Exeter Advocate, 1912-12-12, Page 7tEVEN. YEARS PAIN FROM ACUTE NE1JRAL IA. Allred Through tho Tiso of Dr` Williams' Pillk Pills. Neuralgia is not a disease ---it , is "only a symptomn, It is the surest sign that your blood is weak, wat- ery and impure, and that your nerves are literally starving. Had blood is the, one cause—good, rich, red blood its only eure. There you have the real reason wliy Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills cure neuralgia, They are the only medicine that oontains, in correct proportions, the very elements needed to ipake new, rich, red blued. This alone reaches the root of the trouble, soothes the jangled nerves, and drives away the nagging, stabbing! pain, and brace up your health in other ways. Mr, M. Brennan, an ex -sergeant of the 2nd Cheshire Regiment, now a resident of Win- nipeg, Man., says: "While serving with my regiment in India, on a hill station, 11 l a l; contracted , a severe cold which brought on acute nen-. radiaat " l ti times .a lin for , xrn. s g, three: weeks. I was eenetantly suffering" Almost ever month in the year for over seven radars thebeing CROWN PRI.' O"El OiF TUR 7 The Crown Prince is a permanent ma" intoof er the Turkish. axtny. Has part in the present 'conflict Inas been of an advisory nature el iefly. VD- lents as eevolutionl upsets the present dynasty, he will rule wbat is left a£ ' . pain thetnrlcr In ,Ilnrl fires sono° ala rnetirnes ao starers that T. v'lshed P y a was dead, Ox nay return to Eng- land 1 seemed to get no better, though I spelit large mune sof money for medical -ndviee and medicine. Then 1 tank to Canada, and about; a year ago main the advertisement of. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in it Winnipeg paper. .Although 1 had begun un t . think ,o ai o my c n l n t as: g y p incurable I told my wife tha 1 in- tended giving. the Pills a fair trial, I was suffering from terrible pains; hen I begjan taking the Fina, but efore the second box was finished lre* in began to disappear, and; under a further use of the ',ills it disappeared entirely, and T have not had a, twinge of it during the Last year. Only those who have n afflicted with the terrible; of neuralgia can tail what a, 1xg, Dr, Williams' Pink I' is ve been to rue, ,and, you niasy be 1 shall constantly recommmeend, to athar sufferers." se- Pi11s arra sold by all ine?di eine dealers o'r, by mail at 50 centi ft box or six boxes for $2.50 frorx Tho Dr. Williams' Medioino Co., llrocicville, Ont,. for.. This was proved many years ago by the Bernoulli brothers ant Banos, Switzerland, They took 1,000 perfeet eeies and tossed them an the air 1,000 times. A careful count was inacle of tha number of coins that fell heads at each expert- went.. "At alio conclusion of the test and it was .certainly al, fair omit was found that practically :a,s many coins fell heads as tails, "All life insurance pxclalaat determined by the law ties, For irlstau+ce, to', the pre -mina on people 'enity` and twenty -live yea a life irnsur'enee company how many people Elie amen tween thosa ~ages. That ded by the total.iiumber pie alive between those a fxaei'on that expresses the eliaz.A op1e between the ages of and twenty-five have of div Id it is, of course, "a simple r for the company to fix the aniuFu's accordingly. Sore Chest CuPed in One Night Broke Up a Heavy f`ole1, Relieved Pain in the Side,, Stopped an Irritating Gough. "Anyone that roes through al that 1 suffered last winter will ap preciate the value of a remedy tha cures like , TQrviline eured me! These are the opening words of th solemn declaration of E, P. Vo Hayden, the well-known violinist "My work kept me out late at nigh no playing in cold, drafty place brought on a severe cold that set- tled on my chest, I hada harsh, racking cough and eeeee severe pains dart- ed through ah my g RYihlNE sides and settled. COLD SORES AND III,CE;RS ARE H'E.&'LEDD BY ZAM-BUR, Cold so -es, 'chapped hands, ulcers and winter eczema are ' eonuuou troubles just now, and for all these, Zany -Bak will be found the surest and quickest remedy. Sometimes cold sores arise from chilblains on the foes or fingers, and in the for- mer ease, where eofored socks are 1 worn, the is as danger of blood- -. - pAisonine from the dye. Zam-liuk t being so powerfully antiseptic re- , moves the danger as soon as applied., c M. W. r. Halliday, of Ash Grove, n Ont.,says a "I had my little Singer frozen, and it eraeked at the first t joint, causing a bad sore, whish dis s . charged freely and would not heal. The pain was very bad, and the v'liole of Tay hand became swollen, "A friend advised me to try Zam- , Bilk, and in a, very short time it 'heaied the sore," Miss Lillie May, of Stoney Creek, Ont., says: "A few weeks sinee, several nasty, disfiguring cold sores suddenly broke out en my lips, which became much swollen. 1 tried Zam-Buk,. and after a few applicae t ion thi 1 s of s ba ,every mr was e so healed." am-Buk will also be found a sure. cure fer eezerna, blood -poison, sari, coso sores, piles, Scalp sores, ring- worm, inflamed patches, babiesf eruptions and,chapped places, cats, burns, bruises, and skin injuries generally. A11 druggists and stores sell at 50c, box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co,, Toronto, upon re- ceipt of pride. Refuse harmful imi- Cations and substitutes. Use also Zinn -Palk Soap, 25c. tablet. Best for 'baby's tender skint s. A gossip is a woman who tells all ne kuows—and then some.. Yn zr o ioranient Gfirus Calti4 d€o. 'be Evening lope. Voice (upstairs)—Mahn, have ou lacked the 1 rout door?" ,.,'fires." ""I ']rnt the cat out'1" teyeas,a., "Have you wound the clock?" "Have , you, been down cellar meld the as?" rA r tan g .t1s. ORES 11404. different Eibbbl; lirnilnents, but 0a0 rl g. none broke up rny cold till I used 7 'i a rvine rr' rubbed ix` 1~iton ,. Week y chest, and shoulders, morning? and efight, and all the pain disag•pea= ed, Realizing; that swell a hcaal ,f Bold load rain down lily sy aterrn, . took 1!errozone at meals, and wa.i. completely built up and strength arled. Since using Nerviline I have no more colds or pleurisy, and en- joy perfect health." It's because Narvilino contains the purest and most healing medi- cinal principles, because it has the power of sinking through the pores to the kernel of the pain -these are the :reasons why it breaks up colds, cures lumbago, stiffness, neuralgia„ sciatica, and rheumatism. Befitse array, ;substitute your dealer rney suggest -insist ,an Nervdiria only. Large fancily sire bottles, 500. 'al size, '25e. ; all dealers, or The +ozone CO, Ellffalo, gStoin, Ont. T FEIAlfi iI+ PROF S ElC1'AITIE r*Pexte Are Engage al in Stua?ly.ing . the LAW of Cioenee, You probably do not know that one of the most important laws--• " perhaps the ,most arttportant---that govern your daily life is the law of probabilities. 11 it is a cloudy :clay when you start to business you take an um- brella. You are unconsciously ap- plying the law of probabilities. All, day long you are, oonsoiousiy or uneonsexously, applying this law to your actions, to your engagements, to your 'Dating. 1f yourefrain from eating fish at luncheon, it is probably because you feel that your wife will have it for dinner. Professor Virgil Snyder of London, who is an authority onthe law of probabilities, says if it were xpressed in figures "it would be a lotion whose numerator expresses number of favorable ways, an event may happen and whose de- nominator is the total number of ways a thing .can happen. "Under the law of probabilities things will happen in the same pro- portion that their probabilities call SALT RHEUI CAME OUT ON HANDS Formed Watery Pimples, tchy and Had Horrible Burning Sensation, Lost Some of Finger Nails, Could Not Open Hands. Cured by Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment. 235 N. Lisgar St.,Toronto, Ontario,— °i Fcxr seven years I have been • troubled with salt -rheum. It came out on my hands and formed kind of watery pimples r -1"--c.-./3.5 L? all over them which bocamo "' itchy and it had a horrible burning sensation which caused me a good deal of pain. It came out on nay hands in tho fall and remained there till after spring I ,_flight mention that I lost 'memo of my Yingor-nails by the disease. During this length of time I -was ,utterly useless, as I could not :'open my hands. I tried, several other patent' medicines without a bit of relief: Sono of any friends advised` mo to try Cuticura Remedies so I sent for samples and by using them there was a great; im- provement. ' Then I went to the druggist and bought ono cake of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment; after using them I am glad tosay I am completely cured. ' I' had given zip all hope oC tieing cured.' I can say to all those who have suffered as I have, not to los© courage but. to glvc Cuticura Remedies a fair trial!! (Signed) Miss .Lillian Irwin, Oat. 18, 1011, For more than a generation Cluticura soap situ Cuticura Ointment have afforded the Most economical treatment for affections of the skin and scala that torture, itoh, 'burn; scale, and destroy sleep.Sold everywhere. Sample of each mailed free,' with 32 -Ip, Olin Look. Addrggs post card Potter Drug da Ohem. bone: poet.` tieb. lioston, 11,44,..44 NEVER TIRE$ Of the Food That Restored Rez to Health. "Something was malting me ill and 1 didn't know the cause," writes as Wcetern young lady: "For two years 1 was thin and sickly, suffering from indigestion and in- flammatory rheumatism. "1 had tried different kinds of diet, and moony of the rennedies 1 recommended, but got no better, "Finally, Mother suggested that, 1 try Grape -Nuts, and I began Ota once, eating it with a little cream! or milk, A, ohange for the "better began at once, `"To -day 1 am well and am gain- ing weight and strength all the s time. I've gained 10 lbs. in the last five weeks and do not suffer any more indigestion, and the rheumatism is all gone, "I know it is to Grape Nuts alone that I owe my restored health, I still eat the food twice a day and never tire of it." Name s given by Canadian Postum Go., Windsor, Ont. The flavor of Grape -Nuts is pe- culiar to itself. It is neutral, not c too sweet and has an agreeable, healthful quality that never grows tiresome. One of the sources of rheumatism is from overloading the system with acid material, the result of imperfect digestion and assimila- tion. As soon as improper „food is abandoned and Grape -Nuts is taken regularly, digestion is made strong, the organs do their work. of building up good red blood cells and of carrying away the excess of disease -making material from the system. The result is a certain and steady return to normal- health and men- tal activity. "There's- a reason!' Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. Ever read the, above Tetter? A new line ,sppears- from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. ors Family Pleases Merchants. The merchants of Lead Hill, Ark., rubbed their hands in gleeful anti- cipation last week when Will R. Little, a farmer, appeared in town with his family to do his ,annual shopping. Little's family consists of a wife and 22 children. Each year - at the beginning of winter Little lays in a year's supplies and togs out the individual members of his family from head to toe. ' When. he left the town this year his wagon was loaded ,with provisions and wearing apparel. Million omVeto! 1DClat,ll eAf g,irtlQ Aeeardingl to Sir John Mu one of the greatest authorities on oceanography, tile bottom of the ilea, is a desert of pitch black dark- , penetrating colaand eternal silence. Worms, sea pi%ldings and ctaralpolyps, sluggishly crawl or away in the ahnost eurrentless depths, and only two species of Ash, both of them small, with .much head and little body, have been found deeper than a rile and a guarter down, says the London Standard, The range of fishes in the sea is as though it were divided into layers, one above the other, and no fish :can live above or below his layer, Thus many of the deeper Ash—three- quarters of a mile below the sur- face—have been found floating at the top; they had swalloweda fish as large or larger than themselves and its buoyancy had lifted them out of the strata to which they were accustomed. The physiology of a bottom fish 3s almost impossible to know, be- 'cause they are built to resist a tre- mendous pressure of water, and when this pressure is released --as when they are brought to the sur- aoe in a net --sometimes the fish has burst: the organs are crushed beyond reconstruction. Similarly, if a fish of a higher trata attacks a bottom fish inr the neutral zone where both can live, and -as sometimes happens -bis teeth beeone entangled 'so that he annot let go, and e is dragged in- to deeper water, e strangles in- stantly, for his breathing arrange- ments are of no use to him under the pressure of water in the lower strata of the sea,. As a rule, how - deer, the fish of the various depths rarely feed on those above or below them. There have been brought to light an astonishing number of forms of fish, and especially of prawns of 'a brillia, , red color,' living in the ocean at a depth of 3,000 feet. But astonishing as it may seem, these brilliantly colored fish- and prawns, instead of being conspicuous in the water at that depth, are almost in- visible, when almost any ether color could be easily seen. The best way to feel for the poor and needy is to feel in your pockets. Charlie—"That was , a splendid trick done last evening! I saw a man actually turn a handkerchief into an egg. Billy -"That's nothing! I,saw a man, only about a week ortwo ago, turn a cow into a field !" "-What is this domestic science ? inquired the engaged girl, "It con sists of. making: hash out of the left- over meat, and croquettes out of the left -over' hash,' . explained her'. more experienced friend, Witniigd'a' 'LI/ailment Cures Momper.. "Have you triton caro of the #ti mace 1" e `Iiave, sage ?" "Yes," "Have you looked under the dav- enp+oert for burglars?" "",fres,". "Have you put the milk bottles out?" eYesh' `"Have you fastened all 'the win do us ?" "Well, then, why don't you come to bed ? What have you been do- ing all the time, anyhow" covered the bird I was mitred of terrible lumbago by MINAILD'S ;LI•NIMBNT, REY, v bi, BROWN. was cured of a bad caseof earache by MINARY $ LTNIMBNT. MILS. 8, L TTLBAOK. I was cured of seneitive lungs by MINAILD"S LINIMENT. MRS. 8, MASTERS. ,holt Did She Know Mabel—"But how do you know he loves you if he hasn't told you so?" Margery—"Oh, I can tell by the .way he looks at me when I'm look- ing at him." WHY NOT SPEND THE WINTER iN' CALIFORNIA! Attractive rates will be quoted by vari. able routes, affording finest scenery. The Los Angeles Limited, leaving Chicago daily10:16 :m. for Southern Calif rnia the San Francisco Overland Limited,leay. ing Chicago 8:30 p.m., less than three days en route. provide the best of everything in railway travel. The China and Japan Mail leaves 'Chicago daily 10:45 p.m. for San Francisco and Los Angeles. Illus. trated literature on application to B. H. Bennett, General Agent, Chicago and North Western Ry., 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Jack—"I. say,' Flo, dad says he remembers that old boy, when he hadn't a shirt to hit back, and now he has thousands." Flo—‘`Good gracious ! How ^ extravagant!"' Maud—"And how hot!" Cure For Consumption. -For consume!). tion, weak lungs, lingering coughs. laryn, ritis and bronchitis. Names and addresses of those only given a tew days to live by snecialiet and doctors, after taking this cure are alive and well. will be sent on request. Write ,Wm. R. Copeland. 611 Pape Ave., Toronto Ont. hopeless. A woman.had lost her husband,. and being anxious to discover his whereabouts, sought out .a private inquiry agent. "Did he possess any prominent facial characteris- tics?" asked the latter, taking down a description of the missing man. "Yes, he brad a big Roman nose." "Then he can't be found, madam." "Why?" "Because a nose of that kind never turns up ?" runard's LInlment Cures Diryhtheria; Scott ---"Jones says that he clear- ed leated between five and six hundred on that stock deal of his, I. wonder if`. it's so V' Mott.—"Oh, yes, he made between $5 and $000. The exact amount, I believe, was $8.75," Inaia•deo Livafpaont Cures (target 18 Dow% ONCE A PALACE Stafford House Was Blunt for `the Duke of York. Stafford :poise, London's finest mansion, the new ownership of which is variously attributed to Graham Miller and to Sir 'William 11. Lever, although a ducal resi- dence to -day, was actually built as a royal one. Its splendors were ao- Maimed once for all by Queen Vic- tczria when, early in her reign, she? said to the Duchess of Sutherland under' its roof, "1 have tome from my house to your palace." It was for Frederiek Augustus, Duke of York, that York House, as it was then called, was built. When the Prince, whose effigy surmounts the York column, bad been ares;uit ted of the misuse of the military patronage, had seen the last of Mary Anne Clarke, and had been re-establisbed by George W. as Commander in Chief, he came, to the coneluision that his virtues wer somewhat unworthily houeedin the stable yard at St, Jarnree'e Peleee, To use his awn famous expre4sion, he regarded the quarters as the equivalent of a "shocking bad hat," and he proposed to build York Douse on the site of a building which had once been known as Queen Caroline's Library, or the Queens Library. He raised the ne- cessary money by t loan from the Marquis of Stafford, afterward first' I)uice of Sutherland, and appointed Iacniamin Wyatt his architect. Al- though the great new house rose apace,. the royal Duke lay dying when its top story was reached, and it is probable that in his sick room in the Duke cif Rutland's house in Arlington Street he heard the ham -1 Irnera, which, so far as he was con- eerned, were being plied in vain, in my shoulders, < - THAT AS E Aa ING TIGKIING IN THE THROAT wine h keeps you coughing away, riaglil and day, will q nickiy disappear if you aloe, Na-Dru-Co Syrup of I,insee:d, icoriceand Chlerodyne. Na-Dru-Co Syrup or Linseed, 1.4icoriet and Chlorot]yne quiets the throat tickling almost instantly, loosens the phlegm, promotes expectoration, :find cures the Inflammation of the uncus membrane. Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne has the great advantage of being absolutely free front harmful drugs of any kind., In support of this statement we are willing to give to any physician or druggist In Canada a full listaf its ingredients. You can therefore give Na-Dru.Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chloro. dyne to any member of your family, with perfect confidence that it will be altogether beneficial, Your druggist can supply you with either 25c. orSoc. bottles. 'file National Drug and Claemzcal Co. of Canada; Limited, 31 THIS CONCERNS MAPLE SYRUP MAKERS Bettor he on the safe s'de and plane your order now, instead of risking disappointment during the March rush. Wille for tree backlit giving partienlars and prides of our Champion gra• porator and all up•to•date supplies for which we are headquarters. Writs ,isrfree catalogue and tell us how many trees you tap. THE GRIMM WC. CO., LIMITED 58 Wellington St., MONTREAL, QUE. OILERSNew and Second- hand, for heating and power purposes. TANICS AND SMOKE STACKS, Agents for Shute. vantVentilating and Heating Svste,nii. POLSO IRLIMtTED TORONTO Engines and Shipbuilders A GOOD NABIT Tea when you are hired, particularly if Ws FARMS FOR SALE,.' 11,1a ; DAL S€O i, iiinoty fi olhorna smear, '1'ormnto, i7 i3a;1 F3 ACRES.-COUT:;TY' i1AI.' i ,; 13onsct; Fskiildin , Orchard. rap and on easy terms. 4'13NTY.SLIZ tCuEs Wind torn " builelegs end ereee orchard; about Ere miles from Hamilton, H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. RE f3- E BRUCE' cot'NTr- SOLD ay inane, bn ldiag3tlire- n1le to school. Price sixteen 'tdred, Wor.'d exchange for city. tows } t,l«Qr property. or for larger farm. extern Real Estate. London, Ont. 18 Torontoo S;,."'ream iFARMS WatiTEIx, STAMPS AND cowls, }' TA rl? ctal; r•.crorte UN RED 7, ferret Forel n Stamp a. Cat 1, Album, on1Y Seven Cents. ZMarks ataue' Coinpnny, 'Portant°. HELP W 1NTEp, N GOVERNMENT N Mail Clerks; $90.00 ri everywhere soon, $I'•eoiino#. 'ee. Frankdin institute, ' ebester, 3v'. Y. MISCELLANEOUS. C R, TIMO1xS. L731MPS, Paternal and external, eared witiir in by our bonne Freatzneat. Write ere too late. Dr; Belfzeaa Med sal ksxeut,ed. Collins womd, Get. TED-OL9eii, SILvF.R A. Cross roses, Marten. Fisher sliver. Slabs Yantiattar, 0a91 Ontario. STONES, RRWWNVB Stones,. i4ldney troubl_, - ' nd kindred ailments poa..,,, si the nein iermnn Rented rice 5E50. Another new setaez ter-Mellitus,:rind sura cure,. ntfiAinbetes,"' Brice 2Aa Fara De direct. The 13ano1 Manufao. turiii " loom tsrny of Canada, Limited. eg, Zan. AN EXCEPTIONAL high; grade needles, beat quality stao2 Perfect points; finish guaranteed. THE FAMILY NEEDLE CASE consists of 5 papers of Needles of assorted sizes, Steel bodkin, 2 each of Silk, Wool, Tarn and Cotton darnere. i1 sting, Car. pet anti Button, needles. This etticndi assortment would Bost twice the price 't bought separately, Pries complete meats, Postpaid, Box iso Statio Station 8. NOVELTY rosi, P. Q. THINGS WORTH KNOWING ABOUT CHRISTMAS EUYiNQ Write to -day for Catalogue. It's FR,P1E1,. The LeRoy Import Co„ 13 Bloor St. E. Toronto. tveGilt s SuitsFflEtaD or --;E© st work in Crtnada. Gaid .Medalist. RITIS13 A?I! E :ICA1 DYEING Ota, P. 0, BOX, 233, MONTREAL ansosanameamommor BLANKETS Warn,, I3eav i Per Pair Gn uipoct ii t $2..x"5 Delivered. SIamped EX tisk Arisxy made Blankets. '$2'75 per pair Deli- vered Free. Cash with order. The General Imports On. of Dana da 14 Cartier Bldg., Montreal When buying your Piano insist on having an TTO- N IGEL , Piano .Action rvli`' t i'. tersi rive ut Da:.E p an oL with A POOKEILMSS OU know how damp gets in- to limen closets and Storerooms It's no trouble at all to keep thein fresh and dry with a Perfection Srrsokeless Oiil Heater. A Perfec t_on fifes;.or is e areae c 'fir fort, 100, on chilly mornings and cold ee-conga. It is the handiest and most reliable heater made. No soot; no smoke; no F.unet, Carry it viih re you please. All the heat you want just when and where you wantit, l escript-lye circular sent on reeoneat; or, "better still, ask your dealer to show you "o Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. T ' L OIL, COMPANY, Litnitcd TORONTO Qj] ^( ST. JOHN 8Vb MOREAM VI "7 I EG ., HALIFAX