HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-12-19, Page 6sh that Frithie nye," brother "No,"' she said; "you are mis- taken. I know that you are fond of l>irn; but, if he were like a bro- ther to you, thou you would under stand him; you would trust him through everything as 1 do." "Sigrid," he said, passionately, arra not going to,let this come ns t You know that I love all my heart,. you _1>now oak i -io anythi:sg in the cord for you, but even for lover of r e ozi I can not -fake inyseif believe clack is white." tint not reproacchirtg you be- cause you do not think as we think," she said, quickly. "But in ono wary this must ooze between ua"Rush !" he said, imploringly; ait a, little longer. I will not to- day ask you for your answer; 1 will. wait as long as you please; but don't speak now while your mind is full of this trouble," "if I de -not speak now, when do you think I shall be more at lei- ure f" she asked, coldIy. "Oil E it seems a light thing to you, and you are kind, and pass it over, and liits1ai it up, but you don't realize how no dies•- bitter it is to a Norwegian to leave cru must such a, shadow cast on his honesty. at write Do you think that even if ;you .fora get tt we eau 'that the oilierrt)rme ei in the sh p h thinkd CEY TEA— sue and Clean t K, MIXED OR Sealed Patkets 0 wUR , GREEN Beware 'of Imitatio h oat ly explaci have etwally 1 icau laud, aarruthexaa #rox>a: 'alta is radeetioins: were ie entraa�nee of two very ;recce ad owei agaiin Ise lea wedPr on the 'arias until aa tori °whit for aao t, left wo Old baa absent;°ritlziot"s. hag into a hen• ed to nrta' to the model b .d atigsrag c,omo the oenter, trlrck by as e It hist. Th tlaiof ewer iii r. eat eek toaa," your viewl Do yen think that Mr.' "Horned^ , agrees with you f" "Perhaps not. ''hast dna I care r them'!" aaaid: Roy. ""No ; that is lust it, To you it as That a a inatter��of ilidifferene e, but to Fri- i tour thief it iia just a daily torture. And meat y li would have me think of hap -10011S, czna, Chess while he :is miserable I You ! utast t ld have fine fat and leave hint' week WA ov :amour gwherever a 'e' Ake r Fid.eteadfoFinish. Sed *hat aha trademark: t3 on every" $tone., R1NG orro OI Bal it King King Otto of Bavaria, now sixty-, four years old, and known the world over as the"ora;y King,', seems far from death, as he spends, most of his time pitting on the ground gazing. into space. I1 appears healthy and strong, and it is believed he has astili many yeas to live. His lander dates back to nearly "'s deeado prior to the tregio death -of his elder bro. their, Louis IL E ; :1 i O MON R AL.. rd Re.9t Tear in Its History. ciao Bank of Montreal is one af. id€st os well os one of ua*r raalssia'tatat huaneia,l iustitar- eamplaaaaaned by the fact he noel Report. held this he owl fire the Bank' Bank n;t rearl oocu.- hen at any moment he may breale , htstor ^, 'f'lae y own again i" eying n more important place i "I, would never tisk you to leave the finenciel, corninorcial and in ct; mm, staid Ray. our merriage dustriui expansion of the Dorninitar:.. , would not la.l1 involve that, It would The Annual Report prtlsented, be as proof to him of how little thin which covered theyear ending the cc wretchedd'buaainess affects my opiu-131st-October, me, ehowed net pro-. ar ion of him; it would prove to all the, fits for the year of $2.513.050, wbiala world that we dont ttegard it ata with a halo ;race brought forward irt€r' brat the mer'st accident," y'$1,85`x,1)0 end the premiums on new third; the world would ��, stock amounting to ?634,000, make Ced 4" said Sigrid, very . rs total of over $5,207,000 available s frill tell you ..rife.. it.o for distribution. Quarterly divi sir e as raise "fall" pigs and hove them fro- au:l fat for irie fay market. AU You need is a latleectr. crewed 44INTERNATIONAL STOCK F000.1°' Feed "INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD" with a combine-. tion of ground, corn, oats And rye- and,they wall not only keep healthy, but also fatten sap in a way to astonish your neighbors. The average pig does not digest more than half of the grain fed. The other half is wasted "INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD" (roues up the digestive apparatus, insures perfect digestion, and thus .ves this wasteiagrahn, " INTERNATIONAL. STOCK FOOD LI a purely' utcgetable preparation—a wonderful tonic -that keeps bogs well and vigorous, anti protects them against thee. ravages of Pneumonia and Cholera as ever srt care of 14411tiiti+a; nt time,It capita t load rest a+: n deposits, total a' natters, luakes it p take a, leeding pine ural and industrial e:pau untry, ddresses of the President neral. Manager were bot fiver reviews of the On *al and inch/atria ae throughout ox the Prost - d to the DeWitt. masterly crura ,ions, prevaailieg The address l hine, Mr, An - conditions n were uta - satisfactory long s or pro" pardu�p gain other fitted e fin - oft octane ountry f 'f sri just will look at th ny non u think crowded he mama ; but you, and I oa to seine ritlaiof returned a ariinane, dna the neat ma; ntisei pt e which so much to the composer and aala,s t to the publisher. Boy eed through the first. "The naval style of thing," h ,aa in sand. "Moon, man, and. maid, raft .the table was .strewn with collars and hill, quarrel, kisses—all based a Cufa: "I thought it wa$s Mrs. Haallifield'. ohm° to scrub the kitchen," she ex- claimed, ""or' I should not have y os ante; you are right; .pried 'Come fitly .so unceremoff the Rose vas, Yea, tl ' eusly, Cecil told ua you were ex - that refrain. We will send- it to pe Martino and see what he thinks of "Will you forgive me for coarsing it. Tell Mr, Carruthers that his et this hour t" he began, ,eagerly. shall hear about it hack a month or `'1 knew it was the only time I was tern. Resides, it is not only pride. two. And tike, him hack this moon- supe to find you at home, an i --,1 It is that I can't think of happz light affair. Don't go Yet; he een oo k1n't rest till 1 hand: seen yoiness while Frithnof is miserable. My wait on tenter -hooks a. little longer. "It Was Teri good of you to first duty is to him and how could Of ocurse they have told. me a at home about all this fuse oaf Mon- day, and I' want you to promise me one ,thing'`' "What is that?" said Frithjof. "That you won't worry about this miserable Ave -pound note. That, if yo never think of it again, you will remember that my father and I both regard the accident as if it had never happened." "Then you too take his 'view of the affair'1" said )~ ritlu f. "Yes, it seems to me the only. reasonable one; but don't let us talk of a thing that is blotted out y It would say that .I is accl donde and two bonuses absorbed t�cl y91.1 that you could not 8 *1,694,000. The sum of $1,000,000 ;tad that, in spite of was transferred to rest account, flee, you were oblig.$1,000,000 to contingent account, ea And that 404 :and $511,000 expended on bank never a said premises, which loft a balance to "For Heaven's sake don't let be carried forward of $802,000. The titer miserable gossip, the worthless Bunk has, now total assets of nearly (. of oche opinion of outsidere, make our $tI37,0Q0,000, making oit one of the ad asinese the p strongest iananede' Inetitutions on loves tnsaratble, What do we cairn et businea}s-like lite continent. During the year it aieµaa stsid " Ter the menial It is nothing, us• inareaa ,eta air ofFlit them say what they wall; acs izaesase peri ded, long as they only say hies what dif t ruay, to zzaas ,iger impati- £ereaee does it snake to us'f t s d lt.' had eI aao right there "You don't know what you a' she said rind for talking about,"e , -f 8 sortv i eat a Thi ar T t at fee 1 gthe first time the tears, rushed to over }ziat appineass ars he "< it nun her eyes. Your life has boon a arerked at theba familiar'door. A sheltered and happy. But out oitte tv t tfromscba find enter, Japan -a- there in Bergen I have had to betas trgitsg behind the .e..aslaeswa that there is .a big demand foundSigrid hard at coldness and contetinpt, and.the the country for banking accommo- iso screen g. S S g e' knowledge that even death dad net dation, and that the Punk of Mont - brownironing, ,pre wore a lova shield father from the poisonous hollanda non and bib over s i � mail is doing its full. aalatlre in.eater- her black Ptongues of the slanderers. Lies: ing to the business needs of the her edbdress,,rher revealing rouwernd, can't make, the things the sae: turned book ra�ea'<ling her round, � lies y true, commutii:tncs where ata branches white :arms up�to the' elbow, and, but do you think that'hes have no' are located. power to harm you'i no power to The year was the first under the torture you t Obi before you taay general management of Mr. 11. V. that you should just try." Meredith; and the fact that the "But don't you see,"he urged,' profits for the yoaar wero some ""that it is only a forni of pride $2x,000 greeter than those of the which you are giving way tot It is previous year., must be regarded as only that which is keeping us not only satisfactory to the share. apart." holders, but as. complimentary to ""And' -what if it is," she replied, the foresight and business sagacity her eyes flashing. "A woman has of the General Manager. It is a right to be proud in such mat - cel its ,paidup capital to $10'- ,.pf1, increased its rest accounti a similar sunt, made large gains depositsi and in current 1oan5,' ped A numboa of new branches, and otherwise kept pace with the growing proaperity of the Domin- o The fact that the Bank made current loans of nearly $.124,O40,OOO on 'So the Story.Goes.' 1 don't think this is worth sending to the reader. What's the otherl Words b 5 b 'If Loverwere what Arcs you one very 'meal is iz£fartng N a-DrueenDyspepeiaWet of I - of those to whom another source of come," she said, coloring a little; I haunt my happiness in his facet "you won't mind if I just finish my how could 1 now bring back to him work while we talk?' the remembrance of all his past "1 have seen Frithiuf," he said, troubles I" ., rather nervously. "He is looking "At leastwait," pleaded Roy better . than I had expected after ones more; "at least let me once such an annoyance." more ask your final answer a few "You have spoken to hien about months hence." it 1„ "I will wait until'Frithiof's name "Only for t ' minute or two. is cleared," she said, passionately.. Alter all, what is there to say but "You may ask me again then, not that the whole affair must be for- before." - gotten, and never again mentioned "Sigrid," he said, "I will not by a soul. I want so to make you urge you any more. It .shall be as understand that it is to us nothing you wish. Other men have had to at all, that it is ridiculous to sup -1 wait. I suppose I, too, can bear pose that it can affect' our thoughts it. I only ask one thing, tell me of him. _ It was the sort of thing this once that you love me. that might happen to any one after 1 Ile; saw the lovely color flood her such an illness!' cheek, she turned toward him si- Sigrid looked up at him. lently but with all her soul in her "You take that view of it," she eves. She loved him he loved her said, slowly. "Somehow I had with the whole- strength of his be- hoped you would have been able to ing. Was it likely that a miserable find the true explanation." five -pound note could forever di' ' If there were any other you vide them': Poor Roy t es Sigrid surely know that I would seek for had said,he had lived snob a sliel it with all my' might," said Boy. tered .life. He knew so little of the ""But" I do not see how any any ,other: world: explanationcan possibly exist." (To be continued.) She sighed. _ "You are disappointed," he said. "You thought 1 should have talker the view that 'Carlo Donati takes. I ori.ly wish 1. 'could. But, you see, my nature Is more prosaic. I can °t mal believe myselfe ieve a thine o present ratiaatistie i acing rr the 'por rnd and 1 tight be expo onditions touched u :pension, the iuere the growth of mart- alg, railroad development, the shipping industry, and, practi- cally aspeaktng, every phase of our cornmeroial and industrial expan- iotl. Meredith is his aaddress, aha re- d more particularly to Of the Bank and the bank. inese. He' touched on the ing revision of the Bank and intimated that there might be A few minor ehangos, al- though in the main the present Act was giving.,satisfactory service, Ha also dealt in an able and compre- hensive way with the increased cost of living and.the charge that. the banks throughout the Dominion were not paying sufficient atten- tion to the farming communities, Be denied the charge that'' the banks encouraged• farmers to be- come depositors and not borrow- ors, and stated that in so far as his Bank was concerned many ,millions were on loan to farmers and small traders. Altogether, the addressee of theh doubtful if the Bank of Montreal two heads of the Bank, like the &nuual Report itself, eptly satisfactory to holders present, and a egtaally so to business in outs the eouutr'y as well, SAVED BY. A HO1tSl+, The Animal Showed Almost Huutan Understanding. 9 eini tt. share prove t�tugli� Ilaraclanie, an Ar tth horse*owatc y Pierre Iona �Zdiue s xn the Masson Moat, was sal favorite en sic . and it iellign ays,, in "Lit 1p that its VAN a� him tease his was eleauing*tile sta- as teeth he would aly"ly ,a belt, extract his nz the cap, acinus of has greened o beth high up .pother tinzsa ho showed an al - St ksumaarl unclersstandzug. }kt.rs fidirse was riding liar. We re returning from a ride on,E ©r�etaitzg, and as we entered th4 a, wes had to pass through cies sway and then turn sharply into arrow lane, Just riaa we eniored: arch, with ••my wife leading the. ty, A' bland of children *zone ratt- ing down the lane, and one after the other, as they turned the oar - near, they ran into Hutndante, when was eantering and, As usual, prance, ins,. I turned cold with horror aa 1 foresaw ,_. tho awful accident that seamed unavoidable. Tho wise crea- ture understood the danger as well as I did, and in a second stopped short and threw himself back, sit- ting literally like a dog on his haunehea with fore legs well spread, receiving one after another the chil- dren, who ran full into his arms, as it were. Hard as the position was for horse and rider, he *kept it up until the last child had run round the corner into him. The little ones' pinked themselves up, quite un .on- scious of the fate from which' t o horse's kindness had waved them. e Fli Goad Sehem. c`Out at my uncle's the people go to bed with the chickens. t'" ""well, athe price chickens sellwill ; tvaext digesteaipny tour oisordered stomach toabie meals, and will ill ihc�.,videnotncos ULaare;rgaixsst it." at now. they are 'certainly worth r, watClllYS i aiol ming you; saaid soon restore it to such 'perfect coif- Sigrid "il fee! that t yeti ""It is quite natural, and dttton that you newer 4 of course most en_�ployers would have a stomach. one. e. after hU ve taken a far has Bier vin of meal. 50c. a tBoc at your + the matt and turned b rithioi off teggist'so " Made by the National zt •, a nioment'.`i nr,tiee tYou a"zri aiad" Clheialical Co.: of Gataada; m.667.��y}1c�nb'' iso repoin't 8 '.,h£ e Ian ndne.` Br :waM' ; .,.a., ' ;[ra ` 0li 1' 0 .n 1 goad rest Card to - day #'or, how to manta ad sy Pctoke ne 'Send at ouac beFore they cm ",n x°'111,6(.., Ad o,ttrenf i . M. .art 'J "!'IOW"Jiore%Ji Comp A root like this won a prize last year. _ a ' '' 'HE drawing was 'made from a photograph of the root -cellar with which . P irdy, of Liu.msden, Sask., won a cash, prize in last 'year's contest. In'that last contest there were '36 prizes. There will be thres lazes as many prizes (108) in the 191.. FARMERS' PRIZE CONTEST HUS you will have three times ns many chances of 'iv m ing a dsash ;prize.. 5rou do not have to rose any: certain amount. of Canada Cement