HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-12-19, Page 1RENEW Yota SDRSCRtPTION Now to the '"bonnie to Call its and have your subscription to ,Tio Advocate re- newed. We 'aim to eve yon' all the loyal news in concise and interesting form, :and we believe we five up to the clams, ITelp along the good work, CLD131'31NG RATES TU5 :a the s:. rson of the year w you are re:=e .vine, year rzvrepaper o script"ions. The FSvoaa=e clubs vr. all the City' Weel-4Y and Redly paperu.., ' and the tfa seines at terms that are s- big indecentent.. Ca11 mr41 get our 'r-cateds... TVT„ENTY-SIXTH YEAR EXETER„ ONTARIO, THURSDAY DAY, D, geEMBER 19. 1912. SANDERS jk PRE w a All Stock ust Go Having sold our store which has to be vacatedJan. s by lg. We are offering for sale our 15,000 STOCK of General Merchandise which consists of Dry Uoods,Ladies and Gents Furn- ishings, Carpets, Rugs, Wall Paper, China, Glassware, Boots and shoes, Hardware &Groe - eres We can save you at least 25 per cent. on Dress Goods, rVl nUnderwear: en s Furnishings, Carpets and Wall Paper. 30 per cent. discount on all ale �n Every Tia° rak Ti;i$S SPACE HAS BEEN TAKEN BY THE LOCAL OPTION COMMITTEE Local Option rAIJT11 ORITATIVE VOICES (1) Pibllcal-"Bu't it the os were '.vont to' gore in, times Last, :and st bath been testified to his d.w,ner, and he bath net kept !tzisan in, but that roe hath kilt Oaka CT a won et ori la �� c'axz•: la. shall be � , t stoned and his Owned" also shall be put to deat"h," Ex'ol3us 21, 29. This pasafa e marks the stage o pro; ress in the evolution of society.- The dsap ;ted stn;;se Of reverienee Ior Ina' ki.ad is evridorteed tr t :Ii . the• owner knew his ott was' dangerous , )'et for gain kept it, Chas a mann. and woman lost their lives:, being G'orred, the off• was not Only clespattehed but the man 4.h -itself suffered dea f' guarding it - sol' and 010 grciat worth of hurnaln, life wo;u exalted. 4.1b majesty et Law is alsn evidenced, The people Possess the rights of self-, einr•,s in preser at';alr Well does Canova, Farrar say -Salus pQp- ulr ,supre a. lei s.l.treY of the taeople is the highest possible rule. All ;lc- knowledge Ipio `curses o» strong drink,', Inas destructiveness of human lite, yea, its utterre;a'rdlesevfeas of t;aesacred- ness of human liter, In this d'ay at.euld not the will 'et the people be supremo "Wore un'.o trim that gdveth his alefgh- boor drink, -that oddest thy venom thereto, and tnakest htm drunken also, that thou arzyest, 1oolc v?n their naked - se", 'Habtrkuk 2; 15, T,:aita ptaphcr, hurls against the Cha.idean this taunt In :poetic :imagery Woe is ;re, who' iaseatiate s, IVis brother; causing ihim to =gdl. brio.g:crs 'ruin open :ansa by making hint drunken. Tile mod - Bar could 410 exist, unless there contiguous recruiting and 'tL this roeruiti ng there (s the luring, yea pressing of the Intoxicating cup to the innocent and unwary. Its awful ceu'Ut ' .la` seem Tali tillat ;A. lures the pure, uses Win ion+ its own ends,' then hurls thorn. fotitth, 0.o' death, 'Wherefore, 1L ntetit, tnKaketh my broth. cher to stumble, ,'I will eat no flesh for ever metro. thaat I make not my broth` er to. stupnble",1 Cdr. 8; 13. Hero from Paul's life we have the SSagna Cr, of the New Testament .against limp use of is.toxicants. tion answer, I will not permit you, to legis- late In 're-lorarrai to Whitt I eat or drink. Yes, butt tf. your eating : and' drinking its a imentace to your neighbor o muting has tail, there St'a >~ v� tta1 •IJr1- par:once; Your drinkingdrinkingata licensed bar means the 141 of some life. Here note how tho, t\li'selonarY Apostle feels (Continued on Page 5) Our New Line of Parisian Art Silver Jewell Cases, Candle Sticks etc. etc., Makes the most attractive Christmas gifts. We have a full line of jewellry, Silver ware, cut glass, and the fin- est of hand painted china. Call and inspect our stock We know we .canp lease you Correspondents Gorree.ponderCuls" will. please note that The Advocate will be published Tuesday afternoon instead of. Wednesday, atter. noon on Christmas and New Year weeks, Making it necessary that all correspondence be sent in so ad to ar-- rive not later tba4a Tuesday ntornings EXETER COUNCIL 1ieetang of the Council held in :be row/ 'Bali Thursday eventing 12th ;,aft, Memtgrs air presaat exeept Mr, Lovett. Mini:.es of last meeting were read e,n d app"rved, I:Iversi-•^Brett--T^rtt the ac- t^ou a,;:s ba passzti as read ;-Th llraund $4.65: T. Grezeh, freight, $4.52: Davis, tile, $20.84; J. Hankie, rep. darn $70.75; fl Giiltos, gravel, $24; H, 4a pack man $2.70 ; 0, :da n.tle, coal, $18.40 , F Treble $7,70; J,. Digna,a &; S o $9,85 Han ton.Toronto Sewer 91730 Gb„, $3.15 Canadian Fa;,rbank Co, $17.50; 5, Sweet $0.10; 'J, lgurrat7 $9.69; Globe„$2,20; Electric Light Co. 8122.07; H. Rundle: 60e.; Canadian Brass Co, $28.62; Sax art Turner prr. $28, Empire Alan, Co. $21,38; Gast g rass co. $24.80; Jas'. Coniwr, pe'Tt salary. $30; Canada Foundry Co. $219.- 70, 219.-70, Fire Go. No. 1, $60; Fire Ga. No,. • $230; T, B. Carling, pt, salary. $20, 75; W, J. Biseet'tr do., 837,50; J. Ford E, Christie, :note and interest $2• 1,09,04; 4u;val Life Insuraince Co, :19,11; G. '1',: R. Co., freight, 84. T;ae Clerk was instructed to write'the Stiratford Bridge Co, re. .now phew, Rivers!-Ford-Tnat we ask tenders for ice, tenders to bs la' tr;,e Clerk's hands nose 3ater then% 7 o'clock p. m., Frida 201it inet..--ateriead, 'Scott-Ford--Ttaut W. J. Bissett be granted his usuraft suit of olethes.-Car- rted, Rivers Haat we ad)ourn to met: 3fonday' eve'rtil . Tile Connell asset in the Town Hall .Monday evening, 'Dec.: 16. Members all present, except ti,fr, Scott- Minutes of t1:4; .lest regular meeting were read and a proved. L0ve',ftt--Rivers!-T'9atrt 'By-law,' No. 13, eating; a public meet:l;ag for rectfv,:nir nominations for the offieo of Reeve.” Councillors and School Trustees for the year 1012, was read the necessary num ber of times and finarlly' Passed.. 'RSvors-Fomvli-That the accounts be', passed ws read: -.H. K. Hyndnian, de?'. benture, $103.45; Charlotte Hyndman do., $193.45; folstons Bank, do.l; $1681.28'3 C. F "sanders, dos, $411.99 Molsons bank, do.,.,n' 729.31.; John Weld), do., $3.5'5.'18; T, Hawkins & Son, ae, $10.p0; Wan. Treble $8 ,S. I-handford 85.60 R. Mayard $1.60; J. Elliott 50c.; W. -J: Bissett, pt. salary $37.50; T. B. Carling, do., $25 ; dotb Secretary BobIrd IIIea7th, $5 Jas. Willis $1.75; Kennett-. Ford $.1.50; N. Stan., lake, $1.50; Connor Machine Co. $7.75 S. Purdon $29:60; Exeter Times $5; Fred Kerr $156.77; D. Cobbledick 04c: T. Creech. $5; F. Farincorbe $50,00. Lovett -Fold,- hat error in taxes by refunded and 'by-law be prepared, cont firming the !sr`+.rne1-K Mrijeid. Devett-ailjourbiment to call of the reeve: T. B Carling'Clerk. DAN McGILLICUDDY DEAD. Toronto, Dec. 12: ---Daniel McGiliicud4 dy, a prominent Carnadian newspaper-' man, died at this ,home herd ,last 7.glat, after an illness extending over two years and a half. He was In his 63: year and for the past two years thad lived in Toronto, c,annin'gt here from Cal- gary, where he was' publisher of the News -Telegram, giving it up on account Of .111 health. Het it' sulrylvedr by a w:d- Ow and two sons and two dau l'tere'; dill of Toronto. Mr.t McGillicuddy ,wast born in Carnage,. England, and canis to Canada when . quite young, settling in Halifax, where hitst father was con- netted with. the Bri'ti'sh garrisolril. When a boy the entered newspaper work; Many years ado he established the Goderich -Signal and tire Brussel's Post and ;latter the Calgary Newst-TelegranV Easter in 1913 will be observed on Iarcil.. 23rd. The date is the earliest t sand 1865, a. matter of 48' years ago a It i, also tnteresitino to note that ,never • again :until 2008, ea- ‘stp'lne .95 ye2rs S. Fitton: hence, will it comre' as early. March' 23 is the earliest d}alte`ekn which it cad fall Wedding Rings & Marriage Licenses and April 2.5tm• the latee;t. vinamoisimatessosi 4'4 c.:$4.16 at has: lour ; oupon OF H. Cook, Sons 8E Co. This coupon la good for 40 cents on each ba, of SNOW DRIFT, our beet family flour, pfiving you ; the ,privilege of te,king one to five, bags, Providing thiS coru'pon its Preseiited to ' us on or before December 31st, 1912, Our 'reirulratr "selling 'price of our SNOW DRIFT,- flour without the coupon Is $2.75, fit you present this coupon each bag of SNOW DRIFT will only cost you $2.35 for each, bag, Our mill ata ectutped with the latest and most rnod;PJrini flour mill mach'. hC We also have secured the services 'of a tiro t cia;ss nn1 filer, who was pre- viously employed by one of tat. mhllg In Ontario.' Consequent- ly we axe ofidritafg,, tjni ,induceln0nt In order to kite, every woman an opportun' ity to try our ;SNOW, DRIFT, flour. -Every bag guarat1 C . We are selling bran at, $22.30, and $hort'•s a't 3.,00..pe A13,E . LARGE '1.1YE gi esented b s BEANS BRI. OUT. A rl`;�t `� n,...rt�,;f„�'o`?�•�i•. .w��, t,�.Ali.rr.,�.,?.�'t..,".M+lt..,>iia2t,v+>u�tti�r.ti4 �-fin SAMPLE REPORT OF a. S. EXAMINATIONS FALL TERM Form III., 71oholid Nellie Amy 53.1 Clair Wood 80.5, Ethel 'Case 79.3; Ruby Wood 76.1; Pass. Pearl Browg 74.6; Madel.tecne Carling 74,0; Linden Harvey ,71,9 ; Topp Petnlrale„ 68.3, ; How, and Quackenbu;s 63.8; Ada Willis 60,6 Passed on total b'u't tailed or' one Or more subjects -Jas`. ;Welker 02.4**; Florence Triebner_ 62.2*; Archie Mor- gan 01,0 ' * * * ; MYxa Biorgan 60.3, .t; Ben Case 60.4 * 2.. Failed ort, total ande in oPrt or More elvb3eots--4, l3rok eastire 58.6; W. Stewart 53,0; Davis 51.9; L. Boyle 48.5; M. lianlod 47.0 3. Saaldon 46.1 It Bis.he..t 11.1 F. McP, era:aln 38.5 RCM II., Rianers, Join, Strang 77; Sen Quackenbush. 70, le Stewart 75 Pass, Gordan; Morley 74, Nellie Car», ralir:iael 73, Ira McDe; nu 11 06, Jf ,i~1 A11nsor 65, Elgin ifc:trt','?u8 04.7; Mar- garet Casa 62; Over 00 p »- cent. Out failedin oneaor, mere aubj cts, ituss?ll Sa ltwil 63 *,'; Irmo:Swe t 170 der orf; per con:, and fail' d in ono Or titers subj ctta, Harry Windsor adsor 59, .lc:o. U1aIchi'ord 58, Bruce Walker 57, Laurus. iiarve3 54, Margaret Hanlon, 50, John Hogartl 50. 'Harper Rivera 49, James iutrza. 48.7, Reginald Parsons 49,7; E. Rail 47, Elva Brooke 40.7; Austin' Fort' 38. Folz. I. -Honors, G. Powell 9. , L; Pope 86.1; E. McKinley: 90.8, El* Kehl 7 8.1, W :,Ianso n 75.8; Ho:rt.rs but tailed in ore subioet—. F. Brox 75.8* x Pass, -D. Brookes 72, A. Case 70.9. M Hasten 07.8, 11. Thomson 67.6, V. eo;nbe 60.7, J. Foil -telt 06.5, aL Senior 60, O. Davis 05,8* ,5, Seldou 03.5, R,. Hanlon 05.2, E. 'Harvey 63.4, K,Weld- eMalaarnner 63,1. Pass On total, but failed Ira one or more subjtc.s, A.Mack 07.9, E Campbell 04.4, W. Nortlhcott% 62.2. :Below pass -Ls Sanders 39.6 rtl. it Rowe 59, ?!l. Glad'n h 384 , I1, Hawkins 57.2*, FI, II4ay 50.6 „ • *, Ji' Laing 55.8 » a, H. Paran'ons Junici Gomoterciab-Paas, 60 per cont. or over, M. Vincegj 09.9, A. Bell 69,R ;,i Ehatehford 684, L. Zueflo 07. Past on total but, Railed en One or more rub- ,iaela, A. Beverlrey. 74.8., E. Morelia' 63,3* Senior Cocmaae ci l---HoTara, F. Bill 85.0, M. Ac'hese:a 79,0., Pass, E. Day 69,4, F. McDot"tal7 69.2J Below pass, -I A. Willie 45.4”. EXETER SCHOOL BOARD tiiectimg at bhe Board held gds the Town Hall, Mondaty, Dec. 16th. Absent, F, Wood and I. Armstrong. Following is the; order of business` duly submitted and approved. Per Chair -Minutes et last regular Ia and special meetings. Re- port R -port of Committees -Wood, contract is ready for delivery with first favorable weather. Building Cor A. E. ,Nutter advised as consulting architect by the chairman of the Landon 2i3ard of Ed- ucation. Physical Drill Cons,— both parties willing to ass&st as Sar as pos.. giblet Pr&ncipall--att'itendance good, con- tinuatioaa class enrollment for the yea' 122, wood supply reduced to about 7 cords,. Per R. N. Creech and; A. E. Fuke -That Miss Weafttlaorell's terra of en- gagement be fro' n January to July, ':13 inclwstive, Per F. W: Gladman and It. N. Creech -That Mrl Nutter of London be requested to inspect the school' with date subject to the convenience of the Building committee. Per R. N. Creech ani F. W. Gladmanj-That the sphool re -open for the Jam'uaty term Jan. 6th at 9 a,ma and that teachers' checks be made available as desired. Per W. Giadnar arid FC N. Creech -That the principal's report be accepted. Per F., W. Glacihnare-adjournment. Y. Grigg, Sec. JAMES RYDRE WINS HIS SUIT AGAINST !LHE 'OS;BORNE AND HIBBER'r FIRE INSUR. CO'Y This suit, which has created much pub !lc interest, and wanfch was first tried in the Diviis b!n Court at Exeter, was again tried 'at the genera) gesslons In Goderioh baa week. It will be rearnenibteted that• Mr. Ryder sued in tho DivirsIon ;Court for ,$100 a9 the value ot a hor'ste which he claimed was killed by lights'.0g wht],e insured under a ;policy of the above company. The triad here resulted in.a nen-suit, as tsetfo+rtih in the judgment published in the. Advocate ;at the ,ime. Mr. Ryder them increased ..Ms claims Etna sued irn the COunity. Court, and sit the trial of the cacao' before Isis Honor Judge HoR and b. jury, was awarded $160 and ail costs. Pt is, `.s.imated that it will, coat the Insurgn{„e Company from $700 to „800. Mr: Ryder, before, and after the Divii&nh Court' proceed-' inge was whillitng to accept $100. At the trial in Boder bh the Court submitted four questions; to the jury and all'four were ay -Dowered in favor of the plaintig, _ BIRTHS Statham --Iia Exeter, oint Dec. 12, to Mr. and lips. W. J. Statham, 'a daughter', Sara.ras-At Zurich, on the llth, inet,, to I.ar. and MS,rs. SOnpt3 Sair'aras,,,a con. MARRIAGES Sterling -W ilse -At tale residence of the .brides p<arcnts, olru Dec. lith, . by: Rev.. Hicks of Hea>sil, Mr•: Russell Sterling o.£ ltrtanitoba, to Mi•ssi Stella!' Fyilsoan, daujg+hter of ,,lr. raid, Taft--,; Wm, G, Vv itlPson. DEATHS, McEwen-In, Hernsta'll, On Dec. 12, Win, McEwen, tits Sniffs' 71st year. 1'Oernpec Aa Ga+lesbury, Ili., ort Noy. 19th Robert Thonn;vson, formerly• .of Blans,hard,''aged .'93 years.' P REE TO; BOYS AND GIRT S. teautif4.ladln� per; wth, a 14k, paint, Sot ai:01° ,O,n17 35 sets' of our SEASON PO•S'I' CAB..?,S batt ,7 Qe a set • G 1 andstotrsne axle, ihsa?a�nl' ` ni fiat saute G ni! tt►,day :4 `p. , en's Store. For Christmas Shopping 7, -le shoppers look ragas Gift Suggestion log to 017ra,Saire`t ole day,a drawl to solid reaato; :nom 1n;; el so does uric ao we a. 1..9 St id3s 1. 73,5 and t7 dens# teat of app q for tine Chrlat- rrro soap's rush ;x Jr i ae e til wea:." N.( Our Store is Filler with useful, eerv'ate ble things. Eve n~ outside of our IioULd.y St otic thero isn't aria tiart:iclo oc gtunnant In the. store that world not{ be a moat accept.* able gift. --G1 bs that ,"he" will app7e0- late. House Coats Handkerchiefs. Bath Robes a Umbrellas Neckwear Caps Fancy Shirts Fancy Vests.'. Gloves Underwear Mufflers Night Robes- Fancy obe-Fancy Boxes for them all Fnr Coats Fua Lined Coats:, Sweater Coats Hosiery Fur Collard. Coats Suspenders, Men's Overcoats The largest sdlliasg of any., season irm our time has been our experience this year. Wo have coaled hunndreds of moan but we etiilp. jh(a,ve: at heavy s tock, .and: in order te lessen. itve load we are car -. isms now, lawerthng pricest' must rule: - 71 is an acknowledged fact, proved by - actual -actual comparison, that our Coats, lax. general a+ppearanbe (embodying .good style of design, appropriate cloth . ane tailoring of the gaatmemnt) ,so Ear s ux- pass anyrbhimg shown by other stores, that very` few people have any dif,ficuity deciding where they sha,11 purchase the- winter hewinter coat.," BLACK DRESS O"COA'7S-$7.50 to ,$15r BROWN UI STERS-$10.,_ $12. 1.0• $1 GREY ULSTERS, r-.. $8., $10. to $12- FAWN 12 .FAWN ULSTERS, $9., $12. to $153 —% S—S-r—Ji-7- Warm Underwear' STA NFIELD'S, HEAVY RIBBED,$1.25: 1.50 and 1.75 PEN -ANGLE, 1.00, 12,5, and 1.50. FLEECED LINED-' $,1..00. Winter Caps 50c,, 75c., $1.00 up to $1: