HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-12-5, Page 57
Y ath
o sa.3.
ND &
D E Tisp
amber a tree R.C.D.S. Oatzeics arid
Honec Cniensatie of Tariesth 0/0/010'idlier
OftlesereeSese Pickerel & earnet 1'0 lave
*Slice. Closed leridneeday envenoms.
DR. A. R. ICENSIOAN, Intlesano
Honor Grant:Ws, fat' Toronto Bream
, Teet . extracted, wiehout Pala, or =lay
bad effector. Wee °Yee Pled -nun 4ft
stanbory's Oreere, mattet street, Bresnan
Seteedters, Netaries. Conveyaneers, eons-
misititioners. Soliettera for the Maisons
Bank, ete.
toney toLoan at leweet Tates of intereet
Ottioaer—MalneSt., Exeter
, R. Carling, 13....a. In 1 L Dickson
We haYea ie ameatut 4XOenratis
runds to loan ,ors fermi. and vale% ge prop-
ertees at low rates of trilereat.
Barrieters, Seriettors, II/refer.
Agent Confederation We Assure:leo
CoMPenen also Free neetieance ea lead -
tree Canadian aod Britian eenefereieft,
Maim -Ste Exeter,
. A NI/E1:40N. Uteri o Pivot o ssee.r
tor Huron County. Terms reaeoliable,
Oates yen be matte et the Advissa.te,
Exeter-. or }leery Inliber's Office, Creel -
Fire, Aceidein and Plate Glatia
insurenee. Collecting accounts. and on
ducting auetion eales. — Exeter, Ont.
uction Saie
on LAT 15, CON. .9, Ntre,, DIDDULKI
On EsDAY, DEC. 10, at 1 ocloclf,
sharp, the tollowing property,—, -
gergeti-1 tatea'e J, year old, adriv-
trig Mare, 8-yreol4; 1 telly, rieing 2 -yr
oln, Fereherone seeking colt, InackneY.
-Cattle-3 anew Snflch. cowe with calves
at feet, 6 eowe dee to calve -et Jaauery
3 cow es dun in Febraiary, 4 cows dttn
In Marcie; ta.reow cow ; 8 trigh grade;
neitere Tieing 3 yeses, .due.to
ealve ie. JanuarY ; 6 been grade jersey
heifers ; 1 bent -gro,de JeteseY netters,
rteIng 1 Year sold, Also 75it ens and
p,ullets, The alesee eattle are an excePt-
tonally the bertl, having. beefs, tired treat
teo choicest sitoek for a. number of
Inininalefits—Road eart, garig, Plow;
walking plow, incubator- and broettee.
—All slope of $5 e.nd tutder
cash; over that amount 10 months'
credit wfil, be given on farneeteng 'ap-
proved Jolat notes at 5 per seen fer-
iterest. Posit:WV all will he sold an
tare proprietor s easterg tne faem,
Auctione.er P-roprietor
The uodersigned te offering for vele
that desirable 10(1 acre farm, eitue-tcd
Townstsep ot Triddulph, tieing' Lot
Con. 1.. 'Thorp la op. the prent'aes
a geed train barn with rounde-
tio.n, oreheria. Tho twos a well drab -
ad eli =dor eu)lleettleen
xcelierit farin, well situated and will
ba old reesonablo., For further partie-
Mora apply to John O'Neil, Mooresville.
Oat. War. R.-nLLY.
House For Sale
That desleable property la Centralia,
known as tees Cetera property, situs.t-
ed on the leendon Road. There are four
lots or land, good brick Louse, suit-
able tor two fiumines, or pbystelan,with
ample office accommodation, eoed
steble and brick fouedanion, driving
idled, good well and other conveniencet
This is a liest-eilass property- and will
be Qold very reasonable with, easy
terms ot payment!. Apply te B. E. AB-
BOTT, Luean, rAr to W. F. ABBOTTI
Auction Sae
ETER, on SATURDAY, DEC. eth, at
1 encleek sn.ere, tee 'followitie prop-
e0 nfead ef Choice HoletOrk Csevie le,
calf. .
A few Sprieetire.
lierae of Durham. Cow.
The public can rely oe o
' best soada or cattle that wee
ever eold On Eerier eletket.. Teo
att win be e:us, rive t ed 4U repreted
1110)1:11:a' erd wt e
f as•r4n•,7 apprtered tiotte,
n es" enn, Per elearsee alteveed. fer freele
Ateelo neer Preprictor
The undersegned are offerang for sale
two of the theseo now amuses built on
the old alansecti House property, Moen
Street, Exeter. These houses ertai be
equipped web bath, closet, toilets, fur-
naCe, and, all rooms papered and grain-
' ed.. be ready for occupancy fin
about three weelesn Well be sold reas-
ons t le. Apply to Wes. Snell.
Auction Sale
pAsv.T.t-ti,„ ETC,
DEO, 6te, 1912 at 1al Wei
aep,thrran-owes r ealtiehle ProPetirt
Etioentnenee„ 3 warenos, erre aria
ada buege, mettle- new ; eingte bunga't
Zwarly IZQW ; manure epee:der;
der, sulny rake, aeuffier. +sera
bean szuffler, eet diserteral
roves doehle riding plow, hay !Oder;
re40 plow; vultiorater; turelP ets1Pe7;
etraw cutter wets 'leek and ton -dirtier reel
erale drill, twelve tubae; alaseey-Har.
eta binder, atoel land roiler, 2 acts
Maut P.arneae; 2 net nein heriSess; 1.
drum laid Toiler; seat seelee, 2000 lbst,
eaPecitY ; d'ay rope end, pulleye and 2
ae a1hs, tor, hoes, atiovels and
(neer article's too nuenetroue to ;nen-
tem aleo eseolc stove, ecoa or wood,
arid a few other hounehold articles.
Hee, Etna -one etiscit of atraw, one
of tereshed hay, a queintItY o turnime
and maneolds,
S.001-3 teavy aeares, AUPPOSecl to 13,2
In foal; 1 general purpose mare In
foal ; one drlyling hetet,: 2 heavy colte
riatere three; 1 Pe:Theron colt, rising
1 -ear, 1 drangnit colt, seeing 1-Ye07;
1 Rehr telly rierne 2 -Years; 1 saeleng
colt, draught ; 6 good Yearling ; 10
good 2 -year-olds, 84 good breedieg
ewes and 1 ram.
Pasture Land.a,—There will also be
'offered or lease at the sense time and
place the tollowing pasturing lands,—
Field No. 1, 31% acres; Fleet No. 2,
34% acres ; No. 3, 30, acres; No. 4,
27,1r. acres; No. 5, 20 acres. Fields to
be leased tor a teem, of three neons,
ending' let. Nov., '1915
Terins—Implemente—ani and under
cash ; over that eiraount 12 melees ere
dit on approved joint notes. 5 per cent
ofl tor case on credit amounts.
Terme of stock and of lea.sine of tee
lands made known pa dp.y of sale.
Auctioneer Proprroters.
The andergigned ts offering for sale
that fine 150 awe farm tn the Town-
ship of Stephen, being the west half of
Lot 15, Con. 8, and Lot le, Cone 9.
There Is on the latter a. good frame
heuee, :summer kitchen and wood -shed;
bank barn, never -falling well; with w:nd
mill applia-nces. All well fenced and
drained, and'..n good state of 'cultiva-
tion. For partieula.rs apply toe
. IC SCHROEDER, Credits:in...Ont.
Every Vionian
is interested and should knew
about tho wonderful
i,u,51,1 Whirling Spray
Marvel Douche
Ask eerie „druggist for
.If he eetinot supply
the 1143.A.MV,EL, ' accept no
othe ,r bat Send stamp, for illus-
trated beok—sealed. t Oves full
_partieusess and directions nrialnable
to ladies,WINDSORSUPPlfg,C0..WIndiar, Ont
., General Atreata tor Canada.
Dr. de Van's Fetnale Pills,
A reliable French regulator; never falls. Thum
osceadiaisly powerful in er
genet I
all cheap imitations. Dr. de Tau% aro sold at
till a )z lox, or three /orate. Mailed to any eddress,..
Drew Co. tit.ifeatbeertztose Outh
Plit9trvopa diet of t e f SYstet' e *
geeing. Pileatre iMachin
A combinatiori Meal,* Picture Meets.:
tut and elagie .Lairstern, complete witt.
three slides and one coetinuieue ram,
given f.ree to any boy who will aell 40
seta. el Xmas. cards at 10 cents a
set. 'Send us you name 0.0.4 we will
send you the cal*. totrselt. When ,ts,:,ol,d
eend us tire money and we wilt :send
YOu the Moving F'.,ctureMachino with all
Charges prepaid. tE-101,'Ell.-W.A.RREN Co
Dept. 147, Toroato,
It you wane to treat youreen
genuine bargaen, What will please you
during 1913 and torten, years to sOtne,
send a dollar to The Family I-lerald and
WeeklY Star of Montreal, for a Year's
subscription to that great paper, and
you will also receive acopy of tbalc
new picture entlated "Atother's Treas-
tires," size 23 by 29 taentes, all =•crady
for framing, it irs the beat dollar's
worth to be had.
The pletare, INtother'S Treasures."
wilt he a surprise .01You.. 11 is worthy
of a Place In the best homes. The Fam-
ily Fierald wad Weekly Star is known
o everyere as the greatest newspaper
oe the COUtlit.ellt, One not:far ceneet
be better epeet. Try it and htt
For Fall and' Winter months a
'person ,lo 0l1 our
,w(Al-knewn f-ruit and ornanien,tal-
trees in E.XETER'and surro .
, tirrest, nursery -stock. ',grown'.
Stock 1d inti=z'deilvered to trade,
Eoeiy andtgood deiivory guattart-
teed, , Th trtty*ye yeare of. DtL91-, ,
erterienOgtenattle . Us 10. d1f-
eteek"t 'neteen, our 'tine „-
Feting XETER
Tickets good goring P.M. trains Dec.9
all trains Dec. 10 and 11
Retuen etnett Dec. 12
Account "Fat Stock Show" Dec. 10-11
Propornonate eate,s from other points
,ited InalbEtelsco. beleseseng 1.0
tale early greem et 'tiettlera et -Slay Town
ehip died Saturday. Sna was 09 year:4
ot aiseealndleavee a. daisbased and four
feer-elanusis, reeve ne :Ley Township
ant, merelient et Ottawa; Mrs.
Jo h Se:babe et Detroit. and Anci
oe Waterloo. Tee fusierat tee* plave
(rem tee "Initheteeit Charce on. Tuesday
at 2 lane to the Liftheran Cemetrry ea
tee Oesben line.
Tiekete good goeng .. Dec. 9, 1u,31,- 12
Rettern liana Dec. 11
, _
Ontario. Provincial, Failir Dec. 9 t� 13
Propersionat' rates from, other pointe
. ,. , .
Secure e tickets and full Partreulaire
front nearest Grand Trunle Ageet.
N. Je DORE, Station .Agen,t, Exeter.
`1•5., ef Ilia late ,NI e
were tnterd Co. Menageartie .
\V4noaay oternine,. Mee.
jaeiraon Ltstrawell s viannarn
neent.er berea—Mies elaude and M
Geerge Giena spent Sueday attest -mon
at Brutefield.keir. jeren Fitz, at Ciliates
Ousel. wee a eleanant ealler titU
viOnItY "zat TneadaYe--A greet many
trAtri tinre interal taidag in the fowl
'euinter 10 Ionealt tosenarrow even4ng,
There strayed trona the drowned lands
in Dosanquet 8 "II.,sat:11 of cattle,.with slit
in deft, ear and X brat -L.3 in Lett hip. a
two yea.r Olds, on 'ate?' and 3 heillers
One heifer a II-lereTord with pig ring.
in right oar. ri yearrlings, nalxdd, 4
latYserri„ and 1 helter, 4 ve:th pig rings
Itight ear. Reward for itatermat:on.
IvIOORESVI+LLELI had land i'-ented
years. Th.leowner wants it' this Cali; I
-had the land 1e,,g.:0,w, -dafs and hay ler
niYezcarne. Can I take the sheaf .Cats
off ' place-, as I wa,nr them for feed
.Cor my teams? 1 dId not live- -on the
place. -and-Iho..-d' no Lease in vitt iting. The
gsver,—Upcn !:,rn,e1 fact,S1 'stared you
,ean take 1,,,le„ -,5heo4 date befere you
frivo up "Pesseseritin to the ownpr.
DDY. .
, . ,
[or" on:a 'year,
,..ifFeet,cto -any:looy, tWatO W:1-1 _810
4:env/citing at Thief by e Ordeal ot the
litelhot Knife.
The ordeal of the redhot knite. le
tit us described by Abdullah elansur it;
W,ynarin Bury) AS he saw it In "The
iealad lItz." The case was oue or
diteft from a caravan. TWO Yoning men
teem implicated, one a palace slave, the
other a Yotnag Arab a native of the
elude. Eac.h accused. tbe other, with .
Warty °atlas and much mottle; vilidea
don. Flhallat heth Invoked the ordeei
4the lertife.
Iett deo Coarse a venerable Arab ap
Peered. briaging the instrument witb
him Ma fnmilY for generations bad
piessessed the hereditary right to ad-
nabeister the ordeal. The knife seemed
a very ordinary piece of hoop Iron
shaped roughly into a sort of blade
about eighteen inches len. The tettee
and atttibute.s of Allah were engraved
upon it, and it was fitted with a Plain
wooden haft
Am attendant brought a bowl ot
water and brazier of live chat-co:0,n
Klatch the knife was inserted. l'h
Arab youth received the ordeal firet
Ue reat
eeed assertiens lauovem,
luct, tiusiog out Ms mouth with weler.
put Otit Ms Wean% WhIeh was aniznil
at tile tip by the owner of the tette,
The Inetnrmentt glowing dull red, was
drawn from the brazier, and with n
three liglet blows were etrue lt upon the
vietitrao tengue, witlebt was then in
$pk.tati. It merely ebetred engin
white tuerne evbere the hot iron bad
The elaire's tern then Came. and
whether be flinched at the contact or
, hot Iron or had failed to been his
tougee sufficientle moist cannot say
but the beet Of the blade PletEed niT
Fruall patch Of eltln and showed a
nleeding surfaee. Aoeording to i
Mee of the ordeal, that proven •lais
nnlit, and be was led away th duranee
Entre% Parker ,lias the seal:ling,
a dereeatit Ina new barn ftelaloeel and
9 sere 'nearly complete la eery weys—
Mr. MM. Slavi,n and: Wes t Maggio werei
salle,d to Inineardene on ;:slond.ay to at-
tend the railer:0 ot the Corrner's etzter-
lite-law, Mrs. Lieste—Tee Ladies ettcl
Utla week packed a box for the Dea-
coness 1-lonte, Toroiatoe—retr, Dan tents -
(nein has retirerted from the westne
Rev, Bexteliford preasched a erisafonary
aerrnon on Sundae' „last.
The Consolidated :Municipal Act pro -
',idea teat every by-la.ve contratting new
debt by the Issue ot debenturres, other
than under the Mantels:al Drainage Act
or tor Ioeal.improVetnent's, s:hall he 'reg-
istered under a penalty et $200, How
many clerks hve rendered themselves
Romantic Story of tho World's Most
Famous Horse Market.
The most famous horse mart in the
world Is Tattersall's in London. A ro-
mantic history attnehes to this estab-
In 1776 a certain Richard Tattersall,
1 wool comber of Yorkshire, who had
"ost his fortune during the Jacobite
'ebellion, obtained a ninety-nine years'
lease of a tract of ground in London
end thereon built an establishment for
the sale of horses and hounds.
Tattersall was on friendly terms
with the prince regent, Lord Boling-
broke and others whose patronage
ereatly aided the enterprise. Such, in -
Seed, was the friendship between the
prince and Tattersall that the bust of
Oeorge on top of the fountain in the
tale yard was so placed at the prince's
ONVI1 request
In due time a huge slice of lurk
same Tattersall's way. Lord Boling-
broke ran heavily into debt and by
svay of settlement passed on to Tat-
tersall bis fainous, racer, Highfiler,
which became the father of three Der-
by winners. The progeny of this horse
in eighteen years are said to have won
races to the value of no less than 1170.-
)00. Tattersall built himself a pala-
tial country residence near Ely, eati-
ng It Highiller Hall.
Tattersall's Clime to be the headquar
ters for the laying of turf wagers.
Imusense sums were won and lost
:here. The Marquis of Hastings lost
more than £100,000 on one race alone,
Ind. it is said, not Infrequently similar
'mounts changed hands on "settling
lays" at "Old Tatt's," or "the Corner."
as the place was sometimes called.
All classes of society mingled at
rattersall's. Dukes and stable boys
were brothers in the excited crowd,
prepared- to wager en anything and
everything. This state of things led
to such a scandal that upon the expira-
tion of the lease the firm Was refused
a renewal. In its new establishment
no bettleig was permitted.
Al the modern eTattersall's some
enormous prices for, racers are occa-
tienally obtained,' Plying .dros is said
to have been. Sold to en French owner
xmes. candt 'a' 10 °Or 37 500'guinens,tand .Oritionde to an
, -ene
Pecufiarity of the Ring Mountains of
the Moon,
The moon Is really and traly greet
planet of mountains, its wilele visible
surface being dotted wtth elevations ot
CurIous $impes and ef e,xtraordlnary
height We say nits, wbole is1b1e sur
face" and basten to explain that we
make this statement shienly heeause
the eye of man ba never seen but one
side of the surfnce of the moon.
What we eee convince$ us that the
little planet is extremely mountain/atm
for on the "'end" exposed to our view
there are no fewer thee 30.000 peakte
verainn in height from 2,000 feet to
four nillea When we tonsider the fact
that this lunarlan world is only one
thirty-second part as large as the earth
we eon easily see why It deserves the
title of the "planet of great numn
There Is a peculiar thing about theee
30,000 moon petits. Eacb and every
one ot them has a rInglike form, the
open end of the content point being of
greater or leseer diameter, according to
the height of the mountain. In a low
grade telescope these peaks resemble
true volcanoes, but wben viewed
tbrough a high grade glass It Is seen
that the depression In the center of tbe
queer "ring mountain" is often so great
as to be below the general level of the
surrounding country.
The depth of these depressions Is
calculated in a curious manner, by fig-
uring on the relative shadows they cast
wben the sun is shining full upon them.
The diameter of these "ring moun
tains" varies greatly, some of the
larger ones being 50, 100 or even 1:50
miles, while the smaller loolt like post
holes when viewed through a good tel-
tt3,. roUr ' naine an -d we , -Arrierican- for .39,000 Here •
:sen,d 'h!,e,2ctattd,ar-.td When. -, ,a -did 'Also Seeptertee. a yearling Vas sold for
• •• ''• k cUar r es -Prepa'-idd, 0;CI4tinkals1;:til :$14"l'ai-'11t•?:Alrthleocia-eo‘rt'°v '6°0-
.tice,"--!tironeY 41; ' --t t' only 110o
w111-, sen 1 g. 1.130
u ;me ., , gU ,
WealflO. "
SIOMER-SYsennItEN CO., Dep.n 1;u1neas:
"3-rav. Mr, Rlc1e9 wen. t to Windier -o
SundaY to PreA'ar aniniveriss,ry service
la herne from the West, 'Where he "Went'
ort. fit.> harvest excurerlon..--r)liss Mar-
garet Thornpson ha's returned from
West, 'Where .she went .seems months age
—John Eft:Two-Id, lTaaltrit 'eeirt of. Sohn IL.'
and Clara M- FPO!: departed Y.:re
en Saturday, nOed 3 weeks and four
days.--,Art)lur MeArthUr, Whe has been
en the Q. T. R., staff for tbe 'past
year, :lett for 114geriSoll, to JOin th,a.
*dation -staff ther-V—Darn Iritaaman is
home from the Wostrigrg. Johr, coulter
has been laid up by liOness tor severial
day,$)---Jarnea VellID recently
lett Zero for the West, has been ap-
POinted assIstant tO the, Clerk of thS
Supreme Court ah'd local Iteglstrar, al
treoae Jaw. -4, very pretty wediditoe took
place at tha home of 31r., and >ire.
-Tamest Agnew of. WaRelta, wrtert 'their
iseeserid yousegese daughter Maud Maxtor;
was -united i,n Shot holy bends 'of
Tyaayto 3tr. .73,11.10A X.,01110 McTaggart
of Ileasall, Onto Nit-. ldeTaggs.rt is
in the employ of theiC, U.- as
0.107 at Oak La' ke, whore t-111-37 701 -
make tteir quiet wedding took
place, at t's,a ho3a o Ilebert D.Ontlaron
at 12, e'AlUek on Nov-, 28th, when. lais
a.ughter Margaret was united in
ta,,a'e with Stephon 3. Vair- of the ',Inn
Vale' tte $oa tertht Ont, Bev., E., MeL,
SIntth, officiated. The new3Y Wedded
potp1e &ova- to Exeter and took Ibe
ning ,t,rarirr- south. They wilt WIS.% DE:,
trolt and points in Ohio,
Straw Has.
The straw hat is a relative newcomer
in the world of dress. It was not until
1784, according to Les Nouvelles, that
It first appeared, and its adoption was
originally exclusive to women. Men
did not make use of it until the Water.
loo year, and the foundation of the
great ..talsatian industry was only In
1S54. when the first big factories were
erected. Our contemporary adds that it
Is not generally known that many so
called "Straw" hats are made entirely
of wood. But they are none the less
efficient as protectors against the et-
teCts of glare and aunshine.
:s 'OIOtIIer John
at treetorn last
cont,tntles quite poorly,
an C, HAT:Seib attended he fu1i
ral of W. it Otto of Elsolre leaf week.
,-C!4m, NV a iper h3a .rentee, peat ef etre.
Eezabee. Dees' dwell'ai-eellss Ide. Srp.
ple 'Pt Detroit is Zie towel. vlaiteee with
relatiris d rrtencle.'—.Tenet Vrekletert
11 uttt 775, johrs Tbiesit of Make
/cavethLa me:1th ott 0. viett to Scotland.
Schroi.--cle-z and, Mrs. Fred Sete
edrr, are nolla under the doctor's eare.
. Peter Ramp was in. Pigeon, Silehe
effienate at trie fu,nOr41,..t;41 Mts744,47
fla,14:ill,t,Pr of')fr. and -etre. Joel
et formerly of tete fteetioe.—A SrPYY
rione laCC4f.ICA: OC:OUrUefil YOCEUtli,7 to
T, John yentrey el the Rentrie Line,
0 vin,g' lecanilet laden wa`atan
, eine watroa alewed, drive
lirg litrn airiest the side cat barn.
breaking 030 of ribe and eel-terve:se
breteiree nen,. He delayed tn ealltree
et:yeinten and seal- have to go under an
operation to proxierly aet the fraeture,
—Local bUsliseee mee are preparing 0.
rnentorial to the ro0e.,51atore %eking that
bedy to confer apecial power e upon
the pollee board, ea that bonusee :Trey
be voted te ineinetteal inentuteens vete:t-
ine* te come /lee°, or donations granted
fer charitable obieet,s. In ease this
should fail there, toe talk of subserlteing
tee $200 a.aked by the jaekson Com-
paey to locate here.
home Treatment
"Ilere," began a woman known to
the writer in the Canadian Courier—
'here's an article in the evening paper
on Women's Work For the Feeble
Her husband grunted, being in a re
aetionary mood. "I'd like to know," he
said. "what women have ever done for
"he feeble minded."
"They usually marry thetn, dear," re-
plied his wife sweetly.
Practical Consideration.
**You have no magnificent ruins suet]
as we have In Europe."
"No," replied Mr Cuinromet "I thought
et putting up a fPW. but I gave it up
They're mighty artistic looking but
they're too hard to keep in repair."—
Washington Star
l'IAPPY Days,
Fred—mninwu, oar princip,a1 says - his
whool days were the tlapplest days of
his lire. i)o 100 believe than? , Marro
ma --Certainly iIu wouldn't say so if
It were not Wile Fred—Well, I sup-
pose he -played hookey and didn't get
ea light.
Gold 4,4oket and ai
Rolled Gold Loeka.aut CiaI 14
iis ions*, given tre‘ to any glri whrt
11. sell 30 sets of ad
0 cents a. eet, ,Se id un you to
o w1 selad yco the card *,0 A
ett sold send no the taora--y and wi
wilt send you the Gold Lo_lkett 4Ct,t
With all- charXes prept,ld, ,IIONIDtl-W-l-
liftN CO,. Dept., 1t$6
AZLSA Q,RAIG--,%iss Rose gyatt
Ilitaltell formerly of tia't.s place, ',was
married here On Nev. 74.7 to ;tie. Nr4-
Son ..
itARRITILL—,nfren Wm,. Welts, widow
et the late -WM. Wells, a, fOrtatr
ice max3stante- of ParkhiU, died on
Friday off last 'week and was iate.-rrelf,
in Naf_rn Cemete,,ry 00. -Monday
NV I i4G15...W...,genOn414' S store yrs*.
4-ato on Tuesday- aritge.tt and $,50
money taken, beetdee atkoarattY
goods. The. -burglar lett his old boot4
and clothing ira the stet -a,
beloved wife of, George S. Wymat,
econd daughter of Mrs- „fate 11-0.Vyt
Parkh3,11, died at tne G'etaaral
Pitai, Toronto, ert Nov. 25, etted 42,
years and 8 .months.
Eleatic Restorer for Men
Phosphanol restores every servo Is the body
ter tto proper teashot; restores
elm and vitality.. Premature decay anti all sextiel
troakaaeran averted at once. Phosplionoll will
;makeyou a 50W Plan. Price f.e a. lase, or tee f.$5. Mailed toasty roidroes. leo Soolmal Dreg
Co.. fit. Casker Wee. Ont.
MITOHELL--The, lunennl or 3,1r
ha Wilkinson, 'held n the
residence tn. Logan, Nov.26, o
lant cemetery, was a vte,cy rar:se
Wilkftisog died. very .,,suddenly,
sitting in a, cha't-, her daugh,:ter:
nOticed that hot' head- had fallen !:p. 0.7,A
'4410. AA 44g next 114t-.0 to srj-,--p,
To All Weinen—I will emit teen with
full In4trAPtiO1113, my torne treefinent.
Melt noeitively cures eerieerrheee, nee
oretton, Dleplacemente. Falling of tee
vecemb. PaInf.ull or I rr•,,a ula,r Perteols,
Uterine and Ovarian. Tein-ees or growthe
also fiot Fleet -me, Neoreeeneee, Mi -
the Heed, Pace or
i3oweLs. and Bladder troublea, where
used be weakness pecuste.r to our 88ir
WI can vontinue treatment 41 hpow,
at a eget of onlYkalsotzt 12 rentoa we41c
MY book, "Viroman.'s Owe eledicai M1 -
ser,” also tient 1reon r eleeer.
Write 10-6 ay, Addreee, Sire. el -Summer*
Rex. N. 340 NVI-14s0r,
New Telephone
The Heil Telephone eemPatin o Qatte
ada I !woe eo Print A 0 v !sewrif. leo
for tem District of Treater:1 Antares, le -
Parties who contemplaie becemir.g
Subacribsre, or those 'who eristi change,.
En their present entry 111ould Place
their orders "meth the Locel elaietee. at
once to eneu.re insertion 0 thle issue.
Should also report additions ana
ehanesa le their list of subsertbeees.
either to the Local Manager, or direct
to the Special, Agent's Department, at
Montreal. .
, Priend—Then yon had a Satisfactory
, ,
Theatrical Manager—Very. Two ef
Tar most ,antagonlstio cri,tics dIed.—„,
E utlga,
That is the nature of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription—the oue remedy for
women which contains no alcohol and no habit-forming drugs. IVIade from native
medicinal forest veleta. Dr. Pierce tells its every ingredient on the bottle-veraps
per. Prominent physicians and some of the best medical authorities endorse these
ingredients as being the very best known remedies for ailments end weaknesses
peculiar to women.
This is what Mits. GEls-rititt E. Coreatv, of Longstreet,
Ky., says: "1 feel it my duty to write and tell you what
your medicines have done for me. I was a great sufferer
for six years from a trouble peculiar to women, but I am
thankful to say, after taking four bottles of your 'Faye/rite
Prescription' 1 2.231 not bothered with that dreadful disease
any more. I feel like a new woman. When I first wrote
you for advice I only weighed 115 pounds—mw I weigh 135.
"I thanir you very much for yorrr kindness. You have
been as a father to me in advising me what to do, so may
God bless you in every effort you pat forth for good.
"I hope this testimonial will be the means of some poser
suffering woman seeking health."
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition, answers bpsts
of delicate questions about which every woman, single or married ought to know.
How many young men
cart look back on their ,
s71- ea.rly life and regret their 1
raisdeeds. ''Sowing their
wild oats" in various ways.
gxcesses, violation of na-
ture's laws, woraen
and song"—all have their 1
victims. You have re- '
formed but what about the
seed you have sowa—what
about the harvest? Don't
trust to luck. If you are
at present within the
clutches of any secret habit
which is sapping your life
by degrees; if you are suf-
fering from the resells of
past indiscretions; if your
blood has been tainted from
- • any private disease and you
dare not tnarry; if you are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking
out and exposing your past; if you are suffering as the result of a misspent
life—DRS. K. & K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before
them confidentially and.they will tell you lidnestly if you are curable.
easea and all Diseases Peculiar to Men.
CONSULTATION FREE. Books Free on Diseases of Mn. 11 unable to call, virile
for a Question Blank for liCE011aliE 1‘191,EATIVIOENT .
Cor; Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our
• eilmentzzsmagn " Canadian Correspondto,ce Department in Windsor,
Ont. If you, desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in
Detroit as we see and treat no- pationts in our Windsor offices whicli are
used for correspondence and T.,-boratory for Canadian business only.
Address alleettees as follows:
Write for our private address.