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Exeter Advocate, 1912-12-26, Page 2
•r •r e�1'•'tB,R AtiA O.ME eaeeteeeeete"ab s.'a Sortie; the Apple, Apple Ct;st:trd,—,Take apples of medium size and rather mellow, Pare, cope and bake until tender ire a slow oven. press through a sieve. To each cupful of apple pulp add a half cupful of cream, two level tablesp onfule of sugar, lump of 'butter size of an egg and two stiffly beaten eggs. Put the better in the epple pulp while it is still hot, Heat the sugar until it is a syrup and ,add fast the °yolks of the eggs, the the cream and beat all 'strongly. Pour into but tared cups and bake in a moderate oven for 15, minutes. Remove from the oven ar,d quickly pour over it the stiffly -beaten whites of the eggs, return to the over to brown, When old set in tiro it;e bog, Serve with. Cream. s;pple 'usiztrtl Pitt.—Strain apple c sauce and beat smooth. To -each cupful adds half cupful of cream And twostiffly beaten eggs. Beat ' half a cupful of saggar, and flavor HAN T li 'EftUL .„:"ATY. 'trines Lou.+le Prince Louis of Bat British fleet, 4uccc se of illness, Sir 1'`. B. ftrideetnaAt. nburg leas been .appointed First Sea Lord of (flag Sir Frttiieis Bridgeman, who retires be - rade f rom the yell pint, of milk and sugar to azveei with vauiHn sed nutmeg, :Bake i Vin. Beit like A euatakrd. with under crust arrii put as iltick< Apple' #i rttra➢alRtt,.tarke. tic uaeriatgeAtt on top. ti, biseuit and separate it into as rrr:teny Ginger Apples,— and cora '?arts as> there care dumplings to ba 1 noire good apples, green gs or pip. made, ,Roll each pieta into a round pi s, Fill the cavityin tits centre big enough, to cover an apple Aad l of each a le Waal into it a eeled xtrad carred ,«t Two No lap nth a epee lrftri of put.P p' aa�a chcspped preserved ginger,. Stand vle, Then bring the Ades of the,` theta tarn a hakiug=dish that is not paste around ' the apples , ptech,+ ua. 3llld pear aver them 4 a• Fez them into shape axil ;itettsla '' bane, Teo rat elan Txtoat uptaetaal. n eu ritactlt Cititr r cr:nti.entsifeernr sua,anti W;ttflr U7lfxture retsina sed tri p or with a t4 1 esjiiel4trItiec hue nc eh:144nTA":e t'f k flavored with and 'situ a, , of spersrtietiea ai ca 'it woun lune, Can te piece of driedcookedinit,'gclly.T'w�ien;afuls of deux svlll. ltttuurtaac<ttaufomperancetnovatnentizrclrifthereisiteegh g;ager syrup, make two demplin, i'Q�nttarita batt# it not, bee a for: t 7e argot ce this Frey tea usedi with the ardditiong .Devi' flash A.ill�lc eve, ---°Else a g d-' t pn u, bld g u"rthaes b ,wt en re of a little water, Bake until eofe ding dis ► of e ekery or arlaamelware spoPetI .freta tree salters? or Mctaou, and. traneparegat' herr not broken*, hand place a teacup without a needle t, Tan flee a @RQen.Rnonar } tiututritdtJrlaabrs! boasting{ accaesiOlZaGlly: with the upside down. in the centre of the wear. t3ar ou the ;fun#ol;:.a1 electron ctsr;�t,p, syrup. Serve 1.4 at err old with a disc. Cut up some applea rather m t set Zetber ear iaocAI Oeetlro auntrste little ,whi g ui110 sand hea u are, sash xer*r, t~s 'lies Frear °t'1a,e ,v . iC piled crearrt ar aislReel with p p the dish until a tatlrc :Cts to ae9' 4f1 tai tlaeaa Lnvplatn 274 elects of gin;er, little strove tine „cup. Spxiulslo n. luied, `eYcc''Otstntesttabl t itn trnunte alt- iRilitie Apples, li"rirRs (tele few ra.r,sies over the !top, sweeten bore'_ to toe scaraael ' -each et( tesertsh.y, tt ➢and Add; terns l . wcth ars are Iona Aotnl. ins s vea:rta, ttnaRcr: FA ea: and aanake n syrup pica, either nutmeg tate Iesadaz,Riiitr or the .Staatnea zsrothRxrt. sugar and water in equal rsr cinneaalon, incl prat little pieces .A uaitics 114A hese have ¢ecarri d local ai ti,°;"ua son as the fruit air riatrad, a biltter an fibUut tite top and a e a umnicirtalltaex in the prevenee. 4 are . ed by Stat,t iiR „' little. water. Cover the entire top now HO satQ4 option arid 365 ret:aeu yrup, areal 'mak of etas dish toith crust and cut slits as ;,ap is s�r+aaa Taavtta�r. pierced ,with k err prick ulna➢es_ at Intervale in tilt( take out theto lea oa lest. i o not reinove the Clip ten-, P. . &trenee (Ras devoted practically all , hip life to temperance reform and Tin n - pie is served at the table, •veto politico. art la true he roared but ten you. can insert, the wade eRI ,,'Lae and t 'pi'`x tt4 tuf th^rwtsrct'9s coniine" a. der tinder the edge of the cull, toToronio where he.de tprIncIztnl,tl �.1➢ allow the ali ir to go in rend a Iarre sRtltaoi. I1ut ween the D nu non M1iau a W58 +ar,^anlTxd by soma 4 tnem Ki the juice of 'Which you wiil''bera of parliament m 1x15 F. t . Speree find you have tt cupful, and the jlaasl 1,t'cattlr mads stub a reputation aea a to rn *ranee ndvtx'ate that bq bee ue nl, fruit will be delieitaately steamed, most its firsst seereiars and hos remaine,3 n+t sRuclr natal this tial*. .n.41 hire bet•n edit, r 5 kind ,of u (tie will not hurt etre of various tena,nrratneu pubheatlont� or s3Giun Of anyone; aakd it-alieuld; welch tine nneent da9 represeneatiZe iia Oaten cold. the Pioneer,' and the list of offices he lens hold in Connection with various teat. ylerance ort;aniSatiens And vatinuogns 1 would till half a colmiitr, R0 @ t, t8« u Xfl Its, v groat recent eatitta :haa as devoted a a t Y h tlq ax 'or time to mttnli3 al affairs 'Six titres halfl a A veil roiled ,eaeli time it is taken l has been eteetet> as Alder nun, and six a f cupful eaf pow°dered sugar rand off twill keep raeaat much longer t:hran t mei; es n, member or the 11 arse( or ran• trot 1w3en ho :r or c stet.( s Neenes 1 3 SITS Qin eesste ER. QUEEN CITY. ?4m?eranee Ratprxstars iattt. ""leerrwftrs fiteestor'e TeSser A. ri. tailors. byboi parts, before it ia?in erre until it in Straw, The and ornament the aides of each sticking blanched 'Ralf altu©nds all 'around. Fill the centres ser jelly, preserved fruit or fnarumla, and serve hot or' cold with cream 'With the remaining syrup and tit skins and eores, apple jelly may b Made. Apple Snow --Stew or stoaam three pi large applest cored and quartered, bt . �. at.4lt _ cd, drain then: and rub.. through, a fine ' :sieve,. Beat the whites of three eggs'stiff and acrd h s b n atn unnta cep Beat again, now add the apples and svklrn folded; gloves ;pulled out and r. ndi ;ate tflr the StaSond y, end at• beat until like snow, pile lightly'. smoothed, win wear twiee as longeons he Is regio Bleed: As rerlinrs the in a glass dish, garnish with jelly as if they wore crushed and tosse}Vol';iii z gleiggr ioittga,°tltttriou t btruTait around the edge and serve with cold into a drawer. he will over stttain the Chert 3larintrrte'w boiled Custard made with the elks Position. lila work for the Iivdro Elec. y A. -.piece of rubber may lre cut trio protect. the Harbor Comntls ion, and of the three eggs that were left. inure easily if the scissors tar knife for various other phases of muntoinal ,a'.l)pie $folding. --For this pudding used be wet fust. amen as rvtamta ibe iiv ore or r the each you will need one quart of flour, Dropa few mail nail in t e the some tree his roan nren of sncrrn9 to s nails T. ,h,, nns ortnteat nr neir:r1v alwnvs drUe)tf1tt. one pint of milk, one pint of chap- bottle of ink. The acid in the Inti }Ie tlrrs not nave frk i(U ca>aily and ae ped apples, one . sa,ltspoonful of 'till then exhaust itself 11poe the son:versetelet ifc mat a'6°tonn,1ih"r air rf the M'b' 1 salt, two tablespoonfuls teasof butter' mail's, and,the, pent will pot cor- hatter. lidoetle• but not always aynara. Rind' three teaspoonfuls of baking rcrda- tl,oric, T4 Tann.' baa n'ont i,n•nan trait will be rho tart that he smokes.. powder. Make a dough of the flour, Mayonnaise dressing will sepatr- Another Crusader. milk, butter, basing ;powder Land 3 ate when too much salt has (learn iiia brother, Eco. gen. 11. ;Anenoe, 1e safe. Roll: out in the board anal; added to the egg yolks, or when not eo well known, 'but eines '1106, wl+on spread with the :apples, roll ;over the -oil bas been dropped too fast,-,1118`ancete`dad F. s. ns secretary or the ,land over, pinching the sides and On anrfa tlranch nt tree Dominion ,''',ears. p g , or if the ingredients are not deer- ,' he has bx b e e; er v a d e+aaiain thane. ends. Place in a baking pan with aug}fly elzzlled when used. aleown that the sprat at taco er aadcrp ire on -17a1 f' cupful of butter, two Cu If e. spoonful of borax is put into ? t'v na means n1 5. li He In the ape 1e. n p y p-fntrRly bF Frani S. lie liar been de frits of sugar and three pints of the last water in which tsltitea{ Frii ionag astner i ireratrrn iaahhnvik<s saloon water. Bake an flour and a half. It clothes are rinsed it will whiter kflr>rP ?'1' 'in earls lifeQ a e� antu� ti,e makes its caret sauce, themverymuch. The borax should mutistrv. where rte errr?v id amyl ait,Lit• Apple Cliarlpitt'.—Line a mold 11 h ted to lata present poeinan be dissolved in a little hot water A Record In Marrying, with lady fingers or sponge cake. before it is added to the rinsing mete record its the "marrying minister Soak a third of a box of gelatin in water. i+, Tornnto fs this year, (Feld by 'Lev. jolt. a third of a cupful of water ('cold) When it is Decessary to mea ire ? D. \terror. elle t=<y�etarhat eccentric mrn- ster of Bale 1.rtwbcterian (^french, who until Soft. Pour over it a third of any liquid by file dl cap ane n1 31 )ue tome into nromrrenee in other `re a -cupful of boiling water and. stir dispense,with the i etre. Cttt sa sneers t1v his reeertrds as a elirirter and 7 p p tuna<n ter or athletics,- by his work amnn>; :""'til dissolved. Aad one cupful of, small notch at the edge of the habitues of :the ?olive .Cour^s. and inn alai aa' and the juice of a lemon to -cork, just large enough for a drop hiF en„a campaign for -a new $50.000 church gather with a cupful of sour apple to come through set a time; push her. ltrrrow true married ewer act love. Tiauce drained dry and put through the cork in tight and 'pour. week dyies. the 9har.geInt 0"e for 11 u e taro a sieve. Cool in -a pan of eracked The cleaning of feather pillows is there is a disnnsition to ortt:ri:e.him t>, ice `and when the jelly begins to not a taste to be dreaded. Place.a the crapna that many of win marrine°s hardeII beat until 1. tat. At theounot to be nerfrr�,ed. >;ttt as. he s bcouple Of pieces of board'across do-,;-"' not issue the iice^tea the reapo-1 last add three whites of eggs well four tin eeaffee cans and set in the a esntsv hit re bens [mega die aneeaAtr si] beaten, and then' bean 511 together buttorn of the boiler, Put three of nal eomperienre Ci nan 11. G. Dison, until" stiff: Pour into a mold and inches of water in the boiler, place StnTrs itv C1n„ at ineavilye.aariaerl 'na when cold and stiffened tarn out tike pillows an the board, cover the I ah irrtiri,rr„rta of the nnorr•r clrss. run n on a platter and serve with a sauce boiler rad let' the steam RN -nod with short iso far the wren. othr;s + pillowswhn hace bx,rn;Calcnrit^R' ,vi `la rile m tri - for an hour and dry in .the sun. mnnatty 1^r1inral are Rv. :s, L r:r'de, d'Or C,emOVnn Oldpaint make a of the Prr.hvorip' nnrl.,Rev. 0:..O .Taus, g atnn she a7enc�ndiat div*nr. who attainrrl' lye with one can of potash and half n,nr,i•oee h� hla attacks on (Leman.• a gallon of water a l with an catholic', g+ pi? Y The d?atinrtion of bA<nq fwve”ite in the old paint brush and do, not, touch mnrrsin'- line ;- g•- - biect to fine toation . with the; hands its i't will burn: B'v Alex, Williams: whose Antr'4e,n rnurrh is rinse to down town Vn^-o' Wash aff and dry well, s r at, need tn' 1 rd alt' nth^ra,. but hie dsatrtet hap el, -' wed, and he is now down For bruised furniture wet the tq fourtT n stew mace:' part with warm water, double a (lntvarstty awl Athe'sm: piece of brown paper five Or six, ,,t.nr,ny 'netrel of Tr^ivereit,r aftrirs times, soak it in warm water, lay le Prn1iznnr A. -15 jT^annum. There e wre ASSETSS a � ]•t on the place, a l on that inept; rvrttrmnnt w}r,i;nbis in ho .:Ac+Gdemv Pfet PsSats pl? y r nosed for rnerr...ert. _52,979,000 . warm flat-iron.'till the Inolsture is: of unrticire runt ranch: ttt •.Te:i rnl in fond ease® 500,000 l "r"1"nn r .s he be bin=1.11,1 rl, evaporated. If the bruise is not.: cif hryneh' Srh,ievt r 11 , 9.111 lit.^1' , 1.v 01.575,005 gone repeat. ''Fawns r vp,,,Iiiirn hre key er,u 1'a in r''';':'1" P . m ," s ''''"0-•''D of two lv 1 t,:_e, To remove perspiration "stasis :Mr, ,rnl i d reirn,iN. asRnrl^tio,ls ,yr file 01521465' from silk waists , sponge the.place 't r1 1 P'11 has litrrafly r=eores of depr�efl' - "gaga zrra�: , l'''''' a over your.hand-with a clean wh:tc Ar of,,,, 1,,,,,,,ati1 h,, ever, ire r71P erpe water:. hen'e•ov�:r "f a pr:-, , 11 a :'r,,...p r,. ..1,•� r rag wet in cleart° completely with powdered prepay- e-,—;,,, r,-;"„1-1"' .t;,rie^'e thnin •i r,-+. � i n h ,^ n -,,,,n,,-1',1,",,,,' f alio rrra, d7paat: ed chalk. ' Let it dry thoroughly p 1 ,fix h1r,,nr; Latta id eh Off .carett.'Ufly 9Vltit'ib soft :p 1 t ,•ulr tinn ` f th•,. O enol Tvn,niat, brush, q _ , , era ire' n1 fri,,, 1 ^ .;+ r1,... it `f H 11 r.?.,, -..9 For sore tr_r€aat get one to aspoon- n par ,r n71nni atteynnted to 11 '"1 • r„ v v ,p ren; o icaL1 iii co IT, On I7a1i1llb �sOd, , 41"ssolva Ni.n P'-'1,nlfn i?n••i,,'ar Tetarra Prn_ it:1n a glass ea' not water aid gar -re -,--or ‘r-,.-11-,-.1,. ,,,',.;•,•+,,,,,'“ ,p /11 ..t < r rp m , '4{,111''' r' r ,s tc r i3rec;; times 'n day. Zi, is also ,' 00d. preven,1ve. .0 , this once or 'F •7 " ,,,,,c•• -•,-,-..,,o• i'},., ,r ,j,,.,i,U FAC RE `i Fl ' 3 3 EAR nln5's, 1911 r252 citaan�os 42,025 5322,459 summAn nand iSenEt, 24 P. e, of Assets. and Rratsrest %Earned i Times,; WL4IDt 5 t1 PAf3 ICULASSz 4CIC4Y P tt18:vsaa .�i leery 'Qi10 rid, Saraab 000!1( 8R„ a eek and 'yOii will not con- (xr7 ?v ,471 .etnda, a,. comhl,,a,int that lnz;T c ' �1t� -r la r Fewer; -nt ; ec x k ya Witt and c'hssraeterr of t:Yaiversity teen bas, steadily risen It le r1eeaared that rasr troy iha University bears a ' not- bed of atheism" there are no athe'sti there fat Ail. except pomss:big tt new lsoi&t. ed lndiridualan. in whose aramea at vriU p.ws oft lilts the taraaeeIe. yy ggt,♦Yy,,., A{dbris'i ru EUJry S ITSELF. . Said to Morro Beeorne Itnpregnated with t'ctrolenrn. A traveller in the Holy Land is 1 said to have recentle discovered a species of Gonabustilale limestone, which makes an excellent Plaster after it has beenburned and air slaked and is produced cheaply. The stone is of a gravish-black color and is found between ordinary limestone in a regular stratum. It is easily quarried, being rather so:rt. and has apeculiarly strong odor of l erosene, The people break the stone' into 'man pieces and Are t into a kiln of rough Construction built of FOR MAKING.SOAP,' SO FT NI NG VVATER, RSM V NG PA I N T,, Di Si NFECTiNG SINKS. CLOSETS, D RAI N8 ETC, 50.1. 10 EVERYWHERE REFUSE ,SuesT1"ruTE8 stones, against a wall. Holes are Old Furniture. left in the sides of the kiln, throu+rh Most of us have 'eome old furni- whic h tufts of straw ,are stunk. These tuts are lighted with flint ture with 'which we would not 'II' and, steel and the lune ignites and burns itself; 1 value of the tables and chairs It requires twelve hours to burn a kiln, and then it is found that all of the rack. except that at the ton d; £err aronf'd the sides, bas been tear*,°ott.hly. burned, The line produced is of a coed white e lor. It berate with a Meek sreaoke and an odor similar to that netrol'tem. When cool it is air. eleked and screened. The self• 1wrninq ovality is nee -outer -el for by Marx' ettnneei`ion that the li-reGtone tingly part. It: iS not the intei -ie which makes thein dear to us, but the old assoe atiunz which cluster about them. Forms and faces rise before us when we see the time- worn articles, fncea which beamed upon us in byegone day's, and forms which have long since passed to the world of shadows. The plea- s are of the p asv essi n of such relics! is not unmixed. Often it is nearer pain than pleasure, and ever it has tan undertone of sorrow, for they fns becoon' imTr' "nsted with etre- Stell us how short.+ is the snn of oven ordered the very best cgs coal the. P the lona est lift how things tem- dealer had to cook it with, urr1. in the eortlr:: g s s poral outlive their owneris, and whisper. often to an inattentive ear, that the day must come when we, too, shall part from our earthly' belongings and the place which' knew us once shall know }ie tern mors forever. "Uow old are you, Ethel?" "1'u five, an' mamma sacs if I'm geed an' eats lets a' oatmeal .111 bo ,six( next birtitday." ?lir. Newlywed 'Uoean't thin: omelet seem-er—rather Eoitph, my dear? Mrs. Newlywed -4 don't seei why it should, darling. I'm :etre TOrtTY-11TITD ANNUAL STA oai LIABILITIES TO TIMI: runrot VoresTriber Rea. gate renoalts nearing interest,.,,,.....,.........a.,...,,...,...,,,. $100.663,364.59 v'" Is o. s.lTisa not hearing, lntcrest ..•, „ , , , 36,058,812,91 Interest :accrued on deposits .. ., , ,., 749.739.56 Deposits by other Benke et Canada,. ,.. ,..,....... ..,.,.,,<,.. 419,75043 Total Deposits,...,.....,.,.,.T.,.......,...,.,.,:.,....._..,..$137.891,657.72 Notes of the Bank In Circulation.,,,,,,:,.,,.,, ...... ....... 12,584,617.69 Bnknnces due to Banks in Foreign ..... 1,524,415.60 1$111a Payable (Acceptuncea by ea London ; brch) £439,1137,3.10 2,1$7,017.54 TO TITE SI1AiEi'.OLDERSs $154,137.718.55 Caplta1, PnId-up.,, .. •.... .. ............ .....$ 11,560,000.00 (reserve [und:...,.,....'......................... .... .,r,.., • ,....,.. 12,560,000:00 Dividend No. 101 (at 12% per annum). ............. ........ . . ..... . .. 341,613.32' Former Dividends Unclaimed,....... ..,..,................... 1,206.85 ihalaau14e of Profit* cared forward ASSETS 610,219.36 6179.210,758.08' Ch" Rr,t1'S11oer Cotn 4 ;••••••.....••••••:.. .................. »..,.,. Dominion- Government Notes, •. Deposit with Dominion Government for security of Note Circulation.. Notes of and Cheques on other flanks. Balances due from other Banks in'Canada.�..�.. Balances due from. Agents in United I4ingdom and +` Banks in Foreign Countries.. . Government and Municipal Securities................... .... . . ....... Railway and other Bonds, Debentura,g+tna Stocks...................... Call and Short Loans on Stocks and ..onds in Canada— ........... Call and Short Loans on Stocks and Bonds in Foreign. Countries.-,... $ 5.204,964.22 14,443,785.25. 578,000,00 9,769,273.04 122,482.32 3,665,037.01 3;950.698.14 11,715.900.62 9,422.451.90 14,556,189,97 $ 73,428,782.49 Loans to Provincial Governments..• . ... 185,488.77. Current Loans and Discounts, less rebate interest reserved......... 99,828.879.54 Overdue Debts (Loss provided for) 246816,20 Bank Premises... ...... ............ ..... ...............z............... 5:520.791.08:. $179,210,758.08 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES; Acceptances under Commercial Letters of Credit... 4'88,156.13.5 PROFIT AND LOSS A,OUNT For The Eleven Months Ending 30t11 November, 1912 By Balance, 30th' December, 1911... - ..:.... : `:.... $ : 401,450.56 t.et 1-rotits for Eleven Months ending 30th November, 1912, after de- ducting Charges of Management, Accrued Interest on Deposits, hili' Provision for all clad and Doubtful Lebts and Rebate of In- terest on Unniatured Bills and General Bonus granted to tLe Stall $1,F'7,324.77 erezmium en rtew; Capital 5,:.0.3;812.0012;00 To Dividends Non. 98, 99, 100 and 101, at 12% per annum.. . , ractei. u1, •'.init Premises Account Transferred tca,,:eserve l+'and I1:aaktnee castled lorwarri" .., ..... 1?ESERVE e e;4; at Credit, 30th Deeem > r, 1 tum on new Capital Net &'Tofltas $8,680.756. = 19.1 Ire $7.432,617-.33' 94-3,595:97 75,000.00 300,000.00' 5,503,8/2,00 610,219.36,' • 57,432,6i7.33 $7.056,188:00 5:563,812.00 12,5CO3 600.00 for 9;la c Eleven Z eanaha of 1912 the : Average Paid �d ;31., `rOR18Ah'CE' , Chief "aspen p- s afsn,tal, Cuserai 1Mana ex' r;;