Exeter Advocate, 1912-12-19, Page 4ca
arc,c4, 'Nona^ °
1HILTRSDA.1( DEO.. 19, '12
- unportanc move :bee been takea b
Hon,. W. T. White designed,: to save
- a eeree eight matelona' deillars
preposes to deraote part or the 15
eer 20 millioas dellars 8110-TiLtEt
'will be able to arrnouneodgee his
aPeech this -Year to, the aura
7 -area -se ,at Grand Trunk Pacific three per
t•cnd,s guatateteed by the gevern-
- ennent
-aeld thereby bacegs stonea
:aatalevi, the Jr'agreepwas drawn tea
aeteawear. the Laurier government
-anti 'the. grand Trunk elauee
Lortewn Pee the "implementing- clause
--eras inserted, Thie elause provided, teat
atae diftereace between tile aelling place
-eft tee comeenee berde and the Vac
wa.lue, provided ct,1-4.t the sealing' Wize
erae below p3r, shattid be p,..gel by the
Dorolnioa geverlintear, Thia±ieYeater-
Ear aciter 1taa already cost 'the couturY
cgome tiro nriliron dollars. and but rar
actian of Mr. White would eaat Can
eight mitioa dellare mare.
Thee grand Tateale Pacific. beads have
brought very high peic4 o1 the
eey rn.a.rket.t prearatt eyatand
Borade have' bee r 1ssit.-,???.. Car 7,,
000., Thee gaayeennealt bee ead
dIffeeertee between the etalting
Po" and LAT ltef the compaetaa eted laet
eheek fee* coel 'eve ea101',..xe
tefee 'tektite G.T.P. It was
/ tiee cemeana atad an a
the, ceuntry•
sine to be ''aistteal wata
We Or thrq?
., 5. Ataer
b044:1E1 Ve".) tgldQfl'e
maritc3t price
tenvir.gt ' 6
Dr. Shaw, Phyeleian for the House
o Refuge, relleatO tat tha health a
ae. Mutates haa bean very satisfactory
considering 'elle aluiraber of inmatee, 106
durine the year; with six cle,atlas, There
haa teen rer ?Pitt/etc Oti setaeus nee
eurs. Two severe cesasi or fracture or
the hir and leg weer the °lab' rhaier er-
aecidentes. During the year the pity -
stelae had mede 81 vislts, anti .reated
0514 eledioai and. surgical cases.
- The ntareager of the Iloatio ot Re -
;lige auleadeted tate tellowing report or
:he crepe l'or the laaat •faellsoa:-Hata
15* terns; oa.ts 300 tersheals; W,r1eY, 180
hese:els; beans 15 beteheles; onions 50
beabels gardert caereter 2,0 httaheis ;
eard • bee.a hueeee, potatoes 100
btesteeist Plangolda 600 bushels
aills bttskrelee eleVer 8eS bush,
;as ; cabbage 900 read; tedder corn
aea *ere; tometoes^ 105 baskets:
re-seberales 573 boxes"; oae aere dutch
setts etetteal back $1,155.25; a acr
augar •aets qtetted back $1Q9.35; live
eold. *55649-
Tto Loewe:or or the House of 'Refuge
reverted anaorg °tate.' ,thinge that 125
leo tee:1 adttaitted etr-taa the opening of
the Kates:ea Oa De:ember 18t there were
95 1 traates, 58 reales artat 10 teenalae.
Tgtoee adrnitted during the year came
/Mut the XolloWirq. nw,,"tlef.Ps.1+%!es t -One
trete. Ztiel<1.top, ckle fanot Coileoree, twe
from Wosc Wittwarion4, one trent Hay,
e teem 1owler4 crae troll/ Stephen,
from -tatiftet"d, two 'rota Stanley";
sate fatten Seatetrea. three front Cliatore
e from CI -octet -Ida, and one from Ex-
ca,eees adanIssion, old aga 3
ess 5 inabecy 4. Tee average
lernatee during eite year was
Per /amaze per
daY at $,13 1-4 per
w*eelt.'e QZ3expeedizure for the
}loess- r 45.r.in for the year was
•rho net expinditure. $5,848.
p. spiel durme the year
aftteented to $2,434, T114,re was receive
freczt paYiaa irenatee $507 and' aura
elle year ,$2,77o war.s 0011,ectecli teeni
area and tier he:kirk. trilei1 by the
tenting" r
te pay over
devote part
these bcctits,
11.ree Years elte
1;0 Ttatw.
kre,t ttt
ot mkt
so that
exLt be pa,Id frt
nd wu,8k
he wa.a kept.
axed for by Mr„ V.
He was finallY reoY9d
pital. where he died .
• thg parties• who re d
a hitafaxt al:relied to the
0 be tnettiberc'c, of'
ttext ye1f 4033
orry:t1,3',2oe very
ae: very Utte 4eus-
-nt? regasti:r.3' :t.
ere will be plettY at OP -
7,7t ratrte*I develop
Dee. 'hut
a:1n eune -Item-
, .
es.7.reas eet.
rzt Usb
'stand that tile peaot r ,eve will rettre
.ar.4 that the ccatest or ,,hat chair will
tbrk between XI', Fred Elierington, one
the very calleble younre .nlea et .ho
etreenstip, and 'Zr. Samuel Routley,'
Tit Stephtr the big fight ev.11 43 17o-
taxcert 'the rtvals et last year_far the
hair -Reeve Hertra• NVIllera aud ,
Sanders, with, the etrobabli-
other councillora seeltine-
Local Items
.11011r1L Campbell of the ..erarsh see-
' ae.larn neat Learnieletell. tills year reaVz-
eel. $2,600 tram. the Sale •et plelcling
fr�z a traet of two and five-
alletth avres. The yield wasfI,500 bueli
fsease efre Campbell grevt tiffs smsort,
400 buehels of potatoes.
ariotent atoms -of rain. turning to
rst.'ow and bib wltide w.111 prerio%
land an.d sfea during . the -18th,
aatath !,'.0th and 21s.t. Shies enethe North
• Ant1e wiliencolanter tierce boreal
seturnis and be bettied by wind., wave
a.rel Ice. See/Miele end weather candle=
aeeles generally, will be of elan ler chara
atexer, calling for roructoncc ad feete
le.alatreght. for preteetioa of man, and beast
Z"...zeke your peens before zee steemater
eseereta and comttorit in the storms and
Zee the dangeeptes' cold that will 'toe.
Zrrae them. A reanticerary Storm Per -
:Ikea aellf bring renewed °atoms et wide
•!extant and greolt torce on, aneletouching-.
',falba' 23rd 24th and, 25ab..... TaleeMeohl is
":--aaete on. tho. 23rd. ateeateerne ttleclinae
-awn north on the° falthea and in perigee
tilt! 25th. leicial chats, geft1,?.;
----aapply of snow ,fer',-Cb.riatenee, before.
sm during* tlhile period: with -a. eold
ewasete rust -Ping trZari west to alas from
ahstat the 24th to 27th. A sets:elle, per -
extends from the 20 to 26, central
..feree elle 23rd.. Raloi, sleet 0:11..d'anow--a
aelatratean lefercurw period-winde up tee
• axed year.,
ev. Mr. Feer left la,st• week fee
__fan Clement Where he expects to take
1.1-nentr"--frO"r Rineurnealsm.-The re..
of the lee:a Dr. Wm-
e-eaantlser were interred in ita -C. cenie-
77, tare on Saturday aftenteeen, he is
eelved by two bror's J G-, Quarry
r.: ;his Place and Be:lei:rein eaf Centraeta
-11 josePhine slacattf IOW!(11,Ys' '
aaaveden last week. -Mr.
eriie-.fl1e9 theep da1- at the .arreea
a a. een..---Mr. Jos,. suilivani bardo.
-b.o.ine te•.;11rid hist nalade^Ya.'.-- Ataaa
Regan o"f Detroit is; °ea:fa:nee aer
ee.e..--aer. Patrick Glavin .ararived' aoree
zei tee wade, lea* week, ',bolting 'fine:
-lanes Quarey of London attendee late
rad Loa has unkee Dr. QuatarY,o.
c-)Y^„Sfee ,M- ea I. "
"adla y the L11.
aeid ;raper'.
Mrs. elereeese,
coilVickted a49,11
ntto ^elle, 4110
f Far
dct tt' re-
-pe- to t11 o tr W1uitnrn Wal-
lace this case fl.
young mama?rzztnt"NfcBrItle was work-
ing for Mr, William Wallace or Tuck
o4,rxrd;;:i. WM1 th bre ertipiaY ht be.
came dangerously Jfl necesslia.ting an
Operatiee. The ntedicel attendance and
other expenditure amounted to about
$357, Ti,te Young matt, tad no friends
la tele country and the bills•for the e
penses were seat la tbe county council
in this eas.- nasie as 10, the Pritrofft•id
ease the coetacil took the lenient view,
and while nol ecknowledeing legal re-
epenelblItity coneedered that in equItY
some reparation should be made and
accerdingly decided to greed $150.00
and the report was amended accoedirrea
The county eouneil 'presented two
geld headed camas/ last week, one to
Ward en Strothers and the other to
Reeve Leckie, Who has- been at the
toenty council for twenty odd years.
Toe Usborne natudelpai Councilrn
at the Township Hall, Dec. 7th. A.II the
marnbera were present. Tae miautes o
the last meeting were read aad approved
The nomination, nteeting to nornfnate
a reeve and ceurtelltlors for the year
1918 will be held at the Township Hall
Eli:twine, on laionday, 'Dec. 30, 1912. -at,
tate hour; of one o'clotk. It snore than
the required number of candidatesare
nemenated polls will be neld oz Mob -
day, January 6th, 19131 as follows e-
a:vie:on 1 -Town Hall, Eli.iniv.ale; Ja
Heywood, I). R. O.; Geo, Kellett, Poll
"clerk. Div. 2 -Geo. Cornish'shouse,
Lot 6, North T. 11.e, Den Dew, D. R. O.;
Halite Brown, Poll clerk. Div. 3-W.
H. Ponwardenas, house, Con. 10, ,Lot
S% 3, Thos. Wash&rtn, D. 11. 0.;
Hugh. 'Berry, P,o11. clerk. Div, 4 -Pub.
h1 Hall, Fareuhatr; Wm. A. Turnbull
D. R 0.; .Amds .Francis, Poll clerk.
,The Chairnlein ZI.! the local, Board of
'Health reported to the Council, .The
Board met only grace. There were no
templaintis made to the Board --in, fact
te;ere was reracticall:y nothing for the
Boaro Ito do, Tate account foe services
•anti expenses, $6.50, was paid to the
secretary for distribution.
" Byelaw No. 7, 1912, e.ppointing deo-
uty- returning ottite,re and poet clerks,
fixing time and pieces; for n'omnatlons
and election, was passed, signed and
A grant of 2310 wee given :70 the Kirk-
-• Agricultural Society.
A large number of atcouvats, were pass
ed aied -orders issued La paymsont.
F. Morley. Clerk.
Mr. Ed, eltire has returned home Co
the Xmas holidaylse-elsfr.s. Thomas Eau,
amp, who was indisposed tor a few
days last week able to be around
a1ee-Rev. 'S. IL Keocaltel- of Berlin
occupied eh* puleit en, the Evangelfcal
heurcit lase Straday neer:tang ^ and,
adnentaterod the 1.0.,etiae Supper to the
meanbers or the congregettera-Meeers
Tiennann Ediatofter are heeding out
peette- eaeender' to' allele customers,
e -Mr. and Mee, van: Makene leave got
wettled down to the Sterner rea,litiee
of lite in air. Etzereeer's dweliater, -
Misses Verda and Lir•Lie Hafrtle:b are
ealfeadieg a, eoupl,e1 week& at the
home at Mr. and Masi Jonas 1-Lartiella
ejr. Theodore Rader who bats beep
in the wet during, the past summer
hes returned horne.,-De. Campbell of
Zerica was to the vItlego cen. Saturday
last. --Mrs. Fred "Macrae left last weelt
with their houpehold affeets to jein
aer huebend ire Detreit.-Mr. John 'ache
who spent a week' with les stater at
Grand Bend returned home fon Sunday
alerLeautesillin haa net yet
t^erurned home front the Roapital. -
George W, Shore told his little driver
on Tueseleay to Mr. Potter trent 11.r
Liewry or which he aleceived, a. good
figurea-Mr. Powell et Exeterwas in
the v5tae oei fvfor..daY.---Mre-: Fred
ker and .1,?fro. Corusti Wolper left?
a :Monday to attend the funeral pf
z. reiaties, tee* Npauetadt
1 Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applicatiens,as they cannot reach the diseas-
ed portion of the oar. Tbere Le ooly oaf way to =Fre
r teetreoti:Tguthtbis by oatetitetiowal remediee
mute= lining el theyZ:sktlauctlItienedTurillgair the
tube faiationied you bare arutabling sound or ist
perfect hearing. and when it is entireir axed,. Pe-
toi:t4Ofilqtetructgavrilraulsetibe' hda"CtaQtYstr'edrh,°44sebrioie*e; islteoter$461siegt
but aulailamed oondituna of the reef:ems surfaces
DeaftWrial:silaitelusedYe.13n:Ygea'audtartreclhith)thathur9t cseclet-1"44:44"seaut.edo
by Hairs Cat4mb,Cure. Send for eireelesa nee.
J. OlilisET 00,, Toledo 0,
rake nail's futuitv Puts for couttp...tieni
5 a OtteY day kz letwn,
W313 lile beet deay tor the payment
e; and the `last meaning of the
eouncil. There ;are now al/ kinds ef
rumore atloat as to whe will be the
aspirents for muntc&pat icaorpars, Kern-
• tnatiO3.1 meeting vrAl be held on the 300
se there will be scene time" toe our peo-
ple- to melte up their minds, whet wiU
repreee.ie ;bent in the Uount 11 or 19113.
triebt,ing itn, the inte4esl,z,s of Lorai
ption was Mei 'La ihe 'Town Hall on
esday. 'Rev. Alkalis of Toronti3 pre-
sented ttle UuOz,t ip. a. very tore-
Ibie manner. 'There were a gOodlY num-
ber la attendattro.
Rentember tuae a -Cheer! concert "31. Fri -
OAF, 2.0tin inst. There le a treat in
store foe these who attend.
Tae executers of August Haltat's e
ate ere offering Immo real estate aad
sateLa tor sale TIM Mon,daY. Tbe Pre-
, very desirable.
The 3-acreef land of Itte 1.4ghtfoat
ate wets ad last Priday to 'Harry
%via for 8385.-
.,Mr4s EU3. Lialt w1i, iaz Deem
r.r,e or the millinery rooms of 0
Pree;er o 'Zurich the past tP0a502. re
urned herme Ofl SaturAcy.
Rev. S. R. Keetdbel, 14, Eider ot Ber-
is 11.1 preside Oven tcae quarterly ee-
rEce the Eiranalelacalechurch, next
and Sunday.
'1`br Bible Ciase Crus,aders nal been
rganIzed tte "Tethodlat ehurcli, And
rcan” are now out. judging from
r14topics to be discussed the meetfelge
will be very prolit,4.410 ond in.struct.ve.
Rev, jetcenslon t activelY engaged it -
11$ his people arid le making a sue-
Ctg:,Ft Of 11110 efforts,
H, Eaber, 3f.R.P.„ la in Toronto Ws,
week attending a ,sperial session of the
IOVE1ssnent committee of the Lestisia-
John F. Smith haa bought la -clover
threShing machine from Indiana. It :s
doing splendid work a.nd ever farrnire
are deligitted with it. John believes. Pa
getting the Wait and irr giv:riglsatieteic-
Our real estate agents are doing
flouristiring business in tOwn and vicin-
ity. 'We Sincerely hope alte In.veat-
rnents w31 be found profitable and
tp. "black eye" as -some of the stecks
taken here in the pa. -at have ,:becoree.
Why not take saoek in- town per .sorne
Industry here and gave eniployment to
our people? Thee would keep our boye
111 toWn.
T,he Council off the Township of
Stephen eonverted In the Town Hall,
Ccediton, ea a.lo,nday, the ,16tbe pt Dec-
ember 1912 at 1 p.zn4 An. members
et were present. The minettes of the pa•se-
lon's affeeting were read and adopted.
'BRIGHTEN TO-uat 1-1^ONIE FOR 1913
, what will brig -man your home befi-
t* than s bya tattle, please:el pactuna
on the we . ':erett "eel 5 "Til3- S u r -es" is
juot the ale:titre rou want It le 0-1
or any ha;nb 05 Caaade, and" ca.
:ad fret by subscribinle te rhe Fa,rn,13,
raid ,aad WrekLY • Szta,n' al Motteioal
g'reate;it and hest tamely paper
a. It cosAte Only one dollar a yeir,
iki„totnr3 'cp. 0 alto,,,wihout
preseat subscriberlisthat
s(---ot?i,IAsend Me renewal,"
r .91 yAeautifai
learley -Vallevalno--!`Titat Alonzo
ttrodgIns, the celleetor et taxes, le
thereby authorized to continue the levy
and celleetton of taxela le the 'manner
and with the pewee" prawided for by
law for the get -alibi levY and collection
ot taxes""a-Catreledt
• Elliott-Finkbe•ineri---''That By-law N.
106 alnlainting Deputy -returning oft -a
cers, Poll clerk anti Wee selection of
polling bootbis in the MuniapaIley for
the coming Munlidatail Electr_orts and the
eakeeg of the 'Vote en Local Option,
having been Irate third time be passed
and signed by the reeve and clerk and
the' seal ot the Corpoitation attached
tiaerietob-CaJell ed.
Orders :to able, amount a $2306.03
were pasfsed. A full Statement', Of the
same will appear! ini abet Treasurer' -
report a.bout to bo printied,-
The council adjourned ,seni
Townstip Netninateon w11 be held ^in
the Town Hall, Creditane on Menday),
the Soth Deeee. rnber 1912 at 1 p.m.
H. Hitter, Clerk.
MT. Clarence Wilisen; gave a birthday
party10 a Inuirn/ber. f bas"assbciates and
friends .011 Tuesday of lark week. .All
eejeyed a good ainte' at games and
other aniusemet.titu.-.A. large cangrega-
tieh was at chiuncli here on Sunday to
bid farweli to Me. a.'ad' Mrs J..V. Mill -
son who lett Wednesday for there new
nonie itt 1-leasak-Mr.• James Stanley
weeded •tee ,htseranter very ,successfully
the wuctiOn ,siqta Of Jersey Caws' at
lear. Jabe MjLsOns tine cow e selling at
CrOT, 55 to 80 'dollaThes, feeela
ee,eiZedjdOh-1011 12;a4:crtA°Rst7PlirtjaYn1411;S:4.14'11:0'..:r,',.„.'"Wmea:'1:11e,rw,Aai'l.B1
a,gain very in wiltau -the same ;trpubie,
teal stroke: laati e 'ring" efll ve"..y 11
ncin to, .after fa,eflaeh'
wite .110 11111.11-4VIEnyef
vvion but eleelat, chance of lecavery„-
Mr. Wm. Jobe Vanee, who had ,a par-
hOr M433
'aeada, aValiale..."retenta NTrost.:
Hee tatirh, " ii.a'‘i!e beet
,f.t amber, t' Wed r .'cirt P
Sterleega-Wilseta-A quiet but ve„ry
pretty hone wedding tooi . place in Ulla
Township on Dee. 18. when:311.6a Stella
Grace, eldest daueater (re Mr. and airs.
William G. Wileaanf, or itho sed coaces-
aloe, to Mr. Ruesell ;Sterling of Man-
/tote- Thv. ceremony was pea-re:Med by
Rev. Hicks of Hensaal in the presence
of only a, few rat the near relatives at
tbe contracting pettiest The bride re-
ceived many useful and valua.ble prese
eats, slowing the eseeeen in which she
le teal by her rnany trimds. The Young
couple will have the beat wiance or a
•host of friends for' e. Lang alad happy
wedded lite.
c31er liUeB1m3noas and W.
Kerslake are tat a vielt to ,relativea at
ffeefrra. and „Attwood e -Mies Afeude
Dicker:se ot Seaferlitt .m,,4 bfr,tiokee
of Scotland opt -Int the week end iut Jaa.
Hortonie.-4,Mr. g.nd Mrs. loam Glenn
visited ilte latter's brother avear Zur-
ich, ye Sunday laate-Mre, Boltee
and :Niles Nan. Herten^ attended tae
shower givea ta honer ot u:se szons.
Wiesen t the home 'or •4Tr4. t 1).1
13511 on Teeaday ateenepon Aapt.-The
)rze fltel1elL werA 41-50 present, -
Mr. and Mrs, .Tribin lti4weU tlear Ren-
a -1M and ?tetra- Gffeela cf Worelatteel, N,
B., spent, Thursday evening at Wrea
aiorats,-Mrs. 'Jena McQueen nee re-,
turped teem Miteraell where atiie has
been visiting ter daughter 9..fre. Q. F.
U4:01107. that there 'e
InlAstr zhie
the taltkelantghter houriel
24 up tO 11O bate tbepact week.
while It wax, heinki -o;oved Mr..How-
ad the ntisfl2tune to have hie leg
en.-ZlItas Slavin spent part of
week in Ezetea-ilLrs, Green at
Ehiw tiruiscrric1r was a tecentEsi
Mr. lIlce.ttiale wae aaatenlaaal
by :ors. ntkix.•11,Itc'Pa at liottecli.
Geo. L. Wreri le preparing to
new house next sitnInter. Ricks
tee returned amen a visit In Renee?.
-Bev. Mr. Hicks, ir.3-ve his hearvets
very ittleree 9 ive ^Sennett on Sunda:"
Q-Xn1eip1 Maittere are beginefatg to
take on a little eltirain.d,wernay expeet
to hear more ats the tinle of election ap-
nreartea. We anderstand Beer. Hun
RIR will withdraw /earn tho Pleld and
zhat the eew aspleattts for the office
will be Fred EllerIngtolit and Zarnatel
Rowelitae. 'We have •heerd ot no new
candidates tor the office of teunciliar.-
;Sirs- Peawardeire eta]. contlnueo very
lew and but ent# hopes are eater+
tained tor her recoverya-Weddirtg bells
wilt ring L'a thews locaaity In the near
future,-afx. Wan, Cletnerit's *14 "Back -
elfin." mare paseked int her checke on*
Tuesday mornIng, leavitlg a sucking
eolt at her sidel. ',She was aged 30
years, and tine been, a faithful beast
all her days: She owes Mr., cioniont
nothing. -We ueders‘ta.nd our popular
stcrekeeper will shortly take oe.
partner, -when kreetter thinge -play be
expe‘ted of John and the business: -
elites Jessie Harrillaton, who has re-
signed her postilion, as teaeher
Winchelsea, school, le giviag a, farewell
cencert oa Friela_y afternoon, Dec. '20,
when 'an eXcellent pregnant wail be rea-
dared,. Both pupil and patent will re-
•gra"' that Miss Helnallton le leasang, as
she. has been painstaking anal faithful
to duty, competent in hex work and un-
der her fruition the scholars readesplen,
did progress. Socially be wIli also be
rnuett missed. •
Blanc Badly Mangled. --Ire are *err eor-
ry to tear;n of the:pa/Metal accidetat that
befel leer. Fred, et,',evelvat Trace:them,
wile had hie lett hand caughe in the
planer, tthe third finger be:ng treemplete-
ly •amputaited, wtuile ievol ot tips other
fingers were batUy mangled ettael lacer-
ated, under the treatment .art Dr.
Campbell the injured members, are do -
ii -.g rIicely.
Ondritiff and
• Failing Hair
Every ries,,n and apeman who veiatteel a
good head ot hale Should re XI use
laa.risean Sage.
Tens et ,theusainds of people -teure us-
ing it every daY because It *. such
a clean, hOnesit Tekniedy that demo ,aza-et-
ly what it ea aterfeattifeed retto•for
money leek.
Please bear in mend tlhat rarisla,n
eaSaign°s1;13ganr°1boaf d'le9aptl, obrhlaatrei'1'4017"111:81r)datni:'7'erri--
ous ingred-enit, and it:tat it wile" stop
lailiny 11a-, scalp atett and red ' your
scalp er every pairtiicle of deceati;gtr.v.
L1 win de ntoir,o ; tt. mekee -Jrkiglow
rust -us and luxuriaat and we a
radiant_ beauty Cillit0 dull Ea/lases lar,
a 'a' .:.eacit'aeet5Cderre :-rae-te°'-odnan--1
ler. Tnr
eed ask fora FarieTela.' e11
wr:etch, 50eee
;W., is,
eee eee Fee eeee elm" eeea awe it
General Manager Agaistant Ocuerld Manager
CAPITAL, $i5,000,000 REST, $1,2 500,
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every
facility for the transaction of their banking business, including
the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes
are supplied free of chargeon application. Ks
Branch also at Crediton.
The Molsons Bank
• incorporatotti 1%5
RecOrd, of Progress for Five Yeam-1.906--10a
14De'Caoa:nisst:atl8nd Investments- - 83*°"°°
Total Assets $33P90,192 ,48,237,284
Etas Sa Branches in oanada, and Agents and Cerrespendentsin ail the
Prillellaai Cities in the worts: -
at al Bragebesittfereat allONced at highest current rate.
Agents at Exoter for the Dominion Government.
Drozsolt & Cani,tiva, Solicitors. IT. D. If UliDON Managoi,
7 MO
°°()PG° 4t600)000
$23,677,730 351042,311,
27,457,090 30,354,301
eadquarters For Xmas Toys
Largest and be assortment in town
Bolg:ro,st DtreckMohllee, Atatos, Et
•Ali of the best werlananshIe. 250
to $2.00.
25. to $1.00-
- 25e. to 75c.
Readles Card Genie - 25c.
Boi Se011e - 25e. to $1.09.
Picture Bieeks - loc. to $1,00.
Dons — !ric- to 1.0O'
Trumphos tobtale any.
atoms — Dor. to $2.00
Toy s 50c. to $1,00.
Teddy Beare - 10c. to $1.00.
s 5c, to 500,
Te Chimes - 10e. to 5
0 tole - 10c. Oc.
Drum - 25. to $1,
Tea Sete - 15e. to 50c,
Tey Waaches, Lo 50c.
Visit Toy -town, exceedingly low prices, will
surprise you.
Toy -Town Company
Sandy Bawden's Old Stand IV, S. COLE, PIO Op
PARICI3ILL-Mr. G. P. Steele, Who,
hes for the past tour Yee.ae coildueted
Itardwaae business here, recently:
soki out to Mr. Houghton, of Loadon.
Mr. Houghton takes possessient the first
of the year.
..afessrs. 'Statten and Joe Ravelle Who
have been in, NOW Ontario, returned to
their homes east week.--eir„, Ware 01-
iver, ire became the rather of a boy
on the 16th. -.5r. jos, Brenner and son
Ezra were In Pairkhaili oine_tiondaYe-Rus-
sell Pattersonis on the nick list. Has -
friends hope for a speedy recovei-a.=
Sian Dewey, who has, been, in A.rnherst-
burg, has returned here. -11r. and Mrs:
°Derriere were ITt Clinton 144 week at
tihe Presbyaerya-Daved Baird, who.
has'been workang near Liman, returned
;home last week.=Miris,Willort, teacher;
gave a concert in Briennsee Hall Fri-
day eventta. /a Waal an extenent affair
and largely etatteraded. , . .
:Nlr. and Idree P 119;le1on, ware
a,ondon. lase week.
lick of Hensa.11 leaid taa a flY1'n03.
BroWn and Mtg. J. rIV
11 On edonclaY.
ears. D. L. O'Brien was in eaondon
during the week
Mrs,. Quah
nry da Parkill has been
viaitang eel^ daughten, Mrs. O'farea
tor a few weeks,. ,
cs htHeanasit:re-13.:::000saisia"s.uffeeirieNr.W
tglfilonT'an E°dawtt,aecak... oc'r
pneemenia, as'isi also Jack, sen Of Mr.
Thc."-truJst00e1 of. S. S., No. -1. Stephen
ataFn irfielda hive engaged mt.. We s ey
Jaekeon of Calniton we teacher .f9t* I he
:r.. 31r. JaCkson, comes' well
edd clashweed,
jpoes' Street Church' Shed
'lei re ' large- r umb • r ' -a
°eau use ,t,his 'stied Who do not
way give any ,...etipper-b to tne
church. --
Th 'Trustees thitrIlc that, all
sheuld a:anti:thine eneeetneeway to the
c un de . the , ehu for, the. s plendid ,
a al,aaa i'r 'an" ata t 1..12044
433 abesaaeuld,reinit
1.' 1tO tair:
For Sale
That desirable frame residence
villeent street, Exefer, south. of the
river. Three Iots, modern conveniences
electric lights and re/mace. A number
ot fruit, trees and bushes. Good hard
and vett water- .Also applicatioes by
:pricier will be received for the tannery,
,either l whole --land, buildings, mach- •
trierY, etc. -or separeitely. The lowest"
or any ;tender not necesleeiellY ac-
cepted_ For particadars apply to
tr.?a,t,fox:d Bag-.
cchoo: More for its students _and grad.
-aates than does other .siertlatarl,khools,
Ceurses are up-toadate arid irtstrpctOrS
are experienced, Gra.duatte a.re:Placed
in good pos'ZitiOnis Tale- tfiree"
tions reeetved to -day offer ayeiage ea/-
ary of $1133; per annum. Threeadeparta
Manta, COMMeaeCIAL, -S1-10RT1AND a"
write for Erecatal
We are now well establish-
ed in business and we believe
on the best of authority (
elv tliat'of adaily iiiereasing
business) that we are meetinee
a long felt want and
the best. of satisfaetio"
e an