to the security and increasing demand of the products of the Company, these bonds will unquestion- ably increase in value. If you have money to invest write us for cotnplete inforniatio IIY, SECURITIES A M. TORONT R. PiWHITE 0 , CORPORATION L BANK OF MONTREALIB 'RNG s mYON:InGE AL0NNO00UNO OEIEN..„) 'tVISI'ar11;EEDse ET. L - E. 0 11 13 ALI FAX-OTTA