HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-12-26, Page 1RENEW /DIM SU IPTION w Ia lZe ;t, is to Ma in And neve your Subacripti on to ;Tie Advocate re- newed. We aim to eve you all the local news in ca:;aise and interesting roan, and we believe we five up, tp the claim. ,Help a1o1+.,; the good work. CLIMB 1tA Es TljS c -s t e seassa1 tart yeor; yOu arc iew rig• your newspaper a acripttons., The Advocate 'clubs all the City Week and Daily p%.p'.are and the, IVIagualsea at terms that, ars a bag inducement. Cala and got our rates,. W ENTT-SI 11 a TZAR EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26 1912. id NDER.S pRzEOB CARLING'S All Stoc Having sold our store which [ a to be vacated by Jan• lst. We are offering for sale our 15,0 STOCK General Merchandise which consists of Dry Goods,Ladies and Gents Furn ishings, Carpets, Rugs, Wall Paper, China, Glassware, Boots and shoes, Hardware & Grog- eries. We can saveyou at least 25 per cent. on Dress Goods, Men's Furnishings, Underwear Carpets and ,.. all Paper. per cent®. discount on all The Advocate extends the Compliments of the Season to All. T1178 SPACE, ITAS 131 k1N T REN BT THE LOCAs, OPTION O031311.TTEE total Option TOUCHING 1 4FtT ,d a ' iwtle p ^did .s"cia11 lead "And he Oalted-9 little: chijd-,-•amd ha t they 3 Yl it, - 3 1tbeW 1?-r1x'1' I--TI?.E LEN GT1-IENED $1I3<t.) 0W S.. child, obabbUy dressed, with tOus led air, childhood feet press',ng through cme:17,r.< sloes, kiwi withal t1 eunnv sale greeted us.. "Mama:: sick," tined. • I3uth, as we entered the inotberrs €Cue:; How beautiful tlat7 n,othcr swab ha,ve been ere ,,the pe snhcil of Dr1ylc. !,rid robbed her o7 rosy cl:eek:A, flaxen I air and heaven - tit smiles. There she lay', with fevered brow, athirst. A {aoadiaa No her cas4 ed the threbbing pain 'Snu?ewhat, rest - 41:„ her head, with angel touch. Ashes cstr'ev ed the floor; :to chairs awaited , receiltleli. ;r3u want was every;; w fear. Berth parents, rete,: 1Y from the Mother eount7Y. were slaves to ,drllak. T;,F Bar hard dosis Its work;, Tor she had druhlelh. ;er. at the opsit Bar. Tear:F Ira tile Woid of the man of God tea road. "Teathough x wails ' agla the valle of the ;shadow,". her do I condemn thee," 'Let not be troubled." therm ';.unci' C have I rrgno." Therp breech, the .;slows . " Y darlills Buthy- eriod, than. 1:her tired inlet more than sinned,, 14 tlr e9 ITt'. AI- R 11 CxT OW OV T,1IZ CROSS Little Itutll wundefcl, but what could t; child o7 four sanluaer'e undcratasid. or little angel. Tier tagged tt-er mete were burned. iEavf lovely elle leaked dret,ecc% slxlew. "Will It'Uath pray?' it was night, but laowv amazed wao tthe child. was the child, "Me,ldon't 3ctlOw what you mean, Mamma" answered the fondling to the new found nllother. The intoxicating Cup had robbed tilts child of both her God and prayer,. But ad - midst a now environment the heart re.' (Conti yed on Page 5) Our New Line of Parisian Art Silver Jewell Cases, Candle Sticks etc. etc., Makes the most attractive Christmas gifts. We have a full line of jewellry, Silver ware, cut glass, and the fin- est of hand painted china. Call and inspect our stock We know we can please you S. Fitton Wedding Rings & Marriage Licenses Flour EXETER SCHOOL REPORT FOR DECEMBER Room IV --Sr. IV,. Honors, ' F Wood D Ku.alz 83, G Fitton $0„ 31 Kyeldi 79, 1 Horn 79, G Ford 75; Pa J I Delve 73, ff. K,rast: 72, 0 Macdonald 7M W 'lack 72, A. 71 e.l. 69 A Ior:ns: G9, .I' 3z3l.fifews. 08, J' Brickwood 68.; E Davis 62, G Wells 60. Jr. IV., en ors,T'f. "PMwe11 77, J ISurdo.a, 77, L Wal, ker 76, _l Waiker 75; ,pas -,..a, lI S aT1, 73, G Cat -lira 70, it lardy 69, G Davie, 08h,. SCG Ort�iein 66, it Fletcher 64, 1".! TtT. :toms taO, 77o. .ave:,ntge-.. Vesper. teacher. Room ',". -$r. 111., hectors, G rlar- Vey 80. 11 Dolle 81, 1 Zuofte 75 Pass iV H,dde1 71, V ;'ia,Ilctt 71, C 12n110t 71. C I -T a:xress x19, ',Yy Mavis 68 & Cor- nish 69, 13 Charlton 65, B ItiVers 65 i Sweet 05, Pa.s.:t , 11', To., cha n4 74, iii' Gamin 7 , C ?Sarioy 77, V 1119 69, E 1luslo 08, C Sanders 67, C 1Te3n:an. 65,. o Vera 01. No. 'ea Olt, 01, ,average 28. .L'S. Murray, Teacher Strom VI -Sr, IL honors, 8 Davie 91, G 'I7arrness 90, 31' Harvey 89, 314 ax:. Sebe lxarvey 86, :r2, Vince.t;. $a, 1' ti's e`.d- eilnatnrfer x33, ^ ' Ccznor 83, V Ro+,'., el ffe, 83, E '`?'eiig9 82, B Senior 81, S Sanders 81., B Geulcl 78, Pass, P 11arraoap 74, P Go11l:ze 7:2,'1 Davis 7e1 „ster'b,^ook GB, J Davis 60, M aloe, Aa. Class II., 3r., '1'ii versa sell 78. PasS, I, 1leddi;n 71, II ton 50. E ---^^ 06, C Davie 04. Nsr, roil 84, average 82, ki„ N, Kinsman. Teacher, 1Egin ti II -II Ci:a.ss, 1s Acheson 88, find 82, 1;i Pigmy's 8.1, D Eo fl wUl 00, :aI ICantz 79, M ,70, Inn '4$ tr Walk- er 7I, I'' S4aldera' 70, R Taylor 69, L Harries. G'3, M Norl•y 6w. J'r. II Class Powell 84, `XV Ortewain 80, G I4o41- dea 78, I Litwortlsy 09, R Davis 04 1' Burr .03., It W. twer 02. Psrt 1i Weldeeihanlaaler 86, 'i' Nor.."y 69, 1J aSailett 64, 1.4 Stalistai a 63. NO. on roil averaggo 29. 'Brio Quackenbush. teaeller 1 Iteonl VUII,--Jr. Pt. II -3 Morley .12 C Doyle '`31, C Dzvts 72; $h', Pt. 4- 'ii Scott 75, 13 Russell. 713, G Creech'' E ffolden 39, 1> Eiwerthew alb L I,riarnace+snbc d,6."0, C!as'a-J1, Giadman Ii. Seldo 1, B. Davis, L: Davis, 'S, Stant bury, II, Dignan, C. 'Webster, ,F. Hest,, man, £;. 'Powell. No, on. nail 49; aver- age attend snco ,22. 11'. W. Howard, Teacher btu 1. GE AGAINST .A.ILSA; CRAIG POSTMASTER, Ailsa Craig, Dec. 20tb1.-The investfr gaatiort into the chair ges against John Morgan, posltlm}rtster here, for ma'1- 1easance o7 office, preferred against him. by Miele Ella, Stonehouse, formerly in .his employ, were taken; up here to- day, before Mr. W,. R: Mlered!th, Lon- don, commissioner in charge of the n- viaetiga.tion,. Miss Stanehpuse, who for nearly fifteen, years, head been Mr.'1or- garh's assistant, Was discharged last+ isumuner, and atter geing to 37o.ase- Jaw, wrote the Post Office Depart- nient that Mr.' Morgan had been guilty of irregularities !n the" discharge of .his duties. The ;matter wale! at once take up, the first session being held at London, on :fonday, Dec. 16.th, when a preliminary hearing was gt.ven. It was afterwards. decided that the 'evidence be heard in open court at Ailsa. Craig, at whict place it would be much more b nvenient `for all concerned. Miss Stonehouse was represented by Mr. L. 11. Dickson of Exgter, while 'bels, Me- Diarmid of Luean and Mr. Jared Vin- ing of London Crook Mr. Morgan's' case. The first chadge wpm that Mr. Mor- gan ope.nel h letter: frakri the depart- ment by Which Mir. Walker was ap- pointed to s,uoceed Mr. Morgan.% The nest was that the postmaster„ had en- deavored to perduladie h(e5 to influence young mna to vote Liberal. Later she charged that Mir. Morgan had refused to place copies'," of the Toronto News in the letter boxes' for voters, and that he had desltoyed s'dmle circulars sent out by Mr. Ektiott;', the Conservative candidate. Mr. Morgatrt denied every one of the charges butt ome. that being the last, the des'tructien of circulars `sent out by the Cons(eryative candidate. To this Mr. Morgan ad'm'itted, saying the circulars had been addressed to every - Coupon OF 1-1. Cooke Sons & Co This coupon its good for . 4o cents on each bag of SNOW DRIFT, ; our best family flour, gtv.aig you the privilege o;_ taking one to five' bags.providing .;labs coupon ;is presented to ;us on or beforeDecember31st. 1912. Our rc ula2 .selling price of our $NOW DRIFT, 11oier without thLa coupon Is $2:7;5, i7 your present this coupon. each bang of SNOW DRIFT will only cost. you $2:35 for each bag, . Our Mill IS eguipe:d with the latest and most: modern flour mill machinery We also lave secured the' services of a. first "Cretas antLler,• who was prem vieusly e` pJ.o'yed: by one'.of the lar -gest _mills to 'Ontario.' ,Consequent-'-. l'y `R"e at;e 3t'7Crilz:; ibex .inducement 10order 167ive every 70,nta,:n an opportun. ty to try our' SNOUT' 'DRIFT flour, Every 3 guaranteed. lyre s.7, set;i.isnig ;gran.�'ait $22.00,: and Shorts, at $20.00 per, ton, fah; ton 1 s, c W]7 ALARGE BUYERS ' :BEAN BRING,S: OUT .4 SAMPLE [9�jp'� 'U esented i 111 +�s body in the visit;`.ty, :and .he destroyed' rx .ly those addressed to people who: died and others who haii moved away. Mr. 31e4 dkt,'h: thought this, za ;nos: eel-1o14s 4ftence, ,As ?,Ir. Mtorgarw -ad several witnes`ses to Ball Mx', Mer: edltiudecided to adjourn the proceedingg, until Friday next, when, the case w91 be resumed in En, n.dtzn,. PRINCESS Z J1A,, The S. S. of the Triv tt Memo€r all Cb n', sot asaii bylua f e her eb5;Schools Sny the membrhll geoprethe- seated tate difficult, but beautifw, Operetta, i6' e: Zara, in t':e Opera 1;%u=e ora Friday evening, fC ., pez ron;nance has bee.. highly. sp_i ;t of by all w o wee present, fah 1t. wa ; one of the 'Cis: amateur per•- 1 pe. f,7,41laalces 'sex.,.. -n• , in Exeter for some time, Creat at.tenitea was g1veri to afhe mlllu,est detail n. &nd dress cf. Cec.K, for w "..en the !ilia; is had.n`.rabl>''i , dr3fr;cd,. T' e 'sdh2dir;S o et; 3gttt :� 3e by :tt:iacs:s e( a n7ar;Katfy;;t, ,', lantern, e3eiltully manipulated by Mr. \V31. Clayton, added effectively: to tll;;a worts. 41111 he goods; Evil spirits, pest- soniWied by a group of 1:'ttle girls,, dressed to represent butterflies, who were itte fairies,, and a group of girls, dressed in to orthodox garb of witches, wile were able to east a ;spell or cursk2 upon Princess Zara, 'upon which the plot is coastr uc,ted. Lillian Boyle, as Princess Zara., play- ed a difficult and tryl. Past. L:ll:an gave evidence of real artlat'-e trier3 and is cap.abae e t ueadei-takings more se. ouch 'w�Prit , 7Ivdie Boyle, a.s queor,l of the But- o lly Write, p o tedd a charming -p;ctura..in tier quaint and aturact'ko res stare, er ua'aging of the song,. Butter:. Sly Fa1,triea, was ran a^ appreciated, slaty klc' 40.1, ata Grewaom, the lead: or oP i„1 e Witch: , aleo took a leaning and a most difficult part. 'Mary made' Up i; real actin; for wtrsat was lacking in an attractive coatuane, ark ',her part was p0770$nled siwo,ys in a 011041.0w. The fine Maids of I "eiaor, 1nclud°n 14lara Jessie 3atlscia, Grace Sanders and. l�l:inch Atkinson. Performed the parte of o leucite, Vicenza. and Carina, veiny' welt. Gerald 1Iurdo3 took tile part of King Butioeore, and al llougli it was Gerald's first appearance on: the stage s4a creditably did he toque ,:tai part that wo may look for ot!bev appearances in similar work. Jark So0;$lcatt, in I'ri;r!ce 1+lorizel, ably sustained his reputara'on which he made in his work !.m 'the per-. forrnance of last veer._ The kitchen scene, between Prince? Plorizet and. King Bua0oore, wail very Sunny. Harry Visite took a. ditficult p;t7t in, Baron Leiconlo. ThI.s was Harry's first effort and niucl> credit. is d.uo'hini, "W;li;;.e Davis, Clifford 3rallort, Gordon Wells and Archly Davis, atm Camilla, took the parte of pages. Wm. 1 eidexnan, Lloyd Rivers, Lloyd Stacey and Wan. $ion,- Qy took the part of gutards. The pret- tiest picture of all was the Fairies, with Maggie Gasp aq Tortiseahell,thelr Ieadi;r; Great 'credit tail dire the ladies of the S. 'S„ ',mho prspare4 the cos. tumes. 'Wm. Clayton's act, as a chauf- teur, in a. performance between tills acts was ru(iiny 1z the extreme Mr. John, lsfarkhnlm, uPo'ni whom devolvedthe responsibility of 'the whole perform- ance. acted as accompanist, assisted by Dan Sanders and Clark 8'Ishe,r, as vio- linists. The proceeds atmounted to $98. OUT FOR COUNCIL., --Messrs. R. G. ,Selden, and M. M. DOry1rd, we are given to understand, have, owing to the sc�t- icatlon of a large number of friends decided to anew their names to gra be- fore the electors of Exeter for court cillora.' 'Both- men should make excel- lent town fathers, ark they "havebeen successful busijniess' men, and good citizens'. Other names have also 'been mentioned, but these are the only two of whom we have hearthat they have definitely -Stated that they ,will be :R1.' the runhink, outsiido 3.7 the old council who will iobably all Bland. BIRTHS Dearing -In, Stephen, on Dec. 22, to Mr. and M2sr., Wes. Deas7b13, a daughter., MiOlheLl,:-IAt Celn4raiia, on Dec. 22, to . Mr. and 'Altai Warren. Mitchell a daughter. Baker. -At Cestnaflia, on Dec. 24, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Baker a son. Hogan --Irl McGillivray, on Dec. ;12, to Mr. , and Mrs. Jo♦hini 'Bogan, a 'son. Martin. -In Regina, on Dec. 15th, to lIr. and Mrs. W. Ail. 1larttrn, form erly of Exeter, a son. - Ro,.ns-ln tiF in,nipdg, on Dec. 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Diadvid Rosss r(nee May Rivers), a dauig'hrgart„ Isaac -In Biddulph, oln; Dec. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ifstaac, a son. Dickliis Is Diddnlph, oh Dec. 15, to. Mr. and Mrs.' GVil]ialai 'Dta135i5, a daught{e ,, MARRIAGES Kestle-Smell-At the bride's home, co en Dec 1813, by Rev. McAlister, Rev, James D. IK.elatle, to Mrs. Susenri,eil: Snell, widow oif the late ' Charles SAell-all of Exeter. DEATHS Blatehford: I5l Exeter North, 'Dec. 23, George it atchford, aged 85 years. Simpson -At Cleandebeye, 1.0th inset.', (Marjorie Mac rain 1y dhdld of, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sirapsom,''agd 4 months. Atkinson --At Clandeboty e cm the 10t3 1nat., 'Margaret Atki9nlslon. widow of the late James Atkinson., aged years. 9 F RlvE TO DO Y S AND GIR,i S; l.eau ifu1 Po,augkalipc11 peip wit�'.n a' 1-41.6" point, for sepiaotnly;3 lets lei our SLA.,501`N POST 'CARDS+ t ,1,0c. a set--";' ,6 lo3ndstotne cards in eat Bot.; h,09d fila Sour w'a i i THE F037 CARD taTJPPL'y CO:,, K11L1,�aulyr:�lnt. a� l>. Exeter Men's Furnishin W. W. Taman Wishes .-xL ouA; . All The Compliments Of The Season