HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-12-5, Page 6very one showw assess the ' larger profit, but aeonof - ONLY A NTI-1; CURIOUS YST RY EXPLAINED. a t aeth'trado marls 10 an every glove;. never you vie hand think of a well gieve b, and brSn .nrwore honey or the sawrale weight at that, Er are closely wsatehed at arrowiag time and the piggy inu- iately be placed in a position to hey are not sax apt to devour'. The farmer who marketed his Darn in the hog: yard and who is now aarketialg the hogs, can look any in the face and tell hint to go y old place, acre of alfalfa will furnish .forage for bogs than two acres 1 It is 707r urea eogatee. sung c pl° gne inti i ordep t3C? prevent ing-Irl nam teava are, not,. d aga1 i e the aatone. Inst eleastroy a' ma* hod; and make as ezare- tad prps-E,,ara:ortont examination, says it, A. Craig. 0 rl„ m -from spread- a . rhe svmP- rocas . e:ainuot of elle er, sand it grows faster and haaFPoted't" aywup< keeps on growing 45 fast as the hogs Fven if he had wished to refits beldo eat at do�4 n. I~ r�tha s could Iwatadly have donetwee a Pigs Zvi"l live and grow on rape van 1, itW1137, be. w45 miser- witlwotit eupplereent of grain, but zthlc that he ,could have caught at mall addition of the latter is pro- mucic stew hear; sympathy, They moat odGl, laaab I t will, however, do ~walked n•lortg t o ereltrded Pave- every way tl;a au ty ell o, thev acpvaa wzl,e hQ f , rd .l, e th1n1:, g'a'ueang, at his wile, that ell on rape alone, Ment Iowa �a>ckvwle Street, azZd. Never feud more than hogs willshe is as true awe gns Gig him- ypsy Gig i. tip freely. Many femora do not Wee this, but keep a eltwaratity neaten focal lying in the lot a hat ages in PTEB, XXVI.•---(Cont'd) Frithiof's clouded face instantly c!ed. "QaTrehauk you," he said, simply. "Well, now, is it possible for can outsider to help in unraveling the mystery 1" said Donati. "For when a masa like you is accused in this way I take it for granted there must be a mystery," "Nes one, can possibly explain it," ,said, Frithjof, "I can't tell in the least how the thing happened, hat appeaa,rsarces were altogether against nae. It is thea met extra- ordinary affair, but. God knaves I had no hand in it." 4"1 'want tohear all a'l't it;," said. Donati, "I a am leaving Eng- land to -morrow; can't you Dome barand have supper with me new, and let me hear this justas it all ;linea.se •provesto bo hal plagues, and it ws he. ostndiiions thea ividod: into suzall au'male should a tlae> veil oiler; and precautions talgera' ad of the disease. lair hogs to dieer024 t r scatter the If the yards '.eta a condi- to ndibe properly should era¢er113 qu ir- par£ diaeaaso gaud hog lee hoar t;he.:t t elo zred a ltnnvc phare aau h tern, The ,house was prettily=, but very simply, furnished, and about it there, was, that indefinable air of home that Frithjof had so often no - deed in Bowan Tree House. "You ;trust forgive as 'very un- ceremonious supper, Herr Fakk,'< said Francesca, "but the faet is, I have seat ill the servants to bed, for I knee tarry would have to be up early to -Marron, and they feel the traveling e good deal." "Much more than you and I de.,'r said Donati, "We have grown quite hardened to it." "Then this is not your regular home f" asked Frithjof, "Yes, itis our English flame. We generally :have five months hers and Ave at Naples, with the rest of the time either at Paris or Berlin or Vienna, After all, a wandering- life makes very little difference when you carry about your home at ith ou• "And baby is the best traveler in world," said Aon€ati, "and in oals ;from °thea wood fire u pat lute the houses no here the hogs Can ri charcoal, help to eel) itlay. attd for hogs is an eaasY hat is required is nueeted with aa: SMAl e-iaacla pipe. The pipe the box at the bet - bad almost reached the carriage n a 000nversatiou immediately d then became distinctly atucl- `‘They make such .,a ions over this -� ati," said the speaker. ""But aappen to know that he's a most =potable el arae;ter, I was hear - all about hint the o'lher day al01net one who used to kzwow iuticnate y. They say you that--" the eonveratawtiaza d .a'.d sway ;stance, ,aazt to sooleto said gees to twaziuetd uzii; glanced zti; kill the big- better ig better meat hog is hard - kind Bret #end of gear too Tile yar+ aml hog All litter wad the hogs, fe quarters; per cart. car ant is as lace oth the sfZaaid be. fed as laght diet ;-lead, shor, laialn airzd tlae like. �z or slops ta�wst ztot be left the trough for the hogs to wall In, Copper sulphate dissolved in the 1 tvaat;cr mid skip in tho proportion o four or five ounces to the barrel may lessen the chance of infection. AR soon as a'hog comes down with the diseases it should be removed to the penis set aside for the sick ani- mals. These ,pens should not •com- municate in any way with the pens where the'well hogs are kept. The dead hogs should be burned. This Is net a difficult task if the ' body is placed on top of a pile of wood that will burn quickly and make a hot fire. If disposed of by burying is should be well done and the body covered with liaise. ROW - ever, this is not as satisfactory as burning. The Iength of time that the hog houses and their surroundings will remain infected will depend on the care taken in cleaning them. In filth the germs may live for five months. Ali litter about the yards terIthe Dominion Forest Reserves place be burned o removed to a to the best advantage, they are be- in place where the;, hogs cannot come, ing subdivided into ranger dis- contact with it. trials and houses are being built at Whitewash and ,disinfectants must strategic points for the use of the be used freel about the hog house rangers in charge. Tho first of such tea -gown, and the loveliest ,and yards. 1f the cleaning and etas houses to he occupied on the Duck had ever seen was raised to kiss infeotln is carefully done we may p g y Mountain Forest Reserve is located Donati as he entered. be able to stock up again within 'a at Madge Lake, a few miles from ""How nice and early you are!" exclaimed a fresh, merry voice. Then caatahing sight of a strange, and ,blushing a little, she added : ""I fancied it was Jack and Dom enica you were bringing back with, you?, "Let me introduce you to my wife, Herr; Falek," said Donati s,, ""Poor C ianil he'con't :bear being left behind! By thea bye, had yoa time to take him book to school be- fore ileo oouoert or did he go atone I" "1. bad just time to .talcs said Donati, waiting upon Frithiof aft he talked, "`He WAS rather dole- ful, .poor old man; but cheered up when I told him that be was to spend the stammer holidays at Itfer- le aaittk, atad to coine to Naples„ at aristmas. It is :-. nrpbew of, -mune whom,we r,; eak,," bo explained ithiof; "sand, of course, his an has to be thought 4 and always fit in with my an- ommenta. You go in very much r educaatk in Norway, I under- stand V' Erithiof found himself taalkin quite naturally mud composedly about Norwegian otastownn and his former life, and it was not until afterward rthat it struck nim as strange` thing that on. the very day after his disgrace, when, but for Mr. Bioniiace's kindness, be might aetually have been iu prison he should bo quietly, and even for the time happily, t;alk.ang' of the old days. `No matter, ezwad I~aaz minute, ""I donnot :pin for ago. siting public. I sing for Christ," ""But that they should dare say suck a thing as that!" exolairned Frit�hiof. "For one's self," amid Denali, "it is—well--not much ; but for the mire of those belonging to one: it otwrtaain1y does carry air sting. But every, one who serves the public in a public capacity is in the same boat. It doesn't make ono immoral eonaidered immoral, and it oesn't make you as thief tct leo con- Sir Cecil Arthur Spring -Rice. The new ambassador to the United States. FOREST RANGERS' HOUSES. Are ,[ Be Built On Natty Derain - ion Reserves. In order to protect and,adminis- an intensity of longing to be able to again thanking him, passed out look at life with suoh eyes as his. the quiet, moonlit street. "These things are so real, to you," he said, quickly. "Bat to me they are only a lope --or, if for an hour or two real, they fade away again. It may be all very well for you in your successful, happy life, but it is impossible for nee with everything against me." "Impossible 1" exclaimed Dona ti, his eyes flashing. "if not impossible, at any rate very difficult," he replied. "Yes, yes," said Donati, his: ayes full of sympathy. "It is that to all of as, Don't think I make light, of your difficulties. It is beard rio seek C,od, in uncongenial surroundings, in's life harassed and misunder- stood, and in apparent failure. But -don't let the hardness daunt you - -just go on," availing, "that is almost wheat you said to Me the fzrat time I saw you, You haavo forgotten it ; but a year ago yeti said a few wends to me Which kept ina from ming an end of myself in sa fit of despair, Do you remember corning to the shop about a ;song of Knight's i" "Why, yes,'"' said Donati. "Wasdiet really you t It lull oowee' back to me now—I remember cwt found the aong for mo tho4%h had only the 'weren't scrap of it, wiit the eoznposear'e name." "It asraa just before my illness," said, Frithjof, "I never fora you, and recognized you the morweut I to-ni ht. Somehow you ved my.life then just by giving me a hope," When at length he rose to en, Donati had, as it were, saved thio £roma moral death, had drawn him out of tbo Slough o Despond, and started �liim with renewed hope on his way. "Wait just ono moment," he said, €aa they stood by tahe door; "I will give you one of any cards and write on it•the Italian address. There "Villa Valentina, Napoli.' Don't forget to write and tell me when this affair 'is cleared up." Frithioi grasped his hand, and, sidifired .dishonest. But now I want They' did not. linger long over the to bear about this aeeusaati�on of Mr. e3upper-table, .for Fritlsiof was auf Horner',a, When did it all happen l" tering too nauoh to eat, and Donati, In the dint light Fritbiof told his story; it was a relief to tell it to sympathetic cars; Donati's :faith in lila most of his countrymen, had a very 'small appetite. Francesca, with a kindly good -night to the him seemed to fill hire with , xaew Norwegian, wont ups airs life, and though the strange events baby, quad[ the two men. drew their of that miserable, Monday did not chairs up to'the open French 'win - grow any elearer in the telling, ,yet dow at the back of the room look - somehow a hope;began to dawn in ing on to the little garden to which his heart. ',the moonlight gave a certain niys- ""It certainly is most nnaccount- terious charm. sable," said Donati as the carriage "I have thought' over it,"said drew up ibeforo a pretty little villa Donati : almost abruptly, "but I in Avenue Road. He paused to can't find than very slightest dew;' speak to the coachman, "We shall It is certainly as mystery." want the carriage in time to go "And must always remain so," to the 9.40 train at Charing Cross, said Frithjof, despairingly. Wilson ; good -night." "Isle not think that .at all. Some "But if you start so ally," said day all will probably be explained. Frithiof, ""I had better not hinder And be sure to let me hear when it you any* longer." is, for I shall be anxious to know." "You do not hinder me ; I am ""It will never be explained," very much interested. You must Frithjof said. ""1 was horn under certainly come in to supper, and an unlucky star; at the very mo- afterward.3 want to hear more inept when all seems well some - about 'this. How unlucky it was thing:has always interfered to spoil that the five -pound note should cmy life, and with my father it was have been" changed that day by exactly the same—it was un unde- Sardoni 1" served disgrace that actually kilned At this moment the door was him." opened; Frithjof caught a vision of And then, fo. his own astonish- a slim figure in n pale rose-colored ment, he found himself telling Don- ati, bit by bit, the whole of his own story. The Italian said very little, but be listened intently, and in truth possessed exactly the right characteristics for a confidant - rare sympathy, tact, and absolute faithfulness. "It is to this injustice," said Fri- thjof, as he"ended his tale, "to this unrighteous success of the mercen- ary and 'scheming, and failure of the honorable, that Christianity tells one to be resigned. It is that which sets me against religion- -which makes it all seem false and illogical -actually immoral. Probably Donati would not even have alluded to religion had not his, companion himself introduced the subject. "Pardon me, if I venture to show you a flaw in your argu- ment,'' he said, quietly. "You say we are told to be resigned. Very well. But what is resignation `4 It , was welt � defined onto- by a 'noble Russiann ;nxF� er who said l tI at it is 'placing God between ourselves and i. our trouble.' There is nothing il- logical in hat-._,. It is the merest common souse. When finite things worry and pe p ex you, turn to the promptly P tly relievin the imitation of the Infinite rc,m which' they may no throat and nostrils, loosening the 1nucus, promoting" eitpectoration, and ”"Do you know," said Vrit aiof, aww youg into, CHAPTER XXVII. The events"of Monday had east a' shadow over Rowan Tree House. Cecil no longer sung as she went to and fro, Mr, Bonifaec was pay,. zng the penalty of as stormy inter view late on it onday evening, wi'bh his partner, and was not well enough to leave `his room, and Ira, nifaee looked. grave and sad, for she foresaw the difficulties in which. Frithiof's diegrace would /evolve o:ther"s. ""I whit Rey had been at home,"" e said to her daeghtter a�s thooyr together in the veranda. eeib 'leaked up for a xnoartctwb e this lit,tlea frock wieh. lite w an ag for Gwen, he had been at 'home, I can' 'eking that thia never. would heave 3aappened,"' alto' said. ""And. I have :aa sort of hope that he wilt find out some eaplauaataon of it all." "My dear, haat e 'lonaation Can ,hero bo but the one that a:tirsfles your father'!" said Mrs, Benifatle.. ""Frithjof must have taken it in a fit of momentary aberration. But. the whole affair shows that he is not ao atroug yet an wee faaueied, land 1 fear is a. sign tante all his life he will feel the effects; of his illness. It is that which ;stakes me so sorry for them all." I do not believe that be took said Cecil. ""NNthing svi raver make me believe that," ""Did you see hire last' night at tine. aaoraeertl" eked Mrs. Boniface. "Yes," raid Cecil choking back. lac- tears; ""just whew he arranged. the platform Be was looking vory il9 ;and worn." That is what 1 am afraid of, Ile will go worrying over this affair,. and it is the very worst thing in the world for him. I wish your father were better, and I 'would go and have t talk with Sigrid; but I hark;- ly like, to leave the houap. How would it be, dearie, i# you went up and saute them V' (To he oontinwtrd,} few weeks ate' the hogs have stop-• �fed dying and suffer no further loss, but it is usually best to wait two or three months before we do. this, or depend on' the hogs that have survived for a fresh start. Where it is practical we should more the hogs to some other part of the ;farm. and build new and bet- i well as office. It will be painted a ter yards. The ,pure-bred hog will mature and come into money more quickly Kamsaok, Sask. Madge Lake is a beautiful, island - studded sheet of: water, covering seven square miles, and this ranger - dwelling is picturesquely placed, on its southern shore, It is a comfor- table house, well planned'and• well lighted, containing living `rooms, as a 7.46 � R.47, -reW.714,2140-2- de'>,m.. iLF ..ia rQ a tits C' AI§FST b:rift'i,E--3'' T, arta GEST iibiimS Sit, ciza can boy --Why yon don't+mv'i1 hire :a .C}W 'zaQ IC1 D pl Cit,#h your Goo,5rs: ❑rr zr..a 90 na:-So,n 1 hzktOs or, "nfionfi >Inp ZSqud fo- r:cnm� CroloCord,. Steri' 3i�oFJcty nnd�. aXO�otrr::Q ¢ i a C{ rn ci , 4C DN dna ;Error c^.w cofnrc: tin JoeP $ONC.4rxxn.sWr,: YN Co,,. ixmltc6, a1oottnni G'tria i dark green with white trimmings. The trail from this ranger station to 1 amsack will next year be wid- ened and otherwise improved. This will benefit the ranger, convenience the public who have forest business to transact, and induce an increas- ing number of people to enjoy the many delights of a summer outing at Madge Lake. The ranger at this station, has di- rect f some two hundred reel charge 0 O b 1 ig ht 111 a. es of and thirty square m y valuable, - young, seooad-growth spruce and poplar forest, and his cetxtral object and work will be to safeguard ib from fire byte vett' pos- sibleinea•ns; so that in two or three decades it may yield welcome and abundant supplies of fuel and bun. her :o the dwellers on the prairies. I always :,,8' less v,�hc.n 'a . lor'eax het jtl, i 1 the tirtl api�m ry��;�•;+.Y4 prises a:g a,n tells lee as 5¢ she Ali' TWO PDn TE ON HOW TO CURE A DOL When you begin to sniff and feel a burning sensation in the nasal panages, or when. a tickling irritation in your, throat starts you coughing, the first ;;;;portant thing is to act at once. It's the neglected cold that becomes trouble- some and dangerous. tthingo is The second important _ to d P '3 Syrup of Linseed, take Dr - o to tit . a u C y.la Licorice and Chlorodyne, and lceepit up till the cokci disappears entirely. Na-t)nz-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne is absolutely free from harmful drugs, and cam safely be given even to moderately young children, it ispleasant tasting and quick acting, checking the coli. •,Your druggist has Ha -Dna -Co. Syrup ofLinreed, Licorice and CLilororlyne in ore or 25c. and 50c bottles, or etin'quickly get lit be it for. you, COln.- . ,deci by the National safely and peacefully 'viewed." F.ritbic:f thought of `'theses word•3e which .lard involuntarily eitce;lead his compaction after the remark .of the l asaaer.-by • in Pieadilly--' "No mat-: ter `.__T do not, sing for a gossip.-' I3rtt � and' Chemical, r,o, of 'Canada -;lade' Inc,- world!' Id. lie began to tinder- -now' Drug ,and r l t., e, 1 + a i iaiteds s slant i. n<ati laoi t r -he l �ri� ed with _5 N+; r ow Much of Your Road'Money is Spent in Filling Ruts? F the millions of dollars that have been spent repairing worn- out washed-out streets and roads had been used to build more miles of good highways, fewer farmers would now be wasting valuable time and money tatting "round -about'? routes to town, 1RST cost of an ordinary dirt or macadam road is usually The cost of a only a= starter. keep soon equals that p first cost and there is always an ever-increasing annual expense for repairs. The worst feature of it is that such a road is never a really first-class highway. IN estimating the cost of a road you should include the ex - i good condition for at lea pease of keeping it inleast twenty , years. If you don't, you're :figuring on the first payment for that road, only. And the remaining payments are as certain as taxes. The upkeep cost of concrete roads is practically nothing. - Carzcrete reads are the beat roads from the"fi>rst--and • the best and cheapest reads at the end often, fifteen and twenty .years. CONCRETE is the ideal paving material for streets in email towns as well as for main highways in the country. Edward N. Hines, Wayne County, Michigan, Road Comstissioner, and one of America's foremost authorities on goodroads, says: Aar community that crntata m ataod road, a road that is cheaper for even a apart throe candor fairly env traffic Lmnu,sr other goad rt l 6i,m d at is imam. 1 .r ; •.'� la not h 6 O. re L.. tR, rl.. au4k,e m that sanitary 16,1 road A S. ' m t�aluBaiQaad. al appe it allplt�x9,a•road '.that afRo$o good 6zmctiov. for. many type' of Qe?riclu^`iCirs deiyu the year road road -that ha the lomg satin, ear 10. 15. 50 -Tara and k asor, Is sne cheapen of all Bend roe S , ahould haveati&at5.the =wits of cocaar©ho. RITE for the facts about Concrete highways. When convinced, tate roads for w i uch you i. nee your influence to have y Paybuilt to last.. We have highway experts who will visit anycommunity ineenaing to build more roads and explain ,just why and how concrete roads are best grid cheapest. Canada Cement Com Limited 510-554 Herald Eeaildenig, Montreal ave�ouacopy oJ"-urbigfreebook,forfarmers ;rile ii Farm - ercondo zoath Coate rete?" Ijnot, tort* for tt.:Il's dLso;xeteayf'rre,�