Exeter Advocate, 1912-12-26, Page 5DENT,AL
alember of the R.C.D,S. of Ontario and
Honor Graduate of Toronto TIniversity.
Office—Over DieItsori & Carling's law
or ftee. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
DR. A. L.D.S., D.D.S.,
Honor Graduate et' Toronto IlnilrersitY
Teeth extracte.d without pats, or any
osot stints. Office over Gla.druan
StanintrY's Orrice, an Street, Exeter.
Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Corn-
nessietters. Solicitors for the Molsons
Rall4. etc- -
Money to -Loan at lowest rates of interest
Offices--Main-St., Exeter'
I. R. Carling, B.A, L. H. Dickson
We have a large ara.ettnt of private
funds to loan on farm and village prop-
ercies at IOW rates at ixttereftt.
Barristers, Solicitors, Enter.
SINGLE PARE—Dec. 24, 25, aood tor
return Dec, 20, Nisi*, Dec. az. and Jan.
1, good fer reeurrat lja-tik' 1.91.3.
Jan. 1, geed for retkantv Jan,. 3, 113.
BetWeen all st,taitions in Canada east
of Fort Arthain, also. tA) Detroit and
Port Huron, Puffalo,' 'Mack, Rock
and Sup son Bride, N.
Secure tickets and full particulars
from nearest Grand Trunk Agent.
N. J. DOItE, Station Agent, Exeter,
There /strayed onto the premises of
the under Onmed, 1% scales north of
Dashwood, 5 young caves, mostly red
in color. The owner can have the eame
bY Proving ProPort7 44 paying ez-
Electric Restorer for Men
phosphonoi restores eretysterse in the body
to its proper tension; restores
vim and vitality. Premature dee ay and all settrual
weakness averted at once. Inaosphonot Iva)
maize N'ou a nen-roan. Ps ice SS ben,etr two fOF
$5. Stalled to any address, %%0 SO0Dell Drug
Co., fit. Catlusrlueo. oas.
• -Agent Oenfederation 141e Assurance
'Company, also F',:+re Instil-44We lead-
cariadlan. and Drittat Connfanies,
Maiss-Ot., Exeter,
V‘71,1. ANDERSON, Lleonaeci Auctioneer
or Huron County. Terms reasonable.
Dates can be made at the Advocate,.
tExeter. or Henry 1011.ber's Office, Cred-
Life, Fire, Accidont and Plate Glees
Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con-
duetinv auction sales. — Exeter, Ont.
Toronte, Ont., Cla ss
,cconmer,e13,1 Seboot recommend-
ed bv former students. Graduates
etrono demand. Write for now catal-
Tim undersigned i.s offering for Sale
'that desirable 1,0er acre farm, situated
In the Township ot Riddulph, being Lot
18, Con, 1. There in on the premises
ra good frame tiou.Se, bartn,with founda-
tion,' orchard,. Tits farm well drain-
ed, amd all uttidor cUltivatinre. This is
an Xcellent fainin, wen,aitarated and WU]
said reasonable, For further partic-
;tilers apply to Sohn O'Neil, Mooresville,
Ont. WM. Is."-ELLY.
House For Sale
That desirable property in Centralia,
known as the, Cottrell property, situat-
•ed on. the London oad. There are four
lots of land, good brick house, suit-
able for two fandres, or ,physlcian,with
;ample office accernmodation, good
stable and brick foundation, driving
shed, goad well and- other conveniences
'This le a first -doss property and will
odd verY reasona.blio Withen.SY
terms of payment. Apply to B. E. AB-
RUPT, Lucan, Or to W. , F. ABBOTT;
I:1011SE FOR sm.si OR RENT.
* ` The uoderst.Igned are offering fox sae
;or rent the centre new houh17, erect-.
'ed on tie old WINnision House property
Italia Street, Exeteroz This house is
•tarpr,pped with bath, closet., toilets, fur -
nice, and roarns papered and grain -
Immediate possession, Will he
.sreild reasons' _bin, Apply to Wes- Snell.
-The undsosIgnecl is offering for sale
that floe. 150 acre farm in ;the T6-vro.
:ship of Stephen, befing the west half of
Mot 15. on. 8, •and L;ot 16-, on,. 9.
"There is on the lati.er a gosd frame
house, ,suanmsr kitchen and avood-shedy
'bank barn, never-faileng well, With wlnd
anill appr_ances. All well fenced and
drained, and ,to gebd state ',of cultiva-
tion: , Fax:," part fruaars apply to
• . J.K. SCHROEDER. Crediton, Ont.
. • ,
very Vibillan
is interested and shouldisnow
about the-wonderfal '
Whirling Spray
aw' w. Douche
Ask your druggist for
it. If he:cannot, supply
the MARVEL, accept no
other,' but send stamp Dar Illus-
trated book—sealed- It gives full
particulars and directions inveluable
to ladies,WINDSOIRSUPPLYCO.,Windser. arat
General Art;ents for Canada.
O.. Fail and Winter months a
sea reliable' Person to sell bu,r
kriewn fruit and Ornamental'
7'1gx-EfEa and ,suratud
:...:Intirsery stock grown
ISd1d1arVi ' e -Li .a'r,ed t 6 trade:
geod delivery guriran-, ,1
-V,4iVe' years Of" ,,busi- • ,
'ee enabms us to ot
agcy td 6,1r,
NE114.-EtY, ceee.".
Canad la r
The 200 aero farm Lots, 4 and 5, 3rd
DellPeatibX1, St -Oben, kW:WM "ae the
Haston property, is offered or eale
by tender. Tenders received up to let
1913-. The bighast or P..41Y ten-
der no; necestsarily accepted. Apply to
' H. E. HUSTON, Exeter, Ont.
Panniers walating alirad men for nsxt
seacton Should plarse their orders at onee
;her/. IeX lidera will he diffictatY
-*Cul Mg ;litAlt, 0:Mere- left with the
Lot& Goverrunizat Employment Agent
Torbi distriet, Advocate Ortvce. er
-dressed ,itliereto, vdfl. reoelve prenlpt
tention. C. H. SANDERS, Agent.
Public notice is hereby gi`ven that a
meeting of the (lectors of Exeter will
be ,Sold in the Town }Tall, Exeter, on
THUR$DAY, DEC. 30th, 1912, at the
lieu of 12 o'clock, nasn, tor the par -
post o making and receiving nom:ma-
ticos tor Reeve, Councillors and School
Trustees tor the ensuing Year; and fOr-
thei notice is hereby given that n The
even of more candidates °Ong Propostd
for ,tbo oftices than required to be elect-
ed, tte mosting will bei adjourned un-
til MO:1day, Jainttury this, A. D., 1018,
whed Polls will be ;Veiled at 9
closir,g at 5. P,M., at tho following
Place- as fixed by Village by-law, viz.
Paling Sub -Div. No. ,1—Silas Hand -
ford's residence, nfata Street, by Sass
Beer, R. It. 0.; E. Treble Poll Clerk.
Pelting Sub -Div. N. 2—Town Hall, by
Jos, Davis, 13, B. 0.; Wm. :Murray,
Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub -Div. No. 3—John Mitch-
ell's, Office, Main Street, by II, E. Hos-
ton, D. R. 0.; Alex. G. Dyer, Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub -Div. No. 4—North End
Fire Hall, by R. G. Snidest, D. R, O.;
Alex, .NfoPherson, Poll Clerk.
And all, electors are hereby- requested
to take notiect and govern themselves
aocordinglY. ,BY order.
T. B. CARLING, Returning Officer
Cattle Astray
There strayed taxon the drowned lands
in Bosanquet 8 bead of cattle, with slit
in aeft ear and X brand n lett hip. ,3
Iwo year cads, one stex ao,d 3 heillars
One heifer a iReretord with pig /Ong
ia right ear. 5 yearlings, mixed,
si:e.eris and 1 heifer, 4 with pig rings
In right ear. Reward for laformation.
Dr. de Van's Female Pills
A reliable French regulator; never fails. These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative. portion of the female system. Refuse
all cheap imitations. Dr. de Vexes are sold at
15 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address.
The Seobell Drug co., St. Catharines, Ont.
Home Study
Thousands of ambitious young ,
people are. being „instructed in
their ,Honse .Study Dept. You may ,
finish at College t You .deslre
Pay wheneven:' you wish. Thirty
Years' Experience. Largest tritn-
ers in Canada. Enter anY ,daY
Positions : guaranteed. ' If 'yeu
wish, to save board and learn
while , you earn, write for parti-
, •
' Clinton But!stness College
Preai,dent Principal
• emr. Telephone
.• The Bell Telephone Company" of ,Can-
atia is soon' to pt-lnt a new issue,of its
for theAY.strint of Western Ontario) In-
, .
, Part:es who contetn.Plate beccrning
,Subscr".beri or those who wish changes
, ,
tn tneir present , entry _ should mace
their orders with the Donal Manager at
°nee to. ensure !'n sdrtIti n n this, isetie.
O4,1d also -report add:Alen s • and
ta',:theirst or • ietib0.9biberi-
et. rto.:the.-Doeal ' Manager, or -
to • the.- Speci41‘; Agent's. Department
Stetai POUltry Specifics
We will send absolutely free, for
tbe Waking, postpaid, one of our
large 64 -page books (with in.
Bert), on the comnatna diseasea of stock .ind
poultry. Tells how to feed all kinds of heavy
end light horses, colts and mares, rallch cows,
ealves and fattening steers, also how to keep
and feed poultry so that they -vrill lay ea well
in winter as in summer- It contains 360
recommends from all over Canada, from people
wbo have need our goods, No farmer should be
without it.
You Can fatten cattle and hogs ixz reentia's
less time by wing our Royal Purple Stock
Speciatt than you could possibly do without it.
thereby saving a rnonths feed and labor and
tho coot to you will not be more than 41,60 for
six pigs or $1.00 for one eteer. It will keep
your honte,s in show condition with ordinary
feed. 11 you have a laeor, miserable -look -
ins animal on your pl,ace try it on this one
first and see the marvellous result, -which will
Se obtained. (Nr Stock Specific wilt increase
the milk flow three to five lbs, per cow per
day. while heirzg fed in the stable- A Sec
Package will last a cow or horse 70 days.
will make your hens lay ,iust as well ita the
winter as in the summer, and will keel) thein
free from disease. These goods ere pure and
unadulterated. We do not use any cheap tiller
to make a large package, entirely different
from any en the market at the present thrte.
Royal Purple Stock Specific, 50e pekgs.; four
50e Deltas., in an air -tight tin. for $1,50.
/eels! rurple Poultry Specific, 25e anal 50e
nekts.. and 31.50 air -tight tins that hold
Itofglr' rurptekri.ce 25e and 60e tims:
30a by mail.
Royal Purple Gall Cure, 25e and 50c ties; 30e
by Mall.
Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 50e bottle; 600
by moil,
Royal Purple Cough Cure, 00c tin; 60e hi
Royal Purple Dnfectant 24e and 56c tins.
lloyal Purple. Roup Core. 25c tins; 30e by
13.eyal Purple Worm Powder, 25e tins; 20e by
Manufactured only by
TheW,AJenkms Mfg. Co.
London, Canada
,.Royal rarple Suppliee noel Bookl ts
peel' in obtained from
W. 3. Ileama,n, Exeter, Ont,
Etat:Lion .(4& 013rieu1 Centralia
02va uto4 Poa15r4000)
ed to the tatfeh tho Nfaatea
Then we Waders -listed what He meant,
"Except ye be cenverted and bane= aS
iIttle chlkiren"„
Could we adopt Cele Child? The anr
mus quo:A was _Written upoo 11-rfe rnoth.
er.s tan. This oultUred womport be
Tenafly parted with an only an of
tn. They were wealtly. What ap
open door Or the Itomeleas+ child. The
County Policentan, rigged, w1tl CMP
of trots, one to be tearod under other
circumstances, rested hie hand upon the
91inistier's shoulder. "You did not
trcw a bintelt of us were watching you
taking the child to' her new hanle, did
yot12 You remembered, when ULM*, the
ertreet corner, you lifted, her,, she put her
arms about your neck, tell you
have bairns, plenty, but 1 wanted the
child myself,"
Can you coma at coneo? Suet), was die
hurried requeett. There little Ituth lay,
pillovred in snovry whille, an anxious
re.thet and Mother' bondingover her,.
The fow menthe the, Chriation home
had wrodritt ettela chningeS. The skit). -
ed physician shook his 'lead, The
early hardships, which Drink had
wrought worst manitest. 'gamma" "Yes
dear." "aear Rutty her evening pray-
er." We bowed our heads'. This glow -
light ,shone from the Cross. , "Dear
Josus, bless papa and Mamma," To.
Pluse) "Bless Ruthy and help ther to
be good", (pause again, as she caught
hor breath) "Watch over poor little
children to-night"—"Now I lay me
down, to sleep"—"Amen". 'Mamma,
klso me, I'm se tire", (The hours
moved slowly, tne change had come, the
lips whispered, "Jestr.4"—' Mamma".
Beautiful were the floral wreaths, in-
spiring were the songs sung by \ the
choir,--"Wilea Ile cometh to
make up his Jewels." Bowed with deep
est grief were the hearte of this fos-
ter father and mother, because of one
so beautiful. Still they whisPeredHlrer
life lent to w3 hare not been, In vain:
Will you, my dear reader, arm your-
selt to destroy this Dernom which solbs
such little, childrea of horns, of mother,
and the joys of Ohristands time, yea,
and of heaven? This, Is the reason for
our labor in this Local Option move-
ment. Will you pot join os,"?
Your Committee wish, you all a Merry
ChricrtImaa. •
This is the time for the Calend,air
fiend who its 0n h's k a as soon as
they he,s,r that a merchant is giving
avray Calendars, arS a result very often
there will be three or fOur in a family
Preen tire ean1e fir/n whiie Otherta will
ts.ko trsern their homes and
cover • the natio of the 'firm with
a. oleos of ribber', in cortsequeoce .snoist'
et busin'eisis reen, ,here bave irop-
pscs. this sysitem. ,c)T advertlsing and
inleite.ad arte cd,n1fAning' Ni.i.Szriselveis to
tiho' mediuln, that Is
by piaci:111g, atn, 4-rk the local pap-
er.: If you want anYtning, in any iihe
you will, be sure to find it amongst the.
Christirfas Adacentisiements. 1-tead them
closely, ailitetr, patronize those who ad-
reritfse your needs'.
Havo 'Z'ou
Farm For Sale?
Th Publicity Assoiate.on for Huron
Coupa-ty Intend to p,ublisflal a List of farm(
proPerties for, sale in this county, and
aiDr arlY Persons having a farm ' for
,sralra to send at ,obee ±0 any =Faber
of sa ,Executivo, named belew, particu-
lars of sue; faxen, deseribing it atjad
ser-tIni Jirico at which they will. sell.
Wt‘on ativtel. of snrri,..icient farina have
besco received, the Executive .will nub.-
liala the list In c:Irculax rorm for gen-
eral disieribution in the OM Land and
. %he 'United States, withoUt co arge
Letftsa, advertisers.
Oust her pa-stipule:vs; may be obtain-
ed 'fro,, -n any of the 'Exdcative.
5. 111 GREIG, President, Seafortn,
JOON 'LECKIE, Vice -Pres., Brussels
R.. C. MUNNINGS, Treas., Godericin
• MITCHELL, Sec'yo 'Gods/Oe•n!.
Nxesolivo s„
geiciDrop,W1CC), Mayor
z, wInehaen ;---WIPV-f6in;'--7,0eve of
,Cilnion' r„
if'47,"t .T1'4(3,:er;'..w.
Yesve:ef EiOter,, Theq..Steth.-1
ngatrarieri ; 11. Lv1ngetono,
Tim Poet and the Sunsets
Tho gOrgeolts grandeur of the sunsets'
thrUla me,
' The brilliant eolore nod the golden glow.
I think eothetimea It Tenet be I'm a poet.
. E'er poets all 3, it effects them so.
love to watch the sinking sun's depar
And rause and wonder why it goes
4t leaves with regularitY. PV's noticed,
And always at the closing of the day.
It iBis ruY stout with deep poetic fooling
To watch 046 daily eatting of the sun.
rye atarted several poems on the subiect,
But, somehow 1 have neVer finished one -
But none the less the daily sunsets fill me
:With vague poeue feeling and nnrest.
other thing i've noticed about sunsets" --
You regularly see them In tho west.
Ho Did His Beet.
"Here, waiter," said the man who ex-
pected to be at the hotel for several
days, "is a dollar. .I,Tow, I want yen to
Zook after me promptly and see that I
get the best of everything. When I get
ready to leave, it your aervice bas been
edtbradterY, ru give you something
The waiter obsequiously bowed and
assured the gentleman that he should,
have the best the kitchen afforded,
that it would always be served in a
hurry and that there would be neat-
ness as well as dispatcii.
On the second morning after the
gentleman's arrival he had nearly tu-
isbed his breakfast when be emidenly
summoned the waiter mad, angrily
potating to his coffee, asked;
"Do you call that taking good care a
me? Look at the size of the files in
there! Two a them! Look at the siza
of 'era!"
"I'm very sorry, sir" the waiter re-
plied. with every evidence of the deep-
est regret. "Thera's the smallest Bies
ha ve."—Chicago Record-Eerald.
The Reason.
The women ask. "Why don't the melt
Wear comfortable dress,
As women do, in summer time
And thu,s avoid distress?"
To this men everywhere reply,
"We did when we were kids,
Eut eince we've rem* to mares estate
Our medesty forbide,"
—W, .1. Lernoten in New York Sun.
Handicap, of an Only Son,
A. family on the north side have sev
eral children, but only one—the oldest—
is it boy. The little lad grew used t
sisters, but longed for a brother. The
boy wns twelve recently, and the bouse
was rather upset in anticipation of
sonaething or other. The father was
busy, nnd the son bad to slft the nshes
and care for the furnace. At this junc-
ture a nurse appeared on the scene, and
two days later she came to the little
"What do you think you've got?" she
asked him.
"A baby brother!" fairly gasped the
"No, dearle; it's a baby sister," re-
plied the nurse.
"G ash:" groaned the youngster. "Must
I always sift these ashes?"—National
We're all it lot of carping fans;
We scold and sneer and bellow.
Just listen how tho partisans
Condemn the other fellow:
And yet if candidates were free
'From all 'this reckless gunning
It wouldn't take ns long to see
There'd be no fun in running.
—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Strong 'Willed.
"Aren't you afraid you may become
a slave to the smoking habit?"
"No. I can quit whenever I want to."
"How do you keow that? Have you
ever tried it?"
"'No, but I've cured myself of the
habit of voting for every candidate
who is nominated by the political par-
ty to which I belong, and a man must
have a strong will to do that."—Chl-
cago Record -Herald.
A Mercenary Bard.
The ardent odo I wrote to Kit
Did not appeal to her it bit,
She took. the pains to say.
But what care 1? It made a hit;
An editor accepted it
And sent it check today.
--Catholic Standard and Times.
Views to Suit All Applicants.
"This is annoying," said Senator Sor-
ghum as he tossed a letter on his desk.
"What is the matter?" inquired his
"A constituent has written to ask my
flews on the tariff and has neglected
to state whether he is a manufacturer
or a consumer."—Washington Star.
, Family Repairs.
First Boy—Hey, Billie! What's the
rush? '
.Second Boy—Don't bother me; I'm ou
an Important errand.
,First Boy—Where you goin'? •
8econd. '130y --I'm goin' to- get a new
Inner tube for pa and have ma's pumps
• Deceptive.
Things are -not always what they seeno,
I got from a book,
And Marnie's`feet are not as large
As white shoes make them look. ,
--Detroit Free Press.
. Pee' Entertainment'.
A woman at Niagara Valhilad twen-
' ty•eight children•.
;What a comfort it must have been to
gire all those kiddies a world's won-
der for a playground.„ --Cleveland Plain
A Slighted Possibility. ,
. .
:`11.1ongst party emblems we. have heard .
Nobody cares te touch
The parrot, that liornortal, bird,
That somettines tailcs too inuah.
, , • ,..,
—Washington tai°. '
, , ,' Willing te;ACconfmodaten
Mistress -71, ,tvatit ..y,on':'16 iltiderStlin(1,',
• SDI:Lao that 1 will not hayo that pig pe+.:,
licentan- in.'my' kitchen!,• '.
' ' ' ' 'ht,',Intaarri.i. 1 kaowtil,','
... ,,,-,,.....—,
CROgA.RTY—Rar. Ri C. McKay • 'of 1-TErls
this place hais been extended Unan-
in-h:,,ae call to tire ,Presbyeterlarr congre-
gations of Alvistston and Camel -Or_ ,
BftliCEFIELAYlige+ Eliza Moodie
died at ter hotne stein here, gfeler
goodie had been a scircs-e stri.'terer fee,
sanetirne, and ad there was, humanr:
IY sl(eakiatg, r:p ...Pc4es,i-osZty 'Pt her, re -
e very, the final snansiSona wars a.
welcome one te her. dee-ased was
the Youngest daughter of gr. Jameo
4tootlie, sr. She Waal born on the
homestead on the Lordon Itoad
ley., and had resided there all her
Good Illealth
Vim and. Vitality
Aro assured if YOu WIII cleanse your
stein -man of ,aindlgested feod and .foni
gases the eXCese Dile from -the fiver
and the waig,„tte imaPter trora the intetet-
ioee and bovroisi by.• tht0 Use of
the great fruit, kidneY, liver stomach
and bowel remedy.
At all dealers 25 and 50 cena
or ited by Taft Fig PM Qe.
Thonzas. Ont.
, C Manas et FrObi$1:741,
hOl`n{, for ettristt.maat.--,Mise
Ewen 1tngstion 0,,,tiended
eral of her f„atIaer Last Rors.
Geiger. w'ho , is atbeindin24.-
Plira.tarta, Toroty'so: is home. tr
the helidaYst,—dainaes Pete...rseao1' Crt
gory is ;home
and wLfe ef 14144
are asests of their pare:It s.
.Mrs. A. dtelehttre —"Mr; Porzereld
111,Wi:ng 113i* tte rete'tionce h rehase
from W. 3lo1rl--Mixest ntersa
Hille.green whte isos eiertved her hovit;
ate at, -The Pines" Urauline Convent at
Chatbaltn will take the veil on the 29th.
Moving a. 13uag• near Chis'ele?
tet Dave ette.pple had tha raleto.rtwle
a get his leg broken. rrp,F, ha:lid:rig was
on roi..ters', e.e.d.one betore
the other, caused the tine- o skid,
with, the .0-4.Crre G, (1.1P+sity
wit% bas conducted a butcherle_g and
;neat business here slave HentLL
verY amalt place, has disposed nt the
bosinees to Bender go, Sot aoue of
Zurich, who will take possese'oa about
Zan 1st, Mr. Petty will res4in
PRCCEFIELD—After 25 years eon,-
tinueus ,service, Isir. AndreW Scott hae
resigned t10. tat,eb.eP at
e Tockersinith school, near here -
Tim very best for use in ill -health and convaleeceace
Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America
at IiTorld'a Fair, 1893
Wonderful Cures Reported In Germany.
Tbe 1460 of' simple herbs as remedies. instead of the more concentrated and
usually more' dangerous inorgania sulistanims, hale been revived very 'widely of late.
In Germany a new echool of physicians bas arisen svitich throws put almost a
vrhole a the pharmacepeie and relies on on adaptation of tloo re.etlsod of wild
artimale in curing themselves. . N, World.
wilo Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief constddrig physician to tho Invalids' Betel and
Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y. who ftrst advocated the extended use of some
of Our native roots, such as : Golden seal and Oregen grape root, mandrake
and queen's root, black cherrybark. These are the chief in$redients in Doctor
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which has Inert, so well aod favoraL:7: luaaern
for nearly half a century. _4. harmless cleanser and
stOmach tortic that Itaftire has provided.
J. DONALD MAxusso:e of Ossining, N. Y. says:
"1 saf-
Qrd for over five years with what the doctors told inc waS
tinted condition of the etontaeh, ossociated with a oator-
rhol condition of same, anti nervous heart. 1 had tried
enoughmix. bismuth, gentian, rhubarb, etc., to float a ship
and naturelly thought there was DO cure for inc. 1 'It after
reading what eminent doctors said of the cnrative qualities
of the ingredients of 'Golden Medical Discovery' I gave it
a fair trial. Took the 'Discovery' and also the View:ant
Pellets,' and can truthfully say X. ant feeling bilttor now
than, I. nave la years. I eheer(ully givo permission to prIut
this testimonial, and if any 'doubting Thomas' writes me
I will put hire wise' to the best all-around medicine in the
country to -day.”
3. D. INtarrissoN, Ese,
FREE TO YOU MY SISTERR"E ;tare% tsiteggrs ItirtLETN TIFF
.1. am it women.
know woman's -sufferings,
1 will Inelaulie!itried;ct,:frea.n7 charge,
lay hnnie treat -
meat with run instrucuons to any suherer from
women's ailments. I want to tell all women about
this cure — you, ity reader, for yutuself, your
daughter, your mother, or your sister, / want to
tell yutt how to cure yourselves at home without
the help of a doctor. ')ben cannot undt:. tand wom-
en's sufferings. Molt we women know from ex-
perlence, we know better than atiy doctor. 1 know
that my home treatment is a safe and surto cure for
Le u anto h a ea or Whit c hdlscbarges, Vice ratiOnv Di 5 -
placement or Palling of the Womb, Profuse, Scanty
or Painful Periods, Uterine or Ovariao Tumors or
'Growths, also pains In the head; back nod bowels,
bearing down feelings, nervousness. creeping feel.
ing up the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, hot
flashes, weariness, kidney and bladdcr troubles
entirely, free to prove to you that you can cure
yourself at home, easily, quickly and surely.
Remember, that it will cost you nothing -to give the
treatment a complete trial ; and if you should wish to continue, it will cost you ott/y about 12
cents a week, or less than two cents a day, It win not interfere with your work or mempation.
Just send me your name and address,tellme how you. suffer, if yon wish, and 1 will sr ;,d you the
treatment for your case, entirely free, an plain wrapper, by return naail. will also send you free
of cost, my book—"WOMAN'S OWN rimpicAL ADVISER" with explanatory illustrations show-
ing why wotnen suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at home. Every -woman should
have it, and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says—"You must have art opera.,
tion," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with ray home
remedy. It cures all, old or young. To Mothers of Daughters, 1 will explaia a simple home
treatment which speedily and effectually cures I,eueorrhcea, Green Sickness and Painful or
Irregular Menstruation in Young Ladies- Plumpness and health always result from its use.
Wherever you live, I can refer you to ladies of your own locality who know and win gladly
tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures all woman's diseases and makes women
well, strong, plump and robust. Just send me your address, and the free ten days' treatment is
yours, also the book. Write to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address:
MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box H.8443 - WINDSOR, Ont.
the victims of early indiscretions and later ex- ,
cesses, who are failures In life—you al-' the,
• oneswe can restore to manhood a.nd revive
• the spark of energy and vitality. D n't give
tip in despair because you have treated with 'I
other doctors, used electric belts and tried
various drug store nostrums. - •
Our New Method Treatinent ha; snatched
hundredsfrom the brink of despair, has re-
stored happiness to hundreds of homes and
has made successful men of those who were• tn,
"down and out" We prescribe specific rern-
edies for each individual ease aecordirg to the
symptoms and coruplications—tvo have no
patent medicines. his is one of the secrets of
our wonderful success as onr treatment can-
not fail, for we prescribe remedies adonted to
each individual case.. Only curable cases ac-
cepted. We have done business throughout
Canada for over 20 Years.
• Define!). Are you a victim? Have yon lost
itl‘silyuouti,.nblood bopeLense
Are dylouaintending Havetelndingyou
t oymatTtI
• weakness? Our 11~ Method Treatment will ;
cure you. What is has done for others It will,
doepirfileorn, uF.r.,CoF
uatior, Free. No matter '
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Ch'ers,t. ' Book -t, Free— T;
'Toy -hood, 3lanhood, Fatherhood." (illustrat-
ed) on Diseases of Yen,
ND NAMES USED WITHOUT 12YRITTEN' CONSENT. NO M1110;1012 b0. -c 26 01. Onyel.
,Everything CInfidentiaL MENT.,Q139,8tion Last and Cost of Treatment FR.SEFOR HOME
or. PAiehigan ve. and swodSL Detroit Mie
,All letters fronsteanada must acIcliesse4
.th.onr,-Canadiatt Correspondence -
me t c'sr 0 .1' If ".;,'-an, daSff&io
• 1it,ersona11y call rt our Medical Insinte we se andtrat'
giants:. in, our MincisOti,OCeC wrirch are for ',..i,iprr;espOu4etiC
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