HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-12-19, Page 7eanneen R1 n till r. ao m ax» iy 'Zg 's ip r1- a 'J Slap SOLI.&IIy, FecI Like c " he had obtained arifle and bayonet, and go he would. The women .are not behind the men, Accustomed as they are to the carrying of heavy loads, they At t who Lack 'Vigor, 'Those Who transport the food to their husbands are Dispirited and Worn Out, alzd brothers at the front - h. and ammunition are plenti- Shouid head This Cal,efany. fel_ but there is .•t. st . - provision khat Health and Reixevaod yl Fortunately. the open-air life of the tality Quic ea mountains makes the Montenegrin Return When ° RiSnt a hardy product, for t __ ,,.. ,,....,�,,,Y„ he treatment o;' -toe wounded.. neinedy is Used, "I am only thirty years old, yeti kr almost two years I have felt >ataldeamain five,n Dance more like &event I have � " t Auseriea Po found it diflacult to sae Popular In England.aII sleep at nt na in c : d the morn lea felt so de- found a . The Connaught family are nit - pressed an heav • t inf.! if not h .l that .chart was �: original. In Soule ways difficult, My hands were always Prince. Arthur is the most daringg of clammy and perspiration on slight them all in this .respect. Ile more effort would break out all over inc. than anybody else has helped to wo oat nnatura3 that I &koala[ make the quaint American dances bItegin to brc>nod over the chance the fashion in England. It is now that I should be unfit to do m recognized ii society with a large e work, and this dread made my r,SA, t}lot he will notgot a ball Aftsleepless rri#hts raerfcet,• misery tante&& the hostel:+ intends to ha''e P s some of these on her programme. and n to repeated trials of xnediczne x res, Dr. Hamilton's pills ? When staying at Welbeck Abbey. gave me the first gleans of hope I. some time ago, as the guest of the• From the verb first I could see they Duke and Duchess of Portland, he were different in action from other l discovered a few hours before the als, They �idat ripe and acted great hall given on that occasion, as naturally as if nature that .there was not o single "two, and not, „} single tR' talo pills wore cleaxisitlg, xz►y clogged, i step Or others innovation on the Iip sl ste x. :7al'y spirits rose,fe l programme. 11,9iereaz on he went 1 inucli; better, The sluggish a vol t to the Duchess, who pis' extremely of the system gave way to nrm conventional, and said this would a 'v' not c,l o do t t a . z , Dizziness t all - sed, , ,� D ,� Bess aizal iteadaebes:1 oared, ixl?potitat.. gond color and, • The Prince is very genial and anllaateern t9 work returned, and pleasant, lout has a knack of getting oohed. ana. lista a, nein his own way. "TTbe' dancing- I blank Dr. Halzailt all's' master for the next few liours,a' he it IL,A anfcaraxled bielioetess, "arid I stall PRINCE ARTHUR I5 4I1 LtI. l2i:a This was the oxpeionce of 3'. E. I eachouse< arty how to donf the members of the Parklmet, a well known grocery p ,a oe these de" dealer in Jefferaan. Follow his ad- lighth l steps. vice, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills for Very soon he had initiated Lady r stozna.eh, kidneys and liver, Victoria Cavendish-Bentick into the ! ,'you'll enjoy 1o0t life and ro- 'Intricacies of the "Turkey'Trot," t good, health, All druggists' and at appears that even the Duda• [ storekeepere sell Dr, lima- ' ess of Portland herself, the melt. Pelle, e, per box, 5. boxes txt�tely Duchees in England, els postpaid from the a a vietim to its attractions. Co., Buffalo, N.` ,, Canada, for S' Catarr. and Kinirs 111ONTE 'lafll Q IN iI'�IC T 31.+';. Graphie 14'en-I'ictllria lis tl Nerd paper C'orre$ Even in tip*� of leace, Ionteno- gee is one ost picturesque. and interesting *corners of Europe; during the recent war against the Turks the oountry of the Black Mountain had a fresh faseination for the observer from the lvest, A correspondent of the London Times writes thus of the piquant civiliza- tions that he saw Ia the streets of 'odgori tza.: Side by side'vitll the Montenegrin 'soldiers in greenish khaki uniforms, with light shoes for climbing over the reeks, walk wild -looking ,Alban- ians, eaaell man clad in fa.ntastie clothes of grayish -white home-made .cloth, trimmed with• black braid, a sheepskin over his shoulders, and a rifle, thin, murderous -looking bayonet, slung across his back, Montenegrin women, wearing the long, ,sleeveless coat and carrying heavy loads, -for the wolnen form. the real commissary department of the army,—pass along the street, their ranks broken now and then at the creaking of an old-time ox -fart, with wheels four feet high, or at the ho'tine of a very modern motor - Well -to-do Montenegrins, in rclern dress of red and blue and gold lace, mingle under the trees with peasants who wear the old whitish -gray national dress and carry old-fashioned rifles and as many cartridge -belts as they can get round their waists. In the soldiers clad in khaki and armed with excellent modern wea- pons lives the spirit of a bygone age. There have been many exam- pace „of dash and audacity that might well be the envy of any army. 13ut misdirected and in somecases carried out in spite of the commands of the officers, they have merely led to unnecessary loss of life. All elasses of the population are ani- mated by enthusiasm for their coun- try's cause, by the pride of clan, and by the inborn hatred of the Turk. From all parts of Europe and fromAmerica have .come Mon tenegrins anxious to take up arms. Yesterdayat the little; village of Reika I found in the temporary hospital two wounded soldiers who, although just returned from Ameri- ea after many years of absence, were as full of ardor as if they had lived all their lives in continual fear of the Turk. At the same place, waiting for: the little. steamer that plies to Virpazar,were old men armed with rifles, on their way to join`the army, and a boy of four- teen, whore his mother in vain ,im- plored -ea stay at home. Somehow den car. are .best for nursing mothers because they, do not affect the rest of .the ystem. Miidbutsure.25o.- bc,r , t your' druggist s. ' Il tUR AND OMEM CAE. CRNAO G. Artl'�d• l6.. MR. WILLLIM ALLAN BLACK. General manager of the Ogil vie Milling Company. IF YOUR BABY IS SICK' GIVE BABY'S OWN TABLETS The little ills of babyhood and childhood should be treated prompt- ly, or they may prove serous. An occasional dose of Baby's Own J Tablets will regulate the stomach and bowels and keep your little ones well. Or they will promptly restore health if sickness tames un- expectedly. Mrs. Lenora M. Thompson, Oil Springs, Crt... says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my little girls as on«as:o a re- quired, and have found them al ways of the greatest help. No mother. in my opinion, should be without the Tablets."- Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. _.k MATCHES FROM STRAW. Scarcity of Lumber ; C.ells for Orad Substitutes. The annual consumption of wood in the manufacture of matches is next to incredible. In view of the scarcity of lumber and its cense- quent high prices Carre, an Eng- lishman, offers what he claims to be an efficient and economical sub- stitute which he calls artificial wood. It is a composite made of straw and dried grass. The straw is passed through crushing, rolls, thence through cv- Ei d — SCALES,EJAIIIII1OFF pecie Death . From Day to Day an ,..icnu 1 Another Ae t r Se Where Life Watt Saved and Health .Restored Head so Itchy Could Hardly Stand by. l erviline. 1t, Dandruff Showed on Coat Col- lar, Cuticura SOap and Ointment Cured in One Month, 223 Elizabeth. St., 3Zpntrea1, Quo. .»Cutl- Cura Soap and, Ointment coxed me perma.- ?zently from dandruff and scalp itch that I was Battering with Ino over • a year. T had an inflammation of tho lungs and a very strong rover. when I recovered. my head was covered with scales, and dandruff, and it;vas sp'itetiy 1 coulrt hardly stand it. The dandruff showed on goy coat collar. 'I had, used various medicines without relief: 1 heard of Cuticura ,Soap and Ointment and decided to try them and m za it. bemuse 1 am dry glad of a perfectly cured. X used two boxes of Cuticura Ointment with the Cuticura Soap. It took one month to cure me. I take pleasure in recoremenjfng Cuti tura Soap and Ointment to' anyone who is. suffering with scalp or skin dlseasee.': (admen) 31octor k'erras, I:ec. 30. lent.. TO REMOVE DANDRUFF :Prevent falling hair, remove crusts and stales, and allay itching and irritation; of the scalp, frequent shampoos with Cuticura Snap. assisted by occasional dressings ?flttt Cattieura Ointment, afford the speediest and rtmet economical treatment. They assist la Mutating the growth and beauty of the• hair by removing those conditions which tend to make it dry, thin, and lifeless, often caning to premature grayness and loss or hair. Cuticum Soap and Cuticura oifrtlncnt' aro sold by.drugflsts and dealers throughout the world, Liberal e#rmple of tach mailed„ fro, 'with ,,,,„> -p, :akin Book. Arld�$ss. post card trotter Drug dr Chem. Corp., Dept,. 4OI?. Boston. V.:3, A.. "BLEEDERS” IN ROYALTY. Strange Malady of Czar's Heir A. Teets Other Families. In Russia. .very serzotle alarm : has o been aroused by the remit pro- nouncement of the Court medical advisers to the effect that the. Czar'e heir is a haemophilic, in other words a "bleeder." This ex- traordinary malady has cropped up at intervals sinee the early Middle Ages among scions of European royal families. -; In popular language the vietiins of this constitutional tendency to bleed 'excessively after compara- tively slight injuries have been said to have `.'only, one ekin instead of three." The truth is of course that haemo- philias have the same number of skins as any one -else, namely, one, but that their blood licks to ,a greater or less degree that power of Coagulation or Clotting which in normal persons leads to natural arrest of hemorrhage after any ex- cept very serious injuries to large blood vessels. At the present time it would seem that haemophilia is more prevalent than ever among princes. The late Duke of Albany suffered from it and eventually died of it. The second son of the King and Queen of Spain is said to be afflict- ed by it and to be incurably deaf in `consequence of hemorrhage into the internal ear. Rumors are also current that the Hohenzollerns are not exempt from it and that some of Queen Mary's relations are haemophilic to a slight degree, The disease hardly ever occurs in females, but is handed down almost exclusively through the female line. That is to say, the ehildren of a male haemophilic are not likely to suffer from the disease, whereas the male offspring of a fe- male'whose brothers are "bleeders" are eligible for the display of laemophilia. In view of the youth of the Czar -'s on and the serious illness through which he has passed the constitu- ional delicacy from which he' ap- ears to suffer is bound to occasion he utmost concern for his future mong the whole Russian people nd the greatest sympathy through- ut Europe. t c t p t a 0 Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. These Boys! Howard—Hasn't Bachelor wait- ed •rather long before choosing ^a wife 2 Coward—Bless you, not He's only had a marrying income since he was sixty. Mrs. Kawler-Who is the smart - t boy in your school; Bobby? coley—Well, Johnny Smith says he Mrs. Kawler`—But who' do you ink is 9 Bobby—I'd rather not y. I'm not so' conceited as Johnny e 13 is th sa lindrieal cutters, which divide it Smith. into strips, afterward supplied with an adhesive, bile strips inclosed at both ends with layers of paper, are forced through other rolls, and t1u ough linked molds in the form of a chain, where they are subject- ed to heat and pressure, whence they emerge in the form of round splits and are then cut to the pro- per length for matches. ' It is thought possible that this product may be also used for building- pur- poses. A fear of becoming ridiculous is ri, good guide' in life; and will "seen a man from, all', sorts of scrapes. One trouble , with the faintly i keleton "s'; lrat it .refuses to stay le the eIosetlr E X We have all read and heard the agonies of sciatica, but o those who have been tortured this dread malady can fully app ciate what it must mean to cured after years of suffering, It is because he feeds it, ,his sol- emn. duty to, tell to the world his. faith in Nerviliaxe that VictorP. b Hires makes the following declare - tion. "For three years I was in the Royal Mail service, and in all kinds of weather had to meet the night trains. Dampness, .Hess c 1 P d , o ori. , d earineeneenttre SAW DIFFERS FROM. SWORD Odd Fish Commonly Found in Trop foal Seas. ,d3, Related to the sharks are the.edd saw fishes of the tropics apical: are - ETI WREN .RE�i YO U'R ; TIRED 'You wail find it wnndgrflxi efreshing TO:)0113 +' common in the, lagoons, bayous and sounds of the West Indies and the southern •coast. These fish grow to a length wy ev,-fxve; of feet; and oafs ttheyentarte otwf noentyreal} my i value are never fished or heated to b,y' any extent, re In fact, the fishermen s xxnen dread .ad the. be - preatures, for they often. beeozne et z entangled e 1 x d n. g their nets r el;s and xi and P n tear there to pieces by lateral jerks and sweeps of the: huge,"saw" on the :nose, This "saw" its a bony elongation of•the ,nose and is armed on either side with large, sharp, strong teeth, and in the g , e largest ; fish"r „ tines sa'as grow to be five or six feet long and nearly a foot wide. Very different from the saw fish is the ;sword fish, which' is related i to the mackerels and is of great value for food and is widely and ae; siduoualy hunted or fished on the southern New England coast as wen as in the Gulf of Mexico and in the 'West Indies. The sword fish is a splendid ereature, often weighs a six leindred pounds aan exposure brought on sciatica, th affected my left side. Sometim an attack would comm e on that zea me powerless to work, I was nearly a complete *nipple that had to give up my job. I was despair, completely cast down, b cause the money I had spent trying to get well was wasted. was apeaking to my chemist o day, and he reememended 'Ner line.' I had this good liniment ont rubbed on severaltimes a day an got relief. I continued this treat ment four months and was :cured I have used all kinds of liniments and can truthfully say that Nervi line is far stronger, more pee trating and infinitely better thou anything else for relieving pain, urge everyone with lumbago, nen ra}gia, rheumatism, or sciatica, to use Nerviliue. I know it will euro them." at es de Q S. in n 1 ne def pieree the strongest ezaice?,n of a' boat. ' e 1' t sustains and cheers Motorist --"I haven't paid a cent , for .repairs on in machine in all the ten months I've bad it." Friend —"So the mart who didthe re airy told me."P --T._ FARM FOR seta. H. W. fiAwScall, tdine,ty Colborne Str. Toronto. .N.D.RED AUDES-COUNTT Zi Ciszcx ly Goad, • house, Buildings: O.rci';ard* eag and en easy , germs. k 3 d3ynS3 ACRES FIITZf Gf olA and arP,in orchard.: ab�otW rw> miles from Iiarnilzon. H. W. DAWSOtd. Toronto. L I'r i•'�5,1t-.,'IFT�C ::'tlN?f FS Il� . > lsin C satalty, &lila good, sand wens: =telalc.a. elialrriea; 5 acres ateacr;t—r l -lateen acres ralipberrieh and i-intlt buaidinge fair: Would exchange for farm or city property., Western Estate. Leaden• Out, Get Nerviliee to -day, large fam- ily' size, enc. ; trial size, eee. , all dealers or The Oatarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y. and Kingston, Canada, fy cans, Proving It. Mre. Xnagg "Harts yowl been telling the neighbors that you were henpecked?" Mr. Knagg---."Why, you know, my love, I wouldn't have the nerve to say a thing like that." Mlnard'e Liniment Cures Dinhthorla,. By Way of Illustration. Artiste -Bahl What do you know about pictures? You are no artist! Critical Friend—No, and neither am I' a hen, but I can tell a bad egg when T see it. WHY NOT SPEND THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIAI Attractive rates will be quoted by rarl• able routes, affording iincst scenery.The Lae Angelee Limited, leaving Chicago the Francisco OvSouthern landeLimited leas. Ina Chicago 8:30 p.m., lens than three days in rn ailway travel. The China, andest of rJapan Santa Franciiiscohiand LosilAngeles.p Illus. !rated literature on application to B. I'i,E, Bennett. General al A cn tr t Chicago . and North woBiern By.. 46 Tonga St:, Toronto, Ont. A. Rapid Counter. Willie was wakeful, and his we- ther told him to count and keep on counting until he went to sleep. All was quiet for about an hour, when he called : "Mamma." "Well, dear, what is it?" "What comes after trillions?" Make Her Another. Wife (tearfully)—You have broken the promise you made nae Husband (kissing her)—Never mind, my dear, don't cry; I'll make you another. Thoroughness. Mistress (to new butler) --"Oh, James, I found this bowl, chipped and cracked in the pantry this af- ternoon." Tames—"I am not the culprit, madam ; I never .'chips nor cracks. When I breaks I smashes utterly." CO1 SUMPTIOtt' All suffering from Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Weak Lungs, or a Weak Throat, should write for parti- culars of my medicine. It never fails. It satisfies you that it does you good. WM. R. COPELAN0, 511 Pape; Ave., Toronto, Ont. Ultra Fashionable. Pop Korn -"Is this here suit up - ter -date ?" - Village Tailor—"they wore this style in the ' city only ten years ago ' b Mlnard's •Liniment Cures Distemper. Strange, Nantes. l3ritish Guiana is a land of quaint' Christi names. Rev. L, Crooall quotes. from the baptismal register of the. church in which he minister- ed to a congregation of all the col- ors, Nannie Bellona, Queen Eliza- beth,: Prince Albert, John ;' Pinta - loon and:Frank Locust. One negro whose child he christened was called Whiskey Emmanuel. • Another black man.brought his child, and when the minister asked the name. replied, "`Seriatim 'ad Valorem." Another gave' a puzzling answer' which sounded Iike "Ax, parson,"` and when requested ` to explain, said: "`Weal, parson, my mind /gin': loci go troo• de New Test x,�ent. I have had four boy; one was call ed Matthew, another Mark,, another; Luke and another John, and this is 1cts, parson." London G�bronaole,li Christian ,�linartlPs, Littlnlesti rlxtt ay e;P The Stranger. A stranger knocked at a loan door and told him of a fortune l be ;rade, "Um," saidthe inan, "it appears. that considerable effort will be in- volved," "Oh, yes," said the stranger "you will mass' many sleepless nights and toilsome days." "Urn," said the man, "and who are you ?" ""I am called Opportunity." "Um," said the man, "you call yourself Opportunity, but you look like Hard Work to me," And he slammed the door, I was cured of painful Goltro by MIN ARM'S LINIMENT. BAYAItD McM !CLIP*. Chatham, Ont. I wah cured of Inflammation by MIN- AItD'S LINIMENT. MRS, W. A. JOIENSON. Walsh. Ont. I was cored of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S tlNIM NT.; Parkdale, Ont, J, 71. 'BAILEY Comparative. "1 think it must be awful to have a, wife that goes through your pock- ets every time she gets a chance in search of loose ohmage," said. Wil loughby. ,. "Oh,ha t ta s only a nxinar afflic- tion," said Barrows. "It's the wife that goes through your whole bank account that gets on my nerves." Dr. Morse's Indian Root PiUs are made according to a formula hn use nearly a century ago among the Indians, and learned from them by Dr. Morse. Though repeated at- tempts have been made, by physi- cians and chemists, it has been found impossible to improve the formula or the pills. ` Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills area household remedy through- out the world for Constipation and all Kidney and Liver troubles. They act promptly and effectively, and !s Cleanse the System If Toronto Keeps row ng And It Is Sure To Figure your profit In five years,-Slx- roomed House with all conveniences, $2,500 to 02,800, bringing In 022 to 625. per month rent, and can be bought with 6500 or 5800 down. Will soon pay for itself. Write for particulars. J. R. LeROY 00. 771 Queen E;, 'TORONTO: ,aperommommsessaaa EviARn¢,,..d i.. ,sec FARMS WANTED. tt tIrMs SP,+t14TED--Low PUICEB F0I3, 8' ' oldcountry buyers. d, Drummer, 7 8 Toronto o Si.,, l'Oronto, STAMPS AND COINS. half' c0LL5GTonS-FitTNA Lxa D15'.. ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue, Mourn, only Seven Canto. Marks Stamp Company. Toronto, HELP WANTEiI. 4NADIA?I' GOVERNMENT' Railway Mail Cter2o ; 550,00 etanlinatiana everywhere tsoou, s,: uuestioas rre-e, Fr ilkiip De n't J 153, Rochester,' „Z, Y. 9 Lrior Co.. Li ISCELL*NECUS, 'i'GTSIOE5 Lilli coli. FTil.. nal and es{«:rnai. cured with* Y aur home treatment. Write 00 late. Dr. Dellmao Medical d. 'ollint wood, Ont. (1 ALI, STONES. KIDNEY AND f1i;dlSa all" der Stones. Kidney trouble. Gr.' vet, Lumbago and kindred ailments po„at.veiy cured with the new German Retocdy. "Sonet," price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure cure. 1e! "Aanol's Anti -Diabetes." Price -63,00 front drugglsta or direct. The Stool Manufao. taring Company of Canada, Limited.. Winnipeg, Man. Men's Seats FRENCH•QLEASEB iioNt Work in t➢an,tda• Gold hie dais t RRUTISII AWE'iCAN DYEIN , CQ, P. 0,, IIOX, 239, MONTR'A1. Can you Solve This PUZZLE? Cunt the number of faces Santa bus stowed away in hie whiskers and face and win a. prize. 1st prize, pair hockey skates 2nd prize, boys' or girls' watch 3rd prize, printtng outfit or dolt Three beautiful gold and silver em- bossed Christmas Cards given to every boy or girl -tvho .tries: Cut out ad. and mark faces with cross and mail to ns to -day with your name and address written plainly. TORONTO TRADING CO. 454 Logan Ave., Toronto, Canada •BROWN'S TREES" ,. ^tea, m®WN3 NURSERIES, WELLAND COUNTY, OI' T. � ewillr,al) .d Res , 31 1. The Raria is recognized azs- > �tFxe best lamp ;Wade, It gives. a 'clear, steady light' soft 'and mellow- the ideal lamp, ac- cording to best authorities, for all work 'requiring close attentions of the eyes (far superior to gas and electricity), •• The Lighted without removing chimney or sha%Ye. Easy to clean ant rpoo iricxpensive Eeono+xxacal; IYlade;Ix� various styles, anrl'fos alt, puryao,ew.,: A'r ile�oferx ¢ieiYca.111 a THE 66 11P.ERiA .. 01L 000IRAl�y' ',,tonoiitiS'''O; ., :; i3�,trr~stl� molVT:ssitt ke I " Slit 1:RE,t^„ L Irl ffiT.JoHr4 y ht,z rt %f4 ?7Y !.d iG ?ur 4