Exeter Advocate, 1912-12-12, Page 5DENTAL Dr. F. notax.sroll, DENTtsr tilember of the R.C,D.S.,of Ontario land Heber Graduate of Toronto. 1irdfaalltr4 Offhas--Orer Dickson & Carlitig'S laNY office. cloistid' Wednesday afternoons. DR, A. ft. ,KINtIllIAN, Honor Graduate of Toronto Urtifve DENTIST Teeth extsected without pain, or Y bad effects. Office over Gladatao & StanIsury's Office, Matn Street, Exeter. LEGAL DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaales, Cenveyaneere, Comp ntagioners. Solicitors for the Moleenif Bank, etc, Money to Leah at lowest rates of ibleafet Offices -Main -St. Exeter R. Cajthri 13.A., L. H. Dickson ; M0NE7 TO LOAN We have a latVe amealcat of potritte funds to loan on fem. and VAlage prop- erCled at IOW Yates a titerest, aLtAblitrai, sztroratvir BarrNeters, SoltoltOrs, Ellefer. J. agarron Ageta cots:vie:rat:4n We satiate/Pow Compouy, aIso Ptre 1,1144•04P.Oe iat fed. Canattian and Deltiele Ceentfeentii. motn-str., LICENSED AUCTION/SER WM. ANDEff.ZON, Liron-e!d Aukti°111"r (or flumes County, Teritia" tiiereeenthi, Date e can be. made at the Afiroes.iA Exeteto or BenrY Office, 'tired.- eton. T. CAILLINO , Lite, Fire, Accident and, Plate Glass Insurance. Colleeting stemmata. and cOn- dueting auction sales. --- 132xoter. Ont. WINTER It -)j PBOINT d'ANUal..BY 2ND OTT •Tommte, Ont., Caliada's 1I1 Class r'Conirvercial b0L 1IhWreeommencl- ed be rorrner etudeate, Ora,dua.tes In -rortre demand. Write fer new cattal- oeua FATeld F0P S,LE Tho undersigned is offering for sale that desirable 100 acre fa.rrn, situated in the Totvasillp of Biddulph, being Lot 13, Con, 1. There le on tho prem'..ssee ,a geed tranYa LOuse, barn with,founda- tion, orchard. 'rho torrtn n woIl dralm ed and all under cultivation. Tails is an excellent /ann., well .eitulded and will be 'sold rmaoluthle., For further partic- ulars apply to Jaen O'Neil, efooreaville, ,Ont. Wei. KELLY. House For Sale Teat desirable. property Centralia, known as the Oetteci property, situat- ed on the loieedon Itoad. There are four lots or land, gooti brick house, sat - able tor two fermiI1te, or physicia.n,with aMple oftIce aceemmodation, good stable and brick foundation, driving shed. good well arid other conveniences 'This :a a. firstriaalss property and will ba sold ver Y reasonablie with, easy terms of payment Apply to 13. E. AB- BOTT, Lucan, or ta W. F. ABBOTT; ,C1antleboY0- TWO NEW ,HOUSES FOR SALE. The unders,Taaned aro offereng for sale two of the three new boluses built on the old 3.1ans1oln House property, Man Street, Exeter. These houses vial be .equi.pped with bath, closet.., toilets, fur- nace, and all rooms papered and grain- ed. W.11 be ready for occupancy In about throe weekde W:111 be sold Teas- onatle., ApPlYto Wes. Snell. -SNELL & MARCHAND 150 ACRE FARM FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for sale that fine 150 acre farm In the Town- ship of Stephen, being the west ballot Lot 15, Con. 8, arid Lot 16, Con. 0. There, is on the latter a good frame house, summer kitchen and wood -shed; bank barn, never -failing Well, with wind mill. appliances. All well fenced and drained, and in good state of cultiva-, tion. For • pa.rt-','.-ulare apply to „T. K. SCHROEDER, Creditorr4Dnt. very Woman• Is interested and should know about the wonderful Marvel Whirling Spray Douche ROYAL PURPLE Stock& Poultry Specifies FREEWe will send absolutely free, for the &eking. Peatnaid, one of our large 64 -Page hooka (with loa sert), en the common diseases or stock "and poultry.. Tells how to feed all kinds of heavy and light heroes, eelta and mares, mileh co'we. calves and fattening ateara, also bow to keen arid feed DoultrY so that they will laY 113 wel in winter as in summer. It contains 360e "reeoMnierida from all over Canada front petiple who have Wed ',Mr goods. No farmer *Walla be without it. You can fatten cattle and hose in a. month's kss time by 'using our Royal Putmle Stock SPeeifie than you could pessibly do without it, thereby saving a month's feed and labor and tha cost to you will not be more than $1.50 for si* pigs or ;Leo for one steer. It will keen Your hoses in show condition with ordinary feed; if You have a P'04; miserable -look - Mg animal on your place try it oo this one first and see the marvellous result which will be obtained, Our Steck Spezific will increase the inilk flow three to Ave lbs. Pea cow Per day, while being fed in the stable, ”ra Pnakage will last a ,cow or horse 70 day3- ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC ‘vill make our hens lay just as well in the winter as M the summer, and will keep them free from diaeaae, These goods are pure and unadulterated. We de net use any cheap filler to make a large package, entirely different, from 'any -on the market at' the present time, Royal Purple Stock Speeirla, 50c palms.: four rdic oekgs., ia an air -tight tin,for. $1.50. Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 25c and 50c -poison and $1,50 air -tight tins 'that hold reur 54e Pokes, Royai ll'urple Lie Killer, 25e aad 50c 3C by hi mail. Royal.,:urpla Can Cure. 25e and 50e tine; 30e by roan. RoYal Parole Sweat Linimeat, 50e bottle: 6.0e by mail, Boaal Purtde Cough Care, lies tin; Oa by mail, Dorsi l'urPle Dnfectant. eee ime liee dna_ . Royal Purple Roup Cure. 25c. tins; at/a blf rani,. Royal Purple Worm Powder, 250 tins; 20c by Itanufacturecl onlY by TheW.A.Senkins Mfg. Co. Lortdole, Canada Bee)rat Purple Supplies and Beeklete may lee obtained from W. J. Heaman, Exeter, Ont, #ao„lon & O'Brien, Oentrali PILES CURED at HOTITE by New Absorption Method. II you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind. Or protruding riles, send me your address, and will tell you how to cure your- self at home by the absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free or trial, with references from your own locality if re- quested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others a this offer. Write to -day to Mrs:, M. Summers, Box 840 Windsor, "Yeti% find it's so." Labatt's London Lager Now Perfected— Best Buyable TRY IT JOHN LABATT LIMITED 28 LONDON, ONTARIO BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y. M C. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt J..W. westerveit, Jr. Principal Omrtered Accountant 15 Vice-Prinfapal ; •. Cattle Astray ,. There strayed from the drowned lands Ln 'Beeanquet 8 th'ead of cattle,' with slit In left par and X bra,rul ii eft hip. 3 two year odds one/ stew and .3' heillers One heifer a:piereiford with pig rng in right ear. 5 yearlings, mixed, 4 ste..erie and. 1 heifer, 4 with Pig rings iri right ear. Reward for Information: TEIElDF,ORD. dalczour drugglet for he cannot supply the MARVEL. accept no other... but send' stamp. for Illus. trated book --sealed. It gives` full particulars and directions invaluable . to ladies.WINDSonSOPPLY CO..Windstir, On .oenerai.Agente for Canada. • ' Wanted Po: Fall and nVinter months a sal art, reliable persoa to salt aur well-known fruit and ornamental t'ca in EXETER and surround- ' 0 count:7. OVER 000 ACREZS' OL fines,: nursery stook :own Szonk „sold mid deliveaed to trade. Early arid good detiVery guaran- ebd You ra'not t-XPOriell'eS ClableS ths to Of - 'ale heat oa-ancy in our If ne. ra....e for ,tcatnis.-„, PELHAM "'NURSERY Co. O on to - Dr 'de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generativeportion of the female system. Refuse i all cheap mitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at 05a box, or three for ale. Mailed to any address. licobell Drug Co., Si. Catharines, Ont. Home Sitidy Thousands of ambitious young people are being Instructed In trier Home Study Dept. You tnaY f:nisli at College it you desire Pay whenever you wish, Thirty Years' Experience. Largest train- a ers :n Canada. Enter any Poadons guaranteed, 12, y vn,sh to save, 0,,oarcina.nd learn rwh`le." You. earn,. wIdte ,ecr Part', e Wars. , NO VACATION Cnton Bes&ness dollegv ‘5130. SPOTTON D. F. WARD 1Freti1dent.Prhiclfl <LOCAL OPTION (QtliPrOrn l'atlei 1) salrico we vote:a cii11 locat oPtten and.* attempt •liale been, rhade te repaeal,'....it. The, town was- ntqsrcr novo.Te Prasfiq°u0 and it tuture bsetere brightest. -J. 4.drns, cheiz, Irne.4 Citizens ,Leaguen BUSINESS INCREASED--COLTeEOTIC)N , , ;EASIER. Ont-aTtaie iS to certifY that I halve. 1ive ea Maxville all My lifetime under a„. Joker -toe Seagate and under Option, end in MY opinion the. 2s. 119 cornParison. betwee1 tills two. systems We have two good hotelhere and the traveller iz well 14sed. My business has increaSed and colleeting ls easier, H, Reber -tis, Notary Pubile ofo,su rO:titarmio, ColiznY:lasioner 'High court 33..41) DEBTS DECREASE Southarapton, OAt.-There has been marked PrOgress in _our tow ni under Lo. cal Option, Wad oar ,peeple are, better satisfied now ta-434, eiree before with the results. We ba:re, been In business in Southampton for nearly sixteen years and under Local Option business with us ateadilY dr11PrOves and bed elebta cleepearree-Beens Eros., Bakers and Grocers TRADE NEVER BETTER Pa/cloy, Ontu-LeCal 0p'4on, in Paisley Lu BIT °W-lact, rrfae defies a, rel'eat arnoualt Qt good. M own. .btAftiniass leaa intProY, ect and seAretlY1 Men; M. other tines or boeilioria 01a,V0 told me, that their' trade never was better, DrunkenneSs l;Ite street Le veryt, rare, oral on Race or, Fair Day, and, is a strlking cOntruat to towns; Where !Wens?, Ls granted., --11, 13, Putman, Gen - oral, Dry Goods Marcfcbelh, INCREASES C.A.PA.BILITr OF WORK" 51"EN Southampton, Ont., -For eleven la cane haya been Superinteendent of tho south- anspton. branch Of the Ertechtel Portal! turo Co any. I have ninetY men in employment. ,experlence has been tfiat from the standpoint er a Manu- facturer conditions are yery much impey ed. Ely careful elYserVatien I ruld Urnt Melt aro more reXtftetr at. their work. anti leore cApAiplo of doing 11,. We have hY 15ar ;WWI' alegidenta. Fr,ent tide etantipelet E,im Platter of es:art ornye, oat convinced that Loeal Option is geed thing Wed heareily commend It. el. Greeter. BANK DEPOSITS INCREASE WIntrhestor, Ortt;-Wfthout heeltation we etate that neerally Wincheater has been greatly Improved. Our larZaez etuiPleYers of labor are (strong advocate* for loeal, optlori on the ground that menare steadier, lose Wee time and do- bettor work than the' did unter the lecertse system, Wo are Informed that Bank deposits have nzAterlally tecreased during the Past rive yewlEf. . The rate et taxation has not inereastd It haa ri fYict D.Varaged lower for the fIva years or Woe, option than, for sev- al yelps previous a.,nti is a very low rato for the present year. The a.bove ettetects are trent a, state tuent ,sigeed by twenty-five business and professional men. The genuineness er tho eignaturcee is atteseed by N't W. Beech, Meleager of The el. F. Beach, Co. Distilled. •••••••• Woman's Hair Made Glorious PABISIAN SAGE STOPS FALLING IEAIR AND DANDRUFF. Nething so detracts from the attract- iveneere of wornan as dull, faded, luster- less hair. There is no excuse for this condition nowadays, because notice is hereby giv- en to the, readers of The Advocate .that Pat Ea..ri Sage, the quick acting hair re- stceer, is sold with a ntoney back guar- antee a.c 50 cents a large bottle. Since its introduct4on into Canada, Parisian ,Salge has had an Immense eale, iand here are the reasons, It is safe and thatTnleas. Contains no dye e. p0i:03,1113os aead. It cures dandruff in two weeks, by killnng the dandruff germ. It 9tops ;ea*, It prcmptly -stops itching of the scalp It makes the hafir soft and luxuriant. If gives life and beauty to the hair', It is not, sticky o.r greasy- -It 16 the daintiest perfumed hair tonrc It 16 the boat, the most pleasant and Inv -ego -attire; hair dresstng made. ' Fight sh's of the.droggget ltrho offers y -ca., a asubsUtute, h fs unworthy .,of yousr confidence. Made only En Canada. by 'the 11...TT. Occti 03., Ltd., Flort Erie. Ont. The glr' with the Auburn hair Is on ever:7 pa c AL' reliable druggtsts , delaartnaentt stereo and toilet goloda counters -have Parisean Sage GElair Ponic. he grti with the Aubul n. ha;lr is on every pack. age. W. S. COLE guar.;antoes iti en•••••ril•11•1•••••=MMINO Have 'You A Farm For Sale? The Publicity Association for Hurons County ,intend to publish a list of farm properties for sale, in this couratY, and ask ainy persons having a farm for (-rale ta send at once to any member . , of the Executive, named below, ps.rticu- tarsi of swain fanint, daderibing it and catattng price at which they 'will sell. When advt. of Sufficient farms have beon laeCeived, the Executive will one- lish the list in circular torso for gen- eral disltribution fin. the Old Land and Lo ate United State.% without charge: • to the advertaserec Fur -her partieular a may be obtain- ed 'from any of alltel Executive,. 3, 0. GREIG, President, Seatortia JOHN, ,LECKIE, Vice -Pres., Brussels La Q. MUNNINGS, Treas.„ Goderien -,TAS, MITCHELL, Sec'y, , Goderiera „Execulave , M. GOventeck, 'e,eata, Lri1idLop, Winthrop p. ; mayor Spt wA.11.0-lam; ,rec,'ve of qsta,r0,49rn glialtont•P. 0,.; JOhn Ransfaardi Prashicsat, CUnton„.3343ard ide; W. S. :14eLeitaat, reave i'.,z3;.Exeste; Stotha are, intimgonnen ; 11.- W. Livingstone, reovf Af Grey, Moncrlef 2 P, O. gull= Mrs K. Wing and daughter Vier-. lance are vDsfAqtr-ix the, fOrater'S mother. Ma. P •Hanokii.,-Mtese Nirrrde ,lorner haan Just enfrnpleteal a quilt con- taining 4146,:o4atebea, This IS the cord and certlaingat renutrea lots, Pationee,i-Mr. 'SROntlel Edigeoffer, who ine been la Western, Canada for some months Was returned te We home en the 14th Oon.!--Mr, Conrad, Keller Who ilaS recently disposed of his darra at the 16th. Con. has Purchased Mr- Chas. Brit'sdwella.tirlg recently vacated by Mrs. Weber, The new owner and hiS ram ;helve in at or:co.-jot-1n Curry, a. ▪ pioneer of Goderibb, dial on, Tues- day le'er, ItIle vfafi Id Years of age, Deceaemd evute a:, /tat brother ot Mr, 1. C. Conway, dt eras irlieage,-.eereene tcho- se who aktendod the funeral et the late !frb 1 albfielech were her son WIli:iant 'fr0111 Ottawa, Mr. and dr'. John. -Sehliihe aad dal,rghter l‘g.S9 GearZ1412, "of Detrotd, bfr., and 11gs. Abel sehilbe0 Waterloo, and her brother 7.1r. Schilte of Waterloo. and tier brother • HearY 1tiv1dn:1 q Cavalier, N. 0. - Fire titesoToel drytng bald preperty of Tanob Mcidr:riger, of the ZutIch road, at an early hour On FridaY Morning, involv- ing a 1O0b 1OQ1 „wit!) no itt., surance. elwelUner house had a - Close call. The cabin ettfer parts of the sceooner Sareeter, seriti went t eioo05, cya 11e lAticW near Iti.cwx:p.n itt ,algetrt1;er. balm titIrted ottto tfr qore ot the ielee near PrYadAlee 71C,S nedai8!facla7 V,00.0t) haviag been raked ,by subscIllption, the. Sacks -On .31anunacturing CoMpanY. C441/004 will now proceed te Put in 8, Plant for the manufacture of beYS' at Znalath. A golsOldne anglae, eup ply tee pewer, A dynamite fOr Light Aril heat for the presto/1%V laehlf,S Will. be 1. part or the plant; The Baptiat aniarea, now used as a ligtlgothettae• will be tiaed by tthe cempanY Help to openate the ;machinery. has larenaeenred, Ye I fleallnellitA elise Rhea Godbaalt spent $un4y the g4e,it ot Mies Zeierle Seal, oe Egan -ale., --Mles Nellie 'Medd ha ef been engeged toableer ter S. S. Na,,, 6,, ,1311iNg-05 clutiee to con10101We at the NeW Year. --eieeers Swalicev and Stopteita of AVcotlhara have Oreeted fo. John ,Hern Jr., and other Like impro melte. Jceen bellWea Jr -having thleg up -to -dace -Mrs. Ell Ileywood is a Pluatewn abrading her father who ta on len stele list.-'fr. Jno. Rooney 02 Sunirrine is In Vicionte Reoapital, Leen- don vaidergolpg trmtmerd. We tope foe. as speedy recoveryi-;Mr, Geo. God - bolt of SunsQiine As acting on the jure, at Code -rich this weelt,-ItCV, Mr. Viet. Cher held a. CorAege Prayer Meeting a it„he home of Mr. Andnew, Turnbull, on Thursday 'Wetting last, -.Mi. W. Penwarden of Chatham; was called Marne to tho bedelde of his -mother on Fre- day last; stone then she has allghtlY Improved. Wo leope for pot r.etrovere. and gra. W. G. ;odd gave ar Oyster Supper en Seturilay night to tele old atid New Ezeautive committees or Eliraville Adult Eiblo Class in ilex, or „of Mr. Mold's Birthday. A enjoy- able *veiling was by alt. -A number from hero took In tho Golden AnAlver sary at the James St. Church. Exeter. HARPLEY :lir, John Sherritt, who has- spcnta time In the wet arrived home oh Sat- urday evening. -A very .ead and fatal accident )happened. to Mr. Mack Kenny on Thur.sclay evening of last week just OS they were about to quit work. He was operating a circular saw eating ralls for lltr. Joseph Ilickey vellen a bolt came loorre allowing the saw to swing around striking WM. :n the left cheek and left shoulder Inflicting a deep wound 10 boat- cases. Dr.,Hotson of Parkhill was Immediately called by telephone and was quickly on the scene and dressed the vround to-gether to make it presentable. -The Coroner Dr. Dr Campbell of Zurich, (according to law) was ;notified and .he also made an examination of the wound and the scene of the accident reporting the same to the Crown Attorney of Goderich who called for an hique,sfl A jury was emparinelled and net on Friday at 12 o'clock aind after viewing the remains adjourned to meet on the 12th ins' at Hannan's Hall. er Shipica. The funeral was held on Saturday to Grand Ben.1 cemetery and was largely attended Rev. Mr. Carrier° officiating. Ile leaves to mourn hii!s• untimely end a widow and two entail Children who have the sYmpathy of the coMmunirty in zbe'r sad 'affliction. Mr, Geo. B. Patrick, of Luca,n is vis- iting has daughter Mrs. Roy Sherritt for 'Sointa time. , WHALE. ;Mr, Saanatel Gunning gave a party and. supper to trod trusteleS, their Wirea a.ndaft arugriber of oalineat fgiends on Wed- nesday - evening Of last week in horma of Mr. and Malet. J. V. Millisonwho leave in a few days' Zan', thege futureatieths at Pleneall. The sumptuous repast" of oysters and fowl did credit to :Mr; and 'Mrs. Gunning'. A very sociable time was spent pa conversation, gatnes and alinging.-Mr. Frank Squire and sister Lottie spent, Sunday'W.ith fnnincis at Exeter„..‘ --Clarence Willson visited a friend In 'London Township 011 Sunday. :SILVER WEDDING -On Friday 'even- ing the neighbors, and relatives and firiencl,6 of Ma. and IVIrs. John Morley ;gathered at the thorn:. of Mr. Morley to help, celebrate the ,eannivereairy at their 25th, wedding day, about 05 were pre- sent and wore treated) by rife kind host and ,L:lostees to a very sumptuous wed- ding. dinner after whinb nil anaused themselves in games. on. 000 -kind and, another. Mrs. Morley's friends: brought With them some, beautiful, and useful presents valaich testifaes to, the esteem ahat alt.3id Mrs, Morley are held in ne. Mar iey th,allked the., fri end s for e- beautiful" shower of silverware they beanowed upon). hen A CALVES T ehenerutai,desrltdliglira7-ieeRddl ,a 13 ratiep rlr'oertrithla oi:of Dastwood, „6.avles, Mostly .red , havc bitoporolory.injgT,r;:'0,0p0;witi,14canpenises,' GEO.GE SCHROEDER. CtINTON---Mitee Della .31. by-law to botkl tite matillental nom., P'`intOil, end, Dr, -.,. aat.e.on. Oa 30 the Council adlaurtia B ide Welland, vo0re ritl1i417 maraed Dee, 16.th wean, o.14 accounts 0 00 desired to be lan. the haatds, of the ale 5th by BOX. Ora, BOUV.edge, Of WI/Z- hu-1u, aiSs lW s the daughter ,24 D. Olaf, Citritione and a numbee of lout-ot4own guesie were peesenta The a.foamg couple lb2t. ozi the afternoon tra4,, for Otiawae Montreal, Quebee-'and New York,' McGILLIVRAY C0BNOU-4--A2ter Pas, slug a large annther of angel -tuts and 'g_jectric Restorer for the en Phosphor:Rd ;e0toree every nerve, body to its ISM and vitality. Prenualt)rtIP",tension; reatores Waakoesa averted at c„,..1"T decay and all sexual n . co ta a birtabr two ear ;Ii4k4MY:it'ead ztlelav man Pd. 111"4P11°11°1 will Or.,-st.c44riLaddre 213°Sc.).6/11131-14 00., Ont, Will Give $500 To Sick Readers of The Advocate Famous Scientist Who Originated the Now Wonderful "Home Treatment" Offers $1.00 Package Free to Sick and ailing In order .hat every reader of Advocate v(r..» nasa- not have heard apt thas -wonderful "1-1,eme Treatment" May. have an oppertueeety to totsb this neje.. brted medidere, thee riow famoue 8elQ84+ /al, Dr- James We Kidd, otters bogiere absolute/I tree a full size $1.00 PaOke age to fere thteldrett readers 02 'tbiti Pena; to Prove the wondertul vehicle have been triade ter ie. In Eng tilis Offer the aelenttat Reed, 1 Itteo that there are roan'? PeOPle who have been enteteriag 7e4re vriftl chronic clIsea-gra ezel Mahe' or the hh*lal spent !az-go a,kmo., rieeklag Otrret 1 iceow that thew!) r;realge, 11eal. tate about inveritei me -nee% In medicine became they haee despairol' o oyer getting well. T2ousar.45 have told 'nee that etory and enrehy tleourande sane Peeterde 'have eold mo aftersiarde that erty treatment had oared them, at.. ter doctors and entry-U:4m else bad fail- ed. I want- to prove to a, limited aline liere=ne matter what the disease, hoe matter how long their Mar have setter.. ed. tie matter how blue e4'.4 diecouraged -that ;my tmettment really aree aptually doeaceomplierie the wondeeta resoults ttAt llama keect% re.7,44edr" .111•••■•••••••••••••••11.111••••••••••=1•1•••••1 -People who trator from Rh fuiriails Icidney Trouble, Si Trouble, la:ve or Eawoi DisOrders. Catarrh. Bronchitis "asthma,' ChM:ale Colighat, Weak LAUtge, tambagO, Fies. Urfratar7 Disorders, Fe - Male Weaknesses ta4 arty kind, tbe weak wean out broken-a/earn and despondept will be ;rlteaghted at file effeet et a few 4°40l3 Thle weledertuf treatment create c48 8.rine, 4441444e Arr,,d Sitedigeste orgeele to mangy Ogri thelr functlems tr`e;,i-e ahead It strengthene the "tOO, and d.rlYee rileurnat!eln e polo - 2 tree blood as it by rnagee. at re Why peonals who try it become enthuttlastio. Arty rea•der 2 Tfiid AdrOMl.e y thla extraordinary medicine that has rested eo mien ezeitentent by ete 'eqrsere cart OW.,:ain absolutely .fre, a full $1.00 treatment by simPlY2i,ULo. in the meet= below or 'writing a letter dee- Prib6n4; their ease timer owe worde, LI ±ey prefef'. terod Mailing it to -day to jareee W. Kidd, Tonente, Canada. No rreetree need be cone and, na vearge or a,ny tortzt welt be nettle... Ao this otter is limited, yea abouiti write at oece, In ordeal to te., 'sure to revolve 'Tree eheateneetee Coupon CB 123 For Free Dollar Treatment ER. JAS. W, ICYDD, TORONTO, CANADA. Plea.se aead nte a Full, 441 Cowart of Treatnient tor postage paid. just as- you promise. Nam e.. , • Post Oftice, . . Street and ..... Ion 11 • ete47:—, .• • • • • I, • • • • • MaRc cross (X.) betore the dlseaae� you have. Two croeses (XX.) be- forO the ono from which you eutttt the Most. .,..1111eun1ant ....Kidney TrOubte _Impart. Plead „,Fernale, We tit 4 ....Iournbaseo ...131ad1er Treabie ...„soiemin, ,,...Womb Tro etee ‘....Ca.t.arrh __Weak$ 4,P;niplee 11„„0varian 'T., ;hie. ..,.Conetipaiten in„Clirofitle C ...Eczema '....Pa.lnial I'e; f :4s. ..Neuralgia 1„...Hat Fla.s, s ....Diarnicva. ketblna , ...Heati-t^,te _Rearing dow 1 pain -.Torpid Inlve.r. ,...liny Fever h.,.1Dizilietis ,,.,Leucorrt' 0 -. , ...,Indlgestion, .I.Ica.r t Trouble „ „Nervous:17. s ....Stenta.oll Trouble ....Poor ClIkulai6o,1 ...,0b03Li, Give other symptoms on separate slice;:. Correspondence in all. languages. —, • •••11•1•••••... NATURE'S ESSENCE—Extracted Frail Forest Plants. Nature's laws are perfect, but disease follows if these lasvs are not obeyed. Go straight to nature for the cure, to the forest; there are myateries here that we coo fathom for you. Take the bark of the wild -cherry tree, the root of mandrake, stone, Oregon grape root, queen's root, bloodroot and golden seal, make a scion. tific, non-alcoholic extract of them with just the right proportions and yo. have Doctor Pierce's Golden DIedical DisCoveve, It took Dr. Pierce, with the assistance of two teamed chemists, eteet years of hard work experimenting to make this pure glyeerie extract and alterative of the greatest efficiency and without the use of a particle of alcohol. Just the sort of remedy you need to make 'Ick, red blood, and cure that lassitude and feeling of nerve ,INhaustion. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery bears the -tamp "of PUBLIC APPROP.A.L and has sold more largely in the past forty years than any other blood purifier and stomach ton ;. "Some tirno ago I got out of health -my stomach seerno.1 to b, the feat of the trouble." writes Mn. EZRA. Wratrams, of 3:nacelle. kens. 'I commenced to doctor with all the doctors at home as v.. d as with other specialists on stomach and digestive organs. Nona raemed to do any good -in fact,. most of the medicines did me harm. Fred a. I wrote to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. who mailed, stating that 1 had liver cora. Plaint with indigestion and constipation, and advised Dr. Pierce'a C-oldext Med,ical Discovery and 'Pleasant Pellets.' 'The 'Diseovery' mad 'Pellets,' have 'put me on rny feet as -tale - seemed to be just what I needed. I could nothave recovered without therm" E. WILLIAMS, Esq. Dr. Pierce's Pleasent Pellets are for levee ills. YOUR 111.000 18 TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS„ SWOLLEN -GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT , , We desire to call the attention of all those 'riftlfcted with anyBlooit er Skin' Disecie to • oui• New Method Treatment as a guarantee& cure for these complaints. There is no ex- cusefor any person having a disfigured face from eruptions and :blotches. No matter whether hereditary or acquired, our specific remedies and treatment neutralize all poi- sons in the blood and expel them from the system. Our -vast experience in the treat - meat, of thousands of the most serious and complicated cases enables us t,o perfect a cure without experimenting. Wedo business on the plan -Pap Only for the Benefit Yee Derive. If you have any blood disease, con- sult us Free of Chtuue and let us prove to you how quickly our remedies will remove • all evidences of disease, Under the influence of the New Method Treatment the skin he, comes clear, ulcers, pimplesand blotches . heal up„enlarged glands are reduced, fallen , out hair grows in again. the eyes become bright, ambition and energy retarn, and the -victim realizes a new life has opened up to YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER • YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE Send'for Booklet on Diseases of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If Unable to '0.11, write for a Queetion Ust for Home Treatment ' . . . its Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canadamust be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- nestteretereemalma trient in 1lTinds6r, 'Ont. If 'you desire to See us personally call at our Medical Institute, hi Detroit as we see and treat ,sa "'Wawa*, ineoure,\Vindsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory, , fors; Canadien ,business „only:, Address all letters as f011eWe f - . , , , , ) ,D,BbletICENNIADY 66 KENNUnr, Windsor, Ont. 1.1vrit, PI 9* pooate; addrieso, . , -,,,,, . 111