Exeter Advocate, 1912-12-12, Page 1RENEW YOUR, SUBSCRIPTION
Now is ith,e tints W e'al1 in ard have
your subscript. to ,'T ie Advocate re-
e-newed. We aim to. I've you ail tale
local news in co',r:,cxsa and interesting'
form, and we believe we Jive up to
the clauses. 'Help along the good work..
of the year vherr
you are renewing your newsnapsr ksub,
ecripttone. The. Advocate cillbs wi#il'
all the city Weekly and Daily paps
and the Hage ,ynes at terms that are a
1;. s._nd4eement. Cali aT3d oat our rates,.
11 Stoc
Having sold our store which
has to be vacated ` by Jan. i st,
We are offering for sale our
of General Merchandise
which consists of
Dry Go ocls,Ladies
and Gents Furn-
Rugs, Wall Paper,
China, Glassware,
Boots and shoes,
Hardware &G.roc-. Groc-
Local Option
The 'issue before the electors is .a
mora? one. Is the license system
rig -in 7 Al=suet answer, No. No leg;s-
laturo and. tato parkansen, , e'_!tber by tic-
nsu or segregations Co,n Make wrong
ight; Wtlth due reverence we declare
that eve:a God I tnrse1Z rennet make
wrong right. Who, thein, can dive tin
individual or a community authority to
Place in !xis brother's way that whish
adllati redly destroys body, nand and
spar: Behold. 'he tremondoue expehi e-
of the traffic. Tho Canadian, Liquor
1301 for 1.911 was 581,392,909, $1.1.40
ger capita for the e.7tse: population: of
7 t}4,,xr
90, while Protestant gifts t
Haste and Foreign, Missions for the P;-0
tstan", PePulattioa of 4,645,500 the
same year was $2,216,43' or 4714' cents
per capita,, Strong drink $11;30 per
individual, 'Ilome and Fore g'n JIB,^asioaas
47 cents pea' icnd:viduLll„ Yet we boast
Ow religion and flaunt our ting
ecstatic with pattriot:'fatlu Now add to
$81,392,969 t!Ganrakia'es Liquor
that which tt ongeTdera, whlo'1 Par
must follow in !ts° trail. A Canadian
Judge says Catnetda's lose he efficient
labor is $75,n00,000. Add to this 80
per cent of what crime :eats. Add to
this the cost of poverty and broken
lives, Subtract from ti"is sena total. $2,-
000,000, which ie Canada's revew'ue
fro,mn. Liquor, ,How long will the Church
true patriots, n1 whose veins Covenant-
er blood flows, Stbtesrue> and Public-
ists permit it?
Alliston, Ontario, Nov. 4t11, 1912,--Ist,
Morally the town le better, 2nd, 13us:-
Hess is better. Men3r of the merchant&
nava told mo they ,have made more suer. -1
ey than under dlcen,sae and have no bad
debts.. 3rd, We have two up-to-date ho-
tels, which strictly obey the law, and;
give -first-class acco od.atiof, to farm-
ens and the travelling public. One hotel
was sold and is now fitted up as a
high grade flour trill. The Defrlez and
Woodman ,factory, which 'located here
latest yea, is doting a, rusjhing bus`.*
nese. and is wt present working extra
tilney They employ about 75 bands,
many of those arra young people of the
town. It is a. d>:fficuat thing to get
houses to rent, there ars so many, fern -
tiles moving iin,to town 5tb, Tlie Jaw
has been obeyed, sand strictly enforced}
It will be three years again January
(Coultinared en Page 5)
We can save you ' at least.
25 per cent. on Dress Goods,
n hin s..
Men's �ur�s � , Underwear
Carpets and Wall Paper.
30 per cent® discount on. all
Our New Line of
Golden Anniversary of
James Street Methodist Church
On Sunday and, Monday las. Jantes
Street Metbodi* Church, Exeter, celes
brated the Fiftlath Anniversary of the
establishment of the ehumb to Exster'.
Until thhe.. M44llo41 t union took' place
this church was cd the Bible ChrisVan
denomination, and below we give a
tliFi wry of, the or g?.dn. of, the Bbre
Certs:Jan church, with particular .refer -
erence to the Exeter appol atnrent,
The services on.Set..nday ware na.r ie -
larly bright and interesting. The church
both : an the audltorlu`n and basement
was profusely decoyed with. flowersv
Toa choir furnished nue -n cao.ca AZ,/
thecnla, solo, clusrt.t"'e, and tn,strulal"'f}ts
els, agpropni,tto to the Peoat Jen, The
services on Souly were taker! lay 11rv.
i71r, Pasco;, who was ric5 i$117.5tJministerr
t;1 charge of the congregation after the
union. took piano, assisted by the pres-
reaent pastor, Rev. W. Geo. II. S1eAlist} r,
Dr, Pascoe, preached both Anornin3- and
evcnins :1i 11tY interee+a's'ss% surd nstruct-
Ivo -sermons to very .large csaalyreg4t:Qnst
Always a favorilo, with the paopi= 4f
E%eter Ac, paacoo was listened, to with
rapt attention during his d'srouraea. e
Jewell Cases, Candle Sticks
etc. etc.,
Makes .themost attractive
Christmas gifts We have
a full line of jewellry, Silver
glass, cut and ,the fin-
est of hand painted china.
Call and inspect our stock
We know we can please you
S. Fitton
Wedding Rings & Marriage Licensee
Men cc flee from the wrath to come
and be saved from their sins.
heeds,—(1 his earnest exttarlat_o is
and 24 peersoi-I,s were gcsthezed, into .s
Society at Sbebbqllr. Tide was the first.
"Society:'• others followed. The glow;:
Ino flames sPlead, g4r4 rte icy chill
oc r :e frQzr,;3 relWealty- of the ns
gave ''hey to thrter=
e Wealth of ezpirj cr)t.
std and
Persons/ lig on..
Moorw:nstcin rev vaA, fires bro1r
nu"; and sp;.e_d to 0017n: -wail Marty i at7-
dre3s were converted. The sp:e..did:
wyrk Mewed et'n Ac4ve se -workers en..
Wed, .TIT the Aar 1819 there .were
g(300 salehl/Waa e; shed. A. I3.ddaeZn
41.44tsr 17, 1819 a ctat*xferenee
ass ntbled item which 40 preaehttr4.
�n17, et
vw'on were, wo. sn were
to 1 earcur', Two ,N-7.5 zatec', J$ 1.,
In ss'enar} -society were A'?rg:i1,Aecl
ar&d 02 pounds raised,
In 1831,fi=le !L se,^,ene-17 !scoriae wad
pounds. and tine.nn7}ltbership 4(itil).
.A,1, ant of parli .ngel-'t 'af uredl a l Safi.'
canoe for the denomis4tfon, and fire
l:hie Calistien Ch1?,?ob • dt`eeraled
Francis Me,',1exa;1, al:gs'e,iow 'F ,e)ert..
is now nearing his sixtieth: anniversary
szs a preacher, and still retains his old
time ningUance and powerful expression
of scriptural truth.
On Sunday next a continuance of the
anniversary will take place, when TBev.,
A L. Ruts•sell, another old favorite,
will Occupy t9'tro puiplt',
On Monday evening a Fowl Supper
was given, win,ap a, very large number
sat down to teat. After the supper a,
program was rendered, consisting of
reminiscent speeches by Dr. Pascoe of
Hamilton,. ?hear. t9, J1 AUIa of Winde{or,
Rev. Jo'lnn Holimee of Taibotville, Mrr
Brooks of Owasso, Midht., an oldresid-
ent, and the palstler, who occupied the
chair, musical selections by the chair,
solos by air. Goodtwia, Miss Carling and
Miss Chowan, a reading by Miss Edt
rounds, and an instrumental by Miss
Jennie Frayn,e. Fat.trres of the occas-
ion were the playing of the melodeon
by the Organist of 50 yetirs ago, Mr., D.
Freund, alnd the preispnce of the follow-
ing persYons, who were present at the
openitng of Itin church, and who have
since had a group photograph taken
John Kerslake, Richard Delbridge, Mrs.
James Pickard, Mrs'. Richard Pickard,
E. Jory, C. H. Harney, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Keddy, Wii]iahtZ Westeott, Mrs. T.
Clark, rtrs. Geo Sohl'well, Mrs. Jane
Smith, firs. R Blatchford, Thomas
May, Mr. and Mrs D. Brawls', Dr. rand
Mrs. -Mrs. -W.• Sweet, Mrs. Geo. FiFisher,. Mrs
W. Dearing, Mrs'. H. Hornsey, C. T.
Brooks, and J. Brooks. There are a
number et others . who attended both
services, but they did not report : as
A Social, was held on Tuesday tight.
The Thank Offering and receipts for
the supper amount to nearly $400,
while the ,subscriptions +to wfpe off the
church debt of $2000, will amount to
dearly that ,suint.
This chulich traces' cite ancestry tllru
spaces vrhieh rfeabh back to ' Devon-
shire, Fang., where O'Bryan, a
lay preaahsr bean in 1815 to warn
`ot ke
Sale on Ever
e sale
H. Cook, Sons 8 Co.
This coupon Sas;' good for 40 cents on each; bag 01 SNOW DRIFT, ' our
best family flour, eying you • the ',privilege . of taking", one to five bags,
providing this coupon us .presented to us on or befor0 Deedntber 31st. 1912.
Our reZufle r )selling price of aur .SNOW DRIFT, flour without this
coupon is $2.75, if you present this coupon each bag of SNOW DRIFT will
5 for' each bag.
only Torsi you X2.,3
Our mill Ss egulyed with: the latest ` and most ,:modern flour mill marhinerY
"Bre j also have secured the aerviceS of a ", first class miller, whp was pre-
viously employed: by one of the largest ,nitlls',fin Ontario. Consequent-
ly we are offering, trriis "inducennent in order to zine every woman ass opportun
ity to try our SNOW, DRIFT flour. Every brig guaratateed.
\Ve are ',selling .;bran at S22.O0. and Shorts at ,23,00 per ton, isn ,ton.
resented by
North Anlerta, where, he arrived. June
26th, 1832, wad ideated at Charlotte-
town. Prineo Edward Isaand.
In 1,_ Mb:ikl'713 Mktlaekttdl ,tsad orgaa;-
izad 36 preachting `stations. Philp
Jame was despat .Jed by the bottle Con-
terenee to hid tnl the work. Ise ie en
record ht a gt>~arlerly meeting .n Col-
alborne Township, Feb. 27, 1817,
A. nlaa now appears on the -scene
whose Life and weirk id registered In
the annai a of r:arth and heaven,
John tE1ielce k3ynq'n head chosen the
law for a peofession. Through :rur-
tosity he went 10 hoar a sermoa by
Elizabeth Dart who afterwards was
his wife, If he isms to bo tmterttislned
he certkirily reiluainrd to pray. The
meeting abantecl €he ,whole course of
his life. He bebame a preacher and
was designated Missjionary to Upper
Canada by the Conference of 1832.
After ,setting Out the ,shop was drh nn
back to port by storms. While waft-
ing for calm het ma: t led Miss Dart and
again ,set out for Upper Canada. '.They
arrived at Oeboung in July, 1833. I3is
oversight grew to a, circuit 200 miles
in lengIjh,. This titanic man toiled In
territory East, West and North, from
his base like Hercules of old. Eynon
had the instiinet of the missionary scout
The regions beyond no natter. what :n-
tsrvened had a fascination for him. Hie
spirit weirit borne to God from Exeter
Marchi 22, 1888, aged 8;6 years. His
ashes were reverently borne to Dar-
lington, Ont., and there rest awaiting
the Resurreiction Horrn.
In 1839 Rev: Johne Edwards, the cel-
ibtate, arr;_rved for pioneer work in Can-
ada It is said that the • pioneer
preaoh!er s were Lend of horses. It
Isnot nluvdh w+onicyer when one stops..
to remember the weary miles they spent
together. The e'kltat:s will still re-
member Charlie, the black French Can-
adian penny ridden by rev. John Ed-
wards Charlie ,spenit his supera_n;n,ua-
ted years on the farm !of dr. 1. Ma;Y,
London Road, EXeter.
in the . a.nri l,s o'A the( church there is
a record of the "Huron Tract".
on horseback, following blazed trans;
whrerc the smoke from the Indian's
wigwams rose in 1,847 might have
been seen th e wrought frame and
tonm of Jaends Huck& Eynon, bent like
Joshua of old, spying out the land. The
level ground, read ,so44, and well tim-
bered country, told 'this prescient nnan
of cotninig deoadgs when, Huron would
stand. with, the beset. t,
(Continued on Page i)
Russell -In I ay. ohs Doec. 3, toMr.
and Mils. M. M. Ru}Ss+ell, a ,da Ighltrer:
Webb—In' fHtstptey, Dec. 2nd, to Ml;
and Mrs. Humph1 ey Webb, a soar.
Burdick—In Fo'r't" Casey, Wash., ort
Nov. 8Ith, to Lieut and Mrs. Bur-
dick, (nee Mildred 'Stewart, formerly
rot Exeter)a son—Robert Stewart.
Gift: SUggesut
Our Stor
the Chr;et
imply ruse
da -ye. G;
If a
lt""1,i }ta ?alta
1e'ti w r ;t ;a ;:1a
with useful, serviceable thin
outlekde qt o0.0 iiof da:y St. oclt there
1s1}"L sgft e bele or garmelu, in ta:ss
t}ture that would slot( b a, niost aceelrt'
411;t. --Gate t.il:tk :•••M" svtli appreo
House Coats Handkerchiefs
Bath Robes Umbrellas
Neckwear Caps
Fancy Shirts Fancy Vests
Gloves Underwear
Mufflers Night Robes
Fancy Boxes for them all
Fnr Coats Fu. Lined Coats
Sweater Coats Hosiery
Fur Collard Coats Suspenders
—x—r—z—z z -
Men's Overcoats
The 'largest selliMg of aay.13eason
our time has been our experience this
year. We naso coated hundreds of msn
but we still have. [a, heavy s took, and
in order to lessen the load we are carry-
ing now, lowering pricest must ruler'
It is an 'acknrowied,ed fact, proved by
actual comparison, that our Coats, in
general appearan!ce (embodying. good
style of design, appropriate cloth and.
toilo.rirng of the gia.nmennt) 190 tar ur-
pass anything shown by other stores
that eery few people have any difficulty
deciding where they shall purchase the
winter coat.
BLACK DRESS O'COATS—b 7.50 to $15
BROWN ULSTERS—$10., $12. to :$1.5
GREY ULSTERSS ;--, $8., $10. to $12.,
FAWN ULSTERS— $9., $12. to $15.
Warm Underwear
1.50 and 1.75
FEN -ANGLE,: 1.00, 1.25, and 1.50.:
Bast—Iibindcoick-At Battrletord, ,on Nov.
20,th, Mr. Reuben F+3st of Mai4stoha
Sauk.. to Miists Billets Louise, daughter.
of Mr. and 'its. Fufank ELandcock of
MaidatOne, formerily of Exeter, and
granddaughter of Mr. and yrs. Janice
henry—Cunnrni,ham --Tn C1a.,debove, on,
Dec. ;yup, Eltii r H 'y of 'lliddutph
to '..,Miss Bertha det?ghter, of ?lir.,,.
land' Mrs. F1atn;nic try, C.inninghe.m,, of;
this peace.
Parker—In planShard, en December
Jahaee Tasker aged 76 years.
winter® Caps
5Oc,, 75e:, $1.00 up to $1.50
at. Tailor and Fu. nisher